9940/Flashback: Moments in Wakandan Youth
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Flashback: Moments in Wakandan Youth | |
Date of Scene: | 01 February 2022 |
Location: | Birnin Zana - Wakanda |
Synopsis: | Step back in time to follow the paths of young Wakanadans, Prince T'Challa, who would become King, and N'Jadaka, who would become Killmonger. |
Cast of Characters: | T'Challa, Erik Killmonger
- T'Challa has posed:
Years before T'Challa, son of T'Chaka, was King and Black Panther, he was a Prince.
Years before Killmonger became the mercenary he is, he was known as N'Jadaka, son of N'Jobu, advisor to King T'Chaka.
The paths of the young Prince and the boy who was in training to become a warrior did not cross on a daily basis, but they did often enough that they grew to know each other beyond mere acquaintances.
One such day involved a competitive sparring session, using hand-to-hand combat both were being taught. The rules were simple: avoid the face, avoid the groin, and don't fight dirty. Clean strikes earned points, and the first to five would be given a trinket. Prince T'Challa had collected many trinkets, a testament to the devotion he put into his training.
Today, the boy stood across from N'Jadaka, two years his junior. "Good luck," he boasted. "Let's see if you can score a point on me." Then he took a fighting stance, light and nimble on his feet, like a cat ready to spring.
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
N'Jadaka is a boy that seems to be completely wrought with fire and passion. Just the way he stands, hunched, sleeves torn off the ceremonial training robes. There are a number of scars along his arms likely from how hard he pushes himself. His movements are predatorial for a lack of better term as he clearly seems to be circling and stalking the beloved T'Challa. "Pfft. I have no need for luck." N'Jadaka pounces, leaping at T"Challa with a strong right hand leading the way and his left crossing right after. "I have skill!"
- T'Challa has posed:
"And I have smarts," T'Challa retorts. He's seen enough of N'Jadaka so far to know how the other boy fights: aggressive as all get out. Definitely the methods of an opponent who thinks he's better, tougher, and stronger than anyone else, but that can result in openings to counter being left.
He ducks to one side where the right passes by, then he gets an arm up for a block of the left. Blocking means it's not a clean hit. "I knew you were going to do that. I saw it in your body language." Already, the young Prince showed an aptitude for strategy.
Rather than countering immediately, he backpedals to give the impression of retreat, but he is already setting up a plan. On N'Jadaka's next charge, he vaults over the approach and chops down with the flat of a hand across the back. The other students whoop and holler at the point scored.
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
There is a snarl, an actual snarl, that comes from N'Jadaka in the moment his back is chopped. It's a moment that he swore wouldn't happen in his own mind and therefore the fury just rages even moreso. Whatever he's seeing starts to glaze over with a tint of red. As the anger rises, N'Jadaka embraces it. It will make him stronger. He feels stronger, anyway.
"Quiet!" N'Jadaka may be speaking to T'Challa. He could also be speaking to the other students with their whooping and hollering. THere's also a small chance that he might be talking to the demons inside but that's unlikely as they tend to give him he strength he needs to be a better and more vicious warrior than any of the other students. He has plans to become the greatest warrior that Wakanda has ever known.
And it starts with beating T'Challa.
N'Jadaka's turn around is one of slow anger though his breathing doesn't seem to be controlled at all. He's focused on the point that was just scored on him and the embarrassment that he feels. "You are not my teacher." is spat through angry lips in T'Challa's direction as the next obvious rush from N'Jadaka is punctuated with a leaping elbow strike couple with a scream of frustration.
- T'Challa has posed:
At this point in their training, Prince T'Challa has two more years worth of it, maybe more. N'Jadaka has proven himself to be a capable fighter with loads of potential, but the talk is that his anger clouds his judgment and leaves him open to someone with the ability to exploit it. Not that T'Challa is drawing that anger out of N'Jadaka, but he is using it to his advantage.
"If you would notice the openings you are leaving, you would understand why I am exploiting them," he says, and while it is an observation to him, to N'Jadaka it may sound more like chiding, taunting. When the elbow connects for another point, it only emphasizes the way both of them are seeing this.
Rather than let N'Jadaka continue to lure himself into bad positions, T'Challa pushes in with a stuttering feint, quite catlike and graceful, like a dancer in motion as he draws attention toward one side only to duck around N'Jadaka as he turns, lightly tapping him on one side. The way he says, "Had I put full force into that, you would be struggling to breathe right now," it'd be hard not to see that as him being smug.
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
"Shut up!"
N'Jadaka can barely see straight. So much so that he's taken to offering a couple of swings at the air in front of him. Not that it makes him feel any better. Or worse. It just fuels whatever's going on inside of his head.
The same way T'Challa's voice does.
It takes him a moment to visibly calm himself down to the point in which he can actually turn around to face T'Challa. Again, it seems as though he's trying his hardest to do anything but what T'Challa is mentioning. It's almost spiteful the way he blatantly ignores the Prince's words. It's also very obvious that he's doing this. The contempt in which he stares across the sparring space at T'Challa is so incredibly obvious that there's no chance he's going to take any of this strategic advice.
"I will not fail this time!" Body language says otherwise, though, as N'Jadaka turns on the speed and the strength in his next all out rush towards T'Challa. This time, N'Jadaka is going for the full on tackle.
- T'Challa has posed:
Though N'Jadaka has already bested other trainees a year or two older than him, at this point there is not much he tries that Prince T'Challa doesn't have an answer for. "I can almost hear the shouting even when you are silent," he says, "and you are not silent very much."
There's another point scored, and when N'Jadaka vows not to fail and throws everything into the tackle, it is most unfortunate for him that T'Challa simply is not in his path once more. This time, he drops down to sweep the legs as N'Jadaka passes by, and following the fall and one final point scored, it is a shutout.
The next thing N'Jadaka will see, through whatever colors may swirl before his vision, is the outstretched hand of T'Challa offering to help him back up. Following the angle back toward his face shows a smile that just feels like it's rubbing in the defeat at this point. "You tried. Keep trying, and next time you might land one if you can control yourself."
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
"Get away from me!"
N'Jadaka slaps T'Challa's hand away and rolls himself up to his feet... and away from the Prince. There is seething anger and embarrassment written all over his face, even as he looks around at the other students to see them staring at him. He does not know what any of them are thinking but he does know that it is not good.
N'Jadaka looks over his shoulder and glares in T'Challa's direction for a moment. A glare that is punctuated with a telltale sign of disrespect as he spits on the ground.
N'Jadaka turns to make himself scarce, shouting, "MOVE!" at the students gathered to part them as he storms off to find something to kill. That will make him feel better.
- T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa's hand gets sent away, and the nature in which N'Jadaka excuses himself leaves the Prince to gesture toward the other students and teachers with his palms up. "Was it something I said?" he asks, a hint of innocence mixed in with a more solid understanding that he already knows.
A year or two later, and the group has seen a few changes in numbers, some of the trainees moving on to other areas of instruction when it became clear they did not have a future as a warrior. N'Jadaka has persisted, and T'Challa has remained as well. The Prince would not just be any warrior, but /the/ warrior for Wakanda. Sooner or later, it was destined to be. Now in his early teens, he has shown rapid growth in all facets of his learning, but N'Jadaka has continually pushed himself to be just as good, if not better. It's become more than a little personal.
Today, a group of five was sent out on a hunt to bring down a zebra, equipped with spears. Two members of the Dora Milaje accompanied them, mainly to ensure their safety and help guard against any..incidents.
That means their eyes are on you, N'Jadaka.
If nothing else, they have given the youngster the honor of being hunt leader today, something that has Prince T'Challa thinking to himself about how it might go. Would he have to step in and say something if N'Jadaka can't follow tracks or other signs of the zebra's passing?
The group was gathered near one of the border villages, all of them on foot with good sandals for the terrain and clothing that would not hinder them. For now, the Prince waited, curious to see how N'Jadaka would try to do this.
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
"I'd rather be hunting a lion."
Maybe N'Jadaka is speaking to T'Challa or the group or even just to himself. Already, his arrogance is showing that he does not believe that hunting a zebra is worth anything. Just from the tone of his voice it is somewhat obvious that he believes the Zebra to be beneath him. That hunting such easy prey would be an exercise in futility.
No, this one does not believe in the Circle of Life.
Still, though, he does approach this task with the honor it deserves even if it does leave a bad taste in his mouth,. He has a few more scars from a few more incidents over the years but nothing major. In fact, to be frank, it almost seems as though he might've mellowed out a bit. His anger is not so visible that it's pouring off his body in waves or anything like that. It's more of a quiet rage that exists just beneath the surface.
N'Jadaka crouches to see if he can spot the zebra tracks that they need to follow to their prey, only to still speak loud enough for certain Dora Milaje to hear, "And we certainly don't need babysitters." N'Jadaka is more focused on what he feels is a lack of respect than the mission at hand.
- T'Challa has posed:
"When you have proven you can lead the hunt for a zebra, perhaps you will then be allowed to lead the hunt for a lion," one of the Dora Milaje tells N'Jadaka, which draws a faint but visible smirk from Prince T'Challa along with snickers from the three other boys along with them. All have shown an aptitude for the hunt, which is why they have been selected today.
Resting the butt end of his spear against the earth, T'Challa feigns boredom as he watches N'Jadaka scouting their surroundings, when the truth is he's already picked out the tracks and figured out the direction they head in.
"If you wish, I can speak with Father about your opinion regarding the Dora Milaje," T'Challa offers casually.
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
N'Jadaka is back on his feet the moment the Dora Milaje are on his case. He spins on them as if he's ready to attack but it akes nary a look for him to remember his place. He does not want to get embarrassed this day. Least of all by them. Though, the look he gives them is one of visible disrespect.
Perhaps to cover his lack of focus, N'Jadaka sighs and leans on his spear in a moment of hidden ineptitude. "This is pointless. Why are even bothering with this?" N'Jadaka rolls his eyes as if he were routinely uncaring about this entire task. "What, do we expect a herd of Zebra to cross our borders and topple the great and powerful leadership of T'CHaka?"
Oh, the hateful sarcasm is real and all over those words.
- T'Challa has posed:
The Dora Milaje do not so much as flinch. There is zero doubt in their minds that they could handle a child getting too big for his britches. It is undoubtedly good for N'Jadaka that they do not have to show him such.
"We are being taught how to be well-rounded Wakandans, my friend," T'Challa speaks up, and while the two boys clearly have not been chummy with each other, it seems an effort on the Prince's part to wet the fuse he sees as being about to spark up. "That does not just mean being a skilled warrior. It also means tracking, survival, becoming one with the wild. Zebra meat goes into some of our foods, and the hides make useful items."
The thinly-veiled insult, however, is not one he can let go unanswered, and he draws closer to the other youth to add more seriously, "Do not forget who your King is, and how he through the blessings of Bast provides for us all. You should be honored that your father is a trusted advisor of his. Now if you please, they will be expecting us back before sundown." It is still early in the day.
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
It looks as though one of those Incidents may be about to happen because N'Jadaka does not look happy at all. First the Dora Milaje don't even consider him a potential threat and now T'Challa, once more, attempts to make him the fool.
N'Jadaka rolls his eyes even as he steps to meet T'Challa on his own terms. His hand grips his spear as if he were truly ready to use it on the Prince. He seems quite focused on trying to make sure he keeps himself from doing something that he shouldn't. He's sure the Dora Milaje would make it all his fault in their report as well.
Even if T'Challa started it.
"Well. If the Heir to such Greatness believes he can do better, then please, by all means. Show us, oh great Prince of Wakanda."
Yeah, that sarcasm isn't going anywhere for a while. Plus, N'Jadaka just looked for tracks! He's pretty sure they are nowhere to be found in this area! Time to watch T'Challa fail for once...
- T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa sizes N'Jadaka up, looking him over. Both boys have proven themselves to be above average with the spear itself, but where N'Jobu's son has focused more on the martial aspects of his training, T'Chaka's son has spent ample time in all facets of his learning.
There is no stepping back, no stepping down, and while one of the Dora Milaje begins to take a step closer, the other stays her with a hand. Wait, is the message. Sometimes, the Prince has to fight his own battles as well.
"I try to give you room to grow because I see your potential, but you act like I am your enemy. I don't understand it." Leave it to a Prince, a member of the royal family, to have trouble identifying with the plight of someone who others would see as a subordinate, second best, if that, in all things.
It surely doesn't help that T'Challa turns to point to a spot very close to where N'Jadaka was sniffing around without success. "Come closer. Look. The tracks are practically right under your nose, but you are too distracted by lions to see them. A lion would not miss a zebra's tracks, so what does that make you?"
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
It doesn't take a genius to see that N'Jadaka has, once again, been completely bested by the likes of Prince T'Challa. There is a moment where shame takes the place of the anger that is normally plastered on N'Jadaka's face. That he was so close to finding the tracks needed that if he had only paid attention as opposed to downplaying this entire process... then maybe he could've been the one to point them in the direction.
There is a moment where N'Jadaka can feel the eyes of the others on him. He can feel the disdain, practically hear the snickering, he knows what is going on in the heads of those that surround him. He knows every single person here cares more for T'Challa than they do him and there is no way he can exact his revenge here.
Another day that is not his. The number continues to grow.
N'Jadaka's grip on the spear tightens before he swings it up only to drop it. "Enjoy your hunt, your /highness/." There's more than sarcasm this time. There's venom. There's actual hate brewing behind those words before he turns to walk through some of the other gathered members, not the Dora Miljae, so that he can go off on his own. Again.
Sure he failed this task. But what else is new. No one is ever allowed to succeed but /T'Challa/.
- T'Challa has posed:
"I was going to ask him to lead the hunt regardless, since he was selected for it," T'Challa states, as he sees and feels the seething hatred growing yet again in N'Jadaka before the boy departs. None try to stop him or demand he return, but he can rest assured it will be reported back to the King and, through that, N'Jobu. There might be a Discussion later on.
However, as soon as the laughter and insults start up from the three remaining members of the hunt group, it is the Prince who puts a quick stop to it.
"That is enough. I will try to get through to him somehow, but he is allowing his rage to rule him. He has skill, and could learn more, but there is something the matter with him. He needs to learn how to control his emotions." Failure to do so could be dangerous, sooner or later.
But as another year or so goes by, there is not much of a change. In fact, it only seems to grow worse at times. N'Jadaka occasionally earns moments of success in competition with T'Challa, but it does not appear to soothe him. Instead, it only drives him to be even better so he can prove to everyone, but T'Challa most of all, that he is not one to be overlooked, not one to be laughed at, not one to be forgotten.
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
N'Jadaka is leading another sparring session. Well, kind of. He probably shouldn't and it's the lack of T'Challa that has put him in de facto charge of this group of supposed future warriors of Wakanda. From the way N'Jadaka seems to look down upon the entire group, there's a good chance that he doesn't feel as though any of them will be worthy. Ever.
They shouldn't even be standing in the same circle as him.
"We are only as strong as our weakest warrior." N'Jadaka explains as he walks disdainfully around the circle of warriors in training. His own garb showing some rank within this particular situation. The only young man having more clout in this particular area being the Prince of Wakanda. Still, though, N'Jadaka's hands are behind his back as he regards the pitiful trainees around him. "And there are /no/ weak warriors in Wakanda. Wakanda cannot afford to show weakness."
N'Jadaka stops himself in front of the smallest trainee. He turns to look at him and just narrows his eyes. "So allow me to remove the only thing stopping us from becoming Wakanda's future." It takes no time at all for N'Jadaka to lunge and grab this younger trainee by the throat. He's choking him and that's very obvious. There's a whole lot of disgust and anger on his face as it looks very much like he's about to try and kill this kid. "You."
Could this be an actual lesson? Or is N'Jadaka just mad that this kid has always been more of a fan of T'Challa than him?
- T'Challa has posed:
Other duties have T'Challa elsewhere, forced to miss at least the beginning of this session. It was not what he wanted. These things are important to him, especially so as to not make it look like he is ignoring anything just because he's the Prince and, one day, King.
Besides, he doesn't trust N'Jadaka to handle things on his own without something going wrong.
His concerns may be well-founded, as it takes little time for N'Jadaka to single out the weakest-looking one of the group and start to bully the poor boy. To the kid's credit, he tries not to just back down and cower. "Let..go!" he rasps, one hand clutching at the one around his neck, the other shoving at N'Jadaka's chin and mouth in an attempt to push him back. The boy is not on N'Jadaka's level, but he has shown promise to find an eventual place in the guard of the Border Tribe, where he is from.
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
"Fight! Fight not for your life! But for Wakanda!"
This is the part where N'Jadaka probably lets loose a little too much. He's got a fist raised up and tosses a glare at the others to keep them in their places. He doesn't want to have to whoop all of their collective asses at once. With a snarl he aims a kick at the knee of this weakling to drop him down to another level. A level below N'Jadaka. Where they all should be.
"Is this how you'll protect your country from invaders? Is it?" N'Jadaka no longer hesitates. He brings that mighty fist of his down towards the younger warrior's face to introduce him to the pain that consistently pours through N'Jadaka's body and soul.
- T'Challa has posed:
There is no trainer this day. It was probably a mistake. Now, little doubt is left about that.
Again, the boy shows some fight in trying to kick at N'Jadaka to take his legs out, but given the disadvantage he's at, it's ineffective and he is quickly forced to a more submissive position, the kick to his own knee causing a sharp hiss of pain he attempts to keep inside.
"D-don't!" he implores, and N'Jadaka will see his eyes widening as the fist comes down to make contact, only at his cheek as he manages to turn just so, but the others remain frozen on the spot at the assault. It should have been expected.
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
N'Jadaka has no time for such endeavors. Not when there is a duty to Wakanda at stake. So he just hits this kid and lets him drop to the ground. "You are pitiful. A disgrace. You will have given up Wakanda's secrets at the slightest hint of violence towards you. You are not fit to be a warrior for our country. For our home."
N'Jadaka steps back from the trainee and even goes so far as to kick dirt in his direction. "If I had my way, I would banish you this instant. Just to save us the embarrassment."
N'Jadaka turns his back on this trainee and looks to the others. Almost as if he's daring anyone to speak up about what he's just said or done.
- T'Challa has posed:
The boy cowers for a few seconds at N'Jadaka's words, which cut deep, to the bone. He has his pride, and while his skills are not on N'Jadaka's level, sometimes you have to stand up for yourself. No matter that others are watching, silently judging both in different ways.
It's the kick of dirt and the talk of banishment that does it. As N'Jadaka shows his back to the trainee, that is when he leaps up and tries to get the bigger boy in a chokehold, wrapping his legs around his midsection. "Take that back! I am no disgrace! You are the disgrace!"
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
N'Jadaka almost looks annoyed. When he's attacked from the back, that's when N'Jadaka smiles. He actually likes it. There's some fire in this kid after all. But it's not anything that N'Jadaka can't handle. Not at all.
It takes almost no work at all for N'Jadaka to flip this kid off his back and down to the ground. "Good! So you have some fight in you after all?" There is a brutal kick given to this kid's face! He might've lost a tooth. "Now I will show you what happens to those that fight with no honor."
N'Jadaka doesn't realize how that sounds coming from his mouth as he drops a knee into this kid's chest to help pin him down. And that's when the brutality sets in. And N'Jadaka just starts laying into this weaker trainee with a series of vicious slaps across his face. The disrespect is too real. Not even worth a closed fist now.
- T'Challa has posed:
Suddenly, a hand closes around N'Jadaka's, applying a twist and a painful pinch to a few nerves.
"N'Jadaka! What is the meaning of this?" An all too familiar voice, and the owner of it does not sound pleased. T'Challa stands overhead. How did he get there so quietly?
There is anger in his eyes as they shift quickly toward the trainee then back to N'Jadaka. "Did I hear you talking about fighting with no honor? Is this how you act when you have a chance to lead training? Go home. Now."
There is an opportunity for a response, though.
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
N'Jadaka dares to try and keep beating this trainee up. Even though it takes him a moment to realize who is stopping him. It doesn't register until N'Jadaka is forced to look up. And with that, he's up on his feet and backing away. Not out of fear or shame but almost out of spite. As if he's ready to fight.
"Do not talk to me as if I am your servant. I serve Wakanda." N'Jadaka steps up to T'Challa for a moment of clarity and one of those classic stare downs that these two are always prone to having. "I will never serve /you/."
Another moment of lingering is taken so that N'Jadaka can spit onto the ground of the training circle yet again, showing his disrespect for, well, all of them. A snort of derision as he turns to walk away.
- T'Challa has posed:
There is no backing down from T'Challa, by now in his mid-teens. He's grown into about the height he'll top out at, and his musculature has taken better shape. While still a Prince, he has begun to have the look of a future King. His eyes hold a self-confidence, his body language taut and tense, but under control as he releases the hand.
"If you serve Wakanda, you serve the King. That means you will serve me one day, unless you are banished for your insubordination. Do not forget your place. You are a skilled fighter who would be a fine addition to our ranks, but that is your ceiling as long as your rage controls you. The sooner you learn that, the better it will be for you."
He stares into N'Jadaka's back after the show of spitting and yet another turn to leave. This may be something he needs to deal with himself, unless a conversation with T'Chaka or N'Jobu helps drill some sense into N'Jadaka. A firmer hand may be needed.
Before any of that, he turns to help the Border Tribe youth back to his feet, assisting with dusting him off and checking his injuries. "I should not have left you all alone with him, knowing how he has become. This is my fault, and my shame. I am certain there will be a reckoning with him one day that goes beyond words and fists."