Artemis Crock

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Artemis Crock (Scenesys ID: 4329)
Name: Artemis Crock
Superalias: Artemis
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Waitress/Crime Fighter
Citizenship: US Citizen
Residence: Gotham
Education: Highschool
Theme: DC (FC)
Apparent Age: 19 Actual Age: 19
Date of Birth 05 Jun 2003 Played By Hayley Kiyoko
Height: 5'4" Weight: 123 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: Stronger - Kelly Clarkson

Character Info


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A former super villain turned heroine with a troubled past. Cynical and brash yet with her heart in the right place, Artemis is trying to reinvent herself and leave her past behind her.


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*2003: Born the youngest daughter to professional career criminals Crusher Crock and Paula Brooks. Unknown at the time, her father has a child back in Vietnam with another woman.

*2007: Artie's half-sister, Jade Nguyen, is kidnapped back in Vietnam and taken in by Weng Chan to be trained as a super assassin.

*2009: Jade turns 10 and kills her abductors, later picked up by Weng Chan who begins to train and shape her into an assassin.

*2013: Artie turns 10 and is inducted into the family business. She is also sent to train with super criminal Weng Chan where she meets and trains alongside her half sister Jade for several years. During this time, Artie is also homeschooled at the same time that she learns all manner of armed and unarmed combat, showing a special talent with the bow and arrow.

*2015: Artie turns 12. Jade leaves Weng Chan and marries notorious criminal Kreun Musenga.

*2016: Jade's father discovers he has a daughter with Anna Nguyen but keeps this to himself.

*2018: At 15, Artie is starting to grow tired and fearful of brutal training regiments and ruthless killing that is expected of her mother is the only kind role model in her life.

*2019: Artemis is now a professional criminal and assassin under the name of Tigress and has been for about a year. Around this time, her mother takes the fall for her father and chooses to turn herself in, giving up the criminal life for good.

*2020: Artie turns 17, tired of the brutal training regiment, heavily influenced by her mother's noble sacrifice, traumatized after her first kill and lonely without the companionship of Jade, she finds a chance to run away and start a new life as a heroine, seeking to make amends for her troubled past.

*2021: Led by a strong sense of Justice thanks to her mother, now in prison, she tries to keep a low profile, donning a new masked costume as Artemis and takes a day job as a waitress, while fighting crime at night as an independent super heroine.

IC Journal

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Artie is very self confident and self assured, perhaps believing herself to be invulnerable and no longer able to hurt. It didn't help that she was very talented as an assassin and even moreso as an independant heroine. She's used to working alone and solving problems on her own. And as such she can act pretty cocky and arrogant, often underestimating the abilities and opinions of others! Believing her way is best.

She can have a very devil may care attitude around others. Not really caring how others perceive her, not if she hurt their feelings. She will be brutally honest if she thinks something needs to be done or if someone is doing something wrong and she can even border on scathing at times, making biting, witty remarks at others expense. it's mostly due to a kill or be killed upbringing and a desire to get the job done quickly and efficiently rather than a desire to actually hurt people that she does this.

Artie has experienced some very horrifying situations involving life and death, a violent and unstable upbringing, criminal parents and a harsh and unforgiving mentor. This has caused her to grow a thick skin and a too short childhood. There is very little left out there that scares or surprises her, and she certainly has an iron unshakable will.

She can be a real tease and a flirt, letting people know exactly what she thinks of them, neither embarrassed nor shy about hitting on guys that she finds attractive. Sometimes she doesn't even seem to notice or care if they're attached, which can get her into trouble from time to time. Maybe she just enjoys the thrill of the chase, playing games with people or the level,of control she can exert over others.

Unlike her half sister, Artemis chose a path of Justice and light, seeking to make amends for herself and her family. Her mother installed a strong sense of Justice in her and she was her strongest and most stable role model growing up, teaching her kindness and empathy towards others, and a strong sense of right and wrong. For all her roughness with others, Artie truly is a kind and caring person who wants to make a difference in the world.

She tends to keep others at arm's reach for all her flirtiness, afraid to let anyone get too close unless they discover the terrible truth about her, that she's from villainous stock. Artemis will even go so far as to tell lie after lie in order to protect her self from having her secrets discovered by others. And sometimes she will weave a web of lies around lies, causing more trouble than it's worth.

Character Sheet


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Artie has no superhuman powers but above average strength, stamina and agility due to 9 years of intense training.


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Artemis is incredibly flexible, agile and light on her feet. While not quite on of professional level, she is capable of impressive stunts like hand springs, cartwheels and the occasional somersault which helps her move more quickly when it matters most.

Artie can aim and throw, write and use basic tools with equal strength in both her left and right hands.

She has excellent aim and perfect distance sight. While skilled in the use of throwing knives, her forte has always been with bow and arrows. She is skilled enough to hit fast moving targets and small sized targets at great distances, and she can shoot up to three arrows at a time.

Martial Arts:
Artemis has had some decent training in a mixture of different martial arts, incorporating agility and acrobatics with speed and pressure points. Her style is very similar to Cheshire's, using quick moves, odd angles and leaps to keep her opponents guessing.

Artie is fully fluent in both English and Vietnamese languages.

Physically Fit:
While she is certainly not superhuman by any means, Artie has been trained and conditioned to be exceptionally fit and strong for her size and weight. While not on par with Olympic medalists, she is about as fit as some professional level athletes and black belt martial artists with nearly ten years experience under her belt.

She is an excellent tracker but again not among the best in the world. Even so she is very skilled in finding people that don't want to be found.


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Artie has a variety of trick arrows that are useful for nearly any situation. These arrows include:

Blowpipe: Blowpipe arrow with darts that can sedate or put the target (s) to sleep for up to an hour at a time depending on size/weight.

Bolas: Arrows that have a chain and weighted balls at each end for entangling targets.

Explosives: Arrows explode like a bomb on impact, strong enough to destroy a small car.

Smoke Bomb: Creates a blinding smokescreen upon impact, useful for blinding the enemy abs/or covering her tracks. Can cover up to 20 m diameter in blinding smoke.

She possesses a solid steel and compact bow, excellent for distance combat and solid enough for limited close combat.

While she turned her back on her villainous father and her mentor Weng Chan, she knows where to find them if need be. She is also in contact with her mother from time to time. She likely has a crew other contacts with criminals during her short stint as Tigress.

She carries a small, light weight short sword in her arrow case, for those few instances when she finds herself in close combat.


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Her greatest strength is her greatest weakness. She tends to think she is invincible and unerringly intelligent, preferring to rush into situations based on her own judgement. Believing her decisions better than others. Sometimes this means overlooking her own flaws, getting herself into major trouble more often than not.

Artemis has many enemies. From her criminal father to her trainer, to her sister, even the police who might have known her in her short criminal career as Tigress, or who may have discovered her identity, while Artemis wasn't a very prominent criminal in the past one or two years, if her secret identity is discovered she could be in a lot of trouble.

Fiercely Independent:
She is not a team player and often rushes off on her own, doing stupid crazy things that can put both her and her team mates into trouble. She doesn't mean to cause trouble but old habits die hard and she spent most of her training working alone. Suddenly having to consider the fate of her team mates is something new that she really needs to work on.

Artemis has so many layers of secrets and really nothing she says or very little can be trusted. She holds everyone at arms length and can make enemies out of her greatest allies because of her propensity for lies. This is not much good if she is running from a villainous last. She has to trust someone afterall..

Villainous Past:
She was raised in a very tough and heartless upbringing, basically kill or be killed. Her father saw her only as a tool, a mean to an ends so to speak and little more than that. Her trainer was equally brutal, showing her no mercy and instilling all sorts of negative philosophies in her head, and her sister is a trained assassin herself. She really has no one else to turn to but her mother for help. Anyone else would either kill her on sight for her defection or try to induct her back into their villainous fold.



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Artemis Crock has 31 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
A Bone to Pick! December 23rd, 2022 Artemis and Thomas are attacked by familiar sport themed villains!
Comparing Notes and Claws December 4th, 2022 Art touches base with Thomas after her mom goes missing. Plans are discussed.
Put Your Hand In And Take Your Foot Out And Shake It All About November 16th, 2022 The Hand make another attempt on Daredevil's life, but the ambush is foiled as The Shadow, Cecily Winters, Artemis Crock, The Punisher and even some rival Foot ninjas intervene.
Taming the Tigress: Jailbreak! October 29th, 2022 While Art rushes to warn her mom, a jailbreak wrecks Havok at her prison and League agents move in..
Tiger burning bright October 20th, 2022 No description
Shadow X: Hidden Tracks October 15th, 2022 No description
Who you gonna call October 9th, 2022 Art seeks out the services of Jennifer Walters to get her mother out of prison early..Before the League finds her.
Recovery and Plotting October 5th, 2022 Art recovers after her ordeal with help from Atrid.
Operation: Extraction October 1st, 2022 Atrid, Thomas and Jade team up to rescue Artemis from the League of Assassins. WARNING: contains mild to moderate Graphic Violence.
Artemis and the League September 28th, 2022 The League of Assassins takes the captured Artemis Crock, and tortures and interrogates her for information. WARNING: This scene has torture, pain, and abuse. It can be very triggering. Read at your own discretion.
Hidden Agendas September 26th, 2022 Artemis and Jade finally get it out in the open what they've been doing all these years. A betrayal is made.
Old Acquaintances are Not Forgot! September 25th, 2022 Artemis sees Thomas and gets some unlooked for help.
A Nice Evening In...For Once! September 20th, 2022 Emotional agreement made.
Part 3: New Roots for an Old Tree September 16th, 2022 Hope and Tim and Art scout out a book store related to some wild stuff happening. Tim and Hope return later to find a few clues in the basement.
Hidden Dangers September 14th, 2022 Art returns from Gotham and discusses her worries with Atrid.
Training Time September 11th, 2022 Art and Atrid get in some practice.
Hail Unglorious Hydra September 11th, 2022 A group of varied heroes show up to save the day against the evil forces of Hydra!
Your Average Night in Gotham September 11th, 2022 One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong. Can you tell which one of these vigilantes is not a member of the League of Assassins by the time I finish my song?
Another Night, another Day September 7th, 2022 Hidden feelings are finally out in the open
Just a Dream...Or is it September 6th, 2022 Artemis has a very real nightmare, Atrid tries to comfort her.
Ghosts of our Past September 6th, 2022 Artemis has a very real nightmare about her past sins..
Wolfboom! September 5th, 2022 When many gather for a little fun after destroying some archetecture, a Wheely Good Time is had by all! Sam Guthrie, Rahne Sinclair, Artia (Definitely not Artermis Crock) and Kitora Alua make acquaintence of one Bunny Macleod.
Still got that Fighting Spirit! September 3rd, 2022 Trouble brews between three cats in the park and one 'ordinary guy'. New revelations are realized.
Priority Mission, Codename: Corduroy Sasquatch September 3rd, 2022 The Outsiders answer a priority alert message and take down a massive creature terrorizing the old fashion district of Gotham.
Making New Friends September 1st, 2022 Artie brings her boyfriend Atrid over to meet her sister Jade.
Playing Chess August 31st, 2022 Artemis and Atrid plan their next move while getting ready to meet her long lost sister.
Recoup in New York August 30th, 2022 While recouperating, Artemis reveals more secrets to Atrid.
Bittersweet Reunions August 28th, 2022 Artemis is reunited with Atrid again.
Alley cats August 28th, 2022 Artemis confronts a former enemy about her past and learns more about her mother.
Lost in New York August 28th, 2022 Artemis is reunited with her sister, but both withhold secrets from the other..
Shadow X: Dance Night August 26th, 2022 Artemis visits New York in pursuit of an old enemy and makes a new ally..


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Artemis Crock has 31 finished logs.

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Artemis Crock has been credited in 0 shows.

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Artemis Crock has been credited in 0 albums.

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Artemis Crock has authored 0 books.

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