Atrun Rai

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Atrun-Rai (Scenesys ID: 3692)
Name: None/Atrun-Rai
Superalias: None
Gender: Male
Species: Human (Atlantean)
Occupation: Sorceror
Citizenship: None/Ancient Atlantis
Residence: Earth/Nullspace
Education: Red Palace of Lantalla, Atlantis
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Mystic Arts, Godlings, JL Dark
Date of Birth March 23 40,000 BCE Played By
Height: 6'3" Weight: 220
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Green
Theme Song:

Character Info


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A pleasant, fashionable man of vaguely Mediterranean or perhaps Middle-Eastern appearance. Just one of many in the city.


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* 41,500 BCE: Atrun-Rai is born to a small merchant family in the city-state of Lantala, one of the seven kingdoms of Atlantis during its relative infancy as a power.

* 41,495 BCE: Searched out by the Wise Maidens (a Lantalan magical society) thanks to his sensed magical potential, Atrun- Rai is sent to the Red Palace to be educated in the sorcerous arts.

* 41,485 BCE: Ascends readily through the ranks of the student body; shows particular affinity for cosmic arts, dealing with the dimensions and its creatures. Enlisted into the ranks of the Amatakoi, a society of spirit- banishers and exorcists.

* 41,478 BCE: Becomes one of the primary exorcists of the Amatakoi. Eventually is called to the court of Estuan IV of Lantala, where he becomes Court Magician after wresting the spirit of Xaja'uul the Sorrow from Princess Jalusa.

* 41,467 BCE: Is contacted by agents of a shadowy organization called the Mestales, or Salt Brotherhood. A group of magicians from all stripes of Atlantean society, the Mestales are concerned about the rapidity of sorcerous growth in Atlantis, and sees an increase of possessions and other dark portents as a sign that the dark powers of Nullspace and other dimensions are slowly encroaching on this reality. They seek to fight this at every turn.

* 41,465 BCE: Two years of sharp increase of spiritual infections and possessions in Lantala, known locally as the Plague of Black Tears, it is discovered by members of the Mestales that a dimensional fissure has opened deep beneath Lantala in the very foundations of the continent. It is here from which the dark spirits and other monsters that the Mestales and the Amatakoi battled over the past decades, and it was swiftly expanding - a smaller, trial run of the terrible rift that would later open and be sealed by Merlyn and the Vishanti. Later in the year, armed with spells and magic weapons, the Mestales descended into the depths of the continent, where they found the rift open wide; a great battle took place between the creatures of the Void and the Atlantean sorcerors, and many were killed on either side. Eventually, with certain defeat looming large, Atrun-Rai sacrifices himself by using himself as a wellspring of positive energy, annihilating the manifested creatures and sealing the rift - but not before he could be consumed by the forces beyond. Atrun-Rai's name disappears into the annals of early Atlantean history, and is forgotten by all but magicians and historians.

* December, 2021 AD: After many millenia the threat of the end of Earthly reality causes the namess Old One that consumed Atrun-Rai to decant him once more, this time as a creature of the Void itself. Though intelligent and sane, and still bearing his old personality and powers, the powers of the Void that spawn him direct him to act to preserve reality at all costs, so that the Old Ones will not be denied their final victory over the material world. They believe there will be no place in a remade creation, and though they can only intervene a little due to the rules of the cosmos, Atrun-Rai will serve as their champion.

IC Journal

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Already a driven man in his living years, the singlemindedness of the Old Ones has magnified this to a great degree.

The Void is a tidal thing, from an everpresent, cold lull to a roaring crest of howling hunger. Often Atrun-Rai can exist with the roar of the darkness pushed back, but it can also overwhelm him, driving him into a quiet, cold despair.

Despite all that has happened, despite the monstrostity that consumed him and to which he is tethered, Atrun-Rai believes that better things can be born of horror and strives on because of this.

When not affected by bouts of depression or gravitas thanks to his harrowing, Atrun-Rai is actually quite pleasant, even gregarious.

Character Sheet


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Apocalyptic Manifest:
Can manifests the Starry Maw, an aspect of the Old Ones that is essentially a small but extremely strong portal into Nullspace and (usually) disintegration. Meant to consume threats to reality, the Maw is corrosive to the minds of normal people to behold, and once its manifestation is complete he will be banished to the Black Pyramid for a time before he may return, or if the threat is strong enough, possibly never again. The nature of the Maw is, however, one of a self-sealing wound, and as it takes Atrun-Rai with it once vanishing leaves only a slight scar on reality upon disappearance. Usually irresistable to many lesser beings, but greater creatures may simply be damaged or drained by it if affected at all.

Can see perfectly in total darkness, either magical or normal.

Enhanced Strength:
Possesses up to 1 ton lifting/applied strength.

Font of Sorcery:
Can use magical spells and relics/items. His spells are of Old Atlantis and of the timeless Void, though 'modern' magic is also usable once learned.

Limited Shapeshifting:
Can extrude tendrils or pseudopods from his body as extensions of its unnatural, void-produced matter. Extends strength and serves as prehensile limbs up to ten feet away.

Shield of the Void:
Atrun-Rai cannot be mind-controlled by creatures of this reality, and to mystical sight appears as a 'blur', albeit a dark one, that defies easy identification. Telepathy or mind-reading is possible, but difficult, and depending on the directions one takes into his memory can prove dangerous to one's sanity.

Unnatural Health:
Can shrug off nonmagical bullets and hand-to-hand weapons. Will regenerate wounds over time, but only in the presence of the Black Pyramid or, to a lesser degree, Nullspace in general.

Unnatural Stamina:
Possesses stamina many times over a normal human.


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Ancient Knowledge:
Has a significant knowledge of magical lore and history of the ancient world and dimensions. Has been imbued with sufficient knowledge of the modern day to operate without anachronism.

Hand-To-Hand Combat:
Can use hand-to-hand weapons skillfully, especially swords, knives, and spears/lances as was common in his day. Can also use tendrils/pseudopods in combat as the same.

Can understand most languages on Earth, as most source from the tongue of ancient Atlantis, but cannot necessarily speak them.


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Black Pyramid:
A place within the benighted realms of Nullspace. It is an ancient temple to the Old Ones, now serving as library and living quarters for Atrun-Rai. Nightmarish black pyramid that floats above the blasted landscape of the place where it is moored, it is a place for the sorceror to exist safely and recuperate wounds or draining of Nullspace energy that might otherwise dispel him.

Tools of the Trade:
Equipped with a wide variety of magical implements, some from Old Atlantis that he previously owned and some that are obviously of blasphemous Nullspace origin. None are magical in and of themselves, but allow for the casting of spells and rituals.


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Animal Hatred:
Animals sense his unnatural essence and will either flee in terror or attempt to attack him if cornered. This does not count sentient animals, but they will still be affected with a strong sense of distaste and suspicion.

Bound By Purpose:
All actions must, if seeming sometimes inexplicable, direct toward preservation of reality.

Echoes of Old Atlantis:
In the presence of Old Atlanteans or its relics, Atrun-Rai will occasionally relive the events leading to his consumption by the Old Ones. This manifests as a reverie from which he cannot be easily roused, and can be most inconvenient, even dangerous. Also tends to affect some fashions of Old Atlantis (his beard and hair, for example, or his accent) which may seem peculiar.

Enemy of Creation:
While he exists to try and save Earthly reality, he is still a disease that is inflicted upon it. In his presence, entropy manifests faster than normal -- batteries drain faster, plants become more fragile, etc. This is primarily a cosmetic effect, but it can clue in those who might be tied into such things.

Magical Vulnerability:
Vulnerable to magical weapons and spells, especially magics employed against the Void. Banishment will send him back to the Black Pyramid for a period of time depending on the effect used against him.

No Succor From the Void:
While Atrun-Rai can cast spells of healing and restoration, they are ALWAYS drawn from the energies of Nullspace; this will have strange, sometimes horrible side effects. Similarly, no restorative spell or method will work on him that is not of Nullspace.

Shackled To Darkness:
Being a living extrusion of the Old Ones that consumed him, Atrun-Rai is a creature of Nullspace, and as such must remain tethered to his patrons and that dimension until somehow restored. His existence may be immediately revoked with disloyalty.

Unnatural Simulacrum:
Made of extragalactic matter, flesh and blood do not appear normal to science; giveaway of unnatural essence, though most science cannot explain the nature of substances. Medicine will not work outside of raw physical techniques (bone setting, pulling out arrows and bullets, etc.)



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Atrun Rai has 44 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
A Common Root March 10th, 2024 Old Atlantean shares his observation of the common threads of his culture winding through the ages into the epic cultures of the modern day. Also goes back home through a toilet cubicle.
Atrun-Rai Returns October 26th, 2023 Atrun brings more black news regarding the 'grapes'.
Black Grape September 27th, 2023 Extradimensional 'grapes' found in Gotham City, a portent for occult strangeness? Certainly nothing to be sneezed at, but...funny name...
Repo Being May 14th, 2023 A cult invasion! A horrible relic given to someone who's dumb enough to try and welsh on an eldritch deal. Atrun-Rai and unlikely comrades teach him what comes of that nonsense.
Lines Around the Earth September 4th, 2022 Atrun-Rai and Phoebe work with Zatanna reading the ley lines crisscrossing under the new Starport. Zatanna gives them a magical green light.
Shadowcrest Mages and Plans August 17th, 2022 What started as control for Charlie Gages ends up being a discussion about Phoebe's malady and Atrun-Rai's adventures into the darker pasts of Atlantis
Abyssal Stuff n'at July 26th, 2022 While hanging out at a Beach on Gotham's east, Phoebe Beacon and Idu note the change in the atmosphere, the rending of the veil -- and Atrun-Rai stops by to say hello and give her candy!
A damnation of demons February 10th, 2022 Mobbed by demons and saved by Atrun-Rai
Atlantis Found January 28th, 2022 Patience finds her way to Shadowcrest where she meets Atrun-Rai, Charlie Gage and its owner. The three women discuss learning to wield magic.
Payment Due January 22nd, 2022 With debts paid and tea shared, two friendly sorcerors talk history and future plans.
Clipping Dread Wings January 22nd, 2022 Returning to White's Mill, an alliance of sorcerors clash with the wounded and still-weak monstrosity Husquollah-Baajzh before it can grow strong enough to wipe out the town and whatever else lies before it.
Magical Cousins January 20th, 2022 No description
They Live In Tunnels January 19th, 2022 No description
Fountains of Black Wings January 19th, 2022 Mysterious mounds, dug up in the far west of West Virginia, proves a grave for a nameless nightmare horribly wounded by a group of mystic heroes as it attempts to manifest anew within the world. Horribly wounded, but dead? Time will tell...
Arrival From Darkness January 18th, 2022 Meeting and revelation, and spicy food to come. Fruitful meeting, indeed.
Ruins of Radio City January 17th, 2022 Atrun-Rai visits Phoebe at the site of her experiment's first sucsess, and shares a story with her. Phoebe listens, and the two magus, in their agreeable way, admit a warning to the younger about closing themselves off too entirely from their opposites.
Ancient Blood January 16th, 2022 Jennifer and Atrun-Rai meet.
The Gray Flames of Surrey January 15th, 2022 No description
On The Corner In The Afternoon January 14th, 2022 A brief meeting outside Grand Central Station. A discussion about the nature of destiny and the fight against the death of reality. Friends remain so, despite revelations of nature.
The Long March From Katz's Deli Into Night January 13th, 2022 Leading a group of survivors from the Lower East Side toward a SHIELD checkpoint in Alphabet City -- when he encounters the mysterious Ilyana Rasputina. Dark sorcerors greet one another, and do a kind thing to protect humanity...
Too Cold for Swimming January 10th, 2022 An ancient Atlantean and an Atlantean youngin' meet and find some common ground!
JLD War Council II January 10th, 2022 The JLD (and a few Titans) have another meeting, this time at Shadowcrest, in which Michael's plan is finally revealed and plans to defend against and defeat his army are discussed.
Exploring Faith on the Path of Glory January 10th, 2022 Zatanna Zatara] Zatanna Zatara changed Scene 9560's Outcome to: Zatanna, Meggan and Phoebe (briefly) and Atrun-rae (newly returned from dissolution) meet at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral to brainstorm how churches figure in the scheme of the angelic invasion. Are they powerhouses for the angels that fuel themselves on belief? Stongholds? The conversation veers to the idea of creating a campaign, asking the leaders of the world's faiths to gather their congregations together and pray to live and for the universe to be healed. Just a small ask.
Path of Glory: All Kings Shall Fall January 6th, 2022 The Battle with the Vanguard of the Hosts and Michael's champion almost ends in victory but a rebolstering of the enemy at the final moments pushes the defense force to retreat.
Path of Glory: The Great Mother's Garden January 4th, 2022 A group of the JLD goes to The Garden to speak with Gaea about the impending invasion to find clarity on the path they must take to succeed.
A Question of Blood January 4th, 2022 Delivered unto Atrun-Rai, Michael's blood is to be used to severely damage the divine protection the angelic forces enjoy. The playing field is to be greatly leveled....
Reports From The Field January 2nd, 2022 No description
Legendary Relations January 1st, 2022 No description
Old and New II:Shadowcrest Boogaloo December 30th, 2021 Starting out in Shadowcrest Manor and moving to the House of Mystery, what started with a talk of inscription and circles, with a side-trip regarding using Silk Cut cigarettes as 'protection incense' and discussing the Jar of Hearts spell that definitely should not be running for weeks on end, a trio of magus bear witness to Atrun-Rai's construction of the orichalcum for Lydia's workings. For the sacrifice of her blood to start the crucible to create the metal, Phoebe has earned a coin of the mysterious, super-conductive metal.

Meggan serves as doorman and colorful protector of the House of Mystery's temporary guests.

Path of Glory: An Audience with the Commander December 30th, 2021 Atrun-Rai calls the Archangel Michael for a dialogue and, surprisingly, gets a response in the form of revelations about the nature of the plight that the universe is in and what steps might be taken to save it from reclamation by the invading army of Hosts.
History Consultation December 30th, 2021 Jon asks Atrun-Rai to meet him at the Oblivion Bar to go over a few details of Atlantean history--specifically pertaining to Michael.
A Dark And Friendly Guest December 30th, 2021 A brief visit to Zatanna to discuss things. Constantine is met, and Meggan is seen again. A grand day out.
The Stage of History December 29th, 2021 No description
JLD War Council December 29th, 2021 The Justice League Dark meet at the Oblivion Bar and discuss leadership, a new base, and plans to fight the angels. Some seriously epic ideas are considered before they go their separate ways.
Whispering Devils December 28th, 2021 No description
The First Inaugural Atlantean Embassy Gala December 28th, 2021 Atlantis makes a sweeping return to the world stage with an offer to become the de facto homeland of all mutantkind. Brows furrow.
Scouting for a Meeting Place December 25th, 2021 Cael, Jon, and Johnny come to check out the Hat and Hare and see if it might work as a meeting place for the JLD. The conversation waffles between banter and more serious topics.
To Pick Up December 24th, 2021 Atrun-Rai stops in for a materials pick up. Zatanna stops in for a chat. Nettie stops at nothing.
Path of Glory: Kingdom of Heaven December 23rd, 2021 The astral projection to Heaven results in more questions and few answers. The players set the pieces on the game board. But will anyone play or will the game end in destruction? War looms on the horizon and preparations must be made to ensure the continued survival of all things.
Old and New December 22nd, 2021 When Atrun-Rai arrives outside the Laughing Magician, he's confronted by a curious but protective Phoebe Beacon, and then a furious and protective Zatanna Zatara.
A Meeting of Bloodlines December 22nd, 2021 Revealing himself to Zatanna as a sorceror from out of time, Atrun-Rai requests Zatanna's assistance - but the sorceress of legend is not so comfortable with what's required...
A Matter of Custom December 22nd, 2021 Ancient, newly-resurrected wizard meets deathless witch and gives her a shopping list to make her gawk. Good times had all around.
Do Not Cross The Tape December 19th, 2021 The JLD returns to the Laughing Magician to ward it and close it up so no one will mess with the place. Some other people show up too--the Black Knight and Caitlin Fairchild. Minions of Lucifer cause trouble, Cael retreats when Caitlin calls on Michael, and there's potential trouble brewing between the JLD and Titans...
City of Concrete and Glass December 19th, 2021 Jon takes a walk in New York and runs into an unlikely ally in the battle against Michael.


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Atrun Rai has 44 finished logs.

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Atrun Rai has been credited in 0 shows.

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