Bailey Jennings

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Bailey Jennings (Scenesys ID: 4582)
Name: Bailey Jennings
Superalias: Chrysalis
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Runaway
Citizenship: American
Residence: Homeless
Education: High School Sophomore
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 16 Actual Age: 16
Date of Birth 10 Aug 2006 Played By Merit Leighton
Height: 5'5" Weight: 119 lbs.
Hair Color: Black (dyed Pink) Eye Color: Hazel
Twitter: @bailey_buzz
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Bailey is a teenage girl, displaced from California to New York, who was at the wrong place at the wrong time and bonded with a chaos spirit. The spirit actualized elements from her interests, and now she's become a real-life version of an anime monster-girl, who changes out forms every time she sleeps. She has no control over the form she takes, and each one provides different strengths and weaknesses.


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* 2006: Bailey is born to Jessica and Christopher Jennings in Los Angeles, California.

* 2011: Bailey gets enrolled in the prestigious Polytechnic School in Pasadena, California. It's good to have rich parents!

* 2015: By this time, Bailey has discovered Japanese culture through her classmates, and latched on with a vengeance. She starts to pick up bits of the language from her school friends, while her room starts to fill up with manga and merch, and her digital collection of anime just gets more and more impressive. Yes, she is a weeaboo.

* 2018: Having grown up in image-conscious California in the modern digital age, by the time she's hitting her tween years, Bailey of course decides that she's going to be an /influencer/ when she gets older, and she starts to delve into makeup and social media hard, with her own quirky style and look. She even starts up a YouTube channel for anime and manga reviews and reactions.

* 2019: Bailey's plans get hit by a truck, metaphorically. Due to chaos in the workplace, her parents both find themselves having to find new employment. While both are well-trained professionals, their new positions end up being in New York. The East Coast! (HORROR!) Reluctantly and under protest, Bailey is forced to relocate to Manhattan. The culture shock is real, fam. Having to leave all her friends behind just before she was able to start high school is painful, and her cultural interests here are more mocked than lauded. The quirky weeaboo girl hit the wall of New York cynicism and culture like a bug on a windshield. She gets enrolled into the Midtown School of Science and Technology at her parents insistence, seeing STEM fields as being more dependable for a "successful future" than Bailey's artistic and social aspirations.

* 2021: Bailey's spent the last 2 years struggling to keep her head above water. While quite intelligent, she's also very right-brained, and struggles in the scientific environment of the school. She's at least managed to find a connection with some of the few students there who share at least her social predilections, but she isn't happy, certainly.

* 2022: Bailey finds out about Little Tokyo in New York City and it's like a lifeline. It becomes her main hangout and she starts to reconnect to people. And then everything goes topsy-turvy. She's literally in the wrong place at the wrong time as a battle between magical heroes and villains begins. And while she ducks for cover, it doesn't help when a powerful chaos spirit is unleashed. With magical energies crackling all around, it bonds with Bailey, flowing through her thoughts, her possessions, her memories...

...and Bailey suddenly finds herself in a different form, a monster girl like out of her anime and manga. Terrified, she runs from the scene, too scared to go home. She finds a quiet place in an alley to get a fitful sleep, hoping whatever this is goes away by morning.

It doesn't. Instead, she finds herself in a /different/ monster girl form. Feeling an outcast and terrified, Bailey doesn't head home. She became a runaway, her parents looking for her, and with her desperate to find help and stability.

Her story here begins the afternoon of that morning.

IC Journal

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Genuinely Nice:
Bailey is honestly a nice, sweet girl who doesn't really have a mean bone in her body. It means it can be easy to knock her down emotionally, because she doesn't have great mechanisms for coping with mean people. She doesn't really get why people choose to be mean instead of choosing to be friendly and nice.

In Over Her Head:
Nothing that Bailey has ever done in her life has brought her up to be remotely prepared for anything that's actually gone on. She doesn't know how to survive on her own, she doesn't know who to turn to, and she doesn't know who to trust. She's uncertain and unsure, and just plain frightened.

Superficially Superficial:
To look at Bailey's interests in makeup, fashion, and her desire to be an influencer, one might easily write her off as a shallow girl only concerned with her own popularity. That isn't it at all. Bailey is just exceptionally passionate about her interests, and wants to share them with everyone (she hasn't yet quite understood that not everyone WANTS to have them shared with her.)

Bailey is fascinated to a point of fixation on Japanese culture. The people, the food, the music, the manga and anime, all of it. Given her choice, that's almost always where her free money and free time go, to exploring those interests. Or at least it did back when she still had free money.

West Coast Girl:
At her heart, Bailey is still very much an West Coast girl. She loves the beach, her California-style pizza, her boba tea, and the sun-and-fun mindset that goes with being a California girl (eat your heart out, Katy Perry). The colder (both physical and emotional) nature of the East Coast doesn't suit her anywhere near so well.

Character Sheet


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Bailey's superpower, such as it is, is brought on by her bond with the chaos spirit, and manifests in her assuming a different form each time she sleeps. She cycles between seven different forms, each of them with its own set of abilities, as listed below:

* Centaur Form: Well, the first and most obvious, she's faster than normal, specifically as fast as a racehorse. She also has very slightly enhanced hearing in this form (about twice as good as a normal person), and is also stronger than normal; about as strong as an olympic weightlifter. She also has hooves that she can use to deliver painful strikes.

* Drider Form: She's capable of walking on walls and ceilings, in the same vein as your friendly neighborhood Spider-People. What's more, she has a poisonous bite (similar to that of a brown recluse) and can also spin webs, which are both sticky and strong (capable of restraining someone with a normal human level of strength, though augmented strength could tear through them.)

* Harpy Form: She can fly! Specifically, she can fly as fast as a swift bird of prey. She also has enhanced eyesight here (comparable to that of a hawk) and sharp, birdlike talons for feet that she can use to attack with.

* Lamia Form: She has a 30' snake tail that she can use for constriction, if she can get someone caught up in her coils. She's also got a poisonous bite here, comparable to that of a rattlesnake.

* Mermaid Form: She's fully adapted to a deep water existence here; she can see in the depths of the ocean, is immune to pressure equal to that of the ocean depths, can breathe underwater, and can swim at speeds of roughly up to fifty miles per hour (similar to a sailfish).

* Minotaur Form: She is both low-yield superstrong and low-yield supertough in this form, not anything extreme, but she could probably lift a car here if she really had to, and could largely ignore blunt force trauma from anything normal strength. She's not knife-or-bulletproof in any way, though.

* Slimegirl Form: Well, she's made of slime. As such, she can pretty much pass through anything that liquid is capable of passing through. Moreover, she can do some low-yield form manipulation here; she's not Reed Richards, but she can stretch her limbs to maybe twice their length, or alter her bodily proportions as long as her mass stays constant (she could become taller-but-skinnier or shorter-but-thicker, for example). She's also pretty much immune to physical trauma in this form as well; she has no internal organs in this form, bullets would just pass right through her, and the like. This immunity in no way extends to psychic or magic damage, and certain elemental damage types could affect her, depending on what they'd do to her slime-form (water would dilute her, flame would boil her substance off, etc.)


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Bailey's interests in manga, anime, makeup and fashion all sort of dovetail into cosplay. She's done several cosplays, detailing them online, wearing them at conventions, and the like. She can fabricate faux costumes and wield worbla and hot glue with the best of them.

General Academics:
Bailey's been to expensive elite schools all of her life, but she's still only a high-school sophomore. She has, at best, an early-college understanding of general academic skills. Her STEM skills are a bit further along, given her last couple years of study, but even that's nowhere near general college graduate, much less anything more advanced.

Japanese Culture:
Bailey got an interest early in Japanese culture, and had many Japanese friends throughout school. As a result, she's got a passable skill with Japanese culture, and is a pretty good cook in Japanese cuisine. While she's had no formal training, several of her friends have shown her self-defense and the basis of some martial arts. Her knowledge of anime and manga is nigh-encyclopedic, and she even knows bits and bobs about Japanese history.

Bailey grew up in southern California, and she's at least passingly fluent in Spanish as a result. In addition, her early interest in Japanese culture, and Japanese friends, has seen her become fluent in both written and spoken Japanese as a result. She took a couple high school classes in French, but to be honest, she didn't retain much of it.

Makeup & Fashion:
Thanks to the magic that is YouTube videos, Bailey's been studying makeup since an early age, and she's always been interested in fashion. She's not at a professional level, but she's a well-trained amateur, at least. Her style is a bit genki, but she still puts together quite the ensemble and look when she wants to.

Social Media:
Before her incident, Bailey had plans on becoming a major influencer one day. She has accounts on all the major platforms, and she's knows the skills and techniques to optimize her followers and get views, likes, and subscribes! Her ability to do that going forward is a bit more in doubt, but she still has the skills she needs in theory.


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Personal Effects:
Most of Bailey's personal possessions remain as the things she had when she fled. Thankfully, she had her messenger bag with her, which means she's still in possession of a laptop, a smartphone, some makeup and some cash. She also has a credit card that her parents gave her for emergencies (and boy, is she having one), but she's seen enough movies to know that any attempt to use it will pinpoint her location, so she's saving it for REAL trouble. That's even if they haven't shut it off. But yeah, she's primarily a normal teenage girl, with normal teenage girl things.


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Chaos Susceptibility:
Due to the presence of the chaos spirit bonded to her on a spiritual level, Bailey is extremely susceptible to chaos magic of any sort. Any effect intended on her will likely happen more powerfully and with less resistance. Moreover, even being in the presence of chaos magic is likely to trigger her form-shifting, sending her through alternate forms with each exposure to it. Chaos magic bad, yo.

Bailey's form transforms when she sleeps, randomly, into one of her alternate forms. While it might be something that she could exert some influence on with time, practice, or outside assistance, right now she has no control over what body she finds herself in when she wakes, and some of them have notable physical limitations. What's worse in some ways is that each has different specifics...while her face is always recognizably her, within the nature of the change, all of her specific details are different. Each form has its own fingerprints, retinal pattern, blood specifics, and the like. Nothing usable as physical evidence links her to her own real identity, and any attempts to establish records or even something as simple as medical profiles will be extremely difficult, given her transforming nature.

Fully Integrated:
The chaos spirit that has bonded with Bailey has woven its way deeply through her entire spiritual being. While a mage of sufficient skill and potency could probably banish or destroy the spirit, doing so in such a way that didn't kill Bailey or otherwise spiritually lobotomize her or render her soulless would be a much greater undertaking in time and difficulty.

Bailey is still a legal minor. Can't drink, can't vote, can't give legal consent for medical procedures or anything fun. She is at the mercy of the world around her, for another couple years at least.

Physical Limitations:
Each of Bailey's forms come with physical challenges of their own, though they also share the obvious one that not a single one of them is "normal", and none are even capable of passing as that without some kind of superhuman ability that she does not possess. The specific limitations are listed below:

* Centaur Form: She's literally a horse from the waist down. She takes up a lot of room in this form, and she weighs more than a horse would. Moreover, being quadrupedal means things like getting around stairs are extremely tricky, and she can't just get into a car or onto a bike.

* Drider Form: Virtually all the same problems as she has in her centaur form regarding space taking up, inability to use vehicles, and weight, plus the fact that a spider lower half is even wider than a horse is. Plus, more people are likely to freak out in the presence of a half-giant-spider than they are in the presence of a half-horse.

* Harpy Form: Her bones are partially hollow and much lighter to allow her to fly, making them correspondingly more fragile. In addition, her arms have been replaced with a giant pair of wings; she has no manipulatory ability with them beyond just smacking things; she could strike or move an object, but writing, typing, or even pushing small buttons isn't gonna happen, much less holding anything with them.

* Lamia Form: Well, let's start with the fact that from the waist down she has a 30' snake tail, which weighs a ton. She occupies a lot of room in this form too, and while she /can/ get up stairs, it's certainly not as fast as she could do it with legs. In addition, this form is cold-blooded (reptilian-style), meaning cold temperatures make her sluggish and lethargic, and can even knock her out.

* Mermaid Form: Like the prior form, no legs. But at least a snake can get around on land. In her mermaid form, if she's on land, about all she can do is pull herself along with her arms, and her tail sort of doing the worm to help her flop forward. She's barely mobile at all. What's more, both her tail and gills don't do well with drying out. Neither will kill her, but they will be painful if she can't at least pour some water over them. At least she's amphibious and can breathe air in this form.

* Minotaur Form: The lucky jackpot on weaknesses. Her minotaur form has almost no weaknesses. The only problem she has in this form is that she stands a solid 9' tall (more when you add the horns), so fitting into things can still be an issue. Still, it's better than almost any of the others.

* Slimegirl Form: This form is only sort of semi-tangible, like a gelatin. While she can hold some light things, anything more than a couple pounds will slowly pass through her, forcing her to keep scooping it up to hold it. She also leaves a slimy residue on anything she touches. This biggest downside, though, is that she's water-soluble in this form...the more water her form absorbs, the more liquid it gets. Being doused with enough water, or falling into water, would render her entirely liquid. While she'll be fine when her form transforms the next morning, being a puddle until then is limiting to say the least.

Bailey has fled from the stability of her life. She has no income, no residence, and no real way to support herself other than petty thievery or other illegal means like vigilantism. She's in a bad situation. (OOC: Hopefully this situation will rectify itself, at which point this weakness will be removed.)



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Bailey Jennings has 2 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
GIRL HQ after hours January 22nd, 2025 Bailey meets a Princess and gets makeup tips.
Helping Bailey get a stable living situation. August 21st, 2024 Vivian runs into Bailey a girl in need of GIRLs help! Food is offered and some possibilities for getting off the streets of New York are discussed.


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Bailey Jennings has 2 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Bailey Jennings has been credited in 0 shows.

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Bailey Jennings has been credited in 0 albums.

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Bailey Jennings has authored 0 books.

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