Beroe Kazinski
Beroe | ||
Beroe Kazinski (Scenesys ID: 4240) | |||
Profile | |||
Name: | Beroe Kazinski | ||
Superalias: | Beroe | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Godling | ||
Occupation: | Influencer | ||
Citizenship: | U.S. | ||
Residence: | New York | ||
Education: | High School and Google | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Groups: | |||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 18 | Actual Age: | 18 |
Date of Birth | 23 Sep 2003 | Played By | Lena Kitsune |
Height: | 5'6' | Weight: | 102 lb |
Hair Color: | Blonde (but often not) | Eye Color: | Blue |
Twitter: | @CuteLikeAFox | ||
Theme Song: | Home by Ingrid Michaelson |
Character Info
Beroe is a character who can scale to various levels of threats. She's a hodge podge godling with the ability to use her spatial pockets to access useful items, and as things scale, to even teleport people and things various distances. Her heroic nature, and optimism, will allow her to find herself in both rescue/heroic type situations and just wanting to get to know those she meets. She may also be recognized from her social media accounts where she's a minor influencer currently, hoping to make it big.
Social Media:
Beroe's social media influencing days started just a few days after she turned 16 years old. She started taking pictures everywhere she went, and posting them online. Her school friends started to take notice of her and her fashion styles and would share them. Even then her beauty was starting to show and she had an eye for photography, makeup and other choices that would lead to some stunning pictures.
Yeah, there were online trolls, for sure, but most people were really nice. Her popularity started to build, slowly but surely, as she approached 18. And once she was an adult she got her first offer for a sponsor from some goth fashion etsy shop online. It wasn't big, but she took it, free clothes were free clothes, especially awesome ones like the stuff being sent to her. Makeup started rolling in, some other options and mostly she has stuck to small brands and stores both because she liked talking with real people running their own businesses but also because she felt she would lose something if she went with a big brand. Maybe control over her own life?
Today she's one of those Instagram model types. Not a fitness model, no, not at all, she's more into energy drinks, video game peripherals, and clothes. Plus, a nice secondary line of doing makeup videos online and whatnot. She's got tens of thousands of followers and is easy to know but also easy not to know cause in the grand scheme of things that's not a terribly large amount of people.
Just in the past few months she's been known for her continued use of social media to not only advertise the sponsors who support her but also to showcase some heroics she's done. Whether that be rescuing people from a burning building, or fighting crime. She's been doing it. And she's not very good at it, but she's got a lot of heart.
Previous to Beroe's birth.
1970s: Doctor Francis Crick starts investigating an idea that life on Earth was planted here by alien life forms.
1980s: Doctor Illy Kazinski studies under Crick. She learns about his ideas, and takes them further.
1990s: Doctor Crick and Kazinski have mostly separated ways and Dr K actually is finding some old old genetic samples left over by visitors from other places/realms.
2002: Dr K realizes they need binding rites alongside the samples they've uncovered and combine these old rituals with modern genetics. Creating a clone of mixed DNA from various gods of the past. He starts the incubation process.
The birth of a God.
2003: Beroe is created as the 13th attempt. Doctor Kazinski retires from her position, and takes the research that she was doing away from the lab she had been using. She attempted to wipe all records of Beroe off the systems, and raise the child as her own.
2003-2005: Beroe shows signs of essentially being a normal human child.
2006-2010: Beroe begins showing signs of her powers. Moving around the house in ways she shouldn't be able to, and in an instance in which a tornado was going to destroy her and her 'mother', the car suddenly found itself safely home and many miles away from the tornado.
By 2015: It was clear by Dr K's assessment that Beroe had inherited some of power of her genetic ancestry but it was also clear it was operating in unexpected ways. So, testing those limits started to become necessary.
2020: Just 2 years ago, at the prime age of 16, Beroe started to stream on various platforms. Some political commentary about all the Sups she was a fan of, and some gaming things. A cute teen online? Made for a pretty good success.
2021: Turning 18 opened the door for small sponsorships, getting clothing to show off that she didn't have to buy, and lots more that started to quickly ramp up her online fans. This adoration fueling the extent and capacity of her powers according to the tests by Dr K.
2022: Only a few months ago, heroics were started. Dr K would've been happy to leave Beroe to live out her life in hiding but it seemed that she not only had an urge to help people but that the more she was out there, the more she was known, the better her endurance. And without it, the possibility of withering up and potentially even ceasing to exist.
IC Journal
Running to the front of a battle, trying to snap pictures always of herself doing things, and regularly seeming awash in the love of others paying attention to her. That's Beroe. She enjoys being the center of attention and has almost a need to be liked.
Literally and in personality. She loves people, places, parties, fun times, people, she wants to talk to them, learn what they know, help them, do whatever she can to be around others. This gives her energy, a sense of purpose, even if it is something mundane like going grocery shopping, she wants others around to talk with.
It's hard to find a person who is happy, most of the time, but Beroe has a smile on her face almost always unless she?s posing for the camera and trying to do a pouty face. Otherwise, though, she's happy. A lot, almost always. It would be rare not to see a smile on her face, or her not to be in a good mood.
You wouldn't expect the teenage woman with no combat skills who is addicted to social media to be the one to stand up when there's trouble. She does though, in her mini-skirts and makeup, she runs to the front of the line. There's something inside of her, deep deep inside, that she can't ignore that compels her to meet whatever challenge face to face. It's not so much bravery as a compulsion to save-the-day.
If there's one thing people do in this era, it's pay attention to their phones, to scrolling, skimming, blinking past things. So much so that people will run off a road because there's an error in Google Maps. Beroe is no different. She walks through the day as if on a cloud of amazingness, and she's in awe of the world around her making her take in the details of a flower over the giant kaiju attacking the nearby bridge. But, if it pops up on her phone, maybe she WILL see it then.
No matter how bad things get, there's something about the day or the event that could be looked at as good. There's some kind of optimism available. Beroe is this way to a nearly sickening or annoying degree. It doesn't really matter what terrible thing is happening, or how bad of a person she meets, she'll find something to cherish. This works with people too so much that she tends to see only the goodness potential in the person.
Character Sheet
Beroe's calls her power to connect two points in space, pockets. She calls them that because she often uses the power at its most basic level to hold things her clothing can't due to a lack of pockets. This means her phone is often in a pocket, she keeps makeup and other things in various 'pockets'. But what that really means is she's reaching into a hole she creates that connects her phone stand and her phone, grabbing it off of the stand, and pulling it to her. Anyone can use these pockets, so if she opened up a hole and someone was on the other side of it, they could technically say reach through and high-five her, or shoot a bullet through the hole.
Creating and using pockets is tiring. The longer she holds them open the more energy it takes, exponentially. The further away the ends of the pockets are from one another also increases the amount of energy needed.
This power is affected by her Threat Scaling power. When normally walking around, it is to the degree as listed. As soon as she's fighting street goons of marginal capacity, or people with guns and regular weapons, she can pop pockets open to a size large enough for her to move through them. Essentially giving her a weak 20-30 foot distant teleportation. Against those with more powerful abilities this starts to scale in size, most often used to pop open multiple pockets to redirect projectiles, or cause a person to punch themselves if she's fast enough. Multiple people could be teleported short distances or herself longer distances. Against high powered folks she could create pockets large enough to move cars, make a tunnel to escape for multiple people. She doesn't add any 'force' to objects, so putting a pocket under a car just makes it fall from gravity now influencing it, so it may 'fall onto' a target or be moved, but she can't slow things down without creative uses and definitely can't speed them up.
Limitation: One side of her pockets always has to be close enough to her where she can see it, the other end just has to go to somewhere she knows or is aware of. This can even be, at the most extreme, an interstellar distance as long as someone can explain how to get there (even if she doesn't understand). Though the threat for such a distance to be reached would need to be a near cosmic threat.
Serial Mortality:
Beroe can die. Actually, somewhat easily in the scope of things. The trick is, she comes back. Again and again and again. When killed, in all the ways a normal human can be, she fades away. Clothes and all. At the next opportunity, usually after a combat has finished or a bit of time (though no longer than 24 hours) she'll just walk into the area again.
What's strange is, she will come stepping off a bus, or out of a bathroom, from a tea house, or out of a taxi. She'll re-enter the area-ish surrounding her death in short order as if she had been somewhere else all along and just getting there. If asked about her death, she'll not know anything about it, not remembering dying and coming back.
She is unaware of her immortality. Now that she's 18, though, she has officially stopped aging. She can get still get sick, hurt, and she can die. It's just, it doesn't tend to stick. Other injuries heal like normal unless she should die, at which point she'll be fully reformed again or otherwise healthy. Which is to say, no injury lasts past one of her deaths.
OOCly: If she dies, she'll be back basically in the next 'scene'. After combat resolves, or the next major plot movement, etc. This stipulation prevents her from dying in combat, perpetually coming back to fight again and again.
Threat Scaling:
Beroe is attuned to the cosmos in a way many are not. It isn't something she's conscious of but it is something that greatly impacts her powers. If Beroe is threatened, and she's aware of it, by something of greater magnitude than her current power levels, they scale upwards to meet the challenge. Using her abilities, however, does not scale in terms of energy cost. Meaning, it's just as difficult for her to create a pocket large enough to grab her phone, at the lowest levels, as it is to create a pocket big enough that a building falls through. The difference here is it'll take much longer for the building to fall through the pocket and onto whatever target she's looking at, then just grabbing her phone. Making it that much more draining. As soon as the threat is gone, handled, or no longer a threat - Beroe begins to lose capacity very quickly. With a big crowd/lots of publicity she can manage to keep her threat scaling for a few minutes after the threat has gone, but with a handful of people around even she scales nearly instantly.
The scale for her abilities are as those described. She starts with pockets about the size of a modern smart phone, and they can grow in size to split a building in two if needed at the utmost top capacity of her abilities. For distance, it scales more from approximately a city radius to interstellar distances.
Notes: The threat must active and something she's aware of, but does not require intent (so a volcano in front of her counts, but not someone in the basement setting a bomb to blow up the building she's in stealthily).
Modeling, Acting, in general being able to pull off fake emotions in a convincing manner. Beroe, most often, uses this to make her already happy go-lucky self become even that much more excited sounding, since that over the top bubbly really sells those likes. However, if it came to it, she could be a pretty good liar.
A moderately talented businesswoman, Beroe has been able to negotiate contracts and pick up enough information to kind of know what she's doing. Is she going to be the next top tier stock exchanger on wall street? No. Not at all. But it would be hard to pull the wool over her eyes if it's related to business organizations, structures, contracts or filing related doo-dads. She just may not know the right path to go, just that someone's trying to bamboozle her.
It may not be the fashion your parents enjoy, or you, for that matter, but her fans like it and it's definitely put together. There's designing that goes into every outfit, how she adjusts it from when she gets it, the makeup she puts on to go with it, the look she maintains no matter the outfit. Even drawing on fake tattoos to enhance her look, Beroe could be a disguise expert if she only was concerned about concealing versus getting likes.
Her selfies aren't always what people would classically call art, but they aren't supposed to be. They follow a design of social media type posts, and she's good at it. Beyond that though she's good at understanding and delivering upon photos of nature, architecture, pets, and products. If she was ever trained on the equipment she'd do well in filming.
Social Media Wiz:
If it's a social media platform, Beroe knows how to work her way around it. Whether that's to garner views, timing, to post videos and updates on her thoughts, or just to search through it to find connections between others. She's got it. Recent rumors about celebrities or others she follows? Or the people they follow? She's up to date on it, and willing to talk about who was seen with who when, and what that could mean!
Although not the richest or best influencer around, Beroe gets enough money from her social media sponsors to manage to afford clothes, food, entertainment. On a regular basis, she can even travel internationally regularly, if she needed, but in the cheap seats. For regular day-to-day purposes she doesn't have to make a decision between fun and survival. Beyond that, though, she really isn't able to manage.
Dr Illy Kazinksi:
A smart lady. Geneticist, Biologist, general medical doctor, but also her adopted mom. Also known as Dr K, is a resource for knowledge and figuring out things much more advanced than Beroe could possibly understand. And, she even dabbled in a little mysticism but is by no means any kind of expert there.
Adoration Powered:
A modern day god needs a modern day fuel. For Beroe this is adoration instead of explicit worship, and she finds it most often from her social media accounts. Every viewer, especially if they like or subscribe, gives her more energy. Without it, she tires quickly. If she's stuck in a room by herself, the adoration will last as people think of her, adore her, keep liking her page, but without new content - she'll lose people, and then lose energy, and then well, eventually she might just fade away.
Dr K knows this link directly but Beroe knows it more from the feeling. If there's a crowd of people IRL, watching her do heroics, cheering her on, she feels like she can't be stopped. Her energy is through the roof. Those who watch her feeds as she does heroics are still nice but she needs a lot more virtual watchers than IRL folks. Even a handful or a party of heroes just paying some manner of attention to her would be enough to stay awake like a normal human. Though if she's forced to confront a threat, all on her own, without the ability to have people watch?? She might get a few tricks off and then her powers will weaken, and fade. Making her just an immortal with no powers.
Given enough time, should everyone forget of her existence and no one be around to witness her, there's a good likelihood she'd fade into nothingness. Much like Tinkerbell.
Day Job:
Not always done during the day, Beroe has time commitments. She needs to stream 3 days a week, do promotional videos, show up for shoots if a sponsor wants that, and otherwise make sure her feed is active with events. Thankfully she tries to do double duty, wearing clothes during crimefighting or making a quick ad before she goes off to save the day, maybe a sip of an energy drink before she stops a robbery? No matter the situation, she has a responsibility and needs to keep up on her day job type tasks, taking time away from her ability to commit fully to the heroics she desperately wants to do full time.
Are you a celebrity? A super hero that wishes they weren't a celebrity? Are you a prominent game designer, or anime producer? Do you make TV shows, or otherwise are in the spotlight? There's a good chance that Beroe would love a picture with you, want to talk with you, spend an exorbitant amount of time in a line just to have you sign a book she's never read, but you wrote and are now a Youtube star. Anyone famous makes her go goo-goo eyed, lose track of what she's doing, and will definitely get her into trouble. This makes her very susceptible to being gullible or believing outright lies, should the person saying them be a celebrity of some kind.
Good people can be manipulated. She doesn't want to hurt anyone, so when she fights crime she does it in the least painful ways possible. She thinks people are all good somewhere, and will give multiple chances to those who seem genuine in their remorse. It also means she can be taken advantage of by those willing to put others in harm's way, as she'll necessarily need to let them go to save the innocent bystander.
Regardless of how long of a life Beroe may eventually have, she's only 18. She just finished up High School and has a basic understanding of the world. Sure, she's got more knowledge of the weird things, but she's not a fighter, warrior, or from an ancient assassin group. She's never had formal combat training, had to go against the truly villainous, or otherwise dealt with traps/strategies/etc. People who have been doing villainy for a short time can probably out strategize her with relative ease.
Scaling Powers:
Since her powers scale accordingly, there are situations in which Beroe may be able to start off strong and as the threats get knocked down a notch, she does as well. Making her only so useful for so long, and better amongst a team or more stable powered folks. The worst situations are where she can teleport to a place a long distance away, but then once the threat is ended can't get everyone home.
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Beroe Kazinski has
25 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Caffeine & Social Media | October 11th, 2023 | Billy meets a social media star that he really likes. They make friends over coffee (but no cannoli) and talk about super heroing. |
After, after hours | August 20th, 2023 | Jacen met a fan by accident getting coffee after a triple shift. Beroe charmed him in her exuberance. |
Busted in Burnley | August 1st, 2023 | During a routine patrol in Gotham, Red Robin encounters Beroe and her questions. He answers some of them, takes down a guy with a gun, and leaves her with an emergency beacon should she ever return to Gotham. No selfies please, though! |
A Trip to the Zoo | February 11th, 2023 | No description |
Who Goes to the Beach In Winter | January 21st, 2023 | Karolina and Beroe meet up after the latter's photoshoot, and an old friend shows up, much to everyone's delight. |
Charity Boxing Beach Bash! | January 20th, 2023 | A charity boxing show at the beach turns a little more intense than expected when a surprising guest shows up. |
Midtown shenanigans! | November 4th, 2022 | Sandwich turns into Social Media Ads, turns into fangirl moment when the Scarlet Witch shows up. |
Serious Subway action, extra pickles | October 8th, 2022 | Pickles? Gross, just like those goons. |
Volunteers Needed | September 24th, 2022 | Cinque and Beroe met for the first time at the Jamii Shelter. Beroe promotes Jamii Shelter on her Insta page |
Lunch on high. | September 21st, 2022 | Sam saves and worried a bit about BEroe. |
Hail Unglorious Hydra | September 11th, 2022 | A group of varied heroes show up to save the day against the evil forces of Hydra! |
So Hot It's Cool | August 20th, 2022 | No description |
You are glowing, my dear | August 1st, 2022 | No description |
Aftermath of the Amazon vs Armored Car Event | July 30th, 2022 | Ice Cream and Mythstory! Histhology? Oh skip it. |
Dance like No One's Watching | July 30th, 2022 | No description |
Skate Tiktok with a Twist ending | July 29th, 2022 | Great friends were made, forged in battle! |
Meanwhile, back at the shop. | July 22nd, 2022 | Forging Tik Tok Time! |
Newcomer to New York. . . again. | July 16th, 2022 | New guy bumps into a kid and finds a place to stay. Yay! |
Housewarming | July 14th, 2022 | Beroe tries to meet Rasputin. Rasputin tries to eat Beroe. |
Black and Red and Dead All Over (Don't Spill the Beans) | July 12th, 2022 | Selene finds an old old old old old old ally in a body that still looks not as young as hers, and makes an influencer's dream come true. |
Running Lines ... not that way, for a tv show! | July 9th, 2022 | Scene Test goes over well, Beroe gets some pointers |
After-Cyborg Action Report | July 8th, 2022 | Friends! After Action complete, Worthington is a real softie. |
The Influencer | July 7th, 2022 | Lights! Camera! Squeeeeeeal!! |
Blood and Borgs | July 6th, 2022 | Beroe, Gabby, Iara, and Warren investigate an apartment linked to mutant kidnappings by cyborgs. They find cyborgs, a kidnap victim, and a whole lot more than they bargained for. |
Fangirl Express with a Shake to Go | July 4th, 2022 | Fangirl!!! |
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Beroe Kazinski has
25 finished logs.
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Entertainment Credits
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Beroe Kazinski has been credited in
1 shows.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
The Count of Monte Cristo | December 8th, 2023 | The Count of Monte Cristo is a movie adaptation of a musical based off the movie adaptation of the book by the same name.
A young man is falsely accused of a crime and thrown into an island prison without trial. Upon obtaining his freedom and acquiring a fortune, the man sets out under a new name on a quest of vengeance upon those who stole his life from him. |
Beroe Kazinski has been credited in
0 albums.
Title | Release Date | Artist |
No music submitted yet. |
Beroe Kazinski has authored
0 books.
Title | Release Date | Synopsis |
No books submitted yet. |
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Group Memberships
Beroe Kazinski has been listed in 0 groups.