Eabha Aine

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  Eabha Aine  
Eabha Aine (Scenesys ID: 4615)
Name: Eabha Aine O'Leary
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Occupation: Student & Model
Citizenship: Irish/American
Residence: New York City
Education: In Progress
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Xaviers
Apparent Age: 16 Actual Age: 16
Date of Birth 10 Mar 2006 Played By Zara Axeronias
Height: 5'7" Weight: 118 lbs
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Hazel
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Born conjoined twins, the two personalities now share one body while trying to figure out their place in this world as mutants. Learning how to deal with their situation and powers, they want to be as normal as possible, while working toward successfully living together in one body.


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*2006 Conjoined twins Eabha (EH-veh) and Aine (Ann) O'Leary are born in LA to plastic surgeons Dr. Aleister and Dr. Caitlin O'Leary.

*2007-2016 The twins learn to work together to control their one body. They begin home schooling.

*2016 During an extremely high fever, their mutation first emerges, their body transforming into a single perfect body with both personalities inhabiting it and able to control it. The family presents the change to the world as an emergency separation having been done with Aine having passed away.

*2016 Enrolls at the Dalton School in New York City, begins learning to sing, dance and act.

*2017 Eabha Aine is scouted by Abrams Artists Agency and begins a modeling career which takes off through her teens.

*2022 Visiting California, an earthquake strikes during a museum tour and the building collapses. The final aspect of Eabha's mutant power emerges as she forms a telekinetic shield that protects the tour group until they can be dug out from the rubble, though no one knows who was responsible. Subsequently Aine discovers the extents of her healing ability.

*2023 During a search for someone to help Eabha Aine with their new powera, the family is approached by Xavier's School where she enrolls.

* 2006: Dr. Aleister and Dr. Caitlin O'Leary, wealthy plastic surgeons to the rich and famous of the world, decide to try and have a child. Over the course of the next six years, there is one miscarriage and a great deal of work with fertility specialists before they are informed in October of 2005 that Caitlin pregnant with twins.

* 2006: On March 10th, conjoined twins Eabha (EH-veh) and Aine (Ann) O'Leary (named after their Irish grandmothers) are born via Cesarean section at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. Much like the conjoined twins Brittany and Abby Hensel, the O'Leary girls share one slightly wider body, numerous internal organs, and have three lungs between them, but only two arms and legs. Medical specialists in the field of twins and conjoined begin offering their medical opinions, to ensure the health of the twins, and of course to begin the process of determining if the twins can be separated.

* 2007: The parents O'Leary make the decision not to attempt separating the twins as their health is excellent as the are, and they are already developing their own personalities while learning to work together with one body. In time they learn to crawl and to walk and talk. Eabha controls the right arm and leg, while Aine controls the left, which requires them to work together for every tiny movement they make.

* 2010: Already rattling off the alphabet, spelling words, counting, and doing simple addition and subtraction, the twins begin home schooling with tutors. Included in their day to day life is play dates with other children their who are home schooled, as well as mastering the coordination required for them to walk, run, play, and even dance and play the piano. A private seamstress is hired to create clothing for the girls to wear, allowing for each to have their own personality on their side.

* 2012: At the age of six, the twins enter private schooling in Los Angeles, and are often the center of attention of the students and teachers around them. Due to always working together, even with the school work, the twins end up in advanced classes rather quickly and are featured in local and national shows quite often for the 'struggles'.

* 2016: Shortly after their tenth birthday a strange, persistent fever goes from ninety-nine to one hundred and four over night which lands them in the hospital. The fever reaches a temperature of a hundred and six, and some time during the fifth night in the hospital, the first part of their mutation occurs. The over sized body they share melts into one perfect body and both girls become one person with two separate personalities inside, either one able to control the body at will.

The O'Leary family claims that a medical emergency required an attempted separation, and as a result Aine passed away. They then move from California to NYC to start over. Their daughters name is legally changed to Eabha Aine O'Leary, and she is enrolled The Dalton School in New York City. She begins learning how to act, dance, and sing, along with the standard required classes. Together in one body, Eabha and Aine still share everything, including double the ability to learn, hear, see, and remember things.

* 2017: Around the age of eleven, Eabha is scouted by Abrams Artists Agency and begins a modeling career. She continues studying the arts at Dalton and is one of the popular kids that makes everything look easy all the way into high school.

* 2022: While on summer break with her parents, Eabha and Aine's mutant powers manifested. During a tour of an old museum house, an earthquake of moderate magnitude struck the area and shook the old building apart. In the basement with the tour group, her telekinetic power exploded out to form a bubble shield around the tour group, protecting herself and them from the falling building. News coverage of search and rescue finding the group safe and sound, literally surrounded by the debris of the building save for the location of the tour group, went out across the internet. No one was able to specifically determine who caused the bubble that protected the group.

Immediately following the incident and their return to New York City, Aleister and Caitlin go on the search for someone, or a place to help Eabha Aine with her new power. With connections around the world from their clients, they reach out to the most trusted associates with hope. Meanwhile, Eabha Aine attempts to get on with her life as if nothing happened, but discovers the psychic healing at school. While signing the wrist cast of a friend, she felt a heated sensation inside her own body, and the friend was suddenly able to start using her hand again.

*2023: Through contacts and friends, Aliester O'Leary learns the full truth about Xavier's School for the Gifted and how they assist mutants in learning about their powers. After five months of searching, Eabha Aine is finally enrolled at the school to begin learning how to deal with being a mutant and how to use her powers.

IC Journal

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Character Sheet


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Heal Others:
[Aine's Power] Just like her ability to heal herself, she can lay her hands on, and heal, others who have been minor injuries, are ill (such as the flu, pneumonia, or a cold), or have been poisoned in some way that would only cause illness and not death.

Heal Self:
[Aine's Power] One part of this power is always on, keeping the twins from getting sick, blocking poisons and toxins, but neither actually knows this is happening. Aine is aware that should they get cut or burned, bump their head or get a headache, she can heal those things if she concentrates.

The single body shared by the twins is perfect in every way. The height to weight ratio is spot on and will always remain perfect no matter what they eat, even if they never exercise at all. Their vision is 20/20, they never get sick, and they age normally.

Split Sides:
In spite of there only being the one body between them, the twins can still control each side of the body as their own. Eabha can use the right hand and right eye as her own, and Aine can use the left side as her own. In this way they can actually be writing two different assignments, and learning two different courses at the same time. They can also watch two different things with each eye, and move them independently of each other.

Telekinetic Balls:
[Eabha's Power] She is able to create ping-pong sized balls of telekinetic energy and throw them about thirty feet. Their effect is minimal, much like being hit with a weak armed throw of a rock, more an annoyance than damaging.

Telekinetic Movement:
[Eabha's Power] Making small items hover and move around is the one part of her power that she has managed to get the hang of, including using the telekinesis to 'throw' things at people. She can lift herself about ten feet off the ground, or lower herself from a height to the ground, but at this time she cannot technically fly.

Telekinetic Shields:
[Eabha's Power] At this point in time she can only manage to form small shields and/or bubbles around herself or someone who is within three feet of her. These shields offer protection from falls of about twenty feet, fire, drowning, and electrocution from exposed wires.


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Eabha Aine able to use both hands as a dominate hand with equal ability.

At this time, Eabha Aine is trained in jazz, Irish step and ballet, with a specialty in ballet. Because there are two minds focused on the movements involved in dancing, and ensuring the body masters the techniques, she is considered extremely talented for her age.

Like most teenagers, Eabha Aine has her drivers license. She can drive cars, trucks and motorcycles.

Modeling and Acting:
Eabha Aine is already a skilled and well paid model for Abrams Artists Agency in New York City. They both began studying acting, and agree that some day they would like to star in movies and television shows.

Musical Instruments:
Eabha plays the guitar, including the bass and Aine plays the piano. Music is one of passions the twins share, so they get along quite well when playing the instruments they have chosen and thus are quite skilled.

Self Defense:
Eabha Aine has been studying Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for almost seven years, and has already obtained a blue belt. Her ultimate goal is a black belt, and thus she practices regularly.


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Large Savings:
Originally it started out as funds from her parents, but has since been added to by her own hard work. Eabha Aine has a added to the fund from her modeling for the past five years. She will fain full access to this account when she was eighteen.

Lots of "toys":
Cars, motorcycles, a Humvee, even a helicopter that she has no idea how to fly but liked because it was bright green. Eabha Aine have access to a number of collected things that rich people call "toys" that honestly aren't useful beyond showing off and having fun.

Wealthy Parents:
Dr. Aleister and Dr. Caitlin O'Leary are a married couple and team of plastic surgeons with patients from all around the world among the rich and famous of the world. On top of this, Caitlin comes from old Irish money that technically allows the term 'rolling in it' to apply. The family has houses all over the United States, two in Ireland, and one in London. They have their own private jets, numerous vehicles, and a yacht in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Eabha Aine has access to her parents money via a credit card in her name.


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Center of Attention:
For their entire life, Eabha Aine have been the center of attention. When they were conjoined, they were surrounded by people always interested in them. When they become one body and started modeling, that attention did not fade, in fact it grew even larger. Now, if they aren't the center of attention they tend to act up and out to regain that attention.

Internal Angst:
Being two teenagers in one body is not all peaches and cream. The two argue with each other regularly about things as simple as the color and style of clothing being worn, what they are going to do that day, and even over what food is chosen to be eaten. Every single thing, big or small, in their life is either a joint decision easily made, an internal argument until an agreement is made or until one of them relents to the other.

No matter which way its looked at, Eabha Aine are used to getting their way and as a result are quite stubborn. If they think they are right, or they want to do something their own way, it takes the movement of mountains to get them to change their mind.



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Eabha Aine has 9 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Another Helping Hand November 15th, 2023 No description
A first date June 9th, 2023 The first date turns out to be a picnic, and reveals that Evan can apparently cook. The weather is perfect, as is the date.
MEIYA NO SAIKEN: Maigo May 20th, 2023 Logan is rescued from Lord Shingen's estate, but something is missing.
MEIYA NO SAIKEN: Shinya no Kessen May 5th, 2023 In the dead of night, sinister figures invade the school in search of the Wolverine! Battle ensues!
Racing Day... Motorcycles, Not Horses April 24th, 2023 Eabha Aine and Evan have a need, a need for speed... though Evan does manage to bounce down the track on his face... don't worry, it's not even a flesh wound!
Look what I can do! April 18th, 2023 Evan shows off a little for Eabha, which gets them both thinking. This ends up with Eabha riding a full sized elephant around the school grounds.
Pit Stop April 18th, 2023 The Suicide Squad heads out for an op but Wade needs to make a pitstop. Only to find out he's storing weapons on Xavier's grounds. Much drama happens but some good as well as old friends meet once again!
Happy Birthday Eabha Aine March 10th, 2023 Eabha Aine's birthday is a complete success! Evan is the recipient of the O'Leary family birthday traditions... also known as A NEW CAR!
A New Face February 17th, 2023 Evan talks to 1 girl and ends up with 2 phone numbers. Way to go!


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Eabha Aine has 9 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Eabha Aine has been credited in 0 shows.

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Eabha Aine has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
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Eabha Aine has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
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Group Memberships

Eabha Aine has been listed in 0 groups.