Gamma Ray

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Gamma Rays-- scientifically known as the Curie-Higgs Boson-- is an energetic particle that was observed in the early 1900s by French chemist Paul Villard. In nature, CHB particles are almost universally encountered with the gamma photons associated with the decay of an atomic nucleus, otherwise known as "gamma radiation". Villard believed that these particles were a component of the gamma photons his experiments were producing. "Gamma rays" entered the public nomenclature during the Atomic Era and became part of the catch-all for any high-energy fields or emissions.

The later work of famed nuclear chemists Marie and Pierre Curie in 1905 separated and observed CHB particles as distinct from radioactive gamma photons. This was a major breakthrough in their studies in the nascent field of nuclear radiation. In 1964, Peter Higgs-- following on their work-- used the Curie Particle to solve longstanding conflicts between quantum mechanics and Einstein's theories. When his mathematical predictions of mass modification was confirmed by experiments, the physics community renamed the particles 'Curie-Higgs Bosons'.

CHB emissions have been seen to spike noticeably during highly energetic events such as ships entering or leaving Hyperspace, or in the wake of significant reordering of otherwise stable matter. With the right technology or conditions, CHB particles can be rapidly shifted into solid matter states at high efficiency (_ie M=(c^2)/E).

CHB radiation therapy, known then as 'Vita-Rays', was used to infuse Steve Rogers with significant new body mass. Later, Bruce Banner was exposed to lethally high doses of gamma radiation during testing of a 'Gamma Bomb' at the behest of the US military. Instead of killing him outright his thyroid absorbed and flooded his endocrine system with these particles, enabling mass shunting and conversion at the cellular level. The mass negation principles of CHBs are a principal component in the function of the Pym Particle.

The process for creating CHBs independent of gamma photons is extraordinarily expensive and energy-intensive. More problematically, CHB particles and gamma photon radiation is extremely hazardous to organic life and is difficult to shield against. Almost every survivor of gamma exposure has been classified as a metahuman.