A small nation north of Madagascar, Genosha has a history of lawlessness. Until 1947, it was ostensibly the property of Great Britain, but largely went without notice. It achieved independence in the 1960s and became an advanced technological nation on the backs of altered mutant slaves, known as mutates. Magneto and the X-Men led a revolvt in 2015 and Magneto took charge of the island after. As of 2020, the population of 16 million was largely annihilated by Brainiac, with only 150k surviving, most having been shrunk by Brainiac during the attack, but later freed by heroes.
After the alien's defeat, Magneto created Asteroid M and left Genosha. Lorna Dane assumed control of the government and has led rebuilding efforts. As of January 2024, the population stands at about 500,000 mutants and humans, two-thirds of who are immigrants who came seeking to help with the rebuild, or just to take advantage of the abundance of jobs and opportunity.

Full History
The earliest mutant residents on Genosha were transplanted following the end of World War II in 1945 as millions of displaced persons were moved around the globe. As Britain began to receive criticism for their handling of refugees into Palestine, they started looking for other locations to 'store' displaced persons. The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration was put in place to supervise the 'temporary' housing of displaced mutants and metahumans into Genosha. Other nations, brokering agreements with Britain, covertly shipped some of their own citizens there as well as the global mutant diaspora was consolidated onto the single island.
Sometime after the 1950s, David Moreau-- aka the Genegineer-- took up residence there. He was unknowingly financed by Nathaniel Essex, who saw the value in using Genosha as a petri dish.
One of Essex's other experiments appeared on the island shortly after Moreau did. With Sugar Man assisting him, Moreau was able to develop the 'bonding collars' that suppress a large number of abilities granted through metagenetic traits. Several years later, Moreau and Sugarman activated dormant technology that made those wearing the collars docile and obedient. These slaves became the backbone of Moreau's work into a new metahuman-- mutates. He started breeding them en masse, and Sugarman provided Essex with the technology for bonding collars.
For several decades, Moreau and Sugarman were able to work largely unimpeded. Their research proved to be vastly helpful to Essex's labors, particularly as he rose higher in the ranks with CADMUS under the auspices of the DEO.
In 2015, Magneto assembled enough information to realize what was happening to mutants on their Paradise Island. With the X-Men and his allies in the Brotherhood of Mutants, Moreau and Sugarman were ousted. Magneto installed himself as Dictator, and, Princeps Primus as the ruler of Genosha. Displaced by his actions, magistrates from Moreau's labs move to America and assist in the construction of improved MkIII Sentinels.
Wild Sentinel attack
In Feb 13 2020, Genosha was attacked by 3 gigantic robots dubbed Wild Sentinels by the press. They were forces belonging to the alien AI known as Brainiac. Most of the island's 16 million mutants and humans died in the conflagration and it was apparently razed, with large sections of the former cities reduced to glass. Brainiac used advanced Kryptonian technology to shrink and bottle parts of Genosha, much as he had taken the Kryptonian city of Kandor.
Brainiac's role as mastermind of the attack was only learned when he returned to Earth with drones harnessing powers developed from the shrunken Genoshan mutant captives. He shrunk Bushwick, capturing the mutant inhabitants of Mutant Town as more fodder to develop his armies from. When Brainiac returned to conquer the rest of the Earth, a coalition of Earth's heroes defeated Brainiac's forces and downed his gigantic ship in the Atlantic Ocean. They were able to retrieve the shrunken parts of Genosha. Later, Reed Richards, Doctor Doom and other scientific luminaries were able to get Brainiac's device functional for long enough to return the captives to their normal size.
The shrunken neighborhoods that had been stolen by Brainiac were restored in Genosha, augmenting the work already going on to rebuild infrastructure there. However, Magneto ripped it all out of the ground and used it to form Asteroid M which ended his leadership of Genosha and left some animosity towards him, which Magneto would later try to overcome with varying success.
His daughter, Lorna Dane stepped forth to lead the island's remnants in rebuilding. About 150,000 mutants and humans survived the attack, with the majority of them having been shrunken captives of Brainiac. Sympathetic nations, corporations and charities assisted with the rebuild.
By 2024, the island's ecology and flora had largely recovered with an assist from mutant powers. The wreckage is largely cleared, with only a few scars left on the land, some of them left intentionally as memorials. Hammer Bay and Carrion Cove were rebuilt, and an influx of immigrants seeking jobs and opportunity swelled the population to over 500,000. The cities are keeping pace with the rapidly growing population, but it may be a generation before the island reaches its pre-attack size.
Geographic Information
Genosha is a tropical island in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa, northeast of Madagascar. Its landmass covers 1,286 square miles. The capital is Hammer Bay, with Carrion Cove being another large port city on the island.