George Harkness

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  Captain Boomerang  
George Harkness (Scenesys ID: 3814)
Name: George 'Digger' Harkness
Superalias: Captain Boomerang
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Criminal
Citizenship: Australian
Residence: Belle Reve, Louisiana
Education: Dropout
Theme: DC (VFC)
Groups: Rogues Gallery, Suicide Squad
Apparent Age: 35 Actual Age: 35
Date of Birth 01 Apr 1986 Played By Jai Courtney
Height: 5'9" Weight: 170 lb
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: AC/DC, "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"

Character Info


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Captain Boomerang is relatively well-known as a mostly failed criminal who uses boomerangs as his signature means of committing crime. No one ever seems to have anything nice to say about him.


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* 1985: Born in the small Australian town of Kurrumburra.
* 1995: Discovered he could make and use boomerangs to be a mischievous menace.
* 2003: Robbed a general store and was sent by his mother to Central City, USA to meet his father, a toy maker.
* 2003: Auditioned for a position as boomerang promoter for his father's toy company.
* 2003: Turned to crime as a more lucrative and interesting career.
* 2004: Had a son but effectively abandoned him and his mother not long after.
* 2004: Fell in with the Central City Rogues, becomes frequent visitor of prison system.
* 2011: Recruited to Task Force X as a way to reduce his criminal sentence.
* 2011-present: Managed to enjoy occasional freedom between committing crimes and paying them off in ludicrously dangerous covert missions.

IC Journal

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Deadbeat Dad:
Harkness has a son, and he knows it, but he's been effectively absent from the kid's life since he was born. Harkness recognizes this is pretty atrocious, and he makes excuses for himself about it--even as he also hates his own father for not having been more involved in his own life as a child.

In order to get his way--or at least to stay alive, against all odds--Captain Boomerang has adopted a highly manipulative approach to interpersonal relations. He recognizes that hardly anyone else in the world will value his survival and prosperity as much as he will, so he's come to employ a robust and well-honed arsenal of deceptive, manipulative tools in order to get his way. Unfortunately, Harkness' reputation is such that everyone who deals with him picks up on this pretty quickly, making his job all the more difficult to achieve--not that it daunts him.

Napoleon Complex:
A man crammed full of insecurities, Captain Boomerang has been mostly successful at pretending to himself that he's become the famous, successful mercenary he wants to be. However, this pretense is flimsy and often cracks, leading Harkness to lash out at those around him in an effort to build himself back up, in his own mind, so that he doesn't have to face the truth.

Harkness is self-serving above all else. He wants to stay alive, he wants to profit, he wants to be the victor in his fantasies. If given the choice between helping someone else vs. helping himself, he'll choose himself--and certainly will do so if the choice involves 'suffering any sort of setback or sacrifice'. Fortunately, he's transparent in this way, so those who know him recognize that he's going to sell out just about anyone he can to get ahead.

Character Sheet


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Harkness is among the world's greatest marksmen when it comes to the use of boomerangs specifically, to the point where he can accomplish incredibly difficult trick shots without even looking at his target or how the boomerang will complete its trajectory.

Captain Boomerang is decently skilled in hand-to-hand combat, capable of holding his own against most conventionally trained law enforcement officers and paramilitary soldiers. However, his knowledge of fighting comes more from 'ad hoc efforts to stay alive when fighting incredibly fast superheroes' rather than from any formal training.

Perhaps because he's such an accomplished liar, Captain Boomerang is a surprisingly competent spy and saboteur. While his Australian accent is difficult for him to mask, he can nonetheless blend in easily in crowds, locate points of weakness or vulnerability, disrupt operations, and otherwise ruin someone else's best-laid plans.

Harkness is a skilled liar and, even when he's not outright fibbing, tends to lean on a wide variety of rhetorical tricks to persuade others to believe him--or, at least, not to completely distrust him.


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Captain Boomerang has an arsenal of numerous kinds of boomerangs for a variety of occasions, including:
* Explosive boomerangs detonate with the power of a rocket-propelled grenade on impact or via hand-held trigger.
* Collapsible boomerangs allow him to carry a larger number of weapons on his person.
* 'Lightning' boomerangs discharge a significant electrical charge that can incapacitate humans or potentially overload technological devices/systems.
* Rocket-powered boomerangs can take out a particularly distant or fast-moving target, capable of speeds reaching mach 1 and with enough fuel to reach a mile out.
* Razor-edged boomerangs serve as his most frequently used type of boomerang, making it perfect for maiming or killing a target or for cutting through important obstacles.

For most of his career, Harkness has worked in a relatively friendly capacity with a number of 'Rogues' who tend to engage in pettier crimes (or, at least, tend not to be murder-happy). While each has occasionally lapsed in regards to this understood ethic, they all understand that they need to work together rather than against one another--and so, when Harkness requires their help, they're likely to come. Of course, this means he's similarly obligated.

Suicide Squad:
Captain Boomerang is a frequent flyer in Task Force X, aka the Suicide Squad, as a way to reduce time on his various sentences and to enjoy the occasional taste of life as a 'free' individual. When acting on the group's behalf, Harkness can assume some level of support from his erstwhile teammates and the US government (even if it's officially denied), but he's on a short leash.


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Captain Boomerang has a number of insecurities that have led him to his current predicament as a wanted criminal, a loner, a deadbeat father, a laughingstock ... the list goes on. While he rarely wants to admit to himself that he's responsible for his circumstances, Harkness does know this--and yet acts against his own interests, often just to refuse admitting someone else might know how to handle a situation better than he does.

As a super-villain of sorts, Harkness has accumulated a number of enemies who have bested him over the years, usually more than he's gotten the better of them. Although he's not always on their radar, chances are these enemies are willing to try and defeat him again when given the opportunity.

He's a non-powered criminal who makes a living with the use of various boomerangs. Harkness tells himself this is the mark of true bravery, but pretty much everyone else recognizes it as absurdity or stupidity--and will clearly communicate as much to him, even when they're working in a friendly capacity. Usually, Captain Boomerang will say or do something that reinforces their point, whether intentional or not.



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George Harkness has 4 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Legends in the Making February 19th, 2022 Bullseye, Captain Boomerang, and La Bruja conduct an undercover Suicide Squad operation at a renaissance faire, and it's mostly successful (unless you ask La Bruja).
Chow Time February 17th, 2022 Dinner in the mess hall at Belle Reve is always questionable, but especially on Taco Tuesday. Luckily, Deadshot and Captain Boomerang understand how to get through an awkward 'family' meal, even if most of the other inmates don't.
The Perfect Comeback February 12th, 2022 No description
By the Book February 5th, 2022 Captain Boomerang is out on a mission to retrieve a long-lost Japanese tome. He manages to 'successfully' barter for it from Saeko, who's come to examine it as well--and who easily outfoxes the rogue.


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George Harkness has 4 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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George Harkness has been credited in 0 shows.

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George Harkness has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
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George Harkness has authored 0 books.

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Group Memberships

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