Harry Jordan

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  Air Wave  
Harry Jordan (Scenesys ID: 3450)
Name: Harold 'Harry' Jordan
Superalias: Air Wave
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: American
Residence: Mobile
Education: High School Junior
Theme: DC (FC)
Apparent Age: 18 Actual Age: 18
Date of Birth 27 Sep 2003 Played By Michael Cera ca. 2003
Height: 5' 7" Weight: 156 lb
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: Bang by AJR

Character Info


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The new and little known Air Wave is known to be the son of the original Air Wave. He seems intent on carryng on his father's legacy. His inexperience shows often but he is full of ideas!


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*2003 Born to Larry and Helen Jordan iMetropolis. Larry was the hero known as Air Wave several years before Harold (Harry) was born.

*2007 Larry Jordan retires as D.A.

*2009 Larry Jordan is killed by a criminal he convicted in front of Harry and Helen. Helen uses her husband's uniform and gear to exact justice on his murderer and turns herself in. She is deemed not guilty by reason of insanity and hospitalized. Harry is brought up by his mother's aunt.

*2012 The Alien Alliance invades. Harry witnesses several superheroes n action and decides to become one like his dad. He manages to acquire his dad's equipment from his aunt.

*2017 Harry makes progress studying his father's gadgets. He does badly6 in school and is diagnosed with PTSD. He also begins experiencing strange electrical phenomena. Phones are silenced around him or blast static. Monitors are distorted. Computers glitch.

*2019 Harry succeed in rebuilding his father's equipment and wears it for the first time. He embarks on a patrol as Air Wave and almost immediately has horrific headaches. This leads to him being hospitalized and missing a year of school.

*2020 Harry tries his luck as Air Wave again. This time his Mutant powers manifest and he is transformed into EM energy. Through trial and error he turns back and learns to turn his helmet into a regulator.

*2021 Harry decides to finish High School, even though he is a year behind. He enrolls late in Happy Harbor as a Junior and immediately proves lackluster in all subjects except Science.

IC Journal

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Fast Learner:
He has spirit but Harry is aware he lacks the training to be a hero on his own. He will seek to learn from any heroes he meets.

Harry loves technology, especially electronics, due to his work, and te fact he can 'hear wifi and other electrical signals.

High Spirited:
Despite the trauma of his young life, Harry is an optimist. He was given these powers for a reason. He figured out how to use his father's gear for a reason. He very much believes the Universe will lead you where you are meant to be and in particular a teacher will present themselves to him.

Harry doesn't use his power to eavesdrop. For one thing it is inadmissible in court, for another, it is not heroic. He isn't above accessing GPS or using communications devices to trail a person.

Harry is going to be a hero like his father. He is willing to risk anything to achieve that. He doesn't consider consequences to himself.

Seeking Justice:
Larry Jordan became Air Wave to stop people who gamed the legal system and escaped justice. Harry will go against the law to get justice. Harry is tenacious and will not let a criminal go unpunished.

Character Sheet


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Electromagnetic Form:
By converting all or part of his mass to energy Harry can become a living energy beam. This allows him to fly, disperses through normal matter and emit destructive blasts or magnetic fields.

As he flies, Air Wave's form becomes more energy and less matter. At subsonic speeds he looks like a human with his legs becoming an energy trail. As he reaches hypersonic speeds he will become a glowing humanoid form. Finally as he approaches top speeds he becomes a barely visible beam of light. He can fly at speeds close a Flash's ground speed.

Energy Blasts:
Harry can use some of his mass to generate a laser like beam. He can stun a meta human or wreck a truck.

Harry can become pure energy. He does this automatically as he flies to protect his body. The degree of dispersal relates to the speed he achieves. At low speeds, up to a couple of hundred kph, he appears human but has a degree of enhanced durability to let him withstand attacks by street level weapons, handgun and heavy impacts. Becoming intangible when not flying requires an effort. Force fields give Harry a lot of problems. He is no harder to harm than anyone else when he is standing still and surprised.

Air Wave's reflexes and thought processes speed up as he increases his speed to allow him to maneuver and avoid collisions. This is mostly limited to ducking or stopping in time. No cramming for tests

Magnetic Control:
Air Wave can manipulate about 50 kilos of metal. He can't shape it, although he might be able to unscrew something given time. Fine control requires a great deal of concentration. This is a new power and Harry has not mastered it.

For pure nostalgia, Harry has kept the skates his father used to travel along phone lines. The skates can be magnetized, allowing him to scale walls. Since he gives off a lot of light when flying, he could use them for a stealthy approach. He can reach a speed of 50 kph.

Spectrum Control:
Air Wave can detect EM radiation. He can hear communications and communicate via radio or telephone landlines. He can jam radio communications as well and interfere with computers or robots. The last requires concentration. He can also reroute and enhance communications.

Wave Surfing:
Harry can ride along radio waves. He retains his human form in this way and is far more stealthy. The drawback is is is far slower, maybe 200 kph, and Harry is not phased and liable to be hurt. Harry cannot fly where there are no radio waves in his human harm. On the bright side he doesn't leave a glowing trail to tip off sensors and e can carry another person or equipment in his arms. He can also track a signal and teleport out of its receiver, which is good for a surprise. This can also disorient harry and sometimes he chooses the wrong receiver.


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Harry can handle himself against a single skilled opponent. Maybe. He's no great shakes by hero standards. Maybe a yellow belt. He can make a fist the right way, and he is not above cheating by flying by to clip someone. Without his powers, the term light weight comes t0 mind.

He has most of a high school education. He is a year older than most juniors due to his father's murder messing up his life

Harry's parents were both lawyers. He read through their papers and studied a little law. He is more knowledgeable than most.

Physics and Gadgetry:
Harry can repair, build or improve most electronics. His powers may be responsible for an instinctive knowledge of such fields. He is good with gadgets.


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Harry's belt works with his helmet to help him control his powers. It also contains hidden pouches with a multi-tool and a few useful items.

His father's helmet lets Harry regulate his powers. He retains the original circuitry that lets him overhear radio and telephone conversations, in case he ever loses his powers. It also protects his head.

The new Air Wave uniform can protect Harry from knife and low caliber gunfire.

Harry has an extensive tool chest for preparing his gear and tinkering.


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Harry's mother is still institutionalized and refuses to see him, now that he has decided to follow in his father's footsteps.

Public Id:
Air Wave went public with his identity early on after he tried to call his mom with his new power and the call was picked up by many others (he has gotten better).

Harry needs to wear his helmet at least one hour out of every 24. If he doesn't he finds it easier to trigger his energy form and harder and harder to return to human. It's similar to a Flash and the Speed Force. His energy emitting powers and spectrum control also become unpredictable and hard to control.

Traumatic Flashbacks:
Harry is mostly cured of the trauma of watching his father 's murder. A like situation will make him react, possibly violently. He may lash out with his energy blasts, blow out electronics in a five block area or slam the person triggering it through a wall. He has some medication to help him and usually takes it before hero work.



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Harry Jordan has 4 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Life Among the Ruins November 23rd, 2021 No description
Reed Catches the 'Wave November 8th, 2021 No description
Rave Meet 'Wave November 2nd, 2021 There's going to BE a race!
Mary, Harry and Joe October 30th, 2021 When Harry met Mary and was absolutely NOT hitting on her.


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Harry Jordan has 4 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Harry Jordan has been credited in 0 shows.

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Harry Jordan has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
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Harry Jordan has authored 0 books.

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