Jack Hutton

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  Jack Hutton  
Jack Hutton (Scenesys ID: 1330)
Name: Jack Hutton
Superalias: None
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Occupation: Freelance Programmer (Unemployed)
Citizenship: USA
Residence: New York City
Education: College
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 21 Actual Age: 21
Date of Birth 05 Aug 1998 Played By
Height: 6' Weight: 162
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Hazel
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Friendly and outgoing, armed with a charming smile, Jack Hutton's here to... figure out why he can suddenly read and influence minds. And help people, if he can, and hopefully not go insane.


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* 1998: Born in approximately the middle of nowhere, Illinois.
* 2002: First science experiment - stuck fork into electrical outlet. Categorical failure, no data gained.
* 2004: In an attempt to curb their son's nearly suicidal curiousity, Jack's parents gave him his first chemistry set.
* 2016: Graduated high school and was accepted into Missouri S & T, with his major in Robotics.
* 2020: Began developing strange abilities to perceive and influence the thoughts of others, did the responsible thing and immediately had a mental breakdown, dropped out of college and fled with all his savings to NYC.

IC Journal

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Aggressively Friendly:
Jack's the type of person that finds awkward people at parties and tries to make sure they're having a good time. It's not really fun if there's someone sad in the corner, after all!

Jack's an extremely empathetic type, and has trouble not trying to help just about everyone who he thinks needs something, and finds it nearly impossible to turn down helping when asked.

If there's one thing that Jack absolutely cannot stand, it's having nothing to do. It's not that he's impatient, more that he feels the need to always be working on something, even if it's a side project while waiting on another. Wasted time is the devil's workshop, or something.

Extremely Social:
Before he started hearing thoughts, Jack was extraordinarily outgoing. Always in crowds, always friendly. Even with them, he's still the social sort, just... maybe not all the time.

Character Sheet


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Vague Influence:
Slightly more useful than reading thoughts, Jack can try to influence them. Not major, and not focused, but he's gotten decent at guiding people on an emotional track they're already on. Making a grumpy person angrier or slightly soothing someone back down to grumpy from anger, or just cheering people up from general malaise.

Vague Telepathy:
Jack can, very slightly, read minds. If he's not trying to sense things, at best he'll get a faint empression of a mood or emotional state. If he's trying, on a good day, he can pick up surface thoughts. Maybe.


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Midwestern Hunter:
Jack's from the Midwest. He grew up around hunters, learned the basics of firearms and tracking, and also how to not fall out of deer stands while blind drunk.

Robotic Engineering:
Jack went to college to build cool robots, and was pretty darn good at it!


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Jack's a fairly smart individual, and managed to keep a decent savings and investment account during his college years. Enough to survive, at least for a while, and enough to get set up.

Scrap Robotics:
Jack has a collection of various bits and gizmos... creatively liberated from his former school's engineering department. Enough to put together a useful thing or two, if he had the time to think about it.


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Physical Harm:
Jack is a frail, squishy human. Guns, knives, bludgeoning objects, particularly sudden stops...

Sensory Overload:
Particularly psychically loud crowds, a person thinking loudly enough, or a direct countermeasure are all more than capable of putting Jack down for the count.

Untrained, Untested:
Jack has basically no idea how to use his powers beyond what little experimentation he's done, and hasn't dealt with, say, superheroes. At all.



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Entertainment Credits

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Jack Hutton has been credited in 0 shows.

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Jack Hutton has been credited in 0 albums.

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Jack Hutton has authored 0 books.

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