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The Lilim are the descendents of Adam's first wife, Lilith. When Adam spurned her, Lilith was thrown out of The Garden and forced to wander the earth. Lilith took on many lovers, including both newly-aware mortals and God's own Angels.

From this, Lilith begat the race of creatures known as the Lilim. They were neither demon nor angel; they had no home, no place in Heaven or Hell or Creation itself. The Heavenly Host entreated them to build a magnificent city in the heavens, a shining place built around worship of The Throne from which The Creator would sometimes speak. This would become the Silver City.

When it was complete, the angels took the city for themselves and refused to house the Lilim among them as they had promised. The angel Samael objected to this so strenuously that he came to blows with his brother Michael and their battle threatened to break the heavens. Samael withdrew in disgust from the Silver City, taking a third of the Host with him and setting out for other realms. The Lilim withdrew from the city, but have never conceded the war against the Host. They wait eagerly for Lilith to call them to arms to march on the Silver City and drive the angels out of it for all time.