Lilli Remillard

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  Lilli Remillard  
Lilli Remillard (Scenesys ID: 2896)
Name: Lillian Remillard
Superalias: None
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Occupation: R&D
Citizenship: EU(France)/USA
Residence: M.I.T. Campus
Education: Multiple Ph.D.'s
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 21 Actual Age: 21
Date of Birth 19 Mar 2000 Played By Janja Garnbret
Height: 5'4" Weight: 120 lb
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Grey
Theme Song: Sansa by Gareth Emery

Character Info


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Lilli is a scientist trying to understand and utilize her mutant power to hopefully find ways to better the world for all the peoples of Earth. Despite her flaws and lack of resources, she is a cautious optimist working towards a altruistic goal.


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*2000 Born and raised in Paris, France. Twin.
*2008 Orphaned. Parents killed in a suicide car bombing in Iraq.
*2009 Adopted by American godparents Henry & June Evans.
Small trust set up for the twins from insurance payouts.
*2013 Discovered mutant ability. Withdrawn from public school.
*2014 Gains some measure of control over mutant ability. On/Off.
Enrolled in private school. Mt. Carmel for girls.
*2015 Almost killed in a drive-by gang-related shooting. Twin & bf die.
Began self-taught/learning about Engineering and Power Systems.
*2016 Obtained early HS Diploma. Accepted to MIT.
*2017 Tested forward in to Ph.D. Engineering. Started Quantum Physics
Invention of QT crystals. Thesis on quantum constructs.
*2018 Tested forwards in to Ph.D. Quantum Physics. Began Comp Sci.
Invention of nanites that use QT crystal as power source.
Thesis on Nanotech as Quantum Constructs.
*2019 Tested into Ph.D. in Computer Science (AI). Started Medical with
MIT/Harvard. Thesis on Dispersed Quantum AI via Swarm/Hive
*2020 Invention of HUD using QT crystals & Adaptive Quantum AI
Allowing direct input/output with connected Quantum AI.
*2021 Starts residency at Boston General. Teaches nanites to construct
QT crystals, granting ability to self replicate. Invents medical
scanner using QT technology. Begins programming nanite
swarm, hence named ArtI, with medical procedures.

IC Journal

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Lilli is intolerant of extremists views, regardless of origin. She blames most of the world's problems on extremists whether is be racial, religious, civic, etc.

Logic Is Queen:
Lilli doesn't panic, or typically stress out at all. A clear level head is better for any situation in her opinion - a philosophy she advocates and lives. Logic is king.

Lilli is against killing. Not that she hasn't wished it, especially in the revenge capacity. Just that the losses in her life and the fact that nothing will bring them back, has made simply made it clear it's best not to have somebody dead to begin with, especially through action. She has nothing against violence in and of itself, just that which leads to a choice of killing.

Lilli is a quiet person. Not because she has nothing to say, but mostly her experience is that people rarely want to hear somebody else's opinion, having made up their own minds already. Coupled with no need to advertise her own & and a bit of social awkwardness leads to a silent Lilli, content to listen rather than participate.

Lilli has a somewhat quirky personality. She tends to speak in questions, which will likely confuse a lot of people that do not know her. Often they are not questions but statements seeking affirmation due to her social insecurities or confirmation of professional theories or opinions.

Character Sheet


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Quantum Tesla Field:
Lilli's mutant ability is to take passing tachyons and convert them into an ambient field that powers anything requiring a power source. It is either on/off. And surrounds her in a 25m radius. The power level requirements do not seem to be an issue to date. It does not work with items that use chemical or physical means to generate power. It also does not interfere with items already receiving power from another source. For Example: It will not work with an automobile whose battery is fine. It will act as a batter if one is missing. It will not act as fuel.


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Computer Science:
Main focus in AI, Quantum Computing and structure.

Focus is in Power Systems, Quantum Constructs & Nanotechnology.

French, English, Spanish & Mandarin.

Resident. Focus is Physiology and use of quantum and nanotech in the pursuit of Medicine.


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Lilli, with the help of her mutant ability has invented nanotechnology in the form of a swarm with both a quantum construct and neural network. Their main purpose is as molecular sized tools in the creations of her other projects. They are purely knowledge based and if not being used hands on, and even in the event of complicated tasks, will need to be programmed with blueprints and procedures and in many cases also proper techniques. The nanites, while capable of existing and operating beyond the range of the field generated by Lilli's mutant ability, rarely if ever do so - as their power sources would be finite at that point. They could last days, if inert, to minutes if exerting themselves. For this reason, Lilli rarely if ever turns off her mutant ability.

It takes the swarm seconds to minutes to hours to days to build things, depending on their complexity and size. It would take seconds to build a component of a component and minutes to build a simple object such as a sword or cane. Hours to build more complex objects and days or longer larger very complex objects - all requiring the proper base materials. While they can create the base materials from other sources, a source is still needed and not all sources supply the required volume. Some matter is simply too complex for the nanites to breakdown without the proper knowledge or techniques. They do not convert energy to matter.

Assuming Form
Much like the nanites can assume a form surrounding Lilli in a 'suit of armor' they are, instead of creating an object, becoming said object. However, it is limited to weight and volume 1/10th her volume and mass, and with very simple moving parts. The transformation generally takes seconds to a few minutes at most. Some examples might include: a screwdriver, bottle, sword, and possible a small chair and possible a can opener, though deconstructing a line around the top of the can would be more efficient.A blueprint is still required beyond the most basic of shapes.

By default, Lilli wears the nanites like a second skin and they provide good protection against firearms, blunt trauma, and cutting weapons. They are most effective against things that use prolonged contact as they will seeks to disrupt or destroy the source. Grabbing and holding on to Lilli is a painful prospect. Against energy or higher caliber weapons they are less effective. And against things such as forcefields or magnetic fields they would be almost ineffective. An EMP would pause them but not disable them as they are based on a quantum construction rather than simply micro sized machines. This is one of the few, if only tasks that the nanites perform without any programmed knowledge. Lilli has hopes at some later point of taking this much further, but she lacks the time, knowledge and materials. Dreams are dreams.

This is Lilli's latest project, and has proven to require significantly more knowledge, programming and technique to be effective. Currently the nanites are capable of monitoring vitals, doing 'lab' workups, and simple techniques that don't require triage such as stopping bleeding, sealing shut wounds, and repair simple bone breaks. Replacing a trauma team or even regular surgery team is far beyond them at this point, though in the hands of a surgeon they could be an effective tool.

Campaign note: At some point, I plan to evolve this technology into a sentient state, perhaps creating a symbiotic state of some sort, opening the way for both more potential and problems. I do not plan on making them hostile or evil, or villainous but definitely the introduction of some moral quandaries at the least.

Lilli has access to MIT laboratories. She maintains a personal one there, though usually not much of importance is stored there. She uses them mostly to work on collaboration and contracted projects from various sources.

Lilli has invented a pistol that relies on her mutant ability and QTF crystls that will discharge an electrical stunning burst, much like a taser. The crystals hold approximately three charges and take a second or two to recharge one charge while inside her QTF field. One charge is enough to stun a normal human into unconsciousness. They have the added effect that they tend to disrupt electrical systems they target as well.

These are a pair of glasses that relay information back and forth between her and ArtI (her nanite swarm). They work using quantum physics, though to the outsider it seems all based on visual displays. Without them changes in directives are woefully limited and mostly reliant on the AI routines in place.

Lilli's wealth stems from inheritance and patents. She owns a flat in Paris, a house in central Virginia, and several time shares around the world. The rest of her wealth is several portfolios set up in a safe long term approach. She owns no vehicles, preferring to rent or call for a Lyft or Uber. Her day to day expenditures are covered by her job which is currently as a Medical Resident at Boston General. Bottom Line: Lilli is barely a multi-millionaire.


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Complexity (Arti):
The nanites are limited by being knowledge based and potentially require a considerable amount of programming and storage capacity. At any given time, they are perhaps only capable of being programmed with up to 10 tasks. Where simple tasks take up 1 slot and more complex tasks more. For instance, monitoring vitals would be one task, programmed with the technique of sewing shut wounds another, the blueprint for a tracking device likely 2 slots, etc. Some of these restrictions are alleviated by the smart AI programming and use of cloud technology to retrieve, and allocate programming complexity but time, access and space are still factors.

Energy Constructs (Arti):
The nanites are incapable of directly affecting things made of energy such as force fields, magnetic 'bottles' or similar energy based constructs and in some cases this may even isolate them from their power source (Lilli's mutant ability), greatly reducing their lifespan.

Gravity Distortions:
Gravity distortions beyond 2x Earth norm seems to have the effect of siphoning off Lilli's QT Field. The greater the gravitational pull or proximity of gravitational powers, the greater the effect. Direct gravitational attacks against Lilli have the added effect of disrupting the field.

Lilli has various reactions to events that stimulate traumatic flashbacks. The sound of gunfire, for instance will cause her to instantly seek cover. The sound of revving car engines may send her into a fugue state as she relives past events, causing her to 'freeze'. Lilli has been under treatment for her PTSD, so if prepared is less likely to be as strongly or at all affected if she knows what to expect.

While Lilli doesn't need tachyons to survive. She does need them for her mutant power to work and for anything not imbued with QT crystals to function. And even then, with the lack of tachyons, said crystals would eventually run out of stored 'energy'. That being said, any 'exotic' tachyons would likely have altered effects and potentially affect her accordingly.



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