Logs 2021

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Title Date Scene Summary
Shine: Together Again January 31st, 2021 Press conferences at the Gotham Gate always go awry. Phoebe outs herself to her parents apparent, her mother's charity case is reopened (Thanks Gotham Health System and Mysterious Benefactor Angelo Tampambulos!), Jim Gordon calls BS and punches someone who everyone who has met him wants to punch, and Laura Kinney is on the trail of her compatriot by the end.
Iceberg Night January 31st, 2021 Late, late night. Selina drops by the Iceberg Lounge when Cole seems to be the only guy at the bar that is not (too) drunk yet.
Fine Dining on the Milano January 31st, 2021 In which mealtime is all just a setup for a good Quill burn.
It's Not Spying If It's On TV January 31st, 2021 Jason stops by the Batcave before patrol, and finds Stephanie researching the demonic imps of Felix Faust whose wounds are now giving her trouble.
Dungeon Meeting - Shaw and Vi Fiore January 31st, 2021 Shaw achieves his objectives: he gets a new alcohol and drug supplier in the Maggia, and he finds a event planning prospect.
Cake Rec January 31st, 2021 Noriko bakes a lot of cakes and carts them up to the rec room. The wolverkin start sniffing around. Family relations are discussed, but Jubilee does not eat the cake. Jubilee's dog form in another dimension is revealed within.
Oh No Wheres Bo January 31st, 2021 Hank invites Bruce over. Bo has a timeout for using the drums too much. Mike has a LOT of questions.
Titans Touch Base January 31st, 2021 Kian and wally get to know each other. Plans to get him home maybe?
Dinner Without Notice... January 31st, 2021 While not fond of crowds, Banner and Wanda managed to have a good conversation and just enjoy the other's company for a while. She helped him with his tracker issue as well.
Secret Doors: Back from Narnia January 31st, 2021 Pepper is back from other-world place of possibly not-evil ghosts.
Badger Badger Badger Badger SPIDER! January 31st, 2021 Spidey makes a fool of himself and and finds himself a clone.
Shine: Up on the Roof January 31st, 2021 Working out some anxiety on the rooftop with Scout, Conner makes sure Phoebe's head doesn't get too cold. Misfit comes up in conversation, and Cassandra is introduced to refined sugar.

We're all doomed.

We Got No Troubles Life Is The Bubbles Under The Sea January 31st, 2021 Jean, Rogue, Paige, Tabitha, Kitty and Warren go out for dinner to the fancy undersea Fathom restaurant in Happy Harbor. It went about as crazily as you'd expect.
Demon Claws Are Not Nice Things January 31st, 2021 Bruce has a social event to be seen at, but first he helps Alfred and Leslie Thompkins check out some demonic clawings on Stephanie that are starting to fester, courtesy of Felix Faust.
SSR: Echoes January 30th, 2021 In 1950, Peggy Carter and Daniel Sousa enjoy a night out at a Chinese restaurant. While there, they see a woman who is the spitting image of timelost SHIELD Agent Melinda May. As they move in to help the woman, they call a pair of agents for back-up.
Falling Sky: The Roxxon Connection January 30th, 2021 Selene meets Han at one of the Roxxon buildings while Elektra infiltrates the place. Revelations are made about what Black Sky truly is and Han finally gets what he deserves.
Headbangers' Ball January 30th, 2021 Julio and Simon make time for pizza and punk rock.
=Thought for Food January 30th, 2021 At the Candle, Booke and Belle, Illyana learns about the power of friendship and tea!

... or encounters an odd, gray-haired girl who seems to know far, far more about dangerous books than she lets on. And tea!

Familiar Faces, Comfortable Places January 30th, 2021 Peggy and Bucky have both been going through a rough patch. They find comfort in each other and remember what good old, true friends do for the soul.
If You Get Back Up; You're Doing It Right! January 30th, 2021 A lot of ant-splaining.
Gritty Streets of New York January 30th, 2021 Sandman robs Tiffanys and some unlikely heroes step in to save the rich people from being robbed... superheroing is odd.
X-Factor Investigations January 30th, 2021 Jamie and Rachel get to know each other a bit, while deciding to work together under the name, X-Factor Investigations.
Welcome to G.I.R.L. January 30th, 2021 Riri is brought to GIRL HQ by Nadia, meets up with Princess Shuri again. Advanced materials science and spaceships are discussed.
The Quiet Game January 29th, 2021 The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen face off against the Aztec god of winter. With a bit of sweet talking and conning, no one dies. Yet.
Don Falcone's Birthday Bash January 29th, 2021 Carmine's birthday is crashed by a strange interloper who kills his wife Louisa with a mysterious toxin via hypersonic syringe ending the night of celebration early.
Guess who's back January 29th, 2021 Bobby returns to the school and has a fraught conversation with Julio.
Mystic Graffiti January 29th, 2021 A soul stolen by the Lady in Red sends mages and druids and Spitfire into the Aztec bone-path searching for answers. The Lady is banished but her demon remains, struck down in an exorcism. But when Anthony Druid tries to reclaim a human sacrifice, the dark Aztec god of winter has something to say about interfering with his midnight snack...
Bad venting January 29th, 2021 Much advice and training will be given after saving from thugs
A meeting of minds.. January 29th, 2021 And all is well. except maybe for the man in the alley.
Raccoon vs Spider: Brooklyn Edition January 29th, 2021 Ghost Spider comes across Irina who has a rather unusual proposition for the Spider.
G.I.R.L. Recruitment Drive: Spider G.I.R.L. January 29th, 2021 Nadia and Gwen finally meet. It turns out Gwen is a geneticist from another universe! So of course Nadia asks her to join G.I.R.L.!
Mos Eisley dug out January 29th, 2021 Babs comes to the Dugout to leave listening devices and runs into Harley Quinn. They share a beer and terrify poor Ron. Think of the children.
Wishmaster January 29th, 2021 Terry seeks to find a way to fix the hole in his soul. Amanda suggests not ABBA, but a man of wealth and taste as a potential solution.
After the Explosion January 29th, 2021 After the raid on the Leviathan lab, Daniel and Peggy share a quiet late night at home.
Bad Cassie, Part II January 29th, 2021 Caitlin and Donna rush to investigate the Invisible Jet's distress call, and locate an unconscious Diana. Cassie is discovered tied up in the trunk of her car. After verifying her identity, they scramble to take Diana for treatment, locate Helena Sandsmark, and gather whatever they need to fight her Silent Armor-powered doppleganger.
A Case of Mistaken Ant-dentity January 29th, 2021 Nadia meets Shannon, who is dressed as Ant-Girl, in her father's lab. It goes about as well as could be expected under the circumstances.
Bedside Mannerisms January 28th, 2021 No description
The Maze of Klabaru January 28th, 2021 The group has a gap in their memories and a minor change to be explained in a future scene.
A G.I.R.L.'s night off. January 28th, 2021 Nadia and Janet have a girl's night in.
Matches and meetings! January 28th, 2021 Food! Videos! Shared stories! Embarassment! Plans for the future!
Emma Frost Presents: A NIGHT OF WONDER January 28th, 2021 Emma hosts a gala style event at Xaviers for the students. Some fun is had, some trouble is had, some news breaks.
An Evening at Luke's January 28th, 2021 A diverse crew hangs out at the bar
Afterlife: The Good Doctor and The Good Lawyer January 28th, 2021 Matt fabricates a way to visit Mark at his clinic in Afterlife where they talk and find points in common. Lash comes in unexpectedly with a child who's sick. Matt realizes it's time for the Matt thing to do and reveals his secret to them. Lash is less growly and Mark becomes more of a friend.
Bad Cassie, Part I January 28th, 2021 Cassie's double gets the better of her, and lures Diana into an ambush. The Invisible Jet saves the day, but leaves Diana seriously injured and the real Cassie locked in the trunk of her car!
Bullish on Crime Fighting January 28th, 2021 Mary and Kate return to the tower to discuss bull-fighting. Wally, Donna, Terry and Kian show up, and drama ensues. Especially right at the end.
The Order of Anarcy January 28th, 2021 Irina protects a child from Jovian's evil doppleganger despite a physical and mental assault.
Act Of Contrition January 28th, 2021 Terry comes to apologize to Gar and discovers that he totally misunderstood his reaction. But what else is new, right?
After the Fall January 28th, 2021 Chizue returns to consciousness...and breakfast.
It's A Hard Knock Life January 28th, 2021 The inimitable culinary wisdom of Harleen Quinzell is dispensed upon Terry O'Neil. If he is a good student, he might be able to learn how to serve some of her specialty knuckle sandwiches and the legendary Hertz Donut.
Checking in on the new recruit January 28th, 2021 Beast drops by Paige's room to catch up and check up on her. She is determined to knock down any wall.
Another You: May Be Time For A Search Engine January 28th, 2021 May calls Lara and Jane in for a consult on how to find her own version of the rage staff. They make it seem way more complicated than she wants. But they're SHIELD. Impossible is just another day at the office.
The Best Day Is Spa Day January 27th, 2021 No description
Avengers and Ice Cream January 27th, 2021 Warren Worthington sends a gift of his company's new ice cream flavors for the Avengers to sample. Oh poor Scott.
Return of the Shredder:Enter the Haga January 27th, 2021 Shredder arises from the dead, fights cute girls and mauls one of them. Spider man saves the day.
Ms. Cottontail January 27th, 2021 During one of Kyle's infamous parties at Porter House, Dez reintroduces herself five years after they last saw each other.

(Content Warning: drug use and creative swearing.)

No Body, No Crime January 27th, 2021 Death is a stylish look.
A thoughtful gift of wrenches. January 27th, 2021 Vivian Vision drops by to meet the newest GIRL recruit Riri Williams. And she comes bearing gifts.
A Quaint Place January 27th, 2021 The second of a first date sees Steve and Janet at a small, very old New York pub. Steve gets an assist from the crowd. Or maybe Janet did.
Good to hide, and hear 'em hunt January 27th, 2021 Terry Sees Shadow People
Afterlife: My Future, Your Past January 27th, 2021 Sky Commander Morse. Pfft yeah right. Bobbi meets Reina and walks away convinced she's a fraud.
Eye of the Tiger, Heart of a Kitten January 27th, 2021 Scott works out hot and sweaty at Avenger Mansion gym. Power Girl secretly watches from afar and then sets on a favorite song of her's enticing him to get larger. Next thing you know Scott is on his back and Karen is telling him all about his duties he needs to perform.
GIRL Recruitment Drive: The Iron GIRL January 27th, 2021 Nadia meets Riri. SCIENCE! is talked. Another GIRL joins the team.
Ill Advised Career Counseling. January 27th, 2021 Strix goes to Deadpool to get some advice. Shenanigans happen.
It Came From the Deep January 27th, 2021 An ancient horror, a great old one you say? To the books, heroes!
Partners, On and Off the Field January 27th, 2021 1951: Peggy Carter and Daniel Sousa take a SHIELD recon mission for a new Leviathan site. Things go horribly wrong. But the reporters are happy at the end of the night.
Visit to the Planet January 26th, 2021 Conner visits the Daily Planet and meets an intern
Time to pack our bags January 26th, 2021 The plan is made, the participants chosen. To Oa they go! Up up and Away!
Let the Right One In January 26th, 2021 Via mystical measures, Nessa tracks down Katsumi. Despite an odd debate in which each tries to take the blame for causing the rift, both seem to agree they don't want to be without the other.
A Little Birdy Told Me... January 26th, 2021 Magical paths broaden a demonic conspiracy. A hunt for meaning leads to some bloody discoveries.
Mall Madness January 26th, 2021 Noriko and Jubes head to the mall to spend Warren's money but get into some trouble instead.
Afterlife: A Little Quiet Time January 26th, 2021 Matt and Daisy talk about her training with Jaiying and Daisy shares the Song of the Universe with him.
Terry and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day January 26th, 2021 TFW you feel you have your tail between your legs, but no longer have a tail? That's Terry as Donna and Wally are caught up on what exactly happened in his most recent encounter with his Doppelganger.
Another You: Getting A Hand Up January 26th, 2021 The wounds of the soul are the hardest to heal, sometimes. So, thank goodness for telepaths.
Meeting of Many Minds January 26th, 2021 Mania, Terry, and Spidey meet for Chinese food and plotting how to deal with imposters.
The Case of the Mysterious Photo, pt 1 January 26th, 2021 Rose is shadowed by some mysterious figures!
Afterlife: There is no spoon January 26th, 2021 Daisy gets another lesson from Jia on the nature of her powers and learns that daughter or not, there are rules that must be observed.
News for the Big brother January 26th, 2021 And Paige shares her good news.
One Cold January Night.. January 25th, 2021 No description
Dance Dance Socialize January 25th, 2021 No description
Killing monsters, Making friends January 25th, 2021 No description
It Came from the Deep: Pelagic Nightmare January 25th, 2021 Unleashed extra-dimensional terrors are fought, Meggan impales Eldritch Horror with her giant spear, Hyperion discovers his Laser Eyes are over 9000, Orbital weaponry is fired, new volcano created, Julio eats a kaiju, Scott is abducted into SPACE!, and Rhodey has a fascinating report to write.
Non-Violent Heroics January 25th, 2021 Katsumi reaches the end of her rope and realizes she's found herself in a dark place. She reaches out to Jennifer for help. But this isn't the kind of problem that can be punched away.
One of These Things is Not Like the Others January 25th, 2021 Lois' doppleganger nearly kills her with a drug cocktail meant to put down a horse. Superman comes to save her just in time and they have a sincere heart to heart in the Fortress of Solitude. (Content Warning: Heavy drugs use and discussion of overdosing.)
Think It'll Snow January 25th, 2021 Warren shares some disturbing news he received. A pair of rough days.
Return Of The Shredder: II January 25th, 2021 Spider-Man and Mania stop a Jewelry Store robery but the Foot Clan get away with the lid of a burial Urn.
A Plan for Mayhem January 25th, 2021 Quentin makes lunch plans with Ruth. Food. Training. Mayhem.
What The Water Gave Me January 25th, 2021 Congratulations, you've been asked to save the world from Cthulhu Balrog monster!
Sunny Side Up January 25th, 2021 Clint makes breakfast and almost burns the eggs!
Getting Strix with the Spidey January 25th, 2021 Spider meets Owl.
ToBeTitledSoon January 25th, 2021 Jubilation continues peppering the school with flyers for her talent show. Paige gets an offer from Warren. Everyone gets creeped by Ruth.
Ghost Stories January 25th, 2021 In the wake of the spectre attack on her condo, Jacqueline joins Peggy at her apartment for the night. While they discuss the realities of the occult investigation ahead of them, they also find themselves recognizing the toll virtual immortality takes on the soul.
Raves not caves January 25th, 2021 Julio and Simon arrange to go out to a punk show. Everything goes incredibly smoothly and there are no misunderstandings.
Afterlife: Doubts January 25th, 2021 Doubts arise in Daisy about this place when Matt tells her what they have found at Afterlife. They plan what to do next and Bobbi comes along bearing gifts in the form of bacon and they talk more about the mission and themselves.
Wanderers and Stags January 24th, 2021 A dance is had between friends.
Cafe Outing January 24th, 2021 A pleasent brunch, stories swapped and a good time!
Death Train to Khandaq January 24th, 2021 The Joker's sworn to derail Big Iron, an experimental Russian mag-lev train, and murder the SKV agents who've coopted his old arms dealing racket. Can the Clown Prince of Crime be stopped? Or is this all part of a game no one's been told the rules of yet? Shell Game continues here!
Brick. Grid Wire. Pipes. January 24th, 2021 Hank and Shannon look for a missing studio owner and his evil double
Double Jeopardy January 24th, 2021 Rescue is at hand for Wade but will it be too late?
Broken Mirrors: Prey for Spiders January 24th, 2021 Natasha wakes up on a table minus a fair amount of blood and fights her way out of a Red Room 'Clinic' shortly before is explodes.
Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right January 24th, 2021 Katsumi comes to collect her suitcase from Nessa's apartment. Everything goes wrong in an attempt to make right.
Saved by the Cell January 24th, 2021 Peggy and Constantine arrive to bail Jacqueline and her 'guest', psychic Flora Lopez, out of a quickly decaying situation. When the day is finally saved, half the heroes are down and Peggy's got a sensitive AAR to write.
=A mid morning stop over. January 24th, 2021 Two speedsters make way too many doughnuts, while we learn more about The Silver Banshee.
One-Two Knockout January 24th, 2021 Katsumi drags Nessa out to try to learn what triggers her bizarre powers. In the process, a lot of things get pulverized.
Return to Hogwarts January 24th, 2021 Lucifer visits Nessa after returning from LA.
Creating A Little Happiness January 24th, 2021 Kitty shoots pool while she and Piotr chat about events.
The Pride of Antiquity January 24th, 2021 Terry takes Evan to have a consultation with the Amazons.
Return Of The Shredder: Marionette Maker January 24th, 2021 The vessel for shredder's soul is contracted out by an unwitting partnership between Toyman and one of his old friends.
Afterlife: The weakest link January 24th, 2021 Matt and Bobbi discuss what they've found out about Afterlife. A dark premonition threatens to end the peaceful life of the village.
Smile! You're on Closed Circuit Television! January 24th, 2021 Hank has doppleRod look through security footage to put a face to Gellar.
All That Glitters January 24th, 2021 Agents May, Hunter, and Glass try to prevent a Hydra heist at the New York Federal Reserve Bank. They're mostly successful... and they walk away with some dangerous (and intriguing) new Hydra tech.
Karita's Birthday Celebrations January 24th, 2021 (Back dated to Karita's Birthday) It's Karita's birthday! Andy has dinner and ice-cream plans, Karita has others. They meet in the middle.
A Late Night Drive January 23rd, 2021 Lyle and Sally Pride bond over a car chase. Promises of a future meeting are made
Talent Show For Gifted Youngsters January 23rd, 2021 The First Annual Talent Show For Gifted Youngsters (presented by Jubilation Lee) is a success! Hank, Ruth, Paige, Sam, Quentin, and Bobby put on some great acts, but the panel of judges -- Emma, Kitty, Jean, and Rogue -- gave the nod to Hank for his tribute to Rocky Horror! Cameos by Professor Xavier and Illy. Day saved by Noriko. Donation money successfully embezzled. Promotional consideration provided by �chr�BURGER JOINT.�c/�
Another You: Fool Me Twice... January 23rd, 2021 Terry discovers that it is always dorkest before the dawn.
Return of the Shredder: Alleyway Aftermath January 23rd, 2021 The 'Good Guys' take a pause in the alleyways after fighting The Foot to take notes and trade numbers -- as... you know... girls do...?
Noir Movie Night at the Outsiders January 23rd, 2021 The gang gather to watch Dirty Harry and talk about the latest missadventures. Problems will not all be solved with a .44. Probably.
Afterlife: Unexpected Encounters January 23rd, 2021 Matt comes across Reina during his return from looking around Afterlife. She has answers about what is to come, but are those the ones he wants to hear?
This Life Is Better January 23rd, 2021 Ruth Aldine is
Return Of The Shredder: I January 23rd, 2021 The Footclan steal vital research data to a nefarious end after getting their backsides kicked royally in an open street rumble
Welcome to Ancient Modernity January 23rd, 2021 Statue vs Mexican Coca Cola. FATALITY! Cola wins!
1950: The Aftermath of Melinda May January 23rd, 2021 Daniel and Peggy spend a first pleasant morning together and dare to let themselves be vulnerable with each other.
Another You: My Own Worst Frenemy January 23rd, 2021 Hunter meets (ugh) Babs and Lancelot, bullets fly, fists are thrown, and everyone leaves alive, for now, but worst of all his double supports Manchester United.
Friday Night's All Right For Spelling, Sans Demonic Tomes and Nazis January 23rd, 2021 Weird liquor for the cost of a childhood memory? Sure! As long as I'm not paying.
Loose Ends: Know thy enemy January 23rd, 2021 Peggy goes to Spaaace! for a meeting with the director.
Special Delivery January 23rd, 2021 Tabitha deliverys a package to Cain.
Lion Around In The Museum January 22nd, 2021 No description
A Match Made in Hell(fire) January 22nd, 2021 No description
Taking Out The Trash January 22nd, 2021 Jason takes down drug dealers, and waking Stephanie from a REALLY nice dream in the process.
The Measure of a Good Hunter January 22nd, 2021 An old hunter in a pinch meets an old friend and violence is had before moments of reminiscing.
Guthrie v2.0 January 22nd, 2021 Paige Guthrie applies for the X-Men. She is very insistent.
Kat as Catch Can January 22nd, 2021 Spider-Man has a little chat with the Punk Princess, post-Origin.
Secret Doors: A wind in the door January 22nd, 2021 Pepper is pulled from her ghostly 'vacation'.
Don't believe the Hyp January 22nd, 2021 Hyperion and Thor chat about a myriad of things.
A Signal About Monsters January 22nd, 2021 Commissioner Gordon sets off the Batsignal, summoning Batgirl and Orphan to hear about a murder and abductions by monster hunters seeking Ariah.
Old School Training January 22nd, 2021 May assesses Jethro's hand-to-hand ability and they talk a little about being displaced in time.
Private Moment January 21st, 2021 No description
Dream/Weaver January 21st, 2021 No description
Afterlife: Jacob and Mark January 21st, 2021 Bobbi meets Doctor Mark who helped Jacob understand his Inhuman gift. He hopes Bobbi can replicate the magic, but nothing happens.
Traf-fickle January 21st, 2021 Scott hates New York traffic, teaches Mike Hannigan the joys of marionettes.
Tough Love and Mad Science January 21st, 2021 Rod and Reed get danish. Mike gets a guard ant. Hank gets intense.
Husky Workouts! January 21st, 2021 Drake runs into Paige in the gym, and the two get in a bit of a workout. Despite some incredibly jarring discoveries, they make plans for the near future.
Afterlife: Night Moves January 21st, 2021 Matt explores Afterlife during the night and finds out things are not all as they seem.
A Mountainside Dance January 21st, 2021 Oliver and Vanessa enjoy dancing and dinner at the ski lodge while on vacation.
Crossroads and Where to Find Them January 21st, 2021 Blade gains a wealth of information and a plan.
Hello Dani! January 21st, 2021 Dani, Rahne and Rogue go on a mini-adventure to track down Rogue's wayward dog in the forest.
1950: SHIELD's First Days, or Night. January 21st, 2021 1950, Daniel Sousa moves back east to help with the founding of SHIELD. Peggy and Daniel have an evening discussing how to handle living in the same city, and what that means for their relationship.
So I Was Thinking... January 21st, 2021 Birds can take action, it seems.
bank Robbery January 21st, 2021 Flash and Owari dine out post bank robbery foil.
Homecoming, sort of January 21st, 2021 Kurt, Logan, and Kitty greet Talia and make her feel really welcome. Kid from the future? Must be Tuesday.
One Night at Teddy's Tacos January 20th, 2021 Funky silliness happens in Teddy's Tacos.
In a family way January 20th, 2021 Talia and her mother meet for the first time in this reality, and all conversations still have to happen over food.
As Silent As The Grave January 20th, 2021 Demons dance, dark gods cavort, and the bone road awaits the mages going two by two, hurrah, hurrah...
The Jar, The Bell, and The Wheel January 20th, 2021 Felix Faust manages to acquire the Jar, the Bell and Wheel, summoning the Demons Three. While the heroes managed to deal with the demonic invasion of the Gotham Museum of History, the wizard and his new followers make their escape.
The British Invade... the Breakroom. January 20th, 2021 Lance and Peggy finally get to properly meet each other. He reveals to her the secret tea stash. She reveals she's not quite drank all the SHIELD kool aid one would expect from a founder. He tricks her into a drinking night with Bobbi.
This is the Way January 20th, 2021 Combat training time for Kara at the Tower as Troia teaches her more of the Way of the Amazon, and invites her to think about where it might lead.
Afterlife: Welcome Home January 20th, 2021 A family reunion, Daisy's next life. Jia teaches her daughter how to hear the song of the universe and makes a connection with her that they have both wanted desperately. Daisy is welcomed home.
Don't Say the Word... January 20th, 2021 Blade goes to the library. It goes about as predicted.
Lips Wide Shut January 20th, 2021 Kasios discovers a man's death is awfully surreal.
Lab Partnership January 20th, 2021 Great minds think alike! Science and Chinese food. OK.
Return of the Tanuki-chan January 20th, 2021 Spider-Man and Owari re-connect.
Lab Partners January 20th, 2021 Magic, Science, two tastes that go great together. Not.
Sending a Fox Message January 19th, 2021 A date!
Hell's Bar January 19th, 2021 Two curmudgeons meet, it goes about as well as one might expect.
Crossroads January 19th, 2021 PANIC! The NLWF is leaving for Japan in an hour! Katsumi calls Nessa and finds herself at a crossroad with a very difficult choice to make.
A Day On The Slopes January 19th, 2021 Warren and Kitty hit the slopes, with Warren trying out a snowboard for the first time.
Silence of the Class January 19th, 2021 Professor Gottfried Brant keels over after an ominous Latin chant. What caused Kasios to stab him and Meggan to fight with shock? Find out next time...
Stop Stealing My Daughter Already January 19th, 2021 Another day, another attempted kidnapping on Cassie this time by Vulture II. Thankfully a lone gunman is there to lend a hand. Well, bullets.
A Chocolate Conspiracy January 19th, 2021 Nebula defeats the chocolate ambitions of Rocket and Groot...for now, saving Rocket from showing emotions and stuff.
Kurt's Bar - Chance Meeting January 19th, 2021 While hanging out at her favorite bar, Ballista runs into one of the other mutants she's quarreled with in the past. The two hatch a plan to get Ballista out from under Null Corp's oppressive thumb.
Carnival Calamities Cause Crisis January 19th, 2021 Scott attends a fund-raising carnival for his daughter's school that he certainly did not break. Joan gets unexpectedly sat upon by a rainbow gorilla, Meggan tries to ruin Scott's bad boy persona with her photography, and Wanda is up to something fishy.
Another You: The Incredibly Shrinking Micronauts January 19th, 2021 In order for Gar to have more time to heal, Nadia takes the boys to a world... of pure imagination (and science.)
Sleepy Storm January 19th, 2021 Ororo and Noriko visit Emma. Ororo falls asleep before she even makes it to the hot tub. Emma Dr. decides that the best medicine would be a spa day.
Zombie hunters January 19th, 2021 Julio drags Simon down into the cave near the ski slope to look for zombies and confront him about his attitude, and it turns out he's all outta zombies
The Beast's Gambit January 18th, 2021 The plans of the Beast's Paw come into greater focus as they manage to successfully achieve at least part of their objective with burning of Chinatown and the trap to provoke more violence between the gangs of Gotham. Still, heroes like Batman, Batwoman, the Shadow and the unlikely Harley Quinn prevent the loss of life from being as great as it could have been.
Sealed With a Kiss January 18th, 2021 A medium comes to reclaim a package, and it turns out to be more than Jacqueline bargains for.
Bad Medicine January 18th, 2021 Under the guise of sneaking off with Peggy after the welcome-back party, Constantine instead finds information related to his quest for a dark and mysterious series of relics. Peggy discovers just what kind of person Constantine really is.
Going downhill January 18th, 2021 students have fun and frustration,
Another You: The Mirror Has Two Faces January 18th, 2021 The more some things change, the more others stay the same.
Days of Yore January 18th, 2021 Jethro searches out another time-displaced individual in the person of Steve Rogers.
Whats that thumping noise. January 18th, 2021 And the untrusty van is made semi trusty.
Times that Bind: Epilogue January 18th, 2021 The best of SHIELD gather at the SWORDFISH to welcome Agent May back to the present. Cake is had. Whiskey and shots. And a very surprising hologram.
Consulting An Expert (follow up to January 18th, 2021 After being visited by a demon, Jessica has her world view rattled a bit, and she seeks Matt for his expertise in all things religious.
The Great Stressing Bake-Off January 18th, 2021 Nessa tries to cheer Kat up with some baked goods, but it ends up being something unexpected that cheers her up instead.
The Path to Normal January 18th, 2021 Following the horrible mishap at the Four Corners event, Jennifer Walters pays Katsumi a visit and offers a badly needed uplifting word.
Toadally Legal Business January 18th, 2021 Toad gets Johnny Storm to try out the hot new drug AMPH. Torch just can't say no!
Iron Fortitude: Working Interview January 17th, 2021 Fitz and Hunter ingratiate themselves in to Iron Fortitude. The pay is big, the work is messy. They inject a bit of morality in to the mix. The mission doesn't entirely go off without a hitch.
GIRLs Gather! January 17th, 2021 The Mori case is discussed.
It Came from the Deep: Into the Abyss January 17th, 2021 A city is saved, a Simulacrum put to rest, and an Ancient Evil unleashed. Also Meggan is secretly a sparkly bright shining glitter princess.
Iron Fortitude: Oral Tradition January 17th, 2021 SHIELD finds the victims of Naasif el-Lodi and gathers evidence of his wrong doing. Perhaps enough to convince the UNSC to start a serious investigation in to him. Perhaps alerting Naasif that SHIELD is on to him.
Xavier School Ski Weekend: The Hunger of the Night January 17th, 2021 A group of Xaviers students and residents stumble upon a murder in the ski town, and track the perpetrator into the woods. The creature - a serial killer inhabited by the Wendigo-like Giwakwa - attacks them but is defeated, the evil spirit banished by Illyana's soulsword while the physical shell is blown to bits and smacked around by Talia and Rogue. Afterward, fearing the presence behind the possession nearby cave, Rogue moves to seal the entrance, and Jean (who arrives late to answer a text for help) aids her in sealing the rocks. Surely, its evil will never trouble the town again... or them!
Blast From The Past January 17th, 2021 Oh how nice a friend came to visit. He's dead? Oh. That can't be good.
Sonnez les matines January 17th, 2021 Magical meeting in the park. The sound of the bells of the Cloisters is discussed briefly. This warrants more investigation!
Deadly Dockyard Damage January 17th, 2021 Slade ensures an accident on a Moroccan party Yacht for Carmine Falcone after the owners refuse to play ball.
Who's The Fairest.... January 17th, 2021 Kian and Vorpal discover that Colette has a doppelganger after all - and not all doppelgangers are alike.
Get New Prospects January 17th, 2021 Billy Kaplan comes to the Tower, looking for a place in the team. Welcome to the team, Wiccan!
Pizza and Frenchfries January 17th, 2021 The X-Kids hit the slopes on the first morning of the big ski trip! Some first timers get started on the bunny hill while the more experienced kids show off a little. Noriko discovers that, like in many other things, it's easier to just go fast.
Another You: Dealing With Yourself January 17th, 2021 Donna, Terry and Gar talk about the Titans, and how they are going to deal with the Doppelganger crisis.
Lodge Life January 17th, 2021 School people meet up for dinner at the lodge after a day of skiing. Students and others meet Talia.
Shine: Broad Daylight aftermath January 17th, 2021 Tim makes the suggestion to turn Phoebe into the Johnson's to determin just who has the bounty on her head as Balm. Rose Wilson gets healed. Tim definitely has 20-sided dice hanging about somewhere.
Chasing Skies January 17th, 2021 Chasing a lead after the Hand's train robbery brings Elektra and Selene to a gala at the Rubin museum of art. They meet an old 'friend' of Elektra's and plans are made.
Flying Home January 17th, 2021 May insists on flying a Quinjet back to the Triskelion. Peggy sits in as co-pilot-in-training. But, quinjets have autopilot, so mostly the two just talk. There may be a tear or two. But if you ask them, they'll deny it to their dying days.
Two Mutants Walk Into A Bar January 17th, 2021 Ballista and Sally Pride stumble across each other at a dive that serves mutants, but trouble unfolds as a group of local toughs don't like this bar's clientele.
Fighting Cabin Fever and Ourselves January 16th, 2021 No description
Another You: Can I Borrow A Cup of Lab January 16th, 2021 Terry comes to Nadia with a crazy idea. It turns out, nothing is too crazy for science!
The Worst Kidnap Victim Ever January 16th, 2021 A bunch of bank robbers think they find a bigger prize, only to lose everything.
Let's Do The Time Warp Again (Part 2) January 16th, 2021 Under heavy fire from Leviathan, a determined corps of SHIELD agents defends the 2021 anchor site of the mysterious time anomaly that swept Melinda May away so many weeks ago. Once she's safely home, in finest SHIELD style, they blow the thing to kingdom come.
Shattered Glass January 16th, 2021 Do not mess with Ginny.
Let's Do The Time Warp Again (Part 1) January 16th, 2021 Agent Carter and her SSR team defends the time bridge machine from a Hydra attack.

Hydra's goal? Capture the machine and capture SHIELD Agent Melinda May. They just didn't count on the fact that these SSR agents are the same people who will become the founding agents of SHIELD... and the family that inevitably represents. Needless to say, May's return trip home is all but assured.

She hopes.

Just in Time January 16th, 2021 In the aftermath of returning Melinda May to her future timeline, Peggy and Daniel have a heart to heart. Which ends in a kiss. And a plan for a hotel room later on to continue their conversation.
Finding the Sword's Owner January 16th, 2021 Stephen gets berated for loosing an ancient weapon. Brunnhilde stays drunk.
A night in with the Outsiders. January 15th, 2021 No description
Don't Say A Word January 15th, 2021 The world continues to unravel at the hands of a King of Hell.
Voice of an Angel January 15th, 2021 Warren and Kitty test out the new karaoke machine.
Best Worst First Date Ever January 15th, 2021 Noriko tries to salvage something of her first date with Jubilee...and succeeds! Funsy teenage times are had and Noriko asks Jubilee to be her girlfriend after implying the question with 'expert' subtleness. After explicit obligatory questions are exchanged, the answers are yesyesyes!
Four Corners of the World! January 15th, 2021 The time has finally come! The long-awaited Four Corners of the World professional wrestling event is underway! VIPs enjoy craft services while watching the action and getting to know the talent. Meanwhile, things in the ring heat up! Until something goes horribly, horribly wrong.
Another You: Bleake House January 15th, 2021 Terry walks into a trap set for him in Bleake Island, but fortunately Red Robin comes to the rescue. The plot thickens as it turns out that Terry's worst enemy is himself.

And Damian is still a butt.

A Chance Opportunity January 15th, 2021 Two art connoisseurs admire a lovely piece, finding they have more in common than expected.
The Italian Lunch January 15th, 2021 A vacationing Karolina is found by a fellow Titan! Terry tarries not in taking time to partake in the tastes of the promise of a good trattoria in Sardinia. Karolina shares insights on a hero moniker, and the two head for food!
The Same Old Song and Dance January 15th, 2021 Sousa is in a bad mood and Rose has a pretty good idea as to why.
Lunch for Zero January 15th, 2021 Peter invites his co-worker, Doug, to lunch at 20 Ingram Street.
The Gears that Gods Build January 15th, 2021 Blade arrives on four wheels with another task for Kokumo, leaves on two.
Back to School January 15th, 2021 Rachel is back to the school, and the X-Men
You Mean This Is Not The Black Diamond January 15th, 2021 Oliver teaches Vanessa to ski on the bunny slope.
Climbing the Social Ladder January 15th, 2021 Lara climbs a mountain when some old goat shows up.
Stretching the Truth January 15th, 2021 Scott meets a suspiscious Kamala and lays upon her his woes of a leggy redheaded stalker. While robbing Pym-Tech. Again.
California Teaming January 15th, 2021 In 2021, Peggy makes another unexpected call across the timestream to May in 1949... only to hear Daniel Sousa's voice coming across the line. Although there's work to be done, there's no question that important things never really die. And don't entirely fade, either.
Desert Heat January 15th, 2021 Daniel comes to confess something very important to Peggy. She returns his feelings but ends up pulling away, as work always seems to have her loyalties first.
Super PHD experiments January 15th, 2021 More science is decided for the future!
Get Cultured January 14th, 2021 No description
Sam and Alexis: A walk in the park January 14th, 2021 No description
Another You: GAMMA WOMMAN FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION January 14th, 2021 Doppleganger Jennifer Walters goes on a rampage in Times Square, doing major property damage and scaring the heck out of tourists. A rag tag bunch of heroes show up to stop her before she manages to kill someone.
Afterlife: The Reunion January 14th, 2021 Matt, Daisy and Bobbi arrange with Jiaying to meet them at Harry's Bar so they can go to Afterlife. Secrets are shared, trust is weakened but then Jiaying appears to whisk them all to Afterlife. Daisy sees her mother for the first time and it goes as awkwardly as one can imagine.
Xavier School Ski Weekend: Wheels on the Bus January 14th, 2021 The Bus makes it to Vermont! There's a screening of Beetlejuice, a ukulele concert featuring Journey, and everyone enjoys a good meal! And we didn't even lose Kevin!
Getting Off Work - TBD January 14th, 2021 Jubilation visits Noriko to surprise her at the end of her shift at her new job at the bowling alley, but Noriko surprises her instead. Then they eat stuff.
Third Wheel Strikes Again! January 14th, 2021 Noriko and Jubilee try to go on their first official date. Simon shows up to begin his unwitting villainous (social flavored) onslaught! He's just trying to be a good friend when Ellie also unwittingly pens them in. Noriko finally causes Jubilee to have had enough mortification and flee after she becomes the casualty of a static shock...and soda.
Old Graves January 14th, 2021 Nightgaunts walk the graveyard of Trinity Church in Tribeca. The Witchblade senses them interrupting a delicious Korean meal with Angelo Tampambulos. Amanda Sefton arrives by portal to lead them into battle.
Hush, Little Cleric... January 14th, 2021 When a Jesuit scholar goes missing, Blade discovers there's more than he can chew to deal with. One missing scholar, one cult? What's to worry?
Another You: The Story So Far January 14th, 2021 Terry gets Kian caught up on everything that has happened, and they make plans for everything that is about to happen. More or less.
Five-Finger HYDRA Discount January 14th, 2021 John comes to visit Peggy with some information about the artifact he stole. They come to realize they aren't so different after all.
...But Which Was Which Cat January 14th, 2021 Spider-Man meets Anti-Vorpal, and many Rocky Horror references are made.
Cat+Cat=Pics January 14th, 2021 Terry comes talk with secretary Harley who welcomes chocolates until the doppelganger-Terry arrives. There's confusion, making out, catception, selfies and unconsciousness!

So it's all pretty much business as usual!

TJ Phone Home January 14th, 2021 Pizza Party with X-men and Titans to hand off a Ragamuffin Waif Stray to them
Fielding More Questions January 14th, 2021 The very important education on American Football, Superbowl Parties, and Superbowl ADS continues with Jamie and Rachel.
Monsters Together January 13th, 2021 Jubilee gently probes Noriko about her incident in the training session ran by Emma. Noriko breaks and reveals some harrowing details of her past with her father. After the clouds part from their conversation and they fair past the iceberg, they break their own rules. Also, there's a NoriBuddha. (WARNING: Discussion of physical abuse and other potentially triggering topics are contained within)
10:49 in 1949, A Late Night January 13th, 2021 Peggy and Sousa talk.
Alien Ant Farm, One Hit Wonder January 13th, 2021 Scott clashes with himself to save Cassie, from himself. Then Maxima arrives to make everything far more complicated and bloody.
The Other Diana January 13th, 2021 Donna tells Diana and Cassie that there is no evil Diana Doppelganger - but DoppelCassie remains on the table. As does the bobble-head Cassie doll.
That Thing You Found in the Place January 13th, 2021 Lara and Jane spend a bit of time together catching up and Lara-splaining about the mysterious Dropa Stones!
Meeting the Sidekicks January 13th, 2021 Vorpal dumps Talia with the Titans for help. They learn a bit about her. She learns abit about them. They call the X-men. Pizza was had.
They're No Sonja Henie January 12th, 2021 Cap takes Janet ice skating in a backscene of their early relationship.
The Symkarian Job January 12th, 2021 A tense political situation boils over thanks to the manipulations of T.O. Morrow, but what did the mad scientist want with terabytes of astrological data? The Pythian Comet continues here!
Shine: Broad Daylight January 12th, 2021 Phoebe comes to review a hole in the ground, and ends up with being blamed for a Meta-Human Turf War. Conner scores friend points, Rose makes a new best friend with a Man called Goo, and Cassie tanks an exploding SUV. Nice, Normal Gotham afternoon...?
It Came from the Deep: Bazaar of the Bizarre January 12th, 2021 Maxima, Supergirl, and some of Supergirl's Titan allies follow a tip from one of Namor's agents about a possible lost city sighting. There they are confronted with more of the Lurkers that have been plaguing Atlantis before following a trail leading to the deepest of all oceanic abysses.
Kitchen Looting January 12th, 2021 Mutants eat food. Nutrition is the mission.
=The Doctor makes House Calls January 12th, 2021 Tibetan tea and sympathy is had.
From Flesh to Flesh January 12th, 2021 An evil book of human skin is rescued from Boston. Except it's not really going to end clean, is it?
Could Be A Contender January 12th, 2021 Warren finds Jubilee working out in the cold, others join
No Punching Bags Were Harmed In The Making Of This Scene January 12th, 2021 Peggy Carter stops by the gym where Steve Rogers is working out. Over pie, she discusses possible Hydra infiltration into SHIELD.
The Bounty Gals January 12th, 2021 Harley and Ivy meet up at the BIODOME, where two former mistresses of crime come in and one badass bounty hunting team comes out.
At a Crossroads January 12th, 2021 Crisis Averted. Well okay maybe. Jury is out on this dimension. SHIELD Strike Team Averted?
Vorpal-Tunnel Syndrome January 12th, 2021 Spidey meets up with Terry and they discuss motivation, Mania, and movies.
Another You: Tank Half Empty January 12th, 2021 Terry, Damian and Gar have separate heart-to-hearts. Terry has some s'plaining to do.
Return of the Rose January 12th, 2021 Rose returns to the Outsider's secret HQ and find Conner/Phoebe
Parking For Residents Only January 12th, 2021 A pair of old Brits chat about the Blues then part company.
Broken Mirrors: A Tangled Web January 12th, 2021 Mother lies to Natasha. Mother lies to Yelena. Mother lies to everyone. Also there's ballet.
A scene! January 11th, 2021 No description
Another You: Scars Without and Within January 11th, 2021 Caitlin and Gar discuss avenues towards his recovery.
Ted Kord RIP- NOT! January 11th, 2021 Ted's alive. Was there ever any doubt?
So this really happened January 11th, 2021 The Verdant is honestly a 'thing'. And soon to be more of a thing than just a thing! If the siblings have anything to say about it.
Daddy issues January 11th, 2021 Kitty wakes Warren up from his nap, they chat, and then both fall back into slumber.
Lady Sings the Blues January 11th, 2021 Quentin and Ruth bond over metal. Metalocalypse!!
It's A Stone Cold World January 11th, 2021 Iason runs afoul of the law, but fortunately the Titans and Outsiders come to set him straight. The Themysciran Embassy is about to get a new statue, for now.
Training Montage! January 11th, 2021 Katsumi teaches Jennifer the basics of officiating a wrestling match, and tries very much to not be intimidated by her.
Rolling back Prices January 11th, 2021 Rogue likes her watch gift, but does not like her suitcase. Beats Remy up with a light bulb. RIP
Another You: A Star Is Born January 11th, 2021 Gar finally wakes up. Terry is waiting for him.
Shine: Re-Acquaintincing January 11th, 2021 Tim comes upon Phoebe doing some endurance training. There is banter and sparring
Let's All Go To the Lobby January 11th, 2021 Nori and Jubilation's recent activities have caught up and Jubes decides that it's no way for two roommates to behave. But, there is another way...
The Importance Of Football January 11th, 2021 Rachel has returned to New York, but with an important question. What the heck is American Football? To that end, she has attempted to gain the assistance of The Multiple Man to get that answer. Or at least, she's trying to, a lot of confusion is the initial result of asking.
Milano Tales: Hitch'n a Ride January 10th, 2021 The Milano meets some of the wildlife in an asteroid field while hiding from the Nova Corp.
10:20 to Boston January 10th, 2021 The hand had two goals. Steal something important to them.. and kill an Iron Fist who had arrived from another version of Earth. Despite Daredevil, Elektra, and Colleen close on their tails, they had the advantage of a plan and surprise. Nobu was recognised, but the Doppel Fist and the cargo were mission successful for The Hand.
Another You: I Know You're In There January 10th, 2021 Vorpal and Robin confront Beast Boy's Doppelganger and learn that, at the end of the day, you are your own worst enemy.
Laundry day January 10th, 2021 Remy and Nori do laundry. The end.
Another You: Gar, You're a Star(fish) January 10th, 2021 Terry and Kori take the T-Sub out to search for Beast Boy, hoping for the best. Harley Quinn joins them, looking to call in a favor from Aquaman. Instead, they get an assist from Tempest. Kori told you so, Terry.
Coffee: Double Brewed January 10th, 2021 Will the real Mike Hannigan raise his hand?
Memento: They're All Stars! January 10th, 2021 Nadia and Carol discuss Mori's power problems, Starcharts, and Space Engines!
If that don't take the cake... January 10th, 2021 What starts as an effort to pump May for information about her training techniques turns into a revalatory meeting of the minds as Peggy brings Rose and Daniel into the know.
Sick dance moves January 10th, 2021 Tabby, Julio, and Doug head to a club to try to forget their problems, but a whole new set of problems find them, instead.
Propping up the SHIELD January 10th, 2021 While Agent Carter is off dealing with the last of the clean-up from the Hydra raid, Agent May gets to know some of the local SSR agents. And maybe they get to know her.
The House and the Dame January 9th, 2021 No description
Wings and Warnings January 9th, 2021 No description
Another You: May the Force... January 9th, 2021 May, Morse, Carter, and Coulson go chasing after May's evil twin, fully intending to take her down. It turns out, when Melinda May goes Evil, she also levels up like a boss. The Agents are definitely in trouble.
No Milkshake Til Boston January 9th, 2021 Drinking. More drinking! This irresponsible drinking can't have any consequences.
Convalescence January 9th, 2021 Jubilee helps Noriko rest after her episode in Emma's training class, but Noriko doesn't let Jubilee get her food. They talk, but talking is horribly difficult, and in the end decide focusing on other things is easier.
Doppleganger: A Darker Giganta January 9th, 2021 Dark Doris Zuel of the ZZGU dimension is defeated, along with her zoo of horrible creatures.
=Darkness in Tribeca January 9th, 2021 Amanda Sefton finds more traces of demonic activity and a skeleton. The Witchblade leads Sara to the scene.
The Sacrifice January 9th, 2021 Donna and Terry (but mostly Donna) conspire to discover if Raven is really Raven, and blow up the basement of Titans Tower if she isn't.
Another You: Let's Not Make Gartorade, Ok January 9th, 2021 Terry comes to Nadia for help, to deal with a certain Doppelganger.
Zapped Like a Bug Zapper January 9th, 2021 After Warren recovers from getting electrocuted by Nori, he stops by Kitty's room. 1980s Glamour Shots are narrowly avoided
In or out January 9th, 2021 Wanda and Pietro decide that perhaps Genosha should be checked up on. After goulash.
An Unexpected Visitor January 9th, 2021 With a large group present in the Rec Room, Kitty's father, believed dead for the past year, shows up unexpectedly.
Stretching Your Wings January 9th, 2021 Spidey goes to Gotham and runs afowl of the Red Robin.
What What! January 9th, 2021 Harley and the Heynas come back to the apartment. Schemes are hatched, plans are formulated, Miama Heat is a show about Vice cops and Bad Girls 4 Life.
Aw Coconuts! January 9th, 2021 The rise and fall of Miss Joan Wrong. Beer is bad for you too.
Another day at the Avengers Mansion January 8th, 2021 Chatting at the mansion, catching up with new friends.
Secret Doors: Message January 8th, 2021 Tony sends a message to Pepper, though she is still stuck in outer-dimensions.
Munch Munch Munch January 8th, 2021 Jason joins Stephanie for an early breakfast. They part and each talk to a friend, a surprise is in store.
The Vibranium Black Market January 8th, 2021 While in pursuit of some smuggled vibranium, Black Panther encounters Free Lancer, an unknown who has already come upon the would-be thieves.
S'now Problem January 8th, 2021 Snowball fight for the win!
Ruth Wants to Hurt Someone. We Oblidge. January 8th, 2021 No one knows how to fight, Warren gets mad Emma expected they could. Ruth beats up Nori, Nori zaps Warren, Jubilee drags Bird-o to the medbay.
Another You: Phrygian Gates January 8th, 2021 Diana speaks to Terry about the cost of revenge.
Back to the Roots January 8th, 2021 Daisy and Matt go on a nostalgia trip back at St. Agnes and come across one of their nemesis. Sister Maggie! She does seem to have soft spot for Matt though ..
Shine: Umbrellas are curious things January 8th, 2021 Phoebe is accosted while walking Scout. Mando intercedes on her behalf and bellyflops, and Bart Allen is not allowed to sing the Doom Song.
Reunited by Violence January 8th, 2021 Peggy is on a recon mission for HYDRA and finds Constantine sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong. A messy fire fight ensues with HYDRA agents. Peg ends up getting sent somewhere strange, and John in HYDRA's hands.
This Shouldn't Take Long January 8th, 2021 Bad Ted! BAD! *spritzes with water*
No Slacking at Xavier's January 7th, 2021 Scott does not believe Ruth and Julio are working hard enough. Jean is there to offer helpful suggestions.
Into Fae Gutters January 7th, 2021 John Constantine, spider-friend.
Another You: Clean Cut Doesn't Cut It January 7th, 2021 Prim and proper Lois Lane, doppleganger to the mouthy, crass, relentless real-world Lois Lane, finds herself cornered by Vorpal and Daytripper. Her only way out? A promise she knows she can't keep.
The Problems With Statuary January 7th, 2021 Iason wakes up in the Hall of Justice and is very, very confused.
American Alien January 7th, 2021 Sinestro and Superman have soft pretzels while discussing the secret history of Krypton and the Green Latnern Corps.
It's always Sunny in Titan Towers January 7th, 2021 Victor returns from vacation, Kori is playing Animal Crossing, and Nadia took a lab shower. Context.
Stomping Squids Like It's 1949 January 7th, 2021 Agent May, Agent Carter, and a team of the best agents the SSR have to offer in 1949 raid a Hydra lab sat right in the middle of New York. The prizes include files that will have impact for decades to come, scientists who will doubtlessly wiggle free of imprisonment later (thanks to Operation Paperclip), and one primitive portal device that just may be the key to sending the time-lost SHIELD agent back home.
Towering Problems January 7th, 2021 (This happens right after scene 4622 - (SoS) A goddess' schemes)

Nico is brought to Amora's tower, along with Dragonfang embedded in stone. Amora gives Nico an offer to reveal her true potential, one that is accepted. But at what price?

Because I Could Not Stop For Death January 7th, 2021 Terry and Nightwing have a rooftop conversation about life, death, poetry, bat-dads and cat-dads.
Role Reversal January 7th, 2021 Bobbi and Lance talk mission, future plans and vacations while drinking and watching Marble Olympics because of course they do.
Tangentally January 6th, 2021 No description
Foxes Love Tacos January 6th, 2021 No description
The Longest Morning January 6th, 2021 The morning after the encounter of the docks. Wally, Kori, Harley and Siobhan stop by. Then Damian and Terry get into a fight and Colette drinks.
Secret Garden January 6th, 2021 Noriko kidnaps Jubilee to a rat, cockroach, etc etc hell hole in New Jersey where they 'might be shivved.' Apparently it is one of Nori's old stomping grounds and Noriko shares something very private and precious to her. The Good Witch Ororo somehow appears, contributes to the cool, and starts a paint war before leaving on a well placed gust of wind.
Electric Sheep January 6th, 2021 Blade rescues Kokumo from an ambush and gives her sage advice. And a knife.
Salem Center And the Hill of Death January 6th, 2021 Jean, Rogue and Kitty brave a huge sledding hill and somehow manage to survive.
(SoS)I'm Doing My Part! January 6th, 2021 The Bug is inspected by Strange and Zat, with Thor watching for safety. Strange is a potential source of the bugs invasion.
Another You: The Truth About Garfield Logan January 6th, 2021 Vorpal and Wonder Woman learn the truth of what happened to Gar...from Evil Gar. Vorpal seeks revenge in a shocking way.
So Long Erf! January 6th, 2021 The Guardians blast off!...with varying opinions about Earth and its people. Music is had. Drax leaves a present behind. Gamora's toughness is questioned. It's possible Nebula was replaced by a doppelganger.
Keeping Up Appearances January 5th, 2021 No description
All along the watchtower January 5th, 2021 Trying to get a handle on the Dopple Problems Kate seeks help from KAra and ends up being cleared by Donna
(SoS)A Goddess' Schemes January 5th, 2021 Amora the Great interrupts a teaching moment in the Sanctum, and steals Dragonfang and Nico to Asgard
Furby Or Bust January 5th, 2021 Conner Kent, Ruth Aldine, and Jubilation Lee meet in Chinatown, purely on accident, and go in search of the regional distributor of Furbies. They instead find a dusty little shop where the shopkeeper gets more Ruth than he bargained for!
Mutant Problems January 5th, 2021 Ty accidently takes a job for the U Men, and ends up in a fight against them. Phil helps fight them off, and meets the young Merc.
Double Damian January 5th, 2021 Donna puts Damian into an invisible box before checking he's no doppelganger, and lets him out again. Then she gives him a sword for being a good Robin.
Misfit Is A Good Fit January 5th, 2021 Stephanie visits the Clocktower while Charlie is training. Charlie learns her identity.
Attack of The Clones January 5th, 2021 Vorpal warns Colette about the attack of the Doppels
On the Horizon January 5th, 2021 Katsumi Oshiro and Nessa Donovan get together to enjoy a little downtime together while trying not to think too much about Katsumi's inevitable and impending departure from the country...
Win Some, Lose Some (Powers) January 5th, 2021 Friends share news, ICER shots, and weaknesses in plain sight.
Jetsetting and the Values of the Upper Class January 5th, 2021 Ororo is one hell of a thrillseeker and nearly kills Emma.
Schussing The Day Away January 5th, 2021 Oliver and Vanessa start their ski trip.
Secret Doors: Flashes January 5th, 2021 Steve encounters an SOS signal!
Babes in Toyland January 5th, 2021 Vorpal has a really bad day and meets Ant-Girl in an alley. After being toyed with, he manages to rabbit hole himself away to get help.
Boy Who Cried Alien January 5th, 2021 Carol disrupts a quiet day in the Mutant Town Clinic and has to appologize to the nice doctor about it. Still. It wasn't aliens.
Must be Monday January 5th, 2021 Caitlin and Kate mull ove the Dopple Problem
Passing Intel January 5th, 2021 Peggy discovers intel in 2021, which she passes on to Melinda in 1949. Finally, the two get to talk about what happened without filters.
New Years Eve, 1948 January 4th, 2021 No description
Fairy Trails January 4th, 2021 No description
Stepford Journalism January 4th, 2021 No description
Spying On The Re-up January 4th, 2021 Quiver gets an assist from Daredevil while gathering information on heroin dealers in New Lots.
Hanging out after the party! January 4th, 2021 Harley and Aimee go the Hanging Tree in Gotham after the New Year's Eve party. They are perhaps a bit drunk. But that doesn't stop them from daringly climb up the tree and perform a duet.
Not Drunk, Not High January 4th, 2021 Noriko and Jubilee awkwardly come to terms with their drunken kiss from New Years Eve and discover that it wasn't as meaningless as they thought.
No Doppel Left Behind January 4th, 2021 Ant-Man and Power-Girl team up to save the day with a mysterious caped crusader and fledgling hero. Everyone gets beaten up by midgets.
The Saudi Arabian Debrief January 4th, 2021 SHIELD reviews their intelligence in a debrief and comes up with an elaborate plan with many moving parts to take down a US senator, a Saudi war criminal, and may be, just may be, finally catch up with the stolen SHIELD technology.
Another You: Infiltration January 4th, 2021 There is something deeply amiss at the Tower. Terry and Kian are creeped out by Gar Logan's behavior
Snakes In The Grass January 4th, 2021 Vorpal runs to the Embassy in search of solace, and finds help.
Old Friends, Can You Imagine Us Years From Today January 4th, 2021 The original Human Torch shows up in a surprise, at a charity event that Steve Rogers is helping kick off.
Another You: Barbara Hunter-Morse January 4th, 2021 Bobbi meets her doppelganger who almost wins the day, but Afterlife intervenes.
Chillin in the Woods with our m-- ... mates January 4th, 2021 Pyro, Drake and Rave discover that under a bridge is a fantastic places for meeting new friends. Not just trolls.
Down in the Garage: where all the cool kids hang out January 4th, 2021 Emma takes Noriko for a drive and has a teaching moment.
You Want me to do What January 4th, 2021 Tabitha get a workout. Ted gets a student.
In Capitalist USA, Jones Catches Up With You! January 3rd, 2021 No description
Cathcing Up With An Old Friend January 3rd, 2021 No description
Shine: Meet the Johnsons II January 3rd, 2021 A press conference to try and encourage the public to find Phoebe Beacon and return her to her birth parents goes awry when someone begins to mess with the vents, flooding the whole building of the Gotham Gate with the smell of singed human flesh!

Phoebe, hidden in plain sight, has to be guarded away by Conner while Laura Kinney, Dick Grayson, and Bart Allen search for clues, and find more questions than answers.

Celeb is as noteriety does January 3rd, 2021 Terry O'Neil and Allegra Caradenza meet at random in a Mad tea Shop. On brand, oddly, for both.
A Much Delayed Apology January 3rd, 2021 There is nothing foreshadowing in this scene
Pain is part of living January 3rd, 2021 Laura and Phoebe get a little bit of training done and talk about a possible upcoming mission.
Is that a bird January 3rd, 2021 Doreen and Harley were expecting a normal pizza dinner at Angelo's Pizza. The pizzaria happened to be robbed two days ago, not for money, but for a LOT of pizza. Turns out that the robber and his associates were planning a very unconventional protest because after the hungry duo finished their meal, two biplanes flew over the restaurant at several hundred feet, throwing pizzas down en masse. It was literally raining pizzas! The robber himself was ranting about Angelo's Pizza until he slipped and fell on a pizza and twisted his ankle in a sewer grate. Doreen and Harley did their best to instill remorse in the guy and hope that he will change his ways after his jail time. Time will tell! The day is saved!
Another You: May be time to gear up January 3rd, 2021 Upon discovering she's got an evil twin out there in the world, Melinda May gears up for war, along with a trio of backup: Bobbi, Phil, and Peggy.
Up at the rooftop noone can hear you quake. January 3rd, 2021 Daisy returns home after her saudi arabia adventures. Powers are gone but she finds hope with Matt and they plan on what to do next. Afterlife? Sounds like the plan.
Third Date Jitters January 3rd, 2021 Scott and Sofia's third date kicks off, her parentage is finally revealed. Scott needs to hit the gym.
Ganging up on the dopples. January 3rd, 2021 Donna, Kara, Vorpal and Nadia form a secret cabal of Titans Who Definitely Aren't Dopplegangers
First Blush January 3rd, 2021 Please note, this deals with adult situations, though it's all done in a PG-13 manner. If you are offended by innuendos, it's best not to read. After a New Year's indulgence, Karita and Andy talk things over and realize, things are going to be a lot more complicated between them.
The Fairest Child January 2nd, 2021 No description
We're Going on a Trip.. January 2nd, 2021 Ruth mistakenly goes on a trip and drags Noriko and Jubilee with her.
Goliaths Win! ...in a riot January 2nd, 2021 The riot comes to an end. But the questions are just beginning...
Escape from Bunker BT-0! January 2nd, 2021 The SHIELD team makes their strategic retreat from Bunker BT-0. But they will surely be back...
Bar Hopping With Rocket January 2nd, 2021 Members of the Guardians go out for alcohol. It gets weird.
Post-Shopping Veggie Burger January 2nd, 2021 Tabitha and Ben grab a veggie burger and discuss a spy mission!
Bean-Tubes Away!!! January 2nd, 2021 Jubes and Nori decide to take public transportation to grab some food at the Salem Center. Running into Kevin, Burrito Wagon is selected with dire consequences for Nori's employment after she 'treats' her friends.
Polite Palaver January 2nd, 2021 Peter has a chat with his boss about a solution to one problem while soft-pedaling a previous one.
Kitchen Shennanigans January 2nd, 2021 Kevin and Sam hang out in the kitchen at Xaviers and talk briefly about 'growing up'
Fox and Hound: More things Change January 1st, 2021 No description
Operation Glug Glug - Pub Crawl January 1st, 2021 Part I. A bunch of students are given a mission of sorts on New Years Eve. After the kids have been put to bed and the teachers are playing (or snoozing), a bunch of them (+Simon) go on an epic raid of teacher booze stashes and go party in the woods. Noriko and Jubes re-arrive to only have to endure Simon's chronic foot-in-mouth intoxication syndrome about some fabled relationship between them that plays out in his head aloud, much to the mortification of the two roommates. The following teachers donated...stuff for this mission: Jean, Logan, Scott, and Emma. Thank you for all your donations! Rogue was, kiiinda spared.
Not Always the Missing January 1st, 2021 Bart confronts Phoebe about the missing persons report he saw on a newspaper at the zoo. Phoebe admits she may not be all hope and flowers. Various plans are hatched to investigate the couple proporting to be her birth parents.
Christmas Crash Course January 1st, 2021 It's Christmastime at Scott Lang's house with Cassie, a mute ninja, an awkward pro-wrestler, and throwing knives.
Park Patrol January 1st, 2021 Mania patrols, then encounters what is apparently a knight in modern times. It is confusing.
And Now For Something Completely Different January 1st, 2021 Rogue and Maxwell drop by Kitty's room, and share Lockheed-shaped cookies made by Kitty's mom!
New Year's Watch January 1st, 2021 Rahne and Dani keep an eye out for any last hijinks of the year.
Title Date Scene Summary
A Star(kid) is Born February 28th, 2021 No description
Almost Home February 28th, 2021 No description
Working Stiffs February 28th, 2021 The beginning of a beautiful friendship.
A Strix and Balm February 28th, 2021 Ordinarily you don't have to protect the muggers from their victim...
1950: Roses and Rue February 28th, 2021 Peggy returns to work and gets a report on the latest investigations into the people that put her in the hospital. Even if she can't be out pounding the streets, her agents certainly can be.
Sad raccoon noises February 28th, 2021 Raccoon semi saved!
Shooting The Breeze February 28th, 2021 Bart comes to Terry for some advice. Shut up, Gar!
Broken Mirrors: Desperate Measures February 28th, 2021 In the face of deadends and no clues to the whereabouts of her friends an out of options Nadia turns to the most mysterious of her teammates for assistance of the mystical variety.
Healing Diana February 28th, 2021 Cassie, Caitlin, Donna and Toni accompany Phoebe to Diana's bedside to see if Phoebe's healing magic can wake Diana from her coma.
Roar-EEEEEEEEK! February 28th, 2021 Ash arrives at Columbia University in search of a damsel in distress, a monster on the loose, and a kegger.
Bookstore Connection (name pending) February 28th, 2021 Lydia meets Sam and Christian at a bookstore, and meets her first fan!
Post-Drink Snack - TBD February 27th, 2021 No description
Step into my parlor said the Vampire. February 27th, 2021 Selene brings Elektra to her people's headquarters where she is treated of her bullet wound and learns more about her society, along with why some need their fat trimmed. Like Kraven.
The Bakery Around The Corner February 27th, 2021 Text messages turn to coffee. And poor Nevel's tongue got stuck in the napkin dispenser.
Fog, Docks and Irish goons oh-my! February 27th, 2021 Hellboy saves the day from some powered thugs trying to get Madi. Or, were they?
Getting To See The Commish February 27th, 2021 Jim Gordon stops by the Clocktower with coffee and donuts for Barbara. He finds Stephanie Brown there allegedly working on homework, before Barbara returns to update him on her ongoing problems with her legs.
It Is An Interesting Bar February 27th, 2021 Viola is out drinking with college friends, and runs into a man who may or may not be an IRS agent, Grant Ward.
Breakfast Trek III: Search for Yogurt February 27th, 2021 Rose searches for her lost Greek yogurt and Conner interrupts.
Checking Out The New Digs February 27th, 2021 Nothing Works! All hope is lo- GET BACK HERE, HOPE! Okay. There might be some hope.
Ohh they got William's cabinet February 27th, 2021 Bart meets a sorta like mind.
The Hauntening February 27th, 2021 Jovian learns about Lydia's curious ability. He gets drunk and goes home.
Rhodey and Lytton in Brooklyn February 27th, 2021 Rhodey takes notes on Nick and Ginny's encounter with their doppelgangers.
HORSEYS February 27th, 2021 Emma, Christian, and Rogue have a chat, Christian has been sober for four days.
Better Than A Message In A Bottle February 27th, 2021 Arthur gets contacted by Batgirl to find out what happened to the small statue that she and Cassandra Cain helped Aquaman and Wonder Woman recover from the ocean.
Sleight of Plans February 27th, 2021 Mastermind approaches Gambit in a seedy bar with an ominous take on the future, and an enigmatic promise of worthwhile jobs therein. Remy is characteristically oblique.
25 - 02 - 21 - HUTTZ! February 27th, 2021 May, having escaped her arrest, takes the opportunity to question Katherine Huttz about the HYDRA temple under the Biblioteca Apolstolia Vaticana, among other things. With Daisy's remote help, of course. What she discovers is far more disturbing than she expected -- and not how she expected.
The Ant and the Kitsune February 26th, 2021 Science and Magic finally meet.
Bad Cassie: Finale February 26th, 2021 The Titans confront Cassie's extradimensional doppleganger in Cambodia. A prisoner exchange is attempted, with treachery on... both sides? Mooks are routed, or destroyed, depending on their degree of human-ness. The Silent Armor reacts violently to Raven's presence, launching a (very 1-sided) vendetta, but is met by Donna Troy. Terry spirits Helena Sandsmark to safety, among assorted hijinx. Toni shows her heroism, but learns the risks, with a timely save from Viv. And finally, as Diana Prince returns, healed from her injuries and with her true sidekick at her side, Raven is able to cleave the armor from its wearer, where it is bound, hammered down by Caitlin's strength, and ultimately banished. Bassie (the BAD Cassie) ends up bound and subdued, and bound for imprisonment in her own universe's Themyscira.
What Is It With Furnaces February 26th, 2021 As Eddie's apartment's heat is down on a frigid night, Gwen spots him heading for a bar and lets him crash on her couch.
One night in Lindesfarne February 26th, 2021 Amora joins Loki for a walk around the island where they spend half of their time in the past, and some in the present.. and a touch in the future.
Early Morning Hoops February 26th, 2021 Ward and Daisy engage in a little early morning game of one on one basketball at the Triskelion. Loser makes breakfast. Looks like Ward is cooking.
Wasting Away Again At Josie's February 26th, 2021 Cinque and Madi strike up a conversation with each other at Josie's Bar. Cinque explains his boring life compared to Madi's more interesting one. Madi buys Slips drink, and introduces her to Cinque.
Another Place To Hang Ones Shield February 26th, 2021 After the pair have finished dealing with some high tech hijackers, Steve takes Janet by his old apartment in Brooklyn.
In Search Of More Branches February 26th, 2021 Viola returns to the park that was the source of a coincidence that led her to help two SHIELD agents. Billy Kaplan is there and shares some coffee and then passes on a magic coin to her.
Counseling Care February 26th, 2021 Some lunch, some counseling and some discussions of making their guest more comfortable and reintegrating her with society!
Thai Food February 26th, 2021 Lara and Grant enjoy some dinner in together after being shot at by crazy weirdos in an alleyway.
I'm Getting Too Old For This February 26th, 2021 Carl
The Paraguay Hardening Mill February 26th, 2021 Peggy's special group stumbles upon a very old HYDRA temple, painting a picture of HYDRA that extends far before World War 2. Chaos ensued, but it appears they got away with it.
Creative Title Number 6 February 26th, 2021 Christian, Emma, and Simon chat for a bit.
Look up from your phone - Danger is Lurking! February 26th, 2021 A few moments of silence for the lost Nintendo Switch
Follow that Antique February 26th, 2021 Rose buys a mysterious clue from Blade to track down ninjas.
Checking In... on Patrick February 25th, 2021 No description
SAVE YOURSELF February 25th, 2021 Wade and Wanda save the life of a Fish called Wanda and other pets from a fire.
Cold Cases February 25th, 2021 Julio and Bobby recover a denarius from inside a circle of skulls in the Bronx.
The Right Path February 25th, 2021 A young girl is saved by the interference of Bella and the heroics of Meggan. Meggan and Cinque stop a heroin operation tied to Boss Morgan that had taken over a tenant building in the Bronx. They rescued the workers insides, and freed the tenants.
So The Whole Theater Huh February 25th, 2021 Steph comes by needing chemistry help. Tim is still feeling the effects of a taser rifle, and Conner drops in to let Tim know he'll be away.
Lab Work February 25th, 2021 Kassandra gives a demonstration of her power and Hank mentioens what may happen to her after.
Courier Is Not Just A Font February 25th, 2021 Grant Ward and Lara Croft quietly escort a courier, until he's waylaid and they have to jump into action. Viola Fiore sees the firefight and tries to lend the agents a hand without revealing herself as a mutant.
Bag Grab goes Awry February 25th, 2021 Opposites ... get into an Uber together.
Geneticists Of The World Unite February 24th, 2021 Madigan heads to ESU to talk Genetics, ending up with Gwen while her absentminded professor catches up on Madigan's technical emails. Eddie gets enlisted to wheel Madigan's chair, and watches her eat a chocolate bar in front of him. Some people.
Beer O'Clock February 24th, 2021 Peggy catches up Hunter on the plans for hunting Hydra and discuss other things as well.
In Soviet Russia, borscht wants you! February 24th, 2021 Borscht makes everything better.
Not All Is Happy Under The Sea February 24th, 2021 Arthur is given some tasks promoting Atlantean causes on the surface by Namor as a way to try to get Arthur out of the capitol.
After Hours Work Club February 24th, 2021 The SHIELD Agents aware of HYDRA's possible infiltration of their ranks get together to do some good old fashioned data analysis. They discover a few interesting things on Vogel Enterprise's laptop, including a strange meeting in Vatican City. Further plans are made.
Fast and the Furry-ous February 24th, 2021 Mutant crew busts up a street racer gang that pilfered a bunch of Null vehicle tech.
MaximAnt February 24th, 2021 A cultural exchange as Scott learns about Almeracian fashion and Maxima learns about Earth music.
Gluttony - with red hair February 24th, 2021 Beautiful Dog
While the Devil's Away February 24th, 2021 Danny is back from Hong Kong and is caught up on all the crazy he missed by Colleen.
A meeting of the Reds February 24th, 2021 NEw people meet, and the Minivan is sent in for repairs.
Afterlife: SHIELD Arrives February 23rd, 2021 SHIELD finally arrives at Afterlife, and they aren't immediately attacked. That's progress! But the situation is tense.
Secret Doors: The Haunted Mansion February 23rd, 2021 The Avengers take on the eerie creature haunting their mansion, having forced it into the back yard and into solidity!
A Night in! February 23rd, 2021 Blake and Ariah have a little night in and plan for dinner.
She Is Not Talking About The Food February 23rd, 2021 Warren makes a first trip to Katz's Deli with Kitty. She gets a friend to grab 'the table' so they can have it when they get there.
Jubilee Meets Ernesto February 23rd, 2021 Jubilee is taken to Baskin Robbins by Kitty, and she is given one of Ernesto's ice cream masterpieces. The pair find a kitten, Scruffles, to take back to the school.
This is what I have gotten myself into, I should have had more backup plans please don't hate me staff February 23rd, 2021 Bunch of made up stuff that I had to tweak to fit this unexpected outcome don't blame me for this
Geeky Favor for a Friend February 23rd, 2021 Did Koga just earn himself a stalker?
The Moon and Achilles February 23rd, 2021 Angelo and Phoebe meet
Dealing with a little (big) problem.. February 23rd, 2021 Megan and Pym have a chat about Shannon.
Italian Getaway February 23rd, 2021 Peggy flies May and Lester Colt to Italy on some 'flight training hours'. They secretly get off and go to bugging the offices of Vogel Enterprises, who supply many of the Quinjet parts. Bucky comes for back up and has a memory he can't quite trace. But the recon mission is successful.
I.C.E. I.C.E. Brother, Oh Dear.. February 23rd, 2021 Emma gets called to come pick up Christian at the hospital. Secrets are revealed. Lives are changed.
Whatever's Clever February 23rd, 2021 Netflix and chicken. It's going to be a long night.
The day after... February 23rd, 2021 Wanda found Bruce in the mountains after the Hulk escaped his cage.
No Solitude in Death February 23rd, 2021 Loki reads into trouble. Thor saves his brother from being lost in Astral space, right?
Reed Richards can put the 'ee' in Geek. February 22nd, 2021 No description
Museums...museums are quiet right February 22nd, 2021 He really shouldn't go places. Banner saw Catwoman at the museum. Then the bad robber sorts showed up.
Afterlife: In the Dark February 22nd, 2021 Locked away with an Inhuman with an uncontrolled gift Bobbi discovers more about her own. Matt and Daisy go looking for Bobbi and find her just before the cavalry arrives.
Talk to the Hand February 22nd, 2021 Creepy Amatur Carny Causes Chaos and Gets Away. No one Harmed.
PhoneQuest II: The Search For My Phone February 22nd, 2021 In which Antonia Monetti learns about what is important in life: Video games.
Two Bats with One Stone February 22nd, 2021 Batman, Robin and Troia discuss strained relationships, Kryptonian dangers, and a lack of sharing.
The Strong Arm of the Law February 22nd, 2021 Ben Grimm and Jennifer Walters face off in an arm wrestling contest on Yancy Street, and Ben doesn't seem to recognize the danger of doing so--the stakes have never been higher!
The Odd Couple February 22nd, 2021 Hank gives Haircuts too.
Borscht for Buddies February 22nd, 2021 Borscht and information shared. Friends made! Yay!
And The Award Goes To February 22nd, 2021 Rhodes and Colt meet up at a USMC awards Ceremony and talk shop.
One Monday in Medical.... February 22nd, 2021 Kassandra and Paige talk about where she came from, then Warren comes in and offers to take them shopping.
Tracking a Wolf February 22nd, 2021 Black Canary goes hunting a werewolf and finds more than she realizes.
Milano Tales: Between Here and There February 21st, 2021 No description
The Great Trains Robbery February 21st, 2021 All bad guys captured. All loot saved. No one injured.
Bank Bustin Makes Me Feel Good February 21st, 2021 Koga manages to stop a bank robery in progress by The Prankster
Borrowed Spaces February 21st, 2021 Hellstrom pays a visit to Cloak and Dagger. They get up to some darkforce dimension craziness. Featuring the Predator.
A quiet Sunday in. February 21st, 2021 Hank comes by to check up on Wade and Mike. Wade is not a good host.
Shannoning III February 21st, 2021 Good Shannon is born
Shhh. We're Hunting Warehouses February 21st, 2021 May and Peggy confirm that Lance and Elena aren't HYDRA agents in the worst of ways. Then they go hunting for evidence none of them wanted to find. HYDRA and SHIELD share a Quinjet supplier...
Happy Birbday, Kian February 21st, 2021 It's Kian's first Earthday, because he doesn't have a birthday. The birb is joined by Wally, Colette, Terry and Gar to celebrate!
Theresa Cassidy's coming Ho-oh-ome February 21st, 2021 Siryn arrives at the Mansion
Fly Me Past the Moon February 21st, 2021 PG and Zee, going to space!
In the Infirmary February 21st, 2021 Sam and Beast come to visit Kassandra in the infirmary, and her powers are discussed.
Balm for herself February 21st, 2021 Red Robin has made sure that the Outsiders have good digs. Donna visits Phoebe and updates her on Diana. Bart brings Phoebe Pad Thai and shows off that he's still her friend even after threatening to sic a giraffe on her.
Cleaning the Streets! February 20th, 2021 No description
A clownette comes a-knocking February 20th, 2021 Someone's been naughty and the clownette breaks into Aimee's apartment to cross the i's and dot the t's!
Being stood up sucks. February 20th, 2021 Megan arrives late to the dance, but a make up dance is had.
Iron Fortitude: Proof Positive February 20th, 2021 Fitz and Hunter use their cover identities as new recruits of Iron Fortitude to enter and explore their Head Quarters. Hoping to find incriminating evidence against the senator, they instead find the man who had been ahead of them all along.. but had finally run out of luck. Beaten and tortured by the senators men, he held on to his secret until SHIELD arrived to rescue him. Now the incriminating evidence of Iron Fortitude hangs over the senators head like the sword of damocles.
Krypton or Bust: Up Up and Away February 20th, 2021 Kryptonians, family and friends gather on the Milano, which then docks with Maxima's ship. Greetings are made and the ships begin their journey to Oa.
Sadie Hawkins Dance February 20th, 2021 Xavier's students, faculty, and guests enjoy a Sadie Hawkins Dance For Gifted Youngsters. Christian Frost makes an appearance. Mom and Dad almost enjoy a dance but the kids refuse to behave. Logan skips town to avoid karaoke.
Teatime for a Dragon and Crowe February 20th, 2021 Koga Miura finds himself in the East Village looking for a hot cup of tea and an apartment. He finds the tea, and gets his fortune read.
Tenage Mutant Nega Skipping Classes. TWITTER POWER! February 20th, 2021 Ellie skips class, learns a lesson in life instead.
A Visit To Brooklyn February 20th, 2021 Hank Pym stops by and tells T'Challa and Steve about the doppel attack and that he'll be away for awhile as a result.
The Mantis and The Quill February 20th, 2021 Quill has an assignment for Mantis!
Coney Island Escape February 20th, 2021 Peg and Buck go for a lovely walk on Coney Island. Nostalgia, therapy, and fighting HYDRA take up most of the afternoon's discussion. Lili gets french fries, of course.
Nihil's Day Off February 20th, 2021 Sam Wilson and Nihil decide to get some grub in Brooklyn so that Nihil can experience a slice of normal human life. Batroc the Leaper shows up to complicate matters--but only momentarily.
My teacher is an Alien February 20th, 2021 Scott is relaxing (aledgly), Jean is working (alegedly) and the two have a conversation about stuff other people are doing.
In hot pursuit of a Cat. February 20th, 2021 Catwoman has a run in with Batman. Information is exchanged.
Broken Mirrors: The Hunt February 20th, 2021 Yelena is sent after Natalia to dispatch her, but there's a reason Natalia Romanova is the most celebrated Red Room graduate, and it shows when she comes out of the encoutner alive. But is leaving Yelena alive a mistake?
Interview with the Vanisher February 20th, 2021 Telford Porter comes to SHIELD to talk about the rising problems between mutants and the Friends of Humanity. He gets to walk away with his raisins. Lucky.
A Bart Bearing News February 20th, 2021 Bart comes to the Tower to update the Titans on the Phoebe affair
Following Tensions Rising, (Scene 5205) February 20th, 2021 Cable wakes up in a closet with a blind girl, and then gets David Spaded by Quentin.
Genoshan Dinner Parties February 19th, 2021 No description
Good and bad are perspective February 19th, 2021 No description
Green With Pymmy February 19th, 2021 A peaceful time was had by all for now.
Fateful Meetings February 19th, 2021 Peggy Carter asks a certain Professor Hellstrom for assistance looking for a HYDRA artifact. An interesting friendship begins. Peggy learns a lot of answers to questions she's had for a while.
A Fairy in the Park! February 19th, 2021 Megan gets mugged. A Superboy comes to her rescue.
What a Life! February 19th, 2021 Oh dear. Murder?
Better Late Than Never February 19th, 2021 Noriko and Jubilee get up the guts to ask each other to the Sadie Hawkins dance. Noriko defeats Jubilee in the battle of Jubes Splitting To Go Find a Dress.
Friendship has no dimension of distance February 19th, 2021 After talking to Power Girl, Maxima visits Kara and extends an invitation to ferry the House of El to Oa and Krypton.
Tank Training February 19th, 2021 Learning Hurts
The Dreaded Review With The Boss February 19th, 2021 Viola gets a positive review from Shaw on the Mardi Gras party.
Those Darn Thieving Ninjas February 19th, 2021 Shredder is training and initiating members of the Foot, their activities drawing Grifter, Jake Gomez and Kitty. Ninja fight!
Feeling Blue From Seeing Red February 19th, 2021 Tea, sympathy and pie!
Cloak and Dagger meets the Defenders February 19th, 2021 Cloak and Dagger take up an invite to meet The Defenders at Luke's Bar. Matt gets a taste of the dark. Alliances are made. Missions are combined. Cloak is now the team taxi.
Clean Up February 19th, 2021 Claire helps Bolo get to the Pharmacy after his duplicate beats the crap out of him
Someone has a Magnetic personality February 19th, 2021 Roberto and Paige chat with Magneto when Noriko arrives. Magneto and Noriko chat.
Salem - TBD February 18th, 2021 No description
Neon-blue winter February 18th, 2021 No description
Ms. Adam's Interesting Talents February 18th, 2021 Shaw makes some small revelations to Nicole.
Mardi Gras Afterparty February 18th, 2021 Off on a tour!
Meet the grand parents February 18th, 2021 Magneto has a conversation with his granddaughter from the future.
Contingency February 18th, 2021 Banner has ideas. He spoke to Druid about planting a word that would make him sleep.
Emma has a follow up session with Rogue February 18th, 2021 Emma talks to Rogue, Jean comes in and is the angel on the shoulder to Emma's devil. Devil wins. With bargains.
After the Rescue February 18th, 2021 1950: After being rescued from Hydra, Peggy wakes up in the hospital beside a worried Daniel, they make plans and Peggy makes a promise that she'll keep many, many years from now.
Do you want to build ANOTHER Snowman February 18th, 2021 Snow Golems & Monopoly
Small Gestures February 18th, 2021 Tony gives Pepper Valentines Day flowers, and HOMER is not good at romantic Hallmark Card sayings.
Raccoon vs Spider: Aftermath February 18th, 2021 Irina and Ghost Spider have pizza after their fight. Things get heated as Irina speaks of her believes which are quite against her own. Gwen ends up following her to where she meets up with shady organization troops. But Gwen knows she will find the girl again soon enough.
When Assassins come knocking February 18th, 2021 Elektra stops by to make Dagger an offer. They find out they have a lot in common.
Hooligans Just Not The Soccer Kind February 18th, 2021 Kids make a mess of Wong's Corner Store. Eddie and Gwen are in agreement about lentil beans.
Visiting The Redhead February 18th, 2021 Carrie drops a bomb on Steph of her future plans.
Afterlife: The Agent in Agent Morse February 18th, 2021 Bobbi stays on mission and goes hunting for Afterlife's power supply. She finds it, Gordon finds her. She kicks his butt and is put in the time out for bad behaviour.
Friends Help Friends Move Bodies February 18th, 2021 Nadia runs into Thor at the Triskelion while looking for Dr. Foster. Dr. Foster subsequently mysteriously disappears. They definitely did not take her and half the medical bay. IT'S VERY MYSTERIOUS!
Agent Furby February 17th, 2021 Deadpool confuses Peggy with his beautiful face and many truths, upon a visit to the Triskelion accidentally.
Another You: God Save The Queen February 17th, 2021 The Queen comes to Pym Technologies, The Queen does not leave Pym Technologies.
Attack on Ant-Girl February 17th, 2021 The Titans show Ant-Girl that size isn't everything.
How To Train Your Cat February 17th, 2021 No description
Even the Moon is No Escape. February 17th, 2021 Carol discovers that Colette's doppelganger is a meddler too, but at least this time it's her own life she's meddling with. Kind of. Look, doppelgangers. It's confusing.
Hello, Uncle Thor February 17th, 2021 Thor meets Grani and they plot with hope, valor, and a lot of beer.
Unexpected visitor February 17th, 2021 Magneto comes to the Mansion. James and Emma meet him at the gates and escort him to Charles' office. Nobody died.
Don't Freak out! Part II February 17th, 2021 Harley, Pam and Meggan come across a construction site in the old pier which is taking down the plant life of the area. Then they remodel it.
Build you up just to tear you down February 17th, 2021 Scott, having just finished shop class, teaches Paige how to install her windshield wiper blades and Sam comes by to chat.
Forgotten Children February 17th, 2021 Hero rescue children that were being auction off. Cinque stole financial and information from their servers.
Nothing taken to SHIELD February 16th, 2021 No description
5 O'Clock Somewhere February 16th, 2021 No description
The Beast in the Locker February 16th, 2021 The Beast's Paw makes their play and finds that the vigilantes of Gotham are more then up to the case. The stash of military grade weaponry remains in the GCPD custody. For now.
When Justice Attacks February 16th, 2021 Felix Faust makes a play, stealing away Professor Amos Fortune right under the Justice League's nose. And what the hell is Bruce going to tell Barbara about what he did with her ward?
Slithering in the City February 16th, 2021 The foul Lamia is driven off, with the hunt for the Snake-Woman Sorceress sure to pick up in the sewers and tunnels beneath NYC. Kurt learns the cold, gross consequences for hesitating to stab said snake ladies when he has the chance. But hot chocolate will make everything worthwhile.
flygog.com: Krypton or Bust February 16th, 2021 Supergirl to Captain Quill. Commencing countdown, engines on, check ignition. and may Rao's light shine upon you. The House of El makes arrangements to fly with the Guardians of the Galaxy to near-ish Oa, and to the dead planet Krypton, and may be a few other places before heading back to Earth. All for a worthless bucket of diamonds and some space weed.
Cold Day. Hot Coffee. February 16th, 2021 What happens when a winged mutant, an assassin sigh sais, a hidden mutant, and a ghost whisperer all gather for coffee? Um, they get coffee.
A Triskelion Workout February 16th, 2021 Steve Rogers and Lester Colt chat while working out in a SHIELD training room
Symbiotes Can Investigate Bombings Too February 16th, 2021 As Venom leaves the sight of the mutant high school bombing, he's spotted by Mania and a rooftop talk happens.
A Horse Of Course February 16th, 2021 Bring out your dead!
A History Lesson in Demons and Limbo! February 16th, 2021 Megan gains a bit of insight into Illy and Limbo.
Cyke yo mind: It's team building February 16th, 2021 Paige and Roberto are run through a training simulation by Scott and given homework after successfully defeating a Sentinel.
Two Blondes and a Balcony February 16th, 2021 Emma and Alison meet on the balcony, and Alsion BURNS Emma before running away!
Emma gives Rogue an Out February 16th, 2021 Emma cheats Rogue with a 'power switch' for her late birthday present and then offers to help work out her muscles
A Gleaming of Shadow in the Smile February 16th, 2021 Mardi Gras preparations at the Hellfire Club earn a stamp of approval!
ehrosh :bem shahrrehthu voi vo rraop February 16th, 2021 Ten With Terry's first SUPER INTERVIEW with Supergirl- on the Daily Planet website!
Training for Trouble! February 16th, 2021 Megan confronts Illy about a little problem in limbo. Paige and Roberto dance around the Situation.
Magical inquiries February 16th, 2021 The brothers speak, civilly if not cordially! Carrots are dangled and Loki takes the bait.
Renaming Shenanigans February 15th, 2021 No description
V-Day, Z-Day February 15th, 2021 No description
A Little Bit of Moonlight is Magic February 15th, 2021 No description
Tensions Rising February 15th, 2021 Violence sparks at the Mutant Care Center and a skirmish errupts between Friends of Humanity and mutants. When police get involved, Magneto appears to prevent the hostilities getting further out of hand than they already were.
Afterlife: Family Dinner February 15th, 2021 Daisy, Jiaying and Matt have dinner and it goes as awkward as expected.
Shine: Facility Recon February 15th, 2021 Bart makes his way to Joplin, Montana, and gets a better bead on where Phoebe Beacon is -- and what the Outsiders are up against to get her back.
No Small Help February 15th, 2021 Hank agrees to help Lester solve his problem with the Doll Man Syrum
The Leap of Faith February 15th, 2021 There's a new birdman in town. Officially.
Exit Velocity February 15th, 2021 The Bunnies depart Sol.
Another You: May Be A Wild Goose Chase February 15th, 2021 Melinda and Peggy go to dinner at their favourite Chinese restaurant, only to discover that the owner has a problem they might be able to help with -- a son indebted to the Triad. Oh. And they discover the rage staff they've been hunting is probably sitting in a vault belonging to SHIELD. D'oh!
A Hospital visit February 15th, 2021 Lydia is recovering in the hospital after the incident in Mutant Town, and is given a surprise visit by Yellow Scarf Buster!
Mandatory counseling. After the riots. February 15th, 2021 Paige and Kitty sit down for a cousneling session. They talk about life, religion and the ideals of right vs wrong.
This will never do February 15th, 2021 Loki and Amora have a chat in the library. It seems that Loki is turning his eye towards Midgard, with some aid. Everyone needs a friend, after all.
Anomaly: The Findening February 15th, 2021 James Rhodes finds a Nihil and decides to bring it to SHIELD
Tracking and Following February 15th, 2021 Rose chases people and Frank shoots them.
Abduction February 15th, 2021 Carrie Becomes a Bunny.
The Past Sucks February 15th, 2021 Peter and Gamora talk about her and Nebula's pasts over cereal.
Someone Had A Real Blast February 15th, 2021 Daisy and Yo-yo investigate the van bomb that went off at a high school in Mutant Town, while Eddie Brock goes to investigate as well, looking for bad guys to sate Venom's hunger.
A crash course in dancing! February 14th, 2021 Megan teaches Drake to dance.
Happy Birthay February 14th, 2021 Jovian takes Viola out for her birthday.
Morning Playlist February 14th, 2021 It's Jubilee's birthday and Valentine's Day! Noriko wakes up the birthday girl by playing the cello for her. Jubilee gives Noriko a tiny army of small furry creatures for Valentine's Day. Warning, studies have shown reading this may lead to cavities.
St. Valentines Day Carnage February 14th, 2021 Luigi Falcone slaughters a hacker group in search of a hard drive only for Catwoman to snatch it out of his hands.
Snakes in the bushes February 14th, 2021 The snakes meet and discuss. There is no rattling.
In need of a dreamer! February 14th, 2021 Megan comes recruiting for more help
Beauty and The Beast - Sequel February 14th, 2021 Beast brings Tandy some Italian and they talk about hopes, those on the surface and below.
Meeting Up With Old Friends February 14th, 2021 Theresa comes to visit! Jamie invites her into the X-Factor Investigation fold.
Tables, ladders, and chair February 14th, 2021 Babs and Kate return from the Winter Festival and Babs reveals that the experimental device that fixed her spinal injury is failing. Kate is already planning solutions.
Flashback: Holiday Consumerism February 14th, 2021 Back before the holidays, Cassie and Toni catch up on a shopping trip. Mild crime and even milder crimefighting ensues, and Toni is convinced to swing by Titans Tower for food, friendship, and IT support.
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Dr. Frankenstein's Lab... February 14th, 2021 People are jerks! Murdering mutants to steal their powers? Enter angry X-Men.
Mane Concerns February 14th, 2021 Beast Boy and Vorpal meet the Nemean lion over burgers!
At a Park February 14th, 2021 Jovian saves Alison's wallet. She gives him backstage tickets.
Pawn to a King February 14th, 2021 Sebastian Shaw invites Allegra Caradenza for a chess game. Temperatures get a little warmer when Sam gets mentioned; Shaw knows his wines very well.
He Was a One-Eyed... One-Eyed... February 14th, 2021 Scott stops by to talk to Kitty about the explosion at a nearby school, though gets caught up on other situations too.
Sorry about your door February 14th, 2021 Julio's brain is crowded and his powers are malfunctioning, so clearly the only thing that could make the situation more complicated is getting his ex involved.
In need of a date! February 14th, 2021 Megan finally finds someone to take to the Sadie Hawkins...After much awkwardness!
In need of a telepath! February 14th, 2021 Megan seeks Emma's advice and help in rescuing Shannon.
Shine: In the Aftermath February 13th, 2021 No description
A birthday date February 13th, 2021 And 21 was a good one.
Iron Fortitude: Shell Game February 13th, 2021 SHIELD successfully gains intelligence from Naasif el-Lodi, but it's clear they're missing part of the bigger picture still.
Eat my (Pixie) Dust! February 13th, 2021 Saeko and Hank take a breather after Omega Shannon.
Shine: Caroline February 13th, 2021 Caroline Beacon wakes up, and finds out that not only was she nearly killed, her daughter is missing, and she's no longer in Gotham because someone wants her out of the picture -- but there's an Agent of SHIELD who is on the case, Commissioner Gordon himself is involved, and that is an awful lot for a middle school social studies teacher to wake up to after three months.
Attack of the Shannon February 13th, 2021 Omega Shannon is sent to Limbo
Fixing What Ails Her February 13th, 2021 Zatanna is called in to help with the demon wound festering in Stephanie. Jason Todd supplies some of his life energy to her spell, which pulls the infernal essence out of Batgirl.
Better Late Than... February 13th, 2021 A quick check in turns into a quick mini-Avengers planning session.
Dropping the Mic February 13th, 2021 May leads a team of agents, including Hunter, Yo-Yo, and Daisy, down to Texas to retrieve an 0-8-4: Hitler's Berlin Microphone, a strange artifact with the ability to make people do whatever anyone who speaks into the microphone suggests. Something like that doesn't need to be left in the hands of a disaffected Army washout with an axe to grind against anyone with superpowers.
Afternoon Catchup February 13th, 2021 Mike has a conversation with Yellowjacket.
Of Tea and Evil Twins February 13th, 2021 Jovian escapes the cold and discusses his doppleganger with someone slinging tea at the Booke Candle and Belle. Nettie considers getting involved more with the outside world.
Roberto and Paige hit up a Cafe February 13th, 2021 Roberto takes Paige out on a first date, and to talk about the upcoming dance.
Stare Into the Orb February 13th, 2021 Jennifer invites Dr. Druid over to help figure out what's going on with Katsumi.
This is Roberto's fault, really. February 13th, 2021 Roberto tells Sam that he is taking Paige to the dance. It went well.
AAR Capitol Hill Riot February 13th, 2021 A brief meeting about the Capitol Hill riot ends with a few plans outlined
What dolls February 13th, 2021 Firefly. Cap's butt looks good, why is Inara so similar to Vanessa and why is River the best character? All questions answered in this scene! Also, Mrs. Dolittle was creepy as heck. But now she is in doll hell.
That's NOT how one goes 'clubbing'! February 13th, 2021 Mistakes do happen at times, but in this case, mistakes can lead to benefits. Nothing like 3 sorceresses getting together!
Random coffee with an old friend. February 12th, 2021 No description
Iron Fortitude: Overtime February 12th, 2021 Having flipped the tables on the job, Iron Fortitude and the two undercover SHIELD agents defend their position, then take out their ex-client to fulfil the new contract. They're in.
An unlikely meeting. February 12th, 2021 Catwoman meets a new potential protege..
Coffee and Show Biz February 12th, 2021 Dazzler, Zatanna, Lester Colt and Hank Pym all meet for a quick coffee.
Working out issues... February 12th, 2021 Warren sees Ali, his ex, in the workout room on the way to the sauna.
Helping Those You Hate February 12th, 2021 Jubilee returns from her time spent at the lake to deliver Nori some birthday cake from Sam's party. Jubilee tells Nori about her idea to donate proceeds from the Sadies Hawkins dance to pay for Howard Scubb's hospital bills. Things get dicey.
Stupid Games, Stupid Prizes February 12th, 2021 Jubilee has been laying low after the incident at the anti-mutant protests. Paige finds Jubilee at the lake and offers some kind words...and cake! Jubes decides she's going to use her social powers to save the guy she put in the hospital with her mutant powers!
Mall with cat February 12th, 2021 Fight complete!
Carmine and Jigsaw; Down to Business February 12th, 2021 Carmine hires Jigsaw to hunt down the man who's been terrorizing his family for months.
Yoohoo, Where's Lady Jane February 12th, 2021 Thor finds things are problematic on Midgard with regards to a complication. Jemma wishes she had answers. Jane makes a lovely corpse.
Meeting pixie February 11th, 2021 No description
Double Tap February 11th, 2021 Typewriter got away with about $10 million in cash. A few tarantuls were scuffed up. The zoo gets another Hippo. Bolo's dopple is toast.
Full of Regret and marshmallows February 11th, 2021 Talia Emma Kitty Quentin and Henry catch up about how crazy things are in the kitchen.
Happy Birthday Sam Guthrie February 11th, 2021 Everyone comes out to celebrate Sam turning 21!
ARMOR Interview: Hank Pym February 11th, 2021 Rhodey learns some things about the doppelgangers and recruits people into ARMOR.
You Have Saved The World And Now Its Miller Time February 11th, 2021 SHIELD returns from a mission, and Lance and Steve catch up and head out for a beer.
Workouts and Birthday plannings February 11th, 2021 Plans are made, and lessons learned.
Kind Endeavor February 11th, 2021 Cinque and volunteers from Jamii Homeless shetler are helping at a small homeless encampment. Riri and Dr. Henry McCoy donate items. Riri donates and shows off her portabable heater invention. Dagger receives food, and some supplies, and secretly heals a drug addict. Cloak teleports in and donates money.
Mardi Gras Planning...Moreso February 11th, 2021 Shaw and Tessa discuss more things that have come up at the Club.
The Problem With The Furnace February 11th, 2021 Mrs. Wong makes her opinions known to Eddie as he helps Gwen fix the furnace in the corner story. Resulting in a face full of soot, and plans to help the ESU student with some of her writing.
Empty Baths Are for Rock Throwing February 11th, 2021 Harley and Carrie officially meet for the first time.
A Pirate's Life For Me February 11th, 2021 Viola hosts a party pirate-themed birthday for someone who turns out to be a friend of Roberto da Costa's. Viola helps Roberto avoid a gold digger, and he may hire her to plan a party.
Birds and Bats February 11th, 2021 Carrie meets an exotic stranger at the bar and they talk culture, mystery and flirt.
Something's not right February 11th, 2021 Investigation starts
Ninjas and Coffee February 11th, 2021 Lydia goes out to get some fresh air, and she meets a real life ninja!
Out of the Hands of Hydra February 11th, 2021 Lily Chen and a team of SHIELD agents rescue Daniel Sousa and Peggy Carter from a Hydra-held factory in Queens. As Peggy is taken into surgery for serious bullet wounds, Daniel and Lily distract themeselves by probing Lily's uncanny similarity to Melinda May.
Emma seeks council from Ororo February 10th, 2021 No description
Prankentoys February 10th, 2021 No description
Dinner with the Devil February 10th, 2021 Amanda and Lucifer enjoy a bit of philosophical discussion over dinner.
The Crystal Mines of Sector 70-6-8B February 10th, 2021 The Baron is beheaded, the Crystals are stolen, and the crew have some soul searching to do. Ronan the Accuser also has some searching to do...
Memento: A Moment of Calm February 10th, 2021 Mori celebrates her belated birthday with some pretty cool friends, like a normal person!
Gotham U Winter Fest (And Steph's Birthday) February 10th, 2021 A winter festival at the Gotham U campus draws people from all over. The funnel cakes were the hit of the event.
A doll for me, a gift for you. February 10th, 2021 After the 'doll incident' Harley calls Aimee over to the scene of the ritual once again (April's apartment, where else?). She is introduced to Bud and Lou and Harley has a gift for her.
Omega Shannon cometh February 10th, 2021 Brief fight and news cast
Aftermath - TBD February 10th, 2021 Noriko takes Jubes back to Xavier's school after a violent accident with Jubilation's powers. They have a brief moment to themselves.
Hot Dumplings Is More Fun When You Speak The Language February 10th, 2021 The Bats gather at Hot Dumplings for updates on Carrie's life, Steph inviting people out for her birthday, and Jason v Tim insults!
The Aftermath of Headshots February 10th, 2021 Paige comes to terms with a calamari incident.
A Strange Non-Dimensional Being in a Strange Dimension February 10th, 2021 Kian and Mary properly meet Nihil. Nihil meets an apple.
A Wise Man's Fear February 10th, 2021 Jacqueline comes to ask questions, John comes dressed as Flora for a fight, and both discover how deep the conspiracy of Apollyon goes. Enter Sister Caterina, the harbinger, apocalyptic oracle and the Gate of Entropy.
Bagels. Just. Bagels. February 10th, 2021 Andi and Carrie meet and chat about relationships.
A Dinner Date February 10th, 2021 Danny and Lydia have an arranged date that neither of them really wanted, but in the end they found they had more in common than they thought and ended up becoming friends.
A Faerie Garden.. February 9th, 2021 No description
Ted Kord: Private Eye February 9th, 2021 No description
Pastrami Heals All Wounds February 9th, 2021 No description
All Quiet in the Western Bronx February 9th, 2021 A battle royale is about to begin for the soul, a life, and Hell.
Out of Time (Out of Mind) February 9th, 2021 Bring out your dead!
Traffic February 9th, 2021 Tracking down the party of the century and a drug called Opal lead two groups to a location that is not what it seems. Cloak and Dagger are scary. Scott and Hank are threatening. Emma tries new drugs, and a new friend is found.
Retaliation February 9th, 2021 Anti-mutant protestors come to a high school fundraiser in Mutant Town and things get blown out of preportion.
Some Meals Deliver Themselves February 9th, 2021 Ghost Spider intercepts Venom as he goes after some men responsible for a drive by shooting in the vicinity of children. A fight results and Gwen saves the Klyntar's would-be morsel for the evening, and gives Venom a good wholloping on top of it.
Midnight Teambuilding February 9th, 2021 1950: Peggy Carter and Daniel discuss Lily's origins, Hydra and the future before settling in for a well-deserved rest.
High-octane Bird Meets Magic Bird February 9th, 2021 Life lessons are fun.
Press The Stops! February 9th, 2021 Terry and Lois catch up before she goes to find out if there's life on... Krypton.
The Kidnapping of Shannon Davis February 9th, 2021 Shannon gets captured by some mysterious Mooks.
=Going from Lab to 'Verse February 9th, 2021 Three Heroes and an Architect and... no violence erupts?
Another You: Let The Fur Fly February 9th, 2021 Gar vs. Gar. May the best Beast Boy win! Hint: it helps to have a team backing you up. Plus, a strange observer gets involved.
Who Else Would You Call February 9th, 2021 5094=Dr. Druid takes a case!
Catch Me Up Before You Go-Go February 9th, 2021 It's always important to know your friend's cover story, so that you don't actually blow it. This is the same principle at play regardless of whether your friend just snuck out to go to a rock concert his mom didn't want him to attend, or if your friend is traveling untold light-years in a pilgrimage to her old homeworld.
Demon Claws Are STILL Not Nice Things February 9th, 2021 Tim accompanies Stephanie to Doctor Thompkins' clinic to check on her demon-inflicted wounds. Magic will be needed.
Fixing Up The Place February 9th, 2021 Rachel gives X-Factor Investigations a make-over, much to Jamie's initial confusion. Rachel also blushes, but recovers quickly. Jamie is not so quick to recover.
Quaff your cares away February 9th, 2021 Rhodey stops by the Asgardian embassy to drown his miserable week, and finds a willing listener -- and ARMOR strongman -- in none other than Thor
Pain does not exist in this dojo! February 8th, 2021 Ghost Spider goes to Chikara dojo to learn how to punch. Colleen applies teaching. It's super effective!
Shine: Mickey Rogers February 8th, 2021 Commissioner Gordon, SHIELD agent Angelo Tampambulos interrogate Michael
Another You: Long Live The Queen February 8th, 2021 Hank's first wife shows up during date night and stately Pym Manor winds up in a very different state.
Shine: Investigating the Hotel Room February 8th, 2021 Conner and Laura investigate room 1534, the hotel room where the Johnsons have stayed while in Gotham. It's a mess, but they find some surprising -- and some terrifying -- information about the plan surrounding Phoebe.
Themyscira: Vigil for Diana February 8th, 2021 Donna, Caitlin, Terry, and Gar meet at Diana's bedside to discuss options for the Titans' next move.
OMG SPACE BUNNY February 8th, 2021 Carrie ratted out where Rocket is to some space bunny AND got some alien currency out of the deal. Score!
I Liked You Better When You Were Dead February 8th, 2021 SHIELD investigates a theft of prototype materials at the Port of NY. Things get explosive.
Reading Rainbow February 8th, 2021 Noriko catches up with Jubilation after she fled from the workout room following Noriko unwittingly brazen display of her affections in front of Paige, and the girl's subsequent comments. Noriko and Jubilation try to navigate the tailspin around their own orientations.
With Words Unspoken February 8th, 2021 Beware the bodysnatchers of the Bronx. They're bombastically bad.
The Bazaar - Pier 20 February 8th, 2021 The Defenders and the Avengers team up with Cloak and Dagger to take down a human trafficking ring!
You Could Just Shower, You Know... February 8th, 2021 Noriko Ashida sweeps Jubilation Lee off her feet (literally)...not realizing Paige Guthrie is there. The couple counts on Paige's discretion while Jubilee has to face facts.
An Unusual Houseguest February 8th, 2021 Later that night after Strix takes Irina home, they get to some talking. Strix learns some very disturbing things about the raccoon girl, and vows to free her of her masters.
Dude Where's My Planet February 8th, 2021 Scott wakes up and is presented with an offer he can't refuse.
Of Luck and Toys February 7th, 2021 No description
War Machine comes to TriSkel February 7th, 2021 No description
And Some Honky Tonks Live Up To The Stereotype February 7th, 2021 Starving after a mission out of town, and stopping for chili at a country-western bar, Jason Todd and Stephanie Brown find one more fight waiting for them.
SSR 1950: Out of the Blue February 7th, 2021 Peggy and Daniel receive a call from Lily Chen, who has discovered a cache of Hydra weapons. By the time it's all cleaned up, the Asian woman has been recruited and SHIELD has a whole new mess on their hands.
Another You: Interrogating a Hulk February 7th, 2021 Carol and Melinda interrogate DoppleJen to find out who was really behind the destruction of Times Square. They find out some interesting tidbits of information.
Horses Need Exercise In Winter Too February 7th, 2021 Kevin and Kitty take the horses out for a winter ride, and run into Piotr out for his own walk.
Cloak and Dagger: Time to meet Hell's Kitchen most Powerful Man February 7th, 2021 Cloak and Dagger finally meets the boss of Hell's Kitchen. Maybe Ty and Luke will start a bro-mance.
And the cat came back... February 7th, 2021 Raven, Beast Boy, Troia, Flash and Kian ambush Manxsome and beat him over the head with the power of Friendship and a lesson is learned by all.

But especially Terry.

A Light Workout February 7th, 2021 Rachel finds Kitty in the Danger Room doing an extreme eco-training programming. They have a lot to catch up on.
A gift for his little sis. February 7th, 2021 And Paige gets her self some brand new second hand wheels.
Wrestling Wonderous Women February 6th, 2021 No description
Drinkin, Josie's, TBD February 6th, 2021 No description
Hellfire Cub Mardi Gras Party! February 6th, 2021 The Hellfire Club threw a successful Mardi Gras Party! Nobody died!
Winter Wonderland: A Way In February 6th, 2021 Winslow Schott's Dome finally comes down, but Schott escapes
Afterlife: Shangri-La by any other name February 6th, 2021 Bobbi admits there's aspects of Afterlife she actually likes, if only it weren't for the brewing anti-human sentiments underlying the fabric of their society. Hey, look at that, dinner time!
Tut for Tat February 6th, 2021 ZAP! POW!! BIFF!!! goes King Tut!
Meeting with The Boss: Caradenza and Shaw February 6th, 2021 =Sebastian Shaw and Allegra Caradenza trade notes, set up a lesson plan, and engage Allegra to play at the Hellfire Mardi Gras.

Nothing bad could ever come of that, right?

Return of the Shredder: Kainashi's Report February 6th, 2021 Kainashi reports to Alopex what the Foot were doing in Brooklyn. Part of the Return of the Shredder arc
Hank Smash February 6th, 2021 Plans are laid for the Microverse. Road trip!
A day at the roost February 6th, 2021 And Bart and Carrie meet and he briefs her on the Phoebe situation
Beauty and the Beast February 6th, 2021 Tandy desperately needs help and Beast is there to provide it, in more ways than one.
Calling a Bat February 6th, 2021 Catwoman contacts Batman and exchanges information on the recent Falcone attack.
Supergirl's Pilgrimage February 6th, 2021 Kara tells Troia of her impending journey off planet and that the world will surely notice the lack of Kryptonians in the skies.
Where do they get those doctors February 6th, 2021 Illyana cam by and donated supplies to the clinic where Bruce and Robert Marksman are working. A quiet get to know you sort of thing without getting too in depth.
Hole In Your Soul February 6th, 2021 Terry comes to Rachel for a consultation, and it is explained to him that taking advice from someone with the alias of 'Lucifer' is perhaps not the greatest of ideas...
Party Planning with Hellfire February 6th, 2021 Shaw and Viola plan a Mardi Gras party at the Hellfire Club
=With His Tail Between His Legs. February 6th, 2021 Terry delivers a plushy Cheshire to the bedside of Diana, and remembers he's in a team.
A Meeting Above the Clouds February 6th, 2021 Maxima runs into Power Girl in the skies above Metropolis. A conversation is had and an offer is made. No cities or planets were destroyed in the making of this episode.
A Conversation over Drinks February 5th, 2021 No description
Only Best Buds Execute Mutants In Unison February 5th, 2021 Cable shoots at mutant power thieves, others think he's shooting mutants. Danger Close.
The Robber Baron of Sector 70-6-8B February 5th, 2021 The Guardians arrive at a theme park moon in hopes of stealing riches. Instead, they discover the entire place is one big scam and they're the real prize.
Peaceful Protests February 5th, 2021 At a Senator Kelly rally, a riot breaks out.. and the brotherhood of mutants make their presence known.
You know my names February 5th, 2021 Kara Zor-El shares her secret identity with Lois Lane, who takes the surprise shift in perception better than most.
Conversation in a Sedan February 5th, 2021 Jovian makes sure Viola gets home
A Helping Hand pt. 1 February 5th, 2021 James gets some, uh,
Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty... February 5th, 2021 Thugs chasing a cat find out another has claws and a whip.
Hello, Dolly February 5th, 2021 You're never too old to play with dolls, right?
There's No Cat On This Roof. There's No Roof Either. February 5th, 2021 Terry and Gar engage in more misunderstandings, while Billy is the actual useful one and starts fixing the roof of the tower. Today, in Days of Our lives!
Cloak and Dagger: The Hunt Continues February 5th, 2021 Cloak and Dagger make headway into the kidnappings around New York and run into another Spider-Person! Also, Slips! Talks of a teamup is solidifying.
A Most Unusual Tea February 5th, 2021 Bruce Banner, Michael Hannigan, Stephen Strange and Mando walk into a bar... for tea. And virgin web. It's a long story. Mando's glasses get broken. Poor guy!
Trying Mccoy as well February 4th, 2021 No description
To See A Man About A Soul February 4th, 2021 Amanda brings Terry to ask a question about his soul.
Deep-rooted Danger February 4th, 2021 Moleman crashes the party and the heroes contain the trouble!
Gun Show! February 4th, 2021 Trying to blow off some steam, Ty goes to the gun range where she meets up with James Rhodes. The pair have a long talk while taking shots at targets.
Bad For Business February 4th, 2021 Noriko takes Jubilation out for some Mutant Town tourism. They end up quickly running into some funky Mutant Town flavor emanating from the snoozing Kassandra and give her a lift back to Xavier's School to 'hide' her in their room like a puppy.
Lara and Sebastian's Lounge Raiding Adventure February 4th, 2021 Lara and Shaw get to know one another.
Time to Kill February 4th, 2021 Nuklon and the Thing manage to surprise and overcome Blastaar the Living Bomb-Burst during an attempted, and quickly aborted, excursion from the Negative Zone.
Frustrated Shannon is frustrated February 4th, 2021 Ant suit returned
Just Another Day at the Office February 4th, 2021 Shaw updates Tessa on what he is up to.
Might Be a Puppy February 4th, 2021 Jubes and Nori have a little talk with Kass after she has a chance to clean up. Nori does more laundry.
A Vampire and an Elemental Walk In To A Bar February 4th, 2021 That guy is weird and she abets it.
Kassandra's Offer February 4th, 2021 Scott has some words for Noriko on her judgement. Noriko talks back. Scott and Kassandra discuss her powers and more before Scott extends an invitation for a temporary stay at the school.
Hackey Sack February 4th, 2021 Q and Ruth get a little closer and her aunt gets some hacked surprises
Let Me Give You A Hand With Those February 4th, 2021 Eddie encounters Gwen carrying home groceries, and lends a hand as they talk about social media, genetics, and of course chocolate.
An Interesting Thread February 4th, 2021 Shaw offers Katsumi some support in these trying times. For a price.
Owl vs. Raccoon .... FIGHT! February 4th, 2021 Irina challenges Strix to a fight to the pain, which Strix accepts. Things don't go so well for Irina, but in the end, Strix brings home a new companion.
A Fantastic Favor February 4th, 2021 Jen works up the courage to ask Reed for help in being able to change back to Jennifer Walters. Reed does SCIENCE! and she and Johnny banter.
A Million Little Pieces February 3rd, 2021 I'm not dead yet!
Meanwhile, back at the tower... February 3rd, 2021 Taco Salad shared between Heather and a Speedster, and some basic socialization. Fun times!
A Meeting of the Minds - Falcone and Shaw February 3rd, 2021 Carmine and Sebastian arrange an investment opportunity.
Henry & Jim in the Lab February 3rd, 2021 Wounds tended and mystery revealed
When Blades meet in Hell's Kitchen February 3rd, 2021 Dagger tracks down a lead given to her by Sebastian Shaw and gets a taste of 'girl power', Defenders style!
Don't Freak out! February 3rd, 2021 Pam and Harley go get freaky at the Tiki to celebrate their first bounty hunting.. But when they go to the pier for Harley to walk off all those Tiki-Wikis she drank they find out that the old pier is going to get demolished!
A Meeting of Gentlemen February 3rd, 2021 Penguin and Falcone met to carry out a business transaction. Is this the start of an unholy alliance? Only time will tell!
A Meeting Of Maggia Minds February 3rd, 2021 Viola's father takes her on a business trip down to visit Carmine Falcone. During a break in the meetings, Carmine gives her a tour of his estate.
Back-Scene: Post Roxxon Investigation February 3rd, 2021 Jess goes to furiously to Matt, sharing her thoughts that Elektra had set her up in the Roxxon investigation.
In the Hands of HYDRA! February 3rd, 2021 1950: Daniel Sousa is captured by Agents of HYDRA and Peggy Carter rushes to his rescue only to fall into HYDRA's trap! Tune in next time for the exciting conclusion!
Full Metal Racket February 3rd, 2021 Never forget big brother can and /will/ kick your butt.
The Rec Is The Place February 3rd, 2021 Ellie meets Drake, electricity manipulator that CAN charge phones!
What I Learned On Earth February 3rd, 2021 Mantis finally hunts down a Guardian who will hear of her awesome experiences on Earth
Student Teacher Conference February 3rd, 2021 Emma and Noriko have a chat after class.
Home safe and sound February 3rd, 2021 Rhodey makes his way to the Penthouse, looking for Tony but finds Pepper. The pair get to talk about everything and nothing in front of the bar and the fireplace.
Shaw's Gambit pt. 1 - Cloak and Dagger February 3rd, 2021 Those kids are more jaded than Shaw anticipated! But, maybe, there's a glimmer of hope.
Out of the Frying Pan February 2nd, 2021 No description
A Pit Stop February 2nd, 2021 No description
I'm Only Happy When It Rains (Olives) February 2nd, 2021 Something never finished.
Another You: A Visitor from the Other Side February 2nd, 2021 The Dopplematt comes to Elektra with a deal and some other suggestions.
Lending A Hand February 2nd, 2021 Gwen tries to hide her strength as Eddie volunteers to help her bring in crates of food into the store. The furnace is noisy, and Eddie went to ESU too? Things to discuss later.
Winter Gardening February 2nd, 2021 Karolina returns from her class trip and gets ambushed by Kori's eagle eyes. There are hugs, chatter, hot cocoa, and the promise of enough cheesecake to fill a cargo ship.
Dumplings Trump Mahjong February 2nd, 2021 Tim and Steph meet up at Hot Dumplings. Tim notices an injury and hears about the festering demon clawings.
Going Gwen-tle Into That Good Night February 2nd, 2021 Spidey sees a Ghost, and it's all right.
Secret Doors: Little help here February 2nd, 2021 The ghostly monster appears in the basement of the mansion, tangling with Avengers!
d8, e8 Meet. February 2nd, 2021 Shaw and Selene reconnect, and plot the next move for the club.
Sloshed and Dangerous February 2nd, 2021 Scott can't hold his liquor, Tynan can't hold her temper.
One night at the gym February 2nd, 2021 Training and Meetup at Titans Tower
A Matter of Ninjas February 2nd, 2021 Shaw and Elektra discuss ninjas, also possible future endeavours.
An Owl's Cry for Help February 2nd, 2021 Strix hunts down Batman to ask him a very important question: Will he help her leave the Court of Owls? Batman agrees and sets her up into a safehouse.
Antartic Retreat February 1st, 2021 No description
Bad Cassie III, Titans Tower February 1st, 2021 DoppleCassie assaults Titan's Tower with the help of Diesel and an army of gross zombie things. Together, the team is able to rush the real Cassie to safety despite various attacks on her person, capture Diesel (armed with the this-universe copy of the Silent Armor) and drive off Cassie a second time. Now, with information from her apparent lover, and with a copy of the armor to study, they will surely be well-armed for the final confrontation and the rescue of Helena Sandsmark.
A Working Proposal February 1st, 2021 A working dinner turns into an unexpected proposal. This one, Peggy might actually follow through on!
Sweet Dreams are Made of This February 1st, 2021 The Themysciran royal family shares a dream. Even one who's dead.
A Taste of Normal February 1st, 2021 Katsumi asks Nessa out on a date. You know, like normal people.
Gravity Working (Out) February 1st, 2021 Shannon and Spidey get together to train and analyze.
A Little Night Air February 1st, 2021 Nicole and James Proudstar cross paths on the Bow Bridge in Central Park. A new friendship is made.
The Case of the Mysterious Photo pt 2 February 1st, 2021 Rose hires some ninjas!
A night at the Mus...Zoo. February 1st, 2021 Would a giraffe burglar be a second story man?
Even Heroes Get Sick February 1st, 2021 Warren comes home to find Kitty left work early, having come down with a bug.
Light Swallowed By Shadows February 1st, 2021 Cloak and Dagger are on the hunt to rid the streets of those who harm the innocent. They happen upon Spider-Man and Superboy, who tried to help them remember their humanity.
An Evening with Bellatrix February 1st, 2021 Jovian goes to the Hellfire Club in search of information, and winds up spending some time with the recluse member Bellatrix.
Research and Tea February 1st, 2021 Kurt and Amanda have a chance to catch up as they continue to research the strange goings on in NYC. Along with everywhere else.
What is teamwork February 1st, 2021 Damian and Bruce have a little father/son moment while suiting up for a night of busting heads and whipping ass.
Black Cat and King February 1st, 2021 Shaw and Felicia catch up after his return from Tokyo, Shaw has an idea for a event at the Hellfire Club.
Shaw's Opening February 1st, 2021 Elektra has a new recruit in mind and Shaw lays out some of his vision for the club.
At The Drop Of A Mallet February 1st, 2021 Like Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say, if it ain't one thing, it's anudda. Either you get depowered and have to confront your doppelganger or ya go runnin' around rooftops bein' chased by Harley's Hyenas.
Did You Do Something With Your Hair February 1st, 2021 Eddie discovers someone new working at the corner store. Gwen Stacy scores points slipping an extra Hershey bar into his bag. Shhh.
Title Date Scene Summary
Abcde and Daniel must beware D... March 31st, 2021 Abcde is wary that her future self warned her that Daniel is dangerous, but they soon discover it's the djinn, still haunting their lives and dangerous as ever. Abcde accidentally lets it known that Daniel was about to die before he arrived in 2021.. and also that Steve Rogers is alive. Daniel heads out to find his friends, even as they search for him too.
Inside the Chainer's Demense March 31st, 2021 Morrigan and Hellboy move to investigate the other side of the portal and find hundreds of souls trapped there. They investiate the center.
Hunting Daniel Sousa March 31st, 2021 Peggy and her team continue to hunt for Daniel, which leads them to the home of the young witch Abcde Prescelta and... eventually... the man himself. Emotions run very high.
A Very Wayne Birthday March 31st, 2021 Bruce Wayne's birthday brings out his family and friends for a quiet celebration. The cake was a hit. Dick got an unexpected cupcake. Bruce's heart grew three sizes that day. But then he put it in the dryer to shrink it back down.
A Night In March 31st, 2021 Warren and Kitty enjoy a quiet meal at home, that may not have been homecooked as she claimed. Plans are made for a vacation.
Oodles of Noodles March 31st, 2021 Q and Ruth come to a decision and eat noodles.
Two-Fold Extraction March 31st, 2021 X-51 and Agent 13 make a sudden getaway out of Russia. They've been compromised.
Chats and snacks at the Shack March 31st, 2021 katsumi and Atlin meet Lydia at the Shake Shack and try to have a conversation, but it doesn't go well at all.
House Party of the Damned March 30th, 2021 Vorpal follows a strange woman through a portal and gets far more than he bargained for as he meets the queen of all that is dead and dying and must rescue a group of girls from a Hellborn demon.
Title Goes Here after coffee March 30th, 2021 The Cheschire Cat finds Lady Death and more than he bargained for.
N.O.W.H.E.R.E. in the Narrows March 30th, 2021 The Outsiders interrupt another N.O.W.H.E.R.E. operation, this time in the Narrows area of Gotham. NPCs: Warblade and Shadow Walker.
Meeting Lois March 30th, 2021 Jon meets his mother and his father...five years before his birth. General chaos ensues.
Late-Night Snacking March 30th, 2021 Taste tests, personal chats, and the nature of weirdness in the wake of Spidey's recent events as he spends some quiet time with Blake Riviere.
A Nice Day For A Walk March 30th, 2021 Gwen and Eddie go for a walk in Washington Park, playing frisbee and figuring out how to get Gwen an audition with the Jets.
Timely Intel March 30th, 2021 When news reaches Melinda May of a SHIELD agent who looks remarkably like Daniel Sousa turning up at a Manhattan precinct, she's not sure whether or not to trust it. But with the possibility of its truth confirmed by an unlikely source, she has no choice but to take her discovery home to Peggy... and pray it doesn't give the old woman a heart attack.
A Little Damage Control March 30th, 2021 Steve Rogers checks out the location where Colossus and Venom broke up a gang shootout and then fought each other. April O'Neil lives close by and comes to check out the scene as well.
Old Friend Reaches Out March 30th, 2021 Dan reaches out to an old friend to try and get a feel for what happened to SHIELD. As always Peggy plays her cards close to the chest but a detante between them is reached.
Juicebox Where Their Hearts Used to Be March 30th, 2021 Blade and Enchantress watch as Vampires give themselves extra special hugs!
Everyone Relax, I'm with SHIELD March 30th, 2021 Daniel and Abcde fight for their lives against HYDRA as Abcde discovers the Djinn is hiding within a shard of mirror in her arm and it sacrifices a police officer to rewind time **wrrrrp rewind** Daniel and Abcde get a mysterious warning that HYDRA is in the police station. Also.. beware D.. Daniel? Daniel and Abcde discover SHIELD is wanted by law enforcement and are now illegal.
1951, Mission Gone Wrong: Aftermath March 30th, 2021 1951, After the failed mission which cost Daniel and Peggy more than they could tell anyone, Lily and Peggy have a quiet night together on the back porch, They share some quiet feelings, tea, discuss Lily's strange medical issue, and try to leave mistakes in the past.
Late Night Conversation March 30th, 2021 Henry and Kassandra chat about this place, late night. Cookies are had.
Mutant Riverboat Unlimited Texas Hold'Em March 29th, 2021 No description
I Oa You 1 AI Brain March 29th, 2021 Scott and the Guardians enact a daring, stealthy heist on Oa. The kind of stealth that leaves giant craters in the street.
A tour of the Mansion March 29th, 2021 Jen brings Katsumi to the Mansion to show her around and to meet some of her fellow Avengers. They meet Hank, which is close enough, and his friend Mike. They talk about Katsumi's powers and give a couple of things a try, but don't come any closer to understanding the mystery.
1951: The Real Dangers of Field Work March 29th, 2021 A routine stake out mission goes tragically wrong for Daniel and Peggy. They lose something more important to them than SHIELD, the house, or the world.
1951, Quiet Night: A Rarity March 29th, 2021 A quiet night off shortly after Peggy and Daniel move into their own home ends in a sweet dance.
So You Like Pizza Too March 29th, 2021 Arthur and Kori run into each other in what turns out to be both of their favorite pizza place. Pizza delivery to Iceland is planned.
Welcome Home, Amazons March 29th, 2021 The Amazons return to the Tower
Tipple of Choice for the Extraordinary March 29th, 2021 A little booze and a lot of talking about demons and magic.
One small step March 29th, 2021 Logan shares a sandwich with Ellie. It is not wack. They get into their feels. It was macabre.
Excercise and conversation March 29th, 2021 How do you solve a problem like James Proudstar?
Feast of Souls: Pale Fire March 29th, 2021 Plans to ward are complete, and the final elementalists put in place.
What goodies may be found March 29th, 2021 Loki spends some time in Amanda's library. He's visited by the lady of the tomes, and an annoying discovery is made. Who does that?!
Is It A Secret If They Hold Hands In Public March 28th, 2021 No description
Fortune and Glory: The End March 28th, 2021 The Nazca cartel is destroyed. Cinque takes a lot of their money. Bane takes the rest. Jovian takes enough evidence to put them out of business around the world and gives credit to the Peruvian police and SHIELD.
1000 Faces: I Just Want You For Your Body March 28th, 2021 In part I, trouble is afoot with the rusalka in Vermont.
1000 Faces: Resurrectile Dysfunction March 28th, 2021 After saving some of Orkney from draugr, the Asgardian royal court goes to teach a draugr a lesson. One that starts and ends with
1000 Faces: Putting Romance in the Necromancer March 28th, 2021 One dead girlfriend. One undead girlfriend. A farmer's market, 4 dozen doughnuts, and the police equal a bad romance. Oh oh oh, caught in a bad romance.
Sometimes You Just Need A Shove March 28th, 2021 Dick takes Sara to charity gala. Stephanie is volunteering her time there working. Sara helps Dick to come to some realizations.
A Quiet(ish) Sunday March 28th, 2021 An almost comfortable brunch at the Long Island 'safehouse' ends up with another interrogation of their HYDRA prisoner.
Apartment Hunter March 28th, 2021 Hank has a roomie!
When Bobbi Met Wanda March 28th, 2021 Dr. Morse is invited to a meeting at the Avenger's mansion and learns of an unexpected ally.
Afterword March 28th, 2021 Dinah and Thomas meet after their capture. Making plans and enjoying junk food.
Another night, another bruised rib March 28th, 2021 Jason and Val discuss learning and escapades.
Habitat For Humanity Build - Everyone's got to eat sometime March 28th, 2021 People join forces to support a good cause
Family March 28th, 2021 Jimmy and Gabby share a soda and apparently Logan's DNA
The Hand They're Dealt March 28th, 2021 Batgirl and Nightwing finally discover the point of the artifact smuggling and confound one of Faust's plans.
STEM Class March 28th, 2021 Pepper and Jacqueline meet at a city-wide Secondary School STEM Club gathering, each supporting different aspects of the program. Together, they plan further encouragement for the budding young scientists and engineers of NYC.
An Improbably Plausible Con March 28th, 2021 Lancelot tries to trick Bobbi and murder her in a dark alley, but he didn't count on her being a super soldier. For a moment there, Bobbi thought may be she had lost Lance; but the trajectory of these doppels is coming to a head.
School Break March 28th, 2021 HHHS faces an uncertain future and this makes Morrigan, Mike and Hank, uncertain.
3 Card Monte! March 28th, 2021 Remy shows off a game of skill, ends up coming up with a worse idea
The Smell Of A New Computer March 28th, 2021 Maxwell and Kitty replace the computers in the lab with new ones. Scott and Scruffles lend a hand. A baseball game is planned.
The Playground March 27th, 2021 The Agents of SHIELD start to gather in their new headquarters: The Playground. New lanyards. New tablets. New phones. New digs. Same old HYDRA; the weary SHIELD agents work is never done.
Nights of Presents Past March 27th, 2021 Karma infiltrates the dream-space of the lightly napping Kassandra, meeting her mental guardians and placing her at ease, as well as guiding her to untroubled sleep. Nobody dies - this time!
The Brownstone That Ate the Upper East Side March 27th, 2021 Clea, the Question, and Spider-Man converge on a very mobile home.
Call Me Bakeneko March 27th, 2021 At last, Katsumi attempts to hone self-control through underground fighting and adopts the name Bakeneko for the first time. It sees some mixed results, but fortunately no one dies. Scratch that, three people die. But at least she isn't the one who killed them! Dark Caliber just happens to have some work to take care of, don't worry about it.
Paintball for Charity March 27th, 2021 Diane and Hellboy play paintball against a huge crowd for a child's birthday. The child 'wins.'
Flashback: Against the Limner March 27th, 2021 In 1965, a BRPD team fights The Limner, wins but misses a soul in this flashback scene.
Reality Check March 27th, 2021 Shortly after Gamora's nice moment with Quill, Nebula angrily confronts her with the reality of their situation, and assures Gamora that her death or retrieval to Thanos is not off of the table.
Former Raccoon March 27th, 2021 Non-raccoon is very happy with friends now
I am your bartender, as I have always been March 27th, 2021 (This happens right after scene 5462: Iron Fortitude: Warcrimes)

May confronts E, the bald bartender at the Swordfish and gets to know more about her past and how she influenced SHIELD. In the end a compromise is reached.

Going Dark. Again. March 27th, 2021 SHIELD was going dark. It meant it was time for farewells. But if anything Matt and Daisy were used to this life.
You Make Me Feel Like Dancing March 27th, 2021 Peter's music is way too loud, but it turns out it's pretty good for dancing as Gamora discovers.
A Broken SHIELD March 27th, 2021 Clint tells Cap about the fall of SHIELD
A need for speed. March 27th, 2021 Fast As Fast can be, you'll catch up with me
Home On The Curb March 27th, 2021 Sara and Carson discuss the foibles of their abilities and establish a curious sort of 'room mate' like situation.
A Disturbance in the Basement March 27th, 2021 SHIELD news is shared with Wanda, knives are thrown, and Clint agrees they're a team
Coming Clean with the Boss March 26th, 2021 Peggy catches Bobbi up on the investigation, but there's too many leads and not enough wins before their time could run out.
A Wonderful Birthday March 26th, 2021 The Amazons and Titans celebrate Diana's birthday on Themyscira, and it becomes a double celebration when Caitlin returns succesfully from her quest, an Amazon.
The Coolest Woman Ever March 26th, 2021 Ellie experiences the best day of her life, running into Selene Corvinus.
A problem shared is a problem that winds up on Jeans desk. March 26th, 2021 Ororo, James, Jimmy and Talia try to enjoy a nice sunny day only to have Laura spoil it somewhat by turning up with a dossier full of information about N.O.W.H.E.R.E
Third Shift March 26th, 2021 May arrives at the house in Long Island for her shift guarding Vogel, only to find Peggy obsessed with the work of cracking HYDRA's infiltration network... because work is much preferable to processing messy emotions like grief.
Mos Eisley Stories March 26th, 2021 Today our process of finding if Big Moe could eat a snooker ball is interrupted by Nightwing barging into the Dugout to ask Harley about all that's been happening around her. Noone gets dragged to Arkham Asylum. Refreshing!
For Want Of A Spike March 26th, 2021 The meeting of three Spiders and a Warhead. Ground Zero: a goth shop.
Popups Are A Plague March 26th, 2021 Jessica gets a scared by a call from Oracle, she fears it might be something more purple on the other side.
An Almost Perfect Con March 26th, 2021 Babs seeks out Hunter at the bar where he and Bobbi got back together. Too bad she's not up on current events, all the same instead of 'I Got You' Babe, this time is more 'I Shot You Babe'.
A Tale of Two Flashes. March 26th, 2021 Irie does some retro gaming on the PS5, and Bart hops in. They have a chat about family, the nature of time travel, and fancy rings.
Range Finder March 26th, 2021 May stops in to see Jemma again, to try to get a better handle on the range of her powers. What she finds, though, is that there's not really much more they can do beyond what they're already doing. Oh. And she learns that Jemma is scary-good at sublimating her own emotions. Like... maybe even better than May, herself. Colour May impressed.
1951: Just Another Mission March 26th, 2021 Peggy and Daniel have breakfast and discuss a mission that in no way end badly. It's always the good days that getcha.
The Spider and The Jacker (The Car Jacker, pervs) March 25th, 2021 No description
Continuing the interview March 25th, 2021 No description
Food Science March 25th, 2021 No description
Copperpots! March 25th, 2021 Alison seems to have been bitten by a wrestlebug! Katsumi's there to save the day! Or perhaps more likely, feed into it!
Catching Up with Errol Flynn March 25th, 2021 Kurt drops over for movie night and learns what Amanda's been up to lately. He also meets (sorta) her erstwhile head-guest, the ghost of Sister Phillis. But really, it's all about the Errol Flynn movie marathon, as always.
Just a bit of advice... March 25th, 2021 Hank gives advice, steak, and fries to Mike, Irie, and Saeko
Power Play March 25th, 2021 May and Daisy spar some and catch up a little on what's been happening lately. It becomes apparent May isn't really fond of having become a walking emotional sponge. But, Daisy's right: If anyone's able to control their emotions, it's May.
A Last Night Stroll by the Lake March 25th, 2021 Hank and Ororo spend some time talking by the lake and decide to help each other out.
Hunting Manticores For Fun and Profit March 25th, 2021 During their Themysciran vacation, a group of Titans go on a manticore hunt. The Titans use spear, arrow, plasma and density. It's super-effective!
Another Day At Jessica's Real Home March 25th, 2021 Tonight on Cheers: Josie Edition, Jessica runs into a surprisingly large and fit doctor. No, she's not looking for dates, but she did have Claire Templeton in mind, because this doctor has some cheat codes.
Told You It Would Be Quick March 25th, 2021 Clint returns to Wanda after a mission. Sandwiches and tea are completely ignored.
Feast of Souls: Cost Risk Analysis March 25th, 2021 Plans are laid about protecting Xavier's.
The Great Nerd Off March 24th, 2021 No description
It Doesn't Matter The Weather Outside March 24th, 2021 A swim at the pool isn't complete with someone getting pushed in and horseplay ensuing
1951: Taking Care March 24th, 2021 1951: After a mission goes wrong Daniel takes Peggy home to rest and recover.
Empty Chairs at Empty Tables March 24th, 2021 Lance, May, Jemma, and Peggy move Vogel from Lance's apartment to a seemingly time-frozen house in Long Island. The Carter-Sousa residence has not had anyone living in it since 1956, but hasn't changed an inch either. Jemma's introduced to the secret of HYDRA in SHIELD and Vogel's real identity. No one talks about the baby booties or bullets on the fireplace mantel.
Happy Harbor: It Came From The Deep March 24th, 2021 Just a beautiful day at Brighton Beach and...that's a weird squid wave to ruin it!
Hot on the trail of the past March 24th, 2021 New blade, old power. Old blood new memories.
Fly Me to the Stars March 24th, 2021 High fashion in space!
Vacation snaps March 24th, 2021 Riri stops by Vivian's GIRL lab to catch up. Viv proceeds to show off her recent holiday photos from Themyscira.
Lucky With Lost And Found March 24th, 2021 Harvey Dent loses his phone at a party, stopping back and finding the item has been found by the cleaning crew.
Old Friends And A Fully Stocked Bar March 24th, 2021 Rogue and Storm get an invite to come meet up with Kitty in the city. A bottle of wine and a pot of tea, and lots of talk.
Questioning the Scorpion March 24th, 2021 Matt comes for a visit with questions about Black Sky and DoppelMatt. Elektra doesn't open much about it, but at least she says she will help in capturing the doppelganger. That's a good thing, right?
Guess who's cooking dinner March 24th, 2021 Hope returns from an extended mission and cooks dinner. The kitchen does not burn down. This time.
It's good to be 21 March 24th, 2021 Jean cheats at pool, and one of logan's kids is like 'LOGAN, WHERE R U?!' Remy gets lost in a bathroom and Bruce Willis wants us OUT OF HIS BAR.
Collecting Information March 24th, 2021 The chalice is examined, ninjas threaten a little girl, and Batgirl whacks them in the head.
Clint and Bobbi catchup March 24th, 2021 Two old SHIELD friends catch up on issues with their partners and super serums.
Cutting off a List of Heads March 24th, 2021 A trio of teams goes to the Pacifica, Dr. List's medical facility running human (and inhuman) experiments for HYDRA. When they arrive, the Doctor is already missing, but May, Deschain, and Hunter managed to clear out a below ground facility of HYDRA soldiers and techs. They rescue several patients in the process. Meanwhile, an above ground team grabs as much intel as possible.
Quiet Evenings Are A Nice Thing March 24th, 2021 A quiet night at Janet's condo includes talk about JFK, Hippies, Lex Luthor, and Steve trying to prepare for the possibility things may go sideways due to Hydra.
Something something something will change later March 23rd, 2021 No description
Most Eligible Jerk March 23rd, 2021 Pepper expresses concern about Tony's flirting.
The Mirror that Hungers March 23rd, 2021 An eventful day ensues when Abcde is tricked by a djinn trapped in a mirror which results in Daniel Sousa and Arturo Malevolo suddenly transported in to the present. Some how HYDRA knew he'd be arriving and turned up to collect Arturo. They also took the mirror but Daniel and Abcde got away. Abcde is letting Daniel sleep on her couch tonight before they head to the police to give statements and find help from SHIELD.
Birthday Presents March 23rd, 2021 Dick opens his birthday presents the morning after his party with Sara on hand eating breakfast.
1951, Killing the Rabbit March 23rd, 2021 1951, Peggy and Daniel give in and ask for a doctor to help them confirm their suspicions. Two days later, they get the good news. A baby is on the way.
Serums and Studies March 23rd, 2021 Hank and Morrigan experiment with her not being on her serum. It doesn't go well. Dinner is discussed. Actual dinner, not Hank Dinner.
After the Bonfire March 23rd, 2021 As Lucifer and Amanda clean up after the church fire in Queens, Pepper turns up unexpectedly. At least the misunderstandings are benign. And the steak is divine... metaphorically speaking.
Is A Birthday Another Day March 23rd, 2021 After attending a birthday party, Rachel comes to the understanding that - she doesn't remember her actual birthday. So it takes a Madrox to help Rachel figure out what day that might be.
Helloooooooo JERK! March 23rd, 2021 Rogue and Remy meetup again after another long absence from one another. They go get breakfast, tacos? Who knows.
A Scarlet In Study March 23rd, 2021 Peggy stops by Avengers Mansion and gets introduced to Wanda. There's a bottle of wine, and WHAT was Wanda reading!?
First day as a secret agent man March 23rd, 2021 Bobbi does her first onboarding with the new Agent Deschain, Field Agent.
Meat's Back On The Menu Boys March 23rd, 2021 A gang shootout independently draws Venom and Colossus. The X-man objects to Venom... eating someone. Fisticuffs and thrown car parts ensue.
Models and Ninjas and Apaches, oh my! March 22nd, 2021 No description
Court of Owls: The Fall of the Court March 22nd, 2021 It's time. The Court of Owls /must/ fall. Months have been spent in preparation for this final act and this time Batman and his colleagues will be victorious.
That's not a Moon March 22nd, 2021 It's a Falcon
The Legendary Secret of the Bronze Bowl March 22nd, 2021 Daisy and Lara head back to Nepal, starting in Afterlife, to seek out the strange disturbance in the force Daisy was feeling. An adventure is had up through the mountain with a mysterious adversary, a cuddy leopard, and eventually an ancient temple to be published in journals. Treasure was found and an uneasy alliance was forged.. temporarily.
Feast of Souls: A Handful of Dust March 22nd, 2021 Illyana plans terrible things in a tree. Julio, Shan, and Bobby leaf safety behind.
Feast of Souls: Red Ink March 22nd, 2021 Oh no, bad dreams? Whatever could it be? Candygram! Demon-shark!
Time Keeps On Slippin', Slippin', Slippin'... March 22nd, 2021 Sushi and talk of the future in the main lounge.
Morning Suspicions March 22nd, 2021 1951, Peggy wakes up sick and they realize that messing around like teenagers might just have consequences, even to a happily married couple. Or maybe it's poisoining? Who knows with SHIELD!
Genetic Raid March 22nd, 2021 Mutants saved! More info gathered.
Seeds of the Pit March 22nd, 2021 A burning church, a fight of the holy... and the fallout.
A Tale Of Treasure March 22nd, 2021 Jovian shares tales of the treasure hunt he's on with Viola over fish tacos
Another goodbye March 22nd, 2021 Targets were shot, Clint tells Wanda he's off again.
Visting Midtown March 22nd, 2021 Morrigan stops by to visit Hank. Hugs are given and not changing is talked on.
Clown Update Network! March 22nd, 2021 Terry catches Dick up on the news from Harleytown
A Chance To Have a Childhood March 22nd, 2021 Plans finally come to fruition. The most amazing toy room and immense dollhouse give Cassandra Cain a chance to find a bit of the childhood that she never was allowed to have.
Meddling Kids and Loose Threads March 21st, 2021 No description
A Flash Family Heart to Heart March 21st, 2021 Wally come visits Irie in her room, and they have a bit of a heart to heart about time travel, and secret identities.
House Warming and HYDRA, 1950 March 21st, 2021 Lily visits Peggy and Daniel for dinner, but they're interrupted by a HYDRA assassination attempt. (This is why they can't have nice things.) The stress of the situation triggers a strange seizure in Lily, which puts a damper on what was left of their party. But, hey... the mantle gets a new trophy out of it.
Anything we could do, Jacob could do better March 21st, 2021 Bobbi sits down with Dr. Simmons to discuss how her health has changed since Afterlife. During a discussion about solving genomic strangeness, Bobbi accidentally activates the latent quaking ability in a sample of Daisy's blood. General note: Examination room 5 is currently unavailable in the medical wing.
The Harlequin Blues March 21st, 2021 When it comes to Harley, things are seldom what they seem. Terry and Gar come to inquire about the stories behind those scurrilous Gotham Gazette headlines, and they might have just drafted themselves into hunting some gangsters!
Xavier School Staff Meeting March 21st, 2021 The meeting was had, followed by a cookie fight!
Two Slices of Cherry Pie March 21st, 2021 Carol and Steve catch up over slices of cherry pie in the mansion kitchen.
Say No More March 21st, 2021 One coin of Hell covered, one dead body. In John Constantine's ledger, a victory!
Not Quite Afterparty March 21st, 2021 Sandwiches and chatting over things best left unsaid.
Lucha underground March 21st, 2021 Bane shows off the full power of Venom
Comet at me bro March 21st, 2021 Karen catches Scott alone stroking his eel in space and gives him a disapproving look.
To Be an Amazon March 21st, 2021 It is time, at last. Diana and Donna accompany Caitlin to the edge of the Enchanted Forest of Themyscira, to see her off on a journey of self-discovery from which she will return a true Amazon.
Return of the Mack (Ninja) March 20th, 2021 Spider-Man and Owari reconnect, and share costume design and dating advice. Like superheroes/ninja do.
Fractured Memories at a Bar in the Middle of Nowhere (but not Knowhere) March 20th, 2021 An increasingly drunk Rocket is found by somebunny from his past he doesn't recall: Blackjack.
The Mirror that Binds March 20th, 2021 Arturo Malevolo, the founder of HYDRA in 1492; and Chief Daniel Sousa of SHIELD in 1956; both encounter a very very strange mirror in the line of duty.
Friends in Red Places March 20th, 2021 Magneto meets with the Red Room to discuss the solution to a certain problem. Woe to Senator Kelly.
A Dick Grayson Birthday Bash March 20th, 2021 A birthday party for Dick Grayson's 27th birthday on the ritzy Lady Lovelace anchored passenger ship. Booze and cake and high society all in one.
Another You: The Face of the Enemy March 20th, 2021 Matt and Daisy go to SHIELD to discover who their mystery guest was. When it's revealed to be a Doppleganger plans are put in motion to find him.
Revealing an Icon March 20th, 2021 Abcde, Harley, Irons, and Rhodes battle a rogue water elemental summoned by fire and water at the last day of shooting for a streaming BBQ competition show which has sadly just run out of money.
I'm an Asgardian! Crap. March 20th, 2021 Brunnhilde and Hellboy run into each other at a Brooklyn dive bar, and Brunnhilde outs her Asgardian origin unwittingly, or confirms it at least. Then she promptly acts like a jerk.
The Thief of PRINCEs March 20th, 2021 Spider-Man spots a thief stealing a Prince and goes in pursuit...which is how she wants it to go...
Going deep March 20th, 2021 Mystique and Quake finally meet up at a Brotherhood club where an agreement of minds is struck.
Talk at the labs March 20th, 2021 Ghost Spider and Nightwing speak at the labs after the attack on Titans Tower and Irina.
Backyard Shenanigans March 19th, 2021 No description
A Hellish Club March 19th, 2021 Andi and Rave meet at Purgatory and see about having a good time.
Bizarro Destroys Metropolis March 19th, 2021 Manipulated by Mister Mxyzpltk, The Bizarro Superman confuses the Fifth Annual Giant Robot Appreciation Day Parade for an invasion! Sweeping in to help save the day, Bizarro must be stopped before he ruins the nice day out...or gets someone killed.
An Unexpected Visitor! March 19th, 2021 Hank comes to talk to Morrigan about his observations. Morrigan confirms things and admits to things he missed. This is why friendships are good!
This Scene is Untitled March 19th, 2021 Carrie takes Gwen home. To sleep it off.
Marvelous Advice March 19th, 2021 Wally gets some outstanding advice from Adam. There is actually very little 'Kids these days' or 'okay boomer' involved.
And home again. Investigation time. March 18th, 2021 No description
Reporting to the Quill March 18th, 2021 No description
Sitting on the Bench, watching the world March 18th, 2021 Sunshine on my shoulders makes me Happy
I've Got A Bad Feeling March 18th, 2021 May goes to see Jemma about her unexpected Inhuman state. Blood samples are taken. Near field effect phenomenon is confirmed. And May manages not to get frustrated by the whole thing because Jemma is feeling excited about it, instead. (Well, excited and concerned. But, you know... it's Jemma.) At least, May hasn't been yanked from field duty... Yet.
Broken Mirrors: Novgorod March 18th, 2021 SHIELDvengers and the Titans assault a secret facility in Russia, manage not to mangle international law too horribly, and rescue some of the Red Room cadets, but find more questions than answers in the process.
Trouble in Ibiza Pt. 2 March 18th, 2021 All's well that ends well
They Say It's Your Birthday March 18th, 2021 Noriko's birthday gets her a cake and some presents. Even though she had to be tricked into showing up.
Batgirl gets a Hand March 18th, 2021 Batgirl infiltrates a smuggling ship and comes away with the first clue to the Hand presence in Gotham.
Dressing Sara March 18th, 2021 Dick Grayson brings Sara Pezzini to visit Janet van Dyne and get fitted for an outfit for his birthday celebration.
Late Lunch March 18th, 2021 Speaking of entanglements...
The Hong Kong Job March 18th, 2021 Family Harmony, FTW
This isn't Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang March 18th, 2021 Bobbi goes to find out what Lance has been hiding in his apartment. They argue. History may repeat itself with their relationship.
Coffee and Donuts March 18th, 2021 Lydia meets Sara at the coffee shop. They have donuts and have a good talk.
Trees know secrets. March 18th, 2021 An owl finds new prey in a most unexpected place and the hunt begins!
Rand, Wing, and the way of the Iron Fist March 18th, 2021 Danny and Colleen discuss Black Sky and practice the subtle art of distance, angle, and time.
Home Sweet Long Island March 18th, 2021 1951, Peggy and Daniel settle into their new, large house out on Long Island after a very long day at work.
The Cat That Dated the Canary March 17th, 2021 Not the worst first date ever.
The Demon and the Queen March 17th, 2021 Raven meets Hippolyta. Troia attempts a mixture of return fire and distractions to survive the barrage.
Safety net March 17th, 2021 A debriefing of sorts happens regarding an earlier encounter with a temporal creature (Thanks, Anchovy!), and balance is slowly regained.
Later at the Convention March 17th, 2021 Conversation over potato wedges leads to a possible date.
New rank, new job, times two March 17th, 2021 Daisy is off on a fateful trip to the mountains. Bobbi has a boat. Lance is down one 4k TV.
Mysterious Like The Dark Side Of The Moon March 17th, 2021 Nightwing gets down to business and evaluates Vorpal.
Intimidation Factor March 17th, 2021 A haunted apartment draws Lucifer and Amanda.
Amazonian Play time on the Beach March 17th, 2021 Diana and Kara chat while walking along the beach of Themyscira.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MORRIGAAAAAAANNNNNnnnnnnnn March 17th, 2021 The surprises keep on coming for Morrigan's birthday
So, you want to join up, eh March 17th, 2021 NYPD Detective applies to SHIELD. Meets Agent May, decides to do some detective work on her own past.
Mystery Night! March 17th, 2021 The thief was caught! M'gann had unexpected help.. much needed! She's not good at this whole detective thing! But the thief was inside the store already, not much investigating needed! After a brief struggle, Cable and M'gann were able to tie him up, and determine whether he was alone. Laura called the cops and the day was saved! There was even a brief philosophical debate on morality!
Holy ground is sacred March 17th, 2021 Harley brings Aimee to taste the best sandwiches in Gotham but they are attacked by Quallazaire's goons! Noone respects holy ground anymore...
House errr Lab Warming March 17th, 2021 Tiny Hulk is Powerful!
Casing An Angel March 17th, 2021 Kitty meets Rogue at the lobby of Warren's building, and the two run into Felicia Hardy. Who unbeknownst to them was casing the place. They all go for lunch.
The Dance March 16th, 2021 Selene and Elektra spar and at the same time find more about each other. Featuring a special guest, Kraven the schemer.
Interview with a Emmapire. March 16th, 2021 April O'Neil gets an exclusive interview with Emma Frost at the new Centinel Hotel in Mutant Town.
No goulash today. March 16th, 2021 What started as a good outing turned up a temporarily temporally tossed.
Law Enforcement Convention March 16th, 2021 The National Law Enforcement Convention kicks off in Gotham City, with Commissioner Gordon doing the introduction, and Bruce Wayne speaking as corporate sponsor of the event.
Learning the HFC Ropes March 16th, 2021 Elektra runs into Viola at the Hellfire Club and tries to determine how much Viola knows of her Maggia father. Viola learns more about the Club's management.
Lunch time is a brief respite for the weary March 16th, 2021 Bobbi, Peggy, and new agent Miura catch up in the food hall. Don't salute.
Dark Red March 16th, 2021 Daisy decides to log into the darkweb and visit old haunts. Someone finds her there, but who could it be?
Talks and Offers March 16th, 2021 Albert comes to talk to Morrigan about his powers. Hank defeats the vending machine. Sizes are discussed.
Looking for answers in Shadowed places March 16th, 2021 Oracle learns a great deal about Natasha, and decides she needs to meet this woman.
Putting The Pieces Together March 16th, 2021 Terry and Gar compare notes on last night's strange encounter.
Fury reassigned me March 16th, 2021 Bobbi and Lance catch up and discuss her promotion and pointedly not why Lance's apartment is unavailable
This Can Only Lead To Time Travel March 16th, 2021 Irie meets Nadia and asks for her help dealing with the Speed Force. Timelines everywhere tremble in fear.
A Terrible Price to Pay March 15th, 2021 Hellboy and Morrigan enter the realm of the Chainer of Souls with the portal closing behind them while Mike and Hank watch.
Questioning Vogel March 15th, 2021 Peggy, May and Hunter take Vogel to Hunter's place to be interrogated. What they hear isn't what they expect and likely nothing any of them wanted to hear.
Could a fight club work March 15th, 2021 Bane demonstrates a brand new opportunity and Rose encourages him to punch some guy.
Happy Harbor: School Assembly March 15th, 2021 The faculty and students of Happy Harbor get an announcement. They're going public!
Oh Yeah It Was A Real Blast March 15th, 2021 Steph falls asleep awkwardly in the study after KGBeast's attack. Dick comes back and saves her a sore back and neck. Have fire, will make s'mores.
Dollhouse: The Special Priority Operations Team March 15th, 2021 Morse is promoted to Commander of SPOT, Level 8, after the untimely demise of Commander Gonzales.
Origins: How Rocket Met Groot And Became Best Buds...Get It March 15th, 2021 How Rocket and Groot met and went off on great adventures together before joining the Guardians. Everything here is all true!
Driving Concerns March 15th, 2021 Peggy confronts May about her emotions (or lack there of) while driving back from locking up Vogel. They make an interesting discovery about touch.
A moment to breathe March 15th, 2021 Clint finds Wanda in one of her 'haunts' and after some conversation, they decide that time is best spent in each others' company.
And Many Future (Literally) Returns! March 15th, 2021 The Titans celebrate Irie's unbirthday, and Steel comes to the rescue when an unknown foe plays the partypooper!
Spidersilk and Steel March 15th, 2021 Spidey tracks down a lead and meets Steel for the first time in Suicide Slum.
Song of ten thousand Cranes. March 15th, 2021 Owari makes contact with SHIELD, everyone walks away.
Been a While... March 14th, 2021 No description
Birds and Bees March 14th, 2021 No description
Fortune and Glory: Pandemonium March 14th, 2021 The treasure hunters start hunting the treasure hunt makers.
EXTREME HOTEL MAKEOVER March 14th, 2021 Watch the worker bees raise a building in one week!
Cutting Off a Head March 14th, 2021 A team of trusted SHIELD Agents takes down one of the heads of HYDRA from his posh hotel. One head is cut off. How many more will there be?
Let the tests begin March 14th, 2021 Sciene is made, friend maybe is made if that's even possible
From Russia with Reversed Charges March 14th, 2021 Natasha makes contact with Shield and Bobbi and more or less demands their future help freeing the captured Red Room candidates while Natasha attacks Mother.
Working Late March 14th, 2021 Joan works late. So does Catman.
Aftermath at the Tower March 14th, 2021 Irina wakes up. Friends discuss the future.
Rooftop visit March 14th, 2021 Irie and Kian have a rooftop talk, while Nightwing swings by for a midnight dip.
Themysciran Vacation: The Second Day March 14th, 2021 Where the visitors to Themyscira learn that a traditional Themysciran breakfast involves swords and hammers, but not plankton.
Leftovers! March 14th, 2021 Gabby and Kassandra have the remainder of the brisket and discuss their abilities. Plans are made for Kass to show off at a later date.
Art Night March 14th, 2021 Johnny Storm just wants to show off an alien statue he got on a mission. Things go perfectly!
Shine: The Montana Homestead March 13th, 2021 The Moonstone Facility, a former religious commune-turned-slave-labor camp and refuge for the illicitly wealthy. The Outsiders and their ally Agent Angelos Tampambulos are on hand to rescue Phoebe Beacon, missing from Gotham City. The magical healer is rescued from her plight, and returned home. Mickey Rodgers and a slew of other minor villainous types are rendered to SHIELD and FBI custody, and Rodgers, loosing the Gotham Gate, will never be in a position to hurt anyone again.
Beware the Ides of March March 13th, 2021 What *is* Strange's favourite music? Find out next time on...
It is a big starship March 13th, 2021 Conner goes exploring and meets Maxima (or perhaps a simulacrum of her)
Seaside Saturdays March 13th, 2021 Hank, Mike and Morrigan try to get a drink, tangles happen, pets are given and sun is too much.
Reunited and it feeeeeels so goooood! March 13th, 2021 Mother and daughter reunited. Tears and tissues used. HAPPY ENDING?
Raccoon Rescue Go March 13th, 2021 Girl saved. Raccoon not saved.
The Martian is Back March 13th, 2021 M'gann is back to Earth and of course the Outsiders kitchen. So are burnt cookies.
Seeking Equipment - FOR SCIENCE! March 13th, 2021 Weird and Interesting meeting.
We're all hungry here March 13th, 2021 Daisy and Elena catch upon telemundo, then discuss the future of the Secret Warriors over chocolate!
Something Suspicious in the Penthouse, 1950 March 13th, 2021 1950, Jarvis drops by with dinner and realizes the secret Peggy's been hiding -- a man!
Murderer's Row March 13th, 2021 A variety of badasses beat a variety of lame-asses on live streaming television
Brisket Night! March 13th, 2021 Friday Brisket happens at Xavier's. Everyone comes to eat and to meet the new kid. Plans are made to do this again.
Go eat a burger or something... March 13th, 2021 Enough food to feed a football team, puns, and sunglasses
Birdwatching March 12th, 2021 Cobblepot and Falcone decide to work together to bring a little bit of Mob Justice to the streets of Gotham, by taking down The Mad Hatter.
A Night For Pool March 12th, 2021 Shooting pool, with friends for Stephanie, and with his partner from GCPD for Dick, turns into taking down a peg someone who needed it.
The Wedding Part Two, Tranq-Dart Boogaloo March 12th, 2021 1950, the Sousa-Carter wedding. Daniel wakes up after being tranqed and falling into the Hudson. Peggy is at his side, worried as ever. They exchange some drugged, honest words about possible children and the future before Howard reminds them there's a whole wedding waiting outside.
The hunt for a May March 12th, 2021 Daisy goes to look for May after the Afterlife mission. They agree that May should go talk with Jemma about her terrigenesis and some more about the mystery of the Cavalry is revealed.
A quiet discussion March 12th, 2021 Viv and Riri talk about growing up, showers, and mutual study. Showers and Spacesuits involved!
Cats and Canaries March 12th, 2021 Catman goes to meet a contact and ends up meeting Black Canary!
Spring cleaning the back yard March 12th, 2021 After a brief hello, many hands make light work.
Sunshine and Brisket! March 12th, 2021 Relaxing conversation, and promises of food and swimming to Mackey.
A Question of Leadership March 12th, 2021 Damian and Dick talk, and Robin agrees to try working with the Titans.
The Bane of her work March 12th, 2021 Madi makes a friend of Bane. And, she gets the promise of a little excitement in the not so distant future. Yay for villainy!
What Price One Soul: Shot Across the Bow March 12th, 2021 Saeko warns Hellboy of a trap on a door for a witness he wants to talk to. They fight a whisp who possess the witness and rescue the witness.
Thursday Night at the Wilsons March 12th, 2021 Slade and Rose Wilson catch up a bit and talk ninjas.
Battering Down The Battery March 11th, 2021 No description
Meanwhile, at the hospital .... memory issues pop up. March 11th, 2021 Reunited with memory gaps. Fun, but still a pseudo-homecoming!
Court of Owls: Plan of Attack March 11th, 2021 The Bat-clan gather at Strix's safehouse for a presentation of the Court of Owls. Much needed information was divulged by the mute assassin, priming them to take out the Court once and for all.
Happily Ever Paranoid After March 11th, 2021 Daniel and Peggy's wedding reception is interrupted by a double kidnapping attempt to no one's surprise. The kidnappers are thrwated, but not before they inject Peggy with a bit more than tranqulizer juice. She ends up rambling on a lot of secrets to Lily Chen.
Happy Harbor: Moving In Day March 11th, 2021 Hank moves into his classroom at Happy Harbor with help from Mike. Old enemies of the school are talked on.
Medical Care March 11th, 2021 Jason has burgers for everyone, while Dick has a knife wound that Stephanie tends to.
That Is A Lot Of Avengers March 11th, 2021 Lunch at Chelsea Market brings various members of the Avengers, SHIELD, and the NYPD together.
Twasn't me! March 11th, 2021 Harley gets lectured by her roommate due to all the news coming out in the papers about her! Unfair!
Another You: A Little Bit of B&E March 11th, 2021 Matt and Daisy do a little breaking and entering to get a look at their mystery guest. Matt is troubled by people's reactions to Daredevil.
A Tiny Case Of Remodeling March 11th, 2021 Bruce, Dick and Stephanie discuss some matters, villainous and otherwise.
Flowers in the Attic March 11th, 2021 Kassandra shows what she can do. Ororo is impressed and wants to know more.
1950: The Day Before the Big Day March 11th, 2021 Daniel slips out of his bachelor party to come find Peggy at the office, they deal with their nerves about the looming big day in various ways, some wiser than others.
Spills of Genius March 11th, 2021 Tony coaxes Pepper to aid in a design process.
Twist and Shout! March 11th, 2021 Accident prone people and dance lessons. What could go wrong?
Some Nights You Just Need A Drink March 11th, 2021 Viola stops by Luke's Bar for a drink after seeing Mysterio's attack on a street fair. Danny Rank is nursing his wounds and the two talk about heroes and villains.
Playing Con(vention) Games March 10th, 2021 No description
Branches: The Bus March 10th, 2021 A traffic accident sends a city bus into the drink. Cinque, Sara Pezzini, Lydia and Viola rush to save the passengers from drowning.
Research to the Borgs March 10th, 2021 Phoebe, Conner, and Bart begin researching the N O W H E R E cyborgs that attacked Phoebe and Laura
Thousand Faces: Awooooo! March 10th, 2021 Man vs. dog. Dog of death, as it turns out...
So You Want a Pony March 10th, 2021 Jason stages a fake combat and fake tramau making it look like Mysterio did it and sneaks in to the city jail.
In Service of The Quill March 10th, 2021 As a follow up to #5280, Mantis ventures on her mission to discover what Peter Quill wanted her to find out. Next she'll have to report back to him.
Stolen Trinkets: James Proudstar March 10th, 2021 In seeking her own truth, Ruth accompanies James on a vision quest and learns a shocking revelation in regards to his tribe.
A Hand in Smuggling March 10th, 2021 Ninjas are thumped, crates are examined. Strange things are afoot.
What's better than a drug deal at a church March 10th, 2021 Spider-man webs his way through finding some interesting bad guy power-up juice.
Clueless Detectives March 10th, 2021 Clueless Detectives - Or skillful spies, Rachel and Theresa manage to successfully stop a blackmailer.
Titans: A Question of Leadership March 10th, 2021 Dick and Donna have a meeting with Gar to discuss the way the Titans is run. Terry comes along to cause trouble.
Toby or not Toby March 10th, 2021 Scott comes by the library to read. Xi'an is there. They discuss Owls. Catyclops detective agency is recruited for a case.
Lakeside Chat March 10th, 2021 A meeting by the lake balloons. Kassandra tells people the reason she fishes like six times, plans are made to meet in Ororo's attic later for lessons, and Warren is declared the unofficial Lyft of Xavier's.
Milano Tales: Lower Decks March 10th, 2021 Karen interrupts Rocket and Nebula being grumpy, serves them both up a dose of hope even if she didn't mean to.
Broken Mirrors: A Silken Thread March 10th, 2021 Natasha faced with a dead end, receives a lead from an unexpected source.
A Bit Of Poetry March 10th, 2021 Saeko ends up at a poetry slam where Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson also show up, to listen to a World War II vet share a pair of poems.
Teaching stuff like a teacher March 10th, 2021 Scott calls Jubilee in and quotes Captain America. Then makes her watch Crime and Punishment.
Steam burns March 9th, 2021 No description
Staff Meeting - HFC March 9th, 2021 No description
Connecting the dots March 9th, 2021 Pam and Harley go to meet with a supposed client for one of their bounty hunts but instead it's some Cruella wanting to know why they were messing with their construction in the docks. Diplomacy fails and so they need a quick escape! Luckily someone liked cigarillos!
Teach me, teach me March 9th, 2021 Madigan meets and harashes Cole. Yeah, like he is going to teach her to shoot...
Sad Demon in a Clocktower March 9th, 2021 Dishonor on everyone! Dishonor on YOU.. Dishonor on your COW... Mulan, food, family. Assassins and Orphans.
Afterlife: Shh it's a Secret Warriors March 9th, 2021 Agent Johnson promoted to specialist and is asked to head up a new group - The Secret Warriors. She accepts.
Afterlife Aftermath March 9th, 2021 Daisy and Matt return home from Afterlife to discuss Daisy's new assignment and find out that someone has been in their place while they've been away.
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life March 9th, 2021 Welcome back Morrigan! Happy Harbor gets a new faculty member.
Disassembling an Icon March 9th, 2021 Someone is graffitiing elemental glyphs around Queens. Luckily they're getting them wrong. Unluckily, they might eventually get them right. Abcde meets a mage, Nessa, who makes ice, and invites Abcde to join the LBC.
Old Times March 9th, 2021 Mystique recruits Mastermind for the new brotherhood
Museum Oddnesses March 8th, 2021 No description
Just Because March 8th, 2021 No description
Thousand Faces: Blood Lines March 8th, 2021 Zombies prowling through the city end up put down, at the expense of an innocent car. Poor Charger!
Thousand Faces: Who's For Dinner March 8th, 2021 Vampires set up a dinner with bloody consequences for all involved.
But I Have A Good Excuse March 8th, 2021 Eddie's arrest causes him to miss helping Gwen with her paper. He finds out about band, and that they have both been through more than he realized.
Trouble in Ibiza March 8th, 2021 The plot is laid?
Thousand Faces: Death Sentences March 8th, 2021 The first reaping: SHIELD loses one of their own to unknown causes, and Bobbi suspects a serial killer or an evil moon.
Dinner at Stephanie's March 8th, 2021 Stephanie's version of a four course meal is enjoyed. And, as I recall, I think, we both kind of liked it.
But what's normal, anyway. March 8th, 2021 Irie and Viv run into each other in Titans Tower. They chat about weird families and Viv sends Irie's details to GIRL.
Secret Doors: Aftermath of Headaches March 8th, 2021 Tony and Jennifer check on Wanda, after she'd had an encounter with some demons.
There is No Crisis, but There is Pizza March 8th, 2021 A whole flock of speedsters descend on the tower, two thirds of them from the future. Bart, Wally and Irie talk about family with Donna and Kian.
Dismounting a Rider March 8th, 2021 Abcde finds a corrupted spirit riding a bartender. With the aid of Koga Miura and Harley Quinn, they save the bartender, but not the bar.
Good, Good, Good...Good Vibranium March 8th, 2021 Black Panther and Spider-Man meet during a high-stakes robbery.
The Heavenly Smell of Cookies March 8th, 2021 Cookies are baked. Fingers are burnt. Warnings about Ororo's lightning are exchanged.
Snack Shack March 8th, 2021 Elena and Ward have lunch and negotiate the future reveal of the hither unnamed shop of coffee
Lazy Monday March 8th, 2021 A movie is watched, bedding is discussed and chiropractors are needed!
Look who is over for dinner March 8th, 2021 Mystique comes to visit Rogue and catch up on current events. It is not a hallmark moment.
Plotting March 8th, 2021 Groot makes a bit of language progress with Drax and tries to figure out a way to stop Nebula from destroying his chocolate without hurting her. He may have a plan.
Afterlife: Mourning Robert Gonzales March 8th, 2021 Bobbi talks to Lance about some of her time in Afterlife. She mourns Gonzales's death.
Drinking Tea Like Civilized People March 8th, 2021 Ororo, Betsy, Gabby and Kitty gather for tea up on the roof.
Live on the Wire! March 7th, 2021 No description
Fortune and Glory: Dont Shoot the Messenger March 7th, 2021 Several candidates for Lott's legacy are chosen. Three in particular; Bane, Cinque and Jovian investigate clues to what is going on and why they were chosen. News of the hunt leaks around the world and the focus on who is seeking it and what it is increases as does scruitiny of the Nazca cartel, drawing the attention of Lara Croft as Jovian asks her help which in turn draws the scruitiny of W.A.N.D.
Fortune and Glory: Peeking Behind the Curtain March 7th, 2021 Sara and Jovian investigate the Nazca cartel and Sara is hired as a hitman.
Feast of Souls Prologue: The Hunt March 7th, 2021 A problem requires a solution of unconventional, dare we say Strange standards.
Home for a Heart to Heart March 7th, 2021 Dick and Damian share a sandwich and a conversation.
Peaceful Ocean View March 7th, 2021 Bruce Banner's quiet day at the beach is interrupted by a Latino gang attack on Viola's father, a Maggia consiglieri. Hulk stops the attack and saves the girl from an exploding gasoline pump.
Munch Box for breakfast March 7th, 2021 After a night of patrols and hard work, Barbara, Jason and Stephanie gather for breakfast at The Munch Box.
Afterlife: Old Name, New Face March 7th, 2021 The finale of the Afterlife plot. Negotiations between Gonzales and Jiaying are going well until Dr. List's Quinjets attack with the intention of capturing Inhumans, bringing an old enemy with it: Gayle Trushot. SHIELD joins with Inhumans to stop the threat and while many lives are saved Afterlife is no more.
Zoo Days March 7th, 2021 A yen for hotdogs, a Little Brother, coffee going down the wrong pipe, and other coincidences bring people together. What happens when 5 random strangers stop being polite, and start getting real? The Real World!
School labs bring the most interesting guests March 7th, 2021 Madigan becomes a member of GIRL
How To Save A Life March 7th, 2021 An informant with information about the Kandarian Dagger is murdered before he reveals his information. Mercenaries show up to silence Oletha. Ash is looking for information about how to use the knife and crashes the meeting. Batwoman tracks the mecenaries from Gothham. At the abandoned warehouse in the suburbs of Gotham and New York, a battle between all of these forces happen. A deadlite appears but is quickly dispatched. Batwoman and Oletha defeat the other mercenaries. Batwoman leaves a warning for them to stay out of Gotham.
A Quick Talk March 7th, 2021 Nightwing and Terry talk about Robin and current events. Arkham comes up as a possible problem.
A Talk With Gar March 7th, 2021 Gar and Nightwing discuss Robin's return to the team. A party is planned and catnip is stashed.
Hanging Out in the Hall March 7th, 2021 Pizza and advice are shared in the Hall of Justice
Krypton or Bust: The Sto-Oa System March 6th, 2021 Upon arriving in the Sto-Oa system, the happy travel party is met with some very unhappy Oan ships and a fleet of Green Lanterns en route. Declaring that transportation of Kryptonians is a war crime, a stand off ensues resulting in Superman, Power Girl, and Super Girl surrendering to the Oans to get answers. Meanwhile, Jon Kent escapes the phantom zone and casually meets his dad and aunties and Maxima declares Green Lanterns forbidden from her empire. I am Groot!
Iron Fortitude: Warcrimes March 6th, 2021 SHIELD gathers for some good news, but instead hears some very very bad news. The US Government has disavowed all of SHIELD and is seizing the Triskelion. SHIELD has gone dark in response because despite this blow, HYDRA is still out there and must be dealt with. Also, E may have just had his cover blown by May.
Iron Fortitude: Six Underground March 6th, 2021 The legendary black market known as Six Underground is no more. SHIELD has shut it down for good and arrested the man behind it. May meets a member of the Cabal. Finally, SHIELD has recovered their stolen technology.
The Beast: Out of the Shadows March 6th, 2021 The leader of the Beast's Paw is revealed with explosive results. With their true target finally established the bat Family and their allies will need to put an end to the Beast's activities before he plunges all of Gotham into an underworld war.
A Thorn In The Side March 6th, 2021 Felix Faust might very well have added another ally to his ranks, but again he finds himself driven away by the Justice League and their allies. More and more eyes are turning towards him and he is accumulating enemies as quickly as allies. Soon he may have nowhere left to run. Or will he manage to bring his hidden goals to fruition and at last gain his revenge on those that have humiliated him so often before...
Slithering In The Sewers March 6th, 2021 While the unlikely collection of heroes might have managed to deal with the threat presented by the Lamia, Kurt is left with no answers on the more personal matter of his heritage.
Legs Miserables March 6th, 2021 It's leg day for Jean, Scott, and Xi'an. Also included: devious kitten-based plans, literature, and Scott taking all the fun out of pornography.
N.O.W.H.E.R.E. Was Here March 6th, 2021 Two Outsiders and one Catwoman stumble on a NOWHERE operation. Just as they threatened Red Robin months ago, they are hitting Gotham.
Hanging in the Cave March 6th, 2021 Sparring takes place, and Steph has to cook a meal for Dick as the result.
When debts come due March 6th, 2021 Thor and Loki pay a visit to Amanda. Loki's request for payment of a debt? Full access to Amanda's -magic- libraries.
Stolen Trinkets: Quentin Quire March 6th, 2021 Quentin and Ruth take a trip to the future and see themselves as older adults.
Afterlife: A Meeting of Minds March 6th, 2021 Gonzales and Jia sit down with their number #2's to discuss how SHIELD and Afterlife might work together. They don't see eye to eye, but a common enemy returns in force against them both. HYDRA is back (did they ever really go away?).
The Wrath of J Jonah Jameson March 6th, 2021 Peter Parker runs into Eddie Brock in the Daily Bugle lobby. A confrontation with J. Jonah Jameson results in Eddie taken away in a squad car, and Peter negotiating to get the charges dropped.
Afterlife: A stroll through the village March 6th, 2021 Elena goes for a walk with Mark and they talk about what their expectations, life, faith and how it's all a game of Poker.
What Could Go Wrong March 6th, 2021 Nobody is Stronger Than Hulk. And Hank did not dispute this.
Themyscira Vacation: Welcome to the Island March 5th, 2021 The ladies of the Titans ride the Invisible Plane to Themyscira, paradise home of the Amazons. They are met by Diana and Hippolyta, mount beasts, and ride on to the great city where feasting and celebration awaits!
Sunset at the Gotham Cafe March 5th, 2021 Peter meets up with Nia and they go out for friend chicken and geeking out.
The day after the day after March 5th, 2021 It is the week of bad decisions
Backyard BBQ at Xavier's School March 5th, 2021 Henry and Kassandra talk about Mutant abilities while brisket is cooked.
A Ray Of Sunshine March 5th, 2021 Gwen wakes to remembering she has a house guest. But who wants to get up, really.
Lazy Friday March 5th, 2021 Work is done and it's time to be lazy at the Worthington penthouse.
Dani & Jim together again March 5th, 2021 The Resistance grows
Catching Arrows March 5th, 2021 Donna and Kate chat about teamwork, manticore hunting, gods and what it's like to be a regular human surrounded by tanks.
I'll Be O'er In A Flash March 5th, 2021 Irie is welcomed to the Tower, with an auspicious palindromic start!
The day after March 5th, 2021 Terrible, terrible things have been done
On The Look For A Missing James March 5th, 2021 Ellie looks after the missing James, and finds out why he went off on his own.
The History of Owls March 5th, 2021 Nightwing visits Strix and brings over art supplies, and asks about her past. Strix gets her Bob Ross on and gives him a slideshow.
Library Police: Amnesty Hours March 5th, 2021 The Library Police successfully retrieve several books, including an interestingly enchanted one from Julio. A fugitive is identified for later apprehension. There are donuts.
Delivery for a Lab March 5th, 2021 Escape to Steak House - Accomplished.
Death Comet! March 5th, 2021 Daemonite Incursion Repulsed
Family Reunions. March 5th, 2021 And the timeline gives the Allan/Wests a dirty look yet again.
Magical Meetups March 5th, 2021 Lois and Zatanna measure each other up and... find each other acceptable. They get out of Clark what is really bothering him about this trip.
A Night At The Theater March 5th, 2021 Harvey Dent, Valeria Richards, and Piotr Rasputin and Kitty Pryde all end up at the Avengers show on Broadway, and bump into one another during intermission.
The Truth About Uncle Oisin March 4th, 2021 No description
The Right Way To Talk On The Phone March 4th, 2021 A chat on the phone between Grant and Viola
The Bronx's Burning March 4th, 2021 The seal has broken and Constantine realizes Hell has come for the Bronx.
Half off! March 4th, 2021 Kelley and Blackjack do a little shopping.
Fixing the Org Chart March 4th, 2021 Elektra gets a promotion, Shaw discusses current staffing issues.
Music in the Woods March 4th, 2021 A song accidentally shared turns into a duet. Prize given to Alison for best lead. Rahne comes out with a supporting role.
Themyscirans Reunited March 4th, 2021 In the aftermath of BadCassie's capture and Diana's recovery, Cassie declares it's vacation time. Diana agrees. Donna fails to disagree succesfully.
Another Talk at the Tower March 4th, 2021 Another talk helps Nightwing catch up on the Titans
Genesis March 4th, 2021 A yelling match in the school draws Piotr's attention. The loud one? Impossible, but it appears to have been little Rahne!
Post procedure check in March 4th, 2021 Food coma done, Hank comes by to visit Mike, get some tea, and a recipe
Stray Cat Strut March 4th, 2021 X-Factor Investigations may have a new regular client.
Afterlife: No secrets between biochems March 3rd, 2021 Daisy spills the beans about Bobbi's condition to Jemma. Because spies don't keep secrets.
Kitchen Pit Stop March 3rd, 2021 Dick makes a mean burger in a pinch, while Stephanie steals his awesomely soft sweatshirt. The garment is traded for help moving his things from Bludhaven.
A Fair Day In Central Park March 3rd, 2021 The first truly spring-like day of the year and a small fair in Central Park are enough to draw a large crowd.
Rogue Oppressed a bowling story March 3rd, 2021 Kitty, Rogue, Warren, and Simon take some of the younger Xavier's students bowling and drop in on Nori at her job. Some come for the the company, some come for the beer, and some come for the firemen. Which one are you?
Beginning Of The Month Dumplings March 3rd, 2021 Dick and Stephanie meet up at Hot Dumplings. A very large, as big as Bane, comes in and plays mahjong.
Curiosity is one of the secrets of happiness March 3rd, 2021 Vivian and Shuri drop in to visit Riri and talk about her Ironheart 2.0 project. The GIRLs get a chance to get to know each other better.
G.I.R.L. Sleep Over March 2nd, 2021 GIRL Slumber Party is a resounding success. Teenage scientists manage to socialize and figure out the contours of a spaceship design.
DoppelGang: A Den of Thieves March 2nd, 2021 A friendly doppelganger gives the Titans a lead on an undercover DoppelMission to do... something. Portal technology is involved. An Italian mutant who thinks he's the Pope is involved. DoppelPrisoners are taken for questioing, and DoppelTech is taken for sciencing.
Break the Silence March 2nd, 2021 Leena barely survives being the human sacrifice, but now the King of Hell, Vinea, walks New York freely. That can't possibly turn out poorly.
We Didn't Start The Fire March 2nd, 2021 Mill Brook Houses are open for development after magma kraken visits.
Expanding Horizons March 2nd, 2021 Zatanna and Star Lord meet on the Milano and talk music, magic, space and broadening horizons. Also did you know it rains diamonds on Neptune and *snicker* Uranus? Now Peter does!
Movie and Dinner. March 2nd, 2021 What does big feet mean?
One hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred... March 2nd, 2021 Has it really been a year already? Terry and Gar take a day to look back and look ahead.
The Spy who wasn't March 2nd, 2021 After the events at the HYDRA's hidden base. Elena waits for word from the rest of the team. May, having escaped her own situation, comes to collect the agent only for them to be chased by a team sent from HYDRA. Elena dreams of double hamburgers.
Afterlife: Listen to Me March 2nd, 2021 Daisy comes spoiling for a difficult conversation and is initially taken off guard by how Jia responds to Daisy one on one, but when the conversation turns to SHIELD, Jia's defences go up.. until Daisy brings a mountain top down.
A League of Their Own. March 2nd, 2021 Nightwing comes back to the tower to tell Donna he's planning on being around a bit more in future. She approves.
Fair Thee Well March 2nd, 2021 Hellboy has to kill a cursed father and tell the son that his son has that curse and has to live with it or...not. Jane sees another death.
The Afterlife Finally Takes the Old Lady March 2nd, 2021 Peggy stops in at Afterlife to see if she can help with the situation and is met by Gonzales, May, Bobbi, and Elena. The ladies give her a good debrief if just how bad the situation is. Still more skeletons in the SHIELD closet, it seems.
Afterlife: Aftershock March 2nd, 2021 After the meeting with Jiaying Daisy finds support with Matt. They talk about what they will do next and the worth of keeping secrets.
Feeling impish March 2nd, 2021 Imps make Wanda look like a crazy woman... Jennifer to the rescue!
Tea in Nepal March 2nd, 2021 May and Peggy take a few moments in Nepal to debrief about things entirely unrelated to the Inhuman crisis. Namely, the HYDRA crisis. There's always something.
To Be Continued... For Real! March 2nd, 2021 I mean, some of the movie got watched! With a surprise visit from an Avenger!
April O'Neil interviews Reed Richards March 1st, 2021 No description
What Price One Soul: Latveria March 1st, 2021 A bunch of magically transformed humans turned into lawn ornaments are rescued by 'Doom'. The soul Hellboy sought wasnt there, but he did find a clue.
Chocolate Trouble March 1st, 2021 Nebula kills more innocent chocolate. Groot grumbles about revenge! Not really.
Mind Magic March 1st, 2021 Druid meets the Enchantress for the first time face to face
Gliding Is For The Bats March 1st, 2021 Batgirl is out on patrol and gaining experience with her gliding cape, when others drop in on her rooftop. First Nightwing, then Orphan, finally Strix.
Theory and Practice are Two Different Things March 1st, 2021 Kían needed to be reminded that he's not broken and doesn't need to be repaired, he's fine as he is… or will be when he sobers up.
The most dangerous game. March 1st, 2021 Laura stops by Xavier's to give her clone sibling Gabby an unscheduled training exercise.
Afterlife: Updating Commander Gonzales March 1st, 2021 Gonzales is caught up on the mission status and a plan is hatched to smother Afterlife with friendship and love and M&Ms.
By A Thread Unravelled March 1st, 2021 Let there be cake, and there was.
And Sometimes Your Life Picks You March 1st, 2021 Call of Duty is broken up by the arrival of a kitten in the Recreation Room. A kitten that wins the heart of even the most cycloptic at the school.
You are now one with the Force March 1st, 2021 Terry finally graduates Harley-Fu. At least the beginner steps! And then the Brooklyn Bombshells make a visit.
=The Statement of Dr. Henry Pym March 1st, 2021 Wym errr Win for the Pyms! Pot roast made available.
Evening at the Triskelion March 1st, 2021 Ward and May meet up in the rec lounge, heckle a few probies, and agree that everyone just needs to let Frozen go. Seriously.
Lazy Sunday March 1st, 2021 A relaxing evening turns tense as personalities clash.
Sleight of Hand is no fun with Kryptonians March 1st, 2021 Supergirl and Ant-Man meet on an alien ship. Turns out, Supergirl isn't quite as 'intense' as her sister Power-Girl, or his benefactor Maxima.
Welcome Star Spangled Kid. March 1st, 2021 Bart and Wally get to know Courtney. They have a casual conversation and manage to get her back to her hotel room in time for curfew.
Do You Wanna Build A Spaceship March 1st, 2021 Nadia and Shuri discuss the challenges of constructing a ship to journey to the far reaches of space.
Title Date Scene Summary
Curiosity Cat April 30th, 2021 No description
No, You Can't Keep a Megalodon. April 30th, 2021 Donna and Cait introduce Nadia and Vivian to the delights of Amazon SCIENCE! There are giant sharks, superblacksmiths, steam engines and the distant descendents of the Antikythera mechanism
Pirati dei Caraibi April 30th, 2021 May, Hunter, and Daisy (secretly stalked by Dottie Underwood) follow Gideon Mallick's main lieutanant, Giyera, to the site of an old galleon wreck, only to encounter a crew of animated skeletons and their frustrated Captain, HYDRA-allied pirate Pedro Cavalieri.
1000 Faces: Walpurgisnacht April 30th, 2021 Death comes to Uppsala. It doesn't go well.
Don't You Give Up On Me April 30th, 2021 (Scene follows: Family Matters) The trio return to Katsumi's hotel room. Nessa is let in on what's happening, and determinations are made to find a solution to this bizarre turn.
Where Do We Go From Here April 30th, 2021 Finally back on Earth, Lois and Clark get over themselves enough to have a nice dinner and realize what a good team (and parents) they really do make.
Lots of Catching Up April 30th, 2021 Clint breaks the news about SHIELD to Nat.
Recap and Return April 30th, 2021 Elektra tells Shaw everything about the HFC Garden party.
Grand Theft Oa April 30th, 2021 Scott tries to lie to Maxima about where his new vault came from, she plays along for awhile and continues to look down on the human race.
A Complicated Carter Reunion April 29th, 2021 Peggy and Daniel go to visit their son and his wife for the first time in decades. Sharon does her best not to let family drama destroy their second chance to know each other.
The Incredible (Shrinking) She-Hulk! April 29th, 2021 AIM is vanquished by Jen and Joan! With a little help.
How to train your Rat: Prison Edition April 29th, 2021 April and Harley go to visit the Rat Catcher at the Blackgate Prison. A bit more of the mystery about the attack on the turtles is unveiled. But more questions rise up. Who was behind it if not this guy? And why is April a criminal mastermind who has Harley Quinn as an assistant?!
1954: Under the Weather April 29th, 2021 1954, Peggy starts feeling suspiciously ill most mornings. She and Daniel finally call a doctor and get the good news a few days later -- they are expecting! They process a whole lot of emotions they didn't let themselves dare speak of before and then get a well deserved nap.
Just Another Day... April 29th, 2021 Concerns over use of non-digital resources, overworking, and magical horses appearing on the ceiling? It is just another day in the life of Jemma and Daisy...
The Doctor Makes House Calls April 29th, 2021 Shoes are returned and like is discussed.
Late Night Pizza April 29th, 2021 Nightwing orders pizza, and Raven accidentally ends up trapped in a social situation. Subtle revenge is planned that will take place later. Bart contributes to the Mustard Problem.
Dune Destruction April 29th, 2021 Midnighter and dollman defeat some hydra goons together at a dunebuggy track and there's lots of explosions
A dinner together April 28th, 2021 No description
Shakey meetings April 28th, 2021 No description
Time travel in Gotham April 28th, 2021 Thea and Zee meet in Gotham and go explore an old Scottish Castle!
Crutches, Concerns and a Carter April 28th, 2021 Daniel and Peggy retire to their quarters after the meeting with Jemma and have the hard talks about how to handle his leg, the dangers of being in the field, and the realities of his temporal place in the world. Eventually, they end the night on a sweeter note.
Bring Doom Samples April 28th, 2021 Doom makes a long distance call to outer-space to discuss an opportunity with Blackjack. The mercenary demonstrates their considerable business acumen. Doom is modestly impressed.
Hi Story Museum April 28th, 2021 Lara and Roland meet at the Natural History museum in NY. Conversation is had, details are shared, and its a good bit of social fun.
THIS IS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE April 28th, 2021 Multiple people make the wrong assumptions. Awkwardness ensues.
Sleep is a viable option April 28th, 2021 Thea, the little traitor, sides with mothers. But, she's also willing to take Felicity shopping, so...
Fake-Whiplash After-Math April 28th, 2021 Pepper and Tony discuss the attack at the museum.
Restitution Quest April 28th, 2021 Ellie and TJ go shopping to try to make up for being birthday destroying Godzillas
Family Matters April 28th, 2021 At last, the lingering question of where Nessa had gone for the past two months is finally answered. And it begins with a surprise phonecall...
Picking Up A Ride April 28th, 2021 Morrigan meets Johnny Blaze. Nothing gets set on fire.
Where did that dragon come from April 27th, 2021 No description
Testing the new kid April 27th, 2021 No description
When the roller derby comes to you. April 27th, 2021 Harley gets Ivy to join her for a game of roller derby! Go Brooklyn Queens!
Parting Ways Among the Stars April 27th, 2021 Some food and drink is enjoyed before the ships part ways, though the Raacal has an additional unexpected passenger for the journey.
Spring is for Flowers and Pie April 27th, 2021 Kurt and Kitty do a little gardening and are accomplices to a delicious theft.
It Ain't No Big Thing April 27th, 2021 Ben Grimm comes to Wayne Manor to look at a vintage airplane that Dick bought. Alfred makes pizza for everyone.
Time and Travails April 27th, 2021 May checks in with Fitz, who is trying to explain to Daisy just why the new lab setup at the Playground is inadequate, to find out if building a new time machine is possible. He tells her all the reasons why it may not work. That doesn't stop him from working on it, however. Which is just as well, since Daniel and Peggy show up, having gone through an interesting time loop, to ask for Jemma's help with Daniel's leg.
Toy Soldiers and Young Minds April 27th, 2021 Carmine and Winslow travel to Gothams children's museum so winslow can see his hard work on display.
Poxing Day April 27th, 2021 Gabby brings posters to decorate the dorm. Negasonic is gruff, but agrees to a few! The adventures of GabGab and Snugasonic begin.
A Tribute to Demons on A Birthday Abroad April 27th, 2021 Yukio just arrived in a foreign land, to a foreign school, she struggles with the language, and took a moment to enjoy a rather lonely 16th birthday. Then Ellie happened. Then Talia happened. Culture Clash ensues. Thank god for Sultry Aussie Translator.
Sharing A Drink With A Regular Normal Human April 26th, 2021 Belle runs into one of the biggest movers and shakers of Gotham at the Hellfire Club.
Awkward In Spaaaace April 26th, 2021 Conner -finally- has the guts to go talk to Lois about what and who he is.
Fire and Fishnets April 26th, 2021 Two survivors from the road cross paths, and make the best of what life has dealt.
Ironically a bait and switch April 26th, 2021 Speedy abduction and speedy research. The beginning of the end.
STRIKE Call April 26th, 2021 May invites Sharon Carter to be her second-in-command for STRIKE.
Who robs banks anymore April 26th, 2021 Waller sends the SUICIDE SQUAD to retrieve some documents from the Gotham Bank. Easy peasy right? Nothing is ever easy for the Squad! But they get the unexpected help from Roland who stamps down on any banditry afoot.
Remy's trouble creates some sparks April 26th, 2021 Remy gets beat up, Rogue's a brick S**thouse, and she saves the day.
Think of the Animals April 26th, 2021 It's time for PSAs at the animal shelter with Tigra, Beast Boy, and Vorpal!
Finding a roommate April 25th, 2021 Roommates
Who even robs banks anymore April 25th, 2021 Apparently a dragon is who.
Checking In on Mania April 25th, 2021 Mania's are checked up on. Talia talks about her past. A friendship in the making. Maybe.
Alchemax: Recouperating Losses April 25th, 2021 Alchemax makes a grab for Gabby only to be thwarted by Blue Marvel, Hyperion, and a mysterious French woman known as Rien.
Tommy goes to Space April 25th, 2021 Tommy meets Magneto in Bushwick. After a few questions on Tommy's outlook on the 'system', Magneto extends him an invitation to the Brotherhood and a place to live.... IN SPACE.
Of Toys and Collections April 24th, 2021 No description
Of All The Rooftops In the City She Had To Swing Onto Mine April 24th, 2021 Venom and Ghost Spider run into each other while each are surveilling a hospital.
Hellfire Club Spring Festival April 24th, 2021 The Hellfire Club has a cherry blossom festival to benefit charities. Expensive items are auctioned off to help an NYC foodbank.
Ok Lets Do This April 24th, 2021 Stephanie tells her mother she's seeing Dick and takes him to meet her. He ends up with her approval.
Home Sweet Home April 24th, 2021 Shortly after arriving on Themyscira, Donna calls on Kara to ask her about the trip to Krypton. It's an involved and emotional discussion.
Still Not Ready for Backrubs April 24th, 2021 Catman and Canary meet face to face. Without masks.
Roll a D20 April 23rd, 2021 No description
Lost Branch World April 23rd, 2021 The Milano stops at a long lost world of Groot's people. They find a spy from Planet X that must be stopped at all cost else an armada come and kill the Branch Republic.
The Deputization of Elektra April 23rd, 2021 Shaw gets a pair of eyes to watch the party while he's away.
Drone If You Want To April 23rd, 2021 Machine Man returns a drone to STAR Labs
In deep, again April 23rd, 2021 Oliver has a new gig.. the Red Foot? Felicity searches for information on them.
Mouse and Bird Central April 23rd, 2021 Kian meets Kaida and Kaida meets Kian.
Another night in the life April 23rd, 2021 Vic investigates a ritualistic murder. Who and why.
Even the Lab is Full of Glitter April 23rd, 2021 Fragments of broken Zodship make their way into the hands of the lab-geeks of Titan Towers, where Cyborg promises not to instantly integrate them into his hardware. Damian is grumpy, but actually manages to say something nice about Vorpal.
Wolf Woes April 22nd, 2021 Elektra meets with Selene back at her penthouse after a lycan attack where they discuss the attack and what steps they should take about it. And Elektra takes that next step.
The Sane Asylum April 22nd, 2021 Cliff, Kate, Hope, Michael and Colette wake up in the Sane Asylum. The heroes show the kidnappers why this is a terrible idea. Cliff begins the long quest to take the Brazier to the waking world.
The Last Night April 22nd, 2021 On the last night of the Themysciran vacation, the two sisters find time alone together to talk.
The Dumpling Curse Continues April 22nd, 2021 Joan tries her luck again with having a nice uninterrupted meal of dumplings. You can guess how that turned out.
Foreign Affairs April 22nd, 2021 Two immigrants met by chance, depart as friends and possible future allies.
A day in the life. April 22nd, 2021 Jess comes by to visit the bar.
Things are afoot at the Centinel. April 22nd, 2021 Roland enters the Centinel, gets attacked by some goons, the bartender steps in.
Well Met by Moonlight April 22nd, 2021 Canary comes across a street fight; meets Aisling
Let There Be Lessons April 22nd, 2021 Nazo Sarwani introduces herself at Happy Harbor, and finds it largely empty. But a teacher signs her up for classes anyway!
He said WHAT April 21st, 2021 No description
Abcde has a Djinn problem. Abcde has a Djinn problem April 21st, 2021 SHIELD, Daytripper, and a mysterious Agent Argentina gather with Abcde for a ritual to remove the djinn from her arm. The ritual goes well.. twice.. as they discover they are trapped in a time loop caused by HYDRA messing with the magical mirror frame used to transport Daniel and Arturo to 2021.
A Little Quiet Time April 21st, 2021 Plans are made, snuggling commences
The 50's Were A Long Time Ago, Dot April 21st, 2021 Lily Chen seeks out Dottie Underwood and points her at a challenge.
Flashback: 2016 - Behold my Creation! April 21st, 2021 Flashback: 2016-The Chief, Robotman and Harrison Wells meet at a science conference
The one where he apologises to Carla, again April 21st, 2021 Operation: Spyhole, spying on Colonel Glenn Talbot, finally pays off. Not only is he not HYDRA, but he seems to be trying to hunt them too.
Smoking on the girls roof April 21st, 2021 Noriko and Ellie talk on the roof and stuff.
Flashback 2018: Mini Kaiju Pony To Glory! April 21st, 2021 Yellow Scarf Buster helps Robotman defeat a giant magical pony. He wires home for cash.
Friendship bonds and binds April 21st, 2021 Amanda makes dinner for friends.
A Meeting With A Vampire (allegedly) April 21st, 2021 Roland meets with Bella and Aisling at a local pub
Good Smells Good Eats April 21st, 2021 Warm spring weather brings a cookout at Xavier's School
New Suit... New Plan April 21st, 2021 Elektra drops in on Matt while he tests his new suit. They come up with a plan to deal with Matt's doppleganger.
Central Park Hangout April 21st, 2021 People talk in the park! It's a very nice 6000th scene!
A Chance Encounter April 21st, 2021 Lydia meets a vampire at a gala at The Met and they hit it off. Blake and Lydia escape the boring event to have a conversation in her limo.
Knocking on Doors April 21st, 2021 Colette visits Mo to discuss promotions, alien birds, and dumbas... sorry, the Order of St Dumas.
No A/C Outside the Armor April 21st, 2021 Rhodey gets his butt kicked running around an obstacle course at Nat's command.
Triple Chocolate Cake Repercussion April 21st, 2021 Daisy visits Abcde and is rewarded with chocolate cake and discussions about fictional characters and disembodied friendly spirits
Sushi and Seymour April 20th, 2021 No description
1000 Faces: And The Earth Screamed April 20th, 2021 No description
We Have a Home for A Reason April 20th, 2021 Daniel manages to drag Peggy home from the office, on the way they talk about their future and family and decide that there's no time like the present
1000 Faces: Down Into Darkness April 20th, 2021 Flight SU 110 lands -- but 290 people and more are dead in the process. SHIELD somehow isn't responsible.
By the Skin AND My Teeth April 20th, 2021 Spider-Man meets Mr. Livingston as they try to learn about a macabre killer.
Nightmare Nurse Meets Mania April 20th, 2021 Andi (and Mania) learn the demon they encountered last year is not the only one out there. Asa, or Nightmare Nurse, is quite different as well.
An Unexpected Visit April 20th, 2021 Shannon meets Magneto and is recruited into the Brotherhood.
We Fly Through the Air with the Greatest of Ease April 19th, 2021 I have an idea....what if he WANTS to be a vigilante but never quite actually....DOES it and just...stalks people?
Cube: a Play in Four Dimensions April 19th, 2021 The group find more questions than answers.
Just Another Reason April 19th, 2021 Social, girls talking in a bar with Luke in the wings doing bartender things. Established 5 NPCs. Benny the barback, Dave the assist bartender, Sally, Jessie and Ralphetta the waitresses. If anyone gets that reference, they're old.
Still wanted April 19th, 2021 Still wanted, somehow not arrested yet
Before the Court of Owls April 19th, 2021 Dick and Stephanie drop by Barbara's the day before the attack on the Court of Owls.
How Sweet Do They Sleep April 19th, 2021 Mike and Hank break into a hospital to watch dreams. Not like that you pervs!
Royal Mouse Restaurant April 19th, 2021 A certain mouse girl meets a certain Livingston and Marksman.
Nighttime Trouble. April 19th, 2021 There is a skirmish in Chinatown. It's Remy no Joan, no Re- SOMETHING to the rescue!
Drinks and Swanky Snacks April 19th, 2021 Roland, Xi'an and Yelizaveta get to know each other over drinks.
Getting To Know (Another) You April 19th, 2021 Alt-Colette comes to visit the tower.  There is some speculation involving laboratories and… never mind.
Healing is hungry work April 18th, 2021 No description
HYDRA Sucks April 18th, 2021 Peggy and Daniel come to collect Melinda at her safehouse after she gets home from a visit to the Night Nurse. As they consider the impact of everything that's happened lately, one thing becomes entirely clear (not that it wasn't before):

HYDRA sucks.

Of Ancient Gods and Androids April 18th, 2021 Diana comes over to the Avenger's mansion for a visit, and meets Jennifer there. They have tea and talk about everything from ancient Japanese gods, to Themyscira to AI rights.
THE SAVAGE LANDS II, Creative Title! April 18th, 2021 After arriving with supplies in the prior scene, Jean and Rogue relax at a research outpost-slash-village in the SAVAGE LANDS. There's a small party in their honor, and all seems well... or does it? What's with the creepy villager? Is something going on with Dr. Martinson? DUN DUN DUNNNNNN.
Bad Influence April 18th, 2021 Cars are hotwired. Hoodlums are stomped. Uncle Lucas is back in town.
Repairs at the Museum April 18th, 2021 Damage Control and a few concerned heroes arrive to tend to the damage inflicted by the Heroes and Villains exhibit
Undersea Dinner Date April 17th, 2021 No description
Why'd You Come In Here Lookin' Like That April 17th, 2021 No description
The House of Broken Mirrors April 17th, 2021 Natasha infiltrates a completely off the books 'Red Room' facility looking for Epsilon Red only to find more than she ever bargained for including an army of her own clones. Calling in the Avengers for extraction things only get more complicated when Yelena Belova appears as well. Meanwhile Steve, Bobbi, and Carol confront a definitely not Red Room super soldier of tremendous strength and recover some data about the mysterious backers behind all of these events, before destabilizing the ice sheet and ultimately bringing down the entire facility in the center of a 100 mile sinkhole in the ice.
Krypton or Bust: Argo City April 17th, 2021 Argo City never made it to K-2 and the last of its people perished. But the last of Krypton -- Zod and the House of El, find a common ground laying the city and its people to rest.
Phi Beta Hellfire April 17th, 2021 Some Phi Beta Kappa coeds summon a demon, lucky for them a motley crew of mystic heroes were on hand to save the day.
The Bad News April 17th, 2021 Peggy returns from Denmark to get the bad news about her criminal record from her husband. They have a long talk about the ramifications of her wanted status, and other hopes for their future.
Clearing Out the Clouds April 17th, 2021 Out for a walk in Central Park, two speedsters and a witch bump into each other. It's no joke, but neither is it crisis. No vampire cults, today.
Bandaging Up April 17th, 2021 When Agent May is ambushed by HYDRA operatives, it's the Night Nurse who has to patch her up later. Any hope of anonymity for either of them, however, is dashed when Matt Murdock shows up. That's one way to make new friends.
Flashback: Swan Lake - Red Room Variant April 17th, 2021 Delving much on her failed takedown of Natalia Romanova, Yelena reflects and for a moment relives her initial meeting with Natalia, under much different circumstance, when she got to experience training with Natalia first hand.
Roland to the teacher's lounge came. April 17th, 2021 Colette gives Roland the tour of Happy Harbor school and introduces him to some of the madness.
A Bunch of Jerks Being Jerks April 17th, 2021 Kaida and Frank stop some bad guys from beating up a homeless man, but Frank takes it further than Kaida would like.
Central Park Wandering April 17th, 2021 Morrigan signs herself out of Mount Sinai and hunts coffee. Hank comes to talk and Mike joins them with Bo. All goes well.
Catching up on things April 16th, 2021 No description
His Divine Wrath April 16th, 2021 Jennifer Walters and Scott Lang visit Katsumi Oshiro, who is trying to be fine with having weird powers. The party is crashed by the appearance of an ancient kami, come to explain the origins of her new abilities and her place in the world - whether she likes it or not.
Setting the stage for an Expo April 16th, 2021 The team at GIRL plans for the first-ever GIRL Expo!
Happy Birthday, Star-Lord! Hope You Live To Tell About It! April 16th, 2021 The Guardians gather for a birthday party, which goes in directions none of them could have reasonably predicted. Rocket gets arrested again, but the danger of Nebula doing Nebula things leads to an unexpected agreement and profit.
Open Event: Wardrobe Malfunction April 16th, 2021 Heroes at a museum exhibit about heroes and villains find the villainous costumes come to life with the powers of their former owners. Also, Trevor had a good time.
A Stolen Birthday April 16th, 2021 The confident and veteran Teen Titan ARGENT apprehends Felicia Hardy, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. while she borrows some jewelry from a purveyor of fine cold cuts. Also none of these words are true.
Catching up on affairs April 16th, 2021 Shaw updates a returning Tessa on matters concerning Emma Frost, and the upcoming Cherry Blossom Festival.
Wanted April 16th, 2021 Wanted for different reasons
The Muppets Take Manhattan April 15th, 2021 No description
An Extended Date April 15th, 2021 No description
Hellfire Planning Session April 15th, 2021 Shaw and Elektra meet with Viola to plan out the next Hellfire Club event. A spring festival partnering with the Botanic Gardens during cherry blossom season.
Speak Easy and Enter April 15th, 2021 While telling stories Roland attracts the attention of Ms Natchios. The pair hit it off and trade business cards.
More distant and more solemn than a fading star April 15th, 2021 Bobbi and Lance track Babs to an abandoned complex in The Narrows, Gotham. There they get the attention of Nightwing. The three of them together take on Babs and her traps, eventually taking her down to be handed off to ARMOR.
Prisoner and Present Pickups April 15th, 2021 May, Peggy and Sousa go back to the Long Island house to transfer the prisoner Vogel from there to the Playground. They find a strange box on the front porch. Pie. Suspicious pie.
There's Nothing Like Being In Your Own Body April 14th, 2021 John Constantine charges a hefty price, but successfully transfer Charlie back into her body, and sends Rath of the Demons Three off to hell.
Blasted Beasties in Battery Park April 14th, 2021 A trip of wannabe summoners get more than they bargained for. Hellspawn fight hellspawn and it is determined that demons do not like to share their toys with others.
Icelandic Pizza Delivery April 14th, 2021 Arthur and Kori deliver pizza to Iceland. Kori eats a little less than is needed to feed a village, and Arthur apparently is going to have a girlfriend.
Denmark's Rot April 14th, 2021 A small team of SHIELD agents track down Katherine Huttz, another head of HYDRA, in Denmark. They lure her out to a small tavern in order to arrest her without attracting much attention. Some attention is still attracted.
X-men: Hijack This - Surface Assault April 14th, 2021 Anti-mutant terrorist hijack a plan with two dozen Trask engineers and researchers. The X-men assault an abandoned salt mine to save them and the other passengers taken hostage. The surface battle.
Hail to the Chief April 14th, 2021 Peggy wakes Daniel with some news before they settle in for some much needed rest.
Killers Never Prosper April 14th, 2021 Amy accidentally ends up in Gotham, and she chats with Jason over corn dogs.
Delectable Deli April 14th, 2021 A rainy night brings Knox, Heather, Viola, Rahne and Piotr together by chance at Katz's Deli.
Catchup April 13th, 2021 It's not always about you
Broken Mirrors: False Widow April 13th, 2021 Shield learns their captured Natasha is not in fact Natasha and not at all what they expected.
Secure the Sewers April 13th, 2021 Harley, April, Mikey and Donnie setup some security cameras in the sewers on April's BDay. Some good silly conversation takes place, and Mikey is scandalized by it all.
Danger on the B-Route April 13th, 2021 A weird attack in the subway! Angelp Tampambulos and Phoebe Beacon halt the attack!
First Blood, Final Warning April 13th, 2021 The Order of St. Dumas thinks that second time is a charm. It isn't. Things go downhill fast, but the Order has a new weapon to try out among it's other defenses now. Tyler is fine. Morrigan is shot. But the kids are safe!
A bio night out. April 13th, 2021 Bart, Vivi and Madi all meet up.
LEGOMOTION April 13th, 2021 LEGO Rollercoasters, A Pep talk, and Pizza
Warmup Concert! April 13th, 2021 Val gets a CD signed for Nadia by Dazzler
Blob of Convenience April 13th, 2021 Roland and Jovian stop a mental patient from blobbing a crowd of people.
Returning the World to How It's Supposed to Be April 13th, 2021 Three AM at the Playground sees the station's new Chief and her two onsite Commanders discussing departmental logistics, debating priorities... and enjoying a dram or two of very fine scotch.
In New York, You Can Be a New Man April 12th, 2021 No description
Harley and Aimee's Cross-Country Cavalcade: Part 2 - Grand Theft Auto April 12th, 2021 Harls and Aims do a favour for a mob boss who makes a mean pizza.
A Passion for Pizza April 12th, 2021 Roland, the new guy in town, meets Albert and Morrigan and finds himself with the possibility of employment rather unexpectedly.
Somethings never change. April 12th, 2021 And Ben is home
The world needs SHIELD April 12th, 2021 Peggy Carter finds herself in a strangely familiar role as she is promoted to Chief and May accepts the invitation to become Commander of STRIKE. SHIELD isn't the only one rearranging their assets. Dr. List has recycled an ally from Whitehall in to his own employ.
Divine meetings April 12th, 2021 Koga accidently summons Saeko and asks for divine guidence.
The Way Forward April 12th, 2021 How to celebrate the first year of the Titans' reunion? Terry gets a brilliant idea that in no way can possibly go wrong.
It's Not All Darkness... April 12th, 2021 Peggy tracks down Daniel after the bad news about their potential future, they talk and find the day is still one worth celebrating
Strike First, Strike Hard, Show Mercy April 12th, 2021 Fury asks May if she'd like to be the new Commander of STRIKE
Come Rain or Shine April 12th, 2021 Motorcycles are the topic of the hour!
Business Requirements April 12th, 2021 Tony and Pepper chat between business meetings.
Mutes Can Still Gossip April 12th, 2021 Stephanie comes home to find her closet in disarray thanks to Cassandra. The two catch up.
The curse of random desires April 11th, 2021 No description
What the hell were you thinking April 11th, 2021 No description
Far falling shadows April 11th, 2021 Lucifer calls Amanda for bored check-ins.
X-men: Hijack This April 11th, 2021 Anti-mutant terrorist hijack a plan with two dozen Trask engineers and researchers. The X-men assault an abandoned salt mine to save them and the other passengers taken hostage.
Harley and Aimee's Cross-Country Cavalcade: Part 1 April 11th, 2021 Harley and Aimee end the first day of their road-trip by admiring Niagara Falls.
Evening at the Pool April 11th, 2021 A gathering at the pool ends with ribs and conversations between newly-found friends.
Midnight Workout April 11th, 2021 Nico finds a place to work out, and makes a new friend.
All work and no play make Balm something... April 11th, 2021 Outsiders casual time; Phoebe is filling her time while she's not attending school, Conner needs a chair -- but not one that can handle five hundred pounds -- and Laura gets to play common sense filter. What else are friends for?
Let There Be Cake! April 10th, 2021 In the hours following Peggy's birthday party, May finally finds the Shotgun Rose chocolate cake Lily left for them. In the process of enjoying it, however, Daniel discovers, to his horror, that there may be no way to escape his grisly fate.
Themyscira: The Wonder Cave April 10th, 2021 Diana takes Cassie to a special location on Themyscira where items from Diana's century of adventures have come to rest in a vault / museum of Wonder Woman's heroic exploits.
Blackbird flyin' in the dead of night April 10th, 2021 May takes flight as 'Blackbird' with tutelage from Bobbi. Turns out flying anti-gravity wings is harder than Bobbi makes it look. But May is one of the best pilots around, she adapts quickly.
Big Trouble in Little Odessa April 10th, 2021 Rule One of Observing Criminal Wildlife - Don't get too close to the
A Tale of Two Vases April 10th, 2021 Knox's bad luck streak continues when he encounters the neighborhood's favorite wallcrawler. Another vase is lost, but the thief remains free.
1000 Faces: A Dish Served Cold April 9th, 2021 Amora deals with a badly behaved draugr.
Hair of the Dog Mornings April 9th, 2021 A hungover morning turns awkward in the Playground.
An Amusing Date April 9th, 2021 A trip to Amusement Mile turns out to be a good night. Also a means of conveying cooties.
Cooling at the Pool April 9th, 2021 There is a gathering at a community pool and the amount of food brought over is massive. Will the two Flashes be able to conquer the monsterous pile?! Will Irie learn to swim? Will Damian become sociable?! Will Hank figure out what Cheerwine is? LETS FIND OUT
The Hundred Year Plot April 9th, 2021 Peggy is surprised when artifacts from her past start showing up in the Playground... only to find herself surrounded by a mix of family both new and old to celebrate her 100th Birthday.
New York Ninja Night April 9th, 2021 Bakeneko makes a second appearance as an underground cage fighter. A tapout leads to a rather sore loser who prefers to settle differences with firearms. Fortunately, there's a dramatic ninja lurking nearby to run interference!
Forged in Fire April 9th, 2021 Themyscira: Caitlin and Donna discuss their voyage to the heart of the Amazon's sacred island, and Caitlin is presented her first set of personal armor.
Reed shows Sue a secret April 9th, 2021 We christen thee Singularity
Broken Mirrors: Proyekt Bliznetsy April 9th, 2021 Natasha ventures beneath the arctic ice of Greenland's abandoned Camp Century and learns the horrific truth of Proyekt Bliznetsy.
The Order Is Important! April 9th, 2021 Rachel's binge watching The Clone Wars at three in the morning, while Jamie's trying not to spoil Star Wars to the 'newb'.
LeDate Night April 9th, 2021 Rogue and Remy stroll the streets of Salem Center after seeing a pirate movie.
The Wrath Of Wong April 8th, 2021 Mrs. Wong finally clues in on Gwen and Eddie's secret. He managed to avoid being shot
Krypton or Bust: The Dead Planet April 8th, 2021 The journey takes them to the Rao system, finally, where they witness the devastation of a lost civilisation. A record was found on one of Krypton's surviving moons that showed Argo City flying away from the system and an audio message from Kara's father, Zor-El, inviting survivors to join them.
Waking Up After April 8th, 2021 1951: Peggy wakes up after the incident on the boat with Daniel by her side, though he has news neither of them want to hear.
Krypton or Bust: Zod Returns April 8th, 2021 Zod turns up in a Kryptonian warship of design and capability never before seen by those on Earth. It was a good thing the Kryptonians weren't there to kill and conquer. They searched Earth for specific Brainiac technology and didn't find it. Their ship took quite a beating, as did Non, before they made a tactical retreat before more flowers grew on their bridge or Kryptonite was introduced in to their ecosystem.
The calm after the storm April 8th, 2021 A small celebration now that HYDRA has been removed from SHIELD reveals that Daisy's bowl is the next greatest threat.. if one wants a non-soggy bed.
Red and Black April 8th, 2021 Isabella steals blueprints to take down the Nazca Cartel.
Even if it's just dancing in the park April 8th, 2021 Raven goes meditating in Central Park, and meets someone interesting.
A Penthouse Homecoming April 8th, 2021 Warren returns from a business trip. Plans are made for trips to Deerfield, Greece, and bringing Kitty's mother to town.
-You're- an off-balanced load! April 8th, 2021 Leslie and Roxy do the laundry. And discuss the finer points of pop culture and whether being a diner carhop is more or less prestigious than working at a taco stand. But they don't eat the Tide Pods!
Catching up Cass April 8th, 2021 Cassandra pays Strix a visit and gets all caught up on the current events with the court.
The Tolling of the Demon's Bell April 8th, 2021 Batgirl and Misfit cut a deal with Constantine to restore Charlie back to her own body.
Always Crashing In The Same Car April 7th, 2021 No description
Meeting the Man in the Van. April 7th, 2021 Frank visits Titans tower, making plans to attack the people responsibility for Irina.
College Stuff April 7th, 2021 Gwen and Conner chat briefly just before the ESU finals week.
A Voice In the Darkness April 7th, 2021 John spoils a snake's day.
A Bicycle Built For Two April 7th, 2021 James, Jubilee, Rogue, Rachel and Kitty go for a bike ride and roller skate to enjoy the Spring day.
Do you think that's air you're quaking right now April 7th, 2021 Daisy makes contact with Master Fu in the world between, where he begins to teach her the way of the unstoppable echo.
You Want Fries with That April 7th, 2021 Leslie has a new job at Mel's diner. And it turns out there's at least one good customer from nearby! The milkshake machine is also 'broken'.
Punk Rock in Brooklyn April 7th, 2021 Mania and Kainashi fight bad guys, establish peace through mutual head scritches.
April Showers to bring May's Flowers April 7th, 2021 Cassandra comes accross Phoebe gardening on the Monarch Theater roof. They share a few moments, but realize teh City comes first.
A Love Overdue Morning Layabout April 7th, 2021 Peggy and Daniel share their first morning alone in their house since he appeared in the future. They remember why they are so very much in love.
Cafe demonology April 7th, 2021 Possible help secured, as long as no priests are involved
Welcome to The Playground's Lab April 6th, 2021 Agents chat as Simmons busies everyone setting up the Playground's new lab.
Out of the Darkness, Into the Light April 6th, 2021 After months of search, a SHIELD team finally routes out the HYDRA moles in SHIELD. They gather them all into the Rat on a supposed mission and a hard won fight puts them down, once and for all.
Uneasy Reunions April 6th, 2021 The crew decides to try and settle Abcde into the old Brooklyn safehouse, when they discover a certain someone is watching from next door. That someone is a face Peggy never thought she'd see again. Dottie Underwood, out of prison. Again.
A Night For Sushi April 6th, 2021 Viola heads to Gotham for dinner at Gotham's premiere sushi restaurant with Harvey.
Sibling Plottery April 6th, 2021 Christian and Emma discuss the plans for the future
A Penthouse Visit April 6th, 2021 Franklin stops by to see Kitty and the two do a little catching up.
Magic in Gotham! April 5th, 2021 No description
Fancy Meeting You Here... April 5th, 2021 Daisy and Matt meet up in secret at a certain vet's office
Bacon for the Soul April 5th, 2021 Mo and Hank have dinner and nothing explodes. Really!
Krypton or Bust: The Sins of Krypton April 5th, 2021 The Kryptonians discover that not only were their ancestors conquerers but that the Oans have a very alien idea of what's right and wrong. Grave concerns have been raised about their motives and their right to rule - and even whether it's safe to have Green Lanterns anywhere near Earth.
Vodka Springs Eternal April 5th, 2021 Peggy, Sousa, and May travel to Russia to follow up on a lead about an old spy with a vendetta against a LOT of people and a drinking problem. They learn the truth about the moles in SHIELD and drink a lot of vodka. Like, seriously. A lot, a lot.
Dollhouse: Welcome, Agent Sansang April 5th, 2021 Lance and Bobbi apologise to each other and then realise the fallout of their spat left a security hole in Talbot's operation.
Catching Up One Time Traveler to Another April 5th, 2021 Daniel and May catch up, talking about the timeline, the problems facing SHIELD and hunting a Russian.
Hello, Fellow Youths! April 5th, 2021 Katsumi and Jennifer go shopping like normal people, but talk about very abnormal issues. Ash Williams, professional chainsaw-handed guy, makes a business pitch!
Student Troubles April 5th, 2021 Gabby walks in on Rahne attempting to fix an engine part. In the end, it does not get fixed. But there are other things done instead.
Ancestral Homecomings April 5th, 2021 A comfortable Sunday morning in the Carter-Sousa household is disturbed by two surprises. An unexpected guest and a phone call to match. May lets Peggy know that Sharon's alive while Sharon stands in their kitchen, trying not to have a panic attack.
THE SAVAGE LANDS April 4th, 2021 No description
Feeling the Fire April 4th, 2021 No description
im a baroness April 4th, 2021 No description
Stargazers April 4th, 2021 No description
Iron Fortitude: The Secretary of Defense April 4th, 2021 Bobbi details a very dangerous mission to meet with the SecDef. Part of the mission involves her wearing the Mockingbird flight suit. May will have to learn to fly solo - and her code name will be Blackbird.
Dealing With Popups April 4th, 2021 Colleen is one of the Defenders who answers Jessica's call for input about Oracle, as she's concerned over an impending meeting with the mysterious figure.
Happy Harbor: Meeting A Druid April 4th, 2021 Morrigan is introduced to Anthony Druid by Hank. Things go well!
Asking Of A Tree April 4th, 2021 Mantis finds out once and for all that there is no Elder Groot on Earth, but she does find Groot lost something, and she'll need to recruit Rocket to help.
Big Belly Burger's Big Belly Battle! April 4th, 2021 Bart and Irie have an eating contest.
Making new friends, or finding lunch April 4th, 2021 Friends, instead of being eaten!
The Amazon and the Assassin April 4th, 2021 Troia and Damian discuss teamwork, friendship, morality, prejudice and condiments. The important things.
Blue Wonder April 3rd, 2021 No description
My blade is my shield April 3rd, 2021 Abcde and May go on a quest to a cross roads to beg Hecate for her favour so that Abcde can turn May's shoe dagger in to a protective talisman against the constant bombardment of emotions.
A Little Jazz April 3rd, 2021 Allegra and Sebastian enjoy some jazz and catch up. Allegra is well aware of where she stands in the Hellfire Club.
Doppelgang: The Story Changes April 3rd, 2021 Terry consults with alt-Colette on the latest info from the Doppelgang schemes. She informs him that the gate Doppelgang are making seems to be designed to be very big, but there's something up with the magical aspects of their design that needs further analysis. Terry suggests they find a graduate of Hogwarts to ask, and she totally believes him.
Shoot This April 3rd, 2021 Madigan /finally/ gets her shooting lesson from Cole. A brief one!
It's A Steal April 3rd, 2021 Johnny Storm tries to buy some furnature, and runs into a shadow manipulating thief. He handles things with his usual diplomatic grace and style.
Tricks of the trade April 2nd, 2021 No description
Opening With a Pair of Gwens April 2nd, 2021 No description
Mutant Town Hideout April 2nd, 2021 No description
Home at Last April 2nd, 2021 Daniel and Peggy spend their first night at home in sixty-five years, all the news isn't happy but at least they're home.
Coming in for a Landing April 2nd, 2021 Elena arrives back in New York after a brief sojourn in Colombia, only to discover that SHIELD is in shambles and her friends have been put through the wringer. And the one to break it all to her? May.
Two-Fold Extraction: Part 2 April 2nd, 2021 X-51 and Agent 13 finally make it to the underground tunnels that lead to the safehouse. Worse for wear.
N.O.W.H.E.R.E in particular. April 2nd, 2021 Conner, Hope and Laura chat about the recent N.O.W.H.E.R.E attack and the more sensible team members consider some post mission relaxation. Laura on the other hand plans more training.
Two Paths Cross April 2nd, 2021 Ollie and Morrigan meet and get to know one another.
Flat Broke In Flatbush April 2nd, 2021 A punk and a goth walk into a barbell piercing. LMAO but seriously. That is exactly what happens, except by 'walk' we mean 'commit a felony'. Is it MURDER, TREASON, BURGLARY, or VANDALISM? Read on to find out. page Roxy or Ellie if you want to send us congratulations on being awesome.
Seizing Moments (1951) April 2nd, 2021 While preparing to go to a SHIELD to investigate the cause of her strange seizures, Lily ends up having another one of those strange seizures. It's the worst one yet. At least, Peggy's there to help.
More kidnap April 1st, 2021 No description
Home Early April 1st, 2021 Coming home early was the best choice Sara ever made, Angelo likely agrees whole heartedly.
Jailbreak at the Chainer of Souls April 1st, 2021 The Chainer of Souls is destroyed. Four heroes enter, three heroes leave. Hellboy rescues the soul after all.
Poor labor practices April 1st, 2021 Like all Mercenary contracts, things go bad.
Fracture Lines April 1st, 2021 It's all fun and games in the Twelfth Dimension.
Heroes Assemble: The Musical April 1st, 2021 These guys might live it down...MIGHT. Singing and April Foolery
I never could get the hang of Thorsdays April 1st, 2021 Doom breaks the enchantment on Mjolnir, splitting it into multiple hammers that can be wielded by anyone BUT Thor. Heather Danielson, Amora the Enchantress, and Golden Eagle gain the POWER OF THOR... for a while, anyway.
Doppelgang: A Fortunate Setback April 1st, 2021 The Titans and allies help to put out a burning ship that belongs to the Doppelganger leader Il Mutante. The doppel leader himself puts in an appearance, and lets the heroes know that the warnings they have received about how dangerous he is were justified.
Evening Spent In April 1st, 2021 Research into the care and feeding of fox spirits. Really!
The Undeniable Poole of White Castle April 1st, 2021 Spider-Man grabs lunch and falls into the deep end of the Poole...
American Mutant Gothic April 1st, 2021 After Negasonic doesn't come home at night, James, Illyana, Kitty and Julio go searching for her, with Nori also showing up at the mall where they find her. The birthday of Ellie's dead father makes for emotional moments.
Saved at the Swordfish April 1st, 2021 Daniel goes to the Swordfish in his attempt to find Peggy. He finds HYDRA and a familiar face he does not expect.
SHIELD's got some issues April 1st, 2021 Clint consults with Tony about SHIELD's current problems.
Future Stupid Past April 1st, 2021 Carson and Hellboy learn of a terrible future they must mention to no one.
All you need is friends April 1st, 2021 Lydia and Sara meet for dinner. Lydia needed to talk about what happened at the Shake Shack the other day, and decided to introduce Sara to shawarma. Things go well and food was enjoyed.
Rhodey and Nat Watch Kung-Fu April 1st, 2021 They didn't actually watch Kung-Fu.
Title Date Scene Summary
A day in the life of the FF May 31st, 2021 No description
Unleash the Hound! May 31st, 2021 Sabretooth squished a bug, a really big bug.
The Brotherhood Patrols Bushwick May 31st, 2021 What should have been a simple patrol ends with a new friend, Haunt, on Asteroid M, drinks for everyone! And who should happen by? Lorna Dane and Magneto, now that's entertainment!
Lorna visits Asteroid M May 31st, 2021 Lorna and Erik talk. Erik does not get punched, and Genosha will get the help it needs.
Pizza Soda and good times May 31st, 2021 Atrid meets with Gabby and her sister Rien for Pizza and soda.
Responses and Reactions to Rebuffings and Refutings May 31st, 2021 Emma and Remy talk after the brotherhood's appearance in her office
Following Orders May 31st, 2021 Atrid discovers a secret Clarice has been keeping, and agrees to keep it to himself, while also offering help. And the pair discuss the Brotherhood.
Too Short To Bully May 31st, 2021 Kaida punches a dumb rock, Sam helps out!
Did You Say... G-G-G-G-Ghost May 31st, 2021 Nicolai and Clarice enjoy a late breakfast - and chat about the potential applications of seeing g-g-g-g-g-ghosts!
Tail between his legs May 31st, 2021 Remy returns to the school, seeks out Rogue who's been abandoned by her students and left fishing alone
Milano Tales: Gamora, Thanos' Wrath Incarnate May 31st, 2021 Gamora having doubts as to how Phyla-Vell could help, thinking may be Peter has lost his mind (again?) sits down to a meal and drinks with Phyla. She learns the stranger is actually Quasar and the whole opportunity to rescue Nebula becomes tantalisingly real.
Punitore al parco May 31st, 2021 Sometimes it's best to just go straight back to the hotel after work. Things happen.
Gypsy engagement party May 30th, 2021 Block party in NYC with all the color, music and dancing (and drinking) that Roma could muster. Some Travelers partake.
Tony's Birthday party May 30th, 2021 Tony's birthday party becomes the setting for Gremlins IV.
Muderous Interuptus May 30th, 2021 A little, but mighty hero saves the day... TWICE!
The Scales of Loyalty May 30th, 2021 Scott and Clarice have some words. Scott apologizes despite some skepticism. Clarice promises non-lethal revenge. Afterwards, they discuss the situation in Bushwick.
The Purloined Brandy May 30th, 2021 Mystique and Blink talk over a decanter of very expensive purloined brandy. A mentorship is offered. A friendship is forged? And mischief is achieved.
Boards are never boring May 30th, 2021 The Queens out for their morning run catch up on the little 'things to do' and add to their list.
Gathering the Troops May 30th, 2021 Lorna and Clarice discuss the Genosha situation, and how to go forward.
A Less Cordial Meeting May 30th, 2021 Erik has a talk with Emma. Emma reconsiders the phrase 'Erik doesn't terrify me'. Remy, Mystique and Blink are on hand to witness the discussion.
Havok Ensues May 29th, 2021 No description
Under the Boardwalk May 29th, 2021 Blackagar crosses paths with Lady Sif once more and a night observing the humans ensues.
Fall Out May 29th, 2021 A fine day is had by all playing hookie.
Cry the Children: Beginning May 29th, 2021 The X-Men UnSHIELDed
Quake, Master Fu, and the Hand that Claps May 29th, 2021 King Boltagon comes to the playground to meet the SHIELD Inhumans. They all get a surprise no one was expecting when a long dead former Inhuman with the same abilities as Quake stalks the halls in search of his prey - The Combiner.
Ninjas: Wacky fun! May 29th, 2021 Ninjas hit the ground like flies as a ninja and a goddess reap them down. Food is consumed. Drink also. Honour is spoken of. Pacts are exchanged.
Awkward Afternoon May 29th, 2021 Meet and greet apologies and picnics
A Titan-sized Tour May 29th, 2021 Nightwing gives Batgirl a tour of Titans Tower. Kara has awesome PJs, Gar makes Terry blush, and Donna is perceptive.
A Little Bit of Gotham Trouble May 29th, 2021 Conner, Phoebe and Roy go to the Gotham Botanical Garden and save a dying llama orchid.
River Of Dreams May 29th, 2021 Terry and Amanda meet together to discuss the strange case of Cliff Steele and the Dreamtime Brazier.
Fae Fury May 29th, 2021 Mystique soothes the savage beast.
Beware of Coffee Zombies May 29th, 2021 Kaida meets a coffee zombie.
Caustic Personality. May 28th, 2021 No description
One Night in Madripoor May 28th, 2021 The Outsiders travel to Madripoor to stop a weapon shipment heading for Gotham. They find cyborg zombies and Gamorra technology. NPCs: Hunter-Killers. Borgia (unnamed).
B&E May 28th, 2021 Vin, Sif and Thea go to investigate Al-Fidr's last known whereabouts but instead of finding more answers about this they instead get more questions. Questions that may need the help of the arcane.
One Afternoon in High-Town May 28th, 2021 The Outsiders spend an afternoon in a high-town Madripoor hotel.
And Don't Forget The Bagel May 28th, 2021 Happenstance brings people together at the Coffee Bean.
The Framework: Data Retrieval Old School Style May 28th, 2021 Angelo and Jessica team up on a very important mission: Retrieve the data Fitz and team went to get from deep within the Sphere -- without suffering the same fate.
When In Rome: Part One May 28th, 2021 Happy Harbor students and faculty make it to Rome in one piece and they surprise Nick!
The After Coffee on Astroid M May 28th, 2021 Coffee and conversation, perhaps a little whiskey, Blink and Mystique enjoy each other's company.,
You Are Wrong! May 28th, 2021 What do you get when you take two teenagers, a penchant for mischief, and an absent media blowhard? A hot tub party on someone else's property!
Burying the Hatchet May 28th, 2021 Arthur and Namor bury the hatchet.
Strike Force Frost (well, that's how Emma thinks of it!) May 28th, 2021 Mutant slaves freed. Guards mangled, shot, beaten, and otherwise abused. Two researchers assaulted, one additional in Emma's loving embrace. Drones are on the way.
AND STAY OUT! May 27th, 2021 Remy's history has a sharp run in with Mystique, who's going to black mail him to get more of what she wants.
A little bit of culture May 27th, 2021 Wanda invites Clint to a bonafide gypsy party. Now to find a proper outfit that won't make him look like Zorba the Great.
Visiting the Bean May 27th, 2021 New friends meet over coffee. Atrid gets info on Xaviers, and Gabby gets a date? Perhaps?
Gone Up the River May 27th, 2021 Cassie & Rogue meet on a train, foil a prison break, beat up D-list off-brand badguys!
Unexpected Guest May 27th, 2021 A mostly asleep Nick is visited by an unexpected visitor to his hotel room. Room Service is ordered
A Perfectly Normal Visit to Talk About Perfectly Normal Things May 27th, 2021 Nadia brings Hank cookies and tells him about the latest attempt by yet another secret organization to kidnap her. He invites her on a trip to Malta and improvements to suits are discussed.
The Framework: Digital Nightmare May 27th, 2021 Daisy pops out of the Framework long enough to brief Sharon on what she's discovered. Collingwood and McLaren channel their inner FitzSimmons and find a way to see what's really going on in there. Too bad it's not real time. Nevertheless, by the time show and tell is done... both Sharon and Daisy are more determined than ever to get their friends and family out of HYDRA's virtual hellscape.
A Smattering of Troubles May 26th, 2021 No description
Themysciran Arts May 26th, 2021 The Themysciran Arts Center debuts its offerings to the public. The Center will be a bastion of immersing the public of the mortal world in all things related to paradise island. Caitlin Fairchild is welcomed in to the Amazon ranks, and a squirrel eats a hot dog that is bigger than its own body.
Sorcerer's World - A Mirror Perilous May 26th, 2021 Faust's attempt to lay claim to the Siege Perilous is thwarted after a long chase through the Mirror Dimension and a little help from a surprising source. But why does it feel as if everything is still going that megalomaniac's way?
A Frosty Reception May 26th, 2021 Emma pays a visit to Andi's apartment, seeking knowledge about an incident in Mutant Town. It does not go exactly as expected for her, Andi, or Mania.
A Search Begins! May 26th, 2021 Morgan had an encounter with Glamour and Lydia while searching for information on the Gnosis Stone. While she did not find exactly what she was looking for, the owner of Jinn's Repository gave her a contact in exchange for money, and this contact may know more! Whether Glamour or Lydia will prove helpful in the future, or whether she will ever see them again remains to be seen! Until then Morgan has a lead to follow..
The Framework: Explaining the Inhuman Problem May 26th, 2021 Skye Starr runs in to Sky Commander Morse at Hot Jeff Coffee. She orders something ridiculous, but pulls off her best undercover work ever trying to pry information out of the Agent of HYDRA without tipping her hand, all the while remembering how she murdered her virtual mother.
Food and curiousity May 26th, 2021 A bit of advice, and learning about one another.
Hobos in Hobokin. Mutants in Mutant Town. And I'm stuck in the middle with you. May 26th, 2021 Remy encounters a drug trade and then is rescued by Emma before they take a goon back to her place to get more information from him.
Can You Outrun A Menace May 26th, 2021 Toni and America do some training and stuff but really what matters is the deep and intricate narrative that an auteur filmmaker brings to the field of kaiju cinema in the form of 'Godzilla vs. Kong'. You see, the subtle pathos always present in King Kong and his desire for human ladies is a place where he can find connection to Godzilla, whose solitary nature is undercut by the historical presence of Godzooky, as well as their complex historical relationsh
Why do you have to bounce it May 26th, 2021 Storm learns a little about basketball. She still doesn't really get it.
A Mouse among Titans May 26th, 2021 The Titans have a mouse in their house. Food was served.
The Framework: Uncomfortable Enlightenment May 26th, 2021 On the drive back to Washington, May admits the horrible truth to Peggy: Her pre-teen daughter has been deemed a 'subversive' by HYDRA...
White Queen, Black Coffee May 25th, 2021 A date with... disaster?
The Framework: Parent-Teacher Meeting May 25th, 2021 After the surprise of Daniel's resurrection, May and Peggy realize finding young Melly Sousa is a much bigger deal than either of them initially realized. So, they decide to go to her school to pick her up. She's not there. But Jemma Simmons is...
Betsy hires a bouncer May 25th, 2021 Betsy hires James.
Alex Factor May 25th, 2021 Alex and Rachel unpack X-factor and talk family
CLARICE O'NEIL May 25th, 2021 April and Harley get home after speaking to the Rat Catcher in the bowels (gross) of the Blackgate Prison. They talk all kinds of things, and read fan mail, while enjoying each other's company on the sofa.
Time for a drink. May 25th, 2021 Logan shows up for a beer.
Club Nightlife May 25th, 2021 Alison and Blake meet and flee Dazzler's fans for a night out!
Outreach of another kind... May 25th, 2021 Erik, Mystique, and Emma come to an agreement in principle. Emma commits to an open-ended debt in exchange for Brotherhood protection and assistance. Much wine is consumed for 10AM.
The Framework: Foreign Intelligence May 24th, 2021 Lily and Dottie convince Daniel that the intel Dottie has gained from her recent liaison with Giyera is both worthwhile... and timely, if he wants to keep HYDRA from taking out most of SHIELD's top agents in one fell swoop.
From Rome with Love or Bromance May 24th, 2021 Hank and Mike may see a light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully it isn't a train.
Party Planners May 24th, 2021 Pepper and Tony discuss Tony's birthday party.
The reunion of Earth and Moon May 24th, 2021 The King of Inhumans reunites with Jiaying and the survivors of Afterlife (most of them anyway). Jiaying encourages Daisy to speak her truth to the person in charge and it seems, for now, that Inhumans and SHIELD are destined to work together.
CoffeeCoffeeCoffee May 24th, 2021 A few friends catch up over coffee. Gabby sucks at keeping secrets.
A Unique Meeting May 24th, 2021 The Princess of Themyscira meets the King of Khandaq. A lovely chat is had, pleasantries are exchanged.
Checking on the old School May 24th, 2021 And a new begining to an old team?
Connecting With a Dream May 24th, 2021 Peter and Nia have The Talk. And not JUST about their relationship.
Impromptu Office Hours May 24th, 2021 Greg visits Happy Harbor and wants to know more!
The Framework: Sugar Daddy May 24th, 2021 In the Framework, Daisy arrives at the Triskelion to find herself confronted with a very strange personal assistant and a very amorous Scotsman. But no clear answers to anything.
Of all the bars in all the world, you walk into... May 24th, 2021 Brun just wanted a drink. Vin wanted a quiet negotiation with her contact. A bunch of bikers wanted to score some action. Some days, nobody gets what they want...
Park Meetings May 23rd, 2021 No description
Saturday in the Park May 23rd, 2021 No description
Accidental Main Event May 23rd, 2021 No description
A Saturday Night Lunch May 23rd, 2021 Lydia meets Atlin at the deli to have a little date. It goes well, and they agree to do it again!
The Framework: Captain HYDRA May 23rd, 2021 Lars makes contact with Carol.. who is Captain HYDRA in the simulation. Testing the limits of her patience, he manages to get through to her _just a little_. Enough to sow the seeds of doubt in to her mind that her virtual life is a lie. The simulation was forced to simulate aliens and that gave him one chance.. a chance that seemed to have worked.
For Those Forgotten May 23rd, 2021 Terry and Kian run into Superboy. Terry's mother embarrasses him. Don't ask bout the Pool Incident.
Another evening at Xavier's May 23rd, 2021 Piotr and Jimmy meet up in the backyard.
The Framework: Uh Oh! May 23rd, 2021 Daisy Johnson enters the framework and finds her in the middle of performing a concert in Maddison Square garden. Skye Starr is a popstar, not a secret agent. Thankfully the concert crew are professionals and help her get out of doing the rest of the show after she mangles her biggest hit 'Uh oh!'. Desperate to get back to SHIELD at the Triskelion.. Daisy learns that they aren't the residents anymore - HYDRA is.
Art Appreciation May 23rd, 2021 A visit to the museum nets a viewing of The Starry Night, and new friends made.
Local Bar in Brooklyn May 23rd, 2021 April and Jacen share a few drinks and shoot the breeze in a bar in Brooklyn
Late night Chinese with the Richards May 22nd, 2021 No description
Catching Up at Suppertime May 22nd, 2021 No description
The Framework: Lance has entered the game. May 22nd, 2021 Lance has a rough awakening in the Framework. Turns out he's been dead for years. He manages to make it back to Salem and find his old apartment still under a false identity. Meeting up with Harry and Harry's bar, who turns out to be in the resistance, he gets help tracking down Bobbi. But the happy reunion he was hoping for doesn't go quite to plan when Bobbi fights back. Lance retreats.. for now.
Homecoming: The Imperial Court May 22nd, 2021 Scott Land and Power Girl accompany Maxima to the Almeracian imperial capitol of Tae Tamrac for an audience with the Empress. Scott is rewarded for his service to the Empire, Maxima is banished until she can secure her Blood Legacy for the Imperial House, and Power Girl questions Almeracian traditions.
An Ant and a Witch meet the Witch. May 22nd, 2021 Emma gets a new protege. (How long will this one last? Betting pools are open!) Hank gets a few mean shots in at Emma and gets return volleys lobbed his way. Ain't love grand?
Random Alley walking May 22nd, 2021 Yay, random meeting!
Hostage Negotiation Team A May 22nd, 2021 An Inhuman and an Asgardian walk into a hostage-taking. Not all the hostage-takers survive. Blackagar raises the roof. Sif leaves in a rainbow of flavours. Friendship is magical!
Take-Out Chinese May 22nd, 2021 Emma is triggered. Business is rearranged.
Beer and Bentleys May 22nd, 2021 Scott's solo night at Harry's is interrupted by Emma. A heated discussion ensues ending in offers of mutual assistance. One blouse was harmed in the making of this scene.
Finding Drive-Thru in Midtown May 21st, 2021 No description
Virtuous Signalling May 21st, 2021 No description
Back when the statue still existed. Back from the future May 21st, 2021 Park scuffle leads to floodgates.
Trial by Character May 21st, 2021 Emma is rescued by a knight in ragged armour. Recruitment commences.
Meeting the King May 21st, 2021 SHIELD detects activity in Afterlife who turns out to be King Blackagar, the leader of the Inhuman moon faction. Daisy has questions.
Where is Diana May 21st, 2021 Harley goes to find Diana at the Themysciran embassy but instead meets the gardener who is none other than Thor!
Obsession: Part 2 of May 20th, 2021 No description
Trip to Maine May 20th, 2021 Arthur takes Kori to his old neighborhood and performs in his band to her everlasting fangirling.
The Framework: Unexpected Developments May 20th, 2021 Dottie Underwood reaches out to Lily Chen. She's learned something from her time in Gideon Mallick's organization. And she feels like sharing.
Black King, White Queen May 20th, 2021 Emma finds a new game piece on the board, starts to keep tabs. Blackagar is amused by the silly lady.
The Future is Now! May 20th, 2021 Baxter detects a quantum anamoly, and upon investigation, Vance arrives from the future!
Come Sail Away May 20th, 2021 Dick and Stephanie take Cassandra out sailing on the Atlantic
Another World May 20th, 2021 Kara and Donna get some training from Philippus on Themyscira. Then they go for a walk in the enchanted forest and discuss the nature of the divine.
Tiny Pizza, Loud Pizza May 19th, 2021 No description
Chasing Tail May 19th, 2021 Looking for an angle on Peggy, Dottie (aka 'Kate') approaches Constantine at a bar.
Heaven At The End of A Subway Ride May 19th, 2021 Kian's first trip to Coney island. There is sugar involved.
Daredevil's Mirror Darkly May 19th, 2021 The Defenders fend off against Matt's doppelganger.
The Framework: Guess Who's Breathing May 19th, 2021 In the Framework, May comes to see the impossible -- Daniel Sousa alive once more. He tries to explain what the real world is. Neither May nor Peggy are buying it.
The Framework: Dead Rising May 19th, 2021 Daniel Sousa crawls out of the rubble of his grave in the Framework and ends up coming back home to Peggy. Only, she doesn't understand when he says the place isn't real.
Hunting for the Cult Part II - Flirting: Asgard Style May 19th, 2021 Sif flirts in the unique way of the Asgardians so they can find out more about what the cultists are doing in Starling City. Vin, Thea and Sif discover an abandoned building where mutants are being held and all the best ways on how to break someone's bones.
Hour of the Wolf May 19th, 2021 A late night at the Daily Panet is interrupted by the deadliest shot in Metropolis-Bloodsport! Can Lois and Clark stop the super-mercenary before he kills again?!
Owl bait May 19th, 2021 Owlnapped
Brick oven and flames May 19th, 2021 A nice time eating talking and a little bit of icy flames
Strange Things Are Afoot at the Circle K May 19th, 2021 Tandy confirms there is a problem with hhis power and may offer a short term solution to it. The Nazca Brotherhood comes calling.
Betsy wants to give a beating May 19th, 2021 Rogue talks Betsy out of anger
Long Distance Delivery May 19th, 2021 Blackjack O'hare arrives on Earth and delivers a package to one Lockheed, while Kitty and Hank stand watching in surprise.
Only Happy When it Rain(maker)s May 19th, 2021 Nico is rescued from the sort of hot early summer day that ruins goth makeup by her saviour and a fine fine American automobile. But class precludes the newly formed duo from stoping Old Man McAllester or whoever.
Coming Home May 18th, 2021 No description
The Framework: Changes (A Cutscene) May 18th, 2021 Having returned home after telling Peggy Carter her husband is dead, Melinda May struggles with a long night of the soul.

This scene is part of The Framework +plot 61 and takes place after Scene 6257 The Framework: Visitation.

Dancing Queens May 18th, 2021 Selene and Elektra enjoy a cyberpunk bar out in Gotham where they talk and dance.
Cheap Sales from NOWHERE May 18th, 2021 Hope follows a lead and finds one of NOWHERE's side business. Cole plots to steal a new gun.
Milano Tales: We're going to need some help May 18th, 2021 The Guardians attempt to follow the Dark Aster. Upon losing it, they fight with their own confused feelings about what Nebula has done and who she is to them. It is settled, they need help. Peter makes a call and the crew head to Knowhere. There they meet Phyla-Vell, a seemingly random woman who Peter has a lot of faith in. Rocket, Groot, and Mantis head off to weaponise Mantis.
On the Steps of Tomorow May 18th, 2021 Shredder gives a speech at a rally and Blackagar is in attendance to ask the hard hitting questions.
Knocking on the Hydra door. May 18th, 2021 Quake and Midnighter are informed by the mysterious hacker, Friday, that there is an ambush ready to happen on a SHIELD safehouse. As expected it turns out to be a very bad day for the Hydra agents on the scene. In the end Friday escapes, and Midnighter gets a first contact in SHIELD!
Dog Run May 18th, 2021 Roland Livingston is walking through the Bronx, when he comes upon -- GASP! A mugging!
Catching Up On The Score May 18th, 2021 Nadia walks in on Steve watching his Brooklyn Dodgers win game 7 of the 1955 World Series over the Yankees.
I'd Like To Make A Withdrawal May 18th, 2021 Nightwing and Batgirl respond to a silent alarm and nab themselves a quartet of bank robbers.
Yes, It Really Is The Munch Box May 17th, 2021 No description
The Vizier of Ennui May 17th, 2021 The group fights the Vizier of Ennui after resiting his initial salvo of terrible ennui, getting so much attention that they are all moved...elsewhere
The Framework: Sky Commander Morse May 17th, 2021 Sky Commander Morse leads the HYDRA fleet to Nepal where they engage in battle with the Inhuman settlement: Afterlife. Glorious victory is granted to the saviours of the free world. The terrorist Jiaying is dead and her follows either captured or killed. Hail HYDRA.
The Framework: Visitation May 17th, 2021 In the aftermath of the Doctor's disastrous visit, May comes again to visit Peggy, hoping to get her to understand the need to leave the country. She's interrupted by Dottie... who has a few surprises of her own.
On the Trail of Spooky Shadows May 17th, 2021 Sif comes to Earth looking for SHIELD, and answers. Caitlin Fairchild brings her to Bobbi Morse. Friendships and loyalties are affirmed.
Superhero Curves May 17th, 2021 At last, Herukage convinces Katsumi to begin training in earnest. The Avengers HQ is the venue.
Green Monster May 17th, 2021 Mania visits Mutant Town. Things get a little crazy with a plant-based mutant as Iceman lends a frosty hand.
A Backwards Night at the Opera May 17th, 2021 Sif wins the day! With only one dead and a few injured! But she totally kicked Zoom around! Because no way was this a ruse by the evil Zoom in any way so the victory is hers completely! Right? RIGHT!?
The Raven's Tale May 17th, 2021 After waking from an all-too-real dream, the dreamers get together to hash out a plan. Colette requests a cute redhead for purely strategic purposes.
Only Have Eyes For You May 17th, 2021 Noriko and Jubilation come back to the room after Jubilee's most recent shift at Burger Joint. Jubilee tries to put to rest any feelings of jealousy lingering in Noriko. After all, Jubes only has eyes for Nori.
An Interview with...no, no interview May 17th, 2021 Bella hires a reporter, best reporter, Clark Kent. Bella also doesn't know what a reporter is!
Bane's Wondering May 16th, 2021 No description
Sorcerer's World - The Dark Side of the Moon May 16th, 2021 Felix Faust and his allies manage to successfully draw forth Eclipso, the one time Spirit of Vengeance from Dr. Bruce Gordon and lay waste to the Gotham Observatory. But their victory is not without cost as the Demon Rath is badly injured and banished. Perhaps for good? And what is the fate of Jason Blood, corrupted by Eclipso and unleashed as the Demon Etrigan? What is Felix Faust's ultimate end? Far too many questions and too few answers.
X-Men: A Call to Arms May 16th, 2021 Mutant tries to rob an armored car, gets captured by a passing super group. What're the odds?
The Framework: Time to Break the News May 16th, 2021 The Doctor and Commander May go to visit Peggy Sousa-Carter in the aftermath of her husband's death. May breaks the bad news. The Doctor breaks everything else.
The Framework: Eliminating Resistance May 16th, 2021 Commander May, Agent of HYDRA, leads a crack team against a pocket of SHIELD resistence, saving the world from those who would destroy the peace HYDRA has fought so hard to build. Chief Daniel Sousa, Agent of SHIELD, has a very, very bad day.
Three's A Crowd May 16th, 2021 Noriko Ashida comes by Burger Joint at the end of Jubilee's shift, but the pair are caught in a comedy of errors. Jubilee accidentally agrees to a date with Bjorn Knutsen...right in front of Nori! Meanwhile, Jacen Knight's burger never comes. Bad service at Burger Joint.
Wonder Phoenix May 16th, 2021 Diana goes to Xavier's School to meet with Jean and about some mutant children she needs help finding guardianship for. It's the first time that Wonder Woman has been to Xavier's too, so she is curious to get the full experience.
Milano Tales: The one where Nebula Kills Everybody May 16th, 2021 Nebula kills everyone. Okay not really. She makes it look like she killed everyone to convince Ronan not to kill everyone for real. Captured, as she expected she would be, she has thrown Ronan and Thanos off the scent for now. The crew may have other ideas. Murder is Nebula's love language after all.
My Lunch With Gabby May 16th, 2021 Thomas has a house sitter, or is she a home invader?
Climb to the Top May 16th, 2021 Doreen goes rock climbing, Gwendolyn goes grappling hooking. And it all leads to a beautiful friendship! And future smoothies! I.e. Smoothies will be gotten, they don't come back from the future.
Dave and Busters Mystery May 16th, 2021 Deleting
Walking is the real Punishment May 16th, 2021 April meets the cowboy medic Jacen who helps her get her bike back after Punisher through her in the van and then dumped her off in a random part of the city.
Titan Memories 2012: Donna and Caitlin Meet Again May 16th, 2021 Back in 2012, Donna and Caitlin meet in less stressful circumstances. This time Caitlin manages not to tear her hair out, and Donna manages to wrangle a discount.
Let's Dance May 16th, 2021 Mr. Immortal chases some crooks into a club where Rave is playing. Bloodshed ensues.
Consolidated Ghost May 16th, 2021 The Ghost scopes out a piece of tech she needs at Queen Consildated... and admires its CEO as she passes.
Super folks walk into a bar. It might get dented. May 15th, 2021 No description
A Strong Right Paw May 15th, 2021 The information to continue to hunt for the KGBeast may have made it into their hands at last, but the Joker's involvement definitely throws a wrench into things. Gotham's vigilante's are one step closer to finding out what the true agenda of the Beast's Paw might be.
The Framework: Decent Into Hell (II) May 15th, 2021 Fitz leads a recovery team to find the Sphere's manufacturing hub so they can steal the schematics they need to better understand the immersion pods. Unfortunately, walking into the manufacturing hub means walking into the spider's lair... Retrieving the data doesn't go quite as planned.
Not another teen Mutant! May 15th, 2021 Atrid finds himself in trouble with anti mutant folks and their hatred spills out causing his powers to flare up and developing some unlikely alliances.
The Framework: A Full Home and Happy Heart May 15th, 2021 The Framework: Daniel and Peggy have a quiet night at home after he was out doing a resistance drop. Melinda stops by to check on things, but also to catch up with her little niece and nephew. Lily Sousa makes several demands but doesn't spill her soup. Michael mainly sleeps, but he's darn cute.
The Framework: Down the Rabbit Hole (II) May 15th, 2021 Daisy and a team of agents work on circumventing enough of the Framework's digital defenses to allow a team to go in to retrieve their friends... They don't quite end up where they expect.
Homecoming: Restoring the Lost City May 15th, 2021 With a stolen Brainiac size beam, a phone home to Earth, and some help from Power Girl, Scott manages to do what not even he was sure was possible and restore a bottled alien city to its proper size earning the gratitude of an interstellar empire.
Zootopia May 15th, 2021 Doing publicity at the Central Park Zoo, Beast Boy and Vorpal respond to a big cat breakout and figure out what caused it.
Happy Harbor: Prom May 15th, 2021 Category is Carnival Celebration, but make it Prom! Kids have fun. Adults do adulting!
Re-Weaving Webs May 15th, 2021 Spider-Man is greeted by a de-commisssioned Spider-Woman for a late night sojourn.
Getting to know people. May 14th, 2021 No description
Reunited May 14th, 2021 No description
Now You See Me... May 14th, 2021 No description
Nihonjin Futari AKA Not The Only Japanese May 14th, 2021 Yukio makes new discoveries at Xavier's Mansion. Like secret passage to the laundry room!
The Framework: Down the Rabbit Hole (I) May 14th, 2021 Daisy, Sharon, and a team of agents discover a way into the Matrix. Now, they just have to build it.
Sail The Open Seas With Me May 14th, 2021 The scenario is not at all fair and it is entirely possible that Kurt's notion of a fun Danger Room session needs a little work. But on the bright side everyone ends up on the beach at the end.
Casual Coffee May 14th, 2021 Jovian and Atrid discuss baseball at a coffee shop.
Hearts of Iron May 14th, 2021 Sif and Owari meet, and depart as friends!
All The Time May 14th, 2021 Rogue and Atrid meet outside of a pizza place in Salem Center NY.
Metropolis has No Ninjas May 14th, 2021 Spidey and Owari visit Metropolis, and break the law.
Fancy meeting you here! May 14th, 2021 Conner and Gwen find out they are neighbors. Gwen teases him about his secret identity! Maybe using glasses are in order.
Warriors Assemble! May 14th, 2021 No capes, no uniforms. Bucky drives an hard bargain in order to join the Secret Warriors. But join he does!
An afternoon visit May 13th, 2021 No description
The Framework: Hacking the Matrix II May 13th, 2021 Hunter, Bucky, and a secondary team of agents arrive at the Sphere in the midst of a pitched battle. Together, they concoct a plan to put an end to the battle. It's either the stupidest thing they've ever done... or the most brilliant. And, on a team that includes Hunter and Bucky... that's saying something.
Hunting for the Cult Part I - The Gala May 13th, 2021 Thea, Vin and Sif go to a gala to get more info on the cult under the Verdant. They perhaps get more than what they were looking for when Sif convinces two of the 'cultists' to go with her to their 'special' place. And while Vin provides a distraction Thea slips into the gala to look for info...


Funeral Entrapment May 13th, 2021 April meets the Punisher in the middle of an explosive ambush in a funeral home. 'Rescued' from it, she gets a bit of 'interview' time with Frank himself. And a new phone.
Idyllic Afternoon May 13th, 2021 A rather social afternoon at the park
A Gotham Evening May 13th, 2021 A rainstorm catches Viola while in Gotham. But a hot meal makes it worth the trip.
80 Year Old Membership Card May 13th, 2021 Jovian gets his membership to the Hellfire Club reactivated.
How growed up.. May 13th, 2021 The siblings Queen check in with each other, and it is determined that Thea is cute without makeup. Oh, and other things too.
Fight Club! May 13th, 2021 Aisling and Dinah spar at Grant's Gym. Nothing gets broken!
Meeting again with Jia May 13th, 2021 After the battle at the Illiad Daisy gets to talk with Jia again. It seems their differences continue as they ever were, but they found some points in common.
A Painful Truth May 12th, 2021 It is a fight to stay alive for the good doctor Jemma Simmons, while her captor and would-be murderer runs away from the prospects of an angry mythological horse and an avenging angel in the form of Daisy Johnson.
The Framework: Hacking the Matrix I May 12th, 2021 Daisy, Daniel Sousa, and a crack team of SHIELD agents head to the Sphere to find out what happened to May and her team. When they attempt to disconnect them, all hell breaks loose. As always.
Puttering In The Penthouse May 12th, 2021 Well-earned relaxation
Microwaveable Hot Fudge May 12th, 2021 Stephanie introduces Cassandra to hot fudge sundaes
It's not a cult, but it's kind of a cult May 12th, 2021 Some magic users seek out Amanda, the Chosen One!
Food Trucks Aplenty - Batter at the Battery May 12th, 2021 Interesting food and interesting... people?
Warehouses, NYC Harbor May 12th, 2021 Jovian and Lara investigate the people who made the app for the thugs that attacked the clinic. It is blown up to prevent them from investigating anything.
Quiet Night May 12th, 2021 Franklin and Valeria chat at home, then decide to head out into the city.
Central Perk May 12th, 2021 A quiet day in Central Park is broken by a runaway horse and carriage.
Food for thought. May 12th, 2021 Food and Conversation, not a bad evening for the three.
Doctor's Order May 12th, 2021 Kodak moment. Except we have phones now.
Ramen without the ninjas! May 11th, 2021 No description
The pull of a kindred spirit... May 11th, 2021 Bucky is going to make sure that promises to Ava are kept. He might apologize to Finley later. Certainly she did her best.
Prismatic Aftermath May 11th, 2021 Ava wakes up in the Playground, still in the midst of a molecular disequilibrium meltdown. Several SHIELD agents try to get her to calm down so they can help her. That takes a bit of doing.
The Purpose of an Inhuman May 11th, 2021 May and Blackagar have a heart-to-heart about what it means to be an Inhuman... and just why Melinda finds it such a struggle.
Ghosting the Triskelion May 11th, 2021 Ava breaks into the Triskelion to get her hands on some tech that might help stabilze her molecular disequalibrium. She runs afoul of Talbot and -- worse -- General Hale, whose secret she knows. Fortunately, a small team of SHIELD agents happen to show up just in time to pull her ass out of the fire.
The Town that Wasn't There May 11th, 2021 Jovian and Misfit check out a town that does not behave normally. It vanishes.
The Framework: Descent Into Hell May 11th, 2021 Acting on intel gleaned from a former HYDRA operative in Russia, a small SHIELD team attempts to re-enter the Sphere and neutralize its defenses. It doesn't go nearly as smoothly as they'd hoped.
This Was A Bad Idea May 11th, 2021 Power Girl brings Atlee to the mansion to meet heroes, and introduces her to Scott. There's... There's a silver lining there somewhere.
Merging Shadows May 11th, 2021 Robert and Jovian finish off six weirdos who attack the clinic while Jovian is finding out about his blackouts. He might be the cause.
Homework May 11th, 2021 A meeting of the minds is achieved and Damian has a project, and a budget.
Horse Apples May 11th, 2021 Noriko Ashida's pony is finally given a name: Pony! Jubilation and Noriko begin the necessary plans for a private getaway to Japan. Life is good.
To the Mooooon! May 11th, 2021 Arthur and J'onn run into each other at the Watchtower. Hot Pockets are eaten and J'onn reveals his connection to Kermit.
So... Here's the Thing May 11th, 2021 Ben Grimm introduces Sif to pastrami. Sif introduces Ben Grimm to arrogant display.
Flashback: Earth Outfits! May 11th, 2021 Flashback to the time the Guardians were stranded on Earth. Mantis goes to explore shopping, and tries to fool Barbara Gordon, a detective, that she's in fact a human from European or something. It doesn't go as well as she thought it would.
In Soviet Russia Computer Hacks You May 11th, 2021 Daisy and Nadia hack the recovered Soviet computer drive and it's a lot. A lot of what remains to be seen however, just what is this mysterious 'Katyusha'?
Pizza is Life May 10th, 2021 No description
It's Been too Long May 10th, 2021 Daisy drops in for a much needed reunion.
I See Skies of Blue May 10th, 2021 Raven and Donna go for a walk on Themyscira. They run into Magala who shares a few moments of mystical insight with Raven
Stoned May 10th, 2021 Roland is attacked by a rock. Wally delivers a vase. The boulder is beaten.
Tech Dazzle May 10th, 2021 Pepper seeks out Tony in the lab to feed him.
Morning Tea May 10th, 2021 Tea is had and conversations interrupted by the odd spectral horse abound.
Goddess meets Titan May 10th, 2021 Titania and Sif meet and bond over beers and beatings.
You Killed Mother. Now What May 10th, 2021 Having disobeyed Lyudmilla Kudrin AKA Mother, and not only refused to kill Natasha but instead killed Lyudmilla, Yelena's world has shattered. She finds herself in a cell at The Playground, not only lacking purpose, but suffering the guilt of being a complete failure. But just as she was contemplating if she even deserves to live, the only person who could possibly understand her showed up for a visit. Could there be a teamup of Widows in the future?
When the Earth Moved May 10th, 2021 Spider-Man meets the mysterious Atlee.
Slighted on Opening Night May 10th, 2021 Harley Quinn saves theatre goers from Clayface's outburst at their bad reviews of his play.
Stopping for a burger. May 9th, 2021 Jacen ran into Rogue for dinner and a robbery tried to break out.
Decommisioning Madness May 9th, 2021 Items retrieved and moved to the Avengers and Titans
You Donut Want to Go In There May 9th, 2021 Ash and James Rhode stop for donuts at a truckstop. The trucks try to stop them.
Monsters Beneath May 9th, 2021 Spitfire finds herself beneath Manhattan, walking into a den of demonic dogs. Fortunately, Jacen Knight and Nazo Sarwani are along to help.
Here's the story of a man named Logan... May 9th, 2021 ...That's the way we became the Logan Bunch!
A Bumpy Ride May 8th, 2021 No description
Prepping for Memorial Day May 8th, 2021 Rhodey and Colt plan a memorial day event.
Teams are Balancing Acts May 8th, 2021 The Outsiders have a little informal training in the Roost and chat about why everyone in Gotham hates clowns.
Under By The Boardwalk, Down By The Sea May 8th, 2021 A nice day in late spring sees a number of people congregate at the beach at Coney Island. A volleyball game breaks out.
Speedy Service Like Lightning May 8th, 2021 Tommy and Leslie work a shift at Mel's Diner. It goes totally fine except for one bigot who has a TOTALLY RANDOM car accident. Also one kid who loses his electric scooter. But the milkshake machine is working!
Under the Verdant noone can hear you scream May 8th, 2021 Vintridr, Felicity and Thea go explore the depths of the Verdant after the IT genius detects movement on the cameras set up down there. And they find DANGER.
Retail battles May 8th, 2021 Form and fashion fit Sif!
It's Been a Long Time... May 7th, 2021 An unexpected old friend shows up in Peggy's office. She welcomes him back and gives him a book... And a room in the Playground.
Late Night Ladies May 7th, 2021 Insomnia hits Daisy, May and Peggy on the same night. They stay up over tea discussing their worries about Jemma and a certain Pegwidow.
The Torment That Lingers May 7th, 2021 Another bout of PTSD nearly gets Jessica in a world of trouble, but luckily, Elektra was there to save the day. But was it PTSD...?
Room Descriptions for dummies May 6th, 2021 No description
Blending in. May 6th, 2021 No description
Catching Up With a Cat May 6th, 2021 Jen and Greer catch up at the mansion and do a little hot tubbing.
Toni And Cassie Throw Sharp Objects May 6th, 2021 Toni learns at least one thing while also meeting Cassie's mom, who is reasonably cool but a mega-nerd. Also, the future defeat of Dracula is foreshadowed.
Obsession: Part 1 of May 6th, 2021 Arrested but not taken in, the obsession continues
License to Drive May 6th, 2021 Hank Pym gives Roland a ride to work. Roland lives to regret it.
New Playground, old Problems May 6th, 2021 Wanda brings icecream offerings to the Playground and helps Daisy solve a problem with the 'Wheel of Death' at the cafeteria. No cookies were harmed in the making of this episode.
Spying on the OTHER Odinson May 6th, 2021 Thor forbids Spying. Sif does it anyways.
Preparing for a Class is work too. May 6th, 2021 Nazo is directed to class, and taught a little bit of the area.
A Hooting Good Time At Hot Dumplings May 6th, 2021 The Bats take Strix to Hot Dumpling now that she's able to go mingle with people.
The hunt is on! May 5th, 2021 No description
Soho in the Rain May 5th, 2021 No description
Gomenasai May 5th, 2021 No description
Fun with Concussions May 5th, 2021 Please delete. Failed scene
New York Style pizza May 5th, 2021 Harvey arrives for some home made New York style pizza.
The Greenland Debrief May 5th, 2021 Bobbi delivers some reading material to Nat, but also sits down to discuss what to do with Yelena.
Everybody needs a little time away May 5th, 2021 So much better than a bar! Thea and Loki get a chance to talk, though they do keep checking the door on the off-chance Sif will arrive.
A Question for Tim May 5th, 2021 Tim and Bart catch up.
Truths In Peril May 5th, 2021 Thor gets mead and a horse peptalk. Trouble abounds, and Loki is no doubt blamed for it all. Or some of it all.
The Lost Branch World - Part 2 May 4th, 2021 Thoote is stopped from leaving back for Planet X and sending a holy death fleet back to kill everyone in the Branch Republic. The team works well together.
Dollhouse: The Iliad May 4th, 2021 When SHIELD goes to The Iliad to retrieve the Time Brick, they have an unexpected encounter with a team of Inhumans seeking terrigen crystals. A spot of violence breaks out, but is quickly resolved as new bridges are built between the two groups.
Harried Homecoming May 4th, 2021 May arrives back at the Playground after the disastrous mission to interrogate Maelstrom. Peggy gets her report... and they realize their work is nowhere near done.
Quick and Annoying May 4th, 2021 Ghost Spider and Superboy confront jewel thief Speed Demon. Newsflash: speedsters are annoying. Also, Conner should wear glasses.
X-pool May 4th, 2021 Ororo creates some warm weather and people gather at the pool to enjoy it.
Thrust upon them May 4th, 2021 Abcde runs in to Harley at a whiskey bar and offers to give her a tattoo, shares life stories, and gets invited to watch a Roller Derby match!
Mike Hannigan -Ghost to Ghost! May 4th, 2021 Score: Gentleman Ghost-0 Flaming Giant Baby Head-1!
Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting May 4th, 2021 Two Asgardians enter. Two Asgardians and one who deserves to be one leave. In their wake is pain, fear, blood, and destruction. A perfect night out, really.
So a War Goddess Walks Into A Coffee Bar... May 4th, 2021 Sif has heard the Odinson speak much of this beverage called 'coffee'. She sets out to try some, and meets an unexpected old acquaintance.
1000 Faces: The Herald May 3rd, 2021 No description
To the Zeitgeist Sea May 3rd, 2021 The dreamers get on board a ship and head for the waking world, trusting the captains odd compass.
Visitors from N.O.W.H.E.R.E. May 3rd, 2021 N.O.W.H.E.R.E. attempts to recruit Nadia (or else!). They came prepared for her, but not for Viv Vision. Guest stars (NPCs) Dr. Zaniel Templar, Brighteyes and the mighty Fuji.
The great hospital escape May 3rd, 2021 Sif comes to Uppsala's hospital, helping Thea escape with a little help from Sif's brother and a little stolen healing stone. They go back to the Verdant and they talk of shopping sprees and when Thea will die. Prune juice is a warrior's drink!
Catching up on how Irie is fitting in May 3rd, 2021 And the cousins catch up, and talk about dating.. other people other people
You'll See Me on Broadway May 3rd, 2021 Alison and Roland meet in Times Square
Happy Hour With Ninjas May 3rd, 2021 Roland meets shredder out of uniform, the two discuss Dojo's and motorcycles and philosiphy.
Cube Part 2 May 3rd, 2021 The group escapes the cube rescuing two strange visitors.
Confused scum May 3rd, 2021 A few anti mutant bigots results in a fight gets a cowboy free beer. Does it get any better than that? Jacen and Shazam got some throw down time and Johnny pitched clean up, poking fun of the situation.
Something about a Time Brick May 3rd, 2021 Chief Carter has requested Bobbi go fetch the time brick. Not that it isn't stupid dangerous, what could possibly go wrong?
Because Oliver is lazy May 2nd, 2021 No description
Gods go to Church May 2nd, 2021 Sif tells Loki she's spying on him. He naturally lets her stay at his place.
Library Espionage Action May 2nd, 2021 Shan checks a goth out of the NYPL.
Another Late Night May 2nd, 2021 May finds Peggy in the lounge late at night. Neither can sleep, so the speak briefly about what's keeping them up -- like, say, Jemma's strange emotionless state.
Longnecks and Rednecks May 2nd, 2021 New kid in town wanders into the path of Rogue and Jean Grey. Casual convo and beer drinking to follow.
Blackbird Spying in the Dead of Night May 2nd, 2021 Agent May wearing Agent Morse's Mockingbird gear goes in to the belly of the beast: Washington DC, to get answers from the SecDef. The SecDef has a trap waiting though and reveals he is HYDRA to May. Setting the entire police, FBI, and secret service after her.. May is tracked down by Nightwing and Batgirl in the Batwing. Escape seems unlikely until a favour is bought and May made it to the second exit plan: steal the Bell 14-X from the Air and Space Museum.
Visit From a Dreamer May 2nd, 2021 A dream(er) arrives at 20 Ingram Street...
Doomed Shadows May 2nd, 2021 The Latverian Embassy is assaulted by the Foot Clan, with Atlin and Jovian in attendance. Many a Ninja are harmed in the making of this scene. Jovian earns Doom's appreciation. Shredder manages to steal an artifact.
Visiting Death May 2nd, 2021 Lady Sif pays Lady Death a visit in her Earthly abode and plans for future battle are hatched.
It Isn't A Hijacking, I'm Totally Sober May 1st, 2021 No description
What Is A Scion Anyway May 1st, 2021 Gwen and Eddie go out nightclubbing, and run into Rachel Summers and Greg Rollins.
SUPER MATCH GAME RETURNS! May 1st, 2021 Joker and Superboy play Super Match Game with Nick Drago, Hank Pym, Diana Prince, Pantheon, Shazam and Powergirl. With Emma Frost as hostess. Stay tuned to find out who wins!
(Don't) Act Your Age May 1st, 2021 Cassie and Diana get ready for a night out before finals week, exchanging fashion and life advice, respectively.
Re-View May 1st, 2021 Two old compatriots find each other in a dive. One clears the dive. The other is depressed. Good times!
Ninja Swarm May 1st, 2021 Roland rescues the cops and gets Shredder's business card for potential hiring of the Foot Clan down the line
Catching Up With Drax May 1st, 2021 Drax finally decides to start being less murderously social again and catches up with Mantis and Rocket, who shows him a mystery from his past and where he was made.
New guy May 1st, 2021 6099 Jacen and Kaida had a tussel with some thugs.
A Visit With Emma May 1st, 2021 Magneto visits the Centinel and offers Emma's new team assistance. There is discord over the thought of a new Cerebro.
Title Date Scene Summary
Cry the Children: Endings are beginnings June 30th, 2021 The Beast is defeated, more heads spring up
One Time, at Fight Club June 30th, 2021 Shit went sideways, is anyone surprised?
Dyani's School Tour June 30th, 2021 Dyani's parents come to accept Xavier's as Scott, Hank, and Rogue introduce themselves to the family. And Clarice makes her feelings about hugs known.
Donuts and Discssion June 30th, 2021 Monet and the time-displaced Vance meet in Salem Center at a donut shop. The discussion over donuts includes their etymology and a reminder given to the psychic astronaut of Monaco's existance.
The Morning After. June 30th, 2021 Sam and Bucky disagree on a few things, it ends about as bad as it could end between them.
1956: The Big Day (and The Day After) June 30th, 2021 Peggy and Daniel miss the signs but they're son still comes all the same, whole and healthy.
The Future Came To Brunch June 30th, 2021 The time displaced Kent-Lane family discuss superpowers and knee scrapes over a leisurely brunch.
Justice is blurry in a sandstorm June 30th, 2021 Nazo rescues June from two would-be muggers, only to find out that June turns the tables, and robs her attackers instead of simply being grateful for a rescue.
Shooting Stars June 30th, 2021 Rachel and Scott Summers try to bridge the gap between them with beers and stargazing.
School Is Supposed To Be Lame June 29th, 2021 No description
Harley and Aimee's Cross-Country Cavalcade: Part 3 - Meeting the Parents June 29th, 2021 Harley meets Aimee's parents, and Aimee drops a (figurative) bomb.
DANGER Nick Drago, DANGER June 29th, 2021 Catman and Satana come by to warn Nick about Gentleman Ghost and offer their services
Egg On My Face June 29th, 2021 June Connor follows an enemy of The Hand across the river to Liberty State Park, New Jersey. Ms. Marvel is in pursuit but not everything goes according to plan...
Lurking Fear: Hellish Reef June 29th, 2021 A SHIELD squad and their FBI liaison infiltrate a rural Massachussetts town to rescue a kidnapped research team and a pair of bickering FBI agents from creatures that are decidedly not: inbred cannibals, chainsaw wielding maniacs, or aliens. What they are? TBD.
Spirit of Restaurant Food June 29th, 2021 A brainstorming session is underway. And boy do those winds change in horrifying directions
A Groundbreaking Meeting June 29th, 2021 Wally and Atlee meet at last, or how to get a woman's number in one easy step.
Tokyo Drift June 29th, 2021 In 2017, Sharon takes on a retrieval mission in Tokyo, Japan. Taskmaster had his own mission; both are suprisingly successful though Taskmaster wins with the upper hand and a defeated Sharon.
What's with all the screaming June 29th, 2021 Carnage ensues when Blink and Sabretooth find even more people who really suck.
Time to Make a Change June 28th, 2021 One city block of Bushwick is rebuilt. Mystique was not arrested thanks to the X-Men, The Brotherhood, the Mutants of Bushwick, and one Barney Barton.
Milano Tales: The Power Stone (II) June 28th, 2021 Ronan the Accuser has the Power Stone. Thanos be damned, he's going to win the war that was stalled by peace treaty. He sets course for Xandar. The Nova Corps and Guardians of the Galaxy fight a desperate pitched battle against the Dark Astar and Ronan with the power stone. Only the impossibly properties of Peter Quill manage to stop the power stone in its tracks. Why? no one is sure yet... but it's a mystery to be solved.
In Erebos: Tartarus Awaits June 28th, 2021 The Titans travel through Tartarus, and it's a surprisingly peaceful journey. They charm a three headed dog and almost get in trouble for having picked the wrong name, but finally get to the Gates of Iron - where a mysterious woman tells them they're at the wrong gate.
Late Night Home June 28th, 2021 After the long dinner with their son Michael and granddaughter Sharon, Peg and Daniel head to their old home to try and repair their hearts from past mistakes and losses.
Distant Relation: An Unhappy Creature June 28th, 2021 What started out as a low risk visit for an absessed tooth turns into a fight with a mysterious creature! X-23 and Balm fight a creature that has no head, but gaping maws in its torso!
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too June 28th, 2021 Tea, and cake, and tales of trauma and recovery! Huzzah.
Spirit of Teamwork June 28th, 2021 The Gentleman Ghost brings along an ally to carry out his plan. What he doesn't plan on are an angry hawk, a sprinkler system, a giant mallet, and a hoodie willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. And some kicks.
Hack, hack, hacking. June 28th, 2021 The siblings get ready to take on the bad guys. In this case, Thea actually has advantage, due to actually understanding 'the lingo'.
Lunch in Latveria June 28th, 2021 New Friends in Latveria
A Very Jessica Interruption June 28th, 2021 As June and Elektra work a mark, Jessica interrupts in a most Jessica fashion.
Summertime Splashness June 28th, 2021 Crabs, friends, and homesickness.
Copycat Homecoming June 28th, 2021 Vanessa shows up on April's doorstep after having been gone for several months
Spirit of Rock and Roll June 28th, 2021 It turns out Rock is the (she) Devil's music! Satana sends the Gentleman Ghost packing.
It's a date then! June 28th, 2021 Loki is sent to quell a rebellion as part of his princely duties. Sif heads his army. Of course they're successful.
The Desolation of Chikara Dojo June 28th, 2021 Colleen looks over the ashes of her dojo, burned to the ground by Madam Gao of The Hand in retaliation for Colleen sacking 17 of her drug operation locations via the DEA/FBI. Colleen asks Elektra if she can stay at her place.
Cafe time June 27th, 2021 No description
Pester Away! June 27th, 2021 No description
It Is For A Good Cause June 27th, 2021 A Mutant Town fire station holds a BBQ fundraiser to buy new equipment.
A jungle of tech June 27th, 2021 Pepper finds Tony in the Avengers lab, doing some tests.
In The Madlands June 27th, 2021 The Actionist recruits Ilmr to aid the heroes in Lego Metropolis....against himself?
Mutants Trafficking in Humans June 27th, 2021 Clarice shares Dyani's intell - and brings the girl's situation to the attention of Xavier's school.
Smellovision Stinks June 27th, 2021 Robotman calls Toyman's GI a doll. This does not go well at all.
The Heat of the Forge June 27th, 2021 The smell of burning somewhere in the mall draws Kainashi to the turtles' workshop where Leo is working at his forge. While he works on metal for blade smithing they talk: he takes steps to bolster her self-worth, they discuss her abilities and working together on a training regimen for her.
A Conversation of Emotions, the Past and the Future June 27th, 2021 Clarice and Raven discuss the teleporter's recent temper tantrum.
Training June 27th, 2021 Jovian begins training with Quiet, it goes well.
Leave Your Monsters Behind. June 27th, 2021 Six hours of uninterrupted sleep turns out to not be enough to keep Bucky from trying to kill Sam. But at least it doesn't seem like Buck's going to carry the guilt around for six years, progress.
A Visit To Asteroid M June 26th, 2021 The visit went well.
Ground Zero, Prologue June 26th, 2021 It was a good day, until things went sideways.
Lay Down and Die June 26th, 2021 They thought they could just go back and regroup after gathering some samples, little did they know that the time to stand up and fight was upon them.
Stand up and Fight June 26th, 2021 Several dead, one infected with an unknown bio-weapon and one fiery explosion. The good guys don't always win but the ones left standing will still fight another day.
Carry a big stick June 26th, 2021 Colleen confronts Bakuto, trying to find out who Black Sky is. She once again fails to get any truly valuable intelligence from him, but does make good on her threats to shut down all the drug manufacturing sites she has found over the past 5 months. She sends the information to the DEA and FBI, no doubt enraging Gao.
People don't look up often enough June 26th, 2021 Leonardo goes to check in on April. He surprises her and her roommate by sneaking in and observing from near the ceiling before dropping in on them. Tea and information is shared.
Surprise Visits June 26th, 2021 Satana and Gabby bond over chocolate cake and ... bad humor?
Agitation and Bees are not a good combination... June 26th, 2021 The Bees Have Spoken... there's humans in trouble, and Clarice will be getting help... hopefully.
Not Even a Fair Fight June 26th, 2021 Wonderwoman helps Cliff fight off a totally unmatched Beureau of Normalcy task force trying to abduct him and is routed. Under her lasso, one of her officers gets Cliff some incriminating evidence against them.
Someone's been busy. June 26th, 2021 Nicolai makes his intentions known, Clarice throws a tantrum and Betsy proves the point: Nicolai doesn't need to belong to the Brotherhood to know that people have his back.
Outsourcing the Consequences June 26th, 2021 It's freaky Friday at the Playground when roles are reversed between Sam and Bucky, but Buck? Well, he ain't no councilor.
Another Night On The Town June 25th, 2021 Plans are set. Sorcerers do sorcery things.
The Framework: Insane in the Mainframe (Insane in the Plane) June 25th, 2021 The rogue AI that caused HYDRA so much trouble 2 years ago is back, thanks to Sky Commander Morse. Their assault on the Triskelion is devastating and their victory surely final. If only AIDA wasn't the key master and the gate keeper of everything in the Framework. One hack too far and it all comes toppling down. But not for AIDA.. now AIDA has learnt something new and truly improbable: free will. Sorry not sorry Radcliffe.
On the Trail of Treasure June 25th, 2021 In WWII Norway, Kelda Stormrider of Asgard seeks the location of the missing energy source known as the Tesseract. She encounters Steve Rogers and the Red Skull, also in search of the long-lost artifact.
Bet Pay Off June 25th, 2021 Remy lost and is stuck doing dandruff duty in the brain room
Sion Re-Opens! June 25th, 2021 Betsy hosts a gala at a nightclub, complete with barbarians at the gate.
A meeting of the Hands June 25th, 2021 June gets to meet Elektra to deliver the item she recovered during her mission against Hydra and the Shadow. Expectations are not met on either side.
Things of Mist and Shadow June 25th, 2021 HYDRA attempted to smuggle an artifact into the USA for study. Unfortunately, both the Shadow and the Hand found out about it -- and one Hand ninja has an impressive talent for escaping.
M and Superboy Assist the NYPD June 25th, 2021 On her way to a pampering at a spa, Monet meets Superboy. They exchange pleasantries, she gives him her phone number and the two of them help the NYPD thwart a jewelry heist turned high speed chase.
Radioactive Particles, Man! June 25th, 2021 Hank and Nadia discuss the nature of Pym Particles and Punk Music.
The bees are a buzzing! June 24th, 2021 No description
A Pint an' A Punt June 24th, 2021 No description
They Don't Want To Go! June 24th, 2021 The gangers were confused, the innocent victims rescued, Rogue, Scott, Remy, Kitty and Clarice did their job... and the mutant who controlled them? That remains to be seen. He was caught, but at what cost?
New Beginnings at Sion June 24th, 2021 A meeting of minds at Sion turns out very well, with Nicole taken on as the club's latest bartender.
Just a Bit Outside June 24th, 2021 Remy has a bet with Rogue and looses IMMEDIATELY.
Meetings June 24th, 2021 Taskmaster talks with Ty, giving her a thumb drive with work on it.
Secret and Patterns June 24th, 2021 A small time crime boss with powers is brought down by Cael, and Cinque keeps his promise to one of the residents of his shelter.
Visiting the Witch June 24th, 2021 Thea visits Abcde to know more about the Khushu Idol and they agree on teaming up.
Really Buck June 24th, 2021 After finishing business in PA, Bucky finally takes Sam to the Playground. Breakthroughs happen, progress is made... and a vacation planned.
The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Continued Living and Became Mixed-Up Titans or Schoolteachers. June 24th, 2021 Kian, Colette and Terry discuss the advantages of regular trade routes, the impact of Catholicism on the teaching of philosophy, cultural stressors in hominid clan-groupings, and the problems of being a vegan who likes red meat and bacon.
Operation Cat out of Hell June 24th, 2021 Regroup and Rescue Planning. Also all the wings anyone can eat.
Bad Decisions June 24th, 2021 Two people, both looking too young, both unable to enter a bar. There is screaming, kicking, and possible breaking of the law! So, rated T for Teen.
Winter Pays his Tab June 23rd, 2021 No description
A night at the Picture Show. June 23rd, 2021 No description
Heads Up! June 23rd, 2021 Selene and Elektra continue their wild night of having fun together on the town. There is rain and thunder, and lots of gol balls flying around!
The Framework: Family Outing June 23rd, 2021 Morse, Hunter, and May work to rescue the Carter-Sousa family. They are joined belatedly by Jemma, who has more than a few surprises up her sleeve... or on her cell phone. Take your pick. All the while, AIDA is learning and growing in unexpected ways.
This Place Blows June 23rd, 2021 Random encounter. Titans and Sif. Everyone is weirded out. Glitter is warned about. Ginny hopes to sign up a client without getting sent to Hel. Or Hell. Or anywhere else.
Ground Control to Major Tom June 23rd, 2021 Blink and Speed discuss a little bit of their pasts and the possibility of revenge. Milkshakes and brownies were harmed in the making of this scene.
Unnecessary Roughness! June 23rd, 2021 Scarlet Spider, Silk, Owari, Astro-Knight gather to stop a jewelry store robbery, though an unusual song bird inside keeps the situation from boiling over. Plus, a cameo from Ms. Marvel and Bruno!
Behind The Music June 23rd, 2021 Students take a tour of an arena before several concerts and get a surprise in the end
A New Beginning... bzz, bzzz, bzzzzz June 22nd, 2021 No description
Some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed. June 22nd, 2021 Hyperion gets chased to Zatanna by possessed man. Long story short, goddess of strife and discord was prevented from possessing a Homo Magi and imprisoned in a pinky finger.
Xavier's Welcome Party June 22nd, 2021 An excellent party turns dark, as both students and teachers learn a bit too much about Halal food. Oh, also Monet is welcomed. Details, details.
The Anywhere Device June 22nd, 2021 Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm get some outside help to test a probe device for Reed. It doesn't go great.
The Daughters of Thanos v Proxima Midnight June 22nd, 2021 The heist was almost perfect! Almost. The two young daughters of thanks, in this flashback, try to steal from a member of the black order. Unfortunately, they get caught.
Making a little History in the Museum June 22nd, 2021 Museum robbers are thwarted by a trio of spidery types, who then briefly and awkwardly catch up on various topics.
Warren Buffet June 22nd, 2021 Warren shows up with a ton of leftovers from one of his corporate business meetings. What better place to give away free food than a school!
This is a high steaks get together... June 22nd, 2021 Hey, they didnt burn the Hellfire Club down. Or even get kicked out. Steak might even be had. Hallelujah!
Once Upon a Dr--Nightmare June 22nd, 2021 Things you shouldn't do to avoid dealing with your trauma: a. eat your feelings, b. drive recklessly, c. get black-out drunk. Things that Bucky and/or Sam do in this scene: all of the above. Featuring a brief cameo by Steve Rogers!
The Overdue Fees Will be Huge! June 21st, 2021 Caitlin Fairchild reunites with the Asgardian Kelda Stormrider, recently returned to Midgard.
Sorcerers vs. Wizards: 1pt to Bucky. June 21st, 2021 The boys get all healed up by Morrigan before they storm the castle to rescue Tyler. Bucky wins this round in Sorcerers VS. Wizards, but was he joking about Sarah or not?! ...and will Bucky see Sam first and avoid the promise of 'talking later'?
The Search for Ectoplasm... June 21st, 2021 Conversation and milk shakes, Lydia's on board for ecotplasmic experimentation
1944: The Midnight Oil June 21st, 2021 On a hot night in the summer of 1944, Peggy and Steve catch each other by a stream for stolen late night washing. Awkwardness ensues.
The Dragon's Den June 21st, 2021 An undercover Cael meets up with the Sons of the Dragon.
Raiding the Gardens June 21st, 2021 Bonding time with Alex, Clarice and Lorna - with the help of Alex's stash. Clarice tries to defend the Brotherhood while high. Alex ain't having it.
Breaking Point, Sam's or Bucky's June 21st, 2021 J'onn sweeps in for the rescue, it's a good thing too because the answer is both.
Lego Master Builders June 20th, 2021 The heroes win and are LEGO MASTER BUILDERS, but then....INSANITY!
Nadia's First Birthday June 20th, 2021 Nadia's first real birthday is /amazing/. Mission Accomplished.
To End N.O.W.H.E.R.E. (you know what I mean!) June 20th, 2021 Conner and Hope visit GIRL's HQ to talk about N.O.W.H.E.R.E. with Nadia and Viv
Framework: You're Going Where June 20th, 2021 Daisy and Matt catch up after a some crazy weeks for the both of them and share some much needed time together.
Control June 20th, 2021 In June of 2017, Blade and Sharon follow a lead to a makeshift club in the Bloc; they stumble onto a drug den where a vampire was being bled and starved.
The Framework: After the Download June 20th, 2021 Daniel and Peggy share a difficult conversation when he returns with both sets of memories in his head. They are on the point of near breaking when a miracle helps them break out of the cells instead.
The Lounge in the Below June 20th, 2021 Rogue and Jimmy do some socializing to get to know each other better, even take Jeepers on a walk to the creek!
Bart and Beacon June 20th, 2021 Bart is always about to help Phoebe with a quick laugh, even when she doubts her own importance to the Outsiders. Phoebe is quick to correct Bart that although she uses armor that Tim designed for her and she's allowed to patrol Gotham, she is not a member of the Bat family. Phoebe also now has to make sure Bart doesn't tie her shoes together at random!
Mutant Town, Brotherhood, and Ice Cream. June 20th, 2021 Patrol and Ice Cream in M-Town
Breaching The Fortress June 20th, 2021 The Order of St. Dumbass is foiled finally and Tyler is regained (sorta), but sorcerors are slippery. Kids are saved. The jury is still out on Wizards vs Sorcerors.
The Framework: Double Agent Double Jeopardy June 20th, 2021 The Doctor attempts to extract information from Dottie Underwood, the one insurrectionist Radcliffe has left available to him. He learns... much more than he expected. And perhaps not from the source he expected.
The Framework: HYDRA Aftermath Reloaded June 20th, 2021 People get medical attention. Bucky has shell shock. Clarice lets SHIELD keep the remaining mutants - for now. Poor Sara is caught in the middle.
Home, Sweet Quantum Chamber June 20th, 2021 Finley escorts Ava back to her apartment, where she discovers the breadth of Ava's research and the depth of her mistrust. The moorings for bridges are built.
Poolside Conversation and Burgers June 20th, 2021 Henry McCoy hosts an afternoon cookout buffet poolside at Xavier's School. Monet arrives and confides some of her past to him. Gabby arrives and helps lighten the mood. Both of the girls enjoy buffalo burgers a'la McCoy.
Ayup. Settled. June 20th, 2021 Male bonding and Mo!
The Framework: HYDRA Reloaded (II) June 20th, 2021 SHIELD defends against a massive HYDRA attack at the Sphere, successfully defending their trapped comrades against certain death.

This scene runs intandem with Scene 6522 'The Framework: HYDRA Reloaded (I)'.

The Framework: HYDRA Reloaded (I) June 20th, 2021 SHIELD defends against a massive HYDRA attack at the Sphere, successfully defending their trapped comrades against certain death.

This scene runs intandem with Scene 6645 'The Framework: HYDRA Reloaded (II)'.

Meeting a Padawan June 20th, 2021 Charlie comes to Happy Harbor to find answers. She finds a Padawan Jedi instead. Also this school is totes amazeballs.
Happy Birthday Pamela! June 20th, 2021 Harley surprises Ivy with a sort of birthday party but they get interrupted by Quellazaire's minions who do an attack on ArcTerra. With Brunnhilde's help who was drinking a storm they fend off the attack. It was time to go on the attack against their archenemy! Oh, and Pamela gets a tree seed for her birthday.
=See, I told you. June 20th, 2021 Bucky keeps his word and shows up with Captain America (...and Sam) to convince Cael that he was telling the truth about HYDRA. She's convinced, but Bucky isn't happy with the turn the conversation took.
=It's time for a big T Talk. June 20th, 2021 Sam wins 1 out of 3 when Bucky finally falls asleep.
Flowers of the Ocean June 19th, 2021 No description
Meanwhile, back at the tower. June 19th, 2021 No description
Second Star To The Right June 19th, 2021 A secluded second date starts with cocktails and leads to swapping stories, with a light-but-satisfying conclusion.
The Framework: Through the Walls June 19th, 2021 Peggy and Daniel wake up in seperate cells next to each other in the Framework. They speak through the vent, not caring if they are being listened to or not. Tears happen.
Hungover in a Cat House June 19th, 2021 No fatalities. One cobra released into the wild, several zoo animals startled. It's looove.
Happenstance or fate June 19th, 2021 Happenstance, or was that fate, bring Sam and Bucky together again for the first time since HYDRA destroyed SHIELD. What the two find doesn't bring anything anywhere near comfort.
The Framework: Rescuing the Cavalry June 19th, 2021 Morse and Hunter happen upon May and rescue her from AIDA's experiment. Morse proves to May that their world is a simulation and proposes they tear it all down. Sounds like a great plan to May...
Getting Settled June 19th, 2021 A gathering on the roof, backup plans, and birth of a call sign
A Clone Comes Calling June 19th, 2021 Ben Reilly approaches Caitlin Fairchild for some medical advice. He ends up getting invited to stay in the Titan's guest quarters.
Legal Consultation June 19th, 2021 Bruce Banner stops to discuss his legal situation with lawyer Matt Murdock, given the change of status of SHIELD
The Framework: Revenge of the Matrix June 19th, 2021 Daniel gets to meet AIDA for the first time... and to be a guinea pig in her latest experiment. Lucky man.
Spider's Web In Metropolis June 19th, 2021 Spider-Man and Spider-Woman test out the Spider-Comm (Metropolis) system and meet up with a couple of Friendly Neighborhood Kryptonians.
The Framework: Chasing Morpheus June 19th, 2021 Sky Commander Morse returns to the Triskelion to extract Lance Hunter. John Garrett objects. Both have more tricks than the other knows.
Malta Bound June 19th, 2021 Operation: Deus Vault goes to Malta!
Low Volume Look Around! June 18th, 2021 No description
Sorcerer's World: A Date With DOOM June 18th, 2021 Faust's efforts to recruit another new ally are interrupted but the monarch of Latveria is hardly grateful from the unasked assist.
Jumping on to a good book June 18th, 2021 Nadia runs into Kaida reading a book, science is discussed and lab invites go out!
Surf's up... but why June 18th, 2021 Arthur discovers Aspen surfing on a calm sea. A possible problem comes up, and serious fangirling is let slide.
In a New York Minute. June 18th, 2021 Fate brings Devan and Shelley together again, but now they're Barnes and Cael. Can Bucky save her again, this time from a world that's about to go to shit on a shingle if SHIELD can't fix it.
Londinium Calling June 18th, 2021 Blackagar, King of the Inhumans, meets Jane Foster and discusses world history and other issues in London. Also starring Arthur, King of the Britons. Or maybe not.
Together again June 18th, 2021 Ending with a whimper
A Tale of Trevors June 18th, 2021 Donna tells Diana that she got married. Diana, that is. Diana didn't know this before. That's doppelplots for you. Then they go for Korean food.
Pier Pressure: Follow-Up June 18th, 2021 Red Robin administers first aid to the gunshot wound Haunt received during their encounter with a smuggling ring on the Chinatown docks. What starts out for Red Robin as a subtle interrogation of an unknown hero gets turned on its head with a healthy dose of resurfacing emotional trauma to go along with it.
Two Janes on the loose June 18th, 2021 On a break from dealing with the Framework Jemma and Daisy return to the Playground to discover Jane's bracelet is missing! Tracking it they find it in ..., England? And with the King of the Inhumans?!
The Asgardian Tinder June 18th, 2021 Sif and Thea meet at a speakeasy but instead of marvelling at the jazz music and the 20s they marvel in creating Sif a profile on Tinder. And much swiping is done that night ...
Pier Pressure June 18th, 2021 Batgirl and Nightwing respond to a call for backup by Red Robin at the docks, where they take down a smuggling operation. A surprise appearance by an unknown combatant provides additional assistance and ends with Red Robin escorting the injured Haunt away for first aid.
Late Night Lab Visit June 17th, 2021 No description
A Spot of Trouble! June 17th, 2021 6597 Having picked up on a plot to steal the six newest members of the Gotham Zoo -- a sextuplet of Cheetah Cubs -- the Outsiders Balm, Red Robin and Arsenal, The Shadow and Haunt are in for a spotty situation when dealing with armed theives. Special guest appearances by Bart Allen (Impulse), who contains the rest of the crowd and zoo animals. The writer made Tim sad, but Balm fixed it.
2014: Phoenix AZ - A Temporary Reprieve from the Cold. June 17th, 2021 Cael gives Bucky one extra day out of the cold, but in the end, who really saved who?
Zoom Scouts M June 17th, 2021 Immediately after an urban picnic Zoom follows M in order to test her. After a brief interaction in the Catskills, he finds her lacking (for now at the very least) and they part company.
Journey to the Onion Maiden June 17th, 2021 Outsiders, Assemble! (At the vegan hard-rock themed food truck!). Cheetahs are discussed.
Mini Concrete Picnic June 17th, 2021 One of Cinque's employees got a future interview at Star Labs. Monet and Doctor Harrison Wells met.
Scenes From An Italian Restaurant (Trap Remix) June 17th, 2021 Toni's birthday party is a reasonable success. Gift bags are given out. Linguistics are raised. A warm vibe is established, and much delicious food is had. NEXT ISSUE - A TITAN *DIES*
It June 17th, 2021 Mystique and Talia talk about Talia's loyalties. Clarice arrives with an injured mutant - and Simon, a new recruit.
Game Day at Melodrama June 16th, 2021 No description
The Slums Are Never Up To Any Good June 16th, 2021 The summon demon long gone before the hero and villaness arrive, but Adult Beverages are had and threats made for a good time to be had at a later time. Or will it?
I'm Not dead! June 16th, 2021 Phoebe is stuck in Gotham's paperwork mire until she is rescued by Gotham's White Knight, DA Harvey Dent!
The Framework: Bucky Drags Steve to Hell. June 16th, 2021 The boys go to see their girl.
The Order of St. Dumbass: Daisy's Intel. June 16th, 2021 Bucky knew that Daisy would come through for him and get him what he needs to complete the mission. What he doesn't know, however, is what a Tinder is and why she wants to set him up on it.
Favor for a Favor June 16th, 2021 Bucky gets more than a Quinjet out of Sharon.
And You Get a Milkshake, and You Get a Milkshake... June 16th, 2021 Clarice shares milkshakes - and her utter lack of scientific experience. Hank, Clarice, and Gabby meet Monet. A trip to Genosha is proposed.
Big Bro Comes a'Knockin'. June 16th, 2021 Bucky gets a reminder that he's really not alone in this world when Shuri loans him something precious.
A Powerfully Unexpected Brunch June 16th, 2021 Kara drops in to visit Kal, only to find a very sleepy Lois Lane and a very awkward situation.
Summer in the Park June 16th, 2021 Laxmi meets Albert - who repairs the broken swing in the park.
enhanced interrogation June 16th, 2021 Batman gets a tip from Bane
It's A Nice Place For A Job Interview June 15th, 2021 No description
Blitz dating is a thing June 15th, 2021 Elektra and Selene decide to go grand theft auto on a tourist carriage at Central Park.
GIRLs and Their Secrets June 15th, 2021 A wild car ride and a spaceship viewing later, Caitlin Joins the Party!
Coming In, Hot and Fast June 15th, 2021 A life is saved and a venerable building /isn't/ burned down.
The Framework: The Silo Extraction June 15th, 2021 Jemma and Daisy confront May in an effort to make her believe her life in HYDRA is a lie. The result is an impulsive rescue attempt of young Melinda Sousa which goes horribly wrong... because AIDA is a total cheating bitch.
Art in the Park! With Laxmi! June 15th, 2021 Laxmi and Lydia meet in the park - and marvel at each others' unique abilities.
Jane Thor Reunion June 15th, 2021 Thor rescues? Maybe? Jane from...all of the death realms at once?
Can You Have Your Cake and Eat It Too June 15th, 2021 Clarice and Nicolai have an awkward conversation about Mystique and Brotherhood over a sadly victimized piece of chocolate cake.
What if she hates him June 15th, 2021 Peggy makes it ABUNDANTLY clear that she does NOT hate him.
New Information On Dumas June 15th, 2021 James comes to Morrigan with new information on Dumbass and things are far worse than they thought.
Ghosts Aren't Real -- right June 15th, 2021 The Titans take in a horseman mostly so they can pun themselves hoarse.
Something Green This Way Comes... June 15th, 2021 Sometimes it just takes a clear mind and greenish to help calm a situation... until next time.
Keep your Flash grounded June 15th, 2021 Wally has a chat with Irie about her behavior during the school trip to Rome. As punishment, Irie will now have to *gasp* become a babysitter to learn responsibility.
This is how the Catman do. --ZeFrank June 14th, 2021 The Catman do get sipped from and attacked. And loving it.
Team Sports June 14th, 2021 Constantine and Meggan recover another chapter of the Darkholde-- this one masquerading as the Irish League's Euro Cup Trophy. Constantine is now the mortal enemy of all Belfast.
Lil' Sister comes a-knockin'. June 14th, 2021 Shuri got her way, is anyone surprised?
Knothing Good Happens in Knowhere June 14th, 2021 Knowhere is the site of another encounter between Rocket and Blackjack, with Groot as an added bonus. Halfworld comes up...again. So do concepts of looking out for others.
Mr Ded June 14th, 2021 Remy reveals a bit about his past with the Assassin's Guild and his former betrothed.
The Origin of Monsters June 14th, 2021 Clarice and Creed do a good deed, share some beers, and discuss the origin of murderous tendencies.
Cleaning Up The Riff-Raff June 14th, 2021 A routine night for Mania changes when Satana interrupts the capture of some bad people.
Moving out of Dad's place June 14th, 2021 Dick surprises Steph with their new home. A tour is taken, and plans are made.
Sarod in the Park June 14th, 2021 Laxmi and Alison meet - and Alison offers the young musician a business card. Business contact score!
Nerf Instruments of Destruction June 14th, 2021 Forge loses a bet and makes some fantastic Nerf weaponry for a school shootout.
The Framework: Chasing Orpheus June 14th, 2021 Bobbi checks out a lead she got out of Lance and it takes her to a secret facility that shouldn't exist where she comes to the horrifying conclusion that Lance wasn't lying, she is trapped in a simulation.
Planning Operation: Deus Vult June 14th, 2021 Well...there was sort of a plan made?
Surviving Winter. June 14th, 2021 Peggy survives Winter, barely, but loses a friend to the cold again.
The Framework: Questioning the Interloper June 14th, 2021 Making good on her threat, Bobbi tracks down Lance and greets him with a blood test and rope. She drills him for information but only manages to get details on The Sphere. The rest, she decides, she can get through torture. Lance does his best to get through to Bobbi.. planting the idea of a happy life in her mind, but she doesn't believe it's anything more than a lovely fairy tale.
House Visit From an Owl. June 14th, 2021 Strix and Scott catch up. Strix brings presents for Scott and Cassie, and they teach her the power of NOOGIES.
It's not always Pacific Electric's fault June 13th, 2021 No description
Sifalicious June 13th, 2021 No description
Milano Tales: The Power Stone June 13th, 2021 Ronan the Accuser's ship The Dark Aster suddenly appears before Knowhere and attacks without provocation. Missiles are fired and troops are deployed. Luckily the Guardians of the Galaxy are there to fight back. And fight back they do. Defeating Korath the Pursuer and the Sakaaran forces accompanying him they save Knowhere. However, the attack was just a ruse. Nebula slipped in through the nose and stole the power stone. She escaped, but not before Phyla got a tracker on her. To be continued...
No-Contest Cannonball Contest June 13th, 2021 Despite thinking she has the pool all to herself, Jubilation Lee is summarily defeated in a cannonball contest by none other than Piotr Rasputin! The two discuss the nature of their lives at the Mansion and trade cannonball splashes. Jubilee makes Piotr promise not to tell anyone she hung out with a teacher, obviously.
Right time, Wong place. June 13th, 2021 Bucky, Pheobe and Gwen send some bangers packing, the hard way. Bucky's low profile existence is blown, Phoebe's now on Bucky's radar and Gwen had a Really Bad Day.
Catching Up or Decompressing June 13th, 2021 The aftermath of the run in with The Winter Soldier. Mike got choked, Mo's fine, Hank's going to find him...
Once Upon a Time In Russia June 13th, 2021 Sharon calls Blade after a short nights sleep. We see how the two unlikely friends met in Russia.
Pepper's parties are always more understated June 13th, 2021 Nothing like a few glasses of wine and a trip on a yacht with a friend. That's how to celebrate a birthday!
Running away or running to June 13th, 2021 Bucky looks for peace in a familiar spot but fails to find it. One again, his paranoia gets the better of him and he loses the opportunity to make two new friends.
Same Planet, Which Worlds June 13th, 2021 Kurt and Nazo each find out a little of the other. Kurt makes an offer that confuses Nazo.
Swallowing Pride, the Adult Response June 13th, 2021 Pride swallowed, truth admitted, sometimes it stuck being the leader... but at least, for now, Nicolai is staying.
Outsiders' Saturday June 12th, 2021 Just another weekend at the Roost
Charity begins at Occam's Fund-Razor June 12th, 2021 Kyle finally makes a friend. Aspen gives out a telephone number.
Another Place Nobody Knows Your Name (if you're Mantis) June 12th, 2021 Mantis learns the many definitions of fun
When Rachel Met Madigan June 12th, 2021 Cole, Madi, and Rachel all gather at Katz for food, Madi and Rachel have NO business getting -all- that food to themselves.
Falling apart, but reaching out... that's progress. June 12th, 2021 Steve proves, once again, that he can't say no to a Bucky in need, no matter how trouble saying yes is sure to bring.
=Making good on a promise. June 12th, 2021 Nicolai keeps his promise, but there are still answers to be had. Clarice gets a glimpse of what it's like to be Haunt and some new and shocking information about her family.
Titan Memories 2015: The Tower. June 12th, 2021 Caitlin, Dick and Donna get to visit the finished Titans Tower for the first time.
Just a talk, honest... June 12th, 2021 Talks don't always go as planned, and this time Mystique messed up... and she knows it...
A Meeting Between the Covers June 11th, 2021 No description
Du Manse Du Baton June 11th, 2021 Jovian and Rien learn that the Benevolent Cult is using Cthulutech to cause psychic projections and other weird Migo and Yithian tech to do ...not good things and somehow Jovian factors into their plans. Rien keeps a scientist from phasing out and they go to question him at her clans Ville.
SUPER MATCH GAME IS BACK! June 11th, 2021 A quick chat session at the end of filming.
Rooftop Cookout June 11th, 2021 A peaceful rooftop gathering for food and companionship. And the mention of a suspicious underground sale...
The Framework: Hello There June 11th, 2021 Jemma and Daisy finish developping their app with which they hope to turn May back to the Light Side. Now they only have to hope they won't get shot in the process. But it instead they are recruited for an impromptu saving of the elder Carter-Sousa child!
Hunting the Cult: The Rage Spirit June 11th, 2021 Vin, Sif, Thea and Abcde join forces to liberate one of Thea's mutant friends that had been possessed. In the process they discover it's a rage spirit and a fight occurs! Teamwork prevails though and the spirit gets vanquished.
Are You Sure This Isn't A Cartoon June 10th, 2021 No description
Way Oh. On the Railroad. June 10th, 2021 Remy rescues a horse. Rogue rescues a Remy. Clarice moves a Nicolai. Nicolai teaches a Clarice. Mystique ruins EVERYTHING.
The Framework: SHIELD strikes back June 10th, 2021 Collingwood, McLaren, Jemma and Daisy gather outside the Framework to investigate the pods and what they can do to bring their friends out. They end up concocting a plan involving May's powers, DNA trackers, Matrix references and maybe even fetching some Terrigen Crystals out!
Mads About Town June 10th, 2021 Spider-Man crosses Madison's avenue, and they go to White Castle.
The Framework: Lars is terrible at this June 10th, 2021 Lars's daily trips in to the framework finally pay off when Carol turns up at the Swordfish Bar. They talk and she finally agrees, possibly because of alcohol, to humour him. It turns out the playground is crawling with SHIELD resistance though and Lars artfully uses parts of the truth to talk them down from simply shooting them both. Carol makes a bold decision to step in to the unknown and be the first to escape the framework.
A Working Dinner June 10th, 2021 Clarice and Talia bond over stolen food, and crime. Err- sorry. Party planning.
Catch! June 10th, 2021 Orphan falls from a plane, plummeting to her doom! She puts out a call hoping someone can get there in time. But for a Flash, there is no such issue as 'distance'.
Best Pastrami In Town! June 10th, 2021 Jason and Amy eat pastrami, while Amy meets Cassie!
Let's Kill Our Enemies With Weapons June 10th, 2021 A humble library scientist and a marriage on the rocks come to a climax in PROFESSOR GREY'S MUTANT MASSACRE. THRILL to the room where the bodies were broken! GASP at the chainsaw-slaughter from the top pupil! SHUDDER at the cataclysmic revelation of ACADEMIC ANTIPATHY and MUTATED MALICE in SEN-SU-ROUND.

Or, Shan demonstrates a possible new therapy approach to Jean! One of those two.

Milkshakes, everyone loves them! June 10th, 2021 Lydia and Sam sign up for the Neighborhood Watch - after Lydia chastises Mystique for, you know, terrorism.
Earth Pizza is Tasty June 10th, 2021 Carrie and Laura catch up. Discuss things. And stuff.
And Now For Something Completely Different: Coffee June 10th, 2021 Jessica has coffee for a change. It was a bad idea. She meets an old high school sorta kinda someone? At least she didn't get called Coma Girl, so there's that.
Before the Opening June 10th, 2021 Diana has heroic helpers at the ARts center who are helping set the place up for the big opening. Cliff Steel has volunteered to be one of these helpers and thusly they share a bit of social interaction together while setting up.
Making those Wishes June 10th, 2021 Time for the first ever Superboy/Nick Drago teamup!
What Delicious Souls You Have June 9th, 2021 No description
Strange times June 9th, 2021 No description
He's just FABULOUS, right June 9th, 2021 Clarice visits, Christian is Fabulous (but not really). She's bringing milkshakes next time.
=Too good to be true. June 9th, 2021 Nightmares stray into the waking world, Peggy talks Bucky down as she always does, promises are made that neither one may be able to keep and she didn't even burn dinner.
Lizards On Campus June 9th, 2021 Lizard tries to abscond with a computer bank from ESU, but Ghost Spider and a reluctant Venom stop him.
After the Meeting June 9th, 2021 Clarice and Mystique baffle one another - in very different ways.
Shaw and Tessa Discuss Things Again June 9th, 2021 Shaw sends Tessa to go chat up Emma Frost.
Itsu namu: Haori. June 8th, 2021 Manga is found, friendship is formed. Roadtrip pending?
The Gold Pearl of Psidontas June 8th, 2021 Superman and Aquaman send Maxima on a quest for a pearl that does not really exist. However things take a turn when they run into the Scavenger! While the Scavenger is quickly defeated by Maxima, he manages to escape she turns him over to Superman for 'Earth Justice', teleporting away.
Little Red Room Reunion June 8th, 2021 Janet and Nadia visit Natasha back when she was in recovery. It's fairly positive. Characters changed hands during a pause, so it ends abruptly.
The Search Continues! June 8th, 2021 Morgan gets the information she is looking for, but at the price of Goldilocks insisting on joining Morgan on her journey to recover the Gnosis Stone. Goldilocks is clearly insane, or something else, but who can say? She has also found an ally in Charlie Gage. Unexpected but certainly needed since Goldilocks might just be too powerful to handle alone if he decides to turn on Morgan!
Cognac and Comaraderie June 8th, 2021 Clarice does the Time Warp - and movie night is planned.
Besties June 8th, 2021 Hank comes clean with Jennifer!
But nobody would miss them! June 7th, 2021 No description
Interview with the Vampire June 7th, 2021 Lydia interviews Blake to get the behind the scenes on what being a vampire is like. Things go well!
Thor's Day Off June 7th, 2021 Kaida gets to visit the Embassy! And eat for free!
A Fantastic Houseguest June 7th, 2021 Hank Pym visits the Reeds for breakfast, and gets a little more than he bargained for.
A time to dine. June 7th, 2021 And a date for Rocky Horror is made
Wait - There are Service Ants June 7th, 2021 Madison gets more than she bargained for, when she tries to sign up for summer classes and meets Doctor Henry Pym instead.
The Framework: Double Agents June 7th, 2021 May and Dottie meet by a rock in the woods to figure out how to evacuate the Carter-Sousa family to the Playground.
Fuzzy hugs! June 7th, 2021 Greer and Jenn meet up at the mansion and have a fun little talk, complete with fuzzy hugs and hulk hugs.
To the Island of Prior Carnage June 7th, 2021 Although there will be no peace for some, those who remained after X-Force left them, guided by Dalyah (mate of Dannou), return to Asteroid M for medical assistance and relocation.
Are you afraid of the dark June 6th, 2021 No description
Meanwhile, at the cafe... June 6th, 2021 Two new and unusual students meet and form a new friendship. And celebrate by delivering fresh foccacia to the rest of the students on the trip.
Jukebox Zero June 6th, 2021 Plenty of drinks, plenty of food, and some jukebox shenanigans
Are You Going To The Hanging Tree June 6th, 2021 Amethyst and Jason battle ooze monsters and exchange numbers.
Pizza That's Out Of This World June 6th, 2021 What are the odds of landing two exclusive interviews when you're a cub reporter? Quite high, if you happen to go where they have the best pizza in town!
Late Night Lake Viewing June 6th, 2021 Chatting at the lake with Gabby and Atrid. Some rocks are thrown.
It's Not a Cathouse! June 6th, 2021 Gabby gets honey, Thomas gets cats. Lots of cats.
This is why we don't do drugs. June 6th, 2021 Christian wakes up for a talk with Dr. McCoy and is more forthcoming than one might have believed he would be.
Rebuilding GIRL, post NOWHERE June 6th, 2021 Janet stops by to check on Nadia after NOWHERE's attack on GIRL.
Surf's up June 5th, 2021 Thea gets an impromptu surf lesson from Aspen when they meet at a beach. And then it's time to go hit those drinks!
In Erebos: Pandora's Box June 5th, 2021 The Titans bust an underground sale of magical artifacts, and some of them get eaten by a box that sends them straight to hell. Or to be more accurate, Tartarus.
Aquarium Encounter, or Two 'Ships in the Night June 5th, 2021 Aspen is a bewildered wreck. Namor learns there is more to the world than is taught by his sages and philosophers. Aspen gets an offer she has no idea if she should refuse or not.
Reel Big Killer Fish June 5th, 2021 Ash meets up with Hellboy, Morrigan MacIntyre, and Jessica Drew at the aquarium...none of them are allowed back inside again. Ever.
Ley Lines June 5th, 2021 Ended.
The Hawk and the Storm June 5th, 2021 Nazo shows hers, so Hawkman shows his. The pair get taken to a high. Then pointless crap is added at the end quickly because the +scene/continue timeout made things dumb.
Who Doesn't Like Milkshakes June 5th, 2021 Once again, conversation between Clarice and Atrid devolve into an arguement - because of course it does.
Who Wants To Jump From A Sign June 5th, 2021 Jean, Nazo, Rogue and Cliff prevent a woman's media career from launching by
Back in the Sane Asylum June 5th, 2021 Cliff breaks Ilmr out of the Sane Asylum.
Dealing with Daddy Issues June 5th, 2021 Lorna comes to an uneasy peace with the darker sides of Clarice's life.
Crocodile Mile June 5th, 2021 Jubilation Lee won an eBay auction for a new-in-box slip-and-slide toy from the 1990s, which promptly gets laid out on the Xavier's Mansion back yard. Students, faculty, and whatever Rogue is come to enjoy an afternoon slipping and sliding down none other than the...CROCODILE MILE!
The Karaoke Trifecta, but they are actually four June 5th, 2021 It's Karaoke time at Sing Sing! Harley, April, Kian and Terry go and sing in duos. Kian and Terry do their best muppet impression. We find out April is the best planker in this side of Manhattan and they have the time of their life. Literally! They also end up going to April's apartment and actually see Dirty Dancing, among other shenanigans!
Doom, Doom, Doom, Coffee Doom June 4th, 2021 No description
Skeet Surfin' U.S.A. June 4th, 2021 No description
Aftermath! June 4th, 2021 No description
Everything Is Awesome June 4th, 2021 Our heroes get the Brazier back, stopping Grodd and the Vizier...for now. They are truly Dream Warriors.
The Rats in the Walls June 4th, 2021 Rien helps Jovian investigate the Esray estate and avoid a ton of rats and learn more about his enemies.
Busy Night. Awkward morning June 4th, 2021 The morning after a very eventful night. Terry and Nick have an awkward and very eventful wake-up.
On Duty June 4th, 2021 America ports up to the Watchtower and meets Canary.
The Framework: Sweet Talkin' Daddy June 4th, 2021 Daisy pumps Holden for information and learns a little more about his plans for the world... the real world.
Just a Walk in the Park. June 4th, 2021 An afternoon ride, someone new and a trip to Romania all in one afternoon.
Milano Tales: What My Little Nebs Knows June 4th, 2021 Nebula ends back where she thought she'd end up. Back in the control of her father Thanos. Will her scheme to save Gamora hold up? yes, yes it will.. but at a great cost. Thanos now knows where an infinity stone is.
School's Almost Out June 4th, 2021 Morrigan's back at school. Hank comes to offer apologies and Damian has...had a broken leg!
Shadow Boxing June 4th, 2021 Peggy and Lily run an op at La Martinique in 1951 Manhattan, only to bump into Lamont Cranston. Good thing, really, since Lily's date might not be as charming as he seems.
A Momentary Lapse of Derangement June 4th, 2021 Emma fights off Winston again and puts the fear of God into a hapless nurse. Christian tears her heart into shreds. Allies are found for the obliteration of a bunch of vile humans.
The Framework: Long Day Done June 4th, 2021 May and Peggy wrap up the end of the horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day that has been their Memorial Day in the Framework.
Welcome To My Parlor Said the Spi... Mystique to the Nocturne... June 4th, 2021 Blink Status Membership may become a thing for the Brotherhood! TJ spend the night with 'old' friends, and Mystique may be a grandmother... ho boi.
How's America June 4th, 2021 Nazo meets a ghost of her past, and is faced with an uncomfortable part of her personhood.
Return of the Warrior Princess June 4th, 2021 Maxima returns to Earth and declares her intent to be part of the Justice League. Kara is surprised. Aquaman is not impressed. Clark challenges her to a wild goose chase beneath the sea.
in search of evidence June 3rd, 2021 No description
Once upon a time in New York June 3rd, 2021 Hyperion watches Jessica stop a mugging, is impressed.
This Way to the Egress June 3rd, 2021 Cliff is taken to the waking world by Nick.
When Your Best Isn't Enough June 3rd, 2021 Clarice tells Mystique and Sabretooth about her Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Whiskey and beer is consummed. Murder and torture is discussed. She makes her day worse by nearly driving away the only family that she has - before they manage to patch things up.
All Rocks and No Play makes Atlee a dull girl June 3rd, 2021 Karen works on getting Atlee to relax.
I Ain't Groot June 3rd, 2021 Baxter has created an unstable 'clone' of Groot that is driven to destroy itself and anything around it.
Nom June 3rd, 2021 Noriko takes Jubilation out to eat ramen before they go to Japan. There are loads of Japan ideas, minor discussion about recon, and Noriko shows off a new party trick.
Sizin' Up the New Guy S'more. June 3rd, 2021 A hungover Clarice, tasked with the job of training with the new guy, learns a little more about what he can do and a lot about how bad it sucks to spar with a hangover.
Magicking Magic Kingdom June 3rd, 2021 Scott and Tigra team up to deal with an ominous Spiral at Disneyworld, fending off the threat with Dole Whips and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. The Avengers hard at work once more.
Basic Maintenance Day June 3rd, 2021 Remy, and Rogue are cleaning the Garage, Ororo is supervising. Hijinks ensue.
Joining her June 3rd, 2021 Whatever you do, don't ask Mike what he does on his birthday.
So far, We're Getting N.O.W.H.E.R.E. June 3rd, 2021 Nadia and Irie discuss the NOWHERE attack and how to go about figuring out their tricks. CHRONONS!
Uncanny Quietness June 3rd, 2021 A plan starts getting chalked up!
The Framework: Prove It To Me June 3rd, 2021 As Sharon sneaks out of the Carter-Sousa house, and Peggy joins her daughter for an overdone Memorial Day dinner, May goes to see Daniel. It's time he puts his money where his mouth is and proves he's not lying about the so-called Real World.
Cats and Kitsune June 2nd, 2021 No description
Kicking the Research into Gear June 2nd, 2021 No description
Diplomatic Community June 2nd, 2021 I'll buy that (building) for a dollar!
Wet Dog Smell June 2nd, 2021 While heros do great deeds, some quiet shifters run into a sprinkler. Hey, it's hot out!
An Unexpected Reunion June 2nd, 2021 Emma gets a pair of surprise visitors in her office. Clarice does not get her brain turned into pudding and instead she earns a place in the White Queen's good graces - for now. After attempting to exorcise her family demons, Emma offers a deal to Clarice.
The One Where It Happened June 2nd, 2021 Daisy and Jemma poke a relic. Loki swings by at the disruption to be old man yelling at clouds. Or, you know, disir.
The Framework: When Life Gives You Frameworks, Bring A Black Widow June 2nd, 2021 The risk Hydra is posing with the Framework is immense. SHIELD having lost agents to the Framework is alarming. Given the circumstance, Sharon Carter makes the call to turn a prisoner into an asset. Unleash the other Black Widow.
Later Is Now, Blink... June 2nd, 2021 Sooo much lecture, perhaps in time less words will be required, for not Clarice is off to learn from her mistakes and Mystique is taking some Tylenol.
Mmm Steaks June 2nd, 2021 Warren's making steaks, while Kitty tells him about missing mutants
From Rome With Tardiness June 2nd, 2021 Mike got the time zones right. Still called at the wrong time.
Embassy Visit June 2nd, 2021 Diana and Jennifer take a little walk around the Themysciran Embassy and discuss current events and possible things to come.
Following the Rat Trail June 1st, 2021 April, Mikey and Harley go visit the warehouse Rat Catcher told them would have clues on where the Rat King is at. It's spooky as all heck, and why is this warehouse looking like some medical facility? Before they can find all the answers they want they are attacked by the foot and pursued by a mysterious new opponent. Leatherhead!
Waving the White Flag June 1st, 2021 The White Flag has been accepted, a tentative agreement between the school and the Brotherhood has been reached. Today is a good day to be a Mutant!
A Road to Perhapsburgh June 1st, 2021 Rogue and Remy Roadtrip to anywhere and nowhere. Maybe even halfway to Perhapsburgh. Who knows. They don't. That's for maybe certain. Verdict is still probably out there. Somewhere.
The Framework: Goodbye and Hello June 1st, 2021 The Framework: Melinda and Peggy start to talk after the visit from HYDRA, but soon they have another surprise guest -- Sharon Carter. The woman is given warm greetings before she too starts talking nonsense about the world not being real. Heartbreak goes all around. The clock is ticking.
When In Rome: Part Two June 1st, 2021 The students and faculty of Happy Harbor get to visit the catacombs, but not without it becoming a bad time fast. Oh and the Punisher blows someone up. They probably deserved it though!
Well, Ain't that a Kick to the Head June 1st, 2021 Christian Frost has demons, go figure. Blink saves the day. Emma is not going to be happy.
The Framework: Hydra Academy June 1st, 2021 Sharon, Jemms and Daisy meet up in the Framework to talk shop and how to approach the challenge ahead of convincing the rest of those captured by the Framework that they are in a construct. And because habits never die, not even in the Framework, Daisy brings food to share at Jemma's lab in the Hydra Academy.
Catching up over coffee June 1st, 2021 Thanks for matchmaking turns into a serious talk. Sara and Dick turn out to be Witchblade and Nightwing. An investigation is planned.
Time To Do Some Testing... June 1st, 2021 The tests weren't pass or fail, but Nicolai passed... that is one unique mutant!
The Art of the Lasso June 1st, 2021 Donna does lasso training at the Themysciran Arts Center. Cassie turns this fact into a ploy to convince Diana to agree to embark on a noble quest for Big Gay Ice Creams.
Out late again June 1st, 2021 Loki returns home and discovers a few things that had passed in his absence.
Life in the medbay June 1st, 2021 Antidote to insomnia
The Framework: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner June 1st, 2021 In the Framework, The Doctor and the Sky Commander pay a surprise visit to Peggy on Memorial Day. They find Melinda May there and lay out some very clear threats. There is no time to waste in getting Peggy and her children out of the country.
Betsy brings ideas to Emma June 1st, 2021 Betsy and Emma agree to spread the job love!
Title Date Scene Summary
Something something Manor something I'll rename this later July 31st, 2021 No description
Double Redheads, Double Trouble July 31st, 2021 Angela meets Maxima.
Outsider Saturday July 31st, 2021 It is Saturday morning at the Roost. And M'gann cooked ALL the food. She was bored.
Time Magic is Big Magic July 31st, 2021 Lily and Abcde come up with a plan to save Daniel from a fate as mundane as pre-existing death.
Birds Birds Birds July 31st, 2021 Babs and Dinah talk Birds of Prey and make some plans.
When There Was Us July 31st, 2021 Nearly a decade ago, Sharon invites Tony to dinner to talk.
Kai and Shadow-Spider: Claremont Park July 31st, 2021 A RunAway Van, a Shadow Spider, and a Ninja Dog walk into a park...
Thump In The Night July 31st, 2021 After Jubilation Lee's corpse is identified as the Jane Doe at New Hope Hospital, Noriko Ashida has fallen into despair. Finally able to get to sleep, she's stirred awake by visions of Jubilee sharing the bed with her. It was just a dream, right? Jubilee has died, right?
Reining Cats and Dogs July 31st, 2021 Madison introduces Spider-Man to Alderic, I.E. Another Mouth to Feed.
SHE'S ALIIIVE! July 31st, 2021 Noriko wakes up Gabby and Rogue to tell them about Jubilation being alive and visiting her in the middle of the night...after they had already seen Jubes in the morgue earlier the day before.
Doing That Hero Thing July 31st, 2021 Nightwing and Batgirl bust the plans of Punchline and some of Joker's gang to steal some chemicals.
A Quanta of Solace July 31st, 2021 Phyla-Vell comes face to face with Ava's curse and is bewildered by it. She can still help, a bit of space age medicine to tide her over while they search for a permanent solution (that isn't death - or the birth of a new universe).
1956: Time to Investigate July 31st, 2021 In 1956, Lily Chen goes to LA to investigate the death of Daniel Sousa and meets with the new chief of the LA office, Jefferson Ryan.
Meet and Greet at the LM July 31st, 2021 People gathered, talked, drank and nothing tried to kill John - miracles can happen.
Dollhouse: As the sunsets on Salem July 31st, 2021 Bobbi and Lance enjoy a beautiful sunset over the lake from the backyard of their new home.
Shi'ar: Orders from Above July 31st, 2021 Long operating in isolation on Earth, Shi'ar agent Cal'hatar -- Michael Erickson to his human friends -- receives a sudden communication from Imperial Military Intelligence, embodied in the hologram of Davan Shakari. His mission, should he choose to accept it: the ruthless elimination of the Grey bloodline and the end of the threat of the Phoenix entity to the Galaxy.
107th Regiment Military Ball July 30th, 2021 The 107th military ball is a big success, and Steve springs a long-overdue promotion on Bucky.
Barry and Bart July 30th, 2021 Barry Allen meets his grandson and they bond
An unofficial guided tour July 30th, 2021 Viv Vision gives Ms. Marvel a tour of the Avengers Mansion. They chat about non-hero stuff and how Captain America likes his coffee.
A frank discussion July 30th, 2021 Lydia has to get something off her chest, and then they talk about a lot of things and who really reads these anyway?
Invisible Aliens Ate My Lunch July 30th, 2021 And the alien car-nivore herd was sent to a safer world and the true meaning was the cars they ate along the way.
Nothing Like The Beach July 30th, 2021 Eddie and Gwen head down to Virginia to a beach house belonging to a college buddy
Stereotypes: Fact or Fiction July 30th, 2021 A random encounter has a few people talking about stereotypes, and then one seems to be verified about New York politeness.
Is There Life On Mars July 30th, 2021 Terry interviews J'onn- among the terrible O'Neil jokes, a useful idea is floated.
Dollhouse: The Incident (II) July 30th, 2021 The attack on the metro, an attempt to make more Inhumans for HYDRA to lay the blame on, to show them as 'monsters' who kill with their strange terrigen gas... has been thwarted. It cost SHIELD a hand to do it, and almost cost them Jessica Drew entirely. The Unspoken got away and Inferno died.. but even in his death he got the last laugh, informing Valkyrie that The Unspoken was not a victim of HYDRA but a willing ally in his own fight against Blackagar Bolt.
Fireworks Gone Missing July 30th, 2021 Noriko freaks out after Jubilation doesn't come home after a shift at the Burger Joint and after a non-stop search, tells Rogue that the mutant is missing.
A Spark Fades July 30th, 2021 Jean meets Rogue, Shan, Noriko, and Gabby at the local hospital where Jean has to identify Jubilation's body and break the news.
The Dollhouse: The Incident (Team 3) July 30th, 2021 While Agent Morse leads her team into the tower to rescue the people trapped within and Agent Couson leads his team to keep deadly Terrigen bombs from unleashing Inhuman hell on the city, Agent May leads a team of agents into the streets to prove SHIELD is still on hand when they're needed.

The Witchblade traps the consciousness of the Living Dream. Black Widow takes out a precog who doesn't realize just how important it is to know one's history. Falcon and Redwing combat deadly drones and disable the HYDRA eye-in-the-sky PR machine. Cale Becker defeats her very own supersoldier with a cleverly placed flashbang. And May takes out all her rage on Gayle Trueshot. (There's no way anyone could survive that.)

SHIELD. Victorious.

Let God Sort Them Out July 29th, 2021 The children are safe, the base destroyed by the owners hands, but the question still remains: What happened to the founder? The Brotherhood, Aerial and the X-Men have seen to it that nothing bad can happen from this location again, but the insigators got away. Perhaps in time, the questions that remain unanswered will be answered.
From Coulson, with regards July 29th, 2021 Coulson encourages Peggy to be 'normal', through Daniel.
The Gig Economy July 29th, 2021 Laxmi meets Ruth - and gets invited on a sight seeing tour of India!
Recovery and Past Traumas July 29th, 2021 Hank and Clarice talk about Rahne's situation and their own past traumas. Mystique brings fritters.
I'd Rather Be At Your Side... July 29th, 2021 After their fight, Daniel and Peggy try to come to terms with what they discussed separately. Eventually, they realize they always work better together.
Weekly Weirdness: Well, this sucks. July 29th, 2021 Infestation taken care of, Vampires evicted and nothing went south. Or did it?
Red Xs and the Gho, Gho, Ghosts they haunt me... July 29th, 2021 Damian and Mike show trust in each other in different ways. Mike has a breakthrough on a stalled project
Old Flames of Many Colors July 29th, 2021 In preparation for the military ball, and because he deserves the truth, Peggy lets Daniel know about the relationship between her and Logan. He doesn't take it well.
During stress and worry, food and alcohol are required. July 29th, 2021 Well, at least Clarice ate something... sometimes the truth sucks, but it should all work out, right?
Thanks, Chas, We Needed That July 29th, 2021 Temporarily healed of a curse, John jumps from frying pan into the fire.
New Afterlife July 29th, 2021 Matt and Daisy go to New Afterlife to visit Bakshi and List's victims and how they are recovering.
Did I Do that July 29th, 2021 April does what April's do, and takes in another half animal half dood to feed and water and probably have a whole new type of Neenja attack her or something! Its what she does!
Spiders in the Bat-Belfry July 29th, 2021 Spider-Man and Silk catch up on both technical and non-technical updates in Bat Country.
An introduction to Shinobi swordplay. July 29th, 2021 Madisan Meets Owari, becomes her student.
Fill it up, regular July 29th, 2021 The Quins are being tended and The Bus is ready for refuelling. May and Phil have a chat, more one sided, of course, which ends with a quick update to Director Fury.
Insert Clever Title Here July 28th, 2021 No description
Shi'ar: We Come in Peace, Part II July 28th, 2021 Diplomacy breaks down over the value of life, and the Justicue League comes to blows with the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. The battle sprawls across the moon and space, almost threatening to destroy the former as Kryptonians and Strontians trade mountain-cracking blows. In the end, Superman calls a retreat, and with the aid of the Brotherhood, the Justice League regroups on Asteroid M rather than seeing the Watchtower or the whole moon destroyed. Now both sides lick their wounds, the Leage looking to reclaim their home and drive off these invaders, while the Shi'ar begin their hunt for the Phoenix.
In the Chair July 28th, 2021 Sharon Carter and Jessica Drew interrogate Michael Erickson. Many questions go unanswered despite him revealing himself as the 'Red Sentinel' and claiming to be an ally. An ally or a potential foe?
Chasing Winter July 28th, 2021 James Barnes has been 'scrambled'. The Winter Soldier and Bucky fight for domination whilst Sharon and Wanda track him down. PT 1.
The mind control Elephant July 28th, 2021 Tony and Pepper work out the issue of his mind control problem, and what it meant.
-1 Wuff July 28th, 2021 A video of people beating Rahne causes a rapid response team to be sent to New Zealand. The question of her survival is up in the air.
An Knot of Zombies or Two July 28th, 2021 Red Hood and Zatanna finish off leftover zombies.
Quantum Club Warehouse July 28th, 2021 Ava introduces Vance to her supersuit. He tells her a bit about his story. Maybe he'll be able to help.
Dollhouse: Colonel Talbot July 28th, 2021 Phil reaches out to Colonel Talbot. Giving him a polite heads up that something big is about to go down, a connection is made and the starts of trust are built.
A falling Quantum Star July 28th, 2021 Phyla-Vell arrives on Earth and is found by Ava and Finley, seeking out her strange quantum signature. May be she can help save Ava before it's too late. Phyla though, is looking for her mother Mar-Vell. She'll be surprised whens he meets Captain Marvel that's for sure.
Caught with Your Pants Down July 28th, 2021 When did Catman become the girl here?
A day in the life of a thing. July 27th, 2021 No description
Learning the ropes July 27th, 2021 Bando accidentally has some real life practice when he goes to learn from Ghost Spider
Welcome to the Playground, Try Not to Panic July 27th, 2021 Catching up means catching a few answers that no one is prepared for.
Commander Coulson is not a Vampire July 27th, 2021 Abcde meets Phil in the cafeteria and quickly discovers she's met another of the commanders. She tells him about the 'weird stuff' and he teases her with classification beige.
Oh where oh where has our little dog gone July 27th, 2021 Clarice frets - perhaps needlessly? - about Rahne's silence on text messages, and recruits the help of Hank.
Time to Catch Up July 27th, 2021 Lily joins Daniel and Peggy for a dinner of omlettes and scotch, which soon turns into a working dinner as they seek to untangle just how they're going to keep Daniel in the present. Even if they can't solve the whole problem in one sitting... at least they find a way forward. And, hey. The scotch is awesome.
The Dead are Rising July 27th, 2021 If Midnite thinks John's paying that debt to Samedi, voodoo bloke better think again. But, with the help of a good woman and a couple of total strangers, the zombie infestation in the Cemetery Belt is handled, maybe not neat as a pin, but neat enough.
So Long Germany! July 27th, 2021 Remy gets rid of the porsche, but gets something a bit more slow. A bit more. Him. Rogue approves and has a moment.
=The Morning After Afternoon July 27th, 2021 Satana sees how the Catman do with a furry. Introductions are made all around. Satana buys illusion lessons with an incubus. Cookery by imp is plotted.
Here Kitty Kitty Kitty... July 27th, 2021 Madison and Alderic make friends - an all it took was 10 hot dogs.
The Interview July 27th, 2021 June has a job. Thomas has someone to make burger runs and kill people.
Is it the beginning July 27th, 2021 Phil goes so far off book that he's missed the library by blocks in search of answers. Daisy is with him, though.
Doesn't Anyone Just Leave a Voicemail Anymore July 27th, 2021 That would be too easy, a voicemail that is. Seems Midnite has a message for John that he has to drag his ass out of bed to receive. Whatever the message entails, it cannot possibly be worse than Meggan forcing him to eat... cucumber sandwiches.
Club Med July 26th, 2021 Warren takes Kitty to the Med on a yacht cruise as her birthday present. They arrive and get settled in.
Asteroid! Fetch! July 26th, 2021 No description
Central Park Reunion July 26th, 2021 No description
Shi'ar: Heart and Mind July 26th, 2021 Terry brings Lilandra to Xaviers, where she meets Charles and a number of X-men and students. Lilandra shares her knowledge of the Phoenix, through a psychic vision depicting the X-Men's encounter with the Brood, as well as knowledge of her brother D'Ken's ambitions to somehow control that power for himself, through an ancient crystal artifact on M'Kraan, deep in Shi'ar space. The X-Men are on high alert as they prepare for a long journey, and the Brotherhood is warned of -- and asked for help with -- the Shi'ar fleet in space.
How Do You Solve a Problem Like... July 26th, 2021 You can't.
A Return to... Something Like Normalcy July 26th, 2021 Peggy's getting back into her groove, and Steve Rogers visits the Playground to bring her some company and comfort food.
Weeeeeird Science Science July 26th, 2021 April stumbles across a mutant lab and may or may not have released a Cougar Man on the world.
A Grave Situation July 26th, 2021 A group of dummies try to summon something demonic. Mania shows up. So does an actual demon. Oh, and Satana's behind it all.
Red Red Redemption July 26th, 2021 June and Isabella meet on a rooftop, and they discuss teamwork, the Hand, and how to trust. Then, an ambush!
The Reluctant Hero July 26th, 2021 Thomas and Terry foil a robbery! Then they get bored...
Conventional Science July 26th, 2021 Henry attends a scientific conference, and runs into Vanessa down in the hotel bar.
Afternoon Tea July 26th, 2021 Daniel drops by with good news and a plan to reach out to an old friend, as well as promise each other they won't let Daniel go back in time without a fight.
Is it paranoia if you're right July 26th, 2021 Robert attempts to reassure a worried Clarice.
Can she keep a good man down July 26th, 2021 Battles fought hard are won and lost in an instant, but hearts given freely are kept an eternity. Whatever the darkness coming at them next, John and Meggan? They'll stare it down together.
Sundown at Elektra's July 26th, 2021 Elektra is brooding after a meeting with her inner ghosts and Selene breaks the ice with ancient wine and a good talk.
Bringing the Past to the Present July 26th, 2021 Bucky, just Bucky, shows up. He'll always show up for Peggy.
Bullet Conference July 26th, 2021 Jessica Drew and her team of SHIELD operatives are set to crash a deal between particularly unlovely people and high-tech arms dealers -- but she's not the only ones on hand to try and put down this little soiree!
Am I Lucky Now July 25th, 2021 No description
Birthday Blast July 25th, 2021 A birthday party by the lake brings people together.
The Joys and Wonders of Dim Sum July 25th, 2021 New friends, tasty meals.
Dollhouse: Sunil Bakshi (II) July 25th, 2021 Team M enters the warehouse and encounters a clay statue which came to life, a ninja with ribbonmancy and ultimately it was their hearts that won through the Bakshi mind control. They also caught Bakshi trying to flee and shot him with an ICER. Mission successful.
A Debt that Can't be Paid July 25th, 2021 Turns out the cost wasn't so great after all. For now. Until an Unseelie figures a way for revenge perhaps?
Hitting the Bullseye July 25th, 2021 Waller comes to Bullseye with an offer he can't refuse.
Paying a Debt July 25th, 2021 A child is saved, but at what cost?
Caught Red Handed July 25th, 2021 Opal catches Bucky red handed, literally. But she still sees the truth of his heart. Question is, did she make *him* see it too.
What Else Do You Do With Free Time July 25th, 2021 Clarice and McCoy talk about research - but this time, over drinks!
So, is it like... a Martyr Complex July 25th, 2021 Clarice and Mystique talk about morality.
Meet the Parents July 25th, 2021 Lydia takes Mystique home to meet the parents. What could possibly go wrong?
A Mage, Two Gods and a Faerie and a bar. July 25th, 2021 What price will karma toss at John for pranking the Gods? Perhaps Loki knows the answer to that? But, after a meeting between John and Thor with a side of Loki and Meggan happens without the city imploding or exploding? That's one for the win column for certain.
Whitechapel July 24th, 2021 7061
Lofty Ambitions July 24th, 2021 No description
Time For A Brotherhood Talk... July 24th, 2021 A brief meeting between the members of the Brotherhood who were present at the Bushwick and Mystique.
Dropping In July 24th, 2021 Now that Mike's back in NYC, Superboy swings by to catch up with him
Flying and Fears July 24th, 2021 Jubes picks up on Nori acting weird at the zoo, asks, and Noriko spills a little bit of the beans.
Drunk Text ON! July 24th, 2021 The drinks are drunk, the food is 'et. I wonder where Clarice and Rahne is?
The ex-Commanders of the Framwork July 24th, 2021 Bobbi and May run in to each other in the gym and have some time to chat. Bobbi makes sure they're good. Phil appears when his name is mentioned, but he's not at all happy with Bobbi's answers about the strange medical equipment used to save Peggy's life.
Lost in Snow July 24th, 2021 Lara is stranded on the road to a mountain climb when a random meeting happens with an Olympian. He helps her get back on track for her expedition ahead!
Storm of the Century July 24th, 2021 The Outsiders are called to a hostage situation on the high seas! Yes, technically they fight pirates, and there are enough ninja-types on the team for the makings of a joke. Pretend there's one here.
Stopping By July 24th, 2021 Talk of Losses and Faith
Housing the Winter Soldier July 24th, 2021 Steve Rogers approaches several members of the Avengers to broach the topic of formally adding Bucky Barnes to their roster. Concerns are raised, but the Avengers decide that he's worth the risk.
Visitors Are Rare These Days July 23rd, 2021 No description
Gopher it! July 23rd, 2021 Billy stops by Shaw Studios to put in his work study paperwork
A Lunch date and asking for some advice. July 23rd, 2021 Lunch is had and plans are made.
Nothing Stops the Juggern... Where the Hell is He July 23rd, 2021 Thomas decides to treat Gabby. He's not going soft! You're going soft!
Laughing Magician Night 2. July 23rd, 2021 The second night wasn't nearly so horrid as the first, some would even call it a definite win for the Constantine side. Except maybe, you know, the little explosion at the end? ... and perhaps the wrath of Lara Croft should she ever learn the truth.
Visit to College July 23rd, 2021 Conner shows Monet the ESU campus and they have lunch together. No supervillains were punched in this log. We will fix that in the next one.
Home Sweet ... Bloody Hell. July 23rd, 2021 In his usual, stubborn way, John refuses any and all attempts to comfort him through his most recent brush with losing his soul. He fights until the bitter end and caves only... because the bed's big enough, y'know?
That's not a Juggalo! July 23rd, 2021 Gabby runs into Cain. Shwarma is had and potential plotting begun.
Clarice, Lydia, and the Training Montage July 23rd, 2021 Clarice attempts to approve her ability to fight non-lethally without her powers. After Lydia shows up, Mystique puts them both through their paces.
Weekly Weirdness: Black and White July 23rd, 2021 If the first night The Laughing Magician is opened for business is any indication, Hell's Kitchen is about to get a whole lot hotter.
A Wild Bando Appears! July 22nd, 2021 Bando goes looking for his first superhero operation. It's a good thing Ghost Spider was also in the area.
It's A Training Montage July 22nd, 2021 James Proudstar and Rogue visit the Workout Room, where Jubilation Lee is training for a fight. Cameo by Noriko Ashida. The gang discusses their feelings about the recent visitors from the Brotherhood.
Touch Base, Touch July 22nd, 2021 A quick teleport to a rural town finds Clarice in the company of the wandering Rahne Sinclair. Not a lot happens, but to them it was the world.
A Night at the Ballet 2 July 22nd, 2021 Phoebe and Cassandra are forced to delay their theatre night to deal with a kidnapper. But not all is lost! They do finally return to their fun, if perhaps a bit stranger than when it started.
One's Own Bed July 22nd, 2021 Peg and Daniel share their first night at 'home' in a long while. They affirm for each other that reality is real, and remember why it's so nice to be married.
Making a house call to check on the good Doctor. July 22nd, 2021 Doc Robert's alright, but Mystique, Clarice and Lydia aren't...
The return of Vaguey McNotell Pants July 22nd, 2021 Rose returns after a few months doing maybe possibly Not Good Things
A Turtle and a Tanuki Talk by the Train Tracks July 22nd, 2021 Leonardo comes upon Owari while the kunoichi is slaying a small whisper of ninjas. Approaching her after she's wrapped up the fight the two of them have a talk about tradition and possible connections that could be made.
Well, Well, Well. July 22nd, 2021 She may have lost the battle, but she's not lost the war.
Checking in with Cheese July 22nd, 2021 Bucky checks in with the Big Cheese over greasy food.
Once Was: 1940s pt II July 21st, 2021 No description
Central City: Obstacle Course Edition July 21st, 2021 No description
Hello, Michael July 21st, 2021 In 1956, Peggy and Daniel bring little Michael home for the first time, where they're greeted by Lily, who is anxious to meet the newest member of the family.
Fighting The Undertow July 21st, 2021 A few things might be important to talk about.
On a visit to Bushwick July 21st, 2021 The burgers were great, conversation was had, people came and went...
The Blunder Years July 21st, 2021 Ms. Marvel surfs a PATH train into the city and ends up having an awkward, impromptu lunch with Bando George. He wants to be a hero, but is she really the best one to give advice? The whole thing unravels when it's revealed that both are, in fact, awkward teens.
Scientific Endeavors July 21st, 2021 Clarice delivers information on a drug to Beast, while Kitty helps him with goggles for Dyani.
Robert's Moving Day July 21st, 2021 And tomorrow is a new beginning.
There's no place like home July 21st, 2021 Bobbi and Lance Addams now own property 10 minutes out of Salem. A house with access to the lake. Some maintenance required (and a mini fridge).
It was Jessica Fletcher, in the bar, with the typewriter... July 21st, 2021 Nick and Dazzler run into each other at the hotel bar
Terry Provides Dinner July 21st, 2021 A teacher/student relationship is cemented over Italian dinner and dessert.
Back to Work, Peggy Carter July 21st, 2021 Phil, May in tow, drops in to see Peggy and Daniel, declaring the Chief to be ready to return to duty. Finally.
Time for that Regret July 21st, 2021 Lydia and Mystique both offer hangover remedy advice - and the trio continue to discuss Clarice's inability to really wrap her head around the idea of 'hobbies.'
Brakes on a Train July 20th, 2021 Rescue arrives. Sif shows both her maternal and her cruel sides. Michael doesn't show his alien side. He thinks.
LDN Calling July 20th, 2021 Just a few problems going on.
In Egypt we find the Al-Fidr July 20th, 2021 Abcde's coven gets her face time with not one but two sorcerer supremes. They help Abcde come up with some better ideas for the mission to Egypt and promise to pick up the mantle if she fails to stop the khushu idol with Red Arrow and the two Asgardians.
Running to Freedom July 20th, 2021 Daniel and Peggy take a run on their newly enhanced bodies. It starts out as a comfortable jog and ends in a strange encounter with a rogue SHIELD agent.
Time to discuss an ending... July 20th, 2021 Something's afoot alright, Scott will get the X-Men, Mystique and Clarice will get everyone else... when all is ready, they will strike.
Clarice needs to drink... a lot July 20th, 2021 Clarice is soooo drunk, but at least she made it through the night without killing anyone. Does anyone know if Creed make a good teddy bear? Yes, Clarice does.
Everything's exciting with 'Of Doom' attached to the end of it July 20th, 2021 In a crowded coffee shop, a kitsune is offered up a chair.
Mo's Saving America's Ass July 20th, 2021 Steve's sick, Buck's freaking out about it; pastries suffer, Sam's stoic Sam as usual and Mo saves America's Ass.
TBDeeeee July 19th, 2021 Jubilee reacts to having her party sleighted.
Shi'ar: On the Run from the Law July 19th, 2021 Picking up her distress signal, the Milano rescues Lilandra from pursuit by the heavy cruiser T'Korr. There's a bit of 'Imperial Diplomacy' with heavy weapons and energy constructs, a zero-G rescue, and Rocket flips off a galaxy-spanning Empire. Typical day for the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Shi'ar: We Come in Peace, Part I July 19th, 2021 The Shi'ar arrive around Earth, announcing their hunt for the world-destroying Phoenix, and are met by its many heroes, who draw some firm boundaries around their beloved homeworld. Tense diplomacy ensues, while the Guardians of the Galaxy arrive bearing their own Shi'ar refugee, Lilandra. Ultimately, Superman and the Shi'ar ambassador agree to a formal meeting on the moon, while Terry O'Neil communicates with Rocket to teleport his passenger off the Milano and past the Shi'ar blockade to Earth.
Magic Isn't a Thing July 19th, 2021 Sara and Cael talk about the Witchblade, the shit that is Cael's life lately, and the possibility of joining SHIELD. Clint makes a cameo.
So, About Hydra... July 19th, 2021 Clarice shows of her 'I'm an American!' costume, and tells Dyani that the Hydra mutant slavery program has been shut down.
Just another Monday Afternoon July 19th, 2021 Piercing the Veil
Calling Old Lucky July 19th, 2021 Peg gives Logan one last call to say maybe goodbye. A lot of things that went unsaid for too long are finally said between them, and Logan decides to take a desperate grasp at something to help save her.
Waiting Game July 19th, 2021 May and Underwood spend time in the shooting range while Peggy is undergoing her lifesaving procedure. It's all a waiting game.
Dollhouse: Genetic Drift July 19th, 2021 Bobbi, Jemma, and Sarah go straight to work when they get back from the Triskelion raid. This is the second time they've done something like this. It goes far smoother than they expected with an astonishing result the next morning. Peggy is saved.
Hangover City July 19th, 2021 Lydia wakes up from a night of binge drinking and dancing to find that Mystique had put her to bed. They talk about a possible relationship.
Could we make money together July 19th, 2021 June tries to convince Laxmi to help her make fast cash. It doesn't turn out how she'd like.
Leave the brooding to the Bats! July 19th, 2021 Harley and Ivy go to the Sing Sing bar for Harley to sing and for Ivy to get un-broodened from her brooding, murderous ways.
Just the ladies, alcohol and Bushwick... what could go wrong July 19th, 2021 Four woman walk into a bar, one leaves early the other three keep drinking...
He's Just Blowing Off Steam July 19th, 2021 Power Girl pulls Bucky's bacon out of the fire. Hercules brings down the house.
Death Didn't Stick. July 19th, 2021 Jennifer stops by to find a grumpy Bucky sleeping at Steve's.
I'll name it soon. July 19th, 2021 Jennifer stops by to find a grumpy Bucky sleeping at Steve's.
Double Teenaged Trouble July 19th, 2021 Somewhere, a chill runs down Bucky's spine. Now he has Double Teenaged Trouble to deal with.
OMG Shoes! July 18th, 2021 No description
A Day At The Racists' July 18th, 2021 While attending an exclusive party thrown by a wealthy British millionaire, Lara Croft discovers a disturbing reason for the celebration - and meets a potential ally while she's there.
Dollhouse: Bobbi and Daisy talk July 18th, 2021 Bobbi and Daisy have a heart to heart now that they're out of the framework. Bobbi discovers that her Inhuman ability is different now than when she went in, thanks to terrigenesis. She also realises that if she wants to avoid that fate, she's going to have to make some bold changes in her life.
Halloween In July July 18th, 2021 A friendly attempt at a summertime Halloween celebration leads to awkward tension.
Shock to the System July 18th, 2021 While a heat wave sweeping across the coast puts the city's electrical grid under massive strain, mercenaries take over a power station in Gotham, but a team of local vigilantes kicks them right out. It leads into an impromptu Outsiders gathering.
Brand New Day July 18th, 2021 Hawkman jumps to the wrong conclusions. Mike corrects him.
Changing of the Guard July 18th, 2021 Terry takes his turn guarding a friend
Saving America's Ass July 18th, 2021 They got enough to save Steve, that's a win right?
Dollhouse: Sunil Bakshi July 17th, 2021 Team B enters the warehouse and encounters Carl Creel, Sylvia, and Hayward.. the battle gets tactical and they find themselves facing off against Dr. List's second in command, Po, who Clint chest-explodes. Many Inhumans recovered, though they may be brainwashed, and many HYDRA agents captured. They did not find Bakshi though. May be Team M will have more luck there.
Mayan Horrorscope Finale July 17th, 2021 Bane and his men take out much of the opposition, but nearly get the Mirror of Stars only to be told by the Gods to stop...and given a token of their approval that will lead to chaos going forward. The heroes otherwise retrieve the other lost talismans, many of which are returned to the Nazca. Jovian pushes his power to the limit and is kidnapped by the Cult of Benevolence.
Milano Tales: The Port of Xandar July 17th, 2021 The Milano crew sit down to take stock post Ronan encounter on Xandar. It is agree, to Earth they go. Also something weird is up with Peter.
Just Who Is This Guy July 17th, 2021 Jessica leaves the apartment with no real clue to who Michael Erickson really is.
Dollhouse: Infiltrating the Triskelion July 17th, 2021 Infiltration in to the Triskelion seemed to be going smoothly until Talbot catches on and detains them all. Plan T - flip Talbot, which thanks to HYDRA's paranoia, they are able to do when HYDRA attempts to kill Talbot and the SHIELD agents. Mission success and the only bodies dropped were HYDRA.
Dollhouse: Learning Kree July 17th, 2021 Bobbi tells the King who she was in the framework and what she did, and like Jia, is still accepted. Then she asks a favor - to learn the Kree language so she can better understand her Inhuman ability. A deal is struck.
Seeking a Second Opinion July 17th, 2021 At Lorna's insistence, Clarice gets a second opinion from the esteemed Doctor McCoy.
Interview with the Marshall July 17th, 2021 Sif does diplomacy. It's not a total disaster. Quite.
The Long Dark Sipping of the Soul July 17th, 2021 Satana and Thomas get audited!
A Night at the Ballet July 17th, 2021 Phoebe and Cassandra go to the ballet. It's all going well, when Phoebe spots something in the lobby. What could it be? Scene 1 of 2.
Checking in and Catching up. July 17th, 2021 Bucky catches up with Sharon, they talk about stuff and feelings and Buck's bowling arm. Nothing awkward about that.
Dress shopping for Clarice! July 17th, 2021 Lydia takes Mystique and Clarice out to go dress shopping. They find some really pretty ones and talk a bit about Mystiques history. Then Lydia paid for everything! Next time: SHOES!
Back to their roots. July 17th, 2021 The boys get back to their roots. An old fashioned recon mission reveals something neither one of them were expecting.
In Erebos: The Ascent July 16th, 2021 Some of the Titans climb a staircase.
The Golem of Bushwick: Week 1 - First line of defense July 16th, 2021 Well armed thugs attack the Golem in an attempt to draw out Mystique. It works, but everything goes to hell in a handbasket as more heroes arrive to take care of the situation.
Zemo's Not Entirely Wrong July 16th, 2021 Bucky shows up with his new tech, Zemo isn't a fan.
So much more to talk about... July 16th, 2021 In the end, some things need to be talked out and they were... but Robert should probably watch himself, Mystique /is/ watching him.
In Erebos: The Decision July 16th, 2021 The Titans travelling through Tartarus are standing on the threshhold of the way out when they decide to take the long way around to the Bronze Gate instead, in the hope of saving Themyscira. Except for Raven, who opts for the Iron Gate in the hope of saving reality.
Dollhouse: Jane is back! July 16th, 2021 Bobbi gets an unexpected drop in. Jane is alive and well, which is more than can be said for Peggy. Motivated, Jane asks how she can be of help and Bobbi assigns her homework and a role in the upcoming mission.
Ramen for all, Big and Small July 16th, 2021 A Mouse meets a Mountain.
Lorna's Check In July 16th, 2021 Lorna checks up on Clarice - who tries to act like everything is fiiiiine, really.
Rollercoasters July 16th, 2021 Vorpal returns the favor by showing the Scarlet Spider how you get around town, when you're the Cheshire Cat. Since nobody ended up throwing up or plastered across a building, the experiment is a success- and a celebration is in order, with the promise of hamburgers. Ben reveals his face to Terry. But - BURGERS!
Insert Training Montage Here July 16th, 2021 Spider-Man, Spider-Woman introduce new hopeful to the
Flash Update July 16th, 2021 Monet reaches out to the Flash via Twitter. They meet and she makes him aware that the Reverse Flash is active again.
Old Friends Checking In July 16th, 2021 Phil finds a quiet moment to check in on May. What's said is important. What goes unsaid, even more so...
Weekly Weirdness: Hansel and Gretel July 16th, 2021 The heroines save the kids! John's cranky.
Once Was: 1940s Europe July 15th, 2021 No description
The Before-Party July 15th, 2021 No description
The Framework: Boss Fight! July 15th, 2021 No description
Dollhouse: The Incident July 15th, 2021 The team shore up the building as an Inhuman decays it away. Daisy holds the building in place with the help of her quaking ancestors. HYDRA's plan to destroy the building and blame Inhumans and act the heroes has failed.
Dollhouse: Interrogating House July 15th, 2021 Phil and May take a crack at House while Daniel, Sara, Sharon and Daisy watch, checking information for the two interrogators. They discover House's memories of her time between the fall of the Triskelion and turning up at the playground are off by days. Triggering her, she remembers all the torture Sunil Bakshi put her through to break her and remake her in to a weapon to kill any SHIELD agent who learns about Nathaniel Mallick. But in doing so, she remembers Dr. List's conversation with Bakshi and Daisy's dedicated work traces him to a warehouse in Orlando near Disney World where he has been diligently making Inhuman weapons for HYDRA's big Incident.
Life's Work July 15th, 2021 HYDRA has done a terrible thing to Peggy Carter, and Jane is set on a path to reintegrate with SHIELD.
Dollhouse: The Chief is Crashing July 15th, 2021 Peggy is rushed in to emergency for immediate attention. Collingwood is read in to Peggy's unique medical history and a sad discovery is made. There's no saving Peggy this time, she's dying. Except if they had an untainted sample of her blood from.. say.. 1949. A plan is put in to motion to infiltrate the Triskelion and retrieve the blood sample May brought back with her from 1949.
Campbell's Soup July 15th, 2021 Lydia brings Clarice some 'Campbell's Soup' - and they discuss everything from unexpected kisses, to hobbies, to education.
A Few Things To Work Out July 15th, 2021 April comes by Vanessa's apartment, finding she's dealing with an eviction notice. But she has ale which makes it all better!
To See, or Not To See... Dyani Needs an Answer! July 15th, 2021 The answer was obtained! Dyani can see with Hank's new goggles, now they just have to be finished.
Sorry about attacking you July 15th, 2021 June mistakes Hyperion and Oliver Queen for hitmen, and attacks them.
The Framework: The Enemy Within July 15th, 2021 As Bobbi struggles to reconcile what is and isn't real and who she is - she makes a proposal to Lance that he accepts.
The Dollhouse: Sick Bed Workday July 15th, 2021 May comes to visit Peggy after the assassination attempt. She, Daniel, and Peg talk about the future, plans to infiltrate the Triskelion, and children they miss.
Red Room Tech Support July 15th, 2021 Continuation of A History of Violence: Bucky gets more than he bargained for when Steve takes him to Nadia to help with his busted arm. He gets a temporary solution to his biggest worry, HYDRA's programming. ...and one more friend that he now doesn't have to worry so much about murdering while under their control.
Father's Dream July 15th, 2021 As the Guardians recover from their battle with Ronan, Gamora describes what's happened to Nebula to Peter; as well as Thanos' ultimate ambition for the Infinity Stones.
R.A.B.I.D. Assassins. July 15th, 2021 An attempt on T'Challa's life is thwarted, freakin' HYDRA.
Considerations July 15th, 2021 Late night and Elektra is musing on her own choices until she receives a very unexpected visit from a dead man.
A History of Violence July 15th, 2021 Nadia Pym-van Dyne and Bucky Barnes come face-to-face with their past. It's a difficult moment, but they persevere.
I trust him. July 15th, 2021 Sam and Steve aren't so quick to trust Zemo is Bucky might be, but plans are made and, maybe, one of Bucky's biggest personal demons might finally be exorcised, at least partially.
Caterwauls July 14th, 2021 In which Gar unleashes unspeakable horrors on an innocent Broadway production.
Sorcerer's World: The Hunt For Jason Blood July 14th, 2021 Jason Blood remains elusive. For now. And just who has taken up Excalibur? And for what purpose?
Blink's on the Blink July 14th, 2021 Victor and Mystique find Clarice on her tropical island - and whisk her off to the Asteroid for Medical care. Unfortunately, a collar seems to be the only thing that can stop her from uncontrollably opening portals at random - for now.
FLASHBACK: After The Dark July 14th, 2021 FLASHBACK: Jess goes to check on Matt after his first taste of Cloak and Dagger's powers. Along the way she's exposed to the seductive powers of Director Furry.
The Dharma of Giving July 14th, 2021 Laxmi meets Maya - and feels compelled to share what she has with another, inviting Maya to find community in Bushwick.
Winter Storm Warning July 14th, 2021 Zemo weathers the storm, now they wait.
No Vacancy anymore, this is my turf July 14th, 2021 Lara goes to investigate some potential criminal activities and finds nothing wrong, trust Trickshot's word on it!
Hello, Goodbye July 14th, 2021 Rahne Sinclair calls Professor Xavier to discuss leaving the mansion, and in the end she leaves him something to remember her by. Sweet scene, read with a tissue.
Dangerous to go alone - Take Cass July 14th, 2021 When Hair causes someone to go out on a limb, Phoebe gets very confused, and someone has to explain oreos. Next stop: ... a ballet?
No Good, Horrible, Very Bad Day July 14th, 2021 Talia visits an injured Clarice. They chat, and end the afternoon with Bill and Ted, and soda.
It's Always Time for Brunch July 14th, 2021 Two regular-ass people sit down for a regular-ass brunch. They definitely don't talk about HYDRA.
Shopping for Charle's Gift. July 14th, 2021 Remy and Rogue goes shopping for Charles' birthday gift. Jean shows up and ideas begin to fly!
Red X and the Catman July 14th, 2021 Catman has to make sure Red X is who he says he is.
Dollhouse: Here We Are Again July 14th, 2021 Peggy wakes after the attack and she and Daniel share some quiet moments together, ones they hope won't be their last.
Half of Six July 14th, 2021 Clean up after an incident, and a bit of a spat.
Bacon Cheeseburger and a Quinoa Salad July 13th, 2021 No description
The Package July 13th, 2021 Agent 13 briefs the team about something no one, not even SHIELD knows about. There was just a name. Time to do things Sousa style.
The Framework: A Little Time to Grieve July 13th, 2021 Peggy and Daniel talk about their feelings despite their best efforts. Tears are shed and their children are remembered.
Come Out To The Country, They Said... July 13th, 2021 On a trip north from the city, meant to be relaxation, a trip to a reservoir and a lovely park leads to near destruction -- but a certain liquid lady on trip with her students helps make everything all right.
A Shopping Centaur July 13th, 2021 An ice cream social, an eagle hat, and a very entitled child-- it's just one more day in the day of the Titans.

Oh, and there's a centaur, and centaurs can't exist, right?

The Hazards of Sightseeing in NYC July 13th, 2021 Ayanna is caught up in a brief but intense intersection as June is being chased by some unknown characters.
My Frienemy, My Responsibility, My Failures July 13th, 2021 Peggy comes to make Dottie an intriguing offer, and catch up for old times' sake. A momentary agreement is struck.
Just Say It July 13th, 2021 Clarice comes to speak to Rahne in her room. It goes so very, very sideways, and Rahne leaves the mansion after a kiss.
It's Okay if Your Shit Sucks too. July 13th, 2021 Bucky fills Peggy in on ALL the things, it's a lot! And he even missed a few.
Space Ghost Rider: Coast-to-Coast July 12th, 2021 The past tracks down Robbie and blows up his car and him, Mike tries to save the Ghost Rider, and ends up getting left in the dust as Red-X, Selene, and Elektra chase down the would be assassins.
Harry's Pool with Pool July 12th, 2021 Wade tracks down Rogue in Harry's Pub near Xavier's School. They talk about Simulation Theory and Wade's love life.
War Games: A Whole Lot of Crazy July 12th, 2021 Charlie visits Stephanie at the brownstone and hears about the dead conspiracy theorist that Dick is working on.
Dreamscapes: A Glimmer of Trouble July 12th, 2021 Doctor Strange looks into the troubles at Columbia, and Illyana shares her doubts about certain approaches.
The Framework: The Day After July 12th, 2021 Peggy and May catch up in May's office after they both get out of medical. However, the amount of feelings between them is still debilitating in its own ways.
Who wants to wait for supper. July 12th, 2021 A nice meal, and new friends.
Spider July 12th, 2021 Ben and Terry get to know each other, go on patrol and chat about false memories and not taking dares from Harley Quinn
An Important Legacy July 12th, 2021 Sharon Carter gets called to the principle's (Chief's) office for debrief of what Commander May and Peggy missed. And another little shock. A well deserved promotion.
You Buyin' What I'm Sellin' July 12th, 2021 Felicia meets with a contact - only to learn of a doublecross!
Enchantingly Unconscious July 12th, 2021 Pepper brings in some magic to help Tony's enchantment problem.
It's all Okay at the Corral July 12th, 2021 In the after math of Logan nearly gutting Bucky, Cael gets tipsy, line dances, rides a mechanical bull and she finally gets a little insight into the Winter Soldier.
Field Trip: Central Park Zoo July 12th, 2021 Happy Harbor goes to the Central Park Zoo and it turns out almost normal. Just someone trying to kidnap a Penguin!
In this Dojo, We Wear Green July 12th, 2021 The Cheshire and the Turtle at last did get to meet. Food is prepared, and Terry asks a very important question.
Do you, Drama Llama, take this Hell Beast July 12th, 2021 Bobbi and Lance secret away from The Playground to New York where they get married. Plans are made and the ninjas turned up too late to stop them.
Zoom Zoom zoom July 12th, 2021 Satana and Thomas have Mike for dinner. OVER. They have him OVER for dinner.
Owl and the Pussycat July 11th, 2021 No description
Exchanging Goods For Services July 11th, 2021 No description
Meet at Ellis July 11th, 2021 No description
We Are The Champions July 11th, 2021 A clandestine gathering of teen heroes on the rooftops of the Circle Q convenience store in Jersey City, New Jersey, results in an unlikely team-up. Look out, world, here come the #Champions!
The Golem of Bushwick: The Grand Unveiling July 11th, 2021 Lydia unveils her latest project to help protect Bushwick: A real life Golem! Reactions are dubious at best, but plans are made to keep it monitored throughout the week.
A Bad Day to Be a Drug Dealer July 11th, 2021 A drugs-for-guns deal gets interrupted by two Spiders, one Sentinel, and a very Quiet killer.
Stark, Enchanted July 11th, 2021 Tony, who is JUST FINE and obviously NOT mind controlled (read: yes, he is) acts very bizarrely to poor Pepper.
But 'Reasons' July 11th, 2021 Pepper brings Steve to try to talk Tony out of being mind-controlled.
Downrange July 11th, 2021 Silk runs into the Dead Fed, everything goes better than expected.
The Ghost of Edward Hopper July 11th, 2021 Interrupted meals end in fleeing into the dark.
The Dollhouse: The Enemy We Know July 11th, 2021 SHIELD comes together to celebrate the heroics of their agents and hand out overdue promotions. Extremely pertinent intelligence is brought to Peggy about the identity of SecDef Denver Maelstrom and an agent loses it when a key phrase is mentioned resulting in Peggy being violently struck by a lightning gun's blast.
Bobbi Morse: The Combiner July 11th, 2021 Bobbi meets with Jiaying to discuss changes in her life and, even though she doesn't say the words exactly, apologise for killing her and her Reina-like actions in another life (in the framework).
The Framework: There's No Place Like Home July 11th, 2021 After the Framework, May, Daniel, Dottie and Peggy all wake up in the Playground's medical bay to try and start processing their emotions. None of them are good at processing emotions.
Mayan Horrorscope July 11th, 2021 Batman, Zatanna and Phoebe attempt to gather intel on Bane's militia in the Cauldron, but an attempted assault by a local gang to get their territory thwarts the element of surprise. Jovian is an unknown factor. The gang members are stopped and the Batfamily regroups for another try later.
Caribbean Vacation July 11th, 2021 Clarice shows Mystique her private tropical island. And Mystique shocks Clarice with an unexpected confession.
Like a Freight Train July 11th, 2021 What's a little blood and gutting between Battle Bros? Bucky actually manages to walk away from an encounter with an angry Wolverine, but not without a little help from his friends and a LOT of help from Morrigan.
Guns of the Bronx July 11th, 2021 Having come to a warehouse run by agents of the European Tannhauser arms collective, the Red Sentinel and Bolo have very different purposes - but after a short and spectactular clash with said agents, both came away with what they were looking for. And all it took was a lot of punching and some very painful full-body sunburns.
Quantum State July 11th, 2021 Ava and Finley figure out what their next step is in building a machine to help Ava. Then, it's off to the bar.
The Morning After... July 10th, 2021 No description
Coming to Grips July 10th, 2021 Cael Becker comes to Steve looking for some advice on how to help Bucky. Steve admits that where Bucky's involved, helping is sometimes more an act of faith than science.
N.O.W.H.E.R.E. is up to N.O. good July 10th, 2021 The Outsiders travel to Yucatan to capture the Three Deadly Brothers. The interrupt N.O.W.H.E.R.E. attack on the crimelord Xavier Cujo, survive the Troika trying to blow them up, and escape with a prisoner. NPCs: H.A.R.M., Attica and Slag.
Don't mug a talon! July 10th, 2021 Strix gets mugged! Poor muggers. Then Satana comes by for a snack.
Old Favors July 9th, 2021 No description
The Framework: An Old Familiar Feeling July 9th, 2021 Daniel and Peggy take advantage of a quiet night in the Framework's Playground to talk.
FLASHBACK: Things Go Bump In The Night July 9th, 2021 Two young daughters of Russia, each on their respective path of horrors, meet in one particularly bleak place, the Red Room. There's death as one might expect, but it's never the main point. Who is Magik? What is Magik?
Ultimutt Road Trip July 9th, 2021 Sam and Bucky catch up on their regularly scheduled capital-t Talks while on the way to pick up the one and only Best Girl Lili Barnes and bring her back home. Also, they have cheesesteaks!
Neon Death July 9th, 2021 Turns out Elektra had her own agenda when she had June help her steal certain info from an FBI Agent and Madame Gao didn't like it. Hard decisions were made.
Preaching in the Park July 9th, 2021 An anti-mutant protest takes a deadly turn
Asgardian PT July 9th, 2021 Sif and Thea go for a training session in the woods near Central Park. Cider vinegar is on the menu in the end .....
Wonder Wellness Check July 9th, 2021 Donna gives Irie a visit to check up on her and how's she's doing in the present. A heart to heart happens, and Donna tells Irie that she's an official Titan, now. Hooray!
Can you believe this place July 9th, 2021 Arthur shows Kori the new Atlantean Embassy. She breaks something expensive.
Creating the Monster July 8th, 2021 No description
Girls Night Out... July 8th, 2021 There was drinking
A mutant, a demigod, and an experiment... walk into a bar. No this is not a joke. July 8th, 2021 Dive bars are fun. Idiot gets locked out. Hijinx.
The Framework: Behind the Blue Door July 8th, 2021 McLaren shows Jemma, Daisy, and May his unique transportation method, leaving the door wide open for the rescue of Dottie Underwood and Leopold Fitz, the race to escape the matrix, and the final showdown with the ghost in the machine..
Madripoor Gets Its Cut July 8th, 2021 The Winter Soldier, Baron Zemo, Smiling Tiger, and Angel Eyes walk into a bar. Only one of them is real, even if Bucky takes method acting a little too far.
The Framework: Race Against The Machine July 8th, 2021 As the world of the Framework begins disappearing all around them, all of the agents trapped within its twisted version of reality fight to hold on to what matters most and finally escape to the real world.
Jailbreak July 8th, 2021 Bucky ... pulls a Bucky and breaks Zemo out of prison right under Sam's nose without the Falcon having a clue until it was actually happening. The flight to Madripoor is a tense one. Zemo gets punched in the face.
1956: Meeting at the Memorial July 8th, 2021 Peggy comes to meet Lucky at the memorial wall as is their VE day tradition. However, things are different this year. Her husband is dead and she has a baby in arms. But they don't let tradition fall.
On Black Holes and Black Coffee July 8th, 2021 Cole, Ayanna and Jovian talk at a Coffee house. Ayanna resolves to have a normal life despite living near Gotham and Metropilis and having a Black hole inside her. Maybe.
There's Something About NYC Pizza July 8th, 2021 Bruce Banner is feeling antsy and takes a walk in New York. He encounters April O'Neil in Angelo's Pizza.
Killing can be Cathartic July 8th, 2021 Another Red Shirt down, but the team successfully gathered information on Project RABID, now what do they do about it?
Arena Smash July 8th, 2021 Carol and Jennifer get a first hand look at Amazon warrior training, while Jenn gets to really dig in and smack sword and shields with CASSIE! SMASH! It's possible that fancy armor is being smithed for the two Avengers too.
You Brought A Ship To School July 8th, 2021 Greg brings his ship to school in hopes of getting some geeky types to look at it. Runs into Madison first, and they end up playing with the ship's food processor and getting alien biology lessons. Madison fangirls like crazy, Greg tries to keep her from using up whatever resources he has on his ship.
A Seaside Encounter July 8th, 2021 Walking the beach at Happy Harbor after a client meeting, Michael meets an unusual woman there as well - strange indeed, but in the end, a new association forms and, in that way, perhaps potential friendship.
Battle Can Be An Art July 7th, 2021 No description
You can't have suicide without U and I July 7th, 2021 No description
Backed Into A Corner, and It's Full of Ants, Man July 7th, 2021 Putting her life in his hands, Power Girl approached Scott to help her make a video for a dating site. Considering she knows nothing about it, and that he's the one actually putting it together, nothing could possibly go wrong.
Trouble in El Barrio July 7th, 2021 June gives Wanda the lowdown on crime and dancing. Also how not to date.
Large Leak, Very Dangerous July 7th, 2021 Though it was a very dangerous situation, the Vision and Michael under his guise of the Red Sentinel were able to seal the breach in the Lincoln Tunnel before it got too terribly out of hand - nonetheless, additional work and the pumping out of a good deal of river water will need to occur before the tunnel can be actively used again. Which will make traffic even worse. Lovely.
Leo Checks In July 7th, 2021 Leo brings Nicolai some disturbing, but not unexpected intel.
Rogue's Present for Remy's Birthday July 7th, 2021 Rogue and Remy enjoy some baseball in Saint Louis.
After the Astral Plane July 7th, 2021 Clarice helps Nicolai recover from a bad trip - and they discuss the nature of guilt.
A Clarice comes a-knockin. July 7th, 2021 Clarice pays Lydia a visit to have a talk about their adventure in the Astral plane. Clarice is forthcoming about her past, and Lydia is, perhaps, a bit too sympathetic.
The Framework: The Doctor's Doorway to the Universe July 7th, 2021 May goes back to the Triskelion to rescue Dottie... and ends up bringing in Leopold Fitz in the process. (No one is more surprised than she.)
Good Grim News July 7th, 2021 Natasha springs the news of Mother's death on Nadia. It's hard to swallow, and nobody feels awesome about it.
Interdimensional Space Nazis July 6th, 2021 No description
So, About Phoenix... July 6th, 2021 Sam and Cap meet with Cael to talk about her past. That is, until Bucky interrupts with a phone call...
The Dark side of the Glades July 6th, 2021 Thea and Abcde follow the remnants of the malign spirit of the Idol back to Starling, all the way to the Glades. They face off against the remnants of the Idol's presence with some quick wit and magic! Next step? Egypt!
Digging in July 6th, 2021 April and Harley dig into what they retrieved from their warehouse raid and consider what next steps to take. But pork chops turn into the priority.
The Framework: Reprieve July 6th, 2021 May gets her Lily-hug. Jemma answers Melly's questions about the great escape. And Peggy discovers that, just mabye, SHIELD is finally winning the war against HYDRA.
First Aid and Big Damned T Talks. July 6th, 2021 Sorry, there's too much in this log to sum up in Cliff Notes.
Rumble at The Wellerman July 6th, 2021 A Barfight at the Wellerman at Gotham's Docks ends up with Phoebe Beacon and Jason Todd crossing paths
Working Dinner July 6th, 2021 Sisters catch up over dinner, and a new job is on the horizon.
Dill Pickles July 6th, 2021 Dill pickles are more trouble than they are worth. Michael Erickson tails Jessica Drew and likely regrets it. After adventures in the subway, keeping a young man from jumping in front of a train, an armored SUV slams into a car they are in and excitement ensues.
Clarice's Mea Culpa July 6th, 2021 Clarice and Nicolai patch things up - then Clarice gets trounced at foosball.
What a headache July 6th, 2021 Put one more down for team Drago
Kick: Break on Through... July 6th, 2021 Leo gets the bad guys while Clarice and Lydia get sucked into Nicolai's other world in a way that's never happened before.
Up on the Roof(s). July 6th, 2021 Melting Super Soldiers? Really HYDRA. Bucky gets an assist in dealing with them from Clarice and Natasha.
Mamma Mia, Here I Go Again July 5th, 2021 No description
War Games: The Conspiracist July 5th, 2021 Dick gets called away from a softball game to go investigate a dead conspiracy theorist.
Not A Field Trip July 5th, 2021 Ms. Marvel assists with the grand opening of a new exhibit at the Liberty Science Center and meets Vivian Vision! The two totally have a TEAM UP and save a priceless dinosaur skeleton! Michael Erickson provides a much-needed assist. Best day ever!
New Eyes for Dyani July 5th, 2021 Clarice and Hank meet to talk about fixing Dyani's vision problem - so she can read more easily.
The Aftermath of Bad Decisions July 5th, 2021 Hungover friends catch up over breakfast and talk about issues.
Happy Harbor: 4th of July Celebration July 5th, 2021 The Four...Fifth of July happens in Happy Harbor and there's an uninvited guest.
Drunken Utterances July 5th, 2021 Clarice admits more than she would like, to try to steer drunken conversation away from the topic of Mister Creed's bod. It certainly doesn't help with Victor shows up.
=Long Island Smuggling July 5th, 2021 An agent of SHIELD hiding from HYDRA meets an unusual and unexpected ally as she attempts to stop a illegal arms transaction.
Monday morning in the park July 5th, 2021 Three girls and a guy bump into one another at the park. Oh, and a dog stole a Jedi Academy backpack. Hijinks ensued!
Together, They Fight Crime! July 5th, 2021 Terry finds a new definition for fighting crime, and the plot to catch a ghost begins. But first- breakfast!
We need to talk about Shuri. July 5th, 2021 Spring of 2020: Bucky delivers some news to T'Challa and Bucky manages to walk out without being murdered by the Dora Milaje - considering it's Bucky, that's a win.
Departure Into Unknown Lands July 4th, 2021 Sam and Bucky go on a roadtrip! Nothing terrible happens for once, but they still need Morrigan to show up for a Hail Mo(ry).
Nuts to You! July 4th, 2021 Spider-Man meets Squirrel Girl and a Jedi, stop a few thieves and discuss plans for the future at White Castle.
Xth of July July 4th, 2021 4th of July 2021 by the pool at Xavier's School
Jason Todd and the clones July 4th, 2021 Laura & Conner introduce Gabby, the newest Outsider, to Jason.
The Framework: Playing Nice July 4th, 2021 Gonzales questions May, Morse, and Hunter about their real intentions before he, grudgingly, lets them loose on his base. They are disappointed to discover the promised 'back door' out of the matrix no longer works.
oceanic neighbor July 4th, 2021 Aspen meets Adam and they resolve to find out what she is. TO BE CONTINUED
After The Rescue... July 4th, 2021 Clarice learns that Dyani wants to help, and gives good hugs.
Shh. Be Vewy, Vewy Quiet... July 3rd, 2021 No description
A different dance for two July 3rd, 2021 No description
Asking Why Isn't Just For Toddlers July 3rd, 2021 But is cereal a soup or not? A pressing question for the times.
03 Jul 1943 July 3rd, 2021 Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes take an extra 18 hours in 1943 to try and right some wrongs. Things don't go to plan... but they end up finding what might be a better long-term solution in talking to each other.
Code 084: 1943 pt.3 July 3rd, 2021 The team makes it back from 1943. Everything's fine! Yeah... juuuuust fine.
Cat-astrophe in the making July 3rd, 2021 Terry is getting mixed signals
Hoodie you know July 3rd, 2021 Mike's attempt to repair Jon's hoodie does not go as planned. What happened after the restaurant is brought up
The Framework: Pulling Strings July 3rd, 2021 Daisy and Holden escape the Triskelion in Quinjet Prime, allowing Daisy to have a more indepth heart-to-heart with Skye's sugar daddy, the man who created AIDA.
1943: The Princess and Agent Jiminy Cricket July 3rd, 2021 Cael and Shuri find themselves roommates in 1943. Cael gets judgey. ...Shuri finds herself agreeing. An accord is reached.
A Little TLC July 3rd, 2021 Gwen's wound from the Lizard's attack at ESU gets treated at home
Discussing the Birds and the Ants July 3rd, 2021 The masks come off. Bo is forgiven.
Amazon Same-Day Delivery July 3rd, 2021 Spidey meets up with the Amazon princess for a very special update.
Code 084: 1943 pt.2 July 3rd, 2021 They think they have it figured out, but a roadblock causes things to go south in a hurry. Someone needs to tell these guys that there are other directions.
La Caravane des Ombres July 3rd, 2021 When La Caravane des Ombres comes to town, so does a soul stealing monster that threatens to devour the souls of everyone in the audience. Fortunately, a pair of sorceresses, a pair of mutants, and a talented Shadow are all on hand to save the day.
Code 084: 1943 July 3rd, 2021 A trip back in time leaves the team wondering how they'll get back home, but maybe... at least one of them isn't so eager to see that happen.
1943: Sam, you awake July 3rd, 2021 Buck's bad dreams drive him to seek out Sam in the middle of the night, in 1943. In the end, he takes two steps forward and only one back, progress.
1943: The Trolley Problem July 3rd, 2021 Cael and Sam bond over a bottle of whiskey and their shared dislike of time travel.
1943: How to Handle Bigots July 3rd, 2021 A black dude and a white woman enter a bar in 1943. I mean, the rest writes itself.
Counting the Loot July 3rd, 2021 Bane learns of the power of the items of the Nazca Brotherhood and forms a plan.
Higher Learning and Lower Humor July 2nd, 2021 No description
Excuse me, how do you Earth July 2nd, 2021 Scott Lang takes Maxima to a Mall, it goes about as well as one could expect.
The Lies We Told Ourselves July 2nd, 2021 In Mina, Nevada.. the four person wrecking crew comes to town to GFSF after knowingly walking into a trap.
Good Guys, Bad Guys and Explosions July 2nd, 2021 The heroes (and Colette) heroically (and 'not' heroically) defeat the bad guy by...using their brains and describing what Tindr is. In looking up the details on his phone the wizard is attacked by his own creation only to go mad from Lego Ghost Rider's stare. The brazier is brought to the real world, the threat ended and most of them go to get drunk for saving thousands and thousands of Metropolis citizens.
Summer Science Fair July 2nd, 2021 The Second Annual Happy Harbor Science Fair happens. Ants cause Chaos. Madison wins a Scholarship and Morrigan finds the end of her rope!
Music Soothes the Savage Teenager July 2nd, 2021 Laxmi meets Jamie as he catches a dupe after a 9 story fall. Jamie explains the situation, and Laxmi saves the day by making things musical. A teenager is saved. A job complete.
Just a little sample July 2nd, 2021 Saeko thwarts the attempt of a few flyborgs to get some DNA from a mutant.
Let's Get Wine Drunk And Buy A Hardcover Book July 2nd, 2021 The titular activities occur. A brief conversation on science fiction and fantasy casting is held. Autographs are obtained...
Take Your Medicine July 2nd, 2021 Shuri crashes the post pit-fight mayhem, and somehow triggers a reconciliation between Sam and Bucky - while Cael tries not to get in the way. But when did Bucky see Grease?
Not a Team-Up July 1st, 2021 June Connor bites off more than she can chew in Jersey City but Ms. Marvel is around to lend a (larger than normal) hand. The two work together to fend off some thugs but it is absolutely, positively, undeniably NOT a team-up. Not a team-up.
Horsing Around July 1st, 2021 Pol, Kadia and Vorpal conspire on setting a trap for the conspirators who are conspiring to kidnap and or sacrifice Pol.
Welcome Wagon! July 1st, 2021 Donuts and feels are shared. Not that kind!
The Carmen de Moribus July 1st, 2021 Kelda's return to Asgard leads her as well as Loki to the Royal Archives after a particular Midgardian scroll.
Visiting hours Unlimited July 1st, 2021 Lucifer visits Amanda, and they reflect on duties and relationships
The First Rule of Fight Club.. July 1st, 2021 Sharon goes back into the fight club to look for the missing agent, Angelo. Turns out, Taskmaster was still in the building, letting lose. The two nearly go head to head, rehashing their past. Sharon gets the drop on him and leaves Taskmaster for dead.
Title Date Scene Summary
Outbreak August 31st, 2021 An outbreak of the Kree bioweapon that had infected Inferno takes place in the Triskelion. As Inhumans go in to rage mode, agents react and get them to containment. Jemma and Jane realise the vector comes from Bobbi. Bobbi realises she carried the virus with her from Inferno and with each touch to an Inhuman, transferred it. She figures out how to destroy it and works on reversing everyone elses infection too.
The missing Jessica case, part I August 31st, 2021 The Furiae go investigate about a missing mutant. Turns out they are against the Friends of Humanity.
Il Mutante: In Fire August 31st, 2021 The Titans chase down Il Mutante at his new lair to discover he's about to open the portal at last, despite not having been able to figure out the dimension-bridging part required to create a doorway to the ZZGU doppelganger universe. It turns out he has changed his plan -- and intends to bring THIS universe's version of Zhed'Zhud'Ger'Uth to Earth. Spoiler alert: He fails, the world didn't end.
Harbingers United August 31st, 2021 John Constantine is back from the Underworld, and after saving the girl who lives with his best mate from what probably would have been a horrible fate, he does what he does best -- well, maybe not best. He gets completely drunk and sings The Sex Pistols on top of the tallest building in Hell's Kitchen, until a friend appears.
Dinner with a vampire! August 31st, 2021 Lydia has dinner with the vampire, Blake. They discuss all manner of things and maybe a bit of flirting happened.
Curiouser and curiouser August 31st, 2021 Mike is making dinner. But no one got invited. :(
In Erebos: The Bargain August 31st, 2021 Raven is made a very strange offer on her way out of Tartarus. She crosses the Acheron, but perhaps not all of her makes it to the other side.
Accidental Samurai August 31st, 2021 Helena meets a mute girl at the fair. They tell each other nothing, but somehow, everything.
So, While You Were Away... August 31st, 2021 Mister Creed returns to the Asteroid - and discovers his pup's all grown up. And that he's suddenly... an Uncle?
Who is Helena Wayne August 31st, 2021 Babs makes a personal visit to the Batcave to talk to Bruce about Helena Wayne. They have plenty of wild theories about what could be going on and not enough information. With Bruce's permission, Babs is going to dig deeper in to this and see if she can't find out what's really going on.
Bringing In The Cat August 31st, 2021 Gar picks Terry up from an awkward scene in West Virginia. Vorpal vents!
Two World-Savers Walk Into A Bar August 31st, 2021 A brief conversation over drinks.
News From The Belfry August 31st, 2021 See Terry speak to Batman. See Terry sweat. Sweat, Terry, Sweat.
Jedi Cannot Fly August 31st, 2021 Maddie falls out of a tree - and she and Irie meet the new school nurse.
Identity Crisis August 31st, 2021 Damian needs answers and gets them, and more questions.
Better Than School Food August 31st, 2021 Eve meets Mark at lunch. Mark helps a younger student who is being bullied.
A Star Spangled Pizza break or A Mouse in the Pizza House August 31st, 2021 Courtney meets a tiny mouse and that mouse leads her to adventure, or the Titans building. Whichever.
One: It's Okay to Cry. August 31st, 2021 Phoebe drops in on Nicolai, comfort, talk and a lullaby commence.
Cleaning the streets August 31st, 2021 The Madison gets her first taste of costume vigilante action.
A Chance to Ketchup August 31st, 2021 The Condiment King relishes his opportunity to hold up the local Batburger until it turns out he can't take the heat. TOTALLY UNRELATED: Red Robin and Anarky will both probably never eat mayonnaise again.
Sam's Dangerous Visitation aka Tabby's Feeling Crabby August 31st, 2021 Sam comes to check on Tabby and says all the right things to stop her latest bit of destructiveness.
Death Needs a Life Coach. August 31st, 2021 X comes to John with an interesting offer. He accepts and surely nothing *bad* can come from moving X in upstairs, right?
Three traditions walk into a bar. Ouch. August 31st, 2021 Intriguing meeting of three traditions causes consternation and intrigue in equal measures.
Touched August 30th, 2021 Gangbangers go down, lives are saved, but at what cost? Might be best not to borrow trouble before it's here. But that advice came from someone that's already a tad 'Touched'.
1000 Faces: The Human Factor August 30th, 2021 Sara, Radha, Morrigan and Doctor Strange find themselves in the oddest side of the White Hall -- where the Morrigan's aspect Macha holds court, and warns them of the madness infecting her fellow self, Badb, and the dangers in the world to come.
Music and conversation August 30th, 2021 Cynthia plays piano for Lydia, Rahne sleeps, and Clarice listens. Of course there is a deep conversation and a sister fight after.
A Quick bite to eat. August 30th, 2021 Bart and Kaida talk about cars.
Going alone August 30th, 2021 Lydia and Mystique have a heart to heart about Lydia's departure to Egypt.
Drinks and Dumb Choices August 30th, 2021 Just coffee between colleagues.
1000 Faces: The Sunlight Dialogues August 30th, 2021 May meets Isis, and discovers a weapon to throw into the mix against the Court of Death. But how to deliver it, that remains an open question...
Where Did She Get Those Wonderful Toys August 30th, 2021 Daisy and Jane catch Jemma in the lab tinkering with her new toys. This leads to possible testing avenues, potential alter ego considerations, and further discoveries on how an Inhuman-specific virus works, which only leads to more questions.
It's Okay to Puke. August 30th, 2021 John manages to pull Phoebe out of the Underworld. She pukes a little and gets herself grounded for the first time by Chas. Not a good day to be a Beacon of Hope.
Car Thoughts August 30th, 2021 June and Elektra cruise through the highway on their way to Manhattan after having been in Arkham where they talk.
Q-Banding August 30th, 2021 After Vance unintentionally triggers some painful memories for Fin, Ava tries to make her feel better.
Shadow Spider and Kai: Rooftop August 29th, 2021 No description
Milkshakes for lunch... yes please! August 29th, 2021 Nothing like making a new friend over milkshakes, Henry's a nice Mutant, and so soft to the touch.
Ebb and Flow August 29th, 2021 Fin and Ava retreat to a private corner, where Fin discovers more about Ava's past and just why she is the way she is.
Another Night in Gotham August 29th, 2021 Oracle begins to vet the mysterious Huntress that aided Flamebird. She does it in the guise of Batgirl.. that'll be confusing when Helena meets the current Batgirl. No doubt she'll put two and two together at that point. Huntress is now a prospect and Babs needs to talk to Bruce... because Helena Wayne? there's no such thing as a coincidence.
Halfworld and the Truth about Rocket August 29th, 2021 The Guardians arrive at Halfworld, where they not only find out there are others like the injured Rocket, they also learn an unexpected truth about him and the planet itself. Of course there's a mission involved.
Dose-Response Relationship August 29th, 2021 An emergency broadcast signal prompts a group into a horrific expedition down into the depths of Gotham, where they discover the grotesque altar to some sort of mechanized deity.
Personal Time August 29th, 2021 Joan and Storm team up after a Teen's powers manifest into something destructive
Pew Practice August 29th, 2021 Are there Republicans in space? What starts as ray-gun practice at the Triskelion range turns into a debate on technological exchange and lot of sass.
Cherry Bomb, Cherry Feathers August 29th, 2021 Tabby stumbles upon Jay in the garden and interrupts his ode to Queen with a small boom.
1000 Faces: Triskaidekaphobia - Brunnhilde August 29th, 2021 Brunnhilde gets her revenge by murdering Erlik, the Turkic god of pestilence, death, and evil. But not without getting poisoned.
It Yearns to Burn! August 29th, 2021 There's a lake celebraiton for the new school year at Xavier's. STuff explodes, smores are had, its good innocent fun!
When Emma Met Mary August 29th, 2021 When Emma met Mary Part 1
A Dark Night August 29th, 2021 A migraine and a missing teammate leads to Lonnie and Tim having a long talk on the rooftop of the Roost.
Hunting(ton) Wabbit(Hole)s August 29th, 2021 Everything Goes Wrong
When you have a bridge to sell... August 28th, 2021 A brief meet-up in Brooklyn
Sometimes You Just Need A Little Information August 28th, 2021 Business conducted between Mystique and one Tessa Fox, some poor business man from Texas is about top have his entire life revealed.
Karaoke Night August 28th, 2021 The Outsiders meet for sushi and karaoke. Scout the dalmation is the goodest boy, Cassandra is the breakout star of the night, and Gabby is appointed a full member of the team. Then everyone sang Bohemian Rhapsody, the end.
Energy in Flux August 28th, 2021 Ava and Finley begin to experiment with the q-bands, only to be interrupted by Nebula. They discuss the nature of energy in the universe, which doesn't solve anyone's problem.
Lights Camera Misunderstanding August 28th, 2021 Harper and Simon talk shop on the set of the Beware the Gray Ghost Revival series
Guilty, Guilty, Guilty August 28th, 2021 Visiting the Xavier grounds, Michael meets a new ally - and learns a little bit more about the mutant cause.
Cynthia v. H.R.M. August 28th, 2021 Cynthia embarrasses herself - and Lorna reluctantly agrees to a big responsibility. And then Clarice drops her sister in the lake.
Jedi Counsel August 28th, 2021 Spider-Man meets with Madison Evens for serious conversation. And cookies.
Themyscira: It's Raining Men August 28th, 2021 Caitlin and Donna report to the council on Themyscira, where a war of words breaks out and shift in ancient political balances take place.
Vampires at King's Landing! August 28th, 2021 Spidey invites a vampire into his training facility. It goes better than expected.
Infinite Energy August 28th, 2021 Two musicians meet up at a hotel and have breakfast together
The End Of Vacation August 28th, 2021 Jamie and Rachel return from a vacation to Disneyland - only to discover a renegade Dupe has left the X-Factor building in a slobby mess. Kitty, Jean and Scott mentioned.
...And I Don't Know How to Fix It! August 27th, 2021 The Inhuman virus targeting their king has consequences that Jemma, Daisy, and the Valkyrie must deal with.
Is This Even English August 27th, 2021 Clarice rants about a book. Cynthia rants about Clarice. Lydia is abruptly dubbed their 'big sister.'
A Hole in the Head August 27th, 2021 Clarice and Cynthia visit the Professor - who discovers something a little more alarming than anticipated in Cynthia's head.
EROTEME: The Challenge August 27th, 2021 The Riddler's gauntlet is thrown.
Milano Tales: A door between the daughters of Thanos August 27th, 2021 Gamora and Nebula talk through a door angrily at each other, until the door opens and they escalate to yelling and almost fighting again. Nebula is clearly sick of being the victim and Gamora might have bad motivations.
Oracle summons you, Red Robin August 27th, 2021 Babs tells Tim about she got them scars.. or, how she ended up in a chair and why she isn't in one any more. She apologises for biting at him over comms at Arkham and reveals to him that she's the Oracle.
It's Not Good, Nettie. August 27th, 2021 Nettie answers a best mate's call. John's not okay when she arrives, he's so far from it. But he will be on the way toward being okay after the witch's visit gives him safe harbor from the storm brewing in his on mind.
Lingering Shadows August 27th, 2021 Natasha Cranston is a mystery. In an effort to find answers, Elektra and June have a chat with someone from her past.
Visiting an Injured Friend August 27th, 2021 A convalescing Vorpal calls his sensei who comes to visit and check in on his student.
The Idol: Lets Talk August 27th, 2021 The gang meets up 'Khrad' and the Cult of the Sand Lamia after the attack on Faati's household. They learn they are on the same side and so a makeshift alliance is created. But is all what it seems?
Wayne and Kane August 27th, 2021 Bruce and Bette talk about Damian
It'll have a name when it's done. August 26th, 2021 No description
Visiting New Afterlife August 26th, 2021 Daisy and Elena visit New Afterlife.
In Themyscira August 26th, 2021 On Themyscira, Titans talk of swords and size and lights leading the way.
Close the Circuit August 26th, 2021 Returning to the scene of a hostage crisis previously foiled by several Gotham vigilantes, Red Robin finally finds the needle in the haystack he's been looking for thanks in no small part to the timely assistance of Harper Row.
Suit up, Warriors August 26th, 2021 An Inhuman on the loose in Madeira Island brings the Secret Warriors together for the first time to handle the crisis. Inferno awaits them but in the end they win the day! But now they need to figure out what was affecting him.
1000 Faces: Triskaidekaphobia - Thea August 26th, 2021 With cunning and compassion, Thea keeps Sedna from sacrificing mortals and herself, tying down those hunters of the drowning deep goddess to prevent them from aiding in a search for Hermod. The scales balance to the light by one step.
A Demon Pest Nest Fest August 26th, 2021 Demons are removed from a building, even if it damaged the building. Words are exchanged and then go their seperate ways.
Siblings with Issues August 26th, 2021 Clarice discovers she had one more sibling than she'd realized. And all of them have their own issues...
Eating Like Birds August 26th, 2021 A chance meeting in the SHIELD canteen! The Red Sentinel meets the Witchblade.
Happy Harbor: Something Strange August 26th, 2021 A movie night at the school is interrupted by...technical issues?
John's Return:: Shi'ar Raid August 26th, 2021 The plan unfurled, Jimmy undone.
1956: The Sleepless Nights August 26th, 2021 1956: Baby Michael keep Daniel and Peggy up late one night, and they consider just how lucky they are to have each other.
Raise a Glass August 26th, 2021 Clarice gets Tabitha drunk. What are friends for?
Fashion August 26th, 2021 Kara and Donna talk new costumes and good friends.
Dr. Taco is Not a Real Doctor (But He's The Next Best Thing) August 26th, 2021 Lonnie breaks Tim out of Dr. Thompkin's clinic where he definitely wasn't actually being held, but whatever.
2,000 Light Years From Home August 26th, 2021 Finley tries to reassure Ava everything will work out okay, despite Phyla-Vell's death and all the other craziness they've gotten roped into since they left Earth. Together, they discover the q-bands do have one advantage... Ava doesn't have to work nearly so hard to remain tangible.
Loaded Gifts For Loaded People. August 26th, 2021 Selina impulsively brings Bruce a gift that carries more emotional weight than she'd intended. Feelings are stirred, but secrets are held on to.
On genealogy and witches August 25th, 2021 No description
1000 Faces: Dead On Arrival August 25th, 2021 One step closer to their aim as they delve into the Pyramid of the Barbican and receive their admission to the White Hall, the final battle standing in their way divides, but does not conquer.
1000 Faces: Dead to the World August 25th, 2021 A strange gate appears in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Brave souls dare to venture where the living must, into the Underworld, to find a means to sway the balance back against the Court of Death. What monsters lurk in the dark?
The Gnashing of Teeth August 25th, 2021 The Avengers perform much needed search-and-rescue as the city of Krozniev is destroyed by the machinations of the evil Ultron!
1000 Faces: Dead to Rights August 25th, 2021 Blackagar's viral illness becomes a matter for the Secret Warriors to solve, though it won't be easy... or fast.
1000 Faces: Death by Misadventure August 25th, 2021 A harrowing adventure after jumping through a door in the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens sends John Constantine into the lands of death, and traversing his way to a Realm that may have the answers he wants. But at what cost?
Mother Russia Calls August 25th, 2021 Melina catches up with Dottie at a bar in DC. They bond the only way Russians know how to bond -- over vodka. Some uncomfortable truths come out. Nothing is resolved.
Kane family reunion August 25th, 2021 Bette comes to the penthouse where Kate has returned home. They discuss the future and hope.
An Overdue Conversation August 25th, 2021 Clarice updates Robert on some changes in her life.
The Nightmare Barrier: John Stewart August 25th, 2021 John faces the strange hallucinations of the Nightmare Barrier: first he believes himself under attack by the Brood, before his ring seems to kill them like the Malthusian tech tried to kill them earlier. A hologram tells him to leave, but Green Lanterns are notoriously stubborn. Ultimately, he flies back toward the light, whatever the cost or danger.
Food. Trucks. Back. ALRIGHT! August 25th, 2021 Beware the Gray Ghost. And overeating.
A date with MURDER MITTENS August 25th, 2021 Gabby is held hostage by Mr. Murder Mittens. Tim and she talk. Tim is held hostage.
One Night in Gotham August 25th, 2021 Flamebird meets Huntress
Ev'rybody Wants To Be A Cat August 25th, 2021 Terry approaches the royal siblings of Wakandan with an offer Shuri just can't let T'Challa refuse, on account of his constipation...
Butterflies August 25th, 2021 Tony has Pepper test out a holographic practice program.
Red Sky: I Broke It August 25th, 2021 A possessed, mentally poisoned Blackagar Boltagon is not only a danger to himself but nearly everyone. Hence why Daisy's help is required... on a gas giant, 245 light years from Earth. Where else do you stash the Midnight King?
Midnight at the Hanging Tree August 25th, 2021 Don't hang out in the park at night because that's how you get stabbed.
They Never Got to the Oreos. August 25th, 2021 Was it fate or happenstance? Nicolai, on the run from something sinister, crosses paths with Phoebe again, the only person that could possibly save him.
Halfway to Halfworld August 24th, 2021 In the wake of their pyrrhic victory over Thanos -- they did rescue Nebula, after all -- the Guardians and most of their passengers try to come to terms with all the changes wrought... all the while ignoring the sanest voice among them. (Who, frighteningly, may actually be Mantis.) Nevertheless, cheaters to the last, they are still apparently committed to taking out Thanos moving forward.

After Rocket is fixed.

Until then... well... that's anybody's guess.

Waffles on the Asteroid August 24th, 2021 Waffles for dinner with guests. Mortimer's back on the Asteroid, watch out for that tongue!
A Bad Dream Request August 24th, 2021 A nightmare leads to Rahne helping Clarice through the night.
Is Coriander spicy August 24th, 2021 Notes on how to deal with the lecherous are exchanged. Friendship blossoms over shared interests in teeny wisps of cloth.
This place has Soul(s) August 24th, 2021 Andi and Talia decide to catch up at a club, when Satana catches up with Andi and takes an interest in Talia as well.
PIXIES Slashed My TIRES. What The- August 24th, 2021 Either magic is real, or Cael is crazy. ...seems like a toss up, really.
Kori Power August 24th, 2021 Kori swings and misses?
A New Normal August 24th, 2021 Yelena finds that an attempt at a new normal at SHIELD, somehow feels, alien.
So, About Last Night... August 24th, 2021 The morning after, an understanding is reached. For the most part.
The Joy of Drawing August 24th, 2021 Viv go to the most famous model she knows for her latest art project and Koriand'r is happy to help.
Garden Talk August 24th, 2021 A happy Clarice checks on her fennel plants. Cynthia meets Toad, and Hank gets glomped.
What the hell just happened August 24th, 2021 While Abcde and Lily attempt a magical ritual to severe the connection between Daniel Sousa and Arturo Malevolo, they are strangely interrupted by time nazis calling themselves the Time Variance Authority. They arrest Daniel; Peggy, May, and Abcde race after them to save Daniel as Lily absorbs a time reset charge (because nom!)
A Tunnel of Color August 24th, 2021 A chance meeting, discussions on art and empires.
A Not So Little Apache Told Me aka Job Advice August 24th, 2021 Tabitha asks Sam for help getting a job at Harry's and they watch Roadhouse as off the job training on how to handle working in a bar. Yay for friendly exes.
Eavesdroppers August 24th, 2021 June eavesdrops on the talk between Elektra and JJ and then comes out for a talk. At least there's whiskey.
The Harley Hole August 24th, 2021 Harley is going to get info about Quellazaire no matter what! Babs turns it into Law and Order.
A Martian in the Gardens August 23rd, 2021 No description
A Mote in the Eye of Time August 23rd, 2021 Annual combat practice is for fun, right?
Halfworld and the Truth about Rocket, Part 2 August 23rd, 2021 The Guardians and Friends see that Rocket is going to make it, then they deal with a little robot problem deep within the prison asylum of Halfworld. At least it's not a very difficult win, which some of them probably needed after recent events.
Hunters at the Feast August 23rd, 2021 Amanda bumps into Brunnhilde at The Moveable Feast and finds herself wrapped into a hunt for a missing Dr. Strange.
And Then the Predictable Explosion... August 23rd, 2021 Trauma shared is trauma lessened? And seriously, gas that saps your will sucks.
Great Art=Great Donor August 23rd, 2021 Batman and Zatanna have a late night conversation that ends in them launching on a quest for the most important object in Zatanna's life.
Water under the bridge or over the dam, or wherever the water goes. August 23rd, 2021 Hyperion and Starfire encounter a sinking barge and save the ship and crew. Then they chat. DRAMA!
After Bobbi's Maycation August 23rd, 2021 Daisy drops by to check on Morse, who seems to be in pretty good spirits after the trip to Nepal.
Just a little help August 23rd, 2021 When June gets in a fight, Cal comes and gives just a touch of help to keep her in the black, and put her enemies in the red.
Ghouls of Gotham August 23rd, 2021 Power Girl and Kate Kane just happen to be at the same cemetary and do some chatting, while people rob graves unmolested.
Two Students in a POD August 23rd, 2021 Gabby and Noriko get put into the danger room to deal with an unusual but mundane interaction that Ororo thinks they will need to know how to react to.
Lunchtime Urban Survival Plotting August 23rd, 2021 James and Tabitha discuss teaching urban survival while making lunch.
Hello Blue Boy! August 23rd, 2021 April and Leo catch up and drink some tasty black cherry vitamin waters!
Study in Night August 23rd, 2021 Tim and Phoebe share junk food and studying on a rooftop by candlelight. Yep. Just studying, definitely no canoodling.

She totally borrowed couch cushions from the Laughing Magician's loft for studying.

Filling up the Stash August 23rd, 2021 Gabby visits to stash her birthday gift. Gets to see Satana's gift to Saeko before fleeing into the night.
A visit with Vision August 23rd, 2021 Vision gatekeeps Avengers Mansion successfully.
Blood on the Water August 22nd, 2021 No description
A return home. August 22nd, 2021 No description
The Devil in the Details August 22nd, 2021 June encounters Satana, and is enticed with the idea of otherworldly power.
Bella the Robot August 22nd, 2021 Meeting over noodles.
Hellfire Club End of Summer Pool Party August 22nd, 2021 There was a pool party! Everyone had a time.
Purple Haze August 22nd, 2021 Flights of Fancy are shot down by the deadliest weapon known to man: Motherly disapproval.
Not So Quiet After All August 22nd, 2021 After Gentleman Ghost's unplanned visit, Shazam patches up a window and Jon swings by to check up on Mike. And tonight, they dine.
Quiet Please! August 22nd, 2021 The Gentleman Ghost is no gentleman, interrupting a dinner invite. Phantasm and Shazam are not pleased.
The Nightmare Barrier: Xi'an August 22nd, 2021 Xi'an faces the shadows of her past, fear and temptation, to overcome a creature of nightmare blocking the heart of the crystal from her and her allies.
Misfittings August 22nd, 2021 Babs comes home from the mission at Arkham and finds Charlie enjoying a computer game. She decides to get what's been on her mind out in the open and asks Charlie if she's still happy here.. and if so, would she like to become her legal daughter. The hug suggests that may have been a yes.
The Return of the Pawn and King August 22nd, 2021 Shaw gives Allegra instructions for meeting Emma.
The Nightmare Barrier: Tabitha August 22nd, 2021 Inside the M'kraan crystal, Tabitha falls victim to the same nightmares that face all her teammates. She's confronted by a false vision of her ancient cosmic benefactor, leads the X-men into a horrible slaughter by the Sentinels, but ultimately makes contact with Xi'an and pushes off the nightmare, choosing her friends over fear.
Thanos in Hyperspace when the Quasar Fell (II) August 22nd, 2021 The crew of the Milano with friends attempt to take out Thanos once and for all. Things do not go as planned. The Black Order are not an easy fight, though some fall. Thanos, however, has mastered Hyperspace energy and brings the battle to Phyla-Vell, evaporating her. The crew of the Milano manage to escape and are headed to Half-World with Rocket in stasis on the verge of death. Somehow, Mantis cheated death entirely, which is only fair since Black Swan did the same thing. The quantum bands found a new worthy wearer: Ava.
Conversations with the Contessa August 22nd, 2021 Lydia goes over to Isabella's penthouse hotel room to have a pleasant conversation with her. She's been offered to join Izzy's coven, and she finds out what is entailed with that.
Stare Into The Abyss August 22nd, 2021 A crew of Bats, Birds, and adjacent allies oversee a brief window of maintenance at Arkham Asylum that has many of the inmates temporarily housed in the yard. Quick response times on their parts manages to stop a riot before it can start, thwart an assassination before it can be attempted, and uncover a plot that might have had explosive consequences, without casualties. Though a lot of people got punched real hard.
Small Beginnings August 22nd, 2021 Rocket and the Punisher meet over a deal gone bad. Rocket gets some toys. Punisher gets supplies.
Forecasted coffee and snacks August 22nd, 2021 Meetings and dramatic exits!
Booksignings and Booze 2 August 22nd, 2021 Selina gets two autographed coppies of Trents autobiography The Man Behind The Mask, and free tickets to the preview screening of the reunion piliot.
Artistic endeavors August 21st, 2021 Vivian Vision stops by the Happy Harbor Art class in search of materials and gets some advice from Nick Lytton the schools newest Art Teacher.
Etouffee, Brute August 21st, 2021 Misfit and two Robins (regular and red flavors) interrupt a labor dispute between Penguin and a now-reformed chef previously employed at the Iceberg Lounge.
Good Eating and Good Company August 21st, 2021 Drax is on Earth and is out for some meat when he wanders into a church with his meal. He runs into good company in the form of Gabby and Phoebe and they all get to know each other a little better.
And there was much drinking... August 21st, 2021 Rahne fixes Mystique, Clarice and Mystique try to fix Talia, and Clarice breaks Rahne.
Deathtrap in Black August 21st, 2021 Truly a work of art, the Batman himself showcases his ability to escape a deathtrap! Orphan learns a few things in the process.
Elder Days August 21st, 2021 almost a thousand years ago, Balder is mopey and Sif somehow manages to bring him back from it.
Shadows in the Moonlight August 21st, 2021 Spider-Man meets up with two legends of the past and the mysterious Moon Knight.
Book-Signings and Brews August 21st, 2021 Eddie meets The Gray Ghost and buys a signed copy of his book
Champions Don't Stay Down August 20th, 2021 No description
Director Furry vs Eowyn August 20th, 2021 Jane visits Daisy and Matt at their home and brings Eowyn to meet Director Furry.
So There's These Orphans, Right... August 20th, 2021 Clarice and Rahne talk about the orphans on Genosha
Shi'ar: The White Hot Room August 20th, 2021 Having overcome the nightmare barrier, the X-men and their Green Lantern ally explore the tower in the center of the crystal's city, encountering the mysterious builder, before facing D'Ken and Davan Shakari. The battle seems to fracture the crystal around then (and perhaps all of reality with it), while the version of Jean they have found appears a corpse. Yet James makes contact with the Phoenix, who sweeps them into the center of its domain. It shows them a multitude of Phoenix hosts across time as they ask for their friend's return. The Phoenix agrees, although the process means they will be bonded again - and it demonstrates anger toward Lilandra for the Shi'ar's meddling. Soon after that, they are all ejected from the crystal, returned to the surface of M'Kraan for Illyana to transport home.
Star Girl and Moon King, pt. 1 August 20th, 2021 Reading into weird energy signatures produces a deeply disturbing attack by wild animals in the high Arctic.
So. Guitars, is it August 20th, 2021 Cynthia and Pete impress everyone with their musical talents! Everyone is amazed by Pete's footie skills. There's bonding over trauma, and milkshakes. What else could you ask for?
Happy Clone Day! August 20th, 2021 Gabby has a birthday party with a range of guests that may sometimes be at odds with one another. It goes surprisingly well.
An Unexpected Visit to Asteroid M August 20th, 2021 Although Rogue got to see the Asteroid, things with Remy did not go well. And Clarice got her money back.
The new girlfriend August 19th, 2021 No description
S.N.R August 19th, 2021 No description
Big Bob's Burgers... Yum. August 19th, 2021 Lunch break at Big Belly seems to be really popular!
Wonder Quinn August 19th, 2021 Harley and Diana meet in a park for a catch up and friendly banter! Maybe some bounty hunting deals are settled too...
What, It's Not All Fun and Games August 19th, 2021 Irie comforts Maddie after a traumatic experience, and suggests she consider other teachers. And then the two remember that being friends is more fun than trauma.
Partners as Always August 19th, 2021 A drunk Peggy and Daniel celebrate Daniel's return to duty once some old worries are out of the way.
Hot springs (in more ways than one!) August 19th, 2021 Frank opinions are exchanged. Explorations begin.
The Hanging Gardens of Asgard August 19th, 2021 Sif and Balder dance renewed, secrets are revealed, something beautiful may yet be born.
Another Present August 19th, 2021 Clarice surprises her sister with a piano - and a credit card. What could possibly go wrong?
POP: JacVac Pack Plant August 19th, 2021 Power of Prayer: Investigating a thinning of the veil in Gotham, Balm (Phoebe Beacon) and Red Robin (Tim Drake) not only share some moments with each other in the quite of the Gotham outskirts while setting up monitoring equipment, but Tim also encounters a Time Slip triggered by too much Light near the tear! There are sheep, and a very persistant dog.
The New Transfer August 19th, 2021 A new teacher (Laxmi) and a new student (Jay Guthrie) meet some of the other residents of Xavier's: Lockheed, Hank, Gabby, Rahne, and Talia.
a Late Lunch of Lupper, Sunch August 19th, 2021 Old friends catch up, and plans are made.
Is There A Line August 19th, 2021 Jessica and Elektra, round...anybody even keeping count anymore?
Queen Consequences August 19th, 2021 Oliver comes home after having discovered the tracker in his suit and discussion ensues with his sister. With Felicity trying to fend blows in the middle.
A Maelstrom of a Honey Trap August 18th, 2021 No description
PoP: A Walk at Knight August 18th, 2021 Phoebe is surprised by Cassandra Cain in Hell's Kitchen. The duo take a walk, and get to meet and fight by SIR THEOME OF ULLPOOL.

Luckily, things are already weird around Hell's Kitchen, so when a few ne'er do wells want the helm of a most noble knight, Phoebe and Cass step in to save the day.

Let's go shopping for comics! August 18th, 2021 takes Clarice comic book hunting. They find a few that should interest her.
Thanos in Hyperspace when the Quasar Fell (I) August 18th, 2021 The crew of the Milano with friends attempt to take out Thanos once and for all. Things do not go as planned. The Black Order are not an easy fight, though some fall. Thanos, however, has mastered Hyperspace energy and brings the battle to Phyla-Vell, evaporating her. The crew of the Milano manage to escape and are headed to Half-World with Rocket in stasis on the verge of death. Somehow, Mantis cheated death entirely, which is only fair since Black Swan did the same thing. The quantum bands found a new worthy wearer: Ava.
Metalek Menace! August 18th, 2021 The Justice League and friends stop an alien invasion of earth, and reveal it was all a ruse by Lobo to escape the planet with a captured Superman! It's all a little embarrassing for the Man of Steel, but the day is saved!
Strange Visitor from Another Plane August 18th, 2021 Thomas determines what the love of a kitsune is worth.
Ninja 101 August 18th, 2021 Madison begins her sword training.
What do Shi'ar eat for breakfast August 18th, 2021 Michael Erickson tells his handler, Jessica, a little about why he is on Earth and what his new armor is capable of.
One Evening In Harlem August 18th, 2021 Three heroes meet on a rooftop.
One Last Night August 18th, 2021 Mike finds out what its like to fly without phantasm powers. THANKS SUPERBOY!
Themysciran Vacation: MEN! August 18th, 2021 The Titans are taken to the Palace on Themyscira. Donna visits Terry, Gar and Kian to help them settle in. Kian gets drunk, Gar doesn't get a dress, and Terry faints again (kind of).
Balder-dash! August 18th, 2021 Dance. Romance. Advance. Slaughter.
Something Lost is Found Again. August 18th, 2021 John gets his lighter back, but at what cost to Karita? There's gum under Phoebe's table... she better get on that.
Checkin Checkup August 18th, 2021 A touchstone, a moment to touch base. The changes happening in Rahne draw in Clarice to see if she's alright.
Maybe We're Crazy August 18th, 2021 Anarky makes a point.
Meeting the Contessa pt 2 August 18th, 2021 Lydia, Clarice, and Mystique take the mysterious Countess Isabella up to the asteroid for more questions. Surprising answers are provided, and even more surprising revelations about Lydia herself.
Mistaken I-vegan-free August 18th, 2021 A chance-meeting and the revelation that someone is telling LIES. A dark secret is brushed against but not quite revealed. Yet.
Back in the Field August 18th, 2021 Promotions and awards night back at the Triskelion is a proper reason for everyone to celebrate. Daniel gets reinstated as an agent and Jemma gets the Erskine Award.
Help, Doctor! August 18th, 2021 Doctor McCoy's work in medical is interrupted by Rahne collapsing at his feet! Changes are brewing!
Old Men Flexing August 17th, 2021 No description
Erebos: Themysciran Epilogue August 17th, 2021 After enduring the steps of Erebos and the battle on the island, Cait and Donna reflect on their trip up the steps and what it means for their path going forward.
The Devil Made Me Do It The First Time August 17th, 2021 Anarky continues his war against Hady. Catman does what Lions do.
The Idol: Settling in August 17th, 2021 Having settled at Faati's place the 'gang' barely has time to breathe and relax until they are set upon by sand mages. Are they with the cultists? Featuring chest-naked Asgardians, close encounters with death and lots of magic wand-wiggling! In the end they choose to parlay with this new group.
Temptations August 17th, 2021 Jubilation and Noriko settle in to watch a movie and end up watching a vampire flick. Noriko is distracted by her latest find in her investigative obsession with figuring out what Jubes' deal is...a magazine quiz called,
After the Storm August 17th, 2021 Frank meets up with Peggy to offer his help taking down what is left of HYDRA.
Geek out! August 17th, 2021 Irie, Madison and Billy meet Virgil at the LGS and later the trio head to Philly for some authentic cheesesteaks.
A new home to roost. August 17th, 2021 Chief Peggy Carter has officially signed off on Michael Erickson being a Consultant with SHIELD under Agent Drew's surveillance.
Set it Down. August 17th, 2021 Nicolai and Phoebe meet, face-to-face for the first time. Kick the can and pretzels are a little spot of normal amid some strange conversation.
Welcome Home Daisy August 17th, 2021 Daisy is home at last, she and Matt talk cake, Secret Warriors and secrets.
Enter the Captain August 17th, 2021 Ghost Spider and Bando answer a call about hostages in a bank. They find Captain Stacy, Gwen's father and Bando decides to go in with a plan of his own!
1000 Faces: En Garden! August 16th, 2021 An attack in the Botanic Gardens transpires on a night when Haiti comes alight with terrible purpose. Svartalfheim delivers a vicious blow, taking out the Sorcerer Supreme and mobilizing mystic, Bat, and law enforcement forces... to what end? The stars fall from the sky. Terror awaits. The living breathe another hour.
Tabby's Graduation Celebration August 16th, 2021 After Tabitha passes her finals exam so she can graduate, James takes her out to dinner then on a trip to Proudstar Ranch to celebrate the accomplishment.
New Furniture for Moving Day August 16th, 2021 Clarice and Cynthia start moving into their new quarters. As an escape from emotional discoveries, they go on a shopping trip to London, England for furniture with some of Clarice's friends.
Life Skills and Astral Struggles August 16th, 2021 Clarice and Lydia brain storm how to resolve magical dilemmas, how to properly wrap presents, and religion.
Lions and Foxes and Demons oh My! August 16th, 2021 Satana takes a shower. Pan Takes Liberty. Saeko takes offense. Cheeseburgers are made.
For Love Of A Dragon August 16th, 2021 Warren and Rahne come by the medical bay, where Kitty holds vigil over Lockheed, wounded in the Shi'ar attack.
Do They Still Teach Home Economics August 16th, 2021 Fresh baked cookies are enjoyed as Stephanie and Dick catch up about turtles and Titans.
Drink Up August 16th, 2021 On the hunt for another drink, Rocket finally comes across a promising place. Naturally, it's a little weird.
Here's your MONEY August 16th, 2021 Rogue goes to pay Remy some BLOOD MONEY! Er, just some money from Blink from Lorna to Remy for a ticket, or something? Who really even knows!
About Four Months Late For Finals August 16th, 2021 Hank proctors Tabby's attempt to finally graduate before another school year can start and the result is a PASS!
Busted, Bro. August 16th, 2021 With Oliver reverting to his old ways, Thea has her work cut out, doesn't she? When she interrupts him taking on members of the Triad in an alleyway in The Glades, it leads to a rooftop chase for the siblings - only Oliver's the chased. At the end of it, she may have won the battle, but the war's far from over.
Cats And Curses August 16th, 2021 While helping a ghost out, Karita discovers a zippo that belongs to -- someone else -- and this is the resulting chaos with her boyfriend, Andy.
Mr. Erickson Goes To Asgard August 16th, 2021 Asked to make visitation by Lady Sif, Michael/Cal'hatar finds the conversation to be of revelations and other things - but above all, an ally made as the world gets very serious around him.
PoP: Meeting of the Minds August 16th, 2021 Lara get a job; but the completion of such could mean life or death for John Constantine. Questions are answered about the events in the Bronx, but more are left unanswered. Lydia gets a crash course in the Constantine method of teaching magic and doesn't disappoint.
One Night at the Empire Club August 15th, 2021 No description
Karoke! August 15th, 2021 No description
Garden Greeting August 15th, 2021 Small scene where people meet and chat.
Dollhouse: Moving back to the Triskelion August 15th, 2021 SHIELD is back in the Triskelion. And a new Green Lantern arrived in town.
Shi'ar: Into the Crystal August 15th, 2021 The X-Men break some perfectly good space quarantine gear and finally make contact with the M'kraan crystal, sensing a disturbance caused by D'Ken's meddling. Once inside its impossible space, they feel as though they can almost reach the center of everything, only to be cast into a void filled with the greatest horrors of their own souls.
News and a Question August 15th, 2021 Clarice delivers tea, chocolate, and news - while despite being interrupted by friends and an angry cajun - then shocks Lorna with an unexpected question.
Badass meets Evil (take 2) August 15th, 2021 Jason storms off. Satana strikes out.
Life in Greenwich August 15th, 2021 Hope drops by the Village to see what Conner is up to.
All work and no play make Reed something something August 15th, 2021 Ben and Reed share a meal and discuss the State of Affairs.
The Devil is in the details. Or maybe he's not at his club tonight. August 15th, 2021 Heather and Shuri meet at Lux and discuss charity, girl scouts, S'Mores, and super powers.
We're All Mad Here August 15th, 2021 John finds out that Phoebe knows more than he feels comfortable with. Chas refuses to let her take the fall, and Phoebe expresses her interest to stay on with John and Chas after the current myriad issues with Abominations and Gods of Death are resolved. No one gets to brood on a rooftop. It's awkward.
In Erebos: Catching Caitlin August 15th, 2021 Caitlin falls, Donna flies. They almost fight, but end up hugging instead. Nadia joins them, and the three go Up.
Without A Trace August 15th, 2021 A group of very committed postal workers track down a gathering of young costumed vigilantes atop Gotham's roofs to deliver a message.
So many Questions August 15th, 2021 Nick and Thomas are seeing some warning signs at the casting call for an up and coming TV Series...
Sister Shopping! August 15th, 2021 Lydia takes Clarice to go shopping for her newly found sister. Hank and Mystique joins them for a bit of banter and a bit of philosophy, and a lot of chocolate was bought.
They'll be Okay. August 15th, 2021 Oliver and Thea get a lead on Oliver's situation. But with Oliver reverting to old ways, will Thea keep it together long enough to make good on her promise?
Madison's Sweet Sixteen August 15th, 2021 A successful Birthday party is hard! After all, any party where you play Imperial Assault is a win. Even if there is some love triangle awkwardness amongst the teens.
Waking Up August 15th, 2021 A talk of crazy dreams
Birthday Wishes August 14th, 2021 No description
Someone Lost Has Been Found August 14th, 2021 Mystique takes Clarice to meet her long lost sister Cynthia, who is taken back to the Asteroid to live with her.
Can Happiness be Deserved August 14th, 2021 A manic Clarice shares her good news with Rahne.
Relativity August 14th, 2021 A little ice cream for the soul.
Birthday at Sister Margarets August 14th, 2021 April joins Vanessa for a night of drinking on Vanessa's birthday
Grim Relations: A Family Connection August 14th, 2021 John Constantine takes an astral walk-about to Brooklyn, where a lone ghost is holding a vigil -- but this ghost has connections to the girl living above his bar.
The Raptor's Claws August 14th, 2021 Dying on the field after helping rout Shi'ar forces from the Grey family home, Michael Erickson/Cal'hatar finds a fallen Raptor which he brought low still has power...and the machine gets a new host to save both their lives.
PoP: Murder in the Streets August 14th, 2021 A map pings trouble, John answers the call and finds a lot more than he bargained for - fortunately help shows itself in some unfamiliar faces. It's a win in his book, until someone tries to separate him from Meggan when he knows she needs him most. Chas winds up with unexpected house guests.
Amazon's, Hell Lord's, and a Spirit. And no, it's not Bezos August 13th, 2021 No description
Pan Pan Pan August 13th, 2021 No description
Discord never dies... or does it August 13th, 2021 Lady Death and Zatanna have exorcised the goddess. Okay, Hyperion mostly possessed by Goddess of Strife. Two magic powerhouses turned that around. Plot continues!
What rests in the woods August 13th, 2021 Saeko shows Satana her 'workplace' and a picnic is had!
Your Daily Dose August 13th, 2021 An unknown contagion sweeps through the attendees of the 23rd annual Conference on Innovation in Neurocognitive Therapies, held at the Gotham Royal Hotel. A team of Bats and their allies manage to subdue most of those affected, but find little answers to the root cause of the chaos.
In Erebos: The Gates of Doom August 13th, 2021 The Titans in Tartarus reach the top of the stairs just minutes ahead of the army of undead centaurs, but fortunately Diana has already sent word home to be on the alert, and brought extra Titans as reinforcements. The army of Themyscira and the Titans join together in an epic battle for the defense of Paradise Island, and a law that has stood for two thousand years is set aside - for the first time since the rise of Rome, men step foot on Themysciran soil, in recognition of the service they have done the Amazons.
May's Vocation August 13th, 2021 Bobbi and May explore the ruins of Afterlife and consider what the future holds for Inhumanity.
Leavin' On a Jet Plane August 13th, 2021 Melinda and Phil touch base in the hangar before she prepares to depart for Nepal. There's a lot said, and unsaid. But there will be pasta later.
Watch Him for Me August 13th, 2021 Before she leaves for Nepal, May seeks out Daisy. The pair make sure they're each doing okay, May explains a little more about just why the Framework was so harrowing, and together they agree to keep an eye on the oddly behaving Phil.
An Awkward Visit August 13th, 2021 And then they have sandwiches?
May's Salvation August 13th, 2021 Phil, Lance, and Daisy set off on a quinjet to find May and Bobbi who have failed three checkins. Luckily they have a flare which makes finding them a lot easier. May (accidentally) leaves her empathic life line, the magical dagger from Abcde, behind in the cave. The pair leave something else behind in that cave too.. a lot of guilt and self loathing.
He Just Forgot. August 13th, 2021 Once again, a Phoebe bandaid is put on the damage done by Astaroth, but how long will it hold? Chas is drawn to his last by John's blase' attitude, Meggan's drawn to hers by Chas - but everyone walks away living and breathing another day, that's a win.
A drink in the VIP August 13th, 2021 Betsy and Remy share a drink and a dance.
After The Patrol August 13th, 2021 Members of the Bat Family cross paths in the Batcave as Bruce returns with injuries from fighting a reptile in the sewers.
The Morning After an Alien Invasion August 13th, 2021 Clarice and Lorna have a disagreement about the nature of her duty to the Crown.
Hair Club for Men looks for Thunderpants, finds the Stabinator August 13th, 2021 Stabinator and Vindicator chat up the depressed prince.
Meeting the Contessa pt 1 August 13th, 2021 Lydia and company meet the Contessa Isabella and introductions are made. Pleasantries all around and Lydia signs one of her books. In the end they decide to retire to someplace more private.
Painful Memories August 12th, 2021 No description
The Talk(tm) August 12th, 2021 No description
A less bright moment August 12th, 2021 No description
God of War August 12th, 2021 No description
Pool thoughts August 12th, 2021 Elektra and Selene talk about their next steps.
1000 Faces: The Sound of His Wings - Op. 3 August 12th, 2021 Stephen Strange comes to Paris, not for baguettes, but to awaken the comatose population and put an end to the strife between two death gods.
Sake--No Thanks, I'm Soba August 12th, 2021 Red Robin promised Balm (or threatened her with?) a Talk. Instead, Tim Drake and Phoebe Beacon meet up for a little bit of emotional support between friends and a lot of emotional eating.
Mopey Milkshakes August 12th, 2021 Clarice is mopey and awkward, until conversation's turn to easier topics - like Mystique's incarceration.
In Erebos: Outside Looking In August 12th, 2021 Kate and Cassie take not-Pandora's box to Diana for safekeeping, and to discuss the Titans who've managed YET AGAIN to get trapped in some crazy dimension. It is decided that a trip to Themyscira is in order. More importantly, Ferdinand is catering the journey.
Topsy Turvy August 12th, 2021 What do you do with a drunken Terry? Bring him a potted plant!
A Trick of the Tale of Two August 12th, 2021 Foxy lady seduces demon chick. Film at 11.
Dollhouse August 12th, 2021 The Ragdoll shows up! And off!
Earth 34 Ollie. August 12th, 2021 Bette and Oliver catch up, he shares a secret he hasn't even shared with Thea and there's a van to be found. Of course he's not going solo on this, never.
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