Pym Particle

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The Pym Particle is an invention by Dr. Hank Pym. The Pym Particle is a subatomic particle that exhibits unique space-time curvature when exposed to radiation. It is kept suspended in a viscous liquid to keep it stable and control energy regulation.

The term 'particle' is something of a misnomer. The Pym Particle is a solution which leverages the effects of Gamma Rays, Zeta Radiation, and Ionic Radiation. The suspension fluid 'locks' the particles in temporal stasis until they can be utilized. In terms of practical effects, these allow users to modify their mass, their size, or their density.

Regulators and manual controls permit the user to adjust the scale of electrostatic repulsion; this corrects for many of the issues of force over area that might otherwise be encountered, and adjust the mass/weight ratio rapidly as well. Thus, an insect-sized man could throw a punch with a strength/weight ratio corrected even by the q^2 ratio, but still maneuver through an environment without destroying it. Adjusting density is a very delicate task that only super-intelligent AIs like Vision can accomplish without causing self-harm. The simplest (and primary) use of the Pym Particle is mass shunting and manipulating the physical dimensions of an object to allow the user to grow or shrink at will.

Most people using Pym radiation require enclosed environmental suits. Metagene responses to Pym radiation have resulted in secondary powers that address issues such as q^2 weight, density, heat buildup, and respiration.

Pym Particles cannot typically be used to store shrunken objects indefinitely. The effective duration of storage/compression scales to factors like mass and size. Volatile or radioactive items can be set off by the energy captured in the Pym Field or cause a local Pym Field effect to collapse entirely. Expensive and highly specialized suits and pieces of equipment (such as Nadia Pym-van Dyne's crystal laboratory) are exceptions to the rule. Most of the Ant-Family carries a token or jewelry that stores their combat attire, spare Pym particles and equipment, and some survival gear.

Long-term storage of shrunk items otherwise requires significant power generation and radiation shields that are grossly cost-ineffective.

Prolonged exposure to the Pym Particle exacerbated Pym's underlying schizophrenic disorders. Other users have not seen a similar effect.