Rain Winterson

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Rain Winterson (Scenesys ID: 3683)
Name: Winter Moonwolf Silvertree
Superalias: Rain
Gender: Female
Species: Magical Human
Occupation: Minor magic detective, and helping find things and heal people. She can even find money

in couches. Glory be!

Citizenship: American
Residence: Homeless
Education: Bachelor of Electric Engineering
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Mystic Arts
Apparent Age: 24 Actual Age: 24
Date of Birth 21 Oct 1997 Played By
Height: 5'10" Weight: 120lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Purple
Theme Song: Dark Magic Music - Salem's Secret

Character Info


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For the time, Rain is a homeless witch doing tasks to get favors like food, healing people and finding things. She enjoys math, and seems to keep to herself. She just has a little of time with her magic. Her cat familiar is hale and hardy, all is well. She has to be careful of witch hunters and eldrich critters. Some would note that Rain is pretty modest.


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Easy Bake Coven:
Winter was born into the Moontree family, who were a clan of witches hiding behind pretentious names and things that seemed so new age they were just odd rather than actively magical. Okay, they even spelled magic with a k. Yikes. As a kid, Winter wasn't really expected to take up the family's mantle or even receive any of their powers. Talk about starting the cosmic life expectations bar so low they might've well just painted it on, then threw her on a trampoline so she'd bounce over it and go away. Regardless of the low, low expectations of her from her family, Winter proved to be fairly clever and resilient if something of a smart alec. She did do pretty well in school, and even managed to net herself a few scholarships for being good with sciencey stuff. It was working out pretty well for her, even if she was pretty bummed out about never being accepted into the great family secret while her siblings were.
Either way, she ended up going to college. And that's where things got slightly more surreal than Gary Coleman fighting crime while riding a giraffe.

* 1997: Born and Raised in California as her family wished to see the immense sequoia and be left alone so they need not hide. Sadly, no magic yet.
* 2015: Learned math well, reveled in nerdzone. She adopts a cat, who is later magic himself.
* 2019: Colleeeggeee! She graduated, after summoning Phil, the prince of dimly lit. In being startled, she set his shoes on fire on accident. He lectures them and takes away their magic items.
* 2021: Started healing people, minor dowsing.

Totally Witchin':
Rain's family is a powered up group of tarot-style sun bathing for your butt type sorts. She was treated as second class, due to being unable to cast magic. One bad thing though, weird things happened to her and around her. She actually got a little loopy while her friends set up some sort of roomba in a pentagon. Sadly, it threw her life loop over loop. Her magic showed up Phil, the denizen of Dimly Lit Rooms No One Bothers To Turn On*. In being startled, she set the demon's shoes on fire by accident. Over time, it made it harder and harder to be normal.
*He did, however, seem polite and took away their occult items and gave them a formal lecture before sitting down to watch RuPaul. They did put out the fire on his shoes.It's kind of a douche move, really. Her family taught her the basics and advice. Since she's an electrical engineer 4 year degree haver, that wasn't the problem. It was the occult critters making her life heck. Most bosses are not keen about setting things on fire, or even just dealing with the kobolds raiding the fridge. Now that she's set up with gun relics instead of a wand. There are far too many wand jokes.

IC Journal

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Rain is a geek, it's true. She even goes to mathlete events. She's shy, and being thrust into the occult life has made it really difficult has held mundane jobs despite her attempts. But she is a nice person, and even may uber with a broom. Maybe.

Character Sheet


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She has the ability to find things if she has a lucky stick and crystal. One of her stronger points.

Roughly street level. Can channel it to gun to use arcane magic. It's like a wand. Without the wand jokes.

Rain can fly on a broom or a swarm of roombas. Rain is a very cautious driver, lest she ends up on of those clear windows.

Mystic Mutation:
While Rain has the odd quirk of temporarily newting people in a newt community. Don't worry, you'll get better soon.

Roomba More Like Doomba:
Most of the time, none of her more powerful sisters and relatives (Rain does not know who or WHAT her dad was. Her mom was a serious party harvest type. Rain was left out, though allowed basic training. They grudgingly sent her alone. Said witches stayed hidden, regardless. As there are witches, so there is a witch hunter, and Rain tends to try to keep them at bay. Despite magic, her family sort of just let her fly on her own like a bird. Speaking OF birds, Rain can fly on either roombas or a broom.


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Electric Enginering:
She has a bachelor's degree in Electric Engineering and all that entails.

Magical Tools:
Often, Rain can use her fusions of tech and magic. Or at least divine hints.


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A Helping Hand.:
Rain does deliveries, gaining access to food and showers for work.

Rain has a talking, magic cat. He is orange and his name is Captain. He means well, but he's much more direct. He is a cat.


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Homeless. It's not great. But for now, she's a free agent.



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Rain Winterson has 2 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Serpents on a Statue December 21st, 2024 A group of heroes stop a variety of snake, lizard, and reptile themed secret terrorist organizations determined to destroy the Statue of Liberty! Happy holidays and enjoy your shenanigans.
Sinner In Your Cap August 18th, 2024 In Saints and Sinners, a witch and two half demons talk and sizzle.


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Rain Winterson has 2 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Rain Winterson has been credited in 0 shows.

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Rain Winterson has been credited in 0 albums.

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Rain Winterson has authored 0 books.

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Group Memberships

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