Renee Bombas

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  Bomb Queen  
Renee Bombas (Scenesys ID: 2979)
Name: Renee Bombas
Superalias: Bomb Queen
Gender: Female
Species: Human-ish
Occupation: Freelance Dictator
Citizenship: Seychelles
Residence: International
Education: Vat Imprinting
Theme: Image (VFC)
Apparent Age: 24 Actual Age: 24
Date of Birth 24 Apr 1997 Played By Christine Ricci
Height: 5'7" Weight: 130lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Green
Twitter: @Eroist
Theme Song: Killer Queen

Character Info


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*19XX: The government decides to create their own foils; Bomb Queen is the result of a geneticist's nightmare spawned in a series of vats. The actual Bomb Queen is the most stable prototype and then unleashed upon the world.
1995: Bomb Queen joins up with Ice Queen, Scream Queen, and Drama Queen to become the terror of New Port City. Together, their villainous reign is untouchable.
1998: Alas, calumny and deceit! The other Queens decide to try their hand at being legit heroes in order to rake in government contracts; this goes a bit sideways because the Bomb Queen, well, murders them all. In the end, there is just one Queen.
1999-20016: The Bomb Queen consolidates her power. There are challenges to her reign over what is essentially an independant city state - governmental challenges, presidential scandals, etc. She even has to worry about an invasion from Hell.
2010: A challenger to her power hires in an out of town hero, who is thoroughly embarassed. The political challenger then gets into the mutagen and attempts to take on the Bomb Queen directly. It doesn't end well for them.
2012: A government operation tries to destabilize her by pitching her up against a former rival, the Ice Queen. It doesn't go well for anyone - brutality wins the day.
2013: Her origin as a clone is made clear when a better, improved version attempts to take the reigns. This will not do - in besting her rival, she huffs up some pure clone gas and enters a newly unstable level of power.
2015: The Bomb Queen conquers Hell. Or to be mild about it, she turns her familiar - actually a demon lord - and their plans around them on. Absorbing the elemental power of hate and cruelty into herself, it bolsters her genetic malformities into something truely terrifying.
Present - Opposition parties have had enough of a singular figure running the show; in one of those displays of arrogance and self-assurance, the Bomb Queen ditches New Port City so they can fend for themselves and find out what it's like with an even more malevolent figure at the helm. Due to being a walking war crime, her only real option for a travelling tour is to take an extradimensional portal out and way from her home world.

IC Journal

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Ambiguously French:
She has gallic sang froid in spades. A little casual nihilism, a lot of self-serving egalitie when at work. And a sleazy disregard for social norms on top of that all.

Awesomely arrogant; she's used to popping bombs into the face into all opposition and relying on a cult-like following. Being immune to her own destructive tendencies cranks this up but the basic level of self assurance means that she's used to coming out on top. Going to war with her minions, the government, Hell itself, isn't going to make her blink.

Big Demoliton Energy:
She blows things up. She's immune to her own detonations and revels in that; casual carnage is not even something that registers in her mind until it can be used against her adversaries. There's that reckless, devil may care attitude that was charming in her home city and is obnoxiously dangerous in every other situation.

Everything that the Bomb Queen does is for the best possible benefit of the Bomb Queen. Her own comfort and security is paramount; everything else can be shoved to the side in order to make sure that she has creature comforts, some social cachet, and that unstoppable Big Demolition Energy.

Character Sheet


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The Bomb Queen can do bombs for days. She's intimately familiar with making her own explosives and not shattering her own fingers off in the process; everything from microexplosives the size of a button to full nuclear devices. If it combusts rapidly and with colossal effect, she can do it.

She doesn't suffer from her own explosions. Whether hand crafted or hell granted, she always gets the best out of her bombs without suffering the negative effects. Other explosions don't have quite the same punch - she's just that used to flitting about on concussive shockwaves - but she isn't immune to them. Drop a grenade at her feet and she'll flip away from it pretty easily - strap a bomb to her chest and it's going to hurt for her like it would for the average villain.

The Bomb Queen is #whatever of #howevermany, one of many attempts to create the perfect supervillain. All her clones are supposedly gone and eliminated, because she hates competition. But did she fall off that cliff to disappear forever or is there a clone waiting in the wings? Who knows~!

The Bomb Queen is clone-tank protoplasm that walks and talks and has its own personality. The anatomy is pretty close to human, at least enough that she doesn't notice big differences, but with a lot of cellular redundancy. Meaning that she can take hits that'd turn lesser villains into pulp - not gracefully or particularly well, but she's not a one-and-done antagonist. One good king hit is going to rattle her cage and put her back, but it takes sustained effort to put her down for certain.

She bounces back from scrapes and cuts easily. And dismemberment and deep gouges and everything else. Partly it's due to having a clone-tank perfect physiology, and the rest of it is being the host to the elemental force of hatred within her body.

On top of what she can whip up in her garage, the Bomb Queen is empowered by the forces of hatred and spite in Hell; mixed with own soupy genetic history, she can conjure explosive force at will. It is distinctly a bomb-like power; it's more about conjuring up detonations to be rather than blasting things out of her fingertips.
These are a mixed bag; primarily sheer concussive force obeying the laws of physics, and then partly the channel of Hell-bound spite that follows quirkier metaphysics. So. She can blow things up but there is a bit of delay and predmeditation involved. This tends to scale with the severity of hatred available; while the Queen is naturally an enormously, virulently spiteful creature, this is good enough for a block-levelling blast if she wanted to push herself. When squaring off with the Transcendal Meditation cult, that's as far as it goes. Against someone that truely despises what she is, the hatorade goes exponential and she rapidly scales up to megaton levels - primarily in focused, directed discharges to work against the typical heroic durability.
All in, go big or go home efforts typically take time to recover from. 'Simple' blasts that can clear a room or level the average playground can come out in rapid succession.


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According to being immune to her own explosions, or at least the downsides of them, she can rocket jump. Just like that obnoxious Quake kiddie, she can ride her own blasts at will. She's used to flying through the sky at enormous velocity and getting where she needs to be. Layer that on top of flexibility, and she's incredibly agile and hard to pin down without overwhelming force.

She ran a whole city. Kind of. A lot of it was delegated away, but she's familiar with holding the reigns of power and keeping the worst people possible working together well enough to function. As long as cannibalism and minor insurrections are seen as the cost of doing business rather than horrible defects, she's a very capable leader.

Mostly it applies to her home dimension. But the instincts are the same no matter what; she's adept as generating controversy, setting honeypots, digging up dirt, etc. If there's a hint of scandal or weakness - or just the possibility of it - she's got experience in blowing it up into a major, career-wrecking media circus if pushed too far.


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Oh, sure, her best stockpile is away on some other fold in the multiverse. She just has a talent for sniffing out massive destruction. Old radical stockpiles, 'decomissioned' government stores, whatever it is, she just has a knack for finding the finest of boom.

Bomb Queen has that personality that is media friendly; plenty of scandal and mass appeal, and oodles of experience in working it to her best advantage. She's not going to go hungry as long as someone, somewhere, wants a atom-by-atom rundown of how famous bombings went. Add to that, she's marketable; cute, young, confrontational, if someone needs a sound byte then she's happy to provide it for an appropriate fee.


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There is no particular ethos or drive beyond her own self-satisfaction at work. She's happy to prop up whatever twisted regime or philosophy comes along, if it aligns with her own interests and pleasures. Naturally this means that she has nothing to fall back on; if she can't get by on her own interests, then she's done. There's no ideological bulwark to fall back on.

Seriously arrogant! There's never been a real challenge to her that wasn't, in some way, self-inflicted. She's used to sweeping the table and only wary about close personal betrayal in one flavor of another. Her immunity to her own explosions helps engender that better-than-thou attitude too, since the most dramatic end to villains and heroes usually comes about because of explosions. Which she can't be hurt by.



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Renee Bombas has 5 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Shopping is The Bomb! July 2nd, 2022 A blast was had by all.
Bombs in the Bank Boom Round and Round June 25th, 2022 Bomb Queen attempts to rob a bank. Hercules bonks her out of it!
It's Gloatin' Time June 18th, 2022 Unable to pass on a chance to brag and gloat, Cain has Gabby meet up at the Bar With No Name. A new friend is possibly made and the bragging begins.
=Going with the flow, in Mutant Town. June 12th, 2022 Bane commits the city's biggest party foul.
The Booms in the Bank Explode Round and Round June 11th, 2022 The Bomb Queen goes for booms at the bank but gets Buster'd up.


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Renee Bombas has been credited in 0 shows.

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Renee Bombas has been credited in 0 albums.

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Renee Bombas has authored 0 books.

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