Roderick Kingsley

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  The Hobgoblin  
Hobgoblin (Scenesys ID: 3782)
Name: Roderick Kingsley
Superalias: The Hobgoblin
Gender: Male
Species: Mutate
Occupation: CEO of Kingsley Ltd.
Citizenship: Belizean-American
Residence: New York, New York
Education: College Graduate
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Apparent Age: 36 Actual Age: 36
Date of Birth 13 Jun 1985 Played By Laz Alonso
Height: 6' Weight: 185 lbs
Hair Color: Dyed Platinum blond. Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: When you're evil-Voltaire

Character Info


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Roderick Kingsley is a passionate fashion dsigner, and ruthless businessman. He carries himself with style and a soft spoken intensity and a mysterious aura. The Hobgoblin is like a demon out of hell. Mayhem and destruction are the only things the Hobgoblin cares for. No one could look at these 2 and deduce that they're one and the same.


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* 1985: Roderick is born in Belize

* 2003: Kingsley moves to New York for and to pursue his dream as a fashion designer.

* 2013: With a combination, of talent, and ruthless business practices Roderick has made Kingsley ltd. becomes one of the top fashion brands in the world. Making Roderick a multimillionaire.

* 2018: Kingsley is sabotaged and exposed for his business tactics by jilted designer turned supervillain Narda Ravanna aka Bella Donna.

* 2021: May: Small time criminal George Hill discovers an abandon hideout belonging to the green goblin. He alerts his boss Roderick to the find. Kingsley steals everything he can get out of the building and then kills George Hill to leave no one able to connect him back to this.

* 2021: June: After adapting and redesigning of goblin tech Roderick makes his first attempt to do crime as the hobgoblin. But after barely escaping his first encounter with Spider-man. Roderick realizes he need to gain super powers like the Green goblin has.

* 2021: July: After reading through all the data and journals Kingsley discovers the goblin formula and goes about acquiring and/or stealing the chemical componants needed to create it.

* 2021: August: Roderick begins testing the goblin formula on criminals on his payroll. Roderick watches as the formula proves exsplosively volatile. Blowing up in the face of the people mixing it and causing insanity in those who take it. Roderick would routinely send out test subjects out as the hobgoblin to test how well they fair against Spider-Man. rigging them with bombs to kill them when they get captured.

* 2021: September-december:Roderick spends time customizing and iterating on the goblin tech and perfecting his new goblin formula.

IC Journal

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The master of misdirection, Roderik constantly planning and scheming. There is always a cloak of lies and deception protecting him. From using his twin brother as a stand in. or brainwashing street criminals to test out hobgoblin tech. Roderick is always just out of reach for anyone coming for him directly. You can never be sure he's given you the truth. Or even that you've actually met him.

Ruthless Ambition:
From growing up in Belize, the elite millionaire class in New York city, and building a fashion empire along the way. Roderick didn't get to where he is by honest hard work alone. Kingsley ltd is built on the backs of many people he's cheated betrayed and stolen from. There is nothing he won't do to make more money and gain more clout. Plagerism, Hostile takeovers, coperate espionage, organized crime, nothing is off the table when it comes to getting what he wants.

Roderick is world famous Fashion designer, and its gotten to his head. He is incredibly Vain, self-centered. A general egomaniac with a flair for style and drama that makes him very eccentric. He also tends to hold grudges over perceived slights and bruises to his ego. His public humiliation at the hands of Bella Donna has left him enbittered and craving revenge. Blaming everyone but himself for his downfall.

Character Sheet


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Goblin Formula:
Roderick's body has been radically altered by exposure to a mutagenic chemical concoction he calls the Goblin Formula. Roderick's body has been singificantly improved well beyond human maximum, giving him superhuman reflexes, stamina and speed approximately ten times that of the human norm. His strength has reached a superhuman level, allowing him to rip a man's limbs from his body or crumple a car door in his grip, with a maximum lift/press level of 10 tons. His body's tissues are extremely resilient, allowing him to withstand multiple story falls, being hit by a car or taking a blow of moderate superhuman strength relatively undamaged. Beyond that, his enhanced metabolism causes him to heal at an accelerated rate, with cuts and bruises disappearing almost immediately, broken bones taking hours and intense enough to let him eventually recover and survive from seemingly mortal wounds, albeit with a significant amount of rest and time.


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Roderick is a ruthless businessman with a reputation as a for driving competitors out of business. Through stealing IP, hiring away key members of rival businesses, insider trading and every other dirty trick in the book Kingsley has left a trail of ruin in his path to success. nothing matters beyond the profits, except the ocasional indulgence of his ego.

Even before taking up the mantle of the Hobgoblin, Kingsley had been paying to have some of the best fight trainers in the world train him in order to keep fit. Since finding the goblin hideout Roderick has begun looking into finding of the deadlier members of the criminal underworld to advance his training even further.

Psychological Warfare:
Having intimate knowledge of how people can be psychologically influenced, Rodierick uses all his advertising experience to mold the hobgoblin into symbol of Terror and Chaos. He hopes to follow and surpass the terroristic nature of the Green Goblin. His constant scheming and deception help him exploit psychological vulnerabilities of his targets.

Resourceful Scientist:
Though not particulaly known for his scientific genius, Roderick was able to use his resources and connections to customize his gear. He tasked many scientist on his payroll and black market dealers help him to reverse engineer and improve upon the Green Goblin's tech.


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The Goblin costume is designed of advanced polymers and kevlar weave, providing solid armor with maximum flexibility. It is shockproof, flame-retardant and resistant to puncture by bullets and conventional knives. His mask includes thermal and infrared capabilities, wireless hook-up to give control of devices such as the Goblin Glider and glare-protection lenses over his eyes. Filtration in the nosepiece protects him from the effects of his own gases and chemical weapons.

The Green Goblin's Glider is among his most signature elements, the flying machine that enables him to create mayhem all over New York. Designed to look like an oversized bat, the Glider has a wingspan that can extend from six to ten feet depending on speed and wind currents, compensating automatically for differences in air pressure. Using the rocket booster at its back, the glider can reach speeds of up to 200 mph, unheard of air speed in limited urban environments, making it difficult to track, pursue or stop. The Glider is extremely maneuverable, enabling the Goblin to perform complex tricks and positioning in aerial combat. In terms of weaponry, the Glider possesses a set of ten mini-missiles, each capable of detonating a semi-truck cab, along with rapid-fire rotary machine guns able to fire up to 40 rounds per second.

Kingsley Ltd.:
Kingsley Ltd. grew from a start up in new york to quickly exploding into being one of the most profitable companies in the industry. Kingsley Ltd. has since expanded into one of the larger multinational companies with subsidiaries in many different fields from Chemicals to clothing to egineering. If Roderick needs it he probably has stake in a company that can provide it.

Roderick's majority controlling stake in Kingsley Ltd. is just the start. Through clever investing, and sometimes illegal trading and he's taken his networth from $575m before taking Kingsley public to now massing an impressive $8.5 billion. With homes in NYC, Milan, Paris, Belize and Santa Prisca. Kingsley also boasts a very impressive car collection and even a mega yacht.

The Green Goblin employs a wide variety of personal weapons of his own design. Most super -combatant level gadgets are within his realm of invention, but he has a few personal favorites upon which he often relies:

Pumpkin Bombs - Resembling flaming jack o'lanterns, these grenades can explode with the force of several sticks of dynamite, equivalent to a powerful car bomb. He also has varieties which release tear gas, hallucinatory gases and knockout gas.
Razorbats - Throwing weapons edged with razor sharp carbon steel, capable of puncturing light body armor and extremely painful.
Zap Gloves - Weapons built into the gloves of his costume allow him to throw lightning- like electricity blasts from the tip of his finger, as well as provide incredible shocking grasp capabilities if he gets a hold on someone, more than capable of knocking an ordinary person unconscious or even killing someone with vulnerable health conditions.


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Duality of Man:
The chaotic and cruel Hobgoblin, and intense Kingsley. These 2 personas are opposite sides of the coin. But the quiet scheming Roderick shares very little incommon with the wild destructive Hobgoblin. Though spared the full insanity of the regular Goblin Formula Roderick still finds himself now carrying a dark passenger in his mind. It's unclear at times if Roderick is really himself or has been sunk into the backgroud by the Hobgoblin.

Roderick holds grudges, he holds on to every slight every insult. He keeps lists and always scheming to hurt those that have found themselves on his lists of enemies. after beyong humbled by spier-man once Hobgoblin is bound sn determined to "humble" him to avenge his wounded pride. Roderick never forgets any negative interaction

Secret Identity:
Being outed as a terrorist and avillain would understandably hurt the stock prices of Kingsley ltd. Roerick has to take many precautions and layers of misdirection to make sure no one knows that the Terrible Hobgoblin and Eccentric billionaire Roderick Kingsley are in fact one and the same.

Roderick is a strange fellow, a criminal mastermind immersed in the culture of the fashion world. Roderick obsesses over his looks and his reputation with 'high' society. He has a reputation for an explosively short fuse, particularly where his sense of design and style is insulted.



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Roderick Kingsley has 5 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
a chance encounter in the park April 4th, 2022 Hobgoblin gets frustrated and leaves. Susan has the means to escape eventually.
Hobgoblin on the March March 13th, 2022 M and Hobgoblin have a brutal brawl in the Financial District. Hobbly flies away the winner.
White Queen and The king(sley) in Yellow February 23rd, 2022 Business proposal made, and flirtation failed.
Terror Couture February 7th, 2022 Mighty Woman drove off the hobgoblin but Roderick still achieved his goals
Starbursts and Pumpkins January 19th, 2022 The Star Spangled Kid learns a valuable lesson about being prepared and knowing her limits


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Roderick Kingsley has 5 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Roderick Kingsley has been credited in 0 shows.

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Roderick Kingsley has been credited in 0 albums.

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Roderick Kingsley has authored 0 books.

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