Sioned ya Jua

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Sioned ya Jua (Scenesys ID: 5165)
Name: Sioned ya Jua
Superalias: Sunrunner
Gender: Female
Species: Homo Magi
Occupation: Solar Physicist in Training
Citizenship: Wakandan
Residence: New York City
Education: Masters' Program in Columbia University
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Mystic Arts
Apparent Age: 23 Actual Age: 23
Date of Birth 14 Aug 2000 Played By Tyra Banks
Height: 5'7" Weight: 125 pounds
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: "I'm Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves

Character Info


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Sioned is a refugee from Niganda, brought to Wakanda as a baby to escape that corrupt regime who would want to exploit the magic she would develop into. Her parents gone, she has a new family adopted into, and grew up and prospered, developing sun-based magicks. After becomign an adult, she went to the United States on a student visa to study to become a solar physicist - she is currently in a Masters' program.


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* 2000: Born in Niganda to a single mother (her father died in a border skirmish with Wakanda). Her red hair was an omen of magical potential according to folklore. Though living in Niganda, her mother never cared for the corrupt government of the place and dreamed one day of getting free.

* 2001: After it became clear that Sioned was magically gifted, her mother decided to try to flee to neighboring Wakanda, for she didn't want her child to be used as a child soldier for whatever magicks she would wield. Alas, she was mortally wounded during an attack by Nigandan goverment forces after being followed. The Wakandan border guard acted to try to save the fleeing woman and child. Sioned's mother died to her wounds and the baby Sioned was received into Wakanda. Being an innocent, she was granted Wakandan citizenship, and using asylum laws (fleeing from attack) managed to officially strike her Nigandan citizenship. Not that Niganda accepted it.

* 2002: Niganda's government has made several veiled threats about the 'abducted' child that they wanted returned - of course, just as Sioned's mother feared, they wanted the rumored magic back. Having some of the most secure borders in the world, Wakanda disregarded these threats and idly mentioned that it would be unwise to try anything. Also, Sioned was given her first Kimoyo bead with what medical information they had.

* 2005: Sioned finally found a forever home as she was adopted by a kind family after her first few years in foster care. She was also given a simplified story on how she arrived here - that her mommy did her best to make sure she could have a bright future and wasn't able to make it. She seemed to take this news well... nobody around her has treated her less just because the blood in her veins wasn't true Wakandan.

* 2010: Sioned's magical gifts began manifesting when she traveled the sunlight with her mind. On this, a mystic came to her to help her learn more about her gifts and how best to use them, and not to abuse them. These are some of the most important lessons she had ever learned, and cherishes them to this day. This magical awakening didn't really change her personality - she didn't let it get to her head.

* 2014: Was able to attend T'Challa's coronation as King of Wakanda. Her entire family scored tickets to witness. Sioned even used her growing gifts to 'Sunrun' to the stage to be right there front and center - open-air amiptheaters for the win!

* 2018: Graduated high school with high marks. Applied to, and was accepted, for a foreign studies program and secured a student via to the United States, and was accepted into Columbia University in a physics program. Sioned's goal is to become a solar physicist. Her magic is about the sun - so why not study it to learn more abouut herself and the source of her power?

* 2022: Got a Bachelors of Science in Physics with honors. Took a gap year after this to return to Wakanda. Even went to visit her biological mother's grave for the first time to pay her respects to the one who made her current life possible.

* 2023: Returned to Columbia Univesiaty for a Masters in Physics, and also getting some job experience as an apprentice at a solar observatory. She is a natural at it, and many think her potential is bright indeed (pun intended).

IC Journal

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Great Student:
Sioned's eidietic memory naturally makes schoolwork easy. She routinely passes all her classes, and has learned a lot from both American school and the Wakandan tutors, and takes the most interest in astrophysics and magic.

Having finally found a new home in Wakanda after her mother died to get her there, she has never felt anything but connected to her adopted land. Though she volunteered to go to the United States for a foreign-studies degree, she misses Wakanda and returns whenever it's possible.

Sioned loves being outdoors - the open skies are comforting to her and have all her life. She hates being cooped up indoors, especially in a building with small or no windows.

Sioned keeps a lot of secrets - mostly about being the sorceress known as Sunrunner. She tries not to let that be public knowledge. Also tries not to talk too much about her strange homelife with her Wakandan entourage. She tries to act like a normal person to some amount of success, but she always feels just a bit off. Even her ceremonial garments which she sometimes uses she tries not to let herself be seen in.

Thouigh Sioned's magicks don't work with starlight - just the light of the sun and moon, she still like the stars - which are hard to see in New York City. So she tries to leave the light pollution of the city to go out into the wilderness whenever possible.

Character Sheet


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Call Air:
Sioned's sun-based magic has a natural affinity for the element of Air, and Sioned can manipulate the Air as she pleases, From minor gusts to gale-force blasts. She can even make it difficult to breathe by making the air thin around people, though true vacuum is beyond her.

Call Fire:
Sioned's sun-based magic has a natural affinity for the element of Fire, and she can conjure magical flames at will - from a fingerflame for light to potent conflagrations. These fires do act more or less like regular fire, except they will obey Sioned's mental commands and will not burn Sunrunner herself.

She can also shape the fire into images of her choice, to her mental commands. She can combine Air as well to have her fire images 'speak' or make sounds.

Light Immunity:
Sioned's eyes are magically adapted to her work and bright lights cannot damage her vision. Even if she stares directly at the sun, or experiences a bright flash, no harm will come to her.

This is the signature component of Sioned's magical arsenal, complementing her uses of the elements of Fire and Air. While in the sunlight, Sioned can separate from her body and travel astrally along the sunlight. Her psychic presence is full in this invisible astral form, and magically- or telepathically-sensitive beings can be aware of it. She can even communicate with such beings by 'touching' them with her astral form. She can still do a limited calling of Air and Fire this way - so she could create sound to 'speak' to those who wouldn't be able to sense her otherwise.

Moonlight is also a viable medium to work with, though her abilities are more limited and she cannot call Fire while Moonrunning. Her astral presence also travels slower on the weaker light.

A side-effect of being able to travel astrally this way is being sensitive to other astral travelers or telepathy. She is no empath or telepath herself, but has a sixth sense about it.


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Sioned's focus in schooling is to become a solar physicist. She has a bachelor's degree in astrophysics and is currently a master's student to try to get a masters in solar physics. She knows a lot abou the heavens scientifically.

Combat Training:
Though Sioned is mostly focused on magic, she was taught basic martial arts by the Wakandan tutors as she was growing up: including self-defense and how to disarm an attacker. Basic melee weapon and firearm skills were also taught to her, and these lessons continue to this day.

Eidietic Memory:
Sioned has the knack of total recall. She can remember anything she has witnessed exactly as it occured. She can quote entire conversations, memorize information instantly, and can even conjure these events with her illusionary powers.

Being already multilingual from English, Wakandan, and Swahili, Sioned has started picking up many other languages - being able to instantly memorize what she sees and hears makes this process easy. She has picked up French and Spanish easily enough, and has a decent command of Japanese and Russian. She even knows some Latin (which came up in some of her elective classes).

Outdoors Living:
Sioned's longing to be outside has manifested itself in various way - but one is that she loves to go camping and 'roughing' it - tents and all that stuff. She is rather fond of being away from the city though her obligations and duties keep her there most of the time.


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Sioned was adopted into a loving home at the age of 5, and has a strong bond with her parents and her sister Aizivaishe who is the same age as her. The two have been fast friends all her life. She might even invite her sister to come visit from time to time as she studies in the States.

Kimoyo Beads:
These speical beads are designed with grains of vibranium and are a technology widely used by Wakandans. The first bead she received has her comprehensive medical history, and other beads give her a way to make phone calls using any local network, direct calls to any other Kimoyo Bead-bearers. access to the Wakandan network, and other such things. They can even create a holographic image of what they are accessing, and if talking to another Bead user, an image of the one she is speaking with.


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Sioned was born in Niganda. Her parents got her out of there so the corrupt regime couldn't turn her into a magical soldier. Though Wakandan border defenses made any such treats hollow - Sioned is currently in the United States. If the Nigandan goernment becomes aware that hse is in a more accessible area, they might make another go at her - though she can take care of herself now.

Out of Place:
Though trying to fit in well, Sioned is just a bit dissonant from normal American life, like many foreigners. She hides a lot, from her Wakandan heritage to her magic, and it makes it hard for regular people to confide in her. She worried that if the nature of her magic got out, she'd become distrsted like she sees happen to the mutants. She hates the prejudice she sees, and wishes she could do something about it.

Piercing Iron:
Sioned's magical nature is incompatible with iron or steel. It acts like an allergic reaction. If she does have iron or steel piercing her body and doesn't use any magic, she'll be fine, but if she tries to use any magic, there will be a potent and unplesant reaction that can disable her until the metal is no longer in her.

Sioned's Sunrunning gift is based on actually being in the sunlight - a connection between her physical self and the astral self. If her body is cut off from the light, Sioned's astral presence will snap back to her physical body in a rather unpleasant psychic rebound that can give Sioned a splitting headache or knock her out. She has to be careful of how shaodws shift over time... and clouds,.

Sioned's gifts are affiliated with the elements of Fire and Air, and she uses them regularly. The element of Earth doesn't really care what's going on, but Fire's opposing element, Water, can become a problem. If Sioned dares step on a boat, or even tries to swim or float (even just taking a bath), she will become violently sick and can even pass out. (Bridges cause no problems though might make her a bit queasy.) Also, her calling of Fire can be easily extinguished with sufficient use of Water. Of course she can still drink water and shower, but if there is a lot of water around her, her Fire magicks will be very ineffective.



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Sioned ya Jua has 4 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
SHIELD in the Stars November 21st, 2024 Natasha talks with a new recruit about SHIELD. And her inner cynicism shines through.
Wandering with the Wakandans November 9th, 2024 Sioned works on figuring out how to use her powers to help find threats to Earth at the starport.
A Small Taste of Home October 9th, 2024 Worried about the Wakandan attack, Sioned visits the Embassy, where she crosses paths with T'Challa again, and gets access to the Wakandan intelligence network in case her services are required.
Stealing Second March 26th, 2024 What happens to idiots that try to sell stolen Vibranium?

The same thing that happens to everything else!


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Sioned ya Jua has been credited in 0 albums.

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Sioned ya Jua has authored 0 books.

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