Owner Pose
Ted Kord Ted Kord is in a very deep sleep. The deepest most restful sleep in a while. As for location? His couch which he has slept on. Just, he slept on it alone. Right now he is laying alongside Stella Roundtree. Moreover the Blue Beetle has one arm around Stella in a sweet protective embrace as old as time. Dominant arm thrown over the female to protect them. The position of his hand is... optional but also as old as time. The quilt they were cozy in is martially on the floor. What could interrupt this lovely scene?

You haven't kept up on Ted's life, have you?
Booster Gold Usually, Booster arrives to the sound of fanfare projected through the speakers of Skeets, his robotic colleague. Usually. Today, though, something told Booster to make an un-Booster like appearance. Mostly, he wanted to sneak in and snag some food before having to listen to Ted lecture him about "responsibility" or "accountability" or "being a good human". No one is in the mood for that nonsense on an empty stomach.

Hiss a result, Booster finds himself standing over the slumbering forms of Ted and Stella. He tried to suppress his giggles and chortles, but he is not particularly good at that self control thing. So he lingers over them, making those kind of sounds you might expect from a schoolboy who has discovered his father's Playboy collection. It is not terribly loud.

*clickclickclick* come a sound from a behind him, and Booster hurriedly waves a hand at Skeets. "No, come on," he whispers at Skeets. Louder than the chortle and louder than the clicks, but still not super loud.

"But I need to add to my album with the naked Lego statues!" complains the robot. He does not have volume modulation. Well, he probably does, but he elects not to use it, and so presents his commentary in normal speaking volumes.
Stella Roundtree      Stella awakens with a trickle of dread at the back of her mind. But thankfully just a small hangover, the source of which is lined up in a neat row of empty bottles next to the couch. Perhaps the Chinese food staved off the the worst of it. What is more regrettable is that she is bare of makeup and snuggled up to a near stranger. And now things have definitely escalated, as she finds consciousness with a bunch of giggles and snaps in the room.
     Electricity normally looks a recognizable way to her, the sparkle of it something she sees all the time. But Booster's tech is completely alien to her. So in her grogginess, she rubs her eyes and says, "Oh, how pretty."
     She realizes this error, "Uh. Sir. You're too close," she says to Booster. "Way too close." She says, swatting at him with one hand, trying to gently lift Ted's arm off her with the other. "So you must be the three-hundred-pound jock I was told 'bout last night. I hope so, or else this just got weirder."
Ted Kord Ted Kord stirs a little at the voices. He -was- having a wonderful dream. He was face to face with Doomsday again, annnnd Doomsday turned into a cute little kitten. Which Ted punted for a field goal base sportsball whatever. He feels Stella stir and... he likes her right where she is and is not letting go easily. Half awake he hangs on and sighs.

"Snrx zzzzzzzz..."
Booster Gold     "Why, thank you!" replies Booster. Misinterpreting people's comments about things, particularly in praise of him, is probably the closest thing to a superpower that he possesses.
    He floats backwards from the couple, well outside of personal space bubbles. And more importantly, swatting range. He glances down at Ted's still slumbering form, and then turns his attention back to Stella. "I don't know - he DOES talk about me quite a bit, but he's off by quite a few pounds." He looks down at his belly and pats it. "I mean, I have been eating a bit more than usual since I started staying here again, but it's not my fault that all Ted has is an abundance of junk food stuffed away in his private stashes where he thinks no one else can find them." His attention returns to the woman, and he offers a smile in greeting. "Either which way, I'm Booster. And as you have /clearly/ learned..." He glances at the sleeping Ted and winks. "...hopefully at least twice, if not he is short changing you..." and then back to Stella. "He and I are just similarly minded guys who have forged a friendship in the fires of superheroing." He pauses, and adds, as if for emphasis, and a tone that sounds an awful lot like Ted's accent. "And totally not gay."
Stella Roundtree      Stella squeaks when Ted hangs on. He is a strong dude, compared to her, and so she's trapped in this purgatory. "Ted! Lemme go," she mutters to the snoozing man. She tries to tug free, which is like watching a cat try to back out of a space that turned out to be too small. Her arms over her head, her long hair not helping the matter, she tries to continue the conversation.
"There's junk food here? Where, exactly?" she asks. "And no way, people think two ripped oiled-up guys who bunk together might have a thing for each other? Wherever-" she pulls again, hands still trapped, "-would anyone get that idea? You know, I really should not be temptin' fate while I'm stuck," she says, "So I will affirm you are both attractive and very straight men," she says, blowing some air from her mouth, trying to puff away some of her hair that covers her face.
Ted Kord Ted Kord's eyes snap open.

"WE'RE NOT G..."

He processes the stimuli in his immediate area.

Ted closes his eyes.

Ted opens his eyes.

Ted closes his eyes.

Ted opens his eyes.

Yep. He's awake.

Wait. He's awake and Stella is still here! Bulletproof balloon!

"If you or that robot voyeur of yours does anything to inconvenience this girl... I swear you will regret it. I mean regret it like eating a salmon mushroom sandwich out of a gas station vending machine,"

He releases Stella, gee how'd that get there?

Ted rests his head on his hand and says, "I'm a ripped guy?" He blushes a little and gives her a nose beep. Big smile.

"The candy and such are energy bars and drinks and if he would show up for a meal he'd get fed properly!"
Booster Gold     Listening to Stella expound on the virtues and limitations of their friendship, Booster nods slowly in agreement. He offers nothing initially in response as she continues to speak, and then as Ted rouses into wakefulness his smile turns into a grin.

"I like her," Booster says, pointing to Stella and looking at Ted, as if she were not even there.

His gaze turns back to Stella. "Breakfast?" Not waiting for a response, he floats backwards and away, vaguely in the direction of the kitchen.

*click* The sound emanates from Skeets and then he turns to float off after Booster as well.
Stella Roundtree      Stella sits up and tidies herself up as best she can while still sitting. She wrinkles her nose when it is beeped, "Well yeah, you have single digit body fat," she says. "Wait, so is the secret to men just endlessly flattering them, or is that just gonna create more problems down the road?" she asks to everyone and no one. But she is hungry, and the throb at the back of her skull can definitely be cured by whatever's in the kitchen.
     "Is that lil' robot taking pictures of us? My security senses are tingling," she says in Ted's direction. "Hopefully it's not using that for my company ID."
     The slippers that Bailey selected so carefully for her the evening before await, and she slides her feet into them as she rises. "Come on. I'm sure there's egg whites and a kale smoothie waiting for us," she teases. And then she's off towards the siren song of food.
Ted Kord Ted Kord sits up. Then stands up. He notes at some point his pants were thrown on the floor. Okay, could be worse. The day is saved by blue boxers.

"Bobo... can you please get Skeets to erase that picture? Or erase Skeets?" The bigger bot pauses. Ted says, "There's a quarter ton of Legos in it for you and the gang."

Bobo streaks off, pausing to give Stella a little wave.

"Egg whites and k... we have waffles and bacon. I'm not..." He grabs his pants and hops into one leg then the other, on the run. He catches up to the woman and drapes an arm around her as he walks.

"Welcome to the team."
Booster Gold Much to everyone's amazement, Booster is already hard at work in the kitchen, making up some eggs. There are a few vegetable and greens off on the cutting board to the side - a few mushrooms as well. No kale, but some spinach and other leafy greens. Skeets is bustling back and forth bringing some additional ingredients as Booster works the stovetop.

He turns and looks over his shoulder as Ted and Stella approach. "I can make some bacon if you want, Ted." He whistles to his sous chef and Skeets floats off towards the fridge in search of greasy pig flesh for the Beetle's consumption.

The whole thing would look preposterous to the outside observer even if he weren't wearing a "Kiss the Cook" apron over his power suit, complete with his styled BG logo.
Stella Roundtree      Stella returns Bobo's wave, seeming to think the robots working around here are pretty cute!
     She allows the contact as she walks, "Team, huh? You haven't even had me one day at work! I gotta show I can do useful things, don't I?" says the brunette mutant.
     She is very surprised to see Booster cooking, "Huh. And I thought there'd be robots doing this. I guess the city really is workin' out for me if I get a guy to buy me dinner and a totally different one is making breakfast the next day," she says, suppressing a giggle at the apron. "If you have time today, I can at least show you what I can do in the lab, or whatever you've got. I would have an appointment today, but obviously I don't, since it's the same lady from yesterday." She winces at the thought. "So I think we can consider that cancelled." She settles at the table. A good start to the work day indeed!