Owner Pose
Blake Riviere With the battles in New York over, evacuations reversed and people rebuilding it had been a far better time for Blake than the last few months. Constant danger and duties had meant the vampiress had been without the means to relax and simply enjoy the aspects of living amongst humanity that had made immortality meaningful since finding her freedom centuries ago. One of which? Simply enjoying a bar, and the Wick was one of her favorites, the comfortable intimacy, the flickering candle light and artistic wax displays.

And the fact that the tastes of most of the patrons meant the attire she'd come to appreciate didn't look out of place. Her skirt, the ribbon-like lacings and favoring of red and black? Just another person enjoying the gothic ambiance of the place, no?
Ella Normandy She's not gothic perse, but she is dressed in a somewhat gothic manner. Wearing her well known bikini, Ella strides into the Wick. She glances over the patrons of the place for a second -- plenty of people interested in her kind of thing -- and then grins just a little bit, before she saunters over to the bar. Something feels off though, she can sense...something in the room, and her eyes give the place another going over.

It's Blake. She's fairly certain. She eyes the other woman for a moment, and then makes an order for a drink. Casual. Not stressing anything just yet. Just, watching, and waiting to see if her suspicions are correct.
Blake Riviere If Blake's short skirt and neckline was going to draw eyes? Ella's was very much going to get plenty of attention when she steps in. Even Blake glanced over her shoulder, a quirk of her lips and a raise of her brow as she was met with the sight of the other woman. Perhaps she was amused that she'd been 'one-upped'?

Of course, Blake wasn't a 'typical' vampire as most thought, she was warm and the drink she raised to her lips suggested she didn't dine exclusively on blood. Blood might be all that nourished her, but everything else could be enjoyed for the experience. A sidelong glance after a moment, there's a soft noise of amusement from the woman and her accented tones speak up with their faintly French notes.

"I'm flattered for the attention, given I doubt you'd be lacking for company this evening...or is there something on my face?"
Ella Normandy Ella Normandy mmms quietly, "Nothing on your face, but...something about you that attracts the eye." As she says this, well, why not enjoy the view she's getting. Her gaze draws down over the neckline and skirt, and back up. "And it's not just the outfit."

Another vampire, in such close proximity makes it abundantly clear Blake is what she thought she was. She leans in a little and murmurs to the woman, "And, I am always happy to be in the company of another...person like me," glancing up to her face to see her reaction to this slight admission.
Blake Riviere A different 'flavour', but the same 'dish' perhaps. Blake could indeed sense it after a moment, but the woman gives a little chuckle at that and turns in her chair and rests her elbow against the bar countertop. "Indeed," she speaks softly before letting her head tilt to the side and her gaze to move over Ella. It wasn't the first vampiress she'd had come venturing into this bar that Blake often tended to find a 'dining companion' in when the mood struck, but it was certainly less hostile than the last.

"Blake," she offers in introduction, her free hand gesturing to herself. "What brings you out tonight?"
Ella Normandy "Ella." Ella replies, before her eyes glance over the bar itself. "I think tonight...I am just out to see what the city has to offer. It has been awhile since I've been back, and with the recent unpleasantness...." she shrugs just a little. "It is good to see that some establishments are still well stocked though," and at this, she picks up her drink. Surely not a reference to the many, many mortals around who are full of tasty, tasty blood.
Blake Riviere "A pleasure Ella," she speaks, her of glass set aside as it was mostly empty before turning her gaze around the other patrons. "I know what you mean," she muses, shrugging lightly and inhaling a breath. "It is one of the best things, to simply see what one can find and experience when we venture out." Blake's lips quirk again, forming a light smirk. "It's always good to find something interesting or exciting..."
Ella Normandy "Indeed it is. How long have you been in the city? Your accent suggests that you're not exactly...native to the region." Ella replies, before she finishes off her drink. It's just liquid to her apparently. She orders another. Mortal drinks apparently do not have much of an effect on her. And, she's well enough off to keep them coming, even at New York City prices. She leans against the bar a little, watching Blake's response to her question.
Blake Riviere "A few years, but I have travelled of late. A return to home perhaps offered it a chance to come back, a touch of comfort and nostalgia, no?" Blake chuckles before gesturing to herself. "And yourself? Are you a native to the city? I admit I have come to find it a favorite. Such exciting nightlife, interesting people to meet for instance."
Ella Normandy Ella Normandy shakes her head slowly, "No, I cannot say I am from here. Quite far away in fact, but I have a bit of a knack for picking up accents. But, I do enjoy the city. It is, as you said, a very exciting place. Where you can find nearly everything one might want at any hour of the day. As a denizen of the night, I must say it is a very comfortable place to reside." She ponders for a few moments, and asks, "You were originally one of them, weren't you?"
Blake Riviere A little gesture, a little indication with her gaze and Blake slips from her seat, a glance over her shoulders to ensure that Ella follows her towards the booth she saught. It's only then that she'll speak, a little exhale of her breath. "I was born human, yes. A very long time ago...the world was very much a different place...and I was a very different person. Although I suppose it was barely a blink compared to my current existance."
Ella Normandy "I remember it as it was, probably from whenever you were born until very recently not much was different. But, in this bright future..." Ella says as she waves a hand at the booth. She then slides out of it, and says, "Unfortunately, I need to leave your pleasant company. Other duties call, and this was meant to simply be a peek in to a place I had heard some very interesting things about. I will be back some evening when a meal is in order. It was a pleasure to meet you, Blake," she says, with a slight bow, before she turns and sweeps out of the bar.
Blake Riviere "It has been a pleasure, a wonder, to see things grow and change. To see what they can do..." she speaks, gesturing to the space around them and the other patrons. Ella's departure has her tilting her head, but she nods none the less and lifts her hand lightly. "Likewise Ella. I wish you a pleasent evening and hope we meet again soon."