Owner Pose
Yelena Belova This would be the area Yelena frequests most while in the Triskelion, keeping herself in top shape, always further honing her skills. Today she's doing a bit of a throwback, instead of martial arts, weights or cardio, she's out on the mat in leotard, working on her ballet. It's been a while, and yet it always feels like home.
Natasha Romanova The athletics facility is relatively quiet. Natasha is on her way towards gym. She's wearing a loose fighting outfit and looks to be on her way to exercise. There are a pair of slight bulges at her risks underneath the sleeves of the outfit. Never go anywhere unarmed. On her back are a pair of wooden batons that are looped over her shoulder. She's jogging on her way and happens to notice Yelena.

She would bow her head to Yelena to watch her routine without interrupting it.
Yelena Belova Yelena completes one last pirouette, before approaching Natasha en pointe, and finally letting her feet rest flat on the mat. "Funny to meet you here, Natasha," the name still looks odd on her lips, but at least she respected the request to not refer to her as Natalia around these parts. "Working together, just like I always dreamed, just, under very different circumstances..."
Natasha Romanova Natasha Romanoff would give a low nod to Yelena, "We achieve what we pursue, often. But rarely in the ways we originally intended to." A look of quiet appreciation given to calling her Natasha. "I take it your field operations have been moving along smoothly?"
Yelena Belova A quick look around, and Yelena smirks, "so it seems," she nods, chuckling, "SHIELD really isn't that challenging, assignment are easier, more support given...but I like the field, it's when I think the least, and not thinking is great...because, thoughts...well, I can't wipe away the guilt. From killing 'Mother' I mean..." she references their escapade into Operation Iceworm with as few words as possible. But it's clear the trauma is still with her.
Natasha Romanova Natasha Romanoff would nod gently at Yelena. Understandingly. How much the two were united in both experiencing that pain and that guilt? They both had it, if processing it in different ways. "Do you feel like you are ready for more field assignments or would wish them? I could put in a reccomendation for consideration if you would like." Pain and guilt could sometimes not be dealt with. Only suppressed.
Yelena Belova "I take what they give, don't want them to think I'm calling on you for favors to get around their wishes, I'm not you, Natasha, they don't really trust me..." Yelena admits, looking a bit solemn as she mentions the irrefutable fact. "It's understandable, we are very dangerous, very capable...have you seen some of the SHIELD agents? They wouldn't stand a chance...good thing we're here," she winks at Natasha.
Natasha Romanova Natasha Romanoff would nod, "You're also far from the first graduate of the Red Room to be here." She includes herself in that, as well as many more. "I would not do so because it would be a favor. It would be that I feel you are capable of doing so, and also feel like you would be effective at them, and need it."
    Waiting is always harder. As Yelena would go on, Natasha would respond with a short laugh. A rare thing. "Yes, we do have to pickup after them often."
Yelena Belova "So I hear..." Yelena muses, before noting, "I met Dottie," but doesn't elaborate beyond that. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say SHIELD is opening themselves to quiet a risk...so many of us in one place," she gives a playful wink, "well, sister, I won't hold you from your exercise, and dancing Swan Lake does help to center me..."