Owner Pose
Thor     The man outside McKinley and Son Pawn Shop kept checking his watch.
    Over and over he'd look at it, shake his head, look at it again. Sometimes he took a drag on the cigarette in the corner of his mouth, other times he'd look around furtively. This late in the afternoon traffic was slow right before the first hint of rush hour began. It's why they chose this time to make the run. Clear streets, shift change, and slow response time all went into the factoring of the heist.
    "How the fuck is it goin' in there?" The earpiece radio picked up the lookout's tension in his voice as he asked the rest of the crew.
    "Bravo's fuckin' up the safe."
    "Fuck you, I got this. Just gimme five."
    "You take five more minutes and everything starts to go to shit and all our planning is for nothin'."
    Meanwhile, inside McKinley's, Bravo is crouched down by the safe and working the dial. Charlie is next to him holding the shotgun on the unconscious form of the owner. And son.
    "We got thirty seconds til the ride's here." Alpha says on the channel and frowns as he looks down the street, takes a drag on his cigarette, then shakes his head. "You gotta move."
Sif Which is about the time a figure came around the corner up the block. The woman was tall for a Midgardian female at least, standing a good 6'. She was wearing boots which covered t above the knee. The skirt seemed like strips of leather perhaps, though in a mix of red and white. But the upper body was covered by red material of her cloak, which had been pulled around her to keep her armor from being so obvious. After leaving for an event earlier in the day where such garb was required, she hadn't quite made it back to the embassy or apartment in order to obtain a change of clothes. This allowed her to blend as best she could.

She strode down the sidewalk confidently but her eye was drawn to the nervous man in front of the shop. He was doing things to call attention to himself, things a guard would notice when protecting Asgard at the very least. Throw in she tended to be able to see more than the average person, in some senses, and it had her considering the man curiously as she approached. She had a feeling about this so she pushed the cloak back over to drape behind her, revealing her silver armor.

"Greetings, Citizen," she called out cheerfully enough. "How are you on this day?"
Thor     It's at that moment that the getaway car rolls up. Not too fast, for that would draw attention, but definitely quick as it cuts to the side into the parking space that the look out man had kept empty. A short squeak of tires as the brakes engage, then the car's engine rumbles as it idles. The passenger side door opens and inside the face of the driver can be seen, curiously looking almost exactly like the man smoking and keeping look out.
    "What?" Alpha says as he rounds to look at Sif. His nose is large, and a heavy mustache hangs beneath it. His hair is black and ragged, perhaps even a wig, and the sunglasses he wears hides his eye color. But other than that he looks like any number of Midgardian mortals.
    Touching his ear he keys on the comms, "Shit, think we got a freako out here. Bring the shotguns out front. Don't ditch 'em, we're gonna need 'em."
    "Roger that," Says Charlie on the channel.
    Inside the pawn shop there's a flicker of lights being turned off, movement inside. But for now Alpha tries to keep Sif's attention.
    "Oh hey. Hey there. Little Lady." His smile double twitches, "Just me and my friends are closin' up shop here, gotta get to the... tractor pull."
    Delta, in the car, leans to the side. "The fuck, man?"
    "Shut the fuck up!" Alpha snaps quickly to Delta, which makes the driver withdraw back into his seat as he keeps the engine ready.
Sif That is one thing that it is still confusing for Sif. That choice of expletive. All-Speak allows her to understand what the word is but the way it relates to sentences makes no sense. She's been learning this through time and being exposed to the Midgardians more. It didn't make it any better.

The little lady gets a bit of a smirk from Sif as she is as tall as the man she's speaking to. It is one of those sayings that can be intended or taken several ways.

She bends at the hips a bit so she can look into the car at the driver now thta she is in range, raising a hand and giving him a little wave. The armor doesn't really allow for her to bend at the waist. Then she stands and looks back to Alpha. "Tractor pull." The words are familiar. Tractor is a piece of equipment used in farming. Pull is an action. But what do they pull that is worthy to go see?

"I am unfamiliar with this. Though, shutting down your business to attend seems to be taking longer than should be necessary. May I be of assistance in some way?" And she turns as though she's about to go into the building.
Thor     "No no, hey!" Alpha steps toward the door, but it's to no avail as in that instant come two more men pushing the door open with a jangle of the bell and stepping past. Inside at a glimpse one might see broken glass on the floor and the frame of a display case that likely had been where the glass had been when intact. No sign of anyone else, however.
    Though the shotguns in the mens' hands might well be more of a focal point.
    "Alright lady, back the fuck off!" Says Bravo, backed up by Charlie. Both of them curiously enough look almost /exactly/ like Alpha, and even Delta in the car. The weapons are brandished and there's the distinct ominous sound of a shotgun round being chambered with that sha-lakk-lakk.
    Suddenly the crowd around them freezes, a woman points out, "He's got a gun!" As a man cries out. Some start to move away quickly.
Sif What were they? They all looked the same. She'd seen identical twins. There were things like triplets and so forth. Yet these seemed far beyond that. They seemed to be copies of the same person. Was that even possible in this world?

Sif did take a few steps backwards but more so she would have room to move easily. "I will give you one opportunity. You face Sif, Shield-Maiden of Asgard. Lay down your arms and surrender."

And she makes no move toward them. She doesn't even go for her weapon. Certainly, she could draw it. But admittedly, she was quite sure she could take them down without resorting to the sword. Her strength was far higher than theirs. She did have armor so their weapons would not be effective, unless they aimed for her head. She suspected she would be able to move more quickly as well, to avoid that danger. So the main threat was to any Midgardians.

The cry from the woman in the crowd and people starting to take off had their exit from the area well in hand.
Thor     "Yeah, yeah!?" Says Bravo as he brandishes his gun as he snarls, "Well you face Remington and Mossberg, lady! Looks like we got you outnumbered here, four of us and twenty-four gauges versus one of you so fuck off!" Yet with such bravado she could see the wild look of fear in the man's eyes even behind the heavy glasses that he wears.
    "Fuck this, man!" Alpha says as he starts to load bags into the car as quickly as he can while the two guys with shotguns 'hold her at bay'. A situation that likely won't last long and likely won't go well for them...
    "Ho there, Sif! I thought it was you!" A deep voice is heard from on high, floating some twenty feet in the air with the sun over his left shoulder, the Thunderer has appeared. Though wearing jeans and a black t-shirt, the mystic hammer in his hand and strong silhouette leaves little doubt as to who it may be as the figure descends.
    Landing lightly before the getaway car, Thor looks at Sif first, then the gun men, then Sif again. And asks simply as he sets Mjolnir down on the hood of the car with a thump. "What passes?"
    Which is the moment when Alpha, still holding two of the bags of gems and jewelry in his hands he watches the descent of the godly figure and then shakes his head. "Fuck this man, I'm out." And with that he pulls off his mask and throws it on the ground, drops the bags and raises his hands. "I give up, man."
    "You what?!" Comes the roar from the getaway driver.
    "That's Thor, man. Screw this, take the L."
    "Yah... it's Thor." One of the others says and suddenly one shotgun hits the ground. Then the other. Hands go up.
    Until finally the driver shakes his head, pondering the figure in front of him and the hammer on his hood then simply scowls and gets out of the car. "We're cool, man."
    And soon enough all four are lying on the ground.
Sif There was a hint of a smile on Sif's face as they defied her and she was just about to move when she heard that voice. She didn't need to look up to know who it was. She'd know that voice anywhere. She kept her eye on the four men in front of her with their weapons at the ready.

"I..." She found herself interrupted. Before she could say it was well in hand, the bad guys began to unmask and surrender. One after the other. Until they were all laying on the ground with their weapons abandoned upon the asphalt.

Sif threw up her hands in disgust and turned her eyes to Thor. "I was doing fine without your help."

Not that he actually had helped. He'd just shown up. But of course, people on Midgard knew who Thor was thanks to the Avengers. Random Asgardian woman? Not so much. The sound of sirens approaching let the know someone had dialed 911 during their evacuation from the area.
Thor     Knowing that look in Sif's eyes, Thor wisely holds his hands up, "Iiii... had intended to give none." He says, letting that first word draw out a smidge longer than it should. As if to cover up the time he needed to come up with the right answer.
    Though he does look at the four men who lie on the ground and seem to be waiting, which causes him to nod. "Though, it pleases me that this is a more... peaceful way to resolve the matter?" And as he says that he turns his head to the side to give her his profile and that damn smile he's worn since ages ago when he would first come up with some wild scheme for glory and fame.
    He takes up the hammer with a faint 'whom' as it partially leaps back into his hand, his eyes falling upon the surrendered hooligans. "Will you gentlemen please excuse us? We're going to walk over there." He motions with the hammer, though none of the men can see it.
    "Sure thing, chief. Knock yourself out."
    Which is when Thor does casually move down the sidewalk a bit, still within line of sight but decently enough away that they can wait in peace. "Was I interrupting?" He eventually asks.
Sif That did not help. At all. Though perhaps it wasn't Thor's fault. Sif's eyes narrowed slightly and she looked at the four men. When Thor suggested them moving aside, and the guys were all for it, she took a step toward them. "In the future, you would do well to remember I have bested Thor in single combat. Several times."

Then she stepped on one of the shotguns a little harder than necessary, smashing it as she walked down the sidewalk with Thor. Giving them a little distance. "I realized something was amiss. I had asked them to surrender. To end it peacefully," since he had made mention of such a thing. "They refused. But you arrive and do nothing, they fall to the ground like cowards."
Thor     "It's true, she has." Thor offers as he makes his departure with Sif to their small area beside the corner of the street. Close enough to watch the four men lying there with their hands behind their head, apparently having had some experience with being arrested in the past.
    But then they're relatively away from the turmoil when he looks to her. The tall blond Asgardian does at the least have the awareness to look a little sheepish, what with his eyes a touch wider than normal and the corners of his mouth curved down which might serve to lend a hint of a little more lower lip than normal.
    Then she tells him what troubles her and he nods, "Oh as to that, pay it no mind, Sif. You simply have but to spend more time here. I've been here doing much for the past... handful of years, only reason I am known. It will come with time." A nod is given.
    "Is that truly what troubles you?" A lift of his chin, "It is not poor Vintridr's plight is it?"
Sif At mention she just needed to put in more time on Midgard and increase her renown. It was ever the same. No matter the world. She'd had to earn her spot as one of the most respected warriors of Asgard. It apparently would take the time here in Midgard. The question was, did she wish to spend that much time here? Her fascination with the people here did not match that of her old friend. Though, they did have some fine beasts. That likely would have her spending more time here beyond anything else.

She looked a bit confused at the question. "Her plight? I am not certain I would deem it such. Vintridr had chosen to live here. I am pleased she attended the ceremony to allow her to open relations with Asgard once more." She tilted her head slightly. "Or did that not happen in your conversation?"
Thor     The police vehicles pull up quickly enough, two of them no less with one coming from the direction Sif and Thor walked along toward, and the other from the other end of the street. It's a rush of movement, with the men quickly getting out and establishing a perimeter. One rushes by, skidding to a halt before Thor and Sif...
    "Oh, hey, Thor! You got this under control?" The officer says as he takes off his hat and looks at the four men on the ground.
    Which has Thor looking... pained as he sneaks a glance sideways at Sif, then back toward the officer. "What? Ah yes! I mean no! Lady Sif was the one to take matters in hand! You see!" And he gestures to the side...
    Which has the cop nodding quickly, "Awesome, thanks Thor! Ma'am." He tips his cap slightly then rushes toward the men on the ground.
    Which likely leaves Thor there to weather Sif's gaze. He tries that smile again. But then speaks toward the topic they were covering only moments ago.
    "I would deem it a plight for one to not be at peace and to exile themselves from their people. But indeed, you are correct, 'tis her choice. She did not seem inclined to return, but I told her that should she so wish it would be possible."
Sif Sif's teeth are clenched together tightly as she bites back a comment when the officer asks Thor the question. She isn't sure if she should be pleased or annoyed when he gave her credit. After all, they know she did nothing. Though he only arrived, he technically did something with that appearance which caused the surrender.

She gave a little nod to the officer as he moved away to deal with business. Then her attention went back to Thor.

"Perhaps it is a plight for some who do not wish to be absent. For one who has chosen that path, I see it as their need for solitude." She shrugged slightly. "A crisis of faith. Though I do not pretend to understand, I respected her choice to be here and to remain unknown. But by attending the Guard Ceremony, it showed at least some interest in the world she was once part of."
Thor     "The passage of time often reveals much, at the least there is a rekindling of a sort. If it leads anywhere 'tis not our choice." That said he gives a nod as if that settled the matter while he looked past her shoulder toward the officers and their perpetrators. He nods a little again, then looks back toward Sif.
    "Will you walk with me?" Thor says, then smiles slightly as he turns and gestures with one hand. "That is if I have not earned too much of your ire in this short time."
    Should she accept, then he will indeed start to walk down the sidewalk away from the unfortunate pawn shop and perhaps in the general direction of the embassy though perhaps a more roundabout route than is normal. "Has something else given you reason for displeasure?"
Sif At mention of her ire, Sif couldn't help smiling a little as she shook her head negatively. She wasn't really that irked with him. It was her problem to deal with. She needed to build her reputation if she was going to remain on Midgard. And with her current interest, she suspected she would be around long enough to do so.

Confusion is there in her expression again as she looks to Thor. "There is no displeasure. I will make myself known here. Earn my place, as you have done." Though he came in with people having heard of Thor. Unless someone had studied their Norse myths, Sif wouldn't be as well known. And even if she was known, the myth was very far from reality. "I have found an interest here in Midgard to hold my attention for a time. Not the people, as seems to be your draw."
Thor     Strolling along as he moves, the hammer in hand shines briefly as a silvery flame licks over its form and where that flame touches it transforms the weapon instead to a rather nice black umbrella of fine make. Though now Thor tucks it under one arm, his hands slipping into the pockets of his jeans. A very casual look, and very Midgardian in garb.
    "Oh an interest?" That causes the man to lift his chin, eyebrows perking with that tinge of curiousity. "Tell me what has caught your eye?" He pauses as they take a turn on the sidewalk, sparing a glance down the way then continuing on. Perhaps merely getting his bearings as they stroll.
    "The realm here offers much that we have not seen in the shining realm. But I am curious what in particular piques your interest."
Sif He'd blend very well. If he wasn't walking with an Asgardian warrior woman in armor. She didn't bother trying to cover up her armor now either. Perhaps she needed to be more obvious visually. At least when she isn't wanting to blend.

"Horses." She smiled a little as they continued their peaceful stroll. "I doubt this is a great surprise to you." Since sometimes she liked horses better than people. "We have our Asgardian equines, including the winged species the valkyries use. They appear much like the equines of this world though ours are more designed for Asgard itself. On this world, they would be able to carry heavier weights than they are used to. I am curious what would result should we breed some of the Midgardian equines with Asgardian."
Thor     "Ah!" Thor says as he walks along, surprised. Then who knows what he imagined might have caught Sif's eye. His head bobs a little as he considers the thought while moving along then gestures to the side. "I have seen many a breed, though I admit I know little of them. Yet there seem to be shared bloodlines."
    Thor's brow furrows as he looks upwards, "I believe Loki left a few when we were here during the war with the Svartalfar, perhaps there is some overlap. Or perhaps some of ours have become their's over time."
    He lifts his chin a little, eyes toward the sky as he ponders, then nods. And abruptly he banishes the thought to instead tell her, "In any case, that is good you have found such to catch your attention. Do you need anything for this pursuit? Stable? Land? Stock?"
Sif "I have some funds. Stock from Asgard that I can bring here. I will see what more I can gather to obtain some land with a stable, plenty of property to allow for me to begin my experimentation with the breeds."

Sif made sure to phrase it as she would get there. She wasn't asking for anything from him. From outside. As was the norm for her, she was going to get there on her own. She tended to be a tad stubborn, as he knew well.

"Being that Loki left some stock here in the past, I hope that means they will be able to interbreed easily."
Thor     Eyes widening a little again, Thor blinks a few times. "I have never inquired, perhaps a good topic for you two to speak on. Over dinner?" As he says that he smiles easily enough while walking along the street, then gestures.
    "Come, Sif. We will discuss it further then and perhaps I will learn something. Cause enough to celebrate, for rare occasion that may be." That said they continue on down the street with an easy step. And for Thor at the least, a smile.