Owner Pose
Emma Frost As coffee shops go, the Rise'n'Grind isn't so bad. There seems to always be enough baraista to handle the rushes, and there's plenty of places to sit whether you prefer couches, chairs, or tables. The wifi isn't even spotty! The 80s theme can get a little wearing, though.

Emma already has a tall, bright neon pink paper cup with a neon green wrap (the coffee shop's signature colors) and has grabbed a small table with a pair of comfy chairs over by the faux fireplace with purple and zebra striped bricks.
Jean Grey Jean got the call from Emma, well text, as Emma is too nice to call a hungover telepath. So Jean shows up with a comfy green turtleneck and jeans, and very dark sunglasses as she makes her order. Coffee. Strong Coffee. Coffee that would allow her to bend space and time as a true Navigator after drinking it.

So, coffee retrieved in a zebra-striped cup with a neon teal wrap, she glances over and smiles at Emma, heading over towards her and sitting down. "I think I might have had a /bit/ too much champagne last night." Her lips quirk in a wry expression.
Emma Frost "Is there such a thing?" Emma replies dryly. "Coffee helps." She takes a sip of her own, giving Jean a grin. "It went well. Tessa is still finalizing the numbers, but I think there's a safe bet that it's outdone any of our Charity Galas so far. Which I hope translates to better conditions for the survivors in Genosha."
Jean Grey Jean chuckles a bit, sipping the coffee and sighing contentedly, "Well, that's good to know. Though it was interesting to see Luthor there." She glances sidelong at Emma, "Didn't really get a chance to talk about it before, but I'm guessing that there's a bit of... history, there. Especially with your parents there?" Look, you don't have to be a telepath to see //that//.
Emma Frost Emma waves it off, trying to dismiss it. "Lex is a family friend. My father has hoped it might become closer than that but I see him as more of a mentor." After all, Lex is 15 years older than Emma! "My parents are, shall we say, traditionalists." Which is a nice was to say classist and elitist.
Jean Grey Jean makes a bit of a face, "Yeah, I could tell." She apparently doesn't have a lot of patience for that kind of tradition, but gives Emma a wry look, "Considering you're dating Alex, I can't imagine that they're really happy about that." She hmms, "But I suspect you had more on your mind than just that."
Emma Frost Emma winces. "No... Alex is very much the problem on my mind." Yes, she said problem. "But no, I don't think they are happy with him. He's... not exactly their type." And their type is heavily implied to be what Emma's type SHOULD be.
Jean Grey Jean blinks, "Well, I know you're not traditional like that... so what's up?" She tilts her head, sipping her coffee as she slips a bit into therapist mode. Not that she means to, but hey, Emma's a friend and Alex is too, so she wants to help.
Emma Frost Emma sighs, looking away for a few moments when she sips her coffee. Finally, she can't even bring herself to say it aloud. <<Alex told me he loves me. Before the gala.>>
Jean Grey Jean blinks a bit at that thought, then hmms and nods, "I see... that's bothering you a bit." Stating the obvious, really, as she sips her coffee, letting Emma express herself instead of assigning any assumptions or judgment.
Emma Frost "A bit." Emma rubs her temples. "I don't think he realizes what he's getting into. I... really don't.. date much. I like Alex a lot but." She takes a sip. "He's not the sort I'd normally even go out with once, much less..." a faint blush crosses her face, and //that// might be obvious. "I thought he might have just said it in the heat of the moment, but..." she gestures. They are both telepaths. Jean should get it. The veracity of something someone says to them is easy for them to find out. "And he told me again, to make it clear."
Jean Grey Jean nods, "Well, that's understandable, I mean, in your position it can be... difficult." She smiles a little, "But, let me ask you this. Position and everything else aside, how do you feel about him? Disregarding how he feels for the moment, but just your feelings for him?" Therapist mode: Engaged!
Emma Frost "I don't know." Emma looks a little frustrated. "I don't try and think of feelings at all, because at the end of the day, they don't matter. Or they shouldn't. I enjoy being with him. He.. makes me comfortable." She snorts and laughs a bit. "The sex is great," she says wryly. "But love? That's not something I have time to consider."
Jean Grey Jean grins, "Alright, well... next question. Does he know how you feel?" She gets a bit of a wry look at the mention of great sex, and gives Emma a curious look, "I mean, it sounds like you're comfortable with him, and you like him." Her lips quirk a bit, "Even if his name isn't Alexander Summersville the Fourth or something like that."
Emma Frost Emma shakes her head, laughing a bit at the Summersville the fourth comment. Then she sobers quickly. "I mean, it doesn't matter. Even if I did love him, it..." She draws in a breath. "My brother was disowned for something like this. It //can't// get serious."
Jean Grey Jean hmms, "I think it does matter... but your parents are that strict about that sort of thing, I take it?" She frowns a little, as she definitely looks a bit worried for Emma. And feels sympathy for her position, since... well, Jean's got a pretty solid family unit. And she's realizing how lucky she is for that.
Emma Frost "Very strict," is all Emma replies. She takes a drink, then puts the cup down on the table. "I actually feel a little guilty for getting him involved like this. It wasn't my intention."
Jean Grey Jean nods, "Well, Alex is a grown man, he'll get involved with things of his own volition. I mean, you shouldn't feel guilty for how he feels about you." She smiles over towards Emma, sipping her coffee, "Though, well, you two do seem to get along rather well..."