Owner Pose
Morgan Finn It's a quiet Wednesday evening on campus at Happy Harbor High School. Most of the students have dispersed for the evening. Finals are next week and many of the students have taken the approach that if they aren't ready by now then they will never be ready.

Out on the quad, Morgan is walking by himself when he notices a familiar face. He shifts course and heads toward Clover. "Hey, Clover, how's it going?"
Clover Sharp Clover keeps walking a faint sound of a song called Burn it to The Ground is playing from her Apple Beats. For a moment a shadow looks Morgan's way almost unseen in the darkness of the night. The shadow mutters some language and Clover turns seeing Morgan for the first time. She removes her Beats and waves at Morgan.
Morgan Finn Morgan comes to a stop before clover and jams his hands in his front pants pocket. A friendly, enthusiastic smile blooms over his face. "Hey, um, you busy? You wanna do something really cool?" The kid hops on the balls of his feet a little as though he has excess energy to burn, and something has him really excited.
Clover Sharp "Umm sounds good to me.? Clover says a nerviness look comes on her face however her shadow seems excited. What did you have in mind?? She looks up at the moon and says ?Mother is he? Should I say?? She pauses but no words come and then quickly realizes she said that out loud. Looks at Morgan in the light of the moon.
Morgan Finn Morgan jerks his head in the direction of the other side of the quad. "C'mon, it's a surprise." He breaks into a light jog to the far side of the quad. It's a slow pace and easy to keep up with. He finally comes to a stop, looks back at Clover with a grin, then looks forward again. "Lanis, open hatch."

    Suddenly right before Clover's eyes a JET materializes. It's hovering in the air completely silent and not making so much as a bit of breeze. A hatch opens and a walkway extends. "C'mon!" Morgan urges as he trots up the ramp into the jet.
Clover Sharp Clover takes out an old but nice looking spyglass from a little pouch on her belt pouch and looks at a shadow just behind Morgan. "Okay be brave and confident," she whispers as her shadow covers her and then in a blink she's gone. Shadows begin to move behind Morgan and Clover appears out of them. "I'm not really much of a jogger but YOU have a jet?" She reaches to touch it but doesn't. "Did you just make this or is it tech? I heard Wonder Woman has a jet but never seen it. Clover shakes in nervous excitement. Clover puts her spy scope back on her belt pouch. The words "May Your Eyes See" are inscribed on the scope.
Morgan Finn Morgan spins around, blinking, when Clover seems to teleport. He laughs, delighted. "You are full of surprises I see!" Morgan moves to the cockpit of the jet and climbs into the pilot's seat. He gestures with one hand toward the other seat in the cock for Clover to sit. "This is Diana's Invisible Jet. She lets me use it sometimes. Lanis, prepare for take off. This is my friend Clover."

A female voice emits from the cockpit. "Ready for take off, Morgan. It's nice to meet you, Clover."

Morgan looks at Clover and grins. "That's Lanis. She is the Jet's AI and a good friend!"
Clover Sharp "Hello Lanis nice to meet you. "Clover then whispers in ancient Greek "My father would never believe this". Clover takes the seat and looks for a belt to clip in. Looking over at Morgan "Have you flown much? Or does Lanis take care of it?" After a pause clover says " I've never flown this is new for me" She holds on to her sliver neckless and closes her eyes both scared and excited.
Morgan Finn Grabbing the control wheel with one hand, Morgan pushes the throttle forward with the other. The plane smoothly moves up and forward. "Well, I suspect Lanis takes care of the big stuff. I basically decide the direction and speed, and she keeps us from crashing." He beams. "I guess it's a team effort."

It takes just a few minutes to get from Happy Harbor to Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village. The Invisible Jet goes into a low, silent hover over the park and the ramp extends down. "C'mon, Clover!" Morgan says energetically as he trots down the ramp.
Clover Sharp "Would it be okay if I make it so others don't know who I really am?" looks nervous "its just that at my last school people didn't react well. I didn't do anything wrong its I just don't want to move again." Clover takes a breath and waits then walks out of the jet next to Morgan.
Morgan Finn With a smile and a small shrug, Morgan gesture toward Clover. "Hey, you do you, Clover. Don't let me cramp your style." Then to the Jet he says, "Lanis, cloak mode, please." And the Invisible Jet turns, you know, invisible!

"I like this park It's small and usually not terribly crowded. A lot of NYU students chill here. Sometimes being on campus as Crappy Harbor can be stressful and I'm grateful that I can get away when I need to."
Clover Sharp Clover waits a second and begins to pull shadows covering herself in a way that all you see is a silhouette of a girl but the blue hair sticks out. "When I go on longer walks I go like this just cause you never know right." The shadows have an old magic kind of feel about them. Clover giggles some then says "This is fun the flying and talking I mean" Clover walks next to Morgan. "So how's it look?" Clover listens and watches as a raven takes off near by. "Hey a raven didn't think they were around here"
Morgan Finn The teen demigod takes a surprised step back and raises both eyebrow. "Holy shit, girl, that is *awesome*. I kinda figured you had some control over shadows when I saw your shadow doing funky stuff on its own yesterday in the library. Very nice." Morgan walks a slow circle around Clover's shadow-shrouded form, check her out. "So what is the source of your power? Are you a mutant? An alien? Bit by a radioactive spider?" He winks playfully at that last suggestion.
Clover Sharp "Umm well I'm not any of those.. not that I have any bias. The things I can do I've been able since I could remember. My father has told many stories even said a great 3 headed dog showed up with me one night." Clover smiles "My mother that's where they started I think or maybe her mother before.." Clover gets lost in thought for a second. I've never met my mother she isn't from around here."