Owner Pose
Satana      Satana has been sulking around the mansion. Sulking, skulking, pouting, eating, all the things she does when she's not sure of herself. At least inwardly. Outwardly, she never delivers less than rabid confidence. But there have been a few half-drained people around her room, sometimes wandering out into the living quarters. Not that the succubi in the house aren't happy for the leftovers, but usually Satana finishes her meals. Today she's in a velvet dressing gown with a stack of books, black nightgown beneath, making notes while a handsome young man half slides out of her bed. She's seated in her perch, her favorite window seat, and there's a little bell next to her should she need to summon clean up.
Daimon Hellstrom     There's a bit of a knock at her door before the dapper well dressed Daimon opens and passes through the portal into her room. His attire is that of the standard business suit, no tie, dress shirt, nice shoes - all in black with the pentagram lapel pen of gold. He scans the room and takes note of the various /others/ within the domicile of his sister. He grins and then says aloud while laying his deep green eyes upon his sister, "Satana?" in a curious tone and then he continues with the question, "Has my sister struck boredom?"
Satana      She peeks up from her book, practically looking like a villainess. Which she is. "I might have. I've partied, I've found objects, I've found toys, and yet, here I am. Bored and having betrayed father in a way I hope he never figures out," she huffs, leaning back against a cushion. Her guest is almost sliding off the bed, and she rings her bell for one of the house Succubi to come get him. She doesn't seem too concerned with what happens to him after.
Daimon Hellstrom     A raised eyebrow of curiosity graces Daimon's face as he asks, "You have regrets of betraying one who has betrayed you, more times than either of us can count?" He takes a posture within the doorframe, leaning against the corner that allows him to face his sister while crossing his arms over his chest.
Satana      "I didn't say I regretted it, merely that it's a concern and I still see that my bed is unmade?" she says as one of the succubi that popular the house rushes in to pluck up the passed-out young man and easily skip away with him. The bed is quickly made, lest lashings be distributed, and Satana keeps pouting from her vantage point. "Are we-" meaning he- "Not working today?"
Daimon Hellstrom     Daimon steps out of the way as the succubus housemaid takes away the male and he carefully watches his sister make the bed. "Not sure I've ever seen you make a bed before.", he says in a commentary tone then moves on to the question, "I had a client come in this afternoon. He claims that his girlfriend disappeared under mysterious circumstances. He did the police thing, private detective, found nothing. They all suspect that she left him on her own accord. However, when reviewing the case, he showed me pictures on his phone of her apartment. There were arcane, specifically infernal, markings on a candle on a shelf. I'm still searching for the markings. But I come to you to ask a favor. If you would go to her apartment and snoop around. Perhaps cast a detection spell that will give us leads?"
Satana      "Now that does sound like an interesting distraction," she says. She, of course, did not make the bed, but rather a servile succubus did. She wouldn't lower herself to that. She continues her lounging, letting her book rest on her chest, open with pages face down. "I suppose I could saunter on over there and take a look," she says, "I do love a good snoop.'
Daimon Hellstrom     Daimon offers a card with the information on it. In doing so, he steps over, handing it to his sister and then commenting, "I'll be around when you've checked it out. Also, check the candle, see if you recognize the symbol. Then we'll go from there."