Owner Pose
AJ Strong It's a nice spring morning in Happy Harbor, just the right touch of coolness and breeze coming in over the water, the sun providing just a touch of warmth. AJ hasdeveloped a habit of jogging on the beach on such mornings. He's dressed in sneakers, shorts and a tee, nohoodie needed this morning, at leastin his opinion. There was also an invite sent via text to Roy to meet down at the water front if he'd like to come along. So AJ stands on the docks looking towards the beach and stretching, waiting to see if his friend shows up or not.
Roy Harper Roy Harper's been somewhat MIA of late. He's been in classes, but he's missed a few here and there. Nobody seems particularly surprised. He never lasted long at other schools before this one even if this one seemed to be different. And he's been going back to Starling City more often than not. But at the texted invitation, he does turn up. He wears a pair of dark red running pants and a white t-shirt with sneakers as he makes his way down to the docks. His phone is strapped to his arms and his earbuds are in, but he pops them out with a tug of his fingertip and lets them hang around his neck as he approaches. "Hey."
AJ Strong "Hey!" AJ waves from his spot on the docks, right by the stairs down to the beach. He doesn't say anything about Roy missing classes, well, not directly. It's more a, "Haven't seen you around much, didn't know if you were here." No admonissions, surely that ould come from the school if there was no excuse, just a friend commenting on it. He starts down the stairs at an easy walk, not picking up the pace till he hits the sand.
Roy Harper "Yeah," Roy says, "I'm still around. Just been busy with some stuff. Some family stuff going on, too." He moves toward the stairs to follow AJ down toward the sand. It's that hard packed damp sand that is dark and fairly easy to move over, not like the soft sand of more southern beaches. It's pretty decent for walking and running. He lets AJ set the pace, falling in beside him as they start down the beach. "How's it going with you?" he asks, glancing sidelong at him.
AJ Strong "Let me know if I can help with anything." AJ grins, turning and jogging a few steps backwards as he looks at Roy, then turns back around with a shrug. "You know, keeping my attention on classes, waiting for summer break, figuring out f I want to go somewhere over the summer." There's a flick of his eyes towards Roy, thenback on the path in front of him. "Dad's insisting I start thinking about colleges."
Roy Harper Roy glances over at AJ and looks him up and down then just grins a little, "Nah, it's cool, man. I'm alright." Then he smirks, "Ollie's got a new girlfriend. She's living at the house, now. She's pretty cool, though. I think he's trying to murder her with spices, though. Last time I went back, he made chili." And for some reason that seems to amuse the hell out of him. But he shrugs his shoulders, "Things were kinda tense for a while. Not sayin' it's sunshine and rainbows but.. we're talking again, and that's a thing. Right?" He takes in a deep breath and lets it out in a whoosh. "Yeah, they both asked me about that, too." He then asks, "You thinking about it? Anywhere in particular?"
AJ Strong "Dad thinks I should apply to Julliard." AJ rolls his eyes. "He has more confidence in me than I do. I was thinking of maybe taking a break after senior year. Just for a year, travel a bit, see places. Maybe live in another city for a bit." He shrugs. "Then maybe NYU, I dunno. College doesn't really.. appeal to me at the moment, know what I mean? High school I gotta do, college I can put off."
Roy Harper "Why not apply to Julliard? What's the worst that can happen? They say no?" Roy grins, reminding him of his autograph dilemma. "Sometimes when they say no, even better things happen." He continues to run along, letting his eyes slip out toward the water, taking it in, unconsciously scanning for anything unusual, before they flick back toward AJ. "Though, traveling around a bit sounds good, too." He grins, "Why not? I mean.. what about it doesn't appeal to you?" He seems curious, not judgmental about that.
AJ Strong "It's not the saying no, its the work. That school is grueling from everything I've heard about it and my free time would tank." AJ slows to scoop up stone of the beach, then whips it out into the ocean where it skips a few times before going under. "It just feels like something else to keep me locked down. I feel like I need to stretch a little, go out, do things, see places. Hell, there's plenty of things guys my age have done that I haven't yet. I got time to catch up on, before I worry about the future."
Roy Harper Roy Harper grins a bit at that and says, "Sounds like you know what you want. Not a bad place to start." He looks ahead again, watching where he's going in time to avoid a bit of driftwood and shift around it before continuing on. He watches the stone hit the water with a sploosh and then continues on with the run. "I have no idea what I want to do," he admits. "And I told'm as much. I've still got another year here. Figure with my track record -- we shouldn't rally get ahead of ourselves, anyway. I still need to graduate."
AJ Strong AJ chuckles. "Obviously you missed the class where they said end of junior year is the time to narrow things down." He grins slightly then shakes his head. "I mean, yeah, there's another year for me, too. But applications have to go in by Christmas break." He looks forward, "I don't think my dad would kill me if I decided to take a year for myself, if I just sat him down and explained. Problem is getting him to sit down to listen. YOu know how it is, they always have some business meeting or other to be off to."
Roy Harper "I didn't miss it," Roy says with a smirk. "I just decided to selectively forget about it." He rolls one shoulder and the other, and continues at a steady pace. "But really? I'm barely a highschool type. The fact I've lasted this long is kind of weird. Can you see me in college? Fuck. I'll probably end up working at a gas station or something." He then grins over at AJ then and says, "Well just like, set up an appointment on his calendar. Be like, okay, business meeting. We're talking futures and shit. My futures. Not those like wall street futures, but you get the idea."
AJ Strong "Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm kind of surprised you know financial futures are even a thing." AJ laughs good naturedly. "What you need to do is find yourself a sugar momma to pay for everything for you so you don' have to work." He sticks out his tongue at Roy, then shakes his head. "I think there's something out there for you, but no, I don't see you as the life in academia type. But pumping gas..?" There's another slow shake of his head. "Maybe a trade school."
Roy Harper "What? I watch TV. I couldn't tell you what they /are/. I just know they're a thing. Like.. bonds.. and stocks.. and uh.. the dow," Roy admits with a grin. "I just know enough words to parrot. Doesn't mean I know shit." He snorts then at that and says, "Except I'm not into girls, so I'll pass on the sugar momma." Though he considers the option of a trade school and mutters, "Maybe. Anyway, no point in worrying about it. It'll sort or it won't. Pretty sure Ollie'll be happy if I just manage to graduate high school at this point." Happy might be overstating it. Less disapproving than usual, perhaps.
AJ Strong "Honestly, I don't know what they are either, other than dad talks about them a lot." AJ smirks. "I don't have his head for business, and that's the other problem with school. There's really only a few things I'm good at. Sure, cello's great if I can get into a music conservatory, I love playing. I'm okay with languages, so I guess there's something there. But other than that it's, you know, my abilities, and there's no schooling for that. Unless I can get some big shot to take me under wing."
Roy Harper Roy Harper grins when AJ admits that he doesn't know what they are either and offers a high five. Solidarity in having no clue what all that business stuff is about. He hears enough about it around Ollie though to have picked up a little here and there. "Alright, cool. You're good at cello and languages, and maybe you could find somebody to train you in what you can do but.. like.. what do you /like/ doing? If you could pick any job at all you might want to do -- what would it be?" he asks.
AJ Strong AJ slows his forward momentum until he comes to a stop, hands on his knees, though his eyes are fixed on Roy. "It sounds stupid but I want to be a hero. I know it doesn't pay bills, so I need some other job for that, but.." He frowns. "It feels like somehting a kid would say, but it makes me feel alive like nothing else."
Roy Harper Roy Harper slows down along with AJ, eventually coming to a stop, and stretching a bit, one arm above his head, elbow bent, pulled to one side, then the other, and rolls his neck. "Doesn't sound stupid," Roy says. "Running rooftops, chasing down bad guys, helping keep people safe -- that's a rush. It's a rush that a nine to five isn't going to give you. But, yeah, it's not much for payin' the bills unless you've got yourself your own sugar momma to fall back on."
AJ Strong AJ Strong stands up straight and pulls his left arm across his chest, then his right. "I'm starting to think a sugar momma might not be right for me either. Not that I need one." His lips go flat. "I mean, I.. don't have to have a job, but I feel like I should. Live off my own money and skills for a while, just to know I can.." He rubs at the back of his neck. "That also sounds monumentally silly when I say it out loud."
Roy Harper Roy Harper laughs a bit at that and says, "Hey, there's nothing wrong with wanting to live off your own steam. Fuck, I live with Oliver fucking Queen. It's not like I'm homeless or something. But I'm not gonna live off of Ollie forever. Eventually, I gotta do me, you know? And I gotta be able to take care of me on my own." He frowns as he looks down at the sand for a moment or two, "I'm lucky he took me in when he did. But.. I'm not gonna be a kid forever."
AJ Strong "With the constant temptation of being able to dip into my trust fund if things get rocky." AJ laughs. "Or I guess with the safety of being able to do so. Which makes it feel like I wouldn't really be putting anything on the line. Maybe I can ask my dad to seal it off for a year, just so I can't." He taps at his chin and looks over at Roy. "You and your own? Thinking of starting a family, Roy?" He smiles faintly as he starts walking along the beach again. "Some grand-nephews for Oliver Queen?"
Roy Harper "All options," Roy says with a nod. "I bet he would, if you told him why you wanted to do it. I mean, he's a business guy. I think he could appreciate the value of you wanting to try to do it on your own and not have a crutch while doing it." He has no idea. He doesn't know the man, but in his imagination, it makes sense, at any rate. Then he blinks slowly and looks confused. "My what?" He pauses, not walking right away and then he says, "ON my own, not AND my own, dude." He laughs. "Fuck, kids? Shit. I mean, I got nothing against kids. But like, let's see if I'm not a total fuck up in ten years or so.. before I go fucking up somebody else's life."
AJ Strong "And he'd worry about me every day and call and make sure I had enough food and.." AJ shakes his head. "He's a worrywort. He may not always have time for me but he has always made sure I was taken care of." He runs his fingers through his hair, then laughs at his misunderstanding as Roy corrects him. "Hey, I dunno, some guys know they want to have kids and shit. Not my place to judge." He looks over at Roy. "And there's people out there really bad at being parents having kids, I think you'd be alright."
Roy Harper Roy Harper grins and shrugs his shoulders, "Well, I mean, you can always cut yourself off from it. Just change the password to something ridiculous that you can't remember and then make yourself not ask him for it. He's none the wiser, and you are on your own til you unlock it?" He has solutions. They might not be the best solutions, but he's willing to problem solve. He begins to walk again, catching up to AJ and falling in beside him again. "Yeah well, I'll let you know how that turns out if it ever happens." He chuckles, not seeming too worried about the possibility.
AJ Strong "True, but like you said about college, that'd still be a year off, so I have time to think about it. Not like I'm going hermit during my senior year. But might be nice to check some of those never-dones off the list." AJ starts picking his walk back up into a jog. "Well, I'd hope we're still friends, then I could just see for mysef how it's going."
Roy Harper Roy Harper grins and says, "Like what? What's on the list? You should totally start checking things off of it. Need a partner in crime? I will totally help you break into a high school gym, walk a railroad bridge, or jump off of something stupid." He flashes a grin at AJ then, before giving him a nudge with one elbow, "We'll still be friends. Sorry I've been kinda checked out lately. Been doin' a little crime fighting of my own, and I'm tryin' to keep it all on the down low so the school doesn't flip out. And.. I found this cool climbing wall place in the city, if you ever feel like wall climbing. Met Damian's sister there. Did not know he had a sister."
AJ Strong "See, this is why I need you, man. Those weren't even on the list. Well.. except I do the jump off something stupid quite a lot. Like. A stupid lot." AJ rubs his chin. "I mean, sneak a beer is on there. Haven't done that. Haven't been on a roller coaster. Never went out on a date. Oooo! Snuck into a rated R movie, and I gotta do that one, like, soon, or else I can just get in normally and that defeats the purpose." Someone watches too many 90's teen movies, apparently. "Hey, no worries, and rock climbing does sound like it could be.. sister? That guy? Huh.."
Roy Harper "Yeah, she and her friend were checking out some musician's ass who was further up the wall from us," Roy laughs, shaking his head. "Guess ya had to be there." He then pauses, coming to a stop, "Wait.. wait wait.. you have /never/ been in to an R rated movie on your own? Or snuck a beer? Or been on a date? At all?" Both brows go up. "Okay, your list is way too tame and this needs to be fixed immediately.. starting with we're going to the movies tonight. And then I'm getting you a beer. Like.. knock those two right off the list."
AJ Strong "Dude. What part of bed-ridden childhood did you not get?" AJ says with a scrunch of his brow. "Like, wen I say I've only been able to do normal things for the last year, I mean it." He laughs and shakes his head. "And then I was concerned with even more mundane never did things like.. going into Central Park and eating a hot dog off a cart."
Roy Harper Roy Harper raises both hands in front of him and says, "Okay, okay, you're right. You have had /significantly/ less time to go out and do these things -- all the more reason to rectify them!" But his expression softens a little and he slides his hands into the pockets of his track pants, "Yeah. I'm guessing there were a lot of things that you were just glad to be able to get out and do at all. So, okay, we will tackle your super tame bucket list.. and then we'll start adding some more adventurous things to it once we get you caught up to speed." He grins again.
AJ Strong "Wow, way to make me feel totally lame." AJ laughs though. "Fine, we get the super tame stuff out of the way and I let you talk me into doing some real reckless shit I'll regret later. You know, as long as it doesn't drift into felony territory. Like, we're totally not stealing your uncle's Maserati to go on a joy ride. I'm not even sure if he has a Maserati but he totally seems like the kind of guy that would."
Roy Harper Roy Harper rolls his eyes, "Oh trust me, I've done stuff way worse than steal Ollie's car in his eyes. But no, we're not going to purposefully torment my uncle. Who.. is not really my uncle, by the way. He uh, took me in when the guy who.. took me in when my dad died.. died.. when I was pretty young. I just went with uncle because explaining all of that is.. long and complicated. When I got home he was like.. Uncle, huh? And so I was like -- hey, I could have called you daddy. He did not deign to respond to that." He flashes a grin.
AJ Strong "Family doesn't have to be blood." AJ says with a mild shrug. "And if someone takes you in, gets super frustrated with you, fights with you, and at the end of the day is still willing to sit down and have dinner with you, that sounds like family." He laughs. "I have aunts, uncles, and cousins spread all over, but when it comes to immediate family it's really just me and dad. We may grate on each other but end of the day, he's still my dad." He smirks. "I think somewhere down deep he probably liked hearing being called uncle."
Roy Harper "Yeah," Roy says, with a little bit of a grin, "I mean.. he's all the family I've got. He puts up with my shit. And.. while we've had some rough times, yeah, he still says I've got a home to go back to. And he's been there for me. And.. I'll admit.. I kinda want to show him I can graduate from this place." He looks out at the water. "I don't /want/ to be a total fuck up to him, either. He's pretty much as close to a dad as I can remember. Mine died when I was real young. And then, the old man who took me in, he was a friend of my dad's and real nice but.. he died just a few years later. Ollie's been in my life almost as long as my real dad was at this point." He grins over at AJ a little and says, "Maybe. If he did, he'd never admit it."
AJ Strong "Problem with dad is there's an age implication there. Uncles can slide into cool older brother territory." AJ turns to Roy with a smile. "Well, there's our deal then. YOu help me to do some crazy, wacky shit I would never think of doing on my own. And I help you calm down and do the boring classwork shit so you can prove to your uncle that you can finish this high school thing and make him proud. And I'm not going to stop calling him your uncle unless you tell me to, because referring to Mr. Queen directly feels like a mouthful and Oliver sounds waayyy to personal."
Roy Harper Roy Harper laughs and says, "Hey, not my fault he's old." He gives a shrug of his shoulders and a broad grin before saying, "Yeah well, that's why I went with uncle. It's more believable and he's got a business and public rep to maintain, anyway, and a new girlfriend who probably doesn't need a surprise-fake-kid-he-doesn't-actually-have thrown into their relationship." He considers AJ's offer and both brows go up a little bit as he thinks it over. "Alright," he decides, finally, and offers a hand. "You've got a deal. And you can still keep calling him my uncle. I am. I mean, I just told you because.. well.. we're friends, and .. I dunno."
AJ Strong "I mean, your end of the bargain is obviously a whole lot more fun, but I'll try not to be a tyrant about studying." AJ laughs softly taking the offered hand and giving it one quick shake. "Oh! I never showed you have I? What I can do.." His eyes are slowly scanning the beach and the walkway at streetlevel to make sure they're alone and secluded.
Roy Harper Roy Harper shrugs his shoulders and says, "It's alright if you are. I've been trying to be better about it." And if AJ had known him /before/ Happy Harbor, he'd know that Oliver's utter surprise at finding him in a library at all was pretty warranted. "Wouldn't hurt to have more motivation." Then he shakes his head and grins, "You've alluded that you can do /something/ but.. school policy and all -- I've been trying not to pry into what other folks can or can't do."
AJ Strong "Well, we're friends, and I figure we might go out a trounce a few heads together so it helps to know what your partner can do, right? I mean, I've never done the team thing before, but it makes sense to me. And it's not prying if I show you." AJ nods as he finishes looking about, pretty sure they're alone enough. He kind of hops from one foot to the other, then between hops he suddenly vanishes with a silvery glimmer and a soft pop of rushing air. Then almost immediately reappears about twenty yards further down the beach.
Roy Harper "True enough," Roy says with a grin, seeming to find now flaw in this logic. So he gives AJ a nod, figuring that that's what all the looking about was about and waits, watching. There's a hop from one foot to the other and then, poof. He blinks. Then he sees AJ down the beach and he blinks again, "Oh shit. That's pretty cool." He strolls down the beach toward where AJ suddenly popped up and when he gets there he grins, "So you teleport around? That's pretty awesome."
AJ Strong "Well, there's other little things, but that's the big thing, yeah." AJ props his hands on his head with a smile. "Like I said, I jump of stupid shit all the time then just quick hop to the ground once I'm airborne, it's pretty fun." He lowers his voice to a mild whisper as if anyone else can hear them. "Honestly, the first few times I tied to hop around rapidly I made myself sick. Like motion sick but time ten." He wrinkles his nose and shakes his head. "Gotten used to it though."
Roy Harper "Shit, I'd be jumping off of shit all the time if I could pop around like that. As it is, it's mostly just parkour," Roy grins and then he says a little more seriously. "I'm uh.. not.. anything, by the way. Like, I'm just a guy. I have no powers, abilities, nothing. I'm just a really good archer and have a lot of training and skills but.. nothing that any other guy couldn't have with the same training and reflexes." He rocks back on his heels and then back again. "I've got some gear that helps, and I like to fiddle around and make gadgets, but I'm afraid all my superheroing is less.. uh.. super.. than most." He grins a little bit and says, "Good you got a handle on that. Though popping in on a bad guy and puking on them would /definitely/ be a surprise ambush tactic."
AJ Strong "Man, that sort of thing takes dedication, I've got more respect that you're willing to run in like that and still do good. I mean, I've been trying to train up because the popping around helps, but I still need to be able to fight. No good if I can't swing a punch, right?" AJ wrinkles his nose. "And there's downsides, too. Not that it isn't cool, just.." He shrugs. "But, see, you and me, I can get you to some shooting vantage points that you might not be able to get to quickly otherwise. Need up to a rooftop, bamph.. I just suggest closing your eyes and holding your breath until you get used to it.."
Roy Harper "I've got a suit that helps a little bit, as far as protection goes, but yeah, aside from equipment, it's just me out there," Roy says with a shrug of his shoulders. "Wait.." he pauses, "You can take someone /with/ you when you do it?" He hadn't even considered that as a possibility, and then he asks, "How far can you go?" Setting aside the whole -- this ride may cause nausea portion of the equation for a moment.
AJ Strong "Yeah, I can bring people, objects.." AJ rubs his chin. "Maybe about.. 6 people if they could all be in physical contact with me at once. Biggest thing I ever moved was a VW Bug.. I was testing things out in an old junkyard. Brought that car straight up in the air a good hundred feet and let it drop, made a big old crash when it landed, very satisfying." He folds his hands behind his head. "Distance? If I can see it I can get there. No popping over to London for fish and chips but, clear day like this." He points back to the waterfront docks they left in the distance. "I could probably get back there in one hop, two at most."
Roy Harper Roy Harper's eyes widen in surprise when AJ says he could move a VW bug, "Holy shit. That's.. crazy. Cool, but crazy." He then follows AJ's gaze out toward the distance and he asks, "Do you have to physically see it? Like, if you could see a place through your phone could you jump there? Or is it like, literal line of sight kinda thing? Or would you maybe get stuck in a wall or something?" He shudders at that thought, one of the things that he's always wondered about teleporting. "Still.. badass."
AJ Strong "I need to see it with my own eyes, a picture.." He shakes his head. "It'd be like me showing you a picture of a flower and asking you how it smells. It just doesn't work, no idea why. Maybe my brain need refrence points that a picture just can't provide." AJ rubs his chin as he thinks about it, the squints. "I mean, I don't even know how it works, just that it does. I've never gotten stuck in anything, but I can teleport right to a wall and kick off of it and hop to another."
Roy Harper Roy Harper nods his head a couple of times and that seems to make enough sense for him to accept at face value without further question. "Man, the parkour you could do with that would be just, fucking amazing, get a flow going, run into an obstacle that's just too far, too high, too whatever, and just ping pong through the air like a damn pinball machine.." He grins, mixing his metaphors and similes all over the place and not caring. "Thanks, for showing me. That's damn cool. Me? I just.. shoot things, really, and move fast, and fiddle with stuff. None of it's really impressive to look at."
AJ Strong AJ nods his head vigorously. "Oh hell yeah, I figured that one out watching YouTube videos. I just don't do it out of costume, but I'm not half bad at parkour for being self-taught. You just gotta be not afraid to break your neck." He smirks, then if fades a little. "What I'm not goodat is fighting, I've never tried shooting anything, and I only started taking those kickboxing classes. I'm no stronger than well.. any other guy my size. So I might be able to move around quick, buttaking someone down?" He shakes his head. "I need to get better there. I bet in a fight you'd still kick my ass. I'd just annoy you for a while until you figured out how to lock me down."
Roy Harper "Well, kickboxing's not something I've ever done before I started taking those lessons with you, so it's definitely not my go to, but ranged fighting? That, I can teach you. And I'm pretty good with a blade, too, though I just prefer to keep things at range," Roy says as he looks out over the water, back toward the dock, considering how far a hop that is from where they are. "If you want to hero it up, then you need to know how to fight."
AJ Strong "I know, but that's the problem. I can learn to fight kind of at those places, but it's either self-defense stuff or I have to hold back. Learning to fight with my powers mixed in, that means I need someone I can trust to teach me, or I just gotta figure it out on my own." He glances around at the empty beach and smirks. "I could hop up back to the docksad we could go get breakfast?"
Roy Harper "Well, I mean, I can teach you and you can do it while using your powers. I don't really care if you end up kicking my ass. I've gotten my ass handed to me plenty of times, both in practice and you know, doing the real thing," Roy grins a little bit with a shrug of his shoulders. "So, yeah. If you want to learn, I'll teach you what I know, and you can work your powers into it and test it on me. You're never gonna know how what you do is going to work against someone else with powers, but having them is definitely a nice edge." He looks over toward the docks and says, "Uh.. sure, I guess." There's the faintest hint of trepidation. "Closing your eyes makes it better?" Is he worried he's going to puke? Maybe.
AJ Strong "Well, you might be fine since you're used to jumping aroud. I wasn't used to going faster than a slow walk." AJ puts his hand on Roy's shoulder, skips off the sand, and the world lurches. There's actually a feeling of motion, a silver sheen that passes over the eyes for a moment, and a quick snap of being yanked in the right direction and suddenly there's wood underfoot where there was just sand a moment ago. "See.. not so bad.."
Roy Harper "Oh...fuck.." Roy starts the thought when his shoulder is touched and finishes it on the dock, holding out a hand to steady himself by grabbing onto AJ's arm for a moment as his eyes do a little shimmy like a ballet dancer who hasn't found that fixed spot to look at before snapping their head around. He looks only faintly green for a moment and disoriented but then it clears up and he blinks at where they are, and where they were, and he gives his head a little shake "Well, that was.. uh.. something!" His grin comes back quickly. "Sure, let's go grab breakfast."