Owner Pose
Emma Frost Emma Frost is currently sitting over in one of the areas of the club. Despite how crowded it is there are a perimeter of tables that are left empty. A testament over to Ms. Frost's riches, even if she were no longer the reigning Queen of the Club. She's casually having a dinne and is focused over on the wine menu.
Marie-Ange Colbert Someone, nonetheless, approaches the Frostline, as one might call it. Marie-Ange! She's in a blue-and-white striped shirt, sleeves cropped short, as well as tasteful capris. She seems to be in a hurry and is silently semaphoring a wave with her hand, eyes wide. Her emotions ripple with determination and concern. And embarrassment. And intimidation. And a desire to get a six-ounce prime rib lunch plate.
Emma Frost Emma Frost would glance over at Marie-Ange, "Why hello there. Would you care to join me? Is something the matter?" S he would wave a hand over in welcome to the girl and gesture at her to come an dapproahc. She does have a curious look on her face and moves to give a passing psi-scan if she could to the girl.
Marie-Ange Colbert The psi-scan reveals - uh -

It's kind of a cryptic blur, although tarot cards are recognizable. Their semiotic meaning becomes dense, hard to untangle on casual acquaintance.

"I - I would love to do so but I do not wish to trouble you - Mme Frost you are here and that means that you are the one who I saw," Marie-Ange says. "Did you drive here? I should say, rather, did you come here in the car, and will you leave the same?"
Emma Frost Emma Frost would gesture over at Marie-Ange, "Please dear, do feel free to join me. Do consider me curious. I came by chaffeur and I will leave the same way. Erik's very prompt on these kinds of things and he sees a lovely man here that he has a fancy for that works in one of the upstairs levels. I have plenty of time before he finishes so I'm in no hurry. So please do sit.." She would gesture over at the girl. "And I'll cover your meal."
Marie-Ange Colbert Marie-Ange sits.

"You must not leave this place by car," Marie-Ange says. "Any other method will do."

She blink blinks several times. "Oh -- really? Why, thank you, that's so kind..." Why turn down free meals, one might ask? Ah, the spirit of the Hellfire Club.
Emma Frost Emma Frost would ah, "Very well. I can take another way out. Is it all right then if I leave by another means of transit or -must- I take the subway?" She would inquire with a vaguely annoyed but amused glance.
Marie-Ange Colbert "You could take a helicopter or a jet pack! - Though I would not recommend a chariot," Marie-Ange says.

She is visualizing a card now. The Chariot, but reversed. Well, that must explain it. Probably. "If you waited until tomorrow it would also be safe but you are a busy lady... ah... are you, doing well, Mademoiselle Frost?"
Emma Frost Emma Frost would sigh, "Oh, I find that second one so droll. And a helicopter is so gauche. It's rather pretentious. And I've been fine. The usual thrills of work. Assassinations, Sentinels, whatever abominations that AIM is working on in the Savage Land.."
Marie-Ange Colbert "... Which one is the Savage Land exactly?" says Marie-Ange. (When the server comes by, she registers her order.)

"Have you, ah, been able to... follow up upon the matter we discussed...?"
Emma Frost Emma Frost would add over to Marie-Ange, "It's the jungle in Antartctica that has dinosaurs. AIM was attempting to make a series of cybernetic killing machines from them." Advanced Idea MEchanics tensd to do that sort of thing. "Yes, I have. I've had myself inspected quite thoroughly. They've not found anything. Two mages, two telepaths, and one neuro-cyberneticist of questioanble sanity."
Marie-Ange Colbert Marie-Ange says, "Oh, yes, that one; how silly of me to forget..."

She blinks slowly, several times.

"Then... perhaps it... resolved itself," Marie-Ange says. She sounds profoundly if obscurely relieved. "I am so glad, though, that you have been checked by so many and found well!"
Emma Frost Emma Frost would nod over at Marie-Ange, "But of course. Are there other things of concern you wish to ask on?" She would smile, "And I did take your wrods to heart and went to a variety of things." She would gesture over. "And do try the Red '87. It's rather sweet."
Marie-Ange Colbert "Really? -- Well, if you say so," says Marie-Ange, briefly dazzled by drinking wine older than she is.

"Er... well; I suppose not, ultimately... I had been doing my afternoon draw and it was very clear that you were in peril, but also that you were dining alone upon flesh," Marie-Ange says. "So I thought I should check here before I should bother your staff, you know?"
Emma Frost Emma Frost would smile, "Thank you for the concern. And my staff are currently occupied and you are an interesting conversational companion. So long as that's all by all means feel free to join me. If you do like the bottle I can have a case sent your way. Or another set of those.." She meant Hello Kitty.
Marie-Ange Colbert "Oh I wouldn't dare to ask for more of such things," Marie-Ange giggle-laughs. "And I shall surely tell you... I hope it isn't going to put you out!"
Emma Frost Emma Frost would gesture, "I've got a wide and varied tolerance, Marie-Ange, "If such a thing is beyond the affairs of the club.. Please, I'm sure that I'll pick up far worse merely from skimming conversations here."
Marie-Ange Colbert Marie-Ange blanches slightly. "Oh - hah - well, I suppose that, that such things would certainly be the case, wouldn't they? Especially if you are listening in a place like this. But you have such a glorious perimeter around you..."
Emma Frost Emma Frost would smile, "But of course dear. What's wealth worth over i fone disn't just display it for everyone to see?" She would chime over while gesturing and tap at her head in case the girl wished to think it.
Marie-Ange Colbert Marie-Ange blinks, nods once, and squints her eyes a little. Before thinking --

It's eerie because it's like she has no accent. Why would she? C'est telepathique. <<I had been badly concerned that you would bear the Antichrist or something like that,>> Marie-Ange thinks, <<and that would be awful. I mean, perhaps not for the Antichrist.>>
Emma Frost Emma Frost would shrug <<Darling, I've learned to take things literally and metaphorically. Manhattan was occupied by angels last year. So who am I to say in what form the end of the worlrd comes? Just there have been enough tries at it to make me think that theyre not particularly serious ones>>
Marie-Ange Colbert <<You're very jaded about these sorts of things, Mme Frost,>> Marie-Ange thinks, rather humbly. <<It was my first time even glimpsing such things. I suppose we are lucky we were not all sent to Hell for our sins.>> Such as, in Marie-Ange's case, *ignoring a homeless veteran asking for money!* What an evil girl. (That's the most recent memory, anyway.)
Emma Frost Emma Frost would just shrug <<That's the way the American dream works dear. If you have wealth no matter the circumstances, you earned it. If you do not, it is your own fault. So what particularly has you fearful of such a possible exchange, metaphorical or literal damnation included?>>
Marie-Ange Colbert <<But madame,>> Marie-Ange thinks with the equivalent of wide eyes. <<I am French!>>

<<Only the warning for you - I don't want to hear of anyone suffering, and I suppose you are an important person in the weave of destiny. At least at this time. Such things can come and go (no offense of course)>>
Emma Frost Emma Frost would smile <<Of course. Thank you for the compliment darling. It's so nice to have my ego stroked. I'll have to make sure that you're properly compensated for it>> Whether or not it's sincere Marie-Ange has come to her personally to deliver a warning when it wasn't remotely required to.
    That sort of loyalty earns rewards and is appreciated. <<I suppose that I'm a more cynical one in this world>>
Marie-Ange Colbert Marie-Ange laughs aloud. A little eerie.

<<I don't know if you are right, to have such views, but I don't know if you are wrong, either. I suppose I will find out, in time.>>
Emma Frost Emma Frost would smile <<Well, who are we to say what is right and what is wrong in a world of mixed morality and ethics? Perhaps there is no greater thing to the world that can be universally applied? A conundrum for the philosphers>>
Marie-Ange Colbert <<I suppose God would judge.>> Thus thinks Marie-Ange, piously.

<<Though, the angels did depart... And we still live, at least, I presume,>> she concludes. <<The cards, on this matter, gave me little insight.>>
Emma Frost Emma Frost would shrug <<Which one darling? There are quite a few. We live i na world where they are literal. I suppose depending on one's beliefs of course. Who am I to judge whom's virtue is the right one in the end of things? And the cards give guidance. Guidance is not always answers nor meaning.>>
Marie-Ange Colbert <<I suppose it would be trite of me to say 'the one in the Bible,'>> Marie-Ange thinks, obscurely guilty. <<Though you are quite - right - oh! Here it comes!>>

Marie-Ange clasps her hands as the luncheon-sized portion of beef with horseradish, grilled vegetable, and so forth is provided to her. "It's always wonderful here, and the protein balance is really quite excellent," reports Marie-Ange, before her mouth - and her mind - is soon occupied with the pleasure of the flesh.