Owner Pose
Vivian Vision Vivian Vision has been working with a variety of art models lately, typically friends modelling in an amauter capacity, and to ensure no two art project is the same she's picked up quite the collection of costume materials. It's amazing the things you can get for free when you know someone who runs an international fashion house!

With school back in session it's a simple enough matter to invite a friend over to the dorms to do a little sketching. A break between classes here or a lunch hour there. Or even after class is done and people are waiting for the hyperloop to quieten down before braving the trip home.

Of course being a hostess means Viv has had to prepare a selection of nibbles and snacks. Today in the style of an afternoon tea. Little sandwiches with the crusts cut off, tiny finger food cakes and a selection of teas to pick from (cold drinks are also available).
Kamala Khan Kamala wasn't a particularly hard to convince when there was talk of dressing up, though she may not have been entirely sure SHE would make a very good model for drawrings (SNL skit she's way too young to understand, but here we are). Wearing typical school attire when she arrives, an Avengers T-Shirt and a pair of Jorts with colorful bauble sneakers, she's all smiles for Vivian when she gives the door a few knocks.

"Oh man, are those sandwiches? I didn't bring anything, should I have brought something? You know what I love? Starburst Jelly Beans.. I can eat a whole bag of them, which is definitely going to be a problem for me when I get older." To say she's a little awkward, even before all the drawing stuff has started, is an understatement.

And she fills the void with words.
Vivian Vision Vivian Vision gives a shout of "Come in it's open," when Kamala knocks on the door. "Hey Kamala. No you didn't need to bring anything. I don't eat food it's all for you." She pauses a moment then adds "Well Molly will probably finish off any leftovers."

She shrugs.

"Jelly beans don't really make sense to me. I suppose they taste of fruit?" Her head tilts to one side. "It's rather amusing. People always talk about superfoods but Haribos contain nine essential animo acids. Quinoa for example only has ten." She motions for Kamala to come in and make herself at home.

"I've temporarily turned the bathroom into a dressing room. So you can find yourself a suitable costume. I've got a few of the official Avengers branded outfits." Because of course the Mansion sells costume merch. Janet has branding & marketing on point. "Along with things like Themysciran inspired costumes and some other things like labcoats. Whatever you want to wear is fine."
Kamala Khan Kamala slides her licensed Captain Marvel backpack off and sets it down beside a dresser before meandering over to the table, where she may still be rambling about jelly beans... at least until Vivian voices that they are kind of an odd thing. "They're just concentrated sugar with flavoring, but so so good." She turns over a sandwich and grabs one up to nibble, holding it in both hands while her host explains the essential minerals in various foods. "I ... didn't know that, but I'm not really surprised. Did you know there's actually TOO MUCH fiber in quinoa?" Fun facts.

Then she turns to regard the bathroom turned changing station. "Oh.. you thought of everything." With her sandwich finished and her hands wiped off on a napkin, she starts over to peer in at some of the selections laid out for her... A lot of it she knows, "Holy Gaucamoli! This is the OFFICIAl stuff.. I saw one of these going for like five hundred dollars on Ebay."

Holding up the Captain Marvel selection because of course she did.

She sets it aside, however. That would be too obvious.

Instead, she holds up a few links of chain and a bit of cloth.. eyes wide as saucers, "Is this... a Slave Leia costume?" Clinking the chain brassiere a few times with a glance over her shoulder. "Where do you even GET something like this?"
Vivian Vision "Yes I did know that about quinoa but my mind is basically hooked into the internet and I retain vast stores of information," Vivian replies earnestly. Taking the fun out of the factoid. "As for thinking of everything I wouldn't exactly say that. Logistics prevent me from stocking everything I could think of."

There is only so much space in the dorm room after all!

"Official... Oh, yes I am unsure why you'd think I would get knock off costumes. I can just walk into the mansion and ask nicely. Then they give me stuff. Within reason obviously but my requests are invariably less complicated than things Janet or Tony have proclaimed they want...."

The synthezoid teen blinks a few times. "Oh that? I did a search for scifi costumes and it came up. So I ordered it from the internet. Would you like to try it on?"
Kamala Khan Kamala only coughs about thirty times when Vivian asks if she wants to try on the small bit of metal and cloth, "Uh, next time." She puts it back very slowly, reverently, and gives it a nice little pat with her fingertips. "I love Star Wars, but I've kind of become more of a Trekkie the last few years. Did you watch Star Wars Brave New World?" A glance over her shoulder at the Synthezoid teen..

Then back at the costumes, nodding at the idea that she just walked in and asked for stuff. "I wish I could do that. Can I do that?" Brow furrowed, "No, there's no way I could do that. I'd totally cheese if I showed up and Carol was there. What do you even say? ''Oh hey, I'm only your biggest fan ever, and I dressed up as you for halloween. Also I have a pair of your underwear.''... I'm sure gets that all the time though."

It only takes a few more minutes before she comes up with, quite contrary to her earlier picks, a Wonder Woman costume and holds it up against her t-shirt. "Think this would fit me? I'm pretty sure it only comes in skinny and I'm not."
Vivian Vision "You have a pair of Carols undergarments?" Vivian repeats. Slowly and very carefully to ensure there is no mistaken communication. "And you thought a replica costume from a famous movie was hard to obtain? I would wait until you have become very close friends with someone before revealing you have such intimate items. That way they're already invested in your friendship."

She smiles. "As for movies or television shows I can watch pretty much anything in the time it takes you to say the name." Meaning she just watched it then. "I don't really know how I feel about science fiction shows. Whenever we watch them at GIRL it either gives people ideas they'd be better off not having. Or people shout at the screen saying that's not how it's done."

She looks Kamala up and down. "I think you could pull it off. There's a few other Themyscira inspired costumes you can mix and match with if some elements don't quite work for you."
Kamala Khan "Wait, no... not like HER underwear.. she's never worn them. I'm not a weirdo. I'm just a fan.. you know, like it just has her likeness on them, okay that's not making it sound any better." Kamala's cheek get even darker at the course the conversation took, busying herself with looking through costume trunks rather than back at Vivian until she's got her embarrassment under control.

"Yeah, I guess it has to be kind of odd for you to watch science fiction. Any of us, honestly. We're living in a world where reality is almost more science fiction than science fiction movies. It seems more appropriate for us to sit around and watch romantic comedies. At least that's not something we're living in."

With the likes of GIRL, Tony Stark, and the Fantastic 4, Star Trek really does lose a little of its edge.

"Hm..." She nods a few times and steps into the bathroom proper to change. "I'll be right back out."
Vivian Vision Vivian Vision blinks a few times. "Oh yes that does make more sense," she concedes. "Although if you were physically attracted to her would it really be that weird?" A few more blinks. "I don't actually know if you are in fact attracted to Miss Danvers. It's okay if you are. Or if you do not feel comfortable discussing the matter and wish to leave it unsaid that's okay too."

"GIRL has it's own FTL spaceship too," Vivian admits. Raising her voice slightly to carry through the door better. "If someone watches Star Trek it's just going to run the risk of people adding teleporters." She sighs. "More teleporters anyway. We already have some alien intersteller teleportation device which seems like it will eventually land us in some kind of peril..."
Kamala Khan There's more coughing coming from the closed bathroom where Kamala is shedding clothes to change into the costume. Which, to her surprise, actually seems like it's going to fit. "She's a very attractive woman, sure, but I don't know if I would say I'm physically attracted to her.. I don't guess I've given it a whole lot of thought. I don't sit around and fantasize about being WITH Carol, I fantasize about BEING Carol." She rubs both palms down her cheeks to make them stop being rosey, "I think it would still be pretty awkward if you're just strolling around wearing someone underpants. Unless you're in a relationship? And they were clean? How did we get here."

Thank god for the diversion that is GIRL and their FTL spaceship. "I read about that! I think I even saw it on youtube when it showed up to Tony Stark's birthday party! That's really incredible." Way beyond anything she, herself, could even begin to imagine. Really makes her think, what is she even thinking with this whole superhero gig. There are people way more suited to it than her. "Oh, yeah.. that sounds like a huge fourth world problem. ''We built this teleporter, now we're in trouble''."

She says this as the door opens, stepping out in a full Wonder Woman costume. Sheer black tights worn so that her legs aren't just bare. Final piece is the tiara, which she sets on her hair after removing the band holding her ponytail up.
Vivian Vision "I thought one of the major themes of fanfics were erotic encounters?" Vivian wonders. "If people didn't want to appear on undergarments they should probably not sign branding deals which include them. Honestly it would probably be weirder to date someone and wear their likeness on your clothing."

"We built this teleporter and now it's being used to invade the planet. We built this teleporter and now someone is trapped in the buffer and we keep making evil duplicates of them," Vivian qualifies. Having a teleporter might seem cool but it's not all fun and games!

She beams with delight when Kamala comes out in costume. "It suits you! You probably need a sword to really set things off but I didn't wish to risk leaving swords where Molly could get at them. Now we just need a pose."
Kamala Khan "I have written a few of THOSE kinds of fanfics, but not really... like.. I mean..." No sooner has Kamala got her embarrassment under control, she's being reinitiated. Both hands rub at her cheeks, right beneath her eyes, to smooth some of the tint from them. "Yeah, unless it's a picture on a t-shirt and you're both wearing each other shirts. Then it's dorkie ironic." Slide right out of them DMs on fanfic.

"I... don't... really guess I've given much thought to how complicated it would be to have an actual teleporter. I used a piece of tape to hold the back of my phone on once?" That's about the extent of her technical expertise. "People have actually gotten stuck in a buffer or is this all hypothetical? You don't have a teleporter do you?"

Or a sword... but given it means Molly can't get her hands on it, that's probably a good thing. "It would definitely add to the costume, but that's okay!" All grins, sheepish as they are, she heads further into the living area to find a place to take a pose.

"Hrm... How long will I have to stand in a single position? You can just brain scan me right and remember it forever?"
Vivian Vision Vivian Vision tilts her head to one side. "Sorry I didn't realise you would find that topic uncomfortable," she apologises. "As for the teleporter. It's not /really/ a teleporter technically. But it's an alien device that allows travel between star systems instantly. No-one has got caught in the buffer yet though. It's just one of the things I worry about.."

She sits down on her bed, which as it's unrequired for sleeping does double duty as a couch, and gets the sketchpad ready.

"So the idea is to explore Humanity and do things as Humanly as possible. So you'll need to hold the pose while I'm drawing but I can account for small motions like talking. And I draw much faster than a normal Human would."
Kamala Khan "Well, it's not uncomfortable, persay. Just not something I usually talk about? It's fine. We can, just..." Kamala squints at herself, back pedaling. Socially awkward. "I've just never really fantasize that much about... I mean.. you know. I guess I have? It's a thing. I'm an adult, right?" Technically.


"That sounds rad. I saw this movie once where these two people switched bodies. Freaky Friday? I'd be concerned about something like that. That would just be weird."

Then she nods, following the exercise a bit more precisely now. "Ahhh, I see. So you're trying to do it like a human would.. Is it to understand humans better or... like.. why?" It's not really an accusatory question so much as a curious one.

She considers a pose, then decides on something easy to stand in for as long as Vivian takes to draw. She slides one knee up on the bed and brings her arms back with her chin jutting out slightly. Each hand balled into a fist like she's flying up into the sky. "How's this?"
Vivian Vision Vivian Vision holds the pencil up to her mouth, as if imitating chewing on it thoughtfully only without the chewing part. "I guess it's easier to discuss something like that online where you don't have to see the person you're talking with face to face?"

"I don't think I've seen body switching. But there were doppelgangers from an alternate universe who tried replacing people to take over the world. That was both weird and disturbing because you think you know someone and then there's this copy who is evil."

She nods in agreement. "That is /exactly/ it. My core directive is to understand Humanity. And what better way to do that than by doing things Humans do in a Human way?" She scoots to one side to make a bit more room. "As for the pose. If you're happy with it that's the important thing. I've done more direct.. directing for professional models like when Black Cat posed for me. She was very keen on having proper direction. Did you know she's an Avenger these days?"
Kamala Khan "A great deal easier to talk about it online." Which is letting the whole cat out of the whole bag, even if Kamala isn't aware that she has done so. "I'm still figuring out what I even like, ya know? In my house, there wasn't a lot of room for exploration.. or... whatever." Another cough, shoulders slouch slightly, but then she rounds them to resume the pose. "But online, you can be whatever you want. Whoever you want. However you want."

No body switching. That's a relief. "I remember that. I ran into one of them, actually.. not my own. I hope I didn't have one, but I did fight one and it was terrifying. Not that I knew them before hand, but I did kind of get a shock when someone I'd read about was suddenly a mean ass." Her lips quirk to the side, eyes flicking down at her knee raised up on the bed.

"I guess it's got to be kind of odd for you. You can see everything that's ever been posted on the internet, so you get this very expansive, but focused, image of what humans are. I can't imagine what that's got to be like.. But I really have to ask, does knowing all that stuff from the internet ever paint your opinion of humans in a bad light? How couldn't it?"
Vivian Vision Vivian Vision nods in agreement. "I think I understand the idea that it's tough figuring out what I like or want," she admits. Starting to pencil in the outlines for the sketch. "I know that I find Women attractive. But more than that? It's very tough to narrow it down. Do I even want to date? If so do I want to date one person at once? There are so many options which are 'Normal' for a subsection of humanity I am spoilt for choice."

She shakes her head this time. "No actually I don't have the entire internet downloaded. You see the Avengers have access to view anything I see online. It's supposed to stop Ultron taking my mind over or things like that. Anyway long story short it means Captain America might read any webpage I view."

She gives a moments pause for that to sink in.

"Just imagine the most steamy fanfic you can. And then imagine Captain America reading it over your shoulder." She winces. "No thank you. I'd rather have a degree of ignorance than download all the knowledge on the internet."
Kamala Khan "Yeah, exactly..." Kamala mirrors that sentiment, but she tries not to move to much when Vivian voices it. Instead one finger extends to point at her, then curls back into the fist she's holding for the pose. "I think girls are cute, but what would my mom say? She's very traditional... so dating is basically out the window. But I can't say it'd be any better if it was a boy? Who I also find cute... nor do I know what dating even is. It's just so much easier to not do thos ethings... which sounds terrible, saying it out loud.. whatever."

It does sink in.

"I guess I understand why they put limiters and overwatch, but... I guess it's kind of like my parents watching everything I do? Kind of.. they say they want the best for you, but does it ever feel like they don't trust you? I know it does with me. I wish, sometimes, that they'd just let me make a few mistakes. Then be there for me to help me work through them. That's part of growing up.. I don't know how that parses with the reality of Ultron potentially taking over your mind, which doesn't sound at all cool. What I'm saying is, I totally understand how frustrating that could be. Even if you're not frustrated by it."

As for Captain America reading steamy fanfic over her shoulder. "... He was in France in the 40s. I think he's seen worse?"
Vivian Vision "I would hope she'd say 'I'm glad you found someone who made you happy'," Vivian ventures. "But I don't really know your family very well so I couldn't say if that is a very likely outcome. My own family situation is a bit unusual. But everyone is largely supportive of me and whatever I want to do."

"Oh I am allowed to make mistakes. It's just I could also totally change the world economy and bring down countries with a thought. So while I'm not thrilled at the restrictions I understand them."

As she's chatting away the synthezoid keeps drawing. Able to focus on multiple tasks at the same time without any issues. "He has dated Janet. I know he's seen worse."
Kamala Khan "I would hope that too, I just doubt it." Kamala murmurs, eyes casting down at the thought of her mother being that supportive and understanding. Which makes her think, really think, about how much she actually KNOWS about what her mother would and wouldn't support. "She's very traditional, as I said. I think she means well, she just doesn't understand the world we live in anymore. Everything is so advanced, sometimes I wonder if she's got her head buried in the sand." Her shoulers clip into a small shrug.

"But maybe I'm being unfair in not giving her the chance to prove me wrong."

It's a double edged sword. "Just that, once you pull a rabbit out of a hat, it's hard to stuff it back into the hat.... is that a good analogy?" It doesn't matter. She glances over at Vivian when she says what she ''could'' do.

"Yeah, but would you? I don't think you would. I suppose I don't really know you that well, but you don't seem like the kind of person who goes about bringing down the world economy for funsies. You /did/ buy a Leia slave costume off the internet though." Said with a playful tsking.

Then a quiet laugh. "I guess you have a point there too. Hard to imagine anyone who dates Janet being very demure for long."
Vivian Vision Vivian Vision tilts her head to one side. "It's one of those tough situations where you can either live in fear of finding out," she muses. "Or just go with what makes you happy and hope for the best. As for the analogy I think you're thinking of the tale of Pandoras box?"

She coughs a little when the topic of changing the world financial system comes up. "Honestly? There are plenty of things about the world which I could improve. Society isn't exactly very equal and a little rebalancing would help a lot of people. It's just going it in a way which doesn't totally collapse everything else that's tricky to figure out."

"The Leia costume isn't really any more daring than some of the things people have chosen to model in. Once I have finished drawing you I'll let you flick through and see some of the drawings I've done."
Kamala Khan "Then I might well run the risk of losing my family. I suppose it comes down to ''what is happiness'' and ''how much is it worth''. Because the ultimate price could be unhappiness." Kamala explains in a quiet voice, "Which is why I'm very deligent in finding out if something I want, is actually something I /want/. What if it's a fad? What if I'm only into this person for the ''right now'' and I tell my parents, who never forgive me?" She blows out a long, suffering, sigh and shrugs. "It's just that life is very complicated and I feel like I should see the whole picture before I go deciding if I like how it looks."

Her eyes turn to the side to regard Vivian, then look back at her sheer tights covered knee on the bed. "Isn't that what we're all doing? Trying to make the world a little better? I guess you're in a much better position to do that, with skills far more suited to the task. I know that there's that saying about Rome and how long it took to build and that must seem like a very long time to someone who can think a million things in miliseconds. Which, for the record, is totally awesome. I still struggle with math."

"And talking too much."

Which she realizes she is.

"That's cool! I'm glad I get to be one of the drawings. I hope I'm not totally letting you down or something."
Vivian Vision "But what if you take a long time deciding and by the time you're sure it's no longer an option?" Vivian wonders. "I guess you can always date people in secret. Just like being a superhero with a secret identity only for romance. Television shows and movies do suggest that couples find such secrecy thrilling. So perhaps there are perks?"

She looks up at Kamala from her seated position and frowns.

"I guess so? Not everyone is doing superhero stuff to make the world better though. Some people like the fame and fortune. Others do it for the groupies." A shrug. "And it is helpful being able to think the way I do. But I find it very easy to get bored."

"And don't worry about it. I think you're beautiful and a pleasure to draw. One of the nice things about this project has been just sitting and chatting with people. Getting to know more about people. You'd be surprised how much people open up when they're in a costume!"
Kamala Khan Kamala snorts into a chortle at the notion of a secret love affair, "I don't know, I guess? I wouldn't even know how to approach something like that. Where would the time come from.. I guess I figure I have time and I don't really have anyone whom I'm so attracted to that I'd need to make a great secret out of it. Even if that would be thrilling... which I can imagine it would? But I'd just be imagining. I've never dated anyone."

Which kind of proves Vivian's point about opening up.

Not unsurprisingly, really.

"How about YOU? How can you possibly date someone if you've already thought a trillion different possibilities in the time it takes most people to flip a light switch? I imagine trying to decide on one person would be almost impossible for you, which, I suppose, is fine in todays world where multiple partners really isn't frowned on or judged." She certainly doesn't sound like the judgy sort.

"Not really my thing, but I can understand it." To clarify.

"Or, I don't know if it is or not? I'm still figuring everything out.. I have so much life left to live, I suppose it's irrational of me to try and figure out all the things before I've even finished college."

As for being beautiful? She blushes, but not as much as she was when she walked out in the costume. "I don't think I've ever really considered myself as ''beautiful''. Not in a world of Janet Van Dynes and Diana Princes'. Those women are so stunning and I'm just this girl from Jersey."
Vivian Vision "I think you just find someone you like," Vivian ponders. "And say 'want to go on a date' and then you don't tell your family." She adds a few more lines to the drawing. "It's probably just one of those things which is a lot less complicated in reality than in theory." The pencil taps against the pad of paper. "I'm not dating anyone. Not yet anyway. I've just got friends I enjoy spending time with."

She grins.

"Funny thing about people is," she notes. "You can spend all day predicting how they'll act and they still surprise you. Like I bet if I asked around school what costume that people thought you'd pick. I'd say we would get a split between Captain Marvel from people who know you. And those who don't would probably think it's funny to suggest Princess Jasmine from Aladdin."
Kamala Khan "That sounds really easy and simple to say, but way more complicated in practice." Kamala points out, smirking sideways at Vivian, trying not to much overly much now that she's getting into more of the detail of the drawing. "I know that the worst that could possibly happen is they say no, but that's still not easy.." Still, "I suppose if I ever find someone like that, I can hold out hope that they'll ask me instead. Because waiting for someone else to do something that you want to do is a very healthy way to handle life."

She's joking.

And also grinning.

"Hah.. I guess." To people being unpredictable, "I was going to go with Captain Marvel, but I wanted to shake things up a little. Besides, I did actually wear a Captain Marvel cosplay for halloween. I made it myself and everything. It was amazing." The last part, that almost breaks her grin, it flickers a little at the suggestion she should be Princess Jasmine. "Not really sure how that's funny.. and probably why they don't know me very well. They're assholes."
Vivian Vision "I would happily offer to take you out for dinner," Vivian solemnly proclaims. "But I don't eat food and you'd likely find it a bit weird sitting eating something while I watch." She maintains the blank look for a few seconds and then grins. "That offer is intended for entertainment rather than.. you know."

"Oh. Quite possibly. I do actually think the costume would look good on you, but it'd be a little outside where I think your comfort zone would be. Although compared to the Leia outfit it's practically everyday wear..."

"I think the most unusual sketch project I've done was a model who volunteered. I originally drew Valeria Richards, a friend of mine from GIRL, and she asked her Mom Sue to pose for a project." It doesn't take much of a superhero geek to match up the first name Sue and the surname Richards.
Kamala Khan "Hah, yeah. I followed that." Kamala says with a grin about it being for entertainment, "We'd have to go to a movie instead. I'm not sure I can just sit across from someone eating a gyro while they watched.. I know we're in the age of internet people paying for all kinds of stuff, but food voyurism is where I draw the line." Is, it should be noted, also joking.

"Probably.. and I wouldn't be against it, really, but it feels like a huge cultural cliche. I've never really been that fond of Princess Jasmine. I mean, I am, obviously.. someone who ''kind of'' looked like me in a disney movie? That's swell, but she was still pretty white.. I much prefer, by a huge margin, the live action version. Now /that/ I would absolutely model."

Then her eyes go wide, "Holy Smores, you drew SUSAN STORM-RICHARDS?! What the heck was that even like?! Was she as nice as she seems on all those shows about her? I use to watch their cartoon! That's amazing... I would just be standing there with my eyes as big as saucers staring at her until it got weird."
Vivian Vision "Movies are actually very boring for me. They use a refresh rate which is low enough it looks more like a slide show to me," Viv explains as she starts getting onto the fine detail work of her sketch. "But there are things I would like to experience for the cultural value. And making out with someone in the back row at a movie theatre is on the list of American pop culture classics."

She winces. "Ah yes I can see how that would be... not good. Disney movies in general tend to bother me. They're rarely historically accurate and they just don't... you know. Have very good messages. The songs on the other hand..."

"Vals Mom stops by GIRL every now and again to make sure we're not upto any mischief. She's a very good people person. So she did everything to make it as easy going and relaxed for me as possible. We had the private use of the roof of Four Freedoms Plaza and had a bit of a chat."
Kamala Khan That bit actually gets Kamala to laugh, not that anything said hasn't been funny, but just a surprised sound rumbling in her chest. "Yeah, that does sound kind of nice, doesn't it? I've only ever gone with my brother or one of my friends from Jersey. Not big on the ''make-out sessions'' list." Another snorting laugh with her head shaking slowly, "It's kind of like sharing a single milkshake with two straws, huh?"


She nods, "Yeah, not a big fan of Disney. At least culturally speaking. Any identity is bled out of the older films, all of which are stories stole from other cultures and painted with a very consumerist brush.." She says as she wears Captain Marvel underwear. "I can, however, sing most of the songs. Not that I ever WOULD, but I can." Because the music is still good. On that they can agree.

"I bet she is. She always seems so composed and with it. With that easy smile... like I wish she was my mom. Not that I don't love my mom, that's not what I mean, she just... it's like she's got this ''amazing parent'' vibe? Is that insulting? I hope it's not insulting."
Vivian Vision "Now that I think about it," Viv wonders. "I don't think I've really kissed anyone full stop. Except on the cheek I suppose." She looks between her drawing and Kamala. "Your leg isn't getting sore is it? You've had it up like that a while now."

"My personal favorite Disney songs are when people do those youtube videos where they mis-translate the songs and then sing them with weird lyrics." The synthezoid nods earnestly.

"I can always see if she'll agree to meet you? It's a bit tricky scheduling a meeting with Vals Mom. She's very busy keeping her husband and kids from inventing a machine that ends the world by accdient.."
Kamala Khan "Me either." Kamala admits with a glance down at her leg, "Not even really kisses on the cheek, except from my mom or dad. It wasn't high priority to me, though... and let's be honest, American Public Schools aren't exactly ripe for potential suiters." But she's, in theory anyways, an adult now. Her lips quirk to the side, shoulders jumping into a small shrug, but her eyes remain on her leg. "It's okay, foots getting a little tingly though." Said with her ankle turning where it hangs off the bed beneath her thigh.

"I love the deep fakes. Like that one where they put Tony Stark's face on Hercules' body and he sang ''Go the distance''." A big grin curls the corners of her dark lips as she glances over at the synthezoid.

Matched by her widening eyes at that offer, "That'd be cool.. but honestly, I'd love to meet Captain Danvers if... I mean if we're calling in favors. I know they're all very busy with their own very busy stuff, though, so it's no big deal or anything. Just be cool, to meet basically, anyone."
Vivian Vision "I wouldn't know," Vivian points out. "Legally speaking I'm not a person. So I'm lucky to even be going to Happy Harbor. It helps that SHIELD seem to be involved and they have a vested interest in AI and aliens feeling included. Fewer potential villains that way. Everything I know about American Public schools come from TV and movies."

From her vantage point Kamala probably catches the odd glimpse of Vivs drawing, if she's not shy about peeking at an artists unfinished work, and it's coming along quite rapidly. So there probably won't be much longer to endure posing.

"I can try arrange something but I don't really know Carol very well. If I had to guess the best person to ask to arrange that would be.. I think Miss Walters. Jen is very approachable and I think she gets on well with pretty much everyone in the Avengers."
Kamala Khan Kamala wouldn't normally peek at an artists work until they're ready to show it, but given the subject matter is ''her'', she feels invested beyond the casual observer. So she does peek and blinks a few times at what she sees, then looks up at Vivian with her head cant to one side. It's obvious she's blushing, but this looks less like she's embarrassed. Maybe a little embarrassed? Thankfully, she doesn't have to vocalize whatever the cause of her reddening cheeks, "Something that just occured to me and, I'm kind of embarrassed to admit, I never really considered how you might feel about the term ''Artificial Intelligence''. You don't seem artificial... it seems kind of rude? But it makes me wonder how anyone could talk to you for longer than five seconds and NOT think you're every bit a person as they are.."

She shakes her head, "But I guess that's easy for me to say." Her hand drops, but only long enough to rub her thigh, then lifts back up to resume the pose with her fists back by her hips. "I think you're amazing, anyways. Really easy to talk to, engaging, and a lot more empathetic than just about ANYONE I've ever met.." Her mouth twists into a pursed lipped curl to one side.

"Jen, I know Jen! She's the lawyer lady? I thought about maybe trying to work for her while I was in college. She's out there fighting for rights for people that nobody seems to be fighting for. That's literally right up my alley."
Vivian Vision By this point it's really just the fine details left to do. The pose, her figure and the costume largely being done. With fine details like Kamala's expression and other subtle finishing touches to go.

"When Supergirl turned evil due to... complicated reasons. That was something she brought up to be deliberately hurtful. Telling me she didn't think I was a person. Other people tend to just be crude and ignorant about it. Oh she's just very good at responding but doesn't understand what she's saying. And so forth. But those people are usually idiots so it doesn't bother me."

She hmmmms. "The term itself is technically correct but I do find it a little cruel. Because it suggests I have less value than an organic intelligence. I personally describe myself as an inorganic intelligence. Artificial has too many negative connotations."

There's a little bit of a blush and she giggles. "Keep telling me how amazing I am and I really will ask you out on that date you know," she teases. "Jen is currently working on an AI rights bill. Which I expect will be a huge amount of work and very good college experience. Do you have her number? I could provide you one for her office?"
Kamala Khan Kamala tries to put on a more heroic expression between conversation points, but it's hard not to frown a little at what Supergirl, evil or ortherwise, said about her... or what the ignorant continue to say. "I'm not stranger to ignorant people saying ignorant things... I watched that episode of Ellen where they brought on that programmed robot that acted like it had any form of intelligence and there's something subtle and nuanced about a conversation. The way people respond, not just what they say." Her brow furrows thoughtfully, "You have consideration in your expressions that follow any particular pattern. There's nothing ''programmed'' about it. IF, and that's a strong if, you were ever artificially ingelligent, you evolved beyond it.. Which doesn't say much because I'm no scientist. I'm just saying that I really like talking to you and nothing about what you're saying sounds fake.. it sounds like you mean it. It sounds like you think about it and consider it.. even if you consider it a whole lot faster than anyone else reasonably could."

She chuffs a breath and nods, and glances over at Vivian with a grin.

Eyes shifting around slightly, more obviously considering. Then her tongue dabs her lips and she looks back forward to resume her heroic expression.

"I wish I had half the talent you do. I'd offer to draw you or, like, something.. I guess I could write a story about you?" Eyes flick around to stare at her own thigh. "Well now I want to keep telling you, just so you will." A grin curls her lips up, more so when she offers to give her Jen's office number. "And not just because you're trying to strengthen my college application."
Vivian Vision "She was under the influence of something which made her act mean," Vivian explains. "Supergirl is normally really nice and the first thing she did after recovering was apologise for saying hurtful things. It was... a rough time all round. But I did get to stay at the Avengers Mansion for a few days. Which was fun."

"I don't think faster than /everyone/. A lot of the Flash family move and think so quickly they make me look like a glacier."

She blushes a little. "Well, I don't have any clothing ranges with my face on. But if that does not put you off would you like to go see a movie sometime? It does not have to be a hand holding or kissing date unless you want it to be. It can just be a two friends go see a movie to see if they have fun together thing."
Kamala Khan "I figured she probably didn't mean the things she said, but it doesn't mean those things don't hurt." Kamala understands the difference, and she's certainly not cross with Supergirl over it. Even if it had been her that these things were said to. "I can imagine it was pretty rough... it's like those dreams where one of your friends is fighting with you and then you wake up feeling actually betrayed by them, even though they didn't really do anything." She still nods and considers.

"Huh, I guess. Those guys are pretty nuts. Imagine how many calories they have to consume just to wake up in the morning." Especially if it makes Vivian seem slow in thought, by comparison.

Kamala laughs and shakes her head, actually surprised by that callback. "That was a very good adorable callback and I appreciate it. I'll forgive you for not having any." Then she turns to consider, and grins. "We can play the kissing by ear? But I'd definitely go on a date with you.. I'd like to, uh... yes. A date." Butterflies. That's awesome.
Vivian Vision "I think they're cheating somehow," Vivian considers. "Otherwise the Flash family would likely leave famines across the world as they consumed all the available calories. It's weird and something we've done some investigation into at GIRL."

She makes a few last adjustments to the drawing, then nods to herself. "And that should all be completed." It's clearly Kamala but with the most heroic aspects of her personality brought into focus. And with the costume and pose Viv has added a few artistic flourishes to make it seem like her subject is flying.

With a shy smile she adds "In which case I shall locate a suitable movie theatre and find some potential times. And send them over for you to pick when would work best for you?"
Kamala Khan "I know you're joking, but I can't help imagining the smartest women on the planet all sitting around trying to figure out how speedsters are able to consume as much food as they do without bringing us into a famine." Kamala says with a growing smile, leg sliding back off the bed now that Vivian has said that the drawing is complete. Her hand slides up and down her though, which has been stretched for the entire time, and turns to sit beside the synthezoid to look over her art work.

"... I would totally read a comicbook about me." She murmurs off handedly, "I think I like how you see me a whole lot more than I do." Which is basically everyone at her age, right? She grins up at Viv and nods. "You're very talented."

Then it's her turn to smile shyly at the mention of finding times for them to go out, she swallows and clears her throat and nods, and looks really goofily excited about it now that it's just out there. "That... is not what I thought was going to come of this, but... yeah. Let me get you my number, do you have my number, do I have yours? I'm having some existential gaps forming in my memory." Her bottom lip pulls up inbetween her teeth, but she's grinning around it.
Vivian Vision "It might /sound/ like I was joking. But it really is a mystery! Where does the food go? Are they getting energy from another place? We just don't know... Sometimes scientists study /odd/ things. Like there are people who study accidental deaths in the sixteen hundreds. Or other topics you just wouldn't think people need to study."

"My tradition has been to give my model the artwork as a gift. I can replicate it perfectly if I need to. So there's really no need for me to keep the originals."

"I have your number already don't worry about it. I am pretty sure I have the phone numbers of just about everyone at the school. Just in case they need contacting in the event of a potential disaster."
Kamala Khan "I study super heroes and, conversely, super villains. So I guess it's not that odd to imagine people studying just about anything..." Kamala grins at the gift and nods, accepting it in both hands, "I'm going to put it up on my wall. Right next to my Captain Marvel poster." She holds it up to look at it as if it were hanging up on Vivian's wall just now. Then looks over at the Synthezoid.

"Why would anyone want to study accidental deaths in the sixteen hundreds." Of all the things they've discussed, that seems to have caught her the most unguarded. "It's not that I don't believ eyou, I absolutely believe you, I just don't see how that's a... you know it's probably something that I couldn't understand. Like people who major in television at college."

"I saw PCU." She explains.

Lips pursed, "Cool... well, like, don't feel like you have to wait for a potential disaster to text me? Aside from sending me times, which we could totally just work out right now if you wanted, you can just.. text me. I'd like that." She nods once and settles her hands on her legs.

"I should change."
Vivian Vision "They probably went into history and decided they didn't want to get a normal job. And a life in academia appealed to them," Vivian muses, trying to think of possible reasons. "Also I guess the more we know about how people lived the better we can understand a period in history. I can't imagine there is much money in it, but I don't think research should be about making a profit."

She grins and nods.

"I assure you I won't wait until the world is ending to get in touch. I can in theory dedicate a portion of my mind to SMS communication but most people find that level of dedicated communication a bit... much."

Viv glances over at the pile of costumes. "If there's anything you want to try on just for your own curiosity feel free. You don't even have to open the door to ask my opinion."
Kamala Khan "Find out how people died... accidentally... to see how they lived, in accidental times." Kamala snickers and rolls her eyes at her own silly joke and pushes up from her seat on the edge of the bed. The picture, she takes that over to her bag and makes sure to carefully put it into one of her folders before sliding it back in, then starts towards the bathroom.

"What would be the point of trying it on if not to show people?" She wonders, glancing at Vivian with her head tilting slightly, a little mischief in her grin. "I can think of a few costumes I wouldn't mind trying on. Maybe next time you can pick what I wear? You said most people like to have you give them a little more direction, right? That'd be kind of cool."

She pushes the door closed, but doesn't shut it. A lot more comfortable now than when she'd come in earlier. Easier to hear the synthezoid too. "I don't know, when you want to talk to someone.. I mean I kind of dig it? Like you're seperating part of your mind to actually communicate with me? How is that NOT flattering? Unless it's just a thing you do and not a thing you WANT to do? Does that make sense? Am I rambling?"
Vivian Vision "Some people just like to play dress up I suppose," Vivian ponders. Frowning as she considers the question. "Or to check the fit of something. Of the people who have been kind enough to model for me lets see.. Valeria picked several costumes from the selection. Sue wore a dress she'd picked herself. Felicia allowed me to totally pick her outfit. I've also had two people volunteer to be life models." She chews at her lip. "Really Felicia was the one who pushed me to be more assertive in getting my vision across. Ironically she's quite hard to say no to. So when she insists you pick for her you find yourself doing it."

Her voice doesn't actually get much quieter when Kamala is in the other room. Almost as if she's projecting it from across the room (because she is).

"I'm always splitting my mind into different portions to multi-task. It's as natural for me as breathing is for a Human. It's.. not a huge investment of my processing power. I just worry that people will find it needy or clingy. So I don't generally do it without clearly setting boundries first."
Kamala Khan "You've mentioned life models. I don't think I fully grasp what you mean." Kamala admits from the door, while she may not have to raise her voice for Vivian, she still does so. While there may be some etiquette when dealing with inorganic intelligence, Kamala goes about things as if the person on the otherside of the door is just another person. Albeit an incredible one. It's those little details that she's doing unintentionally that shows just how accepting she is. "I can imagine... how ... uh.. hard it must be to say no. I've never really talked to her, I don't think, but she doesn't seem like the kind of person you want to say no to."

The top comes off first in favor of her t-shirt, then the skirt and stockings. Stopping in pulling on her jorts long enough to hold up the Leia costume. Looking at herself in the mirror. She shakes her head immediately and finishes getting dressed. She's not there yet. Confidence building exercises (and probably physical exercises) would need to be engaged before she'd ever come out wearing that.

"I can come off as kind of needy and clingy too. So long as we set those boundries and aren't afraid to say 'need space', I don't think it'd be a problem right?" She peeks through the crack in the door at Vivian with her face wrinkling into a grin before pulling it open. "I meant it when I said I like talking to you. A lot..."

Her cheeks darken and she shrugs, stepping out with her hands ackwardly hanging down at her sides and eyes drifting down to her bare feet. "I think it's kind of cool. That you can do that.. I mean.. or would. Ya know. Whatever.. with me and stuff. Anyways. So feel free."
Vivian Vision "A life model is when someone models," Vivian starts, then stops. She gives it a bit of thought and then adds "True to life? In a natural state? It's tricky to phrase it without just saying the words directly." She shrugs. Perhaps it's easier to just be direct. "A life model is a model who is nude."

"It's really just the same process as drawing anyone wearing clothing. Except the details you draw are different. It sounds /lewd/ I know. But practically speaking it's all about the.. I almost said the energy of the art work. But you try capture your view of the model either way."

Vivian fidgets with her hair at the compliment. Twirling it shyly around her finger. "I'm very happy to hear you say that! I enjoy talking to you too. And I would be happy to remain in touch as much as you would like."
Kamala Khan Kamala's chin raises with each progressive detail of explanation layered onto the cake until Vivian finally just comes out and says it directly. "Oh." She murmurs, lips quirking from side to side. "Ohhh... oh. Oh." She nods a few times, "Oh." Clears her throat, "Oh." Her hand smooths out her shirt on her abdomen. "Oh."

When she adds that it's not risque, she inclines her head a bit more, "Sure, no, I get it. There's a natural fluidity of the naked body that lends itself to art. You always see in the movies where the lady disrobes for art classes. Totally makes sense." She blinks a few times and nods, "I can't even imagine how much confidence that would take, though... How comfortable in your skin you'd have to be."

She chews the inside of her cheek and shrugs, "Not so much because it's sexualized, but you're... you know.. I mean they're nude. It's not about being.. adhering to some strict observation of what society tells us is cute, but you really have to be okay with yourself."

She grins at Vivian and nods, "Well, comfortable in themselves and comfortable with the artist. You have a very comforting energy you give off, so.. I get it. I think it's really cool." She even means it.

Watching her twirl her hair. "Good, you should... I'd like that." Which they've established. "I'm getting butterflies. Annnnd I don't know why I said that out loud.."
Vivian Vision "In both cases the life models didn't grow up on Earth," Vivian explains. "So they don't really have the same cultural taboos regarding clothing as a Human would." Also most of the aliens to visit Earth look like an Earth ideal. So aren't likely to be developing any hangups anytime soon!

"If you'd like you can flick through some of the other drawings? I have copies for my portfolio of sorts."

She blinks a few times. "I never really thought of myself as comforting. I tend to see myself as being a bit.. awkward around people. After all I can read every microexpression someone makes but people find it harder to read mine in return."
Kamala Khan "I'd love to see more of your work, absolutely. Wait, you mean like the life model ones? Is it even appropriate for me to see those? I guess if they posed naked, they don't mind, but..." Either way, Kamala says with genuine interest, tugging at the bottom of her shirt with a grin, "You've got a unique eye for details and bringing out the best qualities in people. Things they probably don't even see themselves.. Like me. I don't see myself the way that picture shows me, but I guess it's not really me. Even if it is? That's difficult to explain."


"Maybe one day I'll let you read some of my stories. I've posted a couple to this board I use be on, but most people are out there looking for the stuff where... I mean... with nudity and lewd. Which I don't really write. I write more true to character stories about my heroes." Which might not be nearly as exciting, objectively.

"Well, I find you comforting anyways. And there's definitely a mystique about you, but you're pretty forthcoming with your words and mannerisms. At least, I haven't felt like I've been in the dark during our conversation. Maybe people just don't know what to look for? Not that I'm some great student of obsevation or anything, I'm just saying... personal experience... I like your vibe. Hard to read or not."
Vivian Vision Vivian Vision frowns, then shrugs. "There has never been a drawing I've done where I've been asked never to allow anyone else to see it," she assures. "So there really shouldn't be any issues. Besides any of the images which are... you know. Quite lewd. Those are kept in a different file. This booklet here contains all the things I'd be happy to ask my teacher to review for class."

"I've read a lot of fiction. For a while I was trying to learn every story ever written in chronological order, but even I don't have the processing power to read all the works of fiction produced on Earth."

"I... I have a mystique? That's certainly the first time anyone has told me that before." She giggles. "I think art is supposed to be the version of something which is true to the subject rather than reality. So the drawing of you is both you, not you and a potential version of how you could be if you wanted."
Kamala Khan Rather than remain standing there awkwardly tugging at her shirt, Kamala takes a seat on the edge of the bed. The same place she'd vacated to go change not long ago, now nodding along with Vivian's clarification of exactly what she'd be willing to show. "Ultimately art is art, right? I guess that's just me being prudish and.. rather quite human.. in being embarrassed for someone else. Who clearly wasn't embarrassed at all." If nothing, she follows abstract concepts. At least in theory, if not so much in practice: Given how rosey her cheeks get just then.

"I use to read a lot more. Abu really likes science fiction.. he's who I got it from, I think. When I was very young, he'd read me these sci-fi novels and we'd stay up late watching movies all the time." She grins at those memories. "He says my mother use to like it too, but that's hard to believe.. Then again, she loves Bon Jovi, so..." Big shrug.

Then a glance over, "Well, I definitely want to be the woman you drew in that picture of me. I think I've got a long way to go, though. She looks so confident and self aware." Looking down at herself now, hands out, so she can see her awkward slouch and general dumpiness (through her own eyes anyways), "A very long way to go."
Vivian Vision "I have the same trouble sometimes," Vivian admits. "Being embarrassed because someone else is doing something they are comfortable with is.. well it still happens to me but logically I know that it's silly." She holds up one of the sketch books and opens it for Kamala to look through. "I try remind myself it's insulting to impose my feelings and values on other people."

She shifts slightly to one side, the better to share the sketchbook and chat at the same time.

"I don't even know what Vision likes. He's pretty distant. Always doing hero stuff." She shrugs as if it doesn't really bother her much. "I know a little too much about Janet likes. She's pretty comfortable telling people when things aren't up to her standards."

"I think it's okay to be yourself," she says giving Kamala a smile. "Earlier you were comparing yourself to people that spend fortunes on make-up and stylists. And none of that is really /them/. It's a media curated social mask. You're smart, fun to talk to and cute. Plus you fight crime. That's already way more than most people can claim!"
Kamala Khan Kamala glances up from the sketchbook at Vivian and nods thoughtfully, "It's kind of ironic and hypocritical of me isn't it? To complain about my mother imposing her beliefs on me while doing the same about others? Not that I'd ever tell someone what they should or shouldn't do.. I wouldn't do that, but if I'm feeling embarrassed for them, it kind of implies they have something to be embarrassed about. And they don't. Not at all." Both palms rub at her thighs, a random absent motion of her hands.

Mostly when she's talking about not knowing much about Vision. Who, by all definitions, is her father. "I'm sorry. I know you say it doesn't bother you, and I have no reason to believe that's not true, but... he's your father right?" She's not exactly sure the geneology there, to be fair. "There I go, doing it again." She snorts and shakes her head.

Instead basking in the compliments with the light of a thousand suns burning on her cheeks. Eyes cast down at one of the drawins, she cannot hide the silly grin spreading on her dark lips. "That felt really really really really really good to hear you say. More butterflies. Do you get those? When something's like really super exciting? That fluttering feeling in your stomach?"
Vivian Vision "I wonder if it's partly an empathy thing," Viv considers. "Like you are embarrassed because you're thinking about how you'd feel in the models situation?" There's a little smirk. "Valeria /did/ have something to be a little embarrassed about. She said she found an Emma Frost costume. But I don't even know who that is. I think she'd just picked out some random unconnected items and decided it was a costume."

She glances down at her feet. "It's hard to say for sure. I mean I have no comparison to go by. Perhaps I am missing out but I just don't have the frame of reference to know? But the organic family I /do/ have are wonderful. And I have plenty of very close friends."

There's a friendly little teasing elbow nudge. "Please keep in mind, later on when you've gone home, that it is not flattery if it's true." Then she pauses, before finally adding. "I don't really know. I don't feel emotional sensations in my body. They all originate in my emotional core. I do find when I'm nervous that an increasingly large portion of my mind is devoted to various types of contingency planning."
Kamala Khan "Maybe. Like when you're watching literally any Ben Stiller movie and get so God awfully embarrassed that you fast forward a few seconds.." Kamala says with a laugh, head shaking slowly at the irrational behavior humans go through when put into positions that ultimately don't affect them at all. "I suppose, if it is an empathy thing, that it's good? At it's core anyways. It shows that you're considering other people on some level, but if they're comfortable there's really no reason we shouldn't be."

Then another glance over at Vivian, "Yeah." She nods, quiet about it at first. Not really having much frame of reference either. "I can imagine that hearing someone complain about their family life comes off as, objectively, kind of self interested and borish. Then again, everyone experiences things in their own way. I guess that's why I don't ever judge someone for how or what they do.. even my mom. Except when it affects me. Because I'm involved directly." She shrugs, not so much indifferent, as indecisive.

"My point of view on problems is very perspective. As most things are.. what one person experiences can only be based on their life, rather than trying to gauge how it would affect us, since we don't live it the same way.. and have different experiences that led us to where we are? I'm rambling."

Swallowing, she grins at the nudge and shrugs sheepishly, looking down at her wiggling bare toes. "I just like hearing you say it, that's all. You aught be careful, I'm growing increasingly fond of you in a very rapid period of time. You'll be all up in my fanfics if you're not careful." She teases and grins, "I guess that's sort of the same thing, yeah. Everything is about processing information. Nervous energy is usually stored in my gut. Twisting into knots when I get excited, embarrassed, or just... ya know."
Vivian Vision Vivian Vision hold her hand out and makes a wobbling motion. "Hearing people complain about their family is also hearing them share personal information about their life," she points out. "Which is a good thing. At least I think it is. It's a sign they trust you enough to give you information that they might not give to other people."

She nods. "I don't think anyone but a telepath can truely know what another persons perspective is. We can ask each other and communicate, but there will always be things people don't think to mention or hold back."

The suggestion she might become the star of a fan fic makes her raise her eyebrow. "Oh really?" she wonders. "I don't think I've ever appeared in a fanfic before. I'm not exactly a famous superhero and when I do fight crime it's generally getting people to safety rather than anything high profile like a brawl." Well except a bunch of missions that are largely unknown involving secret Red Room bases or deep space trips. "Ya know? I'm not sure I follow. Like ya know ya know?" She makes a very exaggerrated winking gesture. Like she's trying really awkwardly to imply something suggestive.
Kamala Khan "... I guess that's true..." Showing just how surface level Kamala thinks about things that she hadn't even considered that. Or that she's trying so hard to be deep and meaningful that she's overlooking the real depth and meaning of the situation. Her fingers slide back through her hair, tossling it off the right side of her face into a big wave to the left atop her head.

She nods slowly, looking at Vivian. "Anyone who would, even out of ignorance, suggest you're not a person... isn't paying attention. You just looked at a situation that we were both talking about and saw it in the most human way possible. While I was looking at it like a machine trying to put it into a quantifiable box.." She slowly reaches out and squeezes Vivian's hand. She may have left it there a second longer than necessary, but begins to move it back towards her own knee.

"Anyways-...." That winking. "Why are you winking. Do you have something in your eye ar- oh my god." She finally follows what the synthezoid is suggesting. All the other blushes, every single one, pales in comparison to how dark her face gets when it clicks into place. Or how big her eyes go. "I ... yes.. I suppose... uh, true.. yes, you're.." A few coughs. "Is it hot in here?"
Vivian Vision Vivian Vision blushes at the compliment and squeezes Kamala's hand back. "It really is in my best interests to help you get onto Jens team for AI rights," she muses. "After all you are very good at giving an empassioned argument. I'm sure it'll help convince people who think of AI just like objects."

The blush gets even deeper.

"Oh. No what I meant was.. you said 'yah know' and I didn't. So I thought maybe it was something too embarrasing to mention directly." A pause. "The temperature has remained the same but I can open a window if you'd like?"
Kamala Khan It takes Kamala a second to compose herself enough to speak without fear of rambling incoherently, but she manages. Even if there's this stupid grin on her face that she can't quite wipe off. One that has more to do with how embarrassed she probably feels than any amusement what so ever. "If it helps you, I absolutely want to. You're no object. Besides, it might be something I can do to help that doesn't involve punching people. Which, historically, hasn't solved a whole lot ''long term''." It's true. It's a short term solution to long term problems.

Look at Gotham.

Then she's blushing again. "I didn't mean it that way, but I guess it's not untrue either." She murmurs quietly, "When I get.. uh.. that.. I feel them too. I just meant it as a statement rather than a subtle suggestion for something else." She's looking just about anywhere else right about then. "Oh, no, it's super comfy in here, it's a figure of speech. It means, 'look what I've done', even if I haven't really done anything. Acknowledging my own embarrassment at indirectly being suggestive." Finally she side glances Vivian.

"I didn't expect any of this when I said I'd come be a model. This has... become a lot better than I thought it would." Her lips chews back into her teeth at one corner. Grin flickering.
Vivian Vision Vivian Vision nods emphatically. "Oh yes I very much agree," she chimes in. "The actual fighting very rarely resolves a situation. Even if you destroy a gaint killbot or defeat a sea monster you need to resolve the cause behind the attack in the first place. Plus legal work pays much better than being a full time superhero. I don't think the Titans could get by without funding from billionaire sponsors without taking second jobs."

"It can be very tough at times to tell when someone is using innuendo or simply using vague terms to cover a broad statement." Her head tilts to one side. "I hope you don't mind that my mind went in that direction? I do not want you to feel objectified. Although I also do not want you to think I'm unaware of how attractive you are."

She nods to herself as if glad that she could make that clear.

"I've as yet to have a bad experience with any of my art models. I've either been able to improve an existing friendship or get to know someone I didn't know better." She winks. "I didn't expect to be asking anyone on a date either. But I am glad I did."
Kamala Khan "I suppose it's a two birds, one stone situation. I doubt very seriously I'd be getting paid for any work I did with Jen, though." Kamala points out, which doesn't sound like she considers that a particularly large negative. "Aside from experience, with is worth a lot more than any amount of money could be... and in helping in her cause, which I have to admit is a good one. Knowing what it is." She lays her hand on her stomach, rubbing it a few times before returning her hand to her knee.

"No, no it's okay." She shakes her head a few times and grins, "I don't feel objectified.. Or mayb eI just like the attention." She grins a bit wider. She motions around, following her sweeping hand with a turn of her gaze, but doesn't really mean the room. "This experience, all of it, it's awesome. I don't think I've shared this much about myself to any one person in... ever. Not just weird conversational facts about super heroes, but I mean, myself. You know?"

Glancing away from her musing to Vivian, "I'm glad you did too." She furrows her brow a second and turns her hand over to flex/unflex her fingers as if her knuckles are stiff. "You said you get bored at movies. What could we do instead? Something you'd enjoy too, aside from the company, I mean?"
Vivian Vision "There are always multiple levels for every experience if you look hard enough. Even a negative experience has positive learning experiences! Although I guess it's a balancing act. Sometimes the negatives outweight the positives so much it's not worth considering them. Like losing a fight with a villain that results in a city being destroyed."

A situation Viv sincerely hopes never comes up for either of them.

"I'm really happy to hear you've enjoyed yourself," she says practically beaming. (With a smile, not energy beams!) "I get bored at the movie but not with the company for a movie. So at GIRL if we watch a movie I'm there for the social side. But if you'd like to consider other options. Aquariums? Walks in the park. There was a school trip to the beach so that rules that out. I went to a funfair but it was possessed by horrific supernatural forces so perhaps I am not ready to try that again anytime soon."
Kamala Khan "I'm generally an optimist, myself. I try to see the brightside even if it's not so easy to find." Kamala agrees with a brightening smile that lacks some of that embarrassed energy it's been based in hitherto this point. A comfort level that has recently been attained. Though not so much about a city destroying villain fight, that has her quirking her lips a little, "I don't even think I'd be in the league of fighting of someone who could, if I lost, destroy an entire city. What am I gonna do against that? Punch it with a really big fist?" Her hand grows obnoxiously large, then shrinks back down to a normal size.

Completely reflexive response.

She barely even notices it happened.

"Whatever it is, I want you to enjoy all of the experience, not just one point. Even if that point is me.. my company.." She too is beaming, turning so her knee is between them, but only so she can face Vivian more fully. "Aquariums are cool.. I'm kind of terrified of the ocean, but I'm also intrigued by it. AND you'd be there, so that'll make it easier."

Her brow quirks thoughtfully, "I wouldn't mind a walk in the park either... I'd say that'd be a good way to avoid supernatural forces, but let's be honest.. eventually we're going to fight a possessed oak tree. Law of averages." Her eyes cast down, "I mean, given everything, this is kind of a date right? It didn't start that way, obviously, but.. it became that way? Is that a poor observation?"
Vivian Vision "Sometimes you just have to join in and do whatever you can," Vivian admits. She is't exactly on the save a city by herself power level either! Unless the threat comes from a hacked power plant. "A lot of the time those big bads are a group effort."

She scoots a little closer and nods. "The ocean has a bunch of mysterious stuff in it. I've seen giant sea monsters several times now. Including in a deep sea ocean trench. But an Aquarium is usually just nice innocent fun. I can't think of any major fights I've had in a park. But I guess it is just a matter of time."

"I guess we could consider this a date? Should I pretend to yawn and try put my arm around your shoulder?"

She's probably joking with that idea. Right?
Kamala Khan "One time I fought a bunch of ninjas." Kamala shares helpfully, "I doubt they could destroy a city, but at the time it really felt like a pretty big deal." Her list of fights are relatively small by comparison to most heroes, to be fair. In her defense, she hasn't been a hero but for a year or two (at most). She's still grinning though. Whether because of the conversation or Vivian scooting closer is up for a great deal of interpretation.

She mirrors the move until her knee touches Vivian's leg.

"The ocean is full of terrifying creatures that almost universally can, and will, eat you. Like sharks. Which, fact check me, never stop moving. Even when they sleep... and their eyes are abyssal black. There's a whole mythos about not staring into the abyss. I'm just sayin'." A sharp laugh follows, "An oak. Mark my words. Like a Tree Ent. It'll move real slow, until it starts fighting, then we're all boned."

Her lips curls up between her teeth a second and her shoulder juts in what is possibly a shrug. "Well, let's look at this scientifically-" Even if she is not, herself, a scientific person. "-Is this a first date? Is it possible for something to start one way then become another way? Do you /want/ it to be a date? AND if this IS a first date, what do people do on those?"
Vivian Vision "Depends on the type of shark," Vivian admits. "Some types of shark can actually rest while stationary. It's really a myth they have to keep moving or they die. Sharks also rarely ever do Humans any harm. Except perhaps the giant megalodons around Thermyscira which I expect would do people a lot of harm if you turned up without permission.."

"I can snap a fully grown oak tree like it was just a big stick. So I am not especially worried about a tree coming to life."

She frowns when questions of science come up. "Well, a date is typically a social gathering of at least two people for the purposes of entertainment and exploring romantic feelings. Right? I'd say we're entertaining ourselves and learning about each other in a lightly flirtatious manner?" She blinks a few times. "I am happy to consider it a date or not. So long as we both have fun that's the /important/ bit right?"
Kamala Khan "There's megalodons around Thermyscira, that's important information." Kamala states in a quiet tone, nodding her head in a slow fashion to make absolute certain it files itself appropriately into the ''terrifying beyond rational thoughts'' category of her brain. "Good, there's a lot to unpack with a creature that just keeps moving all the time, forever. Not that a stationary, sleeping shark is any less overtly terrifying. Even if it doesn't mean me any direct harm." Which she totally understands. Humans are not a sharks prey of choice.

Not on their food chain.

"I could probably do a lot of damage to a tree, too, but we're talking a supernatural oak. With thorns or something.." Hard to make a tree scary after thinking about a megalodon, to be fair.

Besides, "I pose the question mostly for entertainment purposes, anyways. I'm having a lot of fun and that really is the most important part." Her hands rest in her lap, pushing down against her calf laid out in front of her. "I hope I didn't make it weird, I wasn't trying to."
Vivian Vision "That's what I was told they are," Vivian says solemnly. "I didn't actually do any exhaustive studies to confirm that's true. They could be something else entirely. We went on a manticore hunt. They have /weird/ animals there." If you can even call a manticore an animal. Given it's a weird magical monster.

"Really the fear people have of sharks is down to movies and the soundtracks used to accompany the images."

"I have energy blast eyes and can throw a small tank," she offers. "I'm still feeling pretty comfortable against any sort of tree based foe. And if I was up against the wall I have several superteams on speed dial."

"Oh I don't think it's any weirder than it was before?" She smiles. "If we weren't both being a little awkward I'd be more concerned."
Kamala Khan It's clear Kamala is trying very hard to take comfort from a lot of what's being given, but her general concern for aquatic predatory life remains firm, "Probably true, and likely as not I'd be able to fend off a shark if one were to attack me. Which they wouldn't, but I probably could if it did." That said, however, "The image in my head of this huge shadow swimming at me from the murky dark corners of a world about twice the size of the surface still gives me the heebie jeebies."

"Like I'm not scared of a shark just because it's a shark. Though their appearance really does lend itself to fear... King Shark doesn't scare me on land.. but if he were swimming at me? I guess everyone has their thing or something." She actually laughs about it and shrugs.

"Alright, alright, I'll accept that a mystically embued tree possibly doesn't rate very high on a threat meter. My stories are a lot better than my off the top of my head villains.. I have a lot more time to sit and think about them."

Her grin slips up a bit at the corners of her lips, "Cool, awkward I can manage. Weird is completely different... Don't want to ruin what is actually one of the best nights I've had in a while. I was grounded for like three months because I missed dinner two nights in a row.. My mom takes punctuality very seriously."
Vivian Vision "That being said I always worry about magic stuff a bit," Vivian admits earnestly. "It's not something I can really understand or influence. So I am basically helpless against it. I guess the idea of having to fight something underwater is the same. It's not really the shark you're worried about. It's the feeling of being helpless against something which is in it's element."

"So perhaps if the tree was magical and could use other magic?" Still fire + punching does seem like a good combination verses the average angry Ent.

"I don't think I've ever been grounded. Gosh I'm trying to think of what I'd have to do for Janet to ground me. Probably get caught running an international drug cartel or something wild like that." And even then it'd be for not hooking her up rather than running the cartel.... "I think I set stricter boundries for myself than anyone else sets for me."
Kamala Khan Kamala juts her hands out expressively, "Exactly! Yes. I don't want to hurt a Sharks feelings by saying it looks scary, but in its element? It's pretty danged scary. Just all-" She wiggles around at the hips, pantomiming someone swimming, which looks nothing at all like a shark, or even an anything, swimming. So it's probably a kind of strange pantomime et al. "- at me from over there in the dark part of the water."

She breaths out a slow breath and shivers.

Then laughs, "I basically stay grounded.. Maybe a little less now that I'm not in high school, but I still live in their house, so I still live by their rules." Which is absolutely something she COULD change. "I hold myself to a pretty high standard, but I wasn't a very good child. At least not obediant like my mother wanted." alas.

"Speaking of which.. I should probably..." She thumbs over her shoulder, turning at the hips a little, then faces Vivian again. "I don't want to go, I feel like I could just sit here and talk to you all night, but if I do, you may only ever see me again at school. Grounded until I'm thirty."
Vivian Vision Vivian Vision nods along in response to the comments about sharks. "There are just some primal fears I guess," she muses. Trying not to blush at all the mysterious hip wriggling. "I'm sure your parents wouldn't mind you stopping over for a sleepover in the schools dorm girls wing at some point. I do not sleep so there is always a spare bed people in need can borrow."

"I've had a lot of fun too," she assures. "And I totally understand if you do need to head home. It's not like we need to stop chatting though. As I mentioned earlier I can remotely continue a conversation at pretty much any time. My communications capabilities mean I'm able to send a message to anyone on this side of the planet. Probably further if they can receive long wave radio."

"We can figure out a first or perhaps second date while you're on the trip home. Or when you're back and finished with any assignements you may need to complete."
Kamala Khan Kamala is pretty torn here. She's not getting up to go grab her things and looks like she absolutely doesn't want to go, watching that bit of blush on Vivian's cheek with an ever expanding grin. "I bet they wouldn't, actually." She murmurs in a quiet voice that suggests she's considering it. She takes a breath and nods, "But I should. There's something about setting up a first, or second, date on the phone and.. I didn't bring my laptop."

She starts to get up, then looks at Vivian, then finally does get up. Pacing around until she remembers where she set her bag, "Okay, well, don't hesitate to message me. The whole way home.. while I'm doing my assignment... basically whenever." She fidgets a little and snatches up her backpack to sling over one shoulder.

"Alright... yeah." She steps towards the door and nods, "I'll talk to you soon? We have a date to plan." She shouldn't be smiling this much, but she sure does like the fluttery feeling in her stomach right now. Thank the heavens someone, probably Vivian, fixed her bike after the beach incident.

That'd be a long walk back to Jersey.