Owner Pose
Gwen Stacy It will be fun, she said.

It's a fun bar with live music, she said.

So how good are you on your 80s knowledge. Ok that one was a bit more worrying.

Yet there is no turning back now from going to the Sing Sing Karaoke bar! (Which Gwen conveniently omitted the last two words from when she invited Peter to come out tonight. Look, sometimes you need to be cunning in order to convince a certain Peter to do things he may not be used to. Like sing! Is Gwen that good at it though? Well, not really. But at least she doesn't break any windows in the shower so that's something, amirite?

"It always amuses me that you are the one having to fish out the fake ID all the time.." This said as they are making their way to the entrance. Yes, theres's a smug little grin on her expression at having 'convinced' Peter at coming here tonight.

To sing?
Peter Parker Peter Parker isn't stupid. He knows that this has been a topic of conversation long enough. He knows that she isn't bringing him to a prison themed bar. And so Peter reluctantly braced himself for the idea of making a fool out of himself in front of Gwen. Why? Because it would make her happy. And making her happy is one of the things he enjoys doing the most.

"Say it a bit louder, why don't you?" he asks before hip checking her. "Maybe if you do, they won't buy it, and we'll be forced to go to that pasta bar we passed with the amazing looking gnocchi." He chuckles. "Or just home, you know, where we can do this without people watching us."
Gwen Stacy The blonde co-ed certainly looks happy tonight, dazzling smile to her lips. Long blonde hair with a just some hints of curls because it's special, go-out night. As for wardrobe? She chose a clash of modern with some throwbacks to the 80s. Specially in the way those low-cut, bell-bottom jeans hang against her long, shapely legs. And if one looks further up? There will be a white, silk blouse framing her torso. As for feet? High-heeled boots.

"What's the fun of doing it without people watching us?" She points out. "But ..." And she lifts a finger, ".. we -could- had found one of those korean inspired places with the private karaoke booths." And by the look of her? She is already planning -another- night out to one of those places. Oh dear.

"It will be fun, come on! No backing out now.." She hooks her arm with Peter and walks with him to the bar. "Couple of beers. And can you put us on the queue to go up there?" eyes then on Peter. "So, you choose first and then I choose next? And then back to you?" She suggests. And yes, she is pretty much saying that PETER IS CHOOSING THE FIRST SONG.
Peter Parker Somehow, old school fashions look good on Gwen on a way they simply do not on Peter. He is wearing a pair of jeans and a polo shirt, apparently deciding to draft up a "preppie" look in conflict with his usual bearing. It kind of works, in a way. Luckily he did not throw a sweater vest on top.

"I mean, there is the fun of being together without public humiliation?" offers Peter as they make their way inside. He looks over at her and spies that look. "They don't let you take out those booths unless you have at least three people," he murmurs, as if somehow that nips that idea in the bud.

He snags a drink and nods to Gwen. "Just remember. _YOU_ asked for this." He takes a swig of his beer and then heads over to the big book. And about a minute later, he is taking the stage. He sets the beer down on the small table and picks up the microphone. He coughs into it and then rotates around so he is facing his wall, back to the crowd. A rapid paced synth beat starts to play, and then he nods in time. The sounds of a chorus pour out to join along with the synth, swelling up to a rising crescendo, and then he spins around as his voice begins to pour out into the microphone.

        "Where have all the good men gone, and where are all the gods? Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?"

            OOC: https://youtu.be/bWcASV2sey0
Gwen Stacy Good try, buddy. As if Gwen will allow good ideas to be nipped in the bud. Unless bud nipping is the whole point and --- Well, one gets her point. Those bright blue eyes of Gwen flash in thought. "That only means we will need someone to come with us." a beat, "We should invite Kitty." and when she says 'should' it means 'will'. It's not really a suggestion but more of a confirmation of things that will happen.

"Which -speaking- of. One day I will tell you all about my story with Kitty. But ..., I am not drunk enough." A saucy wink out of Gwen. What story?! And why is she doing this right before Karaoke? Maybe it's to get them FOCUSED on the matter at hand..

Of course that she gets suspicious when Peter gets that beer and heads to the stage. She follows along to go up the stage. But she waits for him to start it up...

Amusement ensues. He really went there. She doesn't join right then but she waits ..., prowling. Ready to go in....

She joins in when it's time for the chorus, "I need a hero, I'm holdin' out for a hero 'till the end of the night." hip thrust which brings some sounds of approval out of a few spectators.
Peter Parker "I dunno, do you think she would be embarrassed by your utter love of shlock?" asks Peter. He already knows the answer for that. He silently wonders why they didn't invite Kitty this time either. He has a sense she would fit right in. And that'd be one more person in the rotation, meaning less songs sung by him! Then she lets out that there is a story. A story?? He thinks back to the - was it a date? He still wasn't sure. - he had with Kitty. And then a few days later was air hockey with Gwen, and things just exploded from there. But a story with Kitty and Gwen?

He glances sidelong at Gwen as he goes all in, right out of the gate. He is pretty sure she wasn't expected full-on 80s power ballad. And he knows she cannot resist, grinning as she joins in.

As they weave through the song, he points out into the crowd or to Gwen with his free hand as seems appropriate. He makes one small alteration of the lyrics as he goes, perhaps a risk. But he is in New York, and he thinks - knows - who New Yorkers love.

        "Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat, it's gonna take a SPIDER-MAN to sweep me off my feet, yeah!"

And sure enough, Peter nailed it. The roars of approval from the crowd as he subs in New York's own hero instead of the beacon of Metropolis are deafening.
Gwen Stacy If there's one thing that New Yorkers love is a good ol' power ballad with a mix of that friendly neighborhood spider. It's GHOST SPIDER, of course. But on a pinch, she supposes Spiderman WILL DO! Gwen is laughing and grinning when Peter does the change to the song, joining in with the crowd in approval and even whistling loudly.

It also means that the song is getting to a close preeeetttyyyy soon. Because how do you get to finish that song after that line? But sometimes you don't have to get to the end of a song to find the good punchline.

The mic is put away and she quirks a brow. "Well, now you made it real hard to follow up on!" she says in ways of complaint, hands on her hips but there's a twist of a dazzling smile to her lips, happy that Peter is getting into it instead of backing off.
Peter Parker There is a certain swell of pride that Peter feels at hearing the crowd react to his name. Spider-man's name. Once thing that will never change, no matter how much JJJ and others may beat up on him, is how the people of New York respond to him. That, if nothing else, makes it worth while. By the time he gets to the end of the song, there is a bit of moisture in his eyes, luckily not noticeable except up close. He leans over towards Gwen as he shuffles of the stage, slipping an arm briefly around her waist as he whispers into her ear.

"Thanks for bringing me out to do this. It was a good idea." And then he slips from the stage, waiting to see what Gwen has in store for the crowd.
Gwen Stacy The slip of arm around her waist and the whispering has Gwen turning her head back to Peter to place a chaste kiss on his lips after. Some more approval out of the crowd.

Yet for all that she seems to enjoy Peter coming to join her for this? She doesn't really let him off the hook because when he's slip off-stage one hand catches his and gets him to spin back in.

"Where do you think you are going..?" She questions, finely-trimmed brow arching up. "Mine is a duet.."

Oh, no. Can it be? Yes, of course it is.

(I've Had) The time of my Life

The music starts and Gwen begins swinging her hips, taking one of the mics again.
Peter Parker This is really peak happiness for Peter. With Gwen, with people approving of Spider-man. The sort of moment that always seemed to portend some kind of doom. But for now, he thinks past that. Not borrowing worry from tomorrow that may never come.

Especially when he has other things to worry about. Like getting pulled into a duet. He rolls his eyes and sighs, but picks up the mic again. He lets her be the one to start, and then chimes in as appropriate.

At a.brief musical pause he murmurs sidelong to her. "We're doing the lift, aren't we?"
Gwen Stacy It's Gwen kicking them off. It means she takes the male part of the singing and leaves Peter to being Jennifer. "And I..., have had ..., the time of my life." she begins, arm to the side and her sassy body moving to the swing of it, free of worries.

Yes, no need to worry about tomorrow. For tonight they both have to worry with the LIFT instead. Because was there ever any doubt it wouldn't happen? Gwen's gaze is telling as she is going through the chorus, even borrowing some of the moves from the actual movie. Not that she is a great singer but she makes it up with some good moves that take the attention off her singing and ...

Isn't that what most singers do nowadays?

The song continues for a time, getting to that peak. The one they both know requires the lift. "Ready?" she will wait for Peter to be properly away from her and then ... she runs to him and jumps!

Someone better catch her.
Peter Parker If Peter is bothered by taking on the female role in the duet, he doesn't show it. After all, he just started out belting out Bonnie Tyler! He sings along, his voice not quite as good as Gwen's, and his moves not nearly as good. But the crowd seems to tolerate him, if it means more Gwen. And he _did_ earn some brownie points for calling out Spider-man!

He watches her move away and is a bit confused, as he sings along. "Wait, I thought..." Clearly, he thought _he_ was the one running at the lift. But ok, he nods, and braces himself.

There is at least something of a buzz in the crowd at this one. A few people move their drinks off to the side as they watch with rapt attention.
Gwen Stacy Nope, he isn't being caught by Gwen tonight! Well, not in a public location at least. Besides, what people say if she could so easily lift him up!? Gwen the co-ed isn't supposed to have much in terms of strength...

Ghost Spider on the other hand ...

But no stopping now. She waits on a pause from the lyrics and then runs, all the way across the stage to land on Peter's arms. Up there one hopes!

And then she sings some more. Badly of course because who the heck can sing well while on the horizontal, mmmm? It's the thought that matters though!
Peter Parker As usual, Gwen is thinking intelligently. What would they say, indeed, if she lifted him? One beer in, Peter is not having such thoughts, and he keeps the microphone in one hand as Gwen charges, using one hand to get her up and into the lift!

There were several worried about whether it would work at all, and seeing him hold her... He quickly realizes his mistake and drops the mic to throw a second hand up there, looking like he is struggling under her weight.

Conveniently leaving Gwen to be the one to finish out all of the lyrics. Sneaky Parker, maybe.
Gwen Stacy One hand catch?! There's more than a few worried looks. Gwen included! Specially when she looks under her to see Peter sort of showing off with it. Which is also when Peter gets some of those blonde curls brushing against his side and arm. It's when Peter picks up the song that Gwen goes back to singing. Worry gone from her face even if she seems to 'struggle' a bit in staying up there. All to sell that they aren't a lot more fit than they appear to be.

Eventually the song does come down to an end and Gwen goes as far as spreading her arms to the sides as if flying, grinning as the crowd cheers at them. Well, maybe not with as much love as calling on Spider-man's name while singing the Bonnie Tyler song but ...., good enough!

She jumps back down to the ground and wraps her arms around Peter for a heartfelt hug. "Thanks for coming out here with me." she whispers against his ear.

"I am having the best time of my life."
Peter Parker Maybe he is not a world class actor, but Peter manages to somewhat sell it. The adrenaline, of course, from the prior song. Eventually, Gwen slips down, her body sliding along his as she reaches the ground. Probably a good thing she is wearing jeans, in retrospect, and not her usual skirt.

His arm stays around her, and he nods slowly as she whispers. He can feel his heart flutter and he nods. "I am, too," he says, before leaning over to give her a long kiss.

Just long enough to get the karaoke minder to come out and start ushering them off the stage so the next performer can come on.