Owner Pose
Alexander Aaron     Outside in the central plaza of the school it's a little chilly. The wind off of the bay picks up the chill from the North, a quick rush of a breeze that carries with it hints of the ice still in the water after the weekend's cold snap. Not exactly amenable to the leisurely lounging of students even if the decor is welcoming to such.
    And yet, today, out exposed to the elements there are a few students there. Mainly a small cadre of kids who use the time to sneak out and go behind the library to steal a smoke or talk trash about the teachers. But then there's Alexander Aaron who is seated upon the benchseat near one of those planters, leaning there with his forearms resting on his knees and his gaze a little distant and thoughtful.
    At times he adjusts his backpack, others he just looks around the place. Likely just killing time, or letting his thoughts wander. Sometimes he'll look up when other students pass by and he'll return greetings or smiles. But still. Something distant to the kid today.
Daisy Johnson Yes, Daisy has seen the video. Many people have by now. Is it a problem? Maybe, but she isn't the headmistress.

She -can- help contain it though, so she has made sure that at least part of the community is perceiving it as a prank, or fake video. So many of those these days! But doing nothing major yet. "Hey guys!" she greets the group of kids that were attempting to sneak off, giving them a knowing smile. Just enough to leave them jumpy. Evil! Does she know?!

But then she continues on, over and finding Alexander on a benchseat. She approaches, hands in her pockets, beanie hat on her head to keep the chill away. Sporting that more spunky or goth outlook that is a lot more Skye than Daisy.

"Morning." she greets.
Alexander Aaron     Those students all give a greeting back to Daisy, though it's likely a little mumbled and muffled as they shuffle off, though they wave a little. It's not exactly that they're subtle at all that they're left to their devices, and perhaps more that the teachers know what's going on and just don't want to deal with the hassle. Besides, they were students too at some point. Ages and ages ago, probably.
    "Mornin'." Is the response she gets from Alex, however, hazel eyes lifted to meet her gaze and a small smile given. He looks after the hurried smoker teens rushed on their way by the eagle-eyed gaze and greeting of Daisy.
    But then his attention returns to her and he lifts his chin to offer a nod, "How are all the things? Keeping busy? Making sure nobody sekritly reads reddits during lunch?"
Daisy Johnson And specially in Daisy's case she'd be the last to go and berate the kids for either smoking or doing whatever they did back there. She had done the exact same before! Maybe even worse. But noone wanted to know about Daisy's past of delinquency. At least she had turned out well! Maybe..

The woman's dark gaze goes over Alexander, a brow quirking at the mention of reddit. "As of late seems it's been more the Youtube.." she replies, resting one hip against the side of the benchseat but not sitting. Such a rebel. Benches are for sitting! "Some videos that seem to have been making people rather excited.." and yes, by her tone there is something there...

"And how about you? Seems something is tolling your mind."
Alexander Aaron     For a time all of Alexander's response is to sort of just look ahead of himself and nod a bit. Just a few nods and then augmented by him saying the word, "Yup." And letting it hang there in silence a bit longer.
    Then he takes a deep breath and scrunches up one eye as he looks sidelong toward Daisy, chewing a little on the inside of his cheek. "A few things going on. Forgot to do my homework the other day." As if that was a big deal, though might be since usually he does his homework during study hall so something's skewing his routine.
    "Been a lil distracted." He offers in way of response to maintain the entirely feasible and not out of the ordinary conversation at all.
Daisy Johnson "Yep, definitely something going on.." Daisy says. Mostly to herself? Maybe, but her eyebrow is arched while she looks at Alexander. If she is amused about him forgetting homework there is no mirth in her expression.

"And not the good kind of distraction either." It's not as if she is the pressing, hassling type though. Or well, maybe she is. But she leaves it to the young man to talk about it or not. She asks. "Do you want to talk about it?" her arms fold together, legs crossed by the ankles while she continues that 'cool', leaned position on the bench. Yep, she's got her style!
Alexander Aaron     A twitch flickers over Alexander's lips, a ghost of a smile probably as he looks away, and then back up at her with the beginnings of a smirk. "On school grounds?" He offers as way of perhaps gauging the waters before embarking on a conversation that might break one or two tenets of the school's more unwritten aspects of their code of conduct.
    That said he lifts a hand slightly and murmurs, "Depends on what you mean. I think for part of it I've got it under control. Another part." He rolls a shoulder and crinkles his nose a bit, before he looks back across the way of that courtyard plaza. "Maybe just have to weather until graduation."
    He takes a deep breath then seems to ask, "Which is what, a few months?"
Daisy Johnson "Don't worry, noone will hear us." There is a certain ..., sureness to Daisy. And .., did she just do something? A small gesture with her hand? There is indeed that peek of a fingerless glove within, metal. And sure it looks cool. Because she always looks cool. And in fact, many people do forget that sound is vibration, one thing she can manipulate rather well.

"A few months, yes. Still a few steps to go. And if you forget your homework too much, well..., maybe you will be here next year.." though it seems mostly a tease, she doesn't seem to exactly expect it.

"Which of the problems do you want to talk about first, then?" she inquires.
Alexander Aaron     Scrunching up an eyeball he crinkles his nose as he looks around, perhaps taking in their surroundings, and to be fair it's not that populated considering the need for a coat out there. He unslings his backpack, however, and lets it hit the ground before he turns in his seat to more face Daisy directly.
    "Mmm, I've sort of been avoiding looking since I figure if I don't see it it doesn't exist, clearly." Alex smirks a little sourly as he looks away, then back, "But I figure getting into a fight while a reality show is filming is probably not a good idea or fitting with the desire for people to be low profile while they attend here."
    Which, to be fair, is probably a good assessment.
Daisy Johnson "Oh, it does exist." Daisy confirms to Alex. Not that she brings out her phone for it. Alex has his own. He can use it! "A few thousand views by now." only a few? Who knows!

"Just because the school wants students to be low profile does it mean they should stay with their arms crossed when they see others in danger though?" she considers, shaking her head slowly. "That is not what we want to teach here, having to hide all the time. It's mostly to prepare you to a life after, when you may want to mingle."

A pause then and she asks with a faint smile. "If you could go back in time to that point would you not interfere as you had?"
Alexander Aaron     "Well, I mean," Alexander straightens up in his seat and looks sidelong toward Daisy, "They were there sort of because of me, since there's this big..." He lifts a hand and waves it, "This mess of a thing going on with my two uncles who are sort of giving each other crap openly now. Or at least giving me crap for taking a side."
    There's a frown as he straightens, "Which I suppose is the whole reason my dad wanted me to stay away from them."
    Then he looks back, "But anyways, was ultimately my fault they were there, and yeah I interfered, but it wasn't to protect people. Though... I suppose that was a positive fringe benefit."
    A breath then he murmurs, "But no I wouldn't have done things differently."
    A beat, then he adds, "Well, maybe not have executed that one on camera." He grimaces.
Daisy Johnson "Mmm, family.." Daisy's brows furrow. It's not as if she can exactly relate, considering she's been without a family for years now. She has found her father but it was ..., difficult enough. Still, she can be empathic enough about it. She reaches up with one hand, holding her chin up, thoughtful. "If you wouldn't had done things differently then that's one less thing you need to worry but now I am curious.." she pauses briefly, lips pursing together. "If you didn't do it to protect people, then why did you?"

Not that it seems like she is judging, more like she is curious on the reasons of it all. She only saw the video afterall. And such bad quality too! Just a nod at the mention of the execution, but it couldn't be helped.
Alexander Aaron     "Well they were attacking me," Some of them were at least, "But yeah think they also were going to go on a rampage. Since, you know, Satyrs." She likely doesn't know much about Satyrs to be fair. But then he leans to the side and shrugs a little, "I think I mainly reacted to them because it was a challenge, and they were assholes."
    But then she might be amused to see him have that brief moment of catching himself having just used a swear word in front of a 'teacher' so he naturally apologizes by saying, "Sorry."
    "But I'm not altruistic, Ms. Johnson." He chews on the inside of his cheek thoughtfully and murmurs, "If it was something unrelated to me and they were attacking people would I help? I don't know for sure."
Daisy Johnson "Well, no. I don't know Satyrs. Feel free to explain though. But .., I sort of get the idea." Daisy dips her head at Alexander, understanding there at least. "Yet I find it hard to believe you wouldn't interfere, Alexander. If other's lives were in danger." there is a firm tone there in her voice.

"Unrelated to you or not. Doesn't feel like you are the type to stand idle while chaos happens around you. At least without wanting to have a say-so about it."

She only smiles at the 'sorry', then a shrug, "It's not about being altruistic, more about doing the right thing. Though I perhaps have a better question. Why wouldn't you interfere if you could?" honest enough.
Alexander Aaron     She can watch him mull that over, letting his thoughts drift for a time as he looks across the plaza toward the other empty seats opposite him across the way, then over towards the library as if there might be the answers provided there in some manner.
    But then he looks over at Daisy and uncurls a hand, "Well, it's hard of me to think of a reason to not interfere or do something. But what if the reasons are the wrong reasons? Or selfish? Is it ok to 'do good' if you're just bored and want something to do and it's an excuse to let yourself off the chain for a moment or two? Is it good that I'd help people either out of boredom, or worse out of not wanting to be hassled for doing nothing by people who might take exception?"
    He takes a deep breath, "Doesn't make a person a hero if they save peoples' lives since that's the better option that letting people get whupped on and then catching a lot of grief over it."
Daisy Johnson "Is that the reason you actually interfere most of the times or is it the one you use to justify it?" Daisy asks, merciless! She can be like that sometimes. And cool too. But she's always cool, not only sometimes.

Her eyes don't roam away from the young man though, looking at him, not seeking answers anywhere else but on Alexander. "In the end is there even a wrong reason for doing the right thing?" a small raise of her shoulders.

"But if you were indifferent about others, or simply bored, you wouldn't be as worried or at least as .., thoughtful.., as you are now."
Alexander Aaron     A hand lifts and he makes a dismissive gesture to the side, "I'm not worried about this. If I get expelled I get expelled. I'll continue on. If it screws up stuff at ESU that'll stink but I'll handle it." He draws up a sneaker into his lap and sits comfortably to the side. He turns his head toward Quake and murmurs, "The things with my uncles has me a little more puzzled and trying to figure out the right steps to take there."
    That said he then seems to straighten up a little and embarks on a tangent as he asks, "You know about secret societies and things, right? Gathering of wealthy people having these huge parties with horrible things going on? All of those Illuminati things and ideas?"
    He tilts his head to the side, "Is that just accepted? People are untouchable so no point in trying to enforce the law on them?"
Daisy Johnson "Expelled...?" That makes Daisy's head cant to the side, as if that hadn't even gone through her mind. She lifts her shoulders. "This is not what this school is about, expelling people. Specially if it wasn't a deliberate mistake. Or even if it had been." yet she can also understand his worrying about the uncles. Damn family!

"Well, I do suppose actually talking directly to said uncles is something out of the question?" Gods! Sometimes it's just the unorthodox approach that wins. Or a sword through the gullet ..., that works too.

The tangent makes her lift a brow. "What horrible things going on? Sure, there are rich people societies.. Heck, even the hellfire club is one. Just look at all the big names as VIP." seems like she had! Damn SHIELD credentials! But it's not like she knew all of them. But then she just smiles. "Noone is untouchable, Alexander. One way or another. Sometimes need to go a bit off the grid to enforce it but ..." so sayeth the former hacker! On hindsight, perhaps not the best advice to give a young student.
Alexander Aaron     That causes Alexander to look at Daisy anew, his gaze narrowing a little as he watches her lips move and form those words, his attention focused for a time. The he nods again slowly, turning back to unfold his leg from his lap.
    "What would you consider the greatest taboos of mankind?" He asks of her, then uncurls a hand and waves it to the side, "And if you have the opportunity to do something about it. Then you should do something about it, right?"
    But she might get the vibe that he's perhaps more talking at himself, or trying to convince himself what the right course of action should be.
Daisy Johnson Not one to let the conversation flee from her, Daisy then questions instead. "It seems you have given them more thought than I have." for him to be making those questions, certainly so! "Why don't you tell me?" some curiosity there on where the young man is trying to lead the conversation.

"You are trying to convince yourself to do something. A thing that might hurt you or others. Why don't you tell me what it is instead of going on tangents?" there, direct. She can be like that too.

"Though maybe I haven't been totally honest so far. I am not just a teacher here. I am also with SHIELD."
Alexander Aaron     "I..." Alexander looks a little at Daisy and smiles a little, his eyes gleaming with a hint of amusement, "Think I sorta got that vibe already. Before. After our first tete a tete." But he then takes a deep breath and looks aside, then away. One shoulder lifts and lowers lightly.
    But then he curiously bites on one angle of her questioning and not the others, "But it takes a lot to hurt me, so don't worry." A pause as he considers then he murmurs, "Or rather to hurt me and make it stick, I suppose I should say."
    That said he shakes his head, "It's just one of those things, right? Blatantly corrupt people with enough money get away with what they want. And with enough money anything is possible so they get together and celebrate being horrible and corrupt and together because it's fun, ha ha, get one over society."
    He chews the inside of his cheek thoughtfully and lets his gaze wander, "And they choose to adopt some pageantry and start adding in rituals and it all takes on a sinister tone, doesn't mean much really. What means the most is the horrible things they do."
Daisy Johnson "Damn it, my Agent-foo is starting to fail me ..." Daisy replies to the young man when he mentions having been suspicious of it. Not that she hadn't made sure to leave just enough hints there that there was more to it than met the eye.

"Why would you think my intention was to hurt you..?" She questions, canting her head to the side. But she then lets go of that topic when the boy goes on about rather specific things. "And what I am saying is that.., no they don't."

"Being rich doesn't make anyone smarter." Well, that's arguable. They had to get there! "They make mistakes. SHIELD exists to fight just that. Those that feel they are untouchable, we show them there is no such thing."

But then her expression darkens and some of her usual carefree nature that she uses while here at school leaves. "You are talking about specific things though. Anything you want to share?"
Alexander Aaron     Shaking his head slightly, Alexander looks away frowning as he flares a hand to the side, as if trying to brush away the thoughts or words that were bothering him. He answers her, however, murmuring sidelong. "Family stuff. Things going on that I have to deal with."
    He shifts a little on his seat, then leeeeans over and takes up his backpack, pulling it up into his lap as he then turns back toward her, "But there has to be a reason right why people don't follow up on things like that, though? Need to function within a social framework, need to build up evidence and information. Problems that slow things down and create a social construct that can be infiltrated and manipulated. So that ultimately some groups of people don't get investigated, or when they do it's gently."
    He then tilts his head back to her and uncurls a hand, "Right? Just part of any society."
Daisy Johnson "Even Gods answer if they come here and do what they shouldn't.." Daisy says with a slight frown. She is not the type to let the small matter of Godhood to get in the way of justice! Though then she is silent for a few moments, listening. "You are talking about bureaucracy, those that know how to work society to their advantage. Yes, it exists. Then there's those that go past bureaucracy and do what needs to be done." yea, she's never been the rule-following type.

"But true enough, no society is perfect." She concedes. "We can only hope to do the best we can."
Alexander Aaron     Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Alexander pushes himself to his feet and grimaces a little, "Meh." As if that was a suitable answer to everything. "I'll figure it out." That said he looks over at Daisy and smiles a little as he nods to her, "Thanks, Daisy. Figure we'll talk later... if Principal Macintyre lets me stick around through graduation."
    With that he slings his backpack over his shoulder and stuffs his hands in his pockets, taking a step back for now
Daisy Johnson The totally-honest IT teacher just arches a brow at Alexander when he's about to start walking away. A shake of her head later she asks. "You still haven't told me what this is all about. Meh isn't a suitable answer to anything." yes, she has used it in the past! Doesn't work on a professional problem avoider.

"You don't need to figure it out on your own. Others can help you, even if it may not be me. But I will if you want to." She adds.
Alexander Aaron     "I uhm," Alexander stops his walk backwards and he just shakes his head, "Honestly, Ms. Johnson... Daisy." Alexander stops and then for a moment she might see him drop the facade, that casual affected manner of a teen in motion, that easy-going lightness of being that comes to him so easily but is far and away from the entirety of the youth.
    He straightens up and says quietly, "I have no idea what I'm going to do when what happens happens. I have no idea what all of this means, I just know I have to go forward and experience it and try to not disappoint myself or the people that have invested time in my upbringing."
    Though with his upbringing it might be hard to find that as a positive thing. But then he adds, "If I decide to do something difficult, I'll try to do it in a... socially approved manner. Okay?" He asks, as if that will offer some point they can meet in the middle upon.
Daisy Johnson It does mirror a lot of her experiences what Alexander says. That plunge into the unknown when one is seeking their answers, a meaning to their life perhaps. Daisy inclines her head. That indeed she understands. Some things need to be lived instead of spoken about. So she dips her head, perhaps in respect, or that she trusts the boy will take the right decision when the time comes.

"Let me know how it went after." She offers. "And what you learned from it." no more stopping the young man from leaving the scene. She simply wraps her arms together, a flicker of her wrist. A slight /whomf/ as if a series of vibrations had just ran through them. Which is mostly her dismissing the 'bubble' she had formed about them, to keep their sounds flowing just within.