Owner Pose
Warren Worthington It's a rather sunny afternoon at Xavier's School, the sun making the lake sparkle and shine like something out of a beautiful painting by some painter. Really it's just a beautiful spring day.

Warren is barefoot, standing in the grass, wearing a set of designer jeans and a button-up shirt that's mostly unbuttoned. In one hand are a handful of pebbles and he's skipping pebbles across the water as he thinks over things. Close to him, and sort of tossed aside on the ground, is a leather shoulder bag that's partially open, revealing some notebooks and a tablet.

Toss. Skip. Skip. Skip. Skip. Plunk. So goes another small pebble as Warren lets it skip over the water a few times before it sinks into the lake.
Lorna Dane Lorna needed some time to just.. not be around people, students, mutant followers, Acolytes, pirates, or ... most everyone that she interacted with on a daily basis. She was exhausted and sporting fresh bruises from the fight with Hydra pirates that had attacked Genosha and tried to muscle in on the ruined nation's weakness. So she'd ordered a bunch of to-go food, really more than she could eat in one sitting, a bottle of some interesting looking wine and set off into the backyard of the Mansion.

Which is how she found herself coming up on the sun drenched lake and ended up running into Warren.

The green haired woman blinked at the image he made, shaking her head as a flush covered her cheeks ever so slightly, and she made her way over. Plastic bag with to go food in one hand, brown-bag with the wine bottle in the other.

She cleared her throat as she approached. "Hey," Her voice holding no small amount of dry humor to it. "Uhh so I was planning to get drunk and eat over priced to-go food while avoiding responsibilities and most people. Did you want to join me?"
Warren Worthington Warren draws his arm back and lets another stone fly, but hearing Lorna's voice surprises him a little, making him jerk his aim a little and sending the stone just arcing right into the water with a *plop*. He turns around and smiles, "Hey Lorna, how are you?" He glances at the bag and bottle and grins. "Getting drunk is always fun, and food? That means it takes more alcohol to get that buzz."

He tosses the rest of the pebbles into the lake and brushes his hands off on his jeans. "I'm just out here kind of considering life and everything. Been an odd week these last few days have, and seeing Gabby change into a dinosaur is only the start of things." He gestures, "Go ahead and lean on, and I will join you." He takes a step towards the leather bag, picks it up and slips the strap over one shoulder. "Besides, it's a beautiful day to hang outside and grab a bite."
Lorna Dane Lorna flashed Warren a grin and snickered softly as his stone plonked rather than skipped, but she shook her head slightly as she nodded toward the lakeside instead of standing around or hiking too far. "Eh.. well, I'm alive. Despite Hydra trying its very best to kill me and a whole bunch of people. We took them out, it's fine. But I am bruised from being knocked out of the air." She sighed and made a face as she picked a spot at seeming random and plopped down, setting out the to go trays beside her.

Should Warren look it was a bit of calamari in one box. Another box held two large slices of chocolate cake slathered in whipped frosting and raspberries. And the last box held a dozen or so slices of a duck breast, the skin crispy and covered in black sesame seeds, on top of purple rice, and shaved bok choy. Lorna set the brown bag down, and with a twist of her wrist and magnetic powers, twisted off the top of the red wine bottle.

Of course that's when he spoke of Gabby turning into a dinosaur. She blinked. "Wait what? I missed something while I was in Genosha. What happened with Gabby?" She blinked repeatedly.
Warren Worthington "Hydra!?" Warren asks, stopping and blinking at the name of the organization. "Trying to kill you? Man, can nothing in this world give us peace for at least a week? It seems like something is always happening, that there's no real rest for us heroes, eh?" He shakes his head and frowns, "I'm sorry you got banged up, but I hope you knocked a few of them out for daring to be a nuisance."

And that's when he looks into the boxes, grinning a little. "Cake? Oh dear, you may want to eat that first, otherwise Piotr might sense it and come running. I swear to you, that man has another mutation where he senses cakes and other desserts." Laughing, he settles onto the ground and watches her open up the wine.

"Oh, yeah Emma came by for Taco Tuesday. I was late because of.. reasons.. but when I showed up, Gabby changed into a little bird dinosaur thingie. A compsignathus-thingy-majigger I think it's called? I heard someone say the name, but all I can tell you about are T-Rexes. She's fine, it was just very unsettling to see it all happen in person.
Lorna Dane Lorna laughed softly, shaking her head. "Yeah, well, I got in their way and refused to give them half the island. So you know, a fight broke out. Some chick with green hair used a lot of gas grenades. It was pretty nasty. And well.. I did sink their ship after. They were going to attack some cruiseliner that was filled with a bunch of rich people trying to take selfies with Genshan ruins.." She rolled her eyes.

"Killing me was kind of a side effect of all that." She huffed a breath, and took a swig of the wine straight from the bottle and set it down.

"And well damn, I missed some exciting times here then. I'm sorry she's a dinosaur of some unknown origin." Her voice lifting into a tease at that last part. "I hope Hank's been in the lab to help her get back to normal."
Warren Worthington "Half the island? God, leave it to a bunch of opportunistic assh..." Warren shakes his head, "Anyway, glad you are safe and glad you were able to show them that Genosha belongs to no one but mutants. Though I can't say I'm thrilled by the idea of cruises showing people a ruined Genosha as a freaking vacation spot, that's terrible."

He slings his leather bag off and puts it to the side, nodding. "Hank and Rogue have both been working on this, I think that having it happen and being able to quickly take some readings might be helpful, but I'm not much of a scientist. Still, if anyone can figure things out, it's Hank. Dude is smarter than all of us here at Xavier's put together." A pause. "And he has killer dance moves. Dude can dance, he was really busting out the moves. It was very impressive."
Lorna Dane Lorna shrugged once, "Yeah between that and running down to NYC to visit the Avenger's Mansion? My week has been swamped. I actually had a chance to sit down and talk with Tony Stark. And surprise surprise... I kind of see what Scott was getting at before." She mused, reaching for a bite of the cake with a plastic fork. She was following Warren's advice it would seem. Cake first.

"I'm glad to hear that Hank's on it then. Poor Gabby, that must suck. I'm sure he'll figure it out. Whatever caused it and the alike." She grimaced and shook her head. She had been trying to keep it together, and she wasn't sure if she could handle being turned into a dinosaur on top of it.

At the mention of Hank dancing though, she blinked, "Wait, what? Did you get him to do that break dancing video you talked about?"
Warren Worthington "Did you?" Warren leans a little, interested at the news about Stark. "Oh, please tell me that Stark was a bit more polite this time around and didn't do the unthinkable sin of insulting a lady's appearance. Like really, you're a grown man. Have a bit of class." He shakes his head and goes for some of the cake himself because cake.

"Gabby seemed to roll with it. Like, yeah she freaked a little at first, but then she demanded churros so... I guess it's not -all- bad? Can't be if someone's demanding churros after being transformed." He smiles, and it turns into a laugh at the mention of the video. "Oh no, no no no. It was at a club. I -should- have pulled out my phone and recorded it, but no. I'm going to let it be something that he breaks out in the case of an emergency, especially if we need to do a quick distraction on a baddie."
Lorna Dane Lorna nodded as she reached out and took another swig of the wine bottle, and then another bite of the chocolate cake. "Yeah, he invited me over. And he was.. very careful this time. He bowed, and was very polite. I was very direct.. and well, he apologized. And even ended up making me the promise that he wants to go to Genosha himself. No suit. And see what can be done to help Genosha. I told him that few people would appreciate what he does.. and well, he said they have every right to not like humans after everything they've gone through." She mused, and hmm'ed under her breath as she reflected on it.

"I wasn't expecting any of it. And well, he seemed pretty sincere to me. I was pleasantly surprised." She sighed heavily, and took another few bites of the cake.

"Well, if she can talk still I guess that's important and would help the panic. I can't imagine being unable to talk would do her any favors. Still, if she wanted churros then I guess she's adjusting." She arched an eyebrow in Warren's direction as he spoke of Hank dancing at The Club and recording it.

"It's better you didn't record it, otherwise Hank might never dance again. It's hard to get people to loosen up sometimes. Trust me, as spoken by someone that has issues."
Warren Worthington Slipping a bit of the cake into his mouth, Warren nods as he swallows it down. "Good, I'm glad to hear it. All of it, though he should have gotten on his knees for that apology." He almost hmph's at the rest of it, though he nods. "Let's see how his visit goes and what help he promises. And how public he makes all of it. It's one thing to speak in private on such things, but public actions speak a lot louder, I think."

"Did he make any promises about what he might do as President though? At the very least make the same promises that Luthor did about making mutants a protected class?" He asks, taking another bite of cake and quickly swallowing it down.

"You're right, of course, about the dancing. That's why I didn't do it. The guy is awesome and a good friend, and I just can't help but be happy and impressed for him when he does the unexpected, you know? But yeah, I gotta balance out the good, wholesome side of me with the prankster and Zoomer in me that wants to spend way too much time on social media." He lets out a long sigh. "Ah, well, I'll be twenty five soon enough so maybe a lot of my social media shenanigans should be left in the past." A pause. "Most of them anyway."
Lorna Dane Lorna reached for the wine bottle again, taking another swig as she coughed lightly about Tony kneeling. "Actually.... he did kneel when he made me the promise to help Genosha. Right at my side. So there's that." She mused, and shook her head in regards to Tony's making a response similar to Luthor's. "No, he didn't vow to make mutants a protect class of citizens. He spoke of an alliance with the US and being friends diplomatically speaking. So it boiled down to similar, but not the same. He had his secretary there, the redhead, uhh.. Ms. Potts. I think he has a think for redheads though, between you and me." She murmured, leaning slightly toward Warren as she spoke. Then her focus shifted toward the calamari and she snacked on that rather than the cake.

"Either way, it means Genosha will have an ally in the White House, and that's a complete reversal for US policy no matter what happens come November. That's... not something I thought I'd ever say." She pursed her lips and reached for the wine bottle again. "Better than the status quo. We'll see what that looks like." She shrugged once and as conversation shifted back to Hank dancing, she smiled. Warren's comment about being old enough to quit even earned a snicker.

"I highly doubt age will ever truly limit you and your social media consumption, Warren."
Warren Worthington "DID HE?" Warren -laughs- and slaps his knee. "Good! GOOD. He deserves it for the way he acted before and stuff. I'm glad he did it, you needed to see it I think. No. You needed to be paid the respect that is due to you from someone trying to become the leader of this country." He nods, very matter of factly and then eats more cake.

"Hrm, I've never really understood the fascination with hair color by some men. Color can be changed, you know? Find the person with the personality that fits yours, and if you wanna live out your red head kink, ask her nicely if she'll do something sweet for you. Either way, green, blue, blond, dark, it's all sexy on a woman. It's really about styles. I kind of like hair that's a little long, it's nice to run one's fingers through it." That's when he realizes that he's talking to Lorna, blinks, blushes a little and laughs, "Sorry. Uh, yeah. Anyways, um, the cake is really good. And I'm glad that Genosha will have an ally in the White House if he wins. I'd be stoked if that happened."

At her last remark, he puts a hand on his chest and says, "Lorna, I am wounded. -WOUNDED-. How could you say something so hurtful yet so obnoxiously true at the same time?" A big grin spreads over his features. "Bah, you know what will really do it? Getting rid of my phone, but we both know that if I threw it into the lake right now? I'd go buy another one tomorrow. Maybe even later today. Ugh. I should talk to someone about it, I know it's a problem but..."
Lorna Dane Lorna snickered just ever so softly under her breath as Warren laughed, and she shook her head, trying and failing to hide the smile on her face as she reached for the wine bottle again. "He did, and it was very touching, after he'd paced around and got a bit passionate too. So. Like I said, I think I know what Scott saw in him a little bit." She murmured, and she took another sip from the bottle. She held it out toward Warren.

Which is when he went on about women and hair styles. She arched a brow, even as her features colored to match his own. She cleared her throat. "Yes, well, I guess it'll be a sad day when these hair extensions come out and I'm stuck with a bob again." Her voice carefully dry as she eyed him and bit her lower lip, her arm still out stretched with the wine bottle.

As the moment passed though, she shot Warren a flat look as he went on about his phone and social media addictions. "Well, you know, the first step is admitting that you have a problem.." She teased.
Warren Worthington Warren watches her for a moment, smiling. "Good, I'm glad that things seem to have worked themselves out and that I won't have to wingpunch upside the head and take him for a joyflight for being so mean to you." He takes the offered wine bottle and swallows down a mouthful before offering it back to her. "Oh, Lorna I didn't mean it as commentary on your extensions, though they are beautiful. Honestly your hair is great all on it's own, it's exotic and enticing and it gives me hope in a world that has more color to it. God knows some places need more diversity."

He stretches his legs out and wriggles his toe in the cool spring air, grinning a little at her teasing. "Yeah, it's true. I know I have a few problems and am willing to admit them, but I'm also hoping to be a lot more serious in the future. I am going to try and speak to the Professor soon about coordinating getting more involved in Mutant's Rights and such, and maybe in a couple of years run for political office so I can help Stark make some of the changes for mutants that he's talking about."
Lorna Dane Lorna reached up self-consciously to twist a piece of her hair between her fingers as Warren spoke, and took the wine bottle from her. She smiled, and glanced down at her lap briefly. "Well, I think that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said about my hair." She drawled with forced lightness, and she bit her lower lip in thought. Too many times her hair had been a negative thing in her life.

She took the wine bottle back as Warren passed it back and took a sip.

Her frame shifted as the conversation did, bumping her shoulder lightly with Warren's as he spoke of doing all manner of responsible things. She flashed him a raised eyebrow. "Well look at that, being all proactive about your future and ambitious. Soon you'll be talking like a responsible adult and then who knows what else might happen? Maybe you'll start planning for retirement and getting excited about buying a new laundry machine."
Warren Worthington "You know what. For too long many of us have had to deal with some of our physical mutations as being different, or not being normal." Warren shrugs. "Yeah, we are different, but look at what we can do because we are different. We can help so many people, we can save a lot of lives. I mean, you're going to help so many people by rebuilding Genosha and making it better you know? Embrace being different, embrace being who you are."

He grins over at her as she bumps his shoulder, "What's a laundry machine? I have people who handle that Lorna, sheesh. Let's be serious here, that's like asking me if I was suddenly going to start cooking for myself." He lays out flat on the ground and puts his hands behind his head to look up at the sky. "Yeah I have been thinking about planning ahead more. Not about retirement, but rather just about conversations we've had with being a public figure for the cause and what that might entail. I think I'm going to wait until after the Masquerade at the Hellfire Club though, because I have something in store for that."
Lorna Dane Lorna shifted as he spoke of physical mutations and she turned her gaze toward his wings. She watched how the sun glinted off of them. "Even with my hair.. I wouldn't give up my powers for the world. They're part of me. They're part of us. They're a gift. And I'll never apologize for having them." Her green eyed gaze flashed with emotion, unsaid, and determined. But then her expression softed, her hand reaching up and falling back to her lap and then toward the wine again. She took another sip and set it back down.

A glance was spared for Warren as he laid back, and she shifted to give his wings some space on the ground beneath him. "I was wondering how comfortable that might be with your wings." She mused, and as he spoke of laundry she threw up her hands. "Well excuse me! My father cooked all of his meals himself. Of course he was paranoid that someone might try to poison him, but still." She laughed and her eyebrows shot upward as he spoke of some big thing at the Masquerade.

"I still have no idea what I'll do for that."
Warren Worthington "Good, I'm glad to hear you say that Lorna. Don't apologize, never apologize." He looks over, smiles and then lets it widen. "This? Nah, I got used to it, it's perfectly fine and since I'm a lot lighter than I look." Warren can't help but laugh a little at the bit about her father, even if it's not the most polite thing to do. "I'm sorry for laughing, but you know what? I've decided that if Ubereats or Door Dash doesn't open up options for the people of Genosha, I'll pay someone to code an app and make a company on Genosha that does nothing but food delivery, because you know what? Being able to have McDonalds delivered at like 10 at night is the best thing ever."

He ponders over the Masquerade for a moment and shakes his head. "Hrm, lean into green maybe? I'm trying to think of a character or, oh. Maybe the Green Knight? From Gawain and the Green Knight?"
Lorna Dane Lorna tilted her head in consideration, taking another swig of the wine. At this point she was going to end up consuming half the bottle or more. And only with having snacked on the meal she had brought out. of course.. partly that had been her intention to begin with. She shifted and ended up leaning on her side facing Warren. All the better to keep sipping wine and not be the only one of them sitting up. "Are you bones like a bird's then? That's amazing, I mean.. I'd guess you'd have to be to achieve flight and not just sit there looking pretty." She murmured, more or less talking to herself as she spoke. But her gaze flickered back to Warren. She bit her lower lip again, looking as if she was struggling with what to say or not say.

Another sip of the wine followed. "Can I touch them?" She finally blurted out, and immediately colored. "Sorry, I just.. keep thinking about how soft they look." She glanced down and took another sip of her wine instead. Clearing her throat she arched a brow at the mention of the Green Knight.

"No one will get that. Hmm. Besides its not as impressive as Lucifer, and if I'm going to hang out with you, I gotta be impressive."
Warren Worthington Warren seems to be fine with letting her drink the lion's share of the bottle, after all she was the one who brought the bottle along to this impromptu party. "Hrm? Oh, yeah. My bones are hollow, it helps with being aloft from what some scientist told me. Plus my eyes and ears are a little different, better hearing and vision but also my eyes are protected from flying around at high speeds." He grins a little, "There's also how I can't seem to store body fat, it's my real super power. Being able to eat donuts and chocolate without having to worry about it."

When she blurts out her question, he laughs, shakes his head, then leans up and stretches a wing out. "No go ahead, feel free to touch it, I don't mind. It doesn't bother me when people ask." The feathers are soft, and a little warm to the touch, mostly thanks to the sunlight and such.
Lorna Dane Lorna blinked and shifted over as he spread a wing out in front of her, her gaze flickering back to him briefly and back down to the downy white fathers in front of her. She carefully reached out a hand, running her fingers over the feathers with a curious tilt to her head. The other hand propping her up as she set the wine bottle aside. "They're so soft." She mumbled, half in awe. She wasn't sure what she expected, but they were.. nice.

"So you're really more bird-man than anything else." She teased softly, and smiled, looking back to him as she carefully drew her hand back after one more pass over the white plumage. "But thank you, they just looked so soft.. and I wanted to know." She mumbled, a blush crossing her cheeks.

"Hmmm, I could buy a wig and be Lilith or something if you're gonna be Lucifer. Though, that would be cliche, don't you think? Not that anyone knows her either.. Ugh. Why are guys always so much easier to costume for.." She muttered. Shaking her head in thought as leaned back on her side. Curiosity about his wings settled.
Warren Worthington "I guess." Warren says, sticking his tongue out at her briefly. "Though I'm not all feathers, and I don't have a beak, so there's -that- at least. It would be pretty terrible if I was truly a bird-man. God, that would probably be really awful, like really really awful." He even shudders at the thought of it.

He folds his wing back behind him and smiles, "You're welcome. I'm glad to let people who are genuinely curious give them a touch. Sometimes we should be willing to let others get close to us that way, to let them know that we're not scary or all that different. We're people too." He smiles and shifts so he can turn towards her.

"Hrm, Lilith could be cool, but I'll need to see about my plans. Alison will probably want to go." He at least looks a little embarrassed about this, running a hand through his hair and licking his bottom lip. "She and I, uh, kinda became an official thing as of last night."
Lorna Dane Lorna smiled and shrugged once as she propped her chin up. "I've seen mutants that have more avian features. Claws. Beaks. Feathers all over. Like I said before.. not everyone has glamorous or flattering mutations." She mused and sighed softly as she reached for her wine bottle again and took another sip. As Warren shifted a bit to turn toward her and continued to speak of the Masquerade, she paused, her eyebrows shooting upward. Slowly, she lowered the wine bottle down to the ground between them.

A pause and she drew her hand back as she seemed flummoxed and partly unsure how to react. She blinked a few times, and a smile bloomed on her lips. There was a slight tremble to the corners, that she stubbornly fought against. "Congratulations." She reached for the wine bottle again, making a motion of a toast in his direction and she took a longer swig.
Warren Worthington Amusement plays over Warren's features as his brain goes places. "Oh, it's not really the feathers or the claws, or the beaks. Have you ever watched videos of duc... no, no no no, bad Warren, bad." He slaps himself upside the head and then shakes his head. "No, forget I said anything, please. You are too wholesome and good to fall into the deprativty that is the mind of one Warren K. Worthington."

He watches her for a moment then, face softening as he does. "Lorna." He murmurs her name, smiling as softly as he can manage. "Thank you, but I want you to know something. Whatever happens, I will stand by you to help you however you need with Genosha, or anything else. Why? Because I like you. I think the world of you and believe that you will make Genosha a shining jewel for all mutants." He folds his hands in his lap and takes in a breath. "It's not gonna keep me from hanging out with you like this, so don't you worry about that Miss Lorna Dane."
Lorna Dane Lorna exhaled a breath as she pointed a finger from the hand that curled around the wine bottle's neck. She laughed, but it had a brittle edge to it at the end. "You're talking about a duck's penis. I am not that wholesome, Warren." She rolled her eyes and blinked repeatedly as she inhaled and took another long chug of the wine. Decidedly not how it was meant to be consumed but she lowered it again and glanced at Warren beside her.

"You're a good friend Warren." She finally got out, and took another sip of wine, turning her green eyed gaze away from him. "I'm lucky to have the support group I've got." She seemed to work over some thick emotion that caught at the back of her throat and she released another brittle laugh.

"But I guess this means I lose my well practiced escort for public gatherings now.." She made a soft 'heh' sound and forced another smile, and took another sip of the wine. It was going to be gone at this rate all too soon.
Warren Worthington If Warren had the bottle of wine, bad things would have happened. Like spittake bad. Lorna's remark causes him to laugh and shake his head, "Damn it. I was trying to be polite and all, but I did need that laugh."

Letting out a breath, he leans back, settling on the palms of his hands as he looks at her, smiling. "Everyone here is great. It's one big, awesome family, and you know what? You are part of that family, Lorna. When it comes to helping you with advice or even defending Genosha, you know that we'll all be here for you." He licks his bottom lip and nods. "Maybe once things settle in more, we can have a few X-men stationed at Genosha to help with defense? I guess that depends on how you feel about it."

"An escort? Hrm. Well, Piotr is always a gentleman though probably not as used to high society." He blinks. "Actually no one immediately comes to mind, maybe Scott?"
Lorna Dane Lorna waved her hand vaguely in Warren's direction as he laughed and spoke of trying to be polite, another fast sip of the wine bottle following as she was likely to be very very drunk in short order and likely to suffer a nasty hangover in a few hours as well. She wasn't looking back at Warren, and instead squinted out at the lake and the glare of the sunlight on it.

"We're already working on that, per Scott's orders. The plan is to set up a permanent base for Genosha's defense." She muttered, and as he spoke of an escort, her gaze turned back to him. Her lips pursed into a thin line.

"I would take a duck in a suit before I'd take Scott to any politically sensitive public outing. No thanks." She muttered, and rolled her eyes, shaking her head and twisting back to face the lake, her knees drawing up as she rested her arms a top them and continued to nurse the dregs of the bottle.

"Pietro will just have to get used to having his little sister calling him up all the time."
Warren Worthington "Oh, that's excellent to here. Given that we are all mutants, it makes sense that the X-Men will have a base on Genosha to help defend other mutants. I mean... it's kind of what we're supposed to be doing, right? Defending mutants from those that seek to do us harm." He rolls his shoulders in a shrug, seemingly hiding another smile from her by looking away for a moment. "Scott's not so bad, he's just very... wooden and boring? But he's at least a trustworthy guy."

He scratches his chin and looks out over the lake. "Pietro is a good brother. I kind of wish I had siblings. Maybe growing up would have felt so different having others like me around me. Maybe not. Still though, he and Wanda are both great."
Lorna Dane Lorna shrugged once, moving to stand and wobbling slightly as the wine rushed to her head. She grimaced, holding up the bottle and noting that it was in fact now empty. She frowned, and set it back down with great care so as to not break it accidentally, the exaggerated movements showing just how much drinking that whole bottle so quickly was impacting her. "Scott is also kind of went on a date with Jean, and is so narrow minded when it comes to politics that he'd likely get Genosha into a war." She muttered, shaking her head once and feeling her head swim.

"I didn't grow up with either of them. Only started to talk to them a lot since Dad died and everything happened. We've always been distant before. Dad and I.. it's why I spent more time with him." Her lower lip trembled slightly, and her eyes welled up suddenly and she sniffled hard.

"I.. I have to go get some water... and uhm.. not the lake. That's not the right kind.." She muttered.
Warren Worthington Seeing her wobbling, Warren gets to his feet, reaching out and gently taking her by one elbow. "Lorna, be careful, you might fall." His voice is soft as he tries to steady her. "Think not on Scott or any other dates right now. You should probably lay down and rest. Come on, let me walk you to the kitchens. We can get you a glass of water, and then I can walk you to your room."

He will wait for her to decide before trying to move with her, but he will gesture at the food and stuff sitting around them. "And think not on any of this, Lorna. I will make sure that this is all taken care of myself. Come on, lets get you somewhere where you can rest this off."