Owner Pose
Marie-Ange Colbert Truth be told, in her first run at Xavier's, Marie-Ange Colbert didn't even realize the place had a fitness room. She hadn't had a need for it, any training she did usually happened in the Danger Room, and focusing on her powers was the name of the game. Besides, while she wasn't exactly the pinnacle of fitness, she viewed working out as something you did to lose weight. She needed to do the opposite of that.

After asking around, she found her way down here, armed with a determination to get stronger and be able to actually handle herself in a fracas without being entirely reliant on her abilities. She's dressed... less conservatively than her usual fare for the occasion. White, slightly baggy t-shirt worn over a blue sports bra, and black leggings. Her feet are in sneakers, and her hair's tied back into a ponytail with a blue ribbon. Right now, though, she's attending to the sound system. One cannot simply work out without the right tunes, after all!
Kurt Wagner     Kurt is running. One can't ALWAYS teleport everywhere.


    Okay, one can teleport while running when one is working out, apparently...


    Kurt appears near the ceiling. Kicking his feet out, he grips the wall and lets himself fall. His tail curls under to protect itself before his back hits the interior of the building with a soft thump. He then starts doing sit ups while hanging up-side down by his toes.
    "Eins!" he says, just loud enough to be counting for himself. "Zwei!" he continues. "Drei!" He seems to notice Marie. "Guten tag, Marie!" he says on a down swing. He puls himself back up and counts more quietly, since he's aware he's sharing the space. "Vier..."
Marie-Ange Colbert o/~ When you're alone, and life is making you lonely you can always go... down-town o/~

That's right, without Jenny around to stop her, Marie's taste for the American oldies is going to come out in full effect. Letting her head start to sway with the mellow tunes, she's starting to get into it when her moment in the zone is interrupted.

"Oh, Monsieur Wagner!" she exclaims, a little suprised -- but not in a bad way. In her years at Xavier's, she's seen Kurt around. Even spoke to him a time or two! There's a moment taken to observe his routine, seeming to judge if she could manage such a feat herself.... before making her way over to one of the pull-up bars. "Have you come to, how you say, pump some steel also?" she asks, though a bit of a rhetorical question given that he's actively working out!
Kurt Wagner     "Zwanzig," Kurt concludes. He pushes off from the wall, pulling in his legs but keeping his arms outstretched. He flips over twice before extending his legs and landing on one of the mats. Standing, he turns to face Marie. "Ja," he says. "I like to change my routine. Those we struggle against will rarely be predictable. I came here, today."
    Kurt does a squat then jumps, landing on the pull-up bar next to the one Marie is using. His arms stretch out in front of him like railroad crossing bars as he bends his knees, his toes curled around that bar. SURELY, he could be doing that on the floor. His tail flicks a bit, likely for balance.
    "I've never seen you pumping iron before," Kurt confesses. "Perhaps today is simply my lucky day, ja?" He places his hands on the bar and lets go with his feet, extending his body upward in a handstand before he begins bending his arms, his chin dipping just below the bar before he extends his arms to their full length again.
Marie-Ange Colbert Marie watches the acrobatics, and, well, claps a little on the landing. She can't help but be impressed at the man's ability to move in ways that make her look like she's standing still! "Magnifique!" she exlciams.

Now, it's her turn. Slender arms go up and take hold of the bar, she strains against her weight.... nothing. She tries again, this time bending her legs at the knee so that she dangles... but dangling and swinging a bit on the bar is as good as she gets. Standing back up, she frowns at the thing.

"I... think it may be my first time attempting to, Monsieur Wagner." she admits, "Recent events have made it clear that I must, though, if I am to properly benefit from some of the opportunities that have come my way." Though, it seems she's got a lot of work to do on that end!
Kurt Wagner     Swinging down and around the bar, Kurt flings himself slightly away from it to land on his feet. He stands and walks to Marie. "Here," he says. He shares space on the bar she's using. Taking the bar with his hands, he jumps up and holds it under his chin. Bending his knees, he holds himself there. He then slowly lowers himself down. "Your muscles are stronger to go down than up," he says. "Try this, then bounce back up and do it again." He puts his feet down once his arms are almost entirely extended, then stands near Marie, ready to help her if she hurts herself.
Marie-Ange Colbert Marie takes a step back as Kurt moves to provide a demonstration, fully intent on watching and learning from, well, if not the master at the very least someone with far more experience than she! As he demonstrates, she tries to form a mental image of her doing the same... and then nods resolutely. "Merci -- it is worth a try, non?"

Retaking the step forward, she grips the bar, and jumps! To her own surprise (and maybe his too), she manages to replicate the action pretty well, although her descent is probably a little faster than she intended. Once back on her feet, she looks over to the man. "Was that right?" she asks.
Kurt Wagner     Kurt smiles at her. "Ja!" he says, enthusiastically, big smile on his face. "You are a natural!" He looks a bit more serious. "Now, they say 'no pain, no gain', but remember God made us with limitations. Don't try to keep up with someone else and hurt yourself, ja? Go at your own pace." He goes back to smiling. "If you want, I will work out with you, today."
Marie-Ange Colbert It likely comes as no surprise, but the compliment is enough to bring some color to her cheers. "Me? Non, just... the luck of beginners, I think?" she downplays, but still flashes a bit of a smile in return. "Oui, I think that would be most beneficial, if you have the time?" she asks, inclining her head. "I fear my knowledge of those limitations is... likely not the best." So she's likely to try and overdo it, were she to try purely on her own.