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Marie-Ange Colbert Things have been a roller-coaster. Marie-Ange had hit some of the lowest points in her life since leaving France and the misery that she'd encountered there. No lovelife. No friends. No... really anything but work, occasionally. Then the cards turned in her favor. She went back to college, reconnected with her friends back at the Institute. Most importantly, fate led her back to Mary.

It wasn't long after the pair came together to catch up and decided to rekindle matters that Marie was reaching out again. For one thing, she'd made a promise. For another? She just loved Mary's company, and wanted more as soon as she could.

The text read as follows: Want to come over? You bring the movies, I have popcorn?

It was followed by instructions with an address, to meet at the gate and all the important stuff. Once she got t he reply? She went to wait.

So wait she does, dressed warmly in a black coat that stretches down to her knees, with black leggings and snow boots below. There's a white scarf wrapped around her neck and the lower half of her face, and in gloved hands waits a single rose, already in a vase, because she tries to mix romantic gestures with practical ones when she can. Even if most of her romantic ideas came from sitcoms and love songs.
Mary Bromfield For Mary, while things have not been quite so roller coaster, there has been a decided lack of time spent dealing with her personal life. When one is trying to make a career in journalism AND establish one's self as her own super hero, there is not much time to do anything else. And it is easy to forget, especially when there is just...not much there.

The return of Marie-Ange had changed that in a big way. Mary was forced to actually take a moment and stop, reflect, and think about what she wanted out of life. Mary had to be Mary, not Mary Marvel or Byline Mary. Just Mary. And while she was still not entirely sure where she wanted to go on all of this, she had a strong feeling that she wanted Marie-Ange to be a part of that. And so when she received the text, she replied promptly in the affirmative.

She spent at least a few minutes pondering what exactly to wear. It was a hang, she told herself, and so it probably made sense to go casual. Ish. It was also winter, and she could not exactly fly over given that she was basically stepping onto a fortified campus. And so she decided to compromise, wearing white stockings to keep her legs from freezing beneath the navy blue skirt. Why she went with blue she could not say, maybe just as a step away from her usual red. A white fuzzy sweater was a good match for the weather, and she had a long jacket over all of it.

She was not exactly expecting a rose upon her arrival, which brought a certain rose to her cheeks. But it was a nice gesture, to say the least, and Marie-Ange was so endearing in so many regards.

She had a small satchel, and within was a variety of movies. Not entirely sure what Marie-Ange wanted, was in the mood for, had scene, Mary had tossed in a few options. Some Nicholas Sparks. A high brow comedy or two. And all three of the The Before Trilogy. Hopefully one will capture Marie's interest.
Marie-Ange Colbert Just Mary, and just Marie. There was no need for super powers, or magical trinkets. They were two friends who had become more and that was all they needed, even if the idea had been pretty new to both of them at the time they first decided to try it. Barring an assault by super villains or something along those lines, and within the walls of Xavier's? That felt unlikely to Marie.

Once Mary arrived, there was a warm hug, and even an attempt at a kiss! (On the cheek. She's still feeling things out.) The nerves haven't entirely faltered, but they're getting replaced by the comfort, and she suspects this will only continue. There's a brief tour -- pointing at some of the more obvious things, like the main school building and the dorms as she leads the way in. Pointing out where some of her friends that Mary had met in the past stay, before leading the way into her own apartment.

Marie's? It's pretty close to immaculate. Cleaner than the last apartment that she had shared with Jenny without the blonde's more chaotic nature, and spartanly decorated. Marie herself doesn't own a ton of things, but the apartment came pre-furnished. What obviously didn't come with the place? The photographs on the walls. Marie keeps her memories close, it seems.

"Bienvenue mon cherie. This is where I am staying, now... it is not as big as my last apartment, but I like it. I am both surrounded by friends, and have privacy at the same time, when I need it." Because sometimes, people can be too much for the normally shy girl! "Please. Make yourself comfortable. I will get the popcorn started, oui?" she asks, flashing a bright smile.
Mary Bromfield It was not often that Mary really let her hair down, so to speak, given all of the risks that come with super heroing, and the fact that her enemies know that she is only vulnerable when taken by surprise. But here at the Mansion, she feels a bit more comfortable with the concept. There are beings more powerful than she here, and that is not common at all.

The kiss on the cheek is returned to Marie's cheek, and Mary smiles warmly. "It's lovely, thank you," she says of the rose, before falling into step beside Marie-Ange. She just walks in stride next to her, either not sure how she should approach things or not familiar with the propriety at the mansion. But upon her arrival at Marie's room she smiles again and shrugs off the coat as she looks around. "It's lovely, and cozy." She nods as Marie slips away for the popcorn, and heads over towards the tv armed with a stack of discs. "Anything in particular you in the mood for tonight?" she calls over her shoulder as she flips through the discs, despite being the one who selected the collection in the first place.
Marie-Ange Colbert "I learned to trust in your taste a long time ago." Marie calls back, grabbing a bag of popcorn from one cabinet and slipping it into the microwave. A couple beeps later, and the whirring of the thing starting to cook is accompanied by the sound of popping. Marie? She uses this time wisely. While she didn't shed her more winter-worthy clothing when she first got in, now? Now she will. Her coat is unfastened and shrugged off, revealing a light gray, sleeveless shirt beneath. Marie, it seems, definitely opted for comfort as far as her wear inside goes -- though the pale skin of her arms show some light bruising. Likewise go her boots, and the dainty white socks beneath, both of which left near the door.

Being precognative has its benefits, though knowing just when to return to the kitchen to stop the microwave isn't technically one of them. That's just practice! "...and, merci. It is much better, though, now that you are here." she adds with a soft blush, before digging out a bowl to start pouring the buttery treat into.
Mary Bromfield "Alright, sounds good." Before Sunrise it is. Mary pops it in and then moves over to find a seat, curling one leg under the other as she settles back waiting for Marie's return with the popcorn.

The bruises catch an eye from Mary, and she frowns. "Hey, what happened there?" Concern apparent in her tone. "I hope you gave better than you got, at least."
Marie-Ange Colbert It doesn't take long, of course. Popcorn is simple like that! With the bowl filled, Marie makes her way over to the couch to join the brunette. Even if she didn't desire the closeness -- which she certainly does -- it's easier to share the popcorn that way! Which, she's happy to offer right away.

At the concern, Marie shakes her head quickly. "I got better than I gave," she admits, with a soft laugh. "I have been learning self-defense from one of the King of Wakanda's bodyguards, Madame Okoye? She is... a most fierce instructor, but a very good one, too." Bowing her head slightly. "I... do not wish to always be relying on my abilities, oui? I want to be more than just... 'what I can do'."
Mary Bromfield Shifting slightly on the couch to get closer to Marie - certainly for the popcorn, right? - Mary leans her shoulder a bit against her as she reaches over to grab some popcorn from the bowl. "Well, as long as it is instruction, and educational, I suppose it is ok." Mary does not sound /entirely/ convinced, but she lets it drop for the moment.

Until Marie looks down. "Hey, no..." She reaches around with her free hand, twisting her torso mostly so she is facing Marie, to brush her fingers under Marie's chin and guide it up. "Don't say that. You're way more than just what you can do."
Marie-Ange Colbert Definitely for the popcorn! Uh-huh. It's the warmth from said popcorn that's reddening Marie's cheeks, too. Nothing else at all. "Oui! Besides. In our... ah... line of work," Superheroics, "these things are unavoidable." A pause. "I could change, if you would prefer?" she asks, some self-consciousness creeping up.

That is, until Mary's reaching out to settle her. She can't help but smile as a result, green eyes seeking out Mary's blue ones. "I... with you, within these walls, I truly believe that." she replies. "You have never rejected me, despite my faults, and I am most grateful for that."
Mary Bromfield "Of course. Honestly, I should probably look into getting a bit better at protecting myself when I am not, you know, the other me..." Marry considers that for a moment, but then blinks as Marie suggests changing. "Why, did I not..." She looks down at her sweater for a moment, wondering if perhaps she should have selected one a tad more conservative and not with a plunging v-line. "You're fine," she says, trying to reassure Marie and herself at the same time.

Mary shakes her head slowly. "There's no reason to reject you. Our faults are our faults, but you're a good person and you have a lot to contribute. None of us is perfect." She leans forward to rest her forehead against Marie's. "So stop worrying, ok?"
Marie-Ange Colbert "The training I am recieving it... somewhat of a special circumstance." Wakanda and their ways are often closed to outsiders afterall! "Though I know the Themyscirans were offering some training in their ways, too. Also very taxing, but worthwhile." Of course, then Mary seems to take the 'changing' comment as directed at herself, and Marie's eyes follow the other girl's, and... well, she blushes even deeper. Fortunately, the closeness of the moment makes that hard to see. "...as are you. I mean! Your attire." A pause. Eyes go wide. "Not that you are not. You are stunning. Not that I was..."

Marie just keeps digging herself deeper, here, and her words are turning against her. So she stops talking, closes her eyes and tries to catch her breath again. "...Mary. I am just grateful that you are you, and can see me for who I am." she offers softly.
Mary Bromfield "I suppose I could always ask the gods or the wizards for training when not in my Marvelous form, but..." Mary considers that for a moment. And then they are into a different kind of moment. She laughs softly as Marie starts tripping over words, and shakes her head a bit. "Stop worrying so much about I think and what you're saying," she says quietly. Although her skin takes on a bit of a flush as well, as she starts to disset her attire choices as well.

Mary nods, her head resting against Marie's for a moment. "I could say the same about you," she says. She takes a breath for a moment, and then offers Marie a word of comfort. "Relax."

And then she tilts her head a bit as she shifts her lean, bringing her lips up to give Marie's a brief kiss.
Marie-Ange Colbert Marie was preparing to respond. Really she was, but then Mary's lips have found their way to her own and... well, everything seems to stop for a moment. Time itself, her very heart. This... she had longed for. Instinctively, she reaches for Mary in turn, slipping those slender arms around the brunette and meeting that first kiss with one of her own.

While the first one was brief, Marie tries to let the second linger some, only pulling away after a few moments, and 'pulling away' in this case wasn't a matter of feet, it was more like an inch, maybe two. Content with the closeness. Maybe /not/ trying to peek into their future was the right idea afterall?

"...I have missed that, too." she admits, allowing those big green eyes to open once again to gaze upon the other girl.
Mary Bromfield Clearly, the kiss had the desired effect, as Marie seems to stop worrying about her words and does in fact relax. To an extent, at least. Mary is not surprised by the second kiss, and allows Marie to guide her towards it easily enough. She seems more than happy to allow her form to bend towards the other, even after the kiss ends.

Mary takes a moment to catch her breath before nodding in slow agreement. "I had forgotten how much I missed that," she admits quietly. She looks up at Marie, meeting that gaze as she herself falls silent again. Just drifting in those eyes...
Marie-Ange Colbert For once in her life, Marie didn't actually feel lost without the cards to guide her. This was right, this was natural, and for all the times that she told she was wrong, or less than... whether it was for having occult interests, for being a mutant, for discovering that she liked girls (oh, the sinfulness! The nuns at the convent would never approve.). Normality had been restored for her, even if it's just for the duration of their night together.

"Then I will be sure to remind you as often as I can." Marie replies. Her voice is soft, here. A little hesitant. Her cheeks are burning, but there's a little twinkle in her eyes, too. "Mary, ma cherie... I do not wish for this night to end. Would you consider, ah..." Gulp. "...spending the night?"

It's not very like her, but after spending a week without the use of her cards -- because those very same cards had become possessed by an otherworldly force and destroyed in front of her eyes? She wants to hold onto the one person that feels right.
Mary Bromfield For Mary, the suddenness of the reconnection fills her with something she had not even realized she had been missing, until it was refilled. That part of her which was empty, not necessarily at Marie herself being absent, but the hole that had always been there, and was there when Marie was gone. And now, it was filled again.

She listens to Marie's words, and then nods slowly. "It /is/ cold outside," she murmurs softly, although it is clear that even that is spoken merely as an excuse. She reaches up to brush a hand against Marie's cheek. "I have nowhere else I have to be, and nowhere else I'd /rather/ be..."