Owner Pose
Billy Batson It's a place. That much is clear. Somewhere between Heaven and Hell sits the Rock of Eternity! It serves as a sanctuary for the Defenders of Magic, the Champions of Mankind, a locus of power, and a gateway to the magical and mundane. The light source is not obvious but you can see the bare rock walls, the vaguely Egyptian columns and seating.

Along one wall monstrous and feral statues pose. In the center a carved staff floats in a column of light. A corridor leads away from the central meeting area, lined with doors.

Shazam takes the central seat, moves over a bit and pats the area cleared beside him, crooking a finger at her and grinning. He glances and swipes some dust off the seat.
Sunny Harlow Well...this wasn't Happy Harbour anymore. Still, somehow she'd found her way here...it probably helps if you travel with someone who has the key. Still, wrapped in her newest costume and tilting her head to the side, she takes in the sight before exhaling an amused laft and moving towards where he sits, tilting her head.

"You have a magical secret lair...with thrones?"
Billy Batson Shazam nods and looks a little embarrassed. "It connects to the subway... and other realms too. There's a library of magical books.You can lose yourself there. You can lose yourself here. I lost a couple days here, wound up in trouble for ditching classes, sent to the office. Yeeeeah. Don't wander around. Stay close. this place is more complicated than it looks. Oh if something talks to you, don't touch it. Move away. Even if it says you can have it." He points to one suspicious looking sphere that seems to be made of white filaments. "Especially THAT. Don't go near that. It's full of demons."
Sunny Harlow She could fly around the country without worries, but getting lost in some infinate magical space could probably go rather bad. After all, her own encounters with magic of late had been quite the thing...

Lazily she folds her arms behind her, leaning in a little as she inspects the thrones but not sitting down before tilting her head to the side.

"So...you've got a demon orb over there just...sitting around? Maybe you should, I dunno? Put a glass case around it or something?"
Billy Batson Shazam glances over at the orb. "We all know not to touch it. And a glass case wouldn't keep a Shazam out, would it? And if we bring someone with us... we inform them. Anyway it's on the to-do list. It's not like I have a lot of visitors." He glances at the statues. Did Wrath move a little? He always feels like they'll move just out of his peripheral vision.

"Do you want to see the library, or the worlds?" He figures the subway is a little mundane and doesn't offer. Shazam gets up.
Sunny Harlow "I mean sure...but it makes it less likely to get knocked over or whatever, right?" she questions lightly before shrugging and folding her arms under her bust before moving to sit down...only he was standing up, earning a little blown raspberry his way before she pushes back to standing. "Sure, whereever you like."
Billy Batson Shazam blows a raspberry back. "Well make up your mind." He heads down the corridor, keeping one eye out for her. You didn't take your eyes off things or people on the Rock. "Okay... 'tentacles'. Not this one. Hmmmm 'alligator men playing cards'...Not this one. I started putting labels on the doors. Then the label maker disappeared. I'm waiting for a sale to replace it. Ahhh 'Idyllic Forest." I don't remember this well but I gave 4/5 stars." He opens the door a crack and then fully revealing-and idyllic forest. Sunlight streams through the trees. Birds chirp. "Dang... I wish I brought some lunch. And a tablecloth." It is evidently a fresh spring day there as opposed to Happy Harbor's winter cold.