Owner Pose
Steve Rogers Mid February is still pretty cold in New York. Steve Rogers walks out of Avengers Mansion having dressed for it. He's wearing a pair of sweat pants along with runners shoes, and then a sweatshirt that reads "Army" across the front. He has a headband in hand that can cover up his ears if it's cold enough for it, but though it's only 6:30 in the morning, it's a slightly warmer day than most of late. He stuffs that into his pocket.

He glances about as if looking for someone else, then back at the mansion. Not spotting anyone, he goes over to being stretching, pressing against a wall as he stretches out his calves, and bending to stretch his hamstrings.

The rest of the city is only starting to stir, it being the weekend. There is light traffic by New York City standards, which might be somewhat heavy for other parts of the world. There's less than normal though, which is why it's a good time for Steve to get in a run.
June Connor     June found some clothes in Greer's room after leaving Wanda behind. This was so awkward. She had no idea how to get out of here, but she had to get out of here before someone figured out what was going on. She found a pair of sweatpants and a hoody. So this is why that Tigra lady wears a bikini. She shifts uncomfortably at the way the fur rubs under the clothes, reaching under to try to make it all lay the same direction. The first floor door, time to get out of this place. The front door opens, and there she is.

    "Oh shit," she says, staring wide-eyed at THE Captain America. "Hi," how would they address him? He's the leader, right? "Captain Rogers." She salutes. Goody-goods are all about rules, they probably salute like in the army, this is her guess at least.
Steve Rogers Steve gives Greer a friendly smile as she emerges from the Mansion. The less than casual way she addresses him gets a slight grin from him. "Morning, Greer," he says, just nodding his head back without returning the salute. "I was starting to think you weren't going to make it. I was going to let you sleep in if not," he tells her.

He does one last stretch, which reveals that his muscular bid has nothing to rob him of his flexibility, able to get his chest all the way down to his thigh as he stretches his legs. He straightens up. "Need to stretch first or did you already?" he asks. "Was thinking we could just do a lap or around Manhattan." That's got to be about a marathon in length.
June Connor     Not make it...she looks at his gear. Running. Greer, THAT was the name Wanda used. "I uh, yeah, ready to go." She glances over her shoulder. She didn't stretch, but then again she has a habit of not doing that anyway until after her runs. "Around Manhattan?" she asks, failing to hide her surprise. "If you got time," she offers after a staggered moment of response, recovering with a nonchalant attitude.

    She glances up at the different security points on the mansion. She's never dared go this close to the place, and then back at Steve. "You don't think you'll get dogpiled for autographs or something?" she wonders aloud.
Steve Rogers "Long as I'm back to clean up by eight, should have plenty of time," he tells her. Which if Greer checks the time she'd see means they'd have to complete the run in less than an hour and a half. Which would beat the world record of 2 hours by a good 30 minutes. More, as Steve is just walking down the drive to the gate, not seeming in a rush.

"Usually people don't quite have time to ask before we're past," he points out. "And at this hour, people mostly just want their coffee is what I find." They reach the gate which JARVIS swings open for them.

The sidewalks have light enough traffic they shouldn't have too much difficulty avoiding people while they cut across the island to a paved jogging trail that circles the perimeter. "Glad you were up for the run," Steve tells her. "There aren't too many others of the team up for it. Just Pietro. And he'd make me feel like Sam," Steve says with a faint grin of his ongoing jokes with Falcon when it comes to jogging. "Ready?" he asks, and if she is, takes off at a jog that quickly accelerates to a pace that is faster than most people could sprint.
June Connor     June, equipped with a more enhanced body, has no idea what the time should be for the run, but she's pretty sure that she couldn't do it in anywhere less than about 4 hours. She starts running after him, not sure what else to do, looking up as the gate is opened by Jarvis, and she glances around again for the cameras.

    "Oh wow," she smirks, feeling the power behind Tigra's body. She's never been able to move like this. She starts running faster. "Oh damn," she laughs, speeding up some more. Pretty soon she's running a bit faster than a normal jog. And then pulling ahead of Steve's pace.
Steve Rogers Steve Rogers doesn't seem to mind as Tigra pushes the pace. Happy to have someone that will make him work to keep up. Though even at the tremendous pace he seems able to carry on a conversation about as well as other people would be able to running at a normal jog.

"How have you been lately Greer?" he asks her. "I know it took awhile before things got reversed and got you back into your normal body. Have you settled back in and gotten past having had to answer to Mr. Grant for awhile there?" he asks. Which might be utterly confusing to poor June's mind, though perhaps there's enough context for her to pick up on.

They reach the running trail only having had to dodge a few people on the sidewalks, ones who turned to gape as the pair of Avengers blew past before they could hardly make out details on who they were. There are thankfully only a few icy patches as it hasn't snowed lately and the city has put down salt that melted the ice previously.
June Connor     "I--my normal body?" asks the body of Greer. "I um...it's good." She feels the urge to give a burst of speed, and launches herself up into a tree. "Ohoho," she laughs, and then hops back down to the trail. "Fuckin' A. This is dope." She jogs backard for a couple dozen steps. "Mr. Grant wasn't so bad," she comments, making something up. "He may have been annoying, but it could have been worse." Nope, she didn't pick up the context. "You ever feel like just, you could beat the whole world if you had to?" she says, having never felt the strength she has or the speed she has right now.
Steve Rogers Not that Tigra isn't energetic at times, but there's a certain joyousness that Steve senses as she leaps to the tree and bounds about in a fairly playful way. "There was a moment in my life I definitely felt that way, far more than most ever would," he comments. If not picking up on just how close a parallel his emerging from the Vitaray chamber might be to what the mental inhabitant of Greer's body is currently feeling.

Steve chuckles as she bounds about. "If you're feeling the urge to really go all out, don't let me hold you up," he tells her, even giving a little wave of his hand encouraging her to move at the kind of speeds she's capable of. Though he'll keep up his pace which would beat the traffic on most of the city streets, he'd be left behind if she did.
June Connor     June laughs, looking around and bouncing on her toes long enough for Steve's pace to catch up. "Yeah?" Is it really going to be that easy to get away? Apparently so. She grins, "Okay Stevie," she says, as if it must be something forbidden to say. She takes her left hand and gives a mighty swat on Steve's rear. "See ya!" She bursts into speed, and takes off down the path, a whoop coming from her as she fades away.
