Owner Pose
Leslie Willis It's another sad sad story for Leslie Willis. Having recently broken probation, accused of a crime she didn't commit (That one football player who got his face JACKED, yo), and also several crimes she _did_ commit, Livewire read an impolite comment on the internet about her costume and showed up to give ThirstMaster42069 a piece of her mind.

How was she supposed to know the rich kid's stupid parents had an automated lawn sprinkler system? She was psyching herself up on the lawn, working out just the right stunning one-liner before pumping fifty thousand volts through someone who /clearly/ needed to learn that Words Have Consequences online, when the sprinklers went off right as she was crackling and charging up to blow the McMansion's doors off.

Everything since that has been a tedious re-introduction to the bureaucracy of crime fighting in the twenty first century. It took like an /hour/ for the stupid insulated paddy wagon to show up, and they didn't even give her a towel because some crewcut dweeb who clearly peaked in high school said she could use it to build up static electricity.

And so, Leslie Willis, heroine of the downtrodden, teller of truths, doer of some crimes, has resigned herself to another awful trial.

At least until the wagon stops outside the Metropolis PD and she's hauled out for her perp walk. All is normal, all is fine... until a middle aged detective walks a little too close. Until her sentimental gift from her fiancee gets too close.

What could a Tamagotchi ever do though? It's just an LCD screen and some stiff rubber buttons to let you pretend to raise your virtual pet.

And on reflex, without thinking, Leslie Willis, CRIMINAL PSYCHOPATH snuffs out another life. Rover, poor virtual Rover's _ENTIRE WORLD_ ceases to exist as that watch battery is drained. It's not a lot. But it's enough for a spark... a spark that is juuuust enough to cut through the weak point of the cuffs Leslie is wearing.

It's another twenty, thirty feet to the front door of the police station when she makes her move.

There's an exterior lightboard, sweeping through inspiring views of Metropolis's Finest (Who don't wear capes)' YOU can JOIN the POLICE!

You too can be confused about what to do when the blue haired criminal you're escorting inside suddenly jerks free, snaps her cuffs, and dives forward to /bite/ into the rubber insulation coating until there's a sharp sizzling and a jolt of ozone and the entire police precinct goes dark.

You too can be thrown back by a crack of thunder as lightning surges out and cuffs melt to slag from the voltage.

You too can worry about whether or not you just wet yourself because you can't feel anything but full body pins and needles.

Metrpolis Police Department. Join today.

"OH MY GOD!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ALL TOOK MY CIVIL LIBERTIES AWAY!" Lesile /howls/ as she crackles through the air like she's skating on lightning, from the police station to the nearby electrical junction box to kick the door off and reach in to grab delicate high voltage equipment with an enthusiasm not seen since the late Frank Grimes.

Luckily for Metropolis, the city has a standing order to alert STAR Labs when something's draining mass amounts of power from the grid.

And through whatever means, those alerts always reach Metropolis's favorite daughter.

And why wouldn't Livewire get along with a peppy blonde?
Kara Danvers Dear Diary,

    It's me again, Kara Danvers. I know it's been a while since I've written to you and that so much has happened! I wish I could get into it all right now, I really just wanted to touch base and let you know that I haven't forgotten about the wonderful times we shared in my early to late teens. Just because college and being a superhero got in the way... You will always be my first listener.

Kara drops the pen down in her notepad and closes it around her fingers. Sitting in one of her classes with mess bangs, simple clothes, and a nerdy pair of red framed glasses. The fact that she only half has to pay attention to what the professor is saying to absord the information provided is actually a great deal harder than pretending to be interested. This is an elective anyways...


The odd flex in front of Metropolis PD hits Kara's ears and has her curiously tilting her head... When the snap and whirling of the power grids safety measures kick in. 'Everyone stay calm, it's probably just a test of the backup generators.' The professor says to the students, but one student is now hyper focused and highly aware that what's causing the sudden power problem is... not testing.

She is very far from testing.

"Can I be excused!" Kara stands suddenly, hand in the air, "I have to do female things!" Men are always scared to tell a woman they can't handle female issues. It's all she could think of, okay! Jeez. Stop being so judgemental all the time, I see you staring at me Diary. Don't start. This is why we don't talk anymore.

Rushing out of the class, Kara moves as quickly as she can without alerting anyone that she's not going to the ladies room. She's a freakin adult though, she doesn't have to ask permission to leave class. Upon exiting, she reaches up and pulls open her blouse over the Stylized S on her blue costume, but only because it's mandatory to do that once a season.

Then rockets into the sky towards where Livewire is attempting to absorb Metropolis' SUBSTANTIAL electrical grid. A woosh of air, a flutter of a blue skirt, blonde hair, and red cape... Tiny little fists at her sides, "I don't think you're suppose to be handling that without proper authorization. I'm going to need to see your certifications." Okay that was pretty witty, good job Supergirl.
Leslie Willis Livewire is rapidly approaching the point of being _entirely_ uneasy on the eyes. Because, you see, normally she is actually rather fetching in an aggressive, uniquely pale, aggressively angry way. The anger might be because people keep telling her to smile more. And then when she gets all amped up on electricity and smiles like some kind of maniac chainsaw shark looking at a school of swimming orphans, they're all "AUGH! DON'T _DO_ THAT!"

Leslie's glowing, like she's a walking fluorescent lightbulb, right up until there's a WHOOSH and the snap of a cape. Aha! Right on time!

The glow fades as she spins around, hands on hips, hips cocked, that bright, wide crazy smile beaming. "AHA! SUPERGIRL!!" She squints a little. Stares.

Blonde. Red cape. Big S. Floating. Yep. Supergirl.

Not like that Mary Marvel. Or that taller, older blonde with the... right. Right. Focus Leslie. Supergirl. Definitely.

"I'm glad you showed up! I have a bone to pick with you! BEEF! WE'VE GOT BEEF!!"

She scowls fiercely "You've been dodging me! Evading me! You don't even REPLY TO MY EMAILS about when to guest on my Podcast! And I _sent_ all those giftcard codes you asked for!"

One blue eyebrow is lifted high, that eye pointed directly towards Kara, that scowl just screams 'What's up with that?! Huh?! HUH?!'
Kara Danvers With her hair fleeting around her face, the smaller Kara in the bluer costume stares down at the glowing Livewire with a hand coming up to shield her eyes from the intensity of what is quickly becoming out of hand! Seriously, she's so much more fetching when she smiles... but could we please turn down the radiance from three thousand to a more acceptable, like, ten? Okay, we can go with twelve, but only because Leslie feels slighted and deserves to shine!

"Calm down Tamatoa.." For all you Disney fans. "Did you send them to the right Email address? Supergirl seven seven three at could you calm the heck down and talk this out for a second dot get wrekt?" The tinyiest of the House of El floats down to place booted feet in a defensive stance.

Livewire might not be able to go toe to toe with her, but all that Electricity can cause a whole lot of damage that Kara isn't sure she's ready to take care of this early in the afternoon. It also hurts, like a lot. "You want me on your Podcast and I'll absolutely be on your podcast okay? We can talk about... hair... clothes.. whatever you want, but /first/ you need to relax.. and please, for the love of Gosh, smile less, you'd be cuter if you smiled less."

She's not going to rush at Leslie. That could cause the power grid to explode, but she also can't let her drain all of Metropolis. The more power she gets the more dangerous she becomes. "Now put down the high voltage wires and let's use our words."
Leslie Willis Livewire's eyes spark. Her brow furrows. Her... teeth squeeze on her lower lip. Her shoulders hunch a little uncertainly. She is very clearly trying to process who or what a Tamatoa is.

She even looks hopeful for a moment. Clearly, that's it! She got the email address wrong! ...it's about the 'get wrekt', so, you know, the actual entire end of the joke that Livewire realizes this preppy cheerleader is mocking her. MOCKING HER! AFTER SHE PHISHED HER!

It almost works. That calm, soothing plea for Leslie to be Leslie, and not Livewire. She's relaxing, shoulders unstiffening, fists unballing, scowl unscowling.

She even takes a deep deep breath to heave out a sigh. It's the dull WHUP WHUP WHUP of a helicopter that changes this.

And then another... and another... and the screech of tires.

News. Media. Traditional mass media coverage. It's so _old_. Eww.

But it's also something that brings the clicks. Ups those engagement numbers. Livewire shakes her head and points her finger skyward, "Awww, but the fans are watching! I mean, yeah we could just hug it out and stuff... but... the fans don't wanna see _that_!" She balls her left hand into a fist, smacks it into her right palm.


"Some of them do, actually, but like, we missed the boat on that. Apparently 'close enough' is close enough for Cape fanficcers, so like, there's this tiny blonde and she-" She clicks her tongue, shakes her head, scowls anew. "Nevermind. That's somethin' else. It's a time that is similar to but legally distinct from CLOBBERING TIME!"

And with a crackle of electricity, an aura of lightning surrounding her fists, Livewire leaps forward to take a swing at America's sweetheart.

America's sweetheart that wears a big S and came from outerspace and stuff. Otherwise it'd be like... Taylor Swift. And Leslie is 210 percent certain she could knock Taylor Swift out if she got a step ladder so she could reach her chin.
Kara Danvers There's this part of her that has Kara wanting to explain to Livewire who Tamatoa is when she sees the uncertainty on her face. Not so much out of a need for her to understand the joke, which would have definitely made it hilarious, trust me, but because she's a helper. Goodness knows Leslie is having a rough day! Arrested for things she may or may not have committed. Hauled in an insulated paddy wagon! Treated so very unfairly for her actions! Golly, how could the world be so dang cruel to her.

Then she throws a barb, which honestly she kind of regrets seeing how very close she came to talking the very unstable woman off the ledge only to have it snapped out of the jaws of lucidity into something truly psychotic. Because there is a ''lot'' going on here. The more electricity Livewire absords, the more dangerous she is. Even to a Kryptonian, to whom very few things on Earth are directly harmful.. Even if, by some miracle, (and w'ere crossing our fingers) Leslie doesn't hit like a freight train, the impact alone will cause a discharge of electricity like an EMP blast. Truly dangerous to the power grid for a number of reasons.

The least of which is knocking out the power in Metropolis.

The worst of which is an explosion that could destroy part of it when it sets of a series of explosions all across the City of Tomorrow.

Sky blue eyes peer up at the sudden appearance of helicopters and news vans... the whuf whuf whuf of the rotor-blades kicks up air that snaps and hisses her cape behind her and twists her long blonde hair. Her eyes go back to Leslie, head tilting slowly, ''uh oh.'' face when she starts crazy ranting about ''what the people want''.

"Oh ''come on''...." She cannot let her hit her... and she cannot let this fight happen so close to the power station. So rather than swinging or letting the fist connection, she side steps in a blur, and tries to grab the woman's arm. If only so she can hurl her in a safer direction. Away from the massive charging port that will make this fight entirely too dangerous for everyone, away from the news crews! Flying after her, "I don't want this! We ''can'' talk it out!"
Leslie Willis Leslie's punch is... well, terrifying really. Most things Leslie can do in the way of fighting are terrifying when she's crackling with enough juice to light up Times Square. But it's strictly terrifying for the amount of electric charge she can put out with a solid hit.

As far as actual punches go, it's really very sad, and it's totally over balanced and awkward. You're supposed to punch from your hips, but Leslie kind of flails and puches from everywhere at once, which means her swaying on her front foot is a perfect moment for Kara to grab her.

"Huh?! I... awww... _beans_."And then Livewire is flying through the air, toppling and turning and only remembering that OH YEAH she can totally like... levitate slash fly with her powers. There's a crack of thunder, a sizzle of lightning, and her momentum bleeds off, her heels not quite skidding on the ground as she lands, looking around, chewing her lower lip... awww _beans_ indeed. She's not even sure where she is! Except that there's a 'desalination plant' behind her? With all these big metal tanks? They must contain the salinate or something, right?

Leslie spins about, eyes to the sky, both hands out, fingers laced, except thumbs and index fingers which are pressed together like she's pretending to hold a gun. She's gonna _zap_ that nerd. Teach her to be all... EDUCATED! She knew references about stuff! And like... she was so _nice_ and supportive and... sure, sometimes when she's laying around in a cell after being drained of electricity, Leslie thinks maybe that's a good thing. Being supported and not lashing out in irrational anger.

But also sometimes it's right now and she's gonna zap that girlscout! BZZZT! PEWWW! she launches out bolts of lightning when she sees Kara flying in!

If Leslie thought about it, she'd realize she's never fought like, a Big Name Heroine before. It's been like, groups of teenage heroes too low rank to be on teams that took her out, or talked her down from a fight. But she's holding her own so far! She's _got_ this!
Kara Danvers Every fight Kara doesn't have to fight is a fight she feels she won! Hurling Leslie away from the power plant was a good start because that could have gone supremely badly if things got too out of hand. If that punch had connected? She isn't sure what it would have done. She's never been punched by someone with twelve million volts of electricity behind it. That's a lot.. that would probably be very unpleasant and she is in no hurry to move onto the experimentation portion of the scientific method.

The helicopters and news crews will require a ''little'' bit of time to catch up. Though it'll be a whole lot easier to follow in the Heuy. Kara doesn't intend for this altercation to be going any longer than necessary... because if Livewire figures out she can't hurt ''her'' (Jury's still out on that), she can ''definitely'' zap a copter and make this a very bad day for everyone involved.

Cutting through the air, Kara is trying to figure out how to appeal to the better sense in the blue haired Wackadoodle. 'Okay, there's definitely some rational person in there, right? Surely she's just having a bad day and just needs a hug! Surely all I have to do is bleed off her energy until I can get my big loving arms around her in an 'i totally see you' bear hug and she'll chill the frik out.' That all makes a whole lot of sense.

Until lightning, which moves ''absurdly fast'' smacks her right in the chest as she's coming in for a very cool landing. Voltage rolls across the surface of her suit, into her hair, into her eyes.. "AHHHH! OH GOSH DANG!" Supergirl was not expecting that. No she was not... She hits the ground and rolls, tangled up in her cape when she tries to come back to her feet, then stumbles when it tugs on her shoulders and yanks her back. Frustrated hands fling the cape around...

Nose wrinkled, brow furrowed, a tiny little scowl on her face. "Okay that was not cool. Not cool." Muscles are still a little twitchy, but the discharge should help drain Leslie! Just have to keep her from destroying the plant while keeping her attention focused. "I'm trying to /help/, here! Do you like Wieners? We could totally stop this and go get Wieners."
Leslie Willis WHOOOOOOOPwoopwoopwoop! DIRECT HIT! TEN POINTS FOR LESLIE!! This is going /great/! Well, not great. The news crews are like who knows how far away which sucks because they coulda totally captured that awesome aim. Her followers woulda been so hyped.

Leslie however, despite one lucky shot... is not a 'gamer girl', and she cannot '360 no scope u noob' or anything. So there is something of an inverse thunder storm, lightning arching up from the ground and through the sky.

Which is fine. Except that at one point, a wildly aimed shot hits... a lightning rod. And Leslie's so focused on firing out maximum current that there's a startled squeal from her

Surging lightning floods into the lightning rod, the metal heating to a bright orange glow... and Leslie's eyes are a little dimmer. Her skin less /glowing/ and more 'ultra goth pale'.

Her own nose wrinkles, her own brow furrows. She squares off with Kara and preps her fists... tenses...

"Did... you just ask if I like wieners? WhoawhoaWHOA! This is like, the 21st century! I'm all for not assuming people's proclivities and personal details, but like... this is _not_ the time or place! Jeeze! What were you, raised by a popup ad?!"
Kara Danvers The lightning rod to the rescue! Supergirl actually quite delighted by the arc of electricity further bleeding off of Livewire by the foreward, environmental, thinking of the archetecture team of this plant! What smart scientific minds they have! She breaths a little sigh of relief seeing the 'gross' amounts of power Leslie was packing become something a little more managable... Less chance of full system failure and perhaps just spasms with a rogue chance of peeing herself.

Embarrassing? Sure.

But she'll survive

Kara squares off, but she doesn't clench her fists. She's trying not to look threatening because she can react quickly enough that she doesn't have to telegraph her fighting stance. In fact, her hands come up to gently pat at the air, defuse the situation, that's the name of this game! "We want the sa- okay maybe we don't, but I definitely don't want to hurt you.. and I hope that you're inner monologue is telling you not to hurt me." Which seems very unlikely given she just zapped her in the chest, but a girl can hope.

Which... okay it's not a raging success, but things were definitely getting better... "Huh? Wie-oh gosh no!" Kara's cheeks flush a bright pink, "NO! That's not what I meant! I meant hotdogs. You know, Franks? Juicy delicious foot longs in a bun? Covered in all the toppings? Seriously, have you never gone to a baseball game?" The cheek of her.
Leslie Willis Leslie's all primed, ready to go... well, not really. She's posed, fists up in her best approximation of a fighting posture, and then Kara's blushing and Leslie snorts. An involuntary little huff... the fades into a snicker. A laugh.

She's /howling/, bent over double, hand slapping on one thigh repeatedly SMACK SMACK SMACK, "Haaaahahahaha...! You... you like... /wieners/! Hot dogs! But you're calling them wieners! WIENERS!! Like... like....!" She makes a /very/ evident gesture with one flexing wrist and elbow. Footlong. Footlong wiener.

Leslie laughs for like a good half minute until she hears something... sirens. Lots of sirens. Engines.

And yet Kara's still got Livewire's focus, bright eyes are a little less manic, a little more actually, genuinely amused. That posture softens. She slowly sways within arm's reach of Kara.

One glove hand lands on a shoulder. Pat. Patpatpat. "It's... haaahahaha... oh my god... just... just say 'hot dogs' and like... don't like... use all the adjectives?"

She heaves out another breath, head tilting as she eyes the approaching police force. "Jeeze... what's up with them? They look _pissed_."
Kara Danvers Okay, Leslie, Kara doesn't have to take this from you! Standing there getting even more embarrassed by the hysterical laughter, Supergirl furrows her brow and flails her hands, "What?! They're wieners... don't blame me that you... How is this funny!" She demands! As if she really isn't even sure what all the fuss is about.

"I like wieners, yes. Foot longs, smaller ones, I don't judge based on size.." When it finally occurs to her. When the realization hits her exactly what all the amusement is from. The sudden revelation is so apparent on her embarrassedly blushing face with rapidly blinking long lashes fluttering over her very bright blue eyes.

"Oh cookies and milk..." She murmurs, quirking her lip up enough to wrinkle her nose. How is she going to look tough now? She chuffs out a sigh and lets her shoulders sag. At least the hilarious laughter seems to be calming Leslie down.

All she has to do is somehow convince her to turn herself in.

"Well..." She starts, tap dancing this landmine laiden field with that same wrinkly nosed expression, "You did kind of drain the power grid." She turns, but is careful about not actually putting her back to Livewire. Hands up to stop the approaching law enforcement from doing something that will reignite the wackadoo's inner anger. "It's fine! We're good! Keep your guns down..." Glance back over her shoulder.

"If I promise to come visit, and do like an in cell interview for your podcast, will you ... ya know... surrender? I'll make sure they know you came willingly. And I'll give you an advertisement for your show..."
Leslie Willis Leslie's all glower, all tensed, coiled... staring down the approaching cops... it _really_ harshes the joy of making Kara wail in discontent at her accidental borderline innuendo.

She's primed and ready to fight off these oppressors, unjustifiably attempting to lock her up just because of... oh. Right. The _crimes_.

She sighs and mumbles, "It's not my fault! I didn't even hit that football guy! It was the weird creepy gal! The spooky one! She's super spooky!" She looks around, "...Well... she's not here, and like... probably won't... be able to like... just appear in my cell if..."

She's clearly weighing the options... except then Kara says the magic words.

Podcast interview. The magic words are Podcast interview.

She sighs out and glances over, putting her wrists together, "Okay, but you still owe me like two hundred bucks for those gift cards. Why'd you even want giftcards for Best Buy? Don't you have cool superhero tech or something?"

Yeah, Leslie's calmed down, but she might still be pretty dumb.
Kara Danvers The temperature is still uncomfortably warm, what with Livewire ready to roast some of Metropolis' finest in a fit of electric rage... Supergirl positions herself in the middle of this standoff. Hands up, one pointed in either direction as if she could somehow block bullet and lightning bravado at the same time. With her blue eyes dancing back and forth between them. 'Come on guys, I've almost got her to chill the ef out, put the guns away'...

She aint no telepath though!

So she has to trust that they trust her enough to do what she needs them to. Thank goodness that they have a great deal of respect for the S on her chest... the guns do start to lower and Leslie, in turn, starts to simmer down.

Magic words are important.

Kara blows out a heady sigh and lets her palms slap against her skirt covered thighs. "Creepy girl, totally. It's ''always'' the creepy ones, amirite?" Said in a murmur, stepping closer to Leslie with a hand reaching out to tenatively place it on her shoulder. "I'll make sure they know, for what it's worth, that they should do more investigation into your alleged crimes. There's not much I can do about the power grid situation though.. except say you came peacefully." HOPEFULLY that's enough.

Gently moving towards the padded truck designed specifically for meta-human villains. "I have no idea what giftcards you're talking about, but I'll totally pay you back for them anyways. Who shops at retail stores these days? It's all about the online experiences anymore."

She might be dumb, but that makes her way too dangerous. Kara's not relaxing fully until she's in that van.
Leslie Willis Leslie doesn't fight, nope, she even lets the special superhero cops use their weird wand thing to drain the rest of her charge and she steps up into the wagon, rolling her eyes like 'Can you believe this?' as the heavy layers of plexiglass doors seal and hiss shut. She flops onto the bench, a little cold, a little /terribly uncomfortably bare metal. But there's no sparks so it's a good sign.

Leslie lifts her cuffed hands in the best she can manage of an 'I'll call you' gesture as the cops begin loading up.

Later. She'll call Kara later. Somehow. First she's probably got to call Jennifer Walters. Everyone's favorite lawyer.

Leslie's pretty sure she's never done any rants about her on her podcast. Because, well, you never wanna cheese off the lawyers.

And so Leslie flops back. If she's lucky, they can book her and process her and get her locked away in time for dinner.

Heh. Maybe it's wieners. Haaaaahahahahahahaha!