Owner Pose
Emma Frost It was time to start things over. And that meant just to talka nd get to know one another. Emma Frost had setup a time to meet with Power Girl, arranged through the Justice League. After meeting with her the last time. It was time to just talk a bit in a more relaxed scenario. Emma was sitting over on a chair, waiting for her invitee to arrive. Not even through the window this time!
Karen Starr Since it came through the League, that means Power Girl, not Karen Starr, even if there's only the faintest of secret identities there. So she shows up in her superheroic attire; the white bodysuit, the blue boots, the blue gloves. She actually walks in through the front door like she was anyone else, and will announce herself so she can be shown up. In for a penny, in for a pound.
Emma Frost Emma Frost would gesture at Power Girl, "Please, thank you. I just thought given everything we.. Needed tos tart over and get to know one another. If you're comfortable with it. Nothing required, or official. Just talking."
Karen Starr Power Girl looks faintly amused at that. "What, I show I have actual emotions and that means a "getting to know you" session?" She'll walk over to whatever chair is available, and will sit in it, making certain to not sit on the short cape, but rather to drape it over the chair back as she sits. "Your move." she tells Emma, amusement still in her voice.
Emma Frost Emma Frost would smirks at Power Girl, "Good." She would add, "Would you care for anythign to drink? I know you don't have to but is there anything you enjoy the taste of?" She would fold her hands together and smile. "You are more amusing in person, I'll admit."
Karen Starr "Amusing? How so?" the Kryptonian asks, looking over. "And you're right, I don't need to, but if you have something sweet, I'm happy to indulge. When you don't need to, you do it for flavor." Power Girl crosses her legs. "Or, we can get down to why you /really/ asked me here. Surely it's not just to offer me coffee and chit-chat?"
Emma Frost Emma Frost would smile, "Actually it is." For coffee and chit-chat. "So, nothing pressing. So long as it's not a waste of your time. I wouldn't have asked through the League but I wasn'ts ure how else to contact you. So is there anything you might want to enjoy the flavor of?"
Karen Starr "I guess I could say that it IS a waste of my time, but that's a bit bitchy." Power Girl states. "And I find it a little difficult to believe that someone with your talents couldn't get ahold of me if you wanted to. Depending on what you've got in office, I'll take a caramel latte if you can make one. If not, coffee, four sugars, one cream."
Emma Frost Emma Frost would just grin, "Well yes. But that was rather simpler. And how exactly was I to do it otherwise? That was the easiest way and the less intruding on your person. But I can arrange that. Give me about ten minutes." She goes to take out her phone and dials. "The drone will be here in seven."
Karen Starr "I don't exactly go around giving out my phone number. I don't think most people in this line of work do. BUT. You went to the effort of going through channels to get me here, and while I might think that's a waste of time, we're both here. So what is it you wanted to chat about?" Power Girl asks. "There has to be something on your mind."
Emma Frost Emma Frost would lean back, "There is, but less important. I do want to try and be on good terms with you and able to talk with you. For Divine at least. She needs someone on a level that can help.. Ease her into things with others of her family. She's still finding her place and she wants to do good and is figuring out her way. I know it's not something you might not be immedaitely comfortable with."
Karen Starr "I'm not..." Power Girl cuts herself off, debating how to word it. "I haven't been the best of people with the touchy-feely stuff. I'm trying to be better with that. As far as the family issues, well, I'm not really the one to help with that. I've been a bit of the black sheep." Her argument with Alura comes readily to her mind. "So why all the efforts to help her?"
Emma Frost Emma Frost would lean back in her seat, "I understand on that." Emma would speak quietly, "Because she was a child abandoned on the streets not knowing who she was or how she got there, or where she was from. She needed a place to stay and be safe. And be protected. And now she's in a place where she seems safe enough to be finding her own place in the world. I want to make sure she has the contacts and resources to do so."
Karen Starr Power Girl points out "And you're New England old money. Corporate. Not to be too blunt about it...but the "oh, it's a poor abandoned child" seems like shoes that don't fit you so well, Ms. Frost. Not unless there's some other angle to it"
Emma Frost Emma Frost would fold her fingers together, "Yes, you are right. I am old money. You've done your research." Emma would speak, gently and in approving tones. "Your wariness is quite well apt. And.. Because I was in a similar place to her at a period in my life and I had to make my own way. I made a great number of mistakes and hurt a great many people. I'm obligated to.. Make amends in what small ways I can."
Karen Starr "Mmm. I hope you realize I'm taking that with not just a grain but a pound of salt. I'm painfully aware of what she's capable of and how much that could be misused in the wrong hands. If it's legitimate...well, then I'll have go ahead and eat crow. But let's just say that for right now the saying "we trust but we also verify" is firmly in effect. I find there's very few people in this world who'd be willing to put themselves out like that for NO reward...and I say this as someone who pals around with superheroes on a regular basis."
Emma Frost Emma Frost would lean back, "Well, I understand. I'm willing to tell you parts of my story, but I'll be leaving a great many things out. And in turn I'm going to ask you to keep it to yourself as it is extremely personal in nature and touches on a great many personal agonies. And it' not one I've shared with many." A sincere showing of vulnerability
Karen Starr "If you want." Power Girl says. "I'm not one to pry. And I'll be more convinced by your actions than your words, honestly. But you got me here; I'll listen if you want to talk." she says, crossing her arms under her breasts.
Emma Frost Emma Frost would smile, "Of course. Since my actions of the last year have not given you that view.." Emma would lean back. "My family is, as you said, old rich. I had three sisters and one brother. My brother was deemed.. Unfit to try and run the company. So it was among my sisters and I my father had to decide whom was appropriate to take it over. Myself and my psychotic sister." Speaking as if the other sister did not matter.

"My father was having an affair, and no matter what I told my mother, she didn't believe me. So I followed my father when he was out meeting his Mistress, and took photographs to show to my mother. This convinced my father that I was ruthless enough to take over the business. My mother had a heart attack."
Karen Starr That gets the faintest of sympathetic looks. Power Girl may be keeping her defenses up, but she isn't made from stone (even if she's far tougher than it). "I'm sorry to hear that. An unhappy home life makes for a lousy start to things. That much I know." She still doesn't have her coffee, but honestly, that was just a trapping. Grease to lubricate the wheels of social interaction.
Emma Frost Emma Frost would go on, "Mmm-hmm. I wanted nothing to do with it when he told me. I was kicked out of the house. Shortly after that I was kidnapped by a group and held for ransom. They sent a message to my father and threatened to kill me. My father's reply back was they were asking ridiculously too much and they could do with me what they wanted, he wasn't going to pay a cent and good riddance." Emma would continue, idly.

"My sister in turn found the ransom video and my father's response and sent it to a local news station to humiliate my father and upstage him. Somewhere around then I escaped and stole a few things from my father to make things easier. My sister took over the company." Emma would continue sipping her tea as a drone would fly in over with Power Girl's requested latte, still hot and steaming.
Karen Starr "Different sisters?" The lack of names aren't making it the easiest story to follow. Power Girl takes the latte and takes a sip for it. It's for the taste; neither the temperature nor the caffeine are going to do one whit to her. "Your father sounds like a grade-A asshole." she states, bluntly.
Emma Frost Emma Frost would nod, "Oh,of course. My father was psychopathic. My sister Cordelia never did anything that mattered. My sister Adrienne is the one that is ever so delightfully sociopathic. There's a border somewhere between the two of them I'm not quite sure of. She tried to have me killed a time or two but that's water under the bridge. But, that tauhgt me a few things. I"m sure you can guess them. And save your sympathy, we both know people that have had it astronomically worse."