Owner Pose
Billy Batson Shazam tries to fly round Queens. It's a good explanation for the thunder Victor and Rosa are always hearing. "Oh Shazam just flew by. Did you see him? He makes with the lightning and the booms." Queens also has some great food, as Spider-Man told him. Where to eat? The Defender of Mankind wobbles as he hovers, considering. A prime target for anyone wishing to do hm harm... harming him is the hard part. "Hmmm... just had Schwarma..." Option paralysis.
Julie Power Julie Power yawns as she works her way through the crowd on the ground. Sure she could fly, but that is flashy, and *sometimes* that gets you in trouble with the air traffic control. Plus, it is tiring more than walking. But then again, it was lunch time, ans she stopped in front of a restaurant close to Liberty Park, eying the offered menu on the side of the entry. Zum Stammtisch, looking like a half-timbered house from the outside... A German or Bavarian beer-hall? Miiiight be worth a look
Billy Batson Shazam is shaken out of his reverie by a familiar figure. Well, not familiar THAT way! She's just a pal. He does a sort of slip to the side nd fall pulling up above Julie... or should he call her Lightspeed?

Just to be safe he calls out in a spirited voice, "Hey! Are you loitering?" Zum Stammtisch... what is that? Oh... German food. Sounds good.

He drops to the ground. It being New York, people walk around him.
Julie Power "No? Deciding if I want to have... uh..." reading the menu, she points to one of the menu items. "try white sausages and Kraut or something different. I see you're on patrol, Captain?" Julie offers with a little smile.
Billy Batson Shazam says, "It's just Shazam. I think you're teasing me. I was going to take a meal break. Could I join you? I'm looking for a place for a date as it happens." He leans past Julie a bit to read. Yes he could afford this! He whispers, "Im not sure what to call you right now."
Julie Power "Uh... sure, as long as it's not a date-date with me you're looking for. I mean..." Julie sends a glance left, a glance right as if to make sure they were not listened in on. "You got a girl, Shazam. As for naming... I got no secret identity. Sure, it's a tad strange if I'd be called Lightspeed out of costume, but that's life."
Billy Batson Shazam shrugs. "I thought I made it clear I was past that crush a loooong time ago and wanted to be friends and thank you for believing I have a girlfriend. Freddy is insisting I hired an actress to pose for those photos. I may as well tell him I'm dating Lois Lane or She-Hulk. With tht he holds the door open for Julie and gathers his cape out of the way.
Julie Power Julie Power nods with a little smile, gesturing to the door. "Lois Lane is clearly single because she has a crush on Superman. You can see that whenever she writes for the news. And She-Hulk I bet is married to work. She's a lawyer after all. Plus, a little too old for you... As for picures... you still owe me showing her in person."

Slipping into the restaurant, they get a table.
Billy Batson Shazam sits down and thanks the server for the menu. He ands the wine card to Julie. "Liquor is either a misdemeanor or a waste of money for me. Oh... hey I have a question for you. It's business related." He leans in to whisper, "I have a friend I work with who keeps having wardrobe issues. Costume gets ripped, costume catches fire, costume malfunctions. Could you tell me where to get her one like yours that doesn't go anywhere?"
Julie Power "It'd be a felony to sell to me for like... a week and a little." Julie says as she puts the wide card away, instead ordering something that they call 'Fassbrause' on the normal drink menu.

"Hhmmm... we got ours from Friday, but as far as I can tell, it's similar stuff to what the Richards' call unstable molecurles. You could ask them. I guess the best to ask might be Fantastic Four, or Janet Van Dyne and Dr. Hank Pym. Maybe GIRL too."
Billy Batson Shazamponders a minute and asks, "Who is Friday? Like an alien butler or something? I may be jealous. He wouldn't have some more molecules, would he? I can handle the rest. The FF and Ms van Dyne and the rest are a little daunting."
Julie Power "Friday is Friday. I might introducce you some day, but I doubt he can whip them out of the wrist like that. And really, the Richards are not daunting really. They're friendly people! You should tell yoiur friend to ask them, really." Julie suggests, leavng open the fact that Friday was technically a ship.
Billy Batson Shazam nods. "Fair. Always liked your costumes... wait are those all the same costumes? LIke do they stretch or something? I mean yu guys are way bigger now. I..." He shuts up and tries to cover up his blush. Yes.I said it. I am a dork. <<Captain Obvious...>> Hercules says in his head.
Julie Power "That's... a secret." Julie notes at the question if they had always worn the same costumes. "I mean, you don't tell about *your* costume like that either."
Billy Batson Shazam starts chuckling. "I was Shazam for a while before I figured out how to take it off. It was a package deal. I had to turn back to Billy to... you know. I was going to try modeling and I couldn't take the darned thing off. My two senior partners transformed and they're yanking on my shirt and cape. Nearly choke me, anyway I eventually mastered the costume but at first, I transformed and I could do it costume or... not. So I went to meet this big designer in Billy's sweats. Darn near ripped them. I was embarrassed to be caught flying in them." He continues chuckling.
Julie Power Julie Power groans a moment as Shazam actually does tell all about the story she didn't actually want to hear. "That sounds complicated. Unstable molecules are... easier to deal with. They can fit the form if it changes size and are nigh indestructible, so... I guess that might stop the problems of your frined."
Billy Batson Shazam nods and oohs as food arrives, though he examines the spaetzel with a little suspicion. He starts sampling slowly but quickly picks up speed. It's good! "That lady was right. This is good. It is like a pork cutlet though. What did you get?"
Julie Power Gesturing to her food, Julie shrugs. "Nurnberger and Sauerkraut with some sort of Knodl. Tastes a little bit like rolls. I wasn't in the mood to try strange sausages. These Nurnbergers taste almost like normal sausages."