Owner Pose
Tommy Shepherd     The thing is, it's not even summer. There's no reason for it as far as anyone can guess, and after half a day with no power, people have started to gather and talk. Better than sitting in their darkened apartments, waiting for the lights to come back on.

    At least the weather's nice. A steady breeze blowing in from over the ocean, the sky speckled with fluffy clouds. By now the sun has started to set towards the horizon but there's still an hour or so of light left, and most folks are hopeful that the power will be restored by then.

    Until then, though, all they can do is wait.

    Mootant Town Milkshakes is not as hard-hit as some of the other restaurants in the area, not with Cozwick keeping the contents of his freezer frosty cold with just a touch. As it turns out he's the only mutant with (non-destructive) ice-based powers in Mutant Town, and once the word got out, people have started to flock to his storefront for ice to keep their perishables from going bad.

    Tommy stands on the curb across the street, leaning against a non-functioning streetlight as he licks at an ice cream cone, having procured himself and Gabby some sweet treats before the mob formed.

    Someone across the way yells about being pushed, then someone else yells back, and Tommy's feet shuffle uneasily as he readjusts his position. There's tension in the air from the ongoing lack of power and the building argument across the way isn't helping.

    "Think we should go over there?" he asks, a surprising show of willingness on his part. Maybe it's because of his history with Cozwick, who employed him for a significant length of time (for Tommy, at least).
Gabby Kinney Lack of power was concerning but not something that Gabby could live without for awhile. Even so... Icecream was a great treat to enjoy on such a day where it was warm enough to feel it without A/C to cool things just a smidge. The temps were starting to drop again as the sun did, but there was still enough heat rising off the concrete that it held the chill at bay enough to enjoy the cone she was working on.

Sure it wasn't a milkshake, but without electricity that was kind of impossible. Icecream cones though? Easy. Hand scoop and it was all golden.

Gabby's watching the group as well while leaning against one of the non-functioning lamp posts. The cone she holds is turned to the side to do a quick clean-up of melting icecream around the top of the cone as she and Tommy observe the anxious crowd.

"Yeah... Probably should try to do something before it gets worse," she reasons with a little sigh. Not at being put out, but of worry. Glancing to Tommy she flashes a grin. "I feel like I should say 'hold my icecream' but those are fighting words. I'll try not to jinx this."

With that she pushes away from the pole to start walking over to the crowd. No running, no signs of aggression, just a friendly, "Hey guys! I know this all sucks, but we're all in it together, we shouldn't start losing our tempers at one another."
Tommy Shepherd     "If I hold your ice cream you know I'll just end up eating it," Tommy says, totally honest. He's a food vacuum in human form, as most speedsters are. He even pauses in the consumption of his own ice cream to eye up Gabby's.

    But then he practices a little self-restraint. No doubt he'll ask if she's going to finish that later, though.

    At speed, Tommy finishes his own cone (and suffers through a fast-forwarded burst of brain freeze that has him groaning and rubbing his forehead) and then he's following at Gabby's heels, looking back and forth across the crowd as if trying to spot danger before it leaps at them.

    The argument is nearly in full-swing (as in, fists flying) by the time they get there, one man with craggy rock-like formations dotting his skin having just stepped up to another man with glowing eyes. They're on the edge of the crowd, which means Gabby can just walk up to them.

    This is probably because the rest of the mob has pulled away from them to give them space; within seconds of Gabby's approach, they've formed a ring around the pair, leaving Tommy to try and squeeze his way in with a disgruntled, "Hey, excuse me, that's my girlfriend!"

    The rock-covered man says, "I wouldn't have to lose my temper if this guy would stay outta my space!" and the other one responds with a, "Hey, man, I got bumped from the other side, it was an accident!"
Gabby Kinney "Ah yeah that can happen in crowds. I know it's uncomfortable but you didn't get hurt, did you? Or you?" Gabby looks between the pair trying to remain calm while keeping her voice from rising to the same level that theirs was. Yet she still manages to project her voice so that it can be heard. A hopeful, lilting tone is to her voice trying to ooze calmness and serenity.

"How about I buy you guys an icecream once we get up there, yeah? I think we could all use something to cool down and eat in this heat." It wasn't quite the equivalent of offering to buy someone a beer but it was what she had to work with.

A glance is cast back over her shoulder once she realizes that Tommy isn't behind her anymore. No the crowd had closed around, and she was starting to feel that little prickle rising up the back of her neck that was telling her instincts to be on guard just in case.
Tommy Shepherd     Neither of the men seem willing to admit they aren't hurt, because that would lower their standing in this argument. However both spontaneously look away from Gabby (and each other) at precisely the moment she asks, which makes things clear enough.

    Then she offers ice cream. The man with glowing eyes turns to look into Mootant Town Milkshakes hopefully, and it's obvious that's why he's here. Maybe he just runs hot?

    Who knows. It means, however, that he does accept with a small nod to Gabby. The other man is a bit more gruff, arms folding over his chest, and for a long moment he stares down at Gabby.

    But what's he going to do, argue with this young lady? He deflates all at once and rubs the back of his head. "Look, I don't need ice cream, I just need some ice."

    A woman in the back yells out, "So do I! I just bought groceries and if they go bad I won't have anything to feed my kids with for the rest of the week!"

    And the yelling starts up again.

    Tommy, meanwhile, has finally managed to crouch and dodge and wriggle his way through the crowd, bumping into Gabby with a quick "Shit," and then a softer, "Sorry, sorry. Have you seen Coz at all?"

    The crowd is still blocking the doorway to the shop, so there's no way to tell what's happening inside.
Gabby Kinney Gabby Kinney gives a little nod of understanding as they go on about what they all need. "Yeah. Okay, well then, we'll see about helping Coz out. He's only one guy and he's really doing his best but I'm sure he's getting tired, too."

When Tommy comes over she flashes him a grin giving a little shake of her head. "Naw, but maybe we can both help carry things out for him so he could do a lot at once and then go from there? Instead of one person at a time. If he's up for it," she reasons while looking over the grumpy crowd. The fellow with the red eyes gets a nod of agreement and a smile as well. "Ice and icecream and whatever we can do to help," she assures.
Tommy Shepherd     Tommy stands up on his toes in an attempt to see over the crowd, though all he gets for doing that is a slightly more elevated view of the backs of peoples' heads. It's a no go.

    His hand reaches out to take Gabby's amidst the crush of people and then he's pulling her *out* towards the street instead of *in* towards the doors. "C'mon," he says, turning back to look at her, "I know another way in."

    This other way in turns out to be a (locked) door down the alley next to the storefront, which Tommy gives a half-hearted try at, before he climbs a stack of wood pallettes up towards a high window. It takes a few moments of super-speed fiddling with before Tommy lets out a little "ah-hah!" and then levers himself up and through.

    Then, there's a crash.

    But only a second or two later Tommy is at the now-open back door, leaning against the doorframe. "NothinghappenedandI'mtotallyokay," he reports, before stepping aside to let Gabby in.

    The store is silent aside for the distant rumble of the crowd outside the locked front doors, and the lack of light makes it hard to navigate at first until their eyes have adjusted to the dark. And the place is absolutely frigid, cold enough that Tommy and Gabby's breaths are visible in the air.

    A few further steps inwards and there's Cozwick behind the counter, slumped on the ground, eyes closed and face slack.
Gabby Kinney Gabby Kinney glances over to Tommy when he grabs her hand to start pulling her away. "But--" she begins until he explains about knowing another way in. One last glance is cast over her shoulder at Mootown only to give a quick nod of agreement as she starts to realize... Yeah she hadn't seen Coz in awhile. And there were a LOT of people here.

Following after she looks to the locked back door when Tommy opts for the window instead. Patiently she waits, listening to the crash and such from inside with a sympathetic wince. When the door is opened up to him she flashes a grin. "Just for reference I *can* pick locks." Though maybe that would have taken too long, to be fair.

Much too long, she comes to realize as soon as she spots Coz there causing a pang of concern. "Oh shit."

Crouching beside him she reaches out to grasp his shoulder slightly with a look back to Tommy. "Hey is there any electrolytes around here? He might need some," she reasons. "If he's this exhausted... Or maybe we should see if anyone outside can heal."
Tommy Shepherd     From a glance it doesn't look like Tommy's hurt, so who knows what all that racket was. At any rate, it's not important, not when they find Coswick unconscious on the floor.

    "Electrolytes," Tommy repeats, and then he disappears. There's no sports drinks at Mootant Town Milkshakes with the power out and the soda dispenser not working, so he runs at super-speed down the street to the nearest bodega. There's a minor kerfluffle about not being able to sell anything with the power down, but Tommy slams down some cash on the counter and says "It's an emergency," before he disappears.

    He's back at Gabby's side shortly, offering up the (lukewarm at this point) Gatorade before he reaches to touch Coswick's wrist, seeking out his pulse.