Owner Pose
Nick Drago If one were to ask where this all begin, there would likely be a pause as those in the vicinity of the question take a moment to reflect. Was it during the chat at a film shoot in France? Or perhaps during the flight back to the states? Perhaps it was back even further when Mike... wasn't himself? Or maybe the fateful time in the coffee shop with one Phoebe present.

Whatever the event that brought about the decision. The end result is that Mike is currently walking the grounds of Happy Harbor. This act is not unsual. Despite Mike not being a teacher, he does act as a liaison so his present can be expected at times. But normally he is with paperwork.

This time he has brought Caleb.

It is after the regular school hours, making for the amount of students on campus to be less than usual. However, with the presence of dorms, that number is rarely at zero. Such is the case with a smattering of students talking to the other end of the plaza. The weather is pleasant, which is likely why that cluster is lingering instead of beelining it to the dorms or other recreational options on the campus.

Mike's steps slow as they reach a center point of the courtyard, giving a general gesture to the building surrounding them. "As you can see they got a pretty sizable campus and there is security at the entrance. There's also activities in the nearby area so it's a pretty pleasant location."
Xiomara Rojas Usually at the end of classes, Crush went into New York City to work the few hours until the sun set. It wasn't impossible to work construction in the dark, and on the bigger buildings the flood lights had been used to speed up the job, but it wasn't the norm. Today however, instead of being off to work, she hung back at the school to study. Despite her age, it was her last year of high school and she was pushing for all A's so her college transcript thing looked good... it was supposed to be helpful anyway.

Finished with some of the work, she found herself taking a break for a walk around the school. Ever since the protestors has come and spewed their hate at the students, she'd made it a habit to 'patrol' the school grounds a few times a day and night. Sure, there were security measures in place already, people trained and paid to protect, but Crush didn't know them and there for didn't trust them.

Given her attention to detail, and of course her alien boosted eye sight, spoking Mike and Caleb on the school grounds was pretty easy. Turning her attention toward the two, she begins to close the distance between herself and them with long strides. It might look like a force of nature thundering across the central quad, but really it was just a Czarnian headed to say hello.
Caleb Dykstra Arriving on a '71 Dodge Challenger (nice car, some would say, even if this isn't Supernatural), Caleb got out and met with Mike. Ever since the hint was dropped that he should consider Happy Harbor, that he's been wanting to go and have a look at it; maybe he could enroll Sheila...

The situation with Vittorelli is getting out of hand. First, with the Crowd back in Gotham, two of his men gone, and he's the one who survives. Second, another Crowd took at least six of Vittorelli's men, this time in New York, /and again/ Caleb is the only one to survive. Given the fact that in the order of things, the Mob prefers to throw their underlings into the fire so they can escape, the underlings escaping earns only their suspition. Ah yes; there's also Coulson showing up at a warehouse where they were conducting business, and he quickly tells them to let go of Caleb... So, who is Caleb talking to, they would start to wonder.

And now, Caleb feels like there's a ticking clock for him and his family.

He's been soaking up the information Mike's been telling him so far. "Well Mike, lemme tell you about security... It could use some upgrade." He points at a couple of blind spots in the grounds. "I'm sure there are far better ones than me out there, but those are great spots to exploit..."

He starts to feel the ground slowly trembling under his feet - maybe. It could be his own version of 'spider-sense' tingling. Or it could be a towering woman heavy on her boots headed towards their vicinity in a fast pace. It is intimidating, come to think of it. "I... I'm going to find out first hand why the nickname 'Crush', aren't I...?", he mumbles to Mike.
Nick Drago As Caleb's first response is to point out perceived blind spots. Mike's expression shifts. Lips flattening to a long line. He's not going to be talking about blind spots with him. For one, he's not the guy in charge of security. And two, considering who helped FOUND the school, he wouldn't be surprised if the blind spots weren't actually blind spots. "Noted."

Feeling the rumble of the Crush. The line of lip slightly upturns to each side. He gives the slightest of nods but unlike Caleb he does not mirror the look of wariness.

Mike turns, looking to Crush. "Afternoon!" He greets as she comes within hearing distance, "How're you doing?"
Xiomara Rojas It wasn't common knowledge that Crush could hear as clearly as a Kryptonian, her senses alien enough to pick up sounds that humans couldn't hear and see spectrums that the human eye couldn't perceive... but still, getting closer was still better then screaming across the quad.

"Hey Mike," she offered to the adult first. "Caleb... good to see you." A brief pause here to look toward the supposed blind spots, then back to the two. "Nice quiet day here, so I'm good. How you both doing?"
Caleb Dykstra "Oh, I'm doing fine, Crush", Caleb replies, "all things considered." He considers just how lucky he was to not have come across Xio when he was here last time. "I got a bit of a noose tightening, and I'm looking for options, really. More for Sheila than for actually me." He smiles to the Czarnian. "Are there usually troubles?", he enquires, concern disguised as curiosity.
Nick Drago "I'm doing alright." Mike replies, holding back from adding anything further until Caleb broaches the topic himself. The up tilt of the lips fades. "Putting out some feelers for other possible places. Ideally at this level of security." He pauses. "Or better." The added comment gets tagged on to avoid any additional talk of blind spots.
Xiomara Rojas Straightening her back, Crush folds her arms across her chest with a broad smile spreading across her face. "Well first off, you got a noose tightening on you, I'm more than willing to help remove it, and I don't charge."

Gesturing toward the school she continues speaking, "I been at this school a while and only heard of a couple of times there was trouble. You gotta remember somethin... many of the students are mutants, metahumans, enhanced in some way. So think about what that means for someone stupid enough to try something?" Her grin gets a little more wicked before she leans in closer and adds, "I live here... no one fucks with my school."
Caleb Dykstra Caleb finds himself nodding to that, "Hell, I don't have problems with mutants, metas, or what you called them... Enhanced." He says, "Live and let live, those are all words to live by." He pauses. "The problem comes when there are those select few who start up crap." He points up, "Like, ten years ago...?" He looks between the Mike and Xiomara. "Are there many problems with metahuman students? Like, the discussion and fight over the the hot cheerleader that's been secretly goading them into a fight after school?"

Yes, it sounds like quite the film. Maybe Caleb has seen a couple of things like that in the past...?
Nick Drago Mike glances over to Crush to the question, "...I haven't heard anything about fights between students over cheerleaders but- I act more as a liaison between the school and the entertainment industry, most notably Shaw Studios. Most of my appearances here are for dropping off paperwork, special events, and when there's a shortage of chaperones. But... maybe someone who spends most of their time on campus might be more privy to that?"
Xiomara Rojas Realizing this was something pretty serious and important, Crush takes on a more sincere approach. "There's the typical fights among students, but powers... they rarely get used against each other," she states with a nod. "It's one of the rules for going to school here. Sure, there's a few times when minor shit happens among students, but truth is, everything I've seen, most of us take on a 'use against the world' attitude because the world considers us freaks."

She glances to Mike for a moment, wondering how she became part of the 'recruit a friend' department, but her affection for the school really did make her a good choice to do it. "When it comes to the human students here, and yes there are many, they fall into the protected category as well. They /choose/ to go here, knowing that the other students aren't human. They're supporters, and so, we protect them like family too."
Caleb Dykstra "That's all I could hope for", Caleb says, smiling.

"Gotham is... Quite a town, by reputation alone. But, living in it...", he shakes his head. "It's corruption, it's...", he pauses, wondering if he should say this, "It's the mob, it's the crime..." He shrugs, "And it's got me, and it's spreading to my family. And I want out of it."

He admits, "I'm not proud of some of the things I've done, but the point is, if you don't... Well, they find other ways to settle the bill, you know?" He sighs, "And the bill never clears."

"So, what I want is to place my kid sister somewhere safe." He never talks about himself, though.
Nick Drago Catching the glimpse, Mike smiles slightly. Hey if the 'obviously could bench press you' student manages to make someone feel good about a school, is there anything Mike really needs to do for the sales pitch?

He looks back over to Caleb as he explains a bit more to what he's looking for. As the description of Gotham is made, Mike gives a knowing nod, likely tinged from different observations. "...Just because you might have made mistakes doesn't mean you're not allowed to make choices to improve your future chances." Mike allows, "For the both of you." There is an emphasis to the word both, seemingly forbidding Caleb from ruling himself out of the equation.

Although a word Caleb states sets off a bit of an alarm bell. "Just how much younger is your sister? Is she starting high school or in the middle of it right now?"
Xiomara Rojas Mistakes. Crush made a lot of those from the age of thirteen to the age of eighteen, a lot, a lot... she lived on the streets, killed and fought people in fighting rings for money, and a few other things that she just doesn't talk about any more. It was all 'the past' in her mind, and had no effect on now, right? Wrong, she knew that, but that was for another time.

"We've all done shit we aren't proud of," she says more quietly, chewing a little at her bottom lip. "But... we get to try and do better, and every day that we do better than we did yesterday, is a good day... or so Superman keeps telling me."

Clearing her throat she jumps right on the 'change the subject' band wagon. "Comin up on end of the school year, but there are always summer classes offered and the dorms are available for living 365 days a year," she points toward the building that holds the dorms. "Boys on one side, girls on the other, and my foot up anyone ass who breaks that rule."
Caleb Dykstra The teenager looks at Mike, smiling a rather... Peaceful smile. "The sacrifices you do for family, Mike... All for them, nothing for yourself." If this sounds cryptic AF, it's because it is.

"Well", he chuckles to Xio, "I'll rest assured knowing I'll be safe from any girl escapades to the boys side of the dorm, then." He pffts, "I've had my share of girl trouble to want to go into their dorms, so don't worry about my ass because I'm not."

Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnd that's something he hadn't considered, and it shows by all the color of his skin almost draining from him. "She's...", he closes his eyes, realizing it, "gonna be twelve this month."

Nick Drago Mike's brows lift to the age being mentioned. "Twelve." He repeats. He takes a deep breath before he lets it out. There's a moment of quiet before he glances back to Caleb. "Ok. I already mentioned looking at other schools so you had options. It just means we have to cast the net a bit wider to make sure that both of you are covered."

The musician pauses, "I get she comes first. But if we can secure some place for her, I believe she'll adapt better to where she ends up knowing you're securing a place for yourself too. So, provided we get her safe, this place is still a possibility for you. And when she gets to high school age, you'll know the ins and outs of this place to better advise her."
Xiomara Rojas Crush looks between the two a few times before she says, "So what if she's twelve? What grade is she? Has she been tested to know a grade? Age don't matter," she snorts. "I'm twenty and still a high school senior."

She folds her arms back across her chest, perhaps a little perturbed about the age problem, but its clearly because she doesn't get it. "Want me to talk to Ms M? See about getting some testing done, see if she can maybe start high school?"
Caleb Dykstra "Let's hope you're right, Crush", Caleb says now. "Okay, I may have to see 8th grade schools, their distances, transpotations..." Basically, it's fabulous logistic planning he's got going on.

To Crush, "That would be lovely, indeed." A glint of hope in his eyes.

"Mike, not to be a downer or anything", he shifts his weight to the other leg, "but of a few instances where I got in trouble, those who were with me were the ones who should've made it out alive - and yet, here I am. Recently, I got a guy from SHIELD showing up and warning superiors about a serious magnitude problem, and he told them to let me walk. Their response was throwing me to the ground and demand I told them where I knew the guy from. A counter-response is the guy who decked me now needs to use a crutch for his troubles, since he got his knee blown off by a sniper. So, powerful friends that I made." He pauses, "So, I got a Titanic situation, and I don't have a raft."
Nick Drago Mike smiles to Crush's volunteering to help, before looking to Caleb as he details his troubles. "SHIELD now?" Mike comments, oddly calm about such a revelation. Then again Caleb's been hinting to doom and gloom for most of the times he's seen the musician so- is it really that surprising? "Not to make light of your situation, you made it pretty clear of how bad things are. And yes, you may have our work cut out for us, but it's not something we're shying away from. Either way, we'll figure something out. So Jack, quit your whining and climb onto the raft."