Owner Pose
Peter Quill The trip to Earth was not exactly what most people would call smooth. Then again, when it comes to the Milano and the Guardians of the Galaxy, almost nothing every is truly smooth. But they have arrived at last, so that's something right?

The Command Deck of the starship is as chaotic as it so often is, with boisterous insults flying back and forth. It's all in good fun of course. They are family -- after a fashion -- even if an extremely dysfunctional one. "Alright, alright, we're almost ready to set down. This isn't exactly the biggest metropolis on the planet. They probably aren't used to seeing starships, let alone whatever some of you are," Quill says, trying to cut through the chatter. Do they hear him? Are they listening? Debatable.

"I'm just glad that we have the cloaking screen," he says with a smile, the ship dropping towards a field on the isolated fringe of the little southern city.

Yep, the good ol' cloaking shield has kept them out of plenty of scrapes before. Sometimes it's just good to be all but invisible.
Oliver Queen Cloaking technology does indeed seem like it would be tremendously helpful. A real breakthrough when someone is looking to go unnoticed. The sort of thing that would probably make the approaching spaceship's little visit to Earth go pretty damn smoothly.

It's just too bad that it seems no one remembered to turn it on. Ooooops.

While Earth might seem like a backwards planet compared to some of those out in the cosmos, it is not devoid of some technological highpoints. The Justice League tends to be one of those. So when a strange starship began its approach towards the planet, of course the League had advance notice. It didn't register as a terribly heavily armed ship and, perhaps more importantly, the League's heavy hitters would could have dealt with the craft while it was still on approach are all tied up elsewhere.

Which leaves Oliver Queen -- the Green Arrow -- as the first responder. The Watchtower's teleportation technology got him to Madison, Alabama quick enough and it wasn't that hard to lay his hands on a vehicle. The League communication device shows him a display of the landing craft along with a likely touchdown spot so by the time the Milano is killing its engine, the Green Arrow is already on the scene, crouched amongst some nearby brush, watching with his typically stoic expression.
Peter Quill Despite the typical chaos onboard of the Milano, the landing goes about as smooth as can be. "Alright, killing engines. What did I tell you all? Smooth as silk," Peter Quill says smugly as he deactivates the landing thrusters, giving a satisfied little stretch in the pilots seat before unfastening himself and standing up.

"It didn't look like there were any buildings that close, but I'll go out and take a look, see if maybe I can get us transportation so we can... do what we're here for," Peter says cryptically, not willing to give away his surprise just yet. Not until the moment of maximum effect. "You all stay here. I'll be right back," he promises, striding towards the landing ramp, tapping the controls beside it as the hydraulic struts start to whirr and lower the point of egress.
Oliver Queen While the whine of engines might have faded away, that only heightens Oliver's tensions. Dealing with aliens is always tricky and while he is better aware then most that it isn't always the most powerful or imposing that wins a fight, it's still a little daunting to think about facing down a bunch of strangers from the stars with nothing but his bow. And handy trick arrows of course.

His concerns are banished when the landing ramp starts to lower and the Green Arrow goes straight into high readiness mode, drawing that composite bow smoothly and pulling out a necessary arrow, eyes focused on the ship and whoever -- or whatever -- might be on the verge of coming out into the open.
Peter Quill There is a rush of fresh air that washes over Peter as the Milano's ramp lowers and he breaths deep -- drinking in a mix of gasses he had no idea he even missed. There's just something about your own homeworld. The atmosphere seems better, the gravity just right. Everything is just... perfect. While the trip back here might have started as one more opportunity to needle Rocket, Star-Lord just can't deny it. It's good to be home.

Stepping down the ramp, the intergalactic hero trods down the slanted metal lift, one hand hooked casually in his gunbelt, looking about the empty field with a cocky, self-satisfied grin. Which is just about the time that he notices that rather then emerging from a void, from an invisible ship, the Milano is very much visible around him.

What the --!

"Umm, guys. Why isn't the cloaking screen on?" he asks as he steps out onto the grass.
Oliver Queen It's a fair question. But not one that the Green Arrow is concerned with. At all. Instead he studies the figure striding out of the ship, unaware that he is making a homecoming of sorts. Huh. He looks... pretty ordinary actually. Not what he expected to emerge from an alien craft. But he is well aware that appearances can be deceiving. Aware enough that he is not about to take any chances.

The arrow is nocked with one smooth motion and Oliver rises to his feet, taking just an instant to weigh all the variables, that mild breeze, the forward progress of the alien visitor and every other subtle detail that might effect the shot. All of it done in an instant, without even thinking about it. Complex math that would take a computer sometime to spit out, calculated without hardly a thought by the man.

Then he releases.

The arrow does indeed fly try, arcing across the open field but instead of burying itself in the chest of Peter Quill, it lands straight between his feet, quivering every so slight, back and forth, as it embeds itself in the turf.