Owner Pose
Danny Rand 'Breathe in'.

A deep breath is taken into the lungs and held tight, chest puffed and abdominal muscles sucked in tight to the intestines, nostrils tightened to the flesh.

'And out. Controlled'.

The air is slowly expelled from the lungs of one Danny Rand-Kai. He's dressed in normal clothing. Shoes removed from his feet to leave them bare. Coat pulled around his waist as if to make a belt. His hair a mop on his head. His shirt is currently neatly folded elsewhere, revealing the mark of Shao-Lao the Undying on his chest.

He's resetting his chi.

For a moment, his fist glows a brilliant yellow color, bones near glowing as they are forced to harden in preparation for his namesake: the Iron Fist. A slow inhale....a slow exhale...and the power leaves him.

Meditation complete.

He stands up to his feet in a twirl, the sign outside the Chikara Dojo still showing 'open' despite being almost 7pm. So far, he has no comers or goers.

He reaches for his shirt to slide it back over his body, arm stretched across his chest to perform the same act.

Patience is it's own virtue.
Caleb Dykstra And in comes in Caleb, teen from Gotham, mob runaway endeavoring to set on a new course for his life. But, for that, he needs ways to defend himself. And this means, of course, getting the physical upper hand on whoever comes for him, a.k.a. self-defense...

And what better way to defend yourself and gain some serenity of mind to act under pressure than seeking out martial arts?

He's been here once, but the last time he did... Well, it didn't go so well. Something having to do with the Hand, and finding out there was a member/former-member here, and panic, and a hit to ribs who were never at full strength since a shooting years back...

It didn't turn out so well. Pneumothorax, and all that jazz.

But, if there's one thing Caleb is not, is a quitter. So, back for round two.

"Hello...?", he calls out. "Ms. Wing?"

Following Caleb, a young girl, not even a teenager, enters the dojo. "Maybe she's not here?"

"Well, it's her dojo, Sheila", he says, "And it's open. Why wouldn't she be here?"
Danny Rand Chikara Dojo.

Open for business.

Of course, business comes in when business chooses to. Though, the reason why Colleen is mad at Danny all the time regarding the dojo is because he rarely actually /charges/ people for the time spent. But, as he approaches Caleb and the young girl who walks with him, he tilts his head. "Oh uh, hi!"

He clears his throat.

"Uh, she's not here right now. I'm Danny, nice to meet you. I'm kinda babysitting the place while she's away. How can I help you?" 'babysitting' probably wasn't the best way to put that, more like he's the trusted friend and martial artist to look after the place.

Well, there's a reason why Ward and Joy Meachum run Rand Enterprises while he's away. Even if he's technically the CEO.

"Looking to learn martial arts?"

Because...he might as well just up and /say it/.
Caleb Dykstra "Likewise, Danny. I'm Caleb, and this is Sheila."

The girl gives a happy, but shy wave.

"And yes, I am looking to enroll. I did come here one time and during the free lesson I got a nice hit to the ribs", he explains. The kid by his side winces a little when ribs are mentioned. "One trip to the hospital later", he explains, "and I was fine. But, it's been a while, and I had a few engagements, so I was coming over to say 'hi', say no hard feelings, and that I was ready to give it another go." He touches Sheila's shoulder reassuringly, "For me and Sheila, here."
Danny Rand "Hi Caleb, Sheila, I'm Danny."

He offers a hand to Caleb for a handshake, remembering some semblence of manners. Though his attention turns to Caleb's sister, Sheila, and he offers the same handshake. "Hi there. Do you know martial arts too?" He asks softly, and sure enough, Caleb makes the distinction.


He claps his hands in front of him. "Oh yeah, oh yeah. Okay, so...well, firstly, we're going to have to learn about the stance. Here, uh..." He points at the mat. "Here, come on, let's take off our shoes and we'll try and protect the ribs this time, yeah?"

He shoots a wink Caleb's way. "So...let's learn how to stand first."
Caleb Dykstra Both the siblings take off their shoes, and move towards the center of the mat. Now, it doesn't take a master to know that they know a thing or two about stances already - even if they're not really from the dojo, it is notieceable that they are both practiced and balanced in their movements.

They are not showing off, but taking it rather seriously.

Caleb especially.
Danny Rand "Okay, great, you already know how to stand." Danny stands up straight and observes how they stand, ready to fight. "Now, show me how to throw a punch. Basic. Use your right hand." Danny's watching them. Watching how they move their body. Watching how muscles tighten and torque.

Technique over standard fare.

Anybody can throw a punch. Few untrained people can throw a punch well. But if you /know/ how to throw a punch? Your opponent is gonna have to dodge or block, or they'll be on the floor.
Caleb Dykstra And again, both siblings follow through with the command, their hands departing from along their torsoes to meet the air in front of them, where an opponent would be.

While Sheila, young as she is, struggles to look in front and not her brother in search of approval, Caleb looks onward. But any trained observer can see that he's avoiding to meet her gaze - she needs to grow up, not be stuck with him.

He's training her to be independent from him, and martial arts is the outlet he found for her. And, if she screws up, it's not for him to say it - but the sensei.
Danny Rand "Good." Danny tells Caleb as he throws his punch. Though his eyes settle on Sheila and he witnesses her form.

"Good first attempt. When you strike, twist your body with it. Font just use your arm. Use your hips and your shoulder.

. "Like this-"

He settles on his feet and he rests his hand in tight to the sides as he takes a stance. A punch thrown outward, careful and powerful. "HYAH!" Danny shouts with the punch.

"There, try again."
Caleb Dykstra "So, a fluid motion...", Caleb asks. "Which at the last moment, is like a rock?" He doesn't bother moving all too fast, if he needs to make it right - perfection takes time, after all.

So, patience.

Sheila is a bit less patient, and she overextends her punch, and loses balance. Naturally, Caleb's eyes fall upon her - but he doesn't break his form.

Oh, but it's a visible distress for him.

She doesn't fall, though, but has broken form.