Owner Pose
Jacen Knight The perils of paramedicine. Sometimes you just have to defrag some place quiet. Well as quiet as a park in New York gets. Jacen isn't in uniform, but his ID badge still hangs from his belt.

His hat rests down on his face a little, headband settled on his nose. For those who can see into the spirit realm, a spirit bat rests on his shoulder, looking rather bored. Otherwise, he just looks like a cowboy in New York, nothing to see here, really.
Julie Power To most of NYC, Julie Power is just about an ordinary young woman. Not seeing spirits, not hunting paramedicinists. Well, not totally normal, because she's a member of Power Pack, and known to have a career of heroism that is longer than most others. Sure, she had a break, but she was known to be a hero. A hero with a rainbow trail. Which... wasn't that much out of the ordinary compared to others.
Jacen Knight The sounds of everyone passing is heawrd by him, but nothing really disturbs his rest. That is until he hears, off the distance, a group of about six people aggreavating a few kids playing in the park.

He pushes his hand up from his face with a single finger and scans the area,"Really startin' ta hate th's place." he grumbles darkly and pushes himself from the seat. The bat spirit fades away and he starts that way,"Swear I'm gonna go back'n attend th' damn police academy'r somethin'."
Julie Power It's not like Julie can hear or smell trouble - she's not a Kryptonian after all - but as trouble comes around in the park she is walking through, she sighs. It's only stepping past a tree that her totally ordinary clothes vanish to be replaced by a suit that is quite similar to a race pilot's... well, and like a race pilot, she is zooming in on the bullies, a rainbow trail following behind.

And so she is grabbing for one of the bullies to take them onto a rather whiplashy tour to the other end of the park.
Jacen Knight Touching the necklace around his neck, a spirit bear appears before him, standing on it's back legs and roaring an unheard challenge. A smirk as he sees one of the thugs swept off into the park. He plows into the remaining thugs, shoving one into another and grabbing another off the ground to throw him into the remaining thugs, though they avoid him and start towards him.

"Shit...." he mutters and reaches up to touch his hat band. The bear is joined on the spiritual battlefield by a rattlesnake, coiled to strike.
Julie Power Dropping the whisked away guy into one of the larger trash cans of the park, the rainbow zooms back in, right when the other 5 face a bear in New York. To headbutted, the next bowled into the remaining two... "Eh... mind not overdoing it? I mean, wouldn't be good if you kill them...
Jacen Knight "If I w's over doin' it those two'd be dead already." he bites back as one comes in swinging. This time he eludes the attack. Punch after punch fails to land as he moves around too fast to touch.

He finally reaches out, once the thug is tired, and throws him into the others trying to stand up again,"Be glad ta not be here so if ya wanna do th' rest have at it." They are starting to try to get up again and he sighs looking at them,"Too stupid to stay down."
Julie Power Julie Power sighs and nods, picking two up at the front collars of their shirts as she makes another tour to the dumpster, dropping them onto their buddy. At least it is cushioned by the litter as she deposits them. They will smell from the mixed waste for hours though. Zooming back, Julie offers a hand for a moment, the rainbow 8 pattern over the park slowly pulling back. "maybe try canning them instead of cracking their bones?" keeps them in the dumpster a couple of minutes."
Jacen Knight He sighs softly and reaches into the medicint pouch on his side, he touches something in the pouch and a majestic deer looking creature joins the animals. He grabs two from the ground and sprints towards the trash can.

Sprint is an understatement as he moves fast. Not The Flash fast, but easily faster than a car on the freeway. He deposits them in the can and then closes the lid,"Better?"