Owner Pose
Matthew Jackson Climbing out of an older, full-sized, Ford Bronco Matthew looks around and then at his phone. He mutters softly,"Clinton Apartments...Clinton Apartments." Google maps chirps at him and he scowls at the phone. He looks around and then spots it,"Finally."
Mary Jane Watson Going to head along through Hell's Kitchen, Mary Jane has a set of headphones on. She's wearing a t-shirt with a picture of Taylor Swift on it as she goes to walk along the streets. Singing 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' while weaving in and out of passerby.
Matthew Jackson He glances at the sound of the red head singing. There is a hint of a smirk when he hears and even recognizes it to a point. Before their paths connect, he steps to the side a bit to let her pass. He nods to her if she happens to look up, but ultimately he doesn't interupt her concert.

Instead, he notices two little street urchins pan handling for money. He frowns at a man that more or less kicks dust at them and he heads on his merry way fast. Matthew looks towards the red head once more because, well let's be real she is beautiful. That out of his system he walks to the two little girls and kneels down near them. He wipes a little dust from their faces as they have a few tears.
Mary Jane Watson Mary Jane Watson would go to sing over, "What did you say, what can make me feel this way.." She would go to cock her head over while she's hearing the sound of crying. She instinctively goes to head towards the two girls. "Hey, you okay there?" SHe would offer down to the two while she would glance for the man. Then her body posture changes.

Tense. Aggressive. Domineering. The music fades away, the easiness in her vanishes. She holds herself differently, hands balling to fists. "You." She would stalk towards the man with her fist out.
Matthew Jackson Matthew glances at the red head as she draws near the girls. Once they have settled one of them calls him by name and he smiles a bit,"I haven't see you for a while. Where is your mom?" He gives both of the girls a few folded bills.

Glancing towards the hostile red head, he is suddenly glad he's not the target of that ire. He stays with the girls and one says,"Mom's been missing for a few days."
Mary Jane Watson Mary Jane Watson would glance down at them, "Where did you last see her?" They're children whom need assistance. That makes it a priority over anything else. She doesn't bother asking about 'the authorities' or anything. THis is Hell's Kitchen. That's of no assistance.

"Do you have a place to stay? There's a bar down here that can offer you assistance." Run by Luke.
Matthew Jackson He glances back at the red head and then back at the kids,"She has a good question." he tells them,"Where did you see her last?" The kids look at MJ a little unsure, they are street kids after all, but then they answer,"Two night ago. The north edge of Hell's Kitchen. We were staying in an alley. She left to try to find us some food."
Mary Jane Watson Mary Jane Watson would nod over, "Thank you." Two nights ago in Hell's Kitchen might as well be an eternity. And a sign that something bad had happened. "We'll help you. But first we have to get you two somewhere to stay until we find her. Will you let us help you find somewhere safe that will givey ou food for a couple days?"
Matthew Jackson The two kids look at him and he nods,"She's being sincere. I don't know much about this bar, but I don't think she would lead you to harm." He looks at MJ and gives her a look that is less assuerd of what he is saying and more hoping she isn't talking out the other side of her mouth,"We will look for Mary though. I have one consult tonight and then I have to look at one of the apartments across the way, then I am..." he looks at MJ,"...we are looking."
Mary Jane Watson Mary Jane Watson would give the kids directions over to where they could go, and then glance over at Matthew and gesture at him, "We'll have to see if anyone's familiar with her that can give us some cues. WE know where she normally stayed at so that's a place to start. We'll get some hot food first."
Matthew Jackson "The homeless tend to be familiar to each other. Mary is well known. Is this place you are talking about within walking distance or do we need to drive?" he asks her and pats each one of the kids,"Might help our friends here is they knew what to call you. We're all social enough when needed, but they were raised with good manners."
Mary Jane Watson Mary Jane Watson would smile, "I'm MJ. Pleasure to meet you." Looking to Michael. "And what should I call you? And we'll do better talking to them if we bring them something hot." They weren't going to get far offering them a place to stay and they definitely couldn't afford to pay them off.
Matthew Jackson "He's Matthew." one of the girls tells her before he can. There is a shrug and he replies,"What she said." Standing up he offers his hands to the girls, though one takes his and the other reaches for MJ,"Don't want anyone left out. Momma says." she tells him with a little smile.

He nods to her slowly,"Of course." He walks them to the Bronco and starts to opeen,"We can get them some food and then take them to the place you were talking about."
Mary Jane Watson Mary Jane Watson would go to bow to them. "A pleasure to meet youb oth." She goes to jog along, heading towards Luke's Bar with the group in tow. "He knows a lot of people and is a good person. He can help get them setup somewhere safe until we can get their mom back." One thing at a time.

First, make sure the kids are safe and aren't out on the streets alone.
Matthew Jackson Reaching into the truck, Matthew takes a cooler out and comes back with a gallon Ziploc bag with pizza in it. They all move on their way to Luke's bar. A new place to learn about that he doesn't know from much more than just seeing it by. One of the girls says,"Luke is a big guy right? Black man, really tough?" Some people know more than others in the life.
Mary Jane Watson Mary Jane Watson would nod at Matthew, "Yeah, has a reputation as a good guy. Protector of the area. He'll know somewhere that the kids can stay until we find thier mom." And might have luck looking himself - or at least finding someone else who can. "I haven't met him but he's basically Superman to this side of the city."
Matthew Jackson "He helped me once, a long time ago. I was in the wrong place and some freawk of the week appeared to start issues. The man in the blue with the red cape saved us." Matthew mutters,"He didn't see us of course, he's a busy one and there was a fire to take care of."
Mary Jane Watson It's a short time later, and the duo are now looking over for any signs of the mother. It's been a couple of days, so they may not have much luck. Mary Jane's taken the time to buy a few bowls of steaming hot ramen which she has in an insulated pack on her back.
Matthew Jackson Though it takes a minute to get a few people to warm up since he hasn't been in this area for a while. A few ask if he's made it back to society. He nods and they are all happy for him, but never ask for his help. It is their way.

A few of them mention a drug house up town and someone there against her will. Matthew looks at MJ and nods,"That sounds about as good as anything to start."