Owner Pose
Eve Wilkins Eve Wilkins and Miles Morales strolled down the winding, cobbled streets of Old Gotham, their hands clasped together. Oldtown Lofts, their potential new home, loomed before them, its red brick facade standing like a beacon amongst the eclectic architectural mix of Gotham City. The building, an erstwhile warehouse, was steeped in history and nostalgia, whispering tales from its past life.

The evening sun cast long, dancing shadows as they approached the entrance, and stepping into the building, they were welcomed by a small, well-kept lobby. The old charm of the structure was retained here; modern aesthetics intertwining seamlessly with antiquated elements, a delightful blend of past and present.

Their guide, a sprightly realtor with a silver bob, greeted them enthusiastically. "Ms. Wilkins, Mr. Morales, welcome to Oldtown Lofts. You'll find these lofts full of personality and charm," she assured, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

They followed her up the sturdy stairs, their footsteps echoing off the high ceilings and exposed brick walls as she went on about the building's history and how safe the neighborhood was (it wasn't, and that didn't particularly bother either Eve or Miles, but she sure made it sound like it was). In truth, a little bit of seedy element wasn't bad. People mostly kept to themselves, and having neighbors that crawled or flew off of their balcony every so often would be largely overlooked. The building hummed with an infectious vitality, a testament to the youthful and ambitious residents who called it home.

As they walked, they peered down narrow hallways, each door holding promises of unique loft spaces and unseen wonders. The faint sound of music seeping through the walls indicated the cultural vibrancy within. This wasn't just an apartment building; it was a community, a microcosm of the city itself.

They reached the door of the loft they were considering. Eve gave Miles's hand a reassuring squeeze, and together they stood on the precipice of a new chapter in their lives, ready to step into an unfamiliar world that felt surprisingly like home.
Eve Wilkins The description of the interior of the loft (minus the decorations... imagine it's just a blank slate):

High above Old Gotham's meandering streets and timeworn structures sits an apartment that captures the heart and spirit of its surroundings. The building, a relic from the city's industrial past, stands strong amid Gotham's tumultuous timeline, mirroring the city's resilience through its robust brickwork and structural steel bones.

This two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment in Old Gotham is a living, breathing space, a bit untidy, certainly lived in, but undeniably warm. The open-concept living area exudes a sense of homey comfort rather than opulent luxury. The hardwood floors are worn smooth from years of use, their surface echoing with the subtle groans and whispers of stories past. The walls wear a coat of whitewashed brick, save for one - a vibrant mural wall. Bursting with color, it's a lively canvas showcasing dynamic art filled with graffiti-style street symbols and abstract patterns. This wall tells a tale of urban vibrancy and creativity, acting as an indoor testament to the spirited culture of the city streets with a nod to comic book aesthetics.

Large, weathered windows offer a breathtaking view of Old Gotham's architectural history against the interior's contemporary urban scene. As evening descends, the city lights permeate the space, casting a cozy glow across the lived-in furniture and scattering playful shadows around the room. The kitchen, while not top-tier, is practical and functional. Stainless steel appliances show signs of regular use and the countertops bear the scars of home-cooked meals, but the apartment's most prized possession sits in the living area - a state-of-the-art gaming system connected to a wide-screen entertainment center.

The balcony, accessed through worn French doors, is a perfect spot for introspection or casual hangouts. Overlooking the intriguing architectural chaos of Old Gotham, it's like a private box seat to the theatrical performance of city life below.
Miles Morales A New Road.

A New Chapter.

Nervously does Miles walk, holding onto Eve's hand a little tighter than usual. Not nearly enough to hurt, but he holds onto her hand as if she might slip through his fingers. This life is dangerous.

This world is dangerous.

What if Spider-Man's enemies discover his secret identity? What if Eve's old does discover hers? What if...no, no. There can be no turning back. Miles was so head over heels for Eve that this was the right move.

So they go for it,without looking back.

"Few spots are more charming. I mean look at this place, nice view, good ambiance, could pop a jazz club up in here." Miles attempts to be charming but he perhaps is lacking the follow-through confidence. But that doesn't stop him from looking at Eve occasionally with eyes that shine like the sun. A loft apartment was huge! It was like a mini house! Well...all apartments are mini houses but loft spaces gave you the solid deal!

Squeezed by Eve, Miles turns and meets her eyes evenly, a look reflected in his own brown eyes. They can do this. Literally a door to a new beginning together.

And he couldn't be happier.


Miles is certain that the realtor is saying something. But...ever see Charlie Brown? How all the adults are speaking in Bwah-Bwah? Yeah, That's what Miles is heading right now. He's looking around in absolute wonder, from the French doors to the work countertops and kitchen, to the massive gaming system set as a focus in the room. It's like it's Christmas and Miles is the kid who wakes up first screaming 'Santa came!'

And....there's a mural wall!

"Oh YES!" Miles breaks that polite professionalism for a minute before he clears his throat. "Sorry."
Eve Wilkins Eve laughs. She couldn't help it. That 'Oh YES!' was all she really needed to hear to know Miles's opinion on the place.

This wasn't the first one they'd looked at. Not by far. This was on the top end of their price range, but it checked a lot of boxes. It had enough room for them both, it was in the right area of town, it was cute.

It'd mean Eve would have to get a 'real job,' but that was already on the agenda. There was only so long she was going to be able to live on student loans, and the fewer loans she could take out the better, anyway. That'd be another conversation for them to have. She'd never actually tried to get a real job, before. Maybe she could find work as an intern at a research lab or something -- she knew chemistry like she knew breathing. Of course, there was always something more subtle, like waiting tables.

"Can you give us a few minutes alone to look around?" she asks the realtor who smiles and nods.

"I'll be right outside if you need me."

And once the woman has stepped out into the hallway, Eve's smile broadens when she looks at Miles. "Right?!"

She moves through the living area, pulling open the French doors to open the room to the balcony outside and the city beyond. It smelled like Old Gotham, but it was still a gorgeous view.

"Look at this.."
Miles Morales Even in his embarrassment, Eve's laughter was always that little thing that could always bring him back to a state of joy. Miles LOVED this place and it showed with every movement, with every step of finding something new and going 'ohhhh yeah. I'm gonna trick this /out/.'

He's in full house mode right now.

It's pricey, but they can afford it. Miles gets a payment monthly via his grant, but if he got a good job he could work through college and help provide for the pair of them and...Eve would probably have to work too.

Another conversation to potentially have soon, but the math checks out.

The realtor is asked to give them a momeng and once the woman steps into the hallway, he immediately snaps to Eve and he smiles, giddy like he just aced a test. "It's /amazing/! Look at how much space there is!" he watches and follows Eve as she goes out those French doors out onto the patio, lifting an arm to settle on her shoulders.

"Beautiful...I could get used to seeing that every day." He chuckles softly. "But...what do you think? Can use your powers to make some fun greenery out here, add to the aesthetic?" Miles asks her, but what he's asking her really is...

'Do you think we can handle this?'
Eve Wilkins "I think.. together.. we can do pretty much anything we set our minds to."

Eve glances over, leaning into the arm draped around her shoulders, and smiles.

"I think it's great. It hits all of our main points. But I haven't seen you /this/ smitten since the day we met..."

Her green eyes shine with playfulness, slipping a hand into his jacket and digging a finger into his ribs in what she'd discovered before was a particularly ticklish spot. She sneaks in at the same time to steal a kiss on his cheek and then slips out of his grasp, moving back into the apartment.

She's barely made it to the middle when there's a flash of pink from her hands and she flies up into the loft, lightly touching down town on a rug and turn turning to look back over the balcony. There, looking out over the apartment, down through the open French doors and out into the city beyond, she smiles.

"I think we're home."
Miles Morales "Me too."

Absolute confidence from Miles in that. Since he met Eve? His soul has been on cloud nine. He doesn't know what he did right to earn her, but he's happy he has her with him and that she has him with her. They're stronger together. And in that...there's peace.

"W-well, I mean...it's a big chapter! And the gaming system set up is /so clean/." Miles's inner nerd was coming out the longer they were together. He's still an avid gamer and tech geek. Though as she leans into him, he presses a quick kiss to her hairline.

Then he's jumping at the tickle to his side, just in time for a kiss to meet his cheek. "Mixed emotions!" He practically yelps out the words. He lets her go so she can check out the apartment, staying put where he is as Eve flies up into the loft, a kind smile touching his features.

"Then let's make sure it's ours. Shall we call back the realtor, M'lady?"

Miles was all in. Yet even as their eyes meet, she can sense that dominant emotion regarding her: love. Brave and true love.
Eve Wilkins "You knowww.... our birthdays are coming up. If we can get the keys today, we'll be able to celebrate here," Eve says, smiling down at him. "Let's call her back." Then she's sliding up on top of the loft railing to look down at him with that familiar, playful glint in her eyes.


She doesn't wait. She leaps towards him and turns so that he can catch her in a cradle -- of course, it also means that if he missed, she'd be landing flat on her back on the floor below. But, it's Miles. There doesn't even seen to be an inkling of doubt in that jump.

In the scheme of things, they really hadn't been together all that long. They hadn't even done the whole 'meet the parents' thing with each other, yet. Or celebrated any significant holidays. But, that was about to change. They /had/ already discovered that their birthdays were only a day apart.

Same things were just meant to be.
Miles Morales "Ohhhh are they now? Well, I wouldn't mind that kind of celebration!" Miles chuckles softly. "You know, some things are just meant to be I think. I don't know if I fully believe in fate or destiny...but me and you? I think were meant."



And Eve straight up throws herself off of her perch! Miles suddenly lunges forward as his instincts immediately kick in, arms out as he catches Eve in a perfect cradle, crouching low to help absorb that impact and keep it comfortable for her.

"Whew! I'll always catch you baby."

Confidence boost! Though even as Eve rests in his arms he can't help but lean forward to press his lips to hers in a soft, romantic kiss. "I love you, Samantha Eve Wilkins."


"Ma'am! We'll take it!" He calls to the realtor that stood patiently outside, even as Eve remains firmly in his arms. They may not have known each other for long...but that changes nothing about how they feel about each other.
Eve Wilkins /I'll always catch you baby./

"I know."

Eve pulls herself up against him, eyes warming with affection as she draws herself up against him, returning that kiss with a little nuzzle of his nose at the end.

"I love you, too, Miles Morales." She's smiling, but she blinks. "Hey, what's your middle name?"

And Eve seems entirely content to stay there, curled up against him, even as the realtor comes back in and blinks at the sight of the two of them together. Her smile warms. "I've got the contract right here!" She's already waving a tablet she pulled out of her purse, walking over and setting it down on the kitchen counter. "How soon would you like to move in?"

"Is now too soon?" Eve asks, grinning up at Miles and leaning up to kiss his chin once more before she starts to stand so they can do the paperwork.

"Not at all. I've got the keys right here," the realtor says, taking them out of her purse and setting them on the counter beside the tablet. "Once we finish signing and linking your banking information, it's all yours."
Miles Morales She knows.

She always knew.

Anf in that moment, if there was any other doubt in Miles's mind, let there be no more doubts. No more questions. She had him now wrapped around her little finger and Miles would have it no other way. They embrace in that moment, their lips touching so sweetly. When they must pull away from one another, he looks into her eyes and starts to laugh at her question.

"Gonzalo." Miles says his middle name with some shame on his voice. "Not exactly the coolest name in the world, but...my mom really likes 'M' names and my dad wanted at least one 'G' in there. Least I didn't get named alphabet soup." Miles smiles at her softly. He turns to the realtor as she arrived back into the loft with a fresh contract already in hand!

"We can have it today?"

Miles looks at Eve with the biggest smile on his face and he sets her down to walk over to the counter. "Then let's get to it! Man, this is amazing. Hah, thank you so much for this miss." He reaches to take a pen, putting down his banking information and signing his name on the dotted line...and hands Eve the pen to do the exact same thing.

Equal ownership of the space.
Eve Wilkins As much as Miles was smitten, so was Eve. As fun as the stereotype of the girl having the guy wrapped around her finger might be, there wasn't any wrapping up that wasn't entirely mutual. She loved her life with Miles, and for once in her life, she actually felt like she belonged somewhere.

"I like it," Eve assures about his middle name with a shoulder-nudge, her smile warm and her green eyes sparkling. "Miles Gonzalo Morales. I know I've mentioned this before, but once you're done helping me with the whole math thing, you should really teach me some Spanish. I'd offer to teach you something in return, but since you're already a super genius, I'll just volunteer to cheer you on any time you need a little ego boost."

Humor glints for a moment, but then it's her turn to sign the paperwork. This was it. With a stroke of the stylus, she'd be in a legally binding agreement rental agreement with Miles! Granted, it wasn't like they were getting married, but it was still a big step!! She's practically vibrating with anxious anticipation as she strokes out that signature and sets the pen down, chewing on her lip.

"Congratulations, you two," the realtor says, sliding over the keys, and Eve can't help herself. She throws her arms around Miles's neck and squeals happily, the biggest smile on her lips.

"We did it!"