Owner Pose
Mary Bromfield It was a few days ago when Thunderbolt (aka Mary) came back from the fight with the faerie assassin. Even though Wanda helped patch her up on the spot so she didn't, well, die, she still looked pretty pale as she landed on the balcony. Saying the Magic Word, she gave Marie a wry look, winked, and said, "You should see the other guy."

Then she promptly collapsed.

Now, a few days later, Mary has been healing slowly from the magical dagger wound, streaming on reduced hours and taking an extended break from her own superheroing to lay low, rest, and generally catch up on things. Currently, she's sitting in enforced Break Time, reading a rather thick paperback and muttering to herself.
Marie-Ange Colbert Marie, as one might expect after such a result from her nigh-invulnerable girlfriend, went a bit quiet to the outside world. Making sure that everything was healing alright, that Mary wouldn't have to lift more fingers than reasonable to get various things done.... and just in general enjoying quality time with someone she could've very well lost, had it not been for that magical intervention.

So at the moment, Marie's dutifully making her way through the apartment -- currently busying herself in the kitchen to ensure dinner for tonight comes from their kitchen, rather than ordering out. Not that they /couldn't,/ but there's nothing quite like a home cooked meal, right?

Besides. As long as Marie isn't /baking,/ it's safe to eat.
Mary Bromfield Mary smiles over at Marie, "You know, I /can/ help. It's not like I'm a total invalid here. Just a magical dagger!" That almost killed her, and still knocked her for a hard loop, even though the Scarlet Witch was there to help her right away.

She then stands up and winces slightly, fighting the urge to put her hand on the bandage under her Ringwraith Riders of the Nine T-shirt. Then she sits back down, oofing a bit, "Or... maybe I'll sit here. Finally have time to finish reading the Dune series." She looks a bit irked at herself, muttering something about the Goddesses not having a healing factor amongst the lot of them.
Gabby Kinney It had been awhile since Gabby had seen or heard from Marie. A bit concerned, and wanting to check in on things, has led her to this particular moment where she pauses on the other side of the apartment door listening in inadvertantly. It wasn't as if she MEANT to eavesdrop--but her hearing was pretty good.

A quick nock on the door comes in the particular pattern of 'Shave and a haircut' because that's how she rolls. Though she sing-songs, "Spanish Inquisition! With icecream!" To prove her point she holds up a bag of some yummy treats so she could be seen through the peep hole. If they wanted to look first anyway.
Marie-Ange Colbert "Of course you can, mon amour. But you /will/ not, oui? This is the deal. If I am hurt, you take care of me, if you are, I take care fo you." Beat. "You are hurt so rarely, you will not take this rare opportunity aw--" That would be the moment that Marie spies Mary moving to stand, and comes scampering out of the kitchen. She's... not exactly as put together as most are accustomed to seeing her. No carefully done makeup, fancy dresses or anything like that. Instead, a gray 'Xavier's' t-shirt and black gym shorts make up her attire. This is home-Marie.

"Sit! Siiiit." Marie whines, until the order/suggestion is carried out, and then comes the knocking at the door! Well. Marie /knew/ there would be visitors -- she always reads for /herself/ -- so after the current fire (Mary standing!) is put out, she makes her way to the door to open it without looking or asking. "Gabby!" Marie beams, stepping aside to usher her in. "Inquisitions with dessert are /always/ welcome in this home."
Mary Bromfield Mary grins and waves, "I think a Dessert Inquisition is about as much as I can handle, since I already have... THE COMFY CHAIR." She waves from said comfy chair, "Hey, I'm Mary, I'd get up, but I got hurt a few days ago so..." She shrugs a bit, then looks over at Marie. "Yes dear, I'll stay put." She does, however, rebel enough to stick her tongue out playfully at her girlfriend.
Gabby Kinney Gabby Kinney chuckles quietly as Marie opens the door, and without thinking of how it may seem to Mary over there, she gives Marie a quick hug. It was just second nature to her with some people and Marie was one of them. "I heard! Magic dagger, right? That has to suck," she responds to Mary when she steps away from the hug. The bag of goods promised is hefted up. "I'm Gabby, old friend of Marie's. Nice to meet you Mary, I've heard a lot."

Her voice drops to a mock-conspiratorial whisper glancing aside to Marie, "A loooot."

Grinning again she enters and suggests, "Sorry to hear you're hurt though. Maybe this'll help a bit. Should I toss it in your freezer or... I mean, I usualy just grab a spoon and start digging in."
Marie-Ange Colbert "Hey! Do not stick that out unless you intend to--" ...oh wait, they have company. Marie turns properly red, hushing up for the moment.

Marie's hugged? Yeah, she's returning the hug in kind! Because she, too, is a hugger. Due in no small part to Gabby, for that matter. "Oui! Nasty faeries. Not like Mademoiselle Gwynn, who is a far kinder one." Although to be fair, even Megan liked to try and be feisty sometimes! So. Maybe it's a fairy thing.

She does, however, take a step back as she watches her old friend and girlfriend interact, smiling brightly; the positive interactions are exactly what she was hoping for! "For the record, I trust both of you with my very life, and know that neither of you would betray any trust."

A way of saying, if you want to, you can totally share secrets here.

"I will get spoons! Ice cream sounds like it will make a most wonderful dinner. You two sit, speak, enjoy company, oui?" ...and with that Marie's heading for the kitchen for spoons! The big ones. Proper /ice cream/ spoons.
Mary Bromfield Mary, for her part, seems totally chill, though when Gabby explains about everything she relaxes a little bit, "Ah, okay, you're one of Marie's /friends/, got it." She winks, seeming to at least grasp that much as she smiles, "And any friend of Marie's is definitely a friend of mine. Doubly so if they bring ice cream, though I know Marie's working on something over there." She looks wryly at Gabby, "Most of the time when I ride the lightning I'm invulnerable, but cursed daggers are a real pain in the ass. Or side, in this case." She points to her left side, just below her ribs. "Faeries are the WORST."

She then grins at Marie and gives her a proper saucy wink at the comment about her tongue, though.
Gabby Kinney "Well yeah, I try to avoid the Fae when I can. I mean I *say* that," Gabby draws out thoughtfully while making her way over to where Mary sits to find a seat for herself. Of course, she could just grab a pillow and sit on the floor, it was pretty common practice for her. "But I also tend to hang out with a lot of demons, and witches, and sorcerors these days." If they were going to share things she could as well, and easily so.

The bag of goodies is offered out to Mary. "Injured person gets first dibs on flavors. Ben and Jerry's had a sale going on so ..." there maybe around six pints in that bag of varying flavors to choose from.

Mention of Marie having something cooking causes her to sniff a single time. "Oh, sorry, I have weird eating hours so I tend to forget some people have actual like, *dinner time*. Sorry to butt in."
Marie-Ange Colbert "As Jennifer used to tell me... we are adults, if we wish to eat dessert for dinner and dinner for dessert?" Green eyes practically twinkle for a moment as Marie makes her way back and offers a pair of spoons to Mary and Gabby in turn. "Then we do precisely that. Besides, what I am making will take some time. If we 'ruin out dinner', it means leftovers for another day, oui?" A playful wink to the pair, before she moves to settle down into a chair herself.

"She speaks the truth," Marie adds after Gabby's suggestion of the people that she hangs out with. "...though what she omits is that they /also/ throw most wonderful parties." ...and occasionally melt people in pools. IT'S FINE, REALLY! "There is nothing to apologize for; you are always welcome here, oui?" Marie, as always, is a welcoming hostess.
Mary Bromfield Mary grins at Gabby, "I'm a streamer by nature, I can relate to weird hours, even before doing the Cape thing." She chuckles and ooohs, "Phish Food! My favorite! You're definitely welcome to come back here anytime Gabby." She looks much cheered up by the visit, and the ice cream. And probably, the chance to meet some of Marie's friends.

Mary smiles over at Marie, leaning up to kiss her lightly on the cheek, "Love you." She grins, "But after this last encounter, I think I'll skip the faerie party in favor of hanging out with witches. I mean, the Scarlet Witch just looked so cool, and she saved my life to boot."

Mary then looks curiously over at Gabby, "So... am I being too pushy if I ask what exactly you can do? Or do do? I mean, I figure Marie's told you about my shenanigans but she hasn't said a whole lot about her friends. If it is too pushy, forget it, but I just figured I'd ask." She smiles cheerfully, taking a spoon and starting to work on the ice cream. Nom nom nom.