Owner Pose
Kitkat Liberty Island isn't just a place for tourists and historians, it's also a place that holds inherent power. Power as a place that used to be a mark on the gateway for many millions to come. A way that in the path would lead to Ellis Island. But the actual place of power was never that neighbor but since the errection of the Lady Liberty that island she was put on. Prophetic words written onto a plaque, it's a prophecy of acceptance.

    Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

A golden door indeed seems to open above the base of the statue, shimmering about a foot above the rock, and probably sending half those people that can feel magic in the city to look at their maps if they overlooked something, as it must be ancient magic that rips a gateway into the city of New York...
Terry O'Neil The Cheshre Cat isn't ancient- Wonderland is, really, only about five hundred years old* or so... but he is magic. And he is sensitive to all sorts of magic. He's not /that/ far away, geographically speaking, since today Terry O'Neil is at the Themysciran Arts Center doing things Head Librarians of its library do.

The 'what exactly' part of it is something he's still finding outu, because he is the first. Nevertheless, something magical happens, and it is time to set the books aside and to look up into the horizon in search of the source of the disturbance.

A Rabbit Hole opens up near the island, eventually, depositing the Cheshire Cat among the trees on one of the sides of the island. The better to detect magic with.

Yes. We know. That doesn't make any sense. Wonderland logic. Go with it.

*See the Wonderland Plot (+plot 105) for more information, True Believers!
Greer Grant Liberty Island's not some place that Tigra typically frequents. When it comes to patrols, she's better served sticking to places she doesn't have to take a ferry to get to, Lady Liberty's more for the flyers and such to keep an eye on. Still, today she's come to just admire the statue in civilian guise, wearing a loose fitting sweat shirt and sweat pants, sandals and a pair of sunglasses as she sits and eats a hot dog, watching the tourists go by. For her part, she's only slight sensitive to magic, but she does happen to be facing the right way to see the door open, and so rises to her feet, quickly finishing off that hot dog. Hey, it's a good hot dog. CMOT Dibbler got nowhere near it.
Monet St. Croix Why is she here? Oh, for nothing of particular issue. She happens to find this particular location somewhat relaxing. Or at least those tourists here seem to drone on over in the proper, acceptable way. So this means that Monet St. Croix can have something rather relaxing for a change - namely American idiots keeping to themselves, and letting her have the enjoyance of the area. IT doesn't have the tourists it used to.
Kitkat The golden door, or rather portal, might appear as if the gates to heaven will open to unroll a stairway, accompanied by the fanfares and all should be ready to recieve the second coming! At least that's what seems to happen for the small group of fundamental christians that start, almost in Hyseria, to pray, as they catch sight. More sober minds connect the opening of such an unexpected gateway to things like the last alien invasion and hurry to the ferry instead. But today... neither is fully correct.

The gate indeed opens, but it's not the pearly gates that appear behind, and no fanfares - it's the crashing sound of rock shattering when the wings fly open and crash into unseen walls, leaving a silhuette in the harsh light. A humanoid that lugs a sword about the size of themselves, but the outline seems to be even more godly than just the trinitiy: It's a cat walking on two feet?*

A moment the figure looks back to wherever is behind them, taking three steps and vault through the gate. The moment the feline sihuette crosses through the threshold, a thunderclap without rain shatters over the island, the gate fizzling out of existance within a moment or two as if it never had been there. But the feline fighter? That one suddenly had gained solid form and a Calico patterned fur, sailing down to the ground in an arc, the Zweihander held high in the jump.

When the steel makes contact with a crack in the pavement, sparks fly for a second and on the crossgurad perches... Kitkat.

*A wise man once wrote: "In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this." -Ed
Terry O'Neil Instead of hurrying to the ferry upon seeing the gate, the furry fairy* hurries to the gate's general direction.

The clap of thunder is a big tell that something important is going on, and the creature that lands there- well, it looks somewhat familiar to Vorpal, if only because he sees someone like that every time he looks into the mirror**. Nevertheless, a fellow feline isn't necessarily a fellow friend, and so he proceeds with caution. Distinctive in his red-and-white spandex with the stylized Cheshire grin across his chest, he approaches with a friendly grin and a wave, while entertaining non-friendly defensive tactics in his mind should things go south***. "Ahoy there! Did you take a wrong turn at Albuquerque?"

*This is a term that has actually been used by Beast Boy to describe Vorpal at /least/ once. -Ed

**Cats cannot identify their own reflection, in general. But we will be generous and assume Vorpal has gotten over those issues. -Ed

***Why do things that go wrong 'go south', you might ask yourself? After all, don't birds migrate south for the winter? Well, so do most humans- and if you tell me you have never had to deal with airline luggage issues, then you are a bloody liar. - Ted
Greer Grant You'd think New Yorkers would know better than to expect a portal opening to be one to heaven, but then again, they're probably from out of town. And speaking of from out of town, Greer lifts an eyebrow behind her sunglasses at the being that steps through the portal. A cat, with a big sword, arriving with a crash of thunder. First she looks skyward, not for inspiration from above but to make sure it was from Thor. Nope, no known Asgardians in sight. Dusting off her hands she steps forward. "If she knows where Albuquerque is, I'll...well, something appropriate."
Monet St. Croix There's a wince of Monet St. Croix's pretty face as she hears things that can only be Terry. Whether directly encountered or knowing purely by reputation.. Oh yes, this was going to be not a great day. Whether or not she's picked out and reocngized, M's shoulders go to slump a bit just as any sort of relaxation she was going to have for now seems on the backburner. Oh yes, there will be coming chaos.

And Monet hasn't even started it yet and she's alreayd psyching herself up for how much of a headache she's going to have.
Kitkat With the tourists that expected a stairway to heaven properly dissatisfied in the outcome and scattering for someone jumping from a portal with raised blade might be trouble, only a couple hardboiled New Yorkers, two of them feline people and one a mutant, remain at the base of the statue. And then there's the Zweihander with the third feline person on it.

Taking a graceful down from the perch by pushing into a handstand and landing in front of it, seamlessly slipping the grip to pull the sword free again, the Calico's head tilts at Vorpal's question.

"Albuwhat? Is that what you call the town over there?" The sword swings around to roughly gesture towards New York with the crossguard, the sharp tip up to the sky. Someone knows how to handle the heavy blade and not lob off a head by accident.
Terry O'Neil Familiar with things that go snicker-snack, Vorpal keeps his eyes on the swinging blade. "No, that's New York over yon, and you are on Liberty Island. And that over there-" he points to the statue, "Is Lady Liberty. She is looking a bit greenish these days, probably from the pollution pooor thing, but she used to be coppery and shiny. Something about patinas," which he thought sounded like the kind of disease that you caught by indiscriminately flirting with mixed alloys, "I take it you're not from around here," Captain Obvious obvioulates.

And then there is a Tigra. The Cheshire shoots her a grin- he's known her for a while, from her days hosting the Match Game*, and a few other things besides. "Hey, stripes. You're part of the welcome wagon, I take it?

*Scene 1953, True Believers!-Ed"
Greer Grant Tigra removes her glasses, green eyes taking the scene in. "Yeah, what I thought, pop culture's not going to register here," she says towards Vorpal. "And not by design, but here I am and here everyone else is," she says. Well, by 'everyone else' she means just those present, that is. She looks back to the other other feline now. "If you don't have a way back where you came from, you may be in for an....interesting time here."
Monet St. Croix Yes, the headache is definitely going to increase now. Monet goes to let out a sigh over and moves to approach the cluster, "So what is going on here?" WHether or not M is recognized (not that she has much to be known for) whatever irritability she has is apparent - that and her seeming lack of care ta intervening over in whatever is going on. She glances over at the individual with the blade and snaps. "PUt that away before someone gets hurt with it or thinks that you might hurt them with it."

That, to M, is rather reasonable! To other people, not so much
Kitkat The blade finds a nice rest onver the shoulder when the wide parry hooks behind the neck of the spotted Feline, the head turning to look back where they took the jump before returning to pass from the purple to the striped and then back. The nose twitches as the feline woman tries to prepare an answer, but stops, the head turning from the other two cat people to Monet.

"How about... No?" The word comes with quite a show of jagged teeth, none of them seeming to be human in the slightest. A true feline set of them. Then the head whips back to the two felines, the eyeballs rolling up almost.

"What gall that ugly one has! Demanding things like I'd be its servant!* Do they always show this uppity here?" Groaning a moment, the blade securely held in the position like a bannar but only needing one hand on the bottom of the hilt. "The Lands Within know no Lady Liberty. But this is the Outworld, right?"


* Mark Twain once wrote: "A cat ain't ever anybody's slave or serf or servant, and can't be -- it ain't in him to be. And so, he don't have to obey anybody. He is the only creature in heaven or earth or anywhere that don't have to obey somebody or other, including the angels." **

**The Refuge of the Derelicts - Ed
Terry O'Neil "I guess that is a matter of perspective," the Cheshire cat says, crossing his arms and arching an eyebrow. "From where you might be standing, this is either an innie or an outie. From Wonderland, this is an outworld, but from here, it is Wonderland that is the outworld. And then if you add a third world into the mix-" he holds up a hand, "But enough said about cosmological three-way relationships, they can be quite a headache when not handled correctly," says a subject matter expert.

Looking at Monet, he nods, and then back to the feline. "However, I do regret to inform you that you are in a world in which non-felines are the majority, and walking around with weapons brandished is not only incredibly discouraged, but it is also the law to ensure the proper safety of the local residents. It would therefore be in your best interest to accomodate such things to make your visit into this particular plane of existence a smooth one!"

He pauses, and glances at Greer. "... did any pop references slip in? I'm trying here."
Greer Grant "Depends on which way the traffic's going also. Sometimes you can't go in or out," Tigra says, keeping particular thoughts about innies and outies to herself. "Nope, no pop references there, that I caught." She looks to Kitkat now. "Quick lesson in...Outworld life. Manners are important, courtesy is appreciated. Calling someone ugly and talking about them as if they're not there, not good. First, because it's bloody rude, and second, because you never know when the person you're talking to is someone who could literally rip your arms off. I don't know where you're from but there are some powerful people here."
Monet St. Croix Well.. Why is this her problem? Monet for once takes discretion over the part of arrogance and goes to let her fingers rub at her temples. There were no mutants (seemingly) involved so it wasn't her thing. She would keep her face passive before going neutral, and then wandering off
Kitkat "A lack of Cat People is to be assumed if this is the Outworld. After all it was abandonned by the Cat People when we were left into Exile. Praytell, how come you two are here then? Did this Wonderland end up a place of Exile for some? And you with the striped fur?" A moment the Calico woman holding that blade in a rather slow fashion over the shoulder seems to consider, then rise the other in a one-sided shrug.

"Rude or not, she started by demanding what was not her's. Where should I put it anyway? I can't just pass back through a door that is not here."
Terry O'Neil "You can't?" At this, Vorpal stends a hand and an /enormous/ blade, twice the size of Kitkat's appears in his hand, as if telescoping itself out of nowhere. "See, the trick is to learn how to see things from a different perspective. From your perspective, this is a blade. Solid. But from the molecular level, there is so much /empty space/, that if you just figure things out, it's easy to just-" And in three seconds, he folds up the sword as if it were a napkin, into a neat little square of resplendent paper. Which he then eats in one gulp. He pats his trim stomach. "Always hits the spot just right." he grins.

Of course the Cheshire Cat would cheat with illusions. When it comes to a cocky newcomer, it was best to potentially give them the notion that it was best to walk on little cat feet instead of tiger paws, because some of the people here could punch the moon. Not /him/, he would merely open a Rabbit Hole one milimeter wide into the sun and watch as a plume of solar devastation ended all life in a thirty-mile stretch...

Well, that's what he's /figured/ out, he hasn't gone over the math with a looking glass and a calculator. Besides, it's not like he'd ever actually /do/ it because OH MY GOD, he's not a psycho.

But you never know when General Zod's spaceship might decide to return to the outskirts of the solar system again, and glitter-bombing his bridge isn't enough to get him to check out.

Where were we? Oh, yeah.

"Technically speaking, the lady did ask for something that was hers- the right to not be threatened by a brandished weapon. Such is the law here, you understand. But Wonderland is no refuge, nor has it ever been, unless it is one for madness itself... am I correct in hearing that you assume cat people were the owners of all worlds at one point?" Admittedly... it would be a very cat thing to believe*.

*It is. And this is reflected in how Vorpal sees most available surfaces at the Tower.
Greer Grant Tigra looks over at Vorpal as he brings an enormous sword into play, straight out of a Final Fantasy game. "Compensating for something?" she asks dryly. C'mon, there's no way she could pass up that opportunity. Still, she does have to admit, it's a nice show. She looks back to the new arrival and considers her words for a moment. "Like he said, waving weapons around is frowned on here. The assumption is you intend to use it, not just gesture. Anyone you meet here could have...an artifact that can kill someone instantly. At a distance. So learn to restrain yourself." A tilt of her head now. "You said Cat People, didn't you? Not just people who are cats?"
Kitkat "I'm an Adventurer, not a Magician or Alchemist." Kitkat counters, eying that trick with wide eyes, but keeping the blade on the shoulder where it was. Actually quite safe as long as nobody 10 feet tall stood behind her. "I ain't eating my sword, and I can't magic it into my pocket either. But duly noted that I don't brandish it unless needed. But still, I can't just let it rest on the roads either lest somebody take it. So carry it I must."

That's when Tigra asks about the Cat People, and regains the full attention. "Indeed, that is what I said. Cat people. The Descendents of Flavius and Helene. Do you have questions?"
Terry O'Neil "Flavius and Helene? Why do they sound like the missing Goth children in the Greek pantheo-" Woops. Vorpal is about to deliver one of this lines when Tigra gets an emergency call from the Avengers. Skedaddle she does, as one must, when the Avengers call for someone to assemble. Vorpal assumes that Tigra is the one in charge of carrying the screwdrivers, and thus is very vital in the matter of assembling.

He clears his throat, "What was I say- oh, right. Okay. Flavius and Helene. Cat people, such as myself. Although I am /not/ of your kind, because I come from Wonderland and I am actually a manifestation of chaos magic made feline--- but that's another story."

A glowing purple cane appears, and he leans on it, as one intent upon hearing a story. "... do go on. Who were Flavius and Helene, and why did they have kittens... literally speaking, and where are they, and what became of them?" The easy questions.
Kitkat "They were the first Cat People, created by a spell of Ebrok. Kittens they had and into exile those all went, to the Lands Within, when other sorcerers betrayed the two and Ebrok. But that was long ago." Kitkat explains, the blade balanced on the shoulder slowly getting lifted, turned and then turned upside down, the tip resting against the ground and the hilt leaning agaist the shoulder, a hand resting in the leather wrapped part of the handle.

"Does that answer the questions? I am not an expert on history."
Terry O'Neil "I see... so they were the first of /your/ Cat People. Do you know how long ago was this? Because there... well, there have been other cat-people. My friend Koriand'r, her planet descends from cat-people from several million years ago... though now you wouldn't be able to tell. They all have bronze-colored skin, big green pupil-less eyes, /amazing/ hair... and, well, okay, they lap up sunlight like nobody's business." He grins. "So... you have come from the Lands Within into this world... without-" A world without what? Is that some sort of Zen? No, wait, that joke doesn't work with this setup, damnit.

"Now that you are here... what is it that you plan to do? And, I guess... how were you able to make the trip?" He glances up, at the door that is no longer a door- a door WITHOUT a door! There you go! Wait, no, it still doesn't work.
Kitkat "My plan? Find the missing parts of this Bracelet!" Kitkat claimed, raising the 'bracelet' up on the arm, the large Opal and three other gems shimmering in their golden fittings. "Someone stole the other gems, and I plan to make this thing complete again."