Owner Pose
Talia al Ghul The Asgardian Embassy. Scene of yet another event of revelry that has run into the Twilight. But now.. Now it is quiet, and those present are sleeping for the mos tpart. Working off hangovers, having gone on ot other duties or adventures.. Those left are on cleanup or guard duty.

It makes for a quiet, albeit messy, way to finish the day.
Kelda Stormrider Far be it be for the lot of cleaning up after the revelry of her fellow Asgardians to fall to the Goddess of Storms. A tall, slender figure in diaphanous robes as brilliant white as fresh snow glittering under the moon walks through the rooms, skirting tipped over bottles and half-eaten plates. Staff will return the Embassy to a pristine state while the others recover.

Last night, Kelda attended the fete but had no desire to over imbibe. Drinking never helps her to forget and she detests the aftermath of regret and headaches.
Talia al Ghul Kelda is seemingly very unlike the vast majority of Asgardians by stereotype that way. With everyone snoozing, there is seemingly little to worry about - hangovers will come upon the morrow, to be cured with more ale. That is the way things are,and always shall be.

But, as Kelda maneuvers along, there's a shift within the air. A flicker of energy nearby. Coming from one of the ambassadorial energies. A portal.
Kelda Stormrider A current of power brushes her, stopping Kelda mid-step. She pauses, graceful as a bough laden with snow and listens. Her pale blue eyes shift from side to side as she divines the source. There isn't a tremendous surge of energy. It is gentler than the bridge that Asgardians travel between worlds, nor does she see the flash of colors associated with the Bifrost.
Talia al Ghul Over as she moves to sweep in she sees a large man with a goatee, wearing armor, with an axe and.. An AK-47 slung over his back. She would recognize him, no doubt - perhpas even from past brawls as SKURGE, the Executioner! A would be paramour of Amora the Asgardian Enchantress.
Kelda Stormrider Kelda seems to grow taller, grace becoming strength as she regards the intruder into the sacrosanct Embassy. No minion of Amora is welcome on any ground owned by Asgard. Amora, enemy of them all, evil as a an Asgardian's life is long. No one wakes, leaving her to challenge the intruder.

"Begone. You have no rights here," she commands, pointing a finger at him. A waft of cold air follows close on her words.
Talia al Ghul Skurge goes to take out his axe to hold it in front of him in a challenge. "Stormrider. A privilege to be here to face you, but alas, I have not the time for combat even with such a worthy foe as yourself. Do forgive me. But I am, as they say, on a schedule."

POlite enough - and probably more than willing to deviate from his schedule for a fight.
Kelda Stormrider "What schedule, pray tell?" she asks, eyeing him forbiddingly. "You tempt the fates by treading here."
Talia al Ghul Skurge would smile, "Alas, Lady Stormrider, that is not for you to know. Now you can get out of my way or I can put you out of it. I'm very, very happy to indulge myself in the second." Hands gripped along the hilt of the Bloodaxe in a ready position