Owner Pose
Natasha Romanova Natasha Romanova is currently reviewing over some SHIELD Files over in one of the areas of the Triskelion that's open. It's of the Nazis that escaped over the Second World War, vanished.. Or were helped to hide. It's rather depressingly long.

Natasha goes to calmly sweep down the list, looking at mugshots nearly three quarters of a century old.
Jessica Drew Next to her, Jessica is deep in her own files. Looking up she puts a file folder aside and picks up another.

"It's totally against security protocol for me to be reading over your shoulder, so to speak, but is that who I think it is? If they are still alive he would be in his mid-eighties or thereabouts."
Natasha Romanova Natasha Romanova would glance over at Jessica, "And yet we've faced too many of them to discount all of them. Many of them make up the original leadership of Hydra. And a depressing number are still about in some form or another." Monsters, the lot of them.
Jessica Drew "Longevity treatments for the leadership, you can count on it. Yes, monsters one and all though Hannah Arendt's book on Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil has made me reconsider my definition of monster." She abandons her file to stare into space, a faint line of perplexity between her brows.

"Some people would just say they were congenitally sociopaths or sadists. But I think Arendt had it right."
Natasha Romanova Natasha Romanova would nod, "There is something to be said. Some things are just evil. And just need destroyed and their ashes scattered to the winds. Left forgotten or remembered as the monsters they are. And thsoe that are still about.. Shall face justice, if only for their victims who are not here to see it."

There were too many that had escaped.
Jessica Drew Lips pressed together tightly, Jessica nods abstractedly. "You've met some of the leadership, haven't you? I did. They tried to convince me they were heroes, making sacrifices for a just cause - law and an orderly society under their rule." She shakes her head, " I saw how they treated me and others in the complex. I didn't buy it."
Natasha Romanova Natasha Romanova would purse her lips, "I've engaged Hydra. And that means some of thier senior leadership." She would nod at Jessica, "They are monsters and abominations. Truth that in a world of demons, of eldritch horrors. . The worst there is are humans."
Jessica Drew "We will never stop hunting them," Jess agrees, nodding deeply. "The pain they've inflicted still echoes through the generations. I met a Canadian woman not long ago. Both her parents were from Poland and found each other in a repatriation camp after the war. Her mother had been married to her husband's brother. They were deeply religious conservatives. So he married her following rabbinical law."

Shaking her head in wonder, "They never got along and fought constantly. It marked the woman for life."
Natasha Romanova Natasha Romanova would fold her hands together and nod. "Suffering always does. Hate does. It festers. Even things nearly a century in the past still haunt us today. I sometimes wonder.." She would shake her head over. "What face does the Captain see when he sleeps at night? What monsters that he has faced that to this day haunt him?"
Jessica Drew Jessica sighs deeply, regarding Natasha with a faint smile, "You are ten times more empathetic than people give you credit for, my friend."
Natasha Romanova Natasha Romanova would glance at Jessica, "There's a difference between us. He has to care . I do not. HE has to be something greater for the others. I do not. And I always shall be the selfish one."